Summary of an extracurricular event in the Russian language “Fun Grammar. "Fun Grammar" Basic rules of Russian spelling in poetic form to facilitate understanding and memorization of educational material

Goals: through entertaining tasks help raise
students' interest in the Russian language.
Objectives: 1) developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;
2) development logical thinking, cognitive interest, creative activity of students;
3) fostering friendship and collectivism.
Progress of the event.
I. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited bell rang -

The lesson begins!
II. Conversation with children about the Russian language.
- In the history of the Russian people there is a proverb, known to everyone: “They are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds.” It very accurately points out the fact that in a person, first of all, it is necessary to value the mind and his thoughts. And people express their thoughts using words. We judge a person's politeness and education, first of all, by his speech: he shouts, is rude, is rude - angry; He speaks politely, affectionately - I would like to think that he is kind. Unfortunately, our native Russian language has begun to be “contaminated” by words foreign to our language. Here's a look at the scene:
Two friends met.
1st student: Hello!
2nd student: Hello!
1st student: That's it? Did you shoot?
2nd student: Passed. And Vaska flew past, he failed to rip it off. I sculpted such nonsense.
1st student: I also can’t get my head around this math. It would be cool to get a "4". It says, go answer, and keep my eyes on my forehead.
2nd student: Well, they kidnapped me. Krants.
- Did you understand what was being said? What language did the boys speak? Unfortunately, when dealing with each other, we often forget about the richness and beauty of the Russian language, correct speech has become a rarity. Let's all stand together to defend the Russian language, study the Russian language, and fight for its purity. A name is given to everything - both the beast and the object. There are plenty of things around, but there are no nameless ones. Language is both old and eternally new! And it's so beautiful - B huge world– sea – words Swim every hour!
- Today we will devote our lesson to the Russian language, the mysterious and beautiful science of grammar. It turns out that it can be not only serious, but also quite funny and mysterious. This science hides many different miracles, and today we will learn about some of them, we will compete and identify the best experts in the Russian language. 3 teams take part in our competition. 1st team “Literacy” - 1st and 2nd grade, 2nd team “Know-It-All” - 3rd grade, 3rd team “Curious” - 4th grade.

III. Russian language quiz.
1st task: “Alphabet”
- Guys, how many letters are there in the Russian language? (33) I need 1 person from each team, I need to name the letters in alphabetical order. For the correct answer 5 points.
2nd task: “Lost letters”.
- Now I will read you quatrains, each of them contains a word where instead of one letter there is another. If a team does not answer, then the other team helps by raising their hand. 1 point for the correct answer.
1. They say one fisherman. He caught a shoe in the river, but then he got hooked on a house (catfish).
2. The bug didn’t finish the booth (bun), I don’t want to, I’m tired of it!
3. The boiler (goat) gored me. I am very angry with him.
4. The doctor should remind Mitya: Don’t forget about one thing, 10 herons (drops) before bed!
5. The lion (forest) drops its leaves onto the yellowed grass.
6. Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother: - There she crawls green onions(beetle) With long mustache.
3rd task: “Children”.
-The squirrel has a baby squirrel; a mouse has a little mouse; the cuckoo has a cuckoo; the cat has a kitten.

Let's continue this game. But be careful! 1 point for the correct answer.

Team 1: At the crow's. ………..(crow).

Team 2: The horse has………..(foal).

Team 3: The fox has …………..(little fox).

Team 1: At the jackdaw…………(the little jackdaw).

Team 2: The pig has ……….(little pig).

Team 3: The cow has……. (calf).

Team 1: The goat has………(kid).

Team 2: The dog has…….(puppy).

Team 3: The frog has……(Little Frog).
4th task: “Find a pair.”
- A lion is a lioness, a wolf is a she-wolf, a tiger is a tigress, an elephant is a female elephant, a hedgehog is a female hedgehog. - Let's continue further.

1 team Trunk…..(elephant) Bactrian….(camel) Fountain……(whale)

Team 2 Alarm clock….(rooster) Long-necked….(giraffe) Leaf beetle….(caterpillar)

Team 3 Woof-woof….(dog) Claw…..(crayfish) Honey plant…. (bee).
5th task: Riddles.
-An angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest
There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

For a long time he neither eats nor drinks, but sings sonorous songs.
And from lesson to lesson he lends his voice. (Call)
- It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but it won’t get into the house,
And I don’t go anywhere while he goes. (Rain)
-Far away my knock can be heard around,
I am an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees. (Woodpecker)
-Two mothers have five sons each, but they all have the same name. (Hands, fingers)
-There is an oak tree, there are twelve branches on the oak tree, on each branch there are four nests, in each nest there are seven chicks, each chick has one white wing, the other is black. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week, day, night)
-Four brothers stand under one roof. (Table)
-Four brothers are running, but they won’t catch up with each other. (Wheels)
-A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
-Who gets dressed up once a year? (Yolku)
-Two brothers are looking in one direction. (Eyes)
-When they collide – knock and knock!
The silence will be scared around.
The fat one will beat the thin one -
The thin one will hit something. (Hammer and nail)
-Bright, yellow, poured
The cover is all gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa. (Orange)
-The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates)
-Stands day and night on the roof
This miracle guard:
He will see everything, he will hear everything,
He will share everything with me. (Antenna.)

Physical exercise.

"Gymnastics for the eyes."
6 competition-game"Vice versa"
-You did a good job, let's rest. Stand up. I call an action, and you do the opposite action.
1) Lower your arms down.
2) Raise your hands up. 2 r.
3) Raise your head.
4) Lower your head. 2 r.
5) Turn the body to the right.
6) Turn the body to the left. 2 r.
7) Close your eyes (open) 2 p.
8) Look into the distance.
9) Stand up.
10) Sit down.
11) Lower your right (left) hand.
12) Lower your left (right) leg.
7th task: “Guess the sign”
(There are three signs written on the board: “!”, “?”, “.”.)
-I read the sentences, and the teams take turns putting the appropriate sign at the end of the sentence, earning themselves points.
- Do you know what holiday we celebrate on May 9?
- This is Victory Day.
- What a joy it is to be free!
- Do you like early spring mornings?
- Go out into the garden and open your eyes.
- Do you feel the joy of the coming day?
- How beautiful everything is around!
- Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?
- This is me just in case.
- Do you know who my neighbors are?
- Foxes, wolves and bears!
8th task: “Telegram” competition.
Which of the fairy-tale characters could give such telegrams: Correct answer 1 point.

Team 1: I bought the seeds, come and pull them. (Grandfather from the fairy tale “Turnip”)

Team 2: They found the tail, stopped crying. (Donkey IA)

Team 3: Remember, everything will disappear after 12 am. (Fairy from the fairy tale “Cinderella”)

Team 1: Left the hare, wolf and bear. (Kolobok)

Team 2: We bought a samovar. I invite you to tea. (Fly - Tsokotuha)

Team 3: Got the key. I'll be there soon. (Pinocchio)
9th competition “Folk Wisdom”
-I will read the proverbs, and you find the missing words.
1) Learning is light, not learning -
2) Know more, speak -
3) Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have -
4) Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a friend -
5) The best thing new, best friend -
6) Old friend, better than new ones -
7) You can’t even pull out a fish without difficulty -
8) Measure seven times, once -

Competition 10: “Make a proverb”

Each team receives cards with words. We need to collect proverbs.

(Which team will collect the proverbs faster.)

Competition 11: Game: “Find Pairs”

Each team receives a card. It contains words in two columns. For each word in the first column, the team is asked to select words from the second column and write down the pairs.

12 competition “Who is faster?”

Listening to riddle questions, guess them and write down the first letters of the riddle words on a line. If you do everything correctly, then from the 15 letters you receive you will form 3 words. Answer: What part of speech does each of them belong to?

    I'll turn the magic circle and my friend will hear me. (Telephone)

    This fairy tale hero loved to ride on the stove. (Emelya)

    These are small horses, and their names are simply... (Pony)

    I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

    How does summer end? (ABOUT)

    Favorite mouse treat? (Cheese)

    Playing ball with rackets. (Tennis)

    A flock of bees is called... (Swarm)

    A terrible, toothy sea predator. (Shark)

    Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song. (Notes)

    They came to us with melons and striped balls. (Watermelons)

    Dried grapes. (Raisin)

    This is what they call a hole in both a tree and a tooth (Duplo)

    Your schoolwork must always be in order (Notebooks)

    What are salochki? (Game)

    IV. Result of the event.

    That's how many miracles, guys, there are in the Russian language. It is very important to know your native language, write and speak correctly. To improve your speech literacy, read more, do not let your words get ahead of your thoughts. Think before you speak.
    Thank you all for your attention,
    For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
    For the excitement of competition,
    Guaranteed success.
    Now the moment of farewell has come,
    Our speech will be brief:
    We say: goodbye,
    See you again!

In poetic form to facilitate understanding and memorization educational material


So that the child does not become exhausted... (A. Pushkin)

“Entertaining Grammar” includes excerpts from the works of children's writers, which are additional material to practice competent writing skills. A child can work with the book either independently or together with parents or older children. I hope that this book will help students improve their literacy levels and successfully master spelling rules.

Who is tired of boring rules,
Are you sick from studying?
Who had a hard time forcing himself
Boring lesson to learn?
Who has a lot of mistakes?
And the whole notebook is covered in marks?
For whom learning is a sorrow,
Who grabbed the deuce again?
You know, friend, don't be a crammer,
After all, cramming is a lie.
Read the poems, my dear,
Smile and you will understand everything.
Sorrows will instantly disappear,
You will begin to write correctly.
From lessons, without a doubt,
You will receive joy.
Make everything that is difficult easy -
This is the main thing for everyone.
Everything is real, everything is possible.
Believe in yourself, success will come.

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

There are many unstressed vowels
So we need help.
What to do? Where is the solution?
Place the letter under stress.
Keep up with us
Feel free to change your word.
Well, if it’s very difficult,
You can look it up in the dictionary...
Z..l..nela in the clearing
And the grass was thick.
It's clear even to a monkey
How to check all words.

Now practice:

    Beyond the river there was a forest. The shorties made boats out of bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for c..b., for berries, for..nuts. Gr..they would pour the k..r..tyshki p..poly under the r..resh and t..pinch pieces of it for..mine.

(According to N. Nosov)

Spelling of consonants in the root

Strong wind and frost...
Even the wind... froze in the forest...
Here again skill is needed.
Act correctly, act smartly.
Do you doubt it? Don't be afraid.
Let him stand behind the consonant
Vowel. We'll hear right away
Clear sound. Ready? Let's write!

Now practice:

I'm hanging out with everyone these days...
The tooth aches very much...
I don't eat bread... or sous...
Because it aches. .
But I'm silent about this
After all, I don’t want to go to the hospital.
Maybe chocolate will help..?
I would be very happy...
Or sweet water?
Oh, how it hurts, that’s the problem!
I can't stand it at all
I'd rather eat some candy.
Oh-oh, I can’t take it anymore!
All. I'm running to the doctor now.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

But this is just hide and seek.
There is sound, sometimes there is no sound. Riddles.
Choose a word like this
For the sound to appear again
I'm not lost anywhere
And he would have stayed where he was.
The sun is shining, there is a holiday in the heart...
Well, where are you, prankster sound?

Now practice:

Famous (?) wizard, scientist and magician
He told his grandchildren about the experiments like this:
Take, for example, dry grapes.
It's tasty(?) and sweet, everyone says so.
In the surrounding(?) gardens, I want to give you a hint,
Pick some apples and some cherry plums,
Yes, month-old (?) pears will probably work.
Our neighbors will give it to you for free.
Cut, cook. Dangerous! Fire!
Don’t touch the pan on the stove with your hands!
It’s okay(?) but add more sugar.
If you want, add a little boiling water.
-Pretty(?)but! – the wizard stroked his stomach.
-We got a wonderful(?) compote!

Spelling of vowels O - E after a sibilant at the root of a word

Here's some fun, invigorating advice for you:
At the root of the word after the hissing
What do you hear under the accent?
It is heard as O. It is written as E.


Now practice:

The princess, dressed in, is crying,
But the stupid king won’t understand it at all,
What is the reason for those tears and what is the problem?
And the poor man rushes here and there.
The courtiers then hold advice,
After all, there are no obvious reasons for hysteria.
Perhaps the hair is disheveled,
Or maybe a bee stung?
The princess whispered in the doctor’s ear:
- I really want goosebumps... so much.
Everyone is in and holding family council
There is no gooseberry in the city.
A messenger galloped into the thicket of the forest,
Across the river he suddenly saw a gooseberry.
Along the narrow rail, swaying, past..l,
But I’m glad that the princess’s gooseberry is ours..l.
The princess, wearing a woolen hood...n,
Waiting for the messenger, she went up onto the balcony.
A messenger rushed from the black forest,
Kryzh..vnik brought, and then the fairy tale ends.
The king is delighted, he is overjoyed.
He brings chocolate to the messenger on a platter.
And the princess kisses him on the cheek.
The king remained silent, did not say anything.

Who commands the roots?

    What determines the spelling of a vowel in roots with alternation. Commanded by the suffix –A-.-KOS - (-KAS-)

They came to our school for a lesson
The root –KOS- and the root –KAS-.
Suffix -A - rushed instantly,
He deafened everyone with a loud cry:
- Where are you, where are you, root –KAS-?
I can't live without you!
If after the root –A-,
With the root -KAS - write the words.

LAG - (-LOG-)

Suppose the root is -FALSE-
I went out into the rain without galoshes.
I caught a cold, that's clear.
The condition is terrible.
They laid him on the bed,
How hard it is for him now.
OFFERED ointment, injections,
The poor man misses school.
But the smart root -LAG-
The suffix -A-, like a flag,
Unfolded behind him
And he never sneezed.
I think it's clear, children,
How can you write these roots?

The consonant sounds command - RAST - (-RASH-), - ROS-

Here's the problem, here's the question:
How do I write –GRAST- and –ROS-?
I am ready to draw a conclusion:
At the root – RASCH - and at the root – RAST-
The letter A, and at the root -ROS-
The letter O, and the question is removed.


Rostislav lives in Rostov.
Who is he, who is he? Moneylender.
And a sprout in a new pot
I'm used to exceptions.
“Branch” - a twig, a shoot,
Outdated in the new century.


Commands the accent
Tanned, but tanned,
It's a blast, but it's a blast,
Place the emphasis boldly
And you must be able to
Without fear and doubt
Despite fate,
Following the emphasis
-GAR - distinguish from –GOR-.






Alternating vowels in the root of a word

Opening a new sheet
Here are the roots - BLIST - and - BLIST -.
It will be even cooler next
There are a lot of roots with E and I.
They will fly apart in an instant:
This one is BURN -, and this one is ZIG -.
Oh, what a shame! Missed it!
–STEL- and –STIL- ran away.
Let's put them in order,
We will write everyone down in a notebook.
They will stand in a column,
We will repeat:

    - ber-bir-; - per-pir-; - der-dir-; - ter-tir-; -mer-world-; - stel-steel-; - sparkle-glitter-; burn-zhig-.

Attention! Attention!
In the roots with alternation
We write And, looking at first,
Is there an -A- after the root?
If not, what is your decision?
- We write E without delay.

Meaning commands

    - ROVN - (flat, straight, smooth: level road) - RAVN - (equal: equal in weight) - MOK - (soak in liquid: boots get wet) - MAC - (dip in liquid: dip a pen in ink)

Now practice:

The raft tilted, and Ellie screamed in fear, but the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow hurried to jump to the other edge, and balance was restored. The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow drove the raft across the river, beyond which a wonderful plain began. The travelers hoped to receive a warm welcome at Goodwin's palace. R.. the wizard’s ingenuity frightened them. On the horizon, a bright light fell, followed by another, a third. The clouds had already covered half the sky, and the lightning began to shine. And the roars of thunder reached the travelers who were freezing in fear. (According to A. Volkov)

Using a hard sign

I'm not a joke, I'm not a trifle.
I am a very, very strong sign.
I ask you to clearly and firmly know,
Where and when to write me.
After the console, my place is
Next come E, Yu, Ya, E.

Now practice:

Snowflakes are swirling and swirling,
They are fighting in the door and window.
In the south the paths were covered up,
In..travels to the city and village.
Sharik the entrance...
S..if there was something now!
It would be nice to be together with my friend
Hide the bone in reserve.
In... the south, in the south, calm down,
Slither away like a white snake.
Sharik, dear, don’t be afraid.
Here's some bread, nibble on it.

Spelling of vowels after sibilants and C in suffixes and endings of nouns

Take a look quickly, friend:
Snow is falling from the sky...
With a white and porch..m
The house seems like a palace to us..m.
And now, my friend, attention:
In suffixes and endings
On the edge of the word, at the very end
After hissing and after C
Under the accent it is written O,
E – unstressed, that’s all.

Now practice:

A bull is walking along the clover.
His barrel is like a zucchini,
Like a drum
His belly.
He chews clover all day long. (L. Mezinov)

Grandfather Hedgehog,
Don't go to the beach..k.
The snow has melted there...
Floods the puddle..k.
You'll get your feet wet
Red boots.

Spelling - I-Y- after C

Gypsy on tiptoe
And it tuts so loudly
Chicken - fainted,
Chicken problems:
- Why did I, poor thing, get excluded?
The terrible gypsy scared him to death.
And in the ROOT words and in words starting with –TSIA
Fun, joy, laughter and bustle.
Circus performers are dashing on motorcycles
They rush among the acacias. Beauty!
The hands on the dial dance deftly,
The tank of kvass was drunk a long time ago.
The barber shaves and waves his mat,
The CYCLOPS and the Cynic wandered off to the cinema.
Where is Y?
Look at the end of the word:
Scythes, tits, birds, cucumbers….
“Now do you understand,” I ask again, “
Where after T do you write I, where is Y?

Spelling of suffixes - EK - and - IK-

Here's the lock. The key to it is.
They will help us better
Find out the letter in the suffix
To write correctly.
Please kindly
In the genitive case
Follow the vowel
If you agree.
If the vowel has disappeared,
A person must remember:
Everywhere in every word
We write only the suffix - EK-
If the vowel remains,
The student must remember
What's in words (so little)
We write only the suffix -IK-


Spelling of prefixes

Always spelled the same way
Although everyone sounds different,
Prefixes DO-, ZA-, ABOVE - and others.
I taught them all day and into the night.
Run and write,
You have to write it correctly.
Don't forget about it.

Prefixes on Z and prefix - S-

There is no Z - prefix.
Everyone knows this for sure.
But in the words of Z there is still:
Prefixes on Z and S are like girlfriends,
But the toys they play with are different.
Prefix on Z before a voiced consonant,
On C - before the deaf. It's simple and clear.

Prefixes - PRE- and - PRI-

Take a closer look.
We are pre- and pre- prefixes.
Learn to tell us apart
To distinguish from each other.
Remember four values ​​first:
Incomplete action and approach,
The proximity of something to something
Don't forget to join.
Our hands can do everything,
The nail will be nailed, sewn, glued,
Everything will be done as needed
Fast, fun and friendly.
The hare galloped to his neighbor,
He shouted: “I will come to you!
In the school garden
There are already carrots, sort of.”
Open the window quickly -
The cat cannot get into the house.
Oh, the cutlets BURNED!
It doesn’t matter, they’ve already been eaten.
PRE is a great console.
She needs extra in everything.
We check with the word “VERY”
Or RE-replace.

Now practice:

    Znayka loved to read. He read a lot in books about distant countries and began to think. I thought and thought, etc.. I thought (h, s) to make a balloon. The short ones carried flower juice, which thickened and turned into rubber. Znayka was preparing a large barrel for (h, s) boron juice. Znayka ordered Shpuntik to carry the pump. He connected a long rubber tube to this pump, poured juice over it and began pumping air. All the kids also got down to business. Soon the ball was so blown up that the kids had to climb up the walnut bush to coat the top and sides of the ball. The work continued for two days and stopped when the ball became the size of a house. Znayka tied a ball to a walnut bush and told the little ones to make a basket for it.

(According to N. Nosov)

N and NN in adjective suffixes

I'm completely confused
How many do you need in the N word?
I just can't understand.
Help me take it apart.
This is the basis of the word BATH.
N alone. Please pay attention!
Bath steam is useful for everyone,
The suffix is ​​N-, and no problem.
Suffix - IN-
Example: mouse,
Swan, crane,
Both chicken and bee,
Let's push ourselves: bestial.
-AN - and -YAN are like twins.
Oh, what great fellows!
Here in a linen shirt - YAN -,
In a leather jacket our - AN-.
They chew rye bread
And they drink oatmeal jelly,
And the silver spoons
Together they scoop up okroshka.
Suffix - ENN - and suffix - ONN-
They were approaching from both sides
To the station buffet.
And what’s not in it!
But there was little money
And they bought whatever they wanted:
Terribly sour cranberry juice
AND pumpkin seeds whole bag
Yes, the morning newspaper.
Thanks for that too.


How to remember an exception?
This is terrible torment!
It will be in memory
Just look at the window.
Always two N, no doubt
In a window with a glass surface,
There's a tin latch there
And the window sill is wooden. (“Baby Monitor Lessons”)

Now practice:

The boys brought a leather suitcase and put it on the table. Mother opened it and began to take out sheets of gold and silver paper, blue, green and orange, cardboard, a box of blown glass balls, bundles of gold and silver thread, lanterns with colored mica... with small windows and a big star. (According to A. Tolstoy)

Spelling b after a sibilant in different parts of speech

Don't be careless, my friend.
To write correctly,
Start with the part of speech.
You definitely need to know this.

Part of speech

Word form

3 pages, w. r.

rye, daughter

2 pages, small size

ball, rook

f., Wed. genus

a lot of clouds

in plural h., gen. p.

among monsters

sibilant in all verbs

will command incl.

eat the soup

infinitive (n.f.)

must be protected


short form

prickly, hot

in all dialects

to a sizzling one


EXCEPTIONS: already married, unbearable

I am powerful and I am prickly
I'm ebullient and I'm sticky
I'm good and very fresh.
Make sure you don't eat me!
-Who are you? - Take a closer look.
We are short adjectives.
The hissing one and I are close friends,
There is no need for a soft sign at all!

Spelling NOT with in different parts speeches

One can only be surprised:
NOT – part of the root, NOT – particle,
NOT – prefix. What should we do?
How not to forget all this?
If you said sternly:
- There is no such word!
So, you must definitely know:
You need to NOT write together.
There are SYNONYMS in place,
We write together, we write together.
Have fun, no worries
We are looking for a new value.
If you inserted a conjunction,
So I contrasted
Two objects, two phenomena
Sign. No regrets
Take away from the word NOT.
It will be completely correct.
I’m sitting (not) cheerful, but sad.
The soup was kind of (not) tasty,
The juice was far from sweet.
In general, everything is disgusting and disgusting.
Maybe call the doctors?
I don't seem to be well.
Or eat chocolate?
No, I (don’t) need anything.
Why am I (not) cheerful?
Daddy was called to school.
Yes, (un)avoidable (un)hardships
During the wonderful school years!

Spelling Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives

Here's a short reference for you:
If the word has a PRESET,
We'll write two N's again.
If these conditions do not exist,
We will meet one letter N.
(Roasted meat, painted chest)
SN and NN, guys, we suddenly met.
You can figure it out, the risk is small:
(Patched trousers, torn collar,
Mown grass, plucked flower)
This is not fun. Learn your lesson.
It's not difficult, it's hard to forget.
Steamed turnips are easier, maybe.

That's enough
Rated “3”.
You're in a school textbook
Look anyway.
Lots of exceptions!
Well, remember.
Learning is not easy -
Don't give up.
Learn better
You will know everything.
And then you will receive
You rate “5”.

Now practice.

Remember how many N are written in participles, verbal and denominal adjectives.

    Early in the morning Buratino put the alphabet in his purse and ran to school. On the way, he didn’t even look at the sweets on display in the shop - triangles of poppy seeds with honey, sweet pies and lollipops in the shape of roosters mounted on a stick. Pinocchio saw a canvas (N, NN) booth, decorated (N, NN) with multi-colored flags. He bought a ticket, sat in the first row and looked with delight at the lowering (N, NN) curtain. The bell struck and the curtain rose. There were mapped trees on the stage. A moon-shaped lantern was reflected in a piece of mirror on which swans made of cotton wool were swimming. From behind a card(N, NN) tree a small man appeared in a long(N, NN) shirt with long(N, NN) sleeves.

(According to A. Tolstoy)

Spelling adverbs

Negative adverbs
Here's a special meeting -
Learning to write adverbs.
And of course, without a doubt,
Let's repeat the pronouns
Someone knocked on the door
But no one answered.
Someone else's door is locked,
Nowhere to go now.
No one cares
Where should he spend the night?
No one is anywhere to be seen.
Sad, scary and offensive,
When you have no one to talk to...
Is everything clear now, brothers?
In adverbs, pronouns

Hyphenated spelling of adverbs

Somehow, barely,
Just barely
I write words all day long
It's difficult indeed.
First of all, I don't understand
Even though I write in Russian,
Where is the hyphen and why?
From such a load
I'm ready to howl like a wolf,
Bark like a dog.
What should I do? What should I do?
Does anyone even know?
Who would help in a friendly way,
He suggested in a brotherly way,
How can I learn my lesson?
How can I figure it out?
Please kindly
Save me somehow.
I’m in a hurry to understand about the hyphen,
You explain it to me.
The explanation is:
If there is a prefix CFU - ,
Don't forget about the hyphen.
Very similar, in principle.
But they are still different.
Take a closer look
These are adjectives.
Here is the part of speech you are looking for,
It's called an adverb.
It's easy to find
There is always a software prefix,
The suffix is ​​- EMU, - KI and - SKI.
Feel free to copy from the board.
Wrapping up my nose like winter,
Santa Claus was hurrying through the forest.
I ran through the winter forest,
He was holding a bag of gifts.
"Hello!" - from snow-covered branches
A sparrow screamed like a bird.
The wolf howled angrily like a wolf,
The hunter shot him.
If a word is repeated,
So that's how it's supposed to be.
We need to put up a sign
In this word, after all.
What's left? Nothing.
Two prefixes B - and VO-
And, of course, secondly,
Suffix –ИХ and suffix –ИХ.

Now practice:

    If Dunno took on any business, then everything turned out topsy-turvy for him. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. One day he decided to learn to play some kind of musical instrument. Guslya gave him a balalaika. Dunno strummed and said: “No, the balalaika plays too quietly.” Give me something else, louder. - He grabbed the pipe and began to blow with all his might: “Boo-boo-boo! Goo-goo-goo!” (According to N. Nosov)

Exercises for consolidation

Remember the rule, insert the desired letter. Test yourself. If you are at a loss, ask your elders for help, contact your teacher, or look up a word in spelling dictionary. When checking, please special attention to write highlighted words.

    Wife? shina planted a grain in the color... exactly? a new pot..k, and the grain immediately gave a river..flow, and from the river..grew..with a ny color..current. But the petals of the flower were tightly (s, h) reaped, like a (un)ra(s, h) bud. - How wonderful? new color..current! – did the wife say? shina and kissed the beautiful lips. And as soon as she kissed them, inside, in the bud, something clicked, and the flower opened. It was (exactly) like a tulip, but in the h..shech? what is the flower on the green pistil with.. made tiny? Naya girls? ka.
    There were once twenty-five tin(n, nn) ​​s..sold..kovs, brothers on the mother’s side - the old tin(n, nn)y The little boy to whom they were given, got the s..sold..kov for one of the cards .lying on the d..r..v(n, nn) ​​table. All the tin(n, nn) ​​s..sold..s were exactly the same, except for one, which had one leg. He was the last to be separated, and the tin was a little (not) enough. But he just turned out to be the most significant of all.
    ...Suok was wonderful(?)but she played her role. She was calm. She had a feeling(?) that she would be successful(?) in the role. “There are more difficult things,” she thought. “For example, a..(n, nn)th lamp or do a double somersault.” And Suok happened to do both in the church. …The were shining. She was reflected in them as a pink cloud. One might have thought that this small colorful (?) basket was floating along a huge, quiet expanse. She walked past the guards, past the skin(n, nn)s and iron men, which see..trills like enchanted..rova(n, nn)s. And from above, the heir Tutti was descending along the wide forest(?) to meet the doll. ...Tutti's heir wouldn't (for) anything in the world (not) agree to deal with his doll. Suok ra(z, s) told him about the church: - I have been living in Uncle Brizak’s booth for a very long time. I can dance, ride a horse and do the trapeze... Oh, what wonderful (?) things I have learned! – She clasped her hands. - For example, I know how to link a - How? Show me! I have a wonderful,” with these words the heir Tutti ra(s, h)st..bent the collar of his..jacket and removed from his neck the thin crown(?) on which he was hanging (not )large white key(?).

(According to Yu. Olesha)

Now ask one of the adults to dictate the text below to you. But first, read the text aloud syllable by syllable, paying special attention to the highlighted words. Try to remember the right rule. Write the text or part of it, check it. Pay attention to errors, if any. If you have difficulty explaining, ask your teacher for help.

On an ancient wall clock, an iron smith raised a hammer. The clock clicked and the blacksmith struck a small copper anvil with his hammer. Masha stood at the window. Nanny Petrovna dozed on the sofa, and mother went to the theater. She danced in the theater, but never took Masha with her. The theater was huge, with stone columns. On its roof cast-iron horses reared up. They were held back by a man with a wreath on his head. Horses' hooves hung over the square. IN last days Before the performance, my mother was very worried. She took a small bouquet of flowers from the chest, made of thin glass. Mashin’s father gave it to his mother. He brought this bouquet from some distant country. Mom took the glass bouquet, put it on her table and told Masha not to touch it. White snow fell from the black sky. A gray-haired crow sat outside the window and looked at Masha. She waited for Petrovna to take Masha to wash. Then the crow flew through the open window into the room, grabbed the first thing that caught its eye, and ran away, leaving wet footprints on the table. Having returned, Petrovna and Masha began to look for what the crow had dragged away this time. Most often she carried sugar, cookies and sausage. The crow lived in a stall that was boarded up for the winter, where ice cream was sold in the summer. In the cracks of the stall she hid pieces of frozen sausage, apple peels and silver pieces of candy. The crow croaked angrily, and the policeman on the next corner looked around and listened. One day a crow found a small disheveled sparrow named Pashka in a stall. (According to K. Paustovsky) The heat has been above the ground for a whole month. The adults said that this heat was visible to the “naked” eye.
- Do you see the yellow smoke? - Uncle Gleb said to five-year-old Tanya. - This is heat.
The small tree frog suffered the most from the heat. She lived in the yard, under an elderberry bush. One day she found a gap under the door in a stone cellar and jumped in. And when the young worker Arisha went down to the cellar, the frog hid behind a broken flower pot. In the evenings, the frog made its way into the garden, where fragrant tobacco blossomed in the flowerbed and bushy asters grew. The frog was waiting for people to stop walking, talking, turning down the lamps, and the house would immediately become dark and mysterious... Bearded Gleb was an experienced fisherman. Every evening he removed the tablecloth from the table, carefully poured the gilded hooks out of the box and began to repair his fishing rods. Tanya was not allowed to approach the table so that some kind of “fly” hook would not dig into her finger. One day Gleb caught a frog that was stealing worms from a jar, prepared for fishing.
“This is an extraordinary frog,” Gleb said to Tanya. - If she climbs onto a branch and starts croaking, it will rain.
Tanya put the frog in glass jar with grass, put a maple twig there and put the jar on the windowsill. (According to K. Paustovsky).


This book is not a textbook,
But I’m not a wizard either.
To study perfectly,
You need to know pretty well
Everything you get at school
Dear Masha, Kolya,
Katya, Sasha and Natasha.
This book is our help.
At leisure, after school
Read a funny poem.
If you remember, well, great.
The main thing is to make it clear
So that you can easily, with a smile
Write everything without errors.

Extracurricular activities in primary school. Lesson summary for the circle " Fun Grammar».

Anna Vladimirovna Sergeeva, teacher of the after-school group at the Sukromlensk Secondary School named after M.N. Vinogradova village Sukromlya Torzhok district, Tver region.
This development may be of interest to organizers of extracurricular activities and teachers. additional education, teachers primary school, teachers of extended day groups and intended for 2nd grade students.
Target: develop interest in your native language.
- Increasing the interest of younger students school age to reading fiction, the source of literacy.
- Expansion of knowledge in the field of grammar.
- Formation of skills of analysis and generalization in working with text.
1 task. Listen carefully, I want to hear your answers to my riddles.
1. This book is not simple; letters are learned from it. (ABC).
2. She has letters in a row in a row.
He tells the news to literate people without timidity. (Newspaper).
3. Guess what the article can be divided into? (Chapter).
4. There is a guy in the apartment
- Mathematician and sage.
Constantly, all year round
He keeps an exact count of the days. (Calendar).
5. I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent,
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write. (Book).
2. task: Name words consisting of 1 syllable (house, juice, onion, cat, shock, current);
of 2 syllables (lamp, porridge, soap, cat, window, carpet);
of 3 syllables (pencil, piggy bank, showcase, chicken, trolleybus, passenger). (For each correct answer there is a chip).
3. task. Now everyone stand in a circle. I will ask questions, and those to whom I throw the ball will answer.
1. What are several sentences that are related in meaning called? (Text).
2. What do sentences consist of? (From words).
3. What is used to separate one sentence from another? (Punctuation marks).
4. What sign is put at the end of a sentence if it contains a question? (Question mark).
5. What sign is put at the end of an incentive sentence? (Exclamation mark).
6. What is the name of a sentence that talks about something or someone. (Narrative).
7. What does it mean oral speech? (This is when we speak and hear).
Leading: Now let’s sit at the tables and work in our notebooks.
4. Task: Find the sentence that contains the mistake.
1) The sun was shining brightly.
2) How quiet it is in the autumn forest!
3) Who carries the house on himself!
5. Task: Place punctuation marks.
1) How beautiful it is in the autumn forest
2) Where do cranberries grow?
3) Multi-colored butterflies flew to the clearing
6. Task: Place punctuation marks. How many sentences are there in the text?
A squirrel lives at the top of a pine tree; it likes to gnaw nuts and cones; on the grass around the trunk there are usually shells and peelings in the fall, mushroom caps are often visible on the branches; this is the squirrel’s winter reserves.
(A squirrel lives at the top of a pine tree. She loves to gnaw nuts and cones. On the grass around the trunk there are usually shells and peelings. In the fall, mushroom caps are often visible on the branches. These are squirrels’ winter reserves.) (5 sentences). Guys, list what we did? What is oral speech and written language? What is text? What was difficult for you?

Explanatory note

Knowledge native language and love of language is inextricably linked with love of homeland. The better we know a language, the deeper and more fully we master it, the more we love it, the richer our inner world, the more sublime and noble our feelings, our actions. Therefore, in the decision complex tasks education of students big role Extracurricular work on the language plays a role, consolidating, expanding and deepening students’ knowledge.

The elective “Fun Grammar” is designed to arouse students’ interest in the phenomena of living speech, to develop the inquisitiveness of mind and curiosity characteristic of children. The work of the circle is structured in such a way as not to duplicate lesson material, but to expand and deepen children’s knowledge, cultivating in them attention and love for words. However, whenever possible, classes are linked to the material of Russian language lessons. For this purpose, grammatical and vocabulary games, riddles are selected so as to consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge on the grammatical topic that is in at the moment is being studied. The material for classes is selected taking into account its difficulty and the preparedness of the students. Each lesson serves practical purposes development of speech culture, mastery of literate writing skills. Basic condition successful work elective - the saturation of each lesson with entertaining material and maximum use of game elements.

All students can participate in the club, regardless of their academic performance.

Work plan for the “Fun Grammar” circle

Lesson topic



You must speak Russian well! About the greatness of the Russian language and its global significance. Statements of great people about the Russian language.


Without knowledge of grammar you cannot learn either history or mathematics. What is grammar and why should you study it?


The proverb speaks beautifully. About proverbs and sayings in our speech.

Russian folk riddles.

First the basics and beeches - then all the sciences. Brief information from the history of the Russian alphabet.

The beauty of Russian speech. Features of some vowels and consonants. Onomatopoeia.

Be careful not to break your tongue. Exercises and games with tongue twisters.

How to decide letter puzzles and charades.

Cheerful and crying letter. Some features of the letters F and Y.

How many WWTPs are there in the world? Problems and games with homonyms.

Does it rain and snow? Polysemy of words. Using words in a figurative meaning.

Brothers Er and Er. About the use of ъ and ь in writing. Tasks and games.

Pulse of the word. Accent in Russian. Exercises and problems with homographs.

Insect WHO or WHAT? About the meaning and characteristics of nouns. Games and problems about nouns.

Everything grows from the root. Conversation about ancestors modern words. Interesting cases of alternation of sounds in the roots of words. Games with the same root words.

How words are born. On the methods of word formation in the Russian language. Solving charades and puzzles.

If you know the parts of a word, you will write them intelligently. Difficult cases of parsing words by composition. Spelling tasks for prefixes.

Vowels and consonants, those who disagree with us. About the spelling of unstressed vowels and unpronounceable consonants at the root.

Why do we say this? Introduction to Russian phraseology.

Final event “Fun Grammar”

Summing up the work of the elective. Planning work for the next year.

Russian language teacher Bayazitova Gulnara Ramilievna

Reviewed Agreed Approved

at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense at the NMS Order No.

protocol No. protocol No. dated “___” _____2011

from "___" _____2011 "___" _______2011 Head teacher


Goals and objectives:

    Expanding and deepening knowledge of the Russian language.

    Cultivating attention and love for words.

    Developing curiosity.

Main forms of work:

    individual and group work;

    independent work;

    differentiated tasks;

    gaming activities.

Expected results:

    improving the quality of academic performance;

    ability to work with reference literature;

    desire to study Russian grammar in depth.


1. Ivanova V.A. Interesting about the Russian language.

2. Grigoryan L.T. My tongue is my friend.

3. Shansky N.M. In the world of words.

4. Granik G.G. Spelling secrets.

5. Shansky N.M. Linguistic detectives.

6. Mikhnevich A.E. Stories about the Russian language.

7. Podgaetskaya I.M. Fostering students' interest in learning the Russian language.



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