Spells for a successful and happy marriage. Wedding conspiracies and rituals

What woman doesn't want to marry a rich man? Almost everyone dreams of a rich prince. However, the stories that are told on TV screens turn out to be far from real life husband of rich husbands. Here you still need to meet certain requirements in order to have a chance to get married successfully.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, it was believed that men became rich in relationships with women who themselves had good knowledge, manners, and education. The woman was “behind the man,” so the only way she could realize herself was through the actions and career of her husband.

Today's ladies who want to become the spouses of rich men are more like lazy and dreamers. They only want to live a carefree and prosperous life, often without putting any effort into it themselves. And as experts from the psychological help website say, rich men are not stupid to connect their lives with uninteresting individuals.

What do rich men look for in women?

“I want to marry a rich man” is not news to anyone. Many women, even those already married or dating men, continue to dream that their current gentlemen or other representatives of the stronger sex will take them to a fairy-tale world where there is no poverty, no bad roads, no sad faces. To desire only the beautiful and wealthy is natural for a woman who cares about the survival of her offspring, which she gives birth to from the same men. But what are the rich gentlemen themselves looking for who are being hunted?

There are not so many rich representatives. Despite this, they also differ in their desires for women and love relationship. Scientists conducted surveys that showed that wealthy men initially need:

  1. The beauty of the female body.
  2. High level of income.

If we talk about female beauty, then rich men cannot surprise with their requests: they like slender and well-groomed ladies. Chubby and plump women are in the minority, although they can also attract the individual “fatbag”.

If we talk about high income, which a woman should have, then everything is simple: rich men do not want to connect their lives with poor “predators”. You can have fun with them, arrange romantic evenings and passionate nights. But strong representatives want to marry those who do not depend on them financially. They are ready to provide for their families and beloved women, but to do this not because they need money, but out of goodwill and desire.

Thus, wealthy men are looking for slim and rich women who can give what people often come to in more mature age, - love, support and understanding. All wealth disappears sooner or later. But emotional connection and support always remain important, which is needed at any age and under any circumstances.

How many women can boast that they are wealthy, wise and beautiful? These are the same units as the men that everyone dreams of. There are not enough rich men for all, nor are there enough ideal women.

Why does a rich man need you?

To find yourself a rich man, you need to understand what you can give him. Or do you think, dear women, that rich men suffer? A person does not earn money by making great efforts and then give it away to everyone who wants to profit from it. Rich men became rich because they know how to think soberly and see the needs of other people. Why would a man start a relationship with someone who wants to take advantage of him?

What can you give a rich man? Why are you valuable to such a gentleman? It should be understood that men also seek their own benefits in a relationship with a woman. And that's quite normal.

Can you offer him your beauty? What about the fact that soon your youth will pass? You must understand that if a man chooses you for your youth and beauty, then he can easily replace you with another woman, younger and more attractive.

Can you offer a man sex? What woman wouldn’t agree to offer sex to a rich man? Not all, but there are those who, almost at the very first meeting, will want to thank a rich man with sex for his gifts. Therefore, he will not particularly need you if he values ​​only sexuality in women.

Why else does a rich man need you? But many women are not ready to offer anything more to those they are chasing. Home comfort? It can be created by a housekeeper. Delicious food? You can eat it in expensive restaurants, where the menu is much more varied and healthier than at home. Children? For this, a man does not have to get married. Children are quickly, easily and pleasantly made, and sometimes forgotten.

What else can you give to a man who can buy everything you offer him for the money you want to take from him for your needs? Why would he spend money on you if he could spend that money on what you are offering him? This should be understood when you dream of a rich groom. You need to not just dream, relying on your youth and beauty. You need to understand that rich men are not fools. They can replace you with another attractive “doll,” especially since there are a lot of such girls. But what makes you special? What else can you give a rich man that he can’t buy with money? Here's what to think about when you go hunting.

Here you will have to make efforts to become what they want you to be:

  1. To be a lady who has impeccable taste.
  2. Know how to behave in society.
  3. It's delicious to cook.
  4. Be optimistic.
  5. Know etiquette.
  6. Don't be greedy.
  7. Be fluent in at least one foreign language.
  8. Demonstrate erudition, enthusiasm, intelligence and energy.
  9. Have an education at a prestigious institution.
  10. Be easy going.
  11. Work on creating an excellent image for yourself and your husband.
  12. Be beautiful, well-groomed, fit.
  13. Keep the house in perfect order.
  14. Know how to manage a family budget.
  15. Make life easier for your spouse.

You will definitely have to work hard, despite the fact that women wish the opposite. If you want to accidentally meet a rich man in a cafe, it will be almost impossible, just like the fact that he will notice your beauty behind the dirt on your face. A woman must match a man who will not sink below his level.

Slaves of rich men

Let women call themselves “princesses,” “oligarch hunters,” “worthy of more than just paradise in a hut.” But in essence they are slaves of those they run after. Many women of our time have joined the “Marry a Rich Man” game. Even many men have realized that they just need to earn money to become interesting to women. And here money became a bargaining chip.

So, the hunt for rich men. Even someone who hasn’t particularly dreamed of a rich man will get excited about the idea of ​​building a relationship with someone who has a lot of money. In one way or another, most women dream of rich “princes”. And this is quite natural. After all, everyone wants a comfortable life for themselves and their children.

But one point is being missed: there is nothing wrong with wanting a rich husband, but is it worth choosing a man only by the amount of money he has? Girls and women forget that they can get rich suitors. But will these men love them, appreciate them, want to be only with them? Moreover, how will these men treat women who chase money first, and then happiness, love and human relationships?

Men are not stupid. They see that many women are only interested in money. And what is the conclusion? In order to attract a woman, you just need to learn how to make a lot of money. A man doesn't work on his appearance to be attractive. A man does not work on his character to be generous, understanding and friendly. A man does not learn to love a woman, that is, to accept all her characteristics, whims and emotional mood swings. A man does not learn to build a relationship with a woman, because he understands that as long as he has money, the woman herself will “go out of her way” to maintain an alliance with him. And he can only choose which woman is more beautiful, more interesting and does not interfere much with living for his own pleasure.

A woman makes herself a man’s slave by being ready to give herself to anyone who has money. And a man just needs to learn how to earn enough money to appear more or less wealthy. Please note, dear women, that a man does not have to own millions in order to become attractive in the eyes of many ladies. He just needs to earn more than the average earnings of ordinary workers - and he is already becoming interesting to many “poor” women.

Women condemn themselves to the role of slaves of rich men. After all, men understand that women will not leave them anywhere and will endure everything just to have access to their money. All these rules of the game are clear to both women and men. But for some reason, there are still those who dream of marrying a rich man who will love, appreciate, carry in their arms... These are fairy tales of stupid girls and women, absolutely not connected with reality.

A rich man also has flaws. Rich people often cheat. They often abandon their fans. Often they do not take into account the opinions of their companions. And there are a lot of such stories. As they say, the woman wanted money, she got it, and in return the man received a slave who agreed to everything.

What conclusion can be drawn for women? Learn to earn so much money yourself so that the criteria for choosing a man do not lie only in his material abilities. As long as you choose men based on the amount of money they have, you become slaves to them. But when you make it clear that no amount of money can lure you in (because you can earn it yourself), then you begin to choose men differently, and they, in turn, begin to look at and evaluate you differently.

Bottom line

Rich men are as different as they come ordinary people. Among them there are also gentlemen who are worth loving. First, they want to be loved, not money. Secondly, they want the woman to value his money because he has invested his time and effort into it. That's why he's looking loving woman, which will store his wealth and increase with him, and not waste it, as many dream about it.

You just have to remember that there are not that many rich men. But the applicants who want to profit from their wealth, large number. Everyone wants to become the heroine of the fairy tale “Cinderella”. However, even in this fairy tale, Cinderella first became a princess, and only after that did the prince become interested in herself.

You can lie and dream about a rich prince, or you can build a relationship with a man, whom you can then make rich. This is an option for those who do not want to give up their “comfortable” desire.

Every young girl dreams of getting married. But sometimes the cherished desire of a marriage proposal, alas, does not come at all. And time goes by...

In our article we tried to collect the most popular and strong conspiracies and rituals for marriage. Choose for yourself suitable option and may you be lucky!

A conspiracy to get married successfully.

On Friday, buy a candle in church, and in the evening sit at the table and light it. Look at the flame of a candle and imagine that you are already married, how successfully your relationship turned out family life what your husband looks like, what character traits he has.

Then say the words of the conspiracy nine times:

“The candle burns and burns out - family happiness attracts me, attracts the best husband, the one I dream of.

My word is yours, candle, deed.


A conspiracy to marry a rich and kind husband.

The very next day in the morning before dawn, standing by your bed facing the head of the bed, read the plot:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, bless myself, go, cross myself, wash and dry myself, go into an open field, two brothers will meet me, two saints of God, Anthony and Theodosius.

I will come closer to them, bow to them lower, bow, pray:

O holy saints of God Anthony and Theodosius!

Deliver me from sin and eternal torment, and give me a good husband, a rich husband, a prolific family, a house filled with grace.

I pray to you, you pray for me, and my goods are with me.

The key to these words is in the sky and the castle is in the sea on a fish-whale, whoever gets the whale-fish will be like a tree burned by lightning.


Marry the person you love.

Make a small cut on ring finger right hand (the one on which they wear wedding ring) – just be sure to disinfect the cut site and drop a few drops of blood into the vial.

We read the plot on the full moon - for blood:

“It was spoken in blood, it was wished for in love.

Just as it was painful for me to part with blood, so it will be painful for you to say goodbye to me.

As much as I love you, you will also be unable to bear it without me.

Just as the day is always with the sun, so you will want to be inseparable with me.

And in a dream, and in reality, and at everyday meals, and at a special holiday, you have no peace without me.

I should be your friend, I should become your wife.”

At the first opportunity, leave a drop of blood from a vial on your loved one’s threshold, on his bed and table (choose a place so that no one will notice it for a long time and do not wash it off).

A conspiracy to get married.

Open the door to the cellar. Then, looking underground, read the plot nine times:

“My master is a yard servant, be my dear matchmaker.

Woo me, God's servant (name), to be the husband of (so-and-so).


Conspiracy to get married.

Buy a new comb - a wooden one (made from maple, linden, apple, willow). Read the plot with a comb:

“I, the servant of God (name), will put on a comb and invite suitors to come to me.

Just as bees fly to honey and look at flowers, so suitors would hurry to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Then comb your hair with a comb, and from now on, comb only with this comb.

Plot for marriage.

If your boyfriend doesn’t propose to you for a long time, perform the ceremony and read the plot.

Take the knife from wooden handle, draw a circle with it, put a small birch log and a photo of your loved one in the circle. Stand behind the circle yourself. Read the plot three times:

“You are my mummer, you are my betrothed, I’ve had enough and you’ve had your fill.

Stop walking around, it’s time to marry me.”

After you read the plot, you need to burn the log.

Plot for marriage. Marry a rich man.

Prepare 3 yellow coins and read the spell on them:

“I am sending an angel, a guardian angel, to find a husband for me, not an ordinary one.

I want a master-boyar so that I can live behind him in bliss and contentment, beauty and luxury. I will be his faithful companion.

He will be my protection and support.”

You need to give these coins to the beggar and whisper:

“When I become rich, I will give more.”

Don't forget to keep your promise: when you marry a rich man, give to the poor a large sum money.

Conspiracy after divorce.

You broke off your relationship with your ex a long time ago, but there are no new ones on the horizon. Perform the ritual: slippers ex-husband throw it in the trash. At this time, read the plot:

“Everything that happened is gone with you.

Something new will come to me, better than the old.”

After that, go to the store and buy new slippers. Place them in a visible place at the threshold and say:

“Come new husband, I will love you more than life itself. I’ll marry you, I’ll find my happiness.”

Men's new slippers must stand in plain sight for a day, after which they can be put back in place.


Have you always wanted to marry a rich man who would pamper, care for and protect you? Well, finding a wealthy bachelor and making him like him is quite doable and quite simple task. It will be much more difficult to put up with the habits, character and worldview of a moneybag.

In our romantic fantasies, financial stability and love go hand in hand in life, but, unfortunately, this is very rarely the case. So before you dream of a rich man, decide what kind of relationship you want. If your ultimate goal is true love, it is better to initiate an acquaintance with an ordinary man in a grocery store, for example. If an arranged marriage is important to you, and you are going to marry for money, be prepared for the many compromises that you will have to make.

How to marry an oligarch?

Finding a rich man and convincing him that he needs you is possible through correct and well-planned actions, in which there is no room for emotional condescension. Regardless of your own self-esteem, you must convince yourself of your own worth and rid yourself of insecurities.

It will not be possible to marry an oligarch after a couple of weeks of dating. But once you start dating, you can take certain steps to achieve this goal. For example, to win over a rich man you should not:

  1. Argue with his compliments. If a man says that you are beautiful, attractive or sexy, do not convince him otherwise. There is nothing worse than answering: “Oh, well, I’m fat.” If you have a habit of arguing with men's compliments out of embarrassment, break it before he decides you're right. Flattering comments should always be received with gratitude. When a guy tells you that you look great today, smile and simply say “thank you.”
  1. Be jealous. It is important that the moneybag thinks that he needs you much more than you need him. Your jealousy will create the opposite impression and show that you are afraid of losing him. To win a man, you need to completely stop being jealous. If he looks at every skirt and his behavior makes you suffer, you shouldn’t tolerate it. Find another rich person, there are not as few of them as it seems.
  1. Don't confess your love first. A woman's declaration of love, especially early, can scare away any man and destroy a budding relationship.

Start small

Many women dream of a wealthy oligarch sponsor, but most of them are forced to start their path to wealth from small things. It is unlikely that you know very many multimillionaires, but you are probably familiar with men whose income in many ways exceeds yours. These men are likely to associate with other, wealthier men. Therefore, in order to marry an oligarch you will have to spend some time communicating with less wealthy people from his circle.

But this does not mean that you need to connect yourself sexually or emotionally with men who serve as steps on the ladder to a real rich man. In fact, your sexual indiscretion can only cause harm. It is enough just to be a tasty morsel in a pleasant company of rich bachelors, in order to then choose the best of them.

Be socially active

When you are among wealthy people, never forget that you are on the hunt. Don't close yourself in your shell, communicate with moneybags. The more rich people see you, the less of an outsider you will seem to them. In addition, from any pleasant communication you can extract the necessary information that will lead you to a wealthy groom.

Let go of embarrassment and uncertainty. As soon as you feel embarrassed while talking to wealthy strangers, immediately remember why you are here and what goal you are pursuing. You will never find a rich man if you avoid hanging out with moneybags. But that doesn't mean you have to stand out or try too hard to get attention. Just be nice and friendly.

Move forward

In the early stages of the hunt, you should not date or cohabitate with men who are stepping stones to your main goal. Leaving them behind is not a good idea to break their hearts. Break up amicably, tell them they are wonderful and you enjoyed your time together. Explain that the reason for the breakup is not in them, but in you. Which is actually true.

As soon as you notice that the man of your dreams likes you, make sure that his interest in you is genuine, that this is not the delirium of a lustful, drunken womanizer. He doesn't have to confess his love to you. However, since you have been observing him for some time, you should know his attitude towards women and understand that his feelings for you are real. If he tries to seduce you, don't react. Remember, you are the temptress.

Fill the voids

To marry a rich man, you must first demonstrate your usefulness to him. Therefore, having climbed the dating ladder to the very top, surround your partner with care and attention. Look at what voids exist in the life of your chosen one and try to fill them.

This step will require your attention and insight. Every person, no matter how much money they have, has their own unique emotional weaknesses. Perhaps your rich man, deep down, longs to be a hero or henpecked. Maybe he needs female approval or feels insecure in the workplace. Identify his complexes and help him cope with them.

Be reserved and sometimes cold

You don't have to give all of yourself to make his life emotionally fulfilling. Too much devotion will feel like ingratiation and worship. Instead, sometimes it’s worth moderating your talents and becoming cooler towards your partner without explaining the reasons. The moneybag needs to be periodically brought down from heaven to earth so that he understands that his days without you become lean.

If a rich man shows his love through gifts, do not thank him too much. It's important that he understands that you know you deserve it. Even if he just gave you your first diamond, curb your joy. Be polite and grateful. Say that you are very pleased. But under no circumstances squeal or jump with joy and delight. Let your reserved behavior become a challenge that turns into a wonderful habit of trying to surprise you.

Play on his feelings of ownership

By showing a man that he is the only one in your life, you will be waiting for a marriage proposal for a very long time. There is no need to flirt or openly flirt with other men in his presence. There is no need to flirt with anyone at all. Just let the man know that he has competition. This will be enough to trigger an attraction reaction.

Let's be clear. Don't talk about other men. Don't threaten. Don't mention that there is someone more attractive than him. All you need to do is to encourage the rich man to think that you like someone else besides him. Don't try to cause an argument. The goal is to remind the moneybag that he is not the only one in the universe. His insecurity will provoke jealousy. And jealousy is often the road to the registry office.

A few important caveats

Marrying a rich man is not difficult. But living with a wealthy man can become a real problem. As a rule, rich people have a lot of personal shortcomings and do not differ in exemplary behavior. For example, as the wife of a wealthy man, you may be at a significant disadvantage during family conflicts. Keep in mind that when you are seduced by the trappings of wealth, you are locking yourself in a golden cage.

In fact, wealth is a kind of curse. In pursuit of a rich husband, you risk getting nothing but suffering. Of course, we wish you happiness! But having exchanged love and romance for money, don’t be surprised if your family life doesn’t work out.

And in addition to the above, we offer a small interesting video guide on how to marry an oligarch. Don't miss it!

Not only wealthy ladies from high society can marry a rich man. Simple girls can also attract the attention of an eligible groom. But in order to hear a marriage proposal, you need to learn to use some feminine tricks.

You should understand that the chances of meeting a rich man on the street or in a nearby cafe are quite small. To get to know such a person, you need to try to go out more often. You can meet your destiny in a restaurant, at a dinner party, or at an expensive sports club.

Experts will help you build a relationship so that a man meets your desires. Let's watch the video!

Behavior "as equals"

When meeting a rich bachelor, you should be proactive. It should not be confused with obsession. The girl’s task is simply to demonstrate her interest and attract attention. There is no need to behave in an overtly sexual or aggressive manner. All men are hunters by nature, and a smart woman presents herself in such a way that a man begins to think that it was he who conquered her and initiated the relationship, even if this is not entirely true.

Sophisticated style

Dreaming of marriage with a rich man, a girl needs to learn to carefully monitor appearance. It is not at all necessary to have an ideal figure and facial features. But at the same time, it is important to always remain well-groomed, monitor the condition of your hair, nails, skin, and know how to apply makeup. When choosing a wardrobe, you need to pay attention to feminine, sexy things. There is no need to wear trendy clothes that distort the proportions of the body.

Exchange contacts

Having met interesting person, we need to try to make sure that this meeting does not become the last. If a man did not ask a girl for her phone number or did not invite her on a date, he should unobtrusively get her to meet again. For example, you can offer him your help in some matter or, conversely, ask for a small favor.


When communicating with a potential groom, you need to demonstrate to him your confidence and active life position. A confident woman commands respect and admiration. It is also important to demonstrate your independence. A man should not think that a girl is primarily interested in him financial well-being. You should not talk about money or your financial problems at the first meeting and on the first date.

Active listening

To interest a man, you need to become a pleasant interlocutor for him. To do this, you need to learn to listen and show sincere admiration. In this case, you can even use flattery, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. If a man has some kind of hobby, a woman does not need to tell him that she is also interested in it, since the deception will be revealed very quickly. It’s enough just to show that she would like to know as much as possible about it.

Wanting to arrange your personal life, you need to remember that a rich man is just a man. To interest him and marry him, you need to have a good understanding of male psychology and be able to apply some psychological techniques in practice.

How would we girls like our life partners to be? For most of us the most important factors– responsibility, kindness and, of course, mutual feelings.

However, the question of how to marry a rich man remains open: many people want to improve their financial situation in this way and thus shift pressing issues onto the shoulders of their spouse.

Sasha Bogdanova is with you! Today we will talk about the features of a relationship with a wealthy man, consider the prospects for such marriages and identify the pitfalls without relying on common stereotypes.

First of all, we ask ourselves the standard question: “Do I need this?” If you have set yourself the goal of creating a relationship with a man with a big wallet, remember that not everything is as simple as you think. Yes, you can get what you want, but will you be happy...

He may not turn out to be as cute and fluffy as he looks from the outside: in public he behaves with dignity, but one can only guess what is happening behind the walls of an elite cottage.

Often the “Rublev wife” turns out to be a bird in a golden cage - far from in the best sense this word.

Be prepared to come to terms with the fact that in addition to you, he may also have several sweet, stunning mistresses: the hunt is not only for bachelors, but also for married oligarchs.

Remember that besides you there are also beautiful, young socialites who are ready to gladly keep him company.

Trips to expensive Moscow boutiques, holidays abroad, private events? Yes, but for the first time. It is unlikely that you will want to relax in Milan, knowing that at this time your husband is casting for “girlfriends”: without taking the bull by the horns, the wife risks being left far behind and being abandoned in favor of a more efficient person.

He may have a terrible character, be unattractive, not satisfy you as a woman and be ten years older - will you be with him?

Yes, there is a tangible advantage - money. But you will have to pay for it too.

How to attract the attention of a wealthy man

Know that oligarchs have no time to look for future spouses: as a rule, they simply set out a rigid list of requirements and submit a questionnaire to special agencies, screening out future applicants. Don’t expect to be accepted for who you are: there is a lot of hard work ahead of you to improve yourself.

Still haven't changed your mind? Then let's begin!

  1. Right place
  2. Your appearance
  3. Your role
  4. Your character

Let's take a closer look at these points that lead you to your dream!)

Right place

First of all, we need to decide on the place where we can find a suitable groom. Nightclubs and cheap cafes in small town They don’t suit us: wealthy guys relax on slightly different planes. These are the capital's restaurants and expensive fitness clubs, gyms and swimming pools.

Of course, wealthy guys don’t only go to restaurants and fitness clubs, they, like other men, love to sit with a fishing rod by the river or chase an animal while hunting, but I would not advise you to run through the forest with a gun in search of your future husband)

If you have wealthy friends and acquaintances, ask them to take you to a party or vacation together. Or get a job where you will have to collaborate with a certain contingent. Alternatively, these are the professions of realtors, insurance agents, tourism managers and others.

Places that are not easy to get to are a great choice! Stay up to date with events and don't miss social meetings and receptions.

A good option is to create a page on dating sites. At the same time, do not skimp on VIP accounts, edited photographs, truthful and versatile information about yourself. Think about the services of professional matchmakers: well, in order to receive, you must first invest.

Your appearance

It is unlikely that a rich person will pay attention to a gray mouse dressed in a faded sweater and shabby sneakers. Also, he will not be attracted to a woman dressed too revealingly: at best, you will be nothing more than an escort girl for him.

Throw away old, tasteless and unstylish things! I also advise you to go to a beauty salon and get yourself in order, contact a stylist or makeup artist.

No, you don’t need to fanatically pump yourself up with Botox and rush to enlarge your breasts; It will be enough to be well-groomed and harmonious in your image.

Yes, it's expensive. Yes, it requires a lot of time and effort, but we know: the end justifies the means.

Your role

How to avoid becoming another predator in his eyes? We need him to see us as a potential wife, and not a one-night stand.

First of all, a spouse is “ right hand", comrade-in-arms in the common cause, ideological inspirer. It is she who can give what the “fairy” cannot provide: partnership and support.

Also remember about your self-realization and strive to match the status of your husband.

Sign up for courses foreign languages: In addition to the fact that this will increase your prestige, it may turn out that your fiancé is a wealthy foreigner. In addition, it is very important to do things that will create an image for you and your partner, presenting both of you in a favorable light.

Your character

The most important thing left is to correct your own character. I am silent about developing social manners and knowing the rules of etiquette - this is not even specified. For a while you will have to hide your “I” and focus not on your own, but on his interests and preferences, on a man’s assessment, and not on your own.

Self-confidence and self-esteem are your trump cards. Even if you are huddled in a small apartment with 5-6 relatives, this is not a reason to walk with your head down.

  • Although if I were in the place of a wealthy man, I would rather turn my attention to just such a girl. (thinking out loud)

I also don’t advise you to immediately lay your hands on expensive gifts, so as not to spoil the impression: learn to wait and give up little things in order to eventually get something bigger and more meaningful.

Having already become close, you can become interested in the hobbies of the future groom and find out how to earn such amounts. It is important to support young man, give advice, treat with understanding and warmth.

This way you will kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, he will understand that you are not with him because of the size of your wallet, on the other hand, that you know how to value money and plan a budget correctly.

In any business it is better to have a mentor - a personal trainer

Yes, yes, and in these matters it is also better not to be alone! Are you familiar with Yulia Shchedrova and her “I want to get married” club? Fairy of Marriage - not only does she call herself that, but so do thousands of grateful girls!

She has one course that is more relevant than any other for our topic today. From which you will learn how realistic it is to find a millionaire, psychologically prepare for such relationships, get rid of complexes and learn how to communicate with politicians, big businessmen, and financiers.

All you need is a willingness to change yourself and be open to change for the better.

These are the difficult steps to finding personal happiness. But if it seems impossible to you to marry, say, a rich American, you can climb the career ladder together with your husband. Or maybe it’s worth rethinking your past relationships and trying? Well, everything is in your hands!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova



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