I dreamed of a witch's house. Good or evil witch - what could this mean? The meaning of the image for a woman

Also N.V. Gogol wrote in his work “Viy” that “all women are witches.” Whether the classic was wrong or not, let it remain a mystery. Is there anything more mysterious in a person’s life than dreams? Let's see what happens when these incomprehensible representatives of the female tribe - witches - appear in our dreams.

World dream books about dreams in which a witch appeared

Most people experience negative emotions when they hear the word “witch.” Of course! For many generations, only negative value this word. However, do we always need to be wary of a dreaming witch and what do the guests from Bald Mountain promise us? Many dream books offer interpretations that often contradict each other:

  • Miller's popular dream book interprets a dream with a witch as the likelihood of dangerous adventures, “bad” fun and the desire for a riotous life. As life experience shows, this does not lead to good;
  • Vanga's dream book: dreaming of a witch - you are faced with a certain choice. Perhaps you are deciding on your future life goals. Or you are trying to gain control over your desires and actions.
  • Freud's dream book promises a person who saw a witch in a dream the possibility of a romantic relationship with a partner who previously did not take you seriously;
  • the eastern dream book emphasizes with the help of such a vision your penchant for adventure;
  • in the Modern Dream Book, the appearance of a witch in a dream means impending danger, illness or depression;
  • Grishina's dream book: if in a dream you met a witch at a crossroads - to make an important decision in reality;
  • Tarot dream book: a witch in a dream - to the danger of ending up in a sect.

A witch in a dream is an important symbolic image

Interpretation of a dream depending on the gender and age of the dreamer

When choosing correct interpretation sleep, you need to remember the nuances of vision. A dream about a witch or sorceress is interpreted differently for men and women.

The meaning of sleep for a man

If a man dreams of a young and attractive witch, then this is a hint of a possible cooling of the relationship between the spouses. And an old, unkempt hag foreshadows problems in commercial affairs and conflicts with relatives. I dreamed about a dead witch - this is a warning about the disorder of choice in personal life. Flying on a broomstick with a witch indicates to the stronger sex manipulation by a woman.

The meaning of sleep for women and girls

The interpretation of a dream about a witch for girls is no less interesting and controversial. One of the key meanings here is decline in all areas of life and fatigue with everyday problems.

If a young woman dreams of a witch dressed in bright, colorful clothes, this means the beginning of a new romance that is unlikely to last long.

One of the interpretations that relates to the image of a witch is the awakening of natural force, the archetype of the Mother and, possibly, the birth of a child. Flying on a broomstick in many dream books predicts a quick marriage for girls, and for adult women - the marriage of a daughter. For a pregnant girl, a dream with a witch does not bode well: you need to take more care of your health and try not to communicate with new people.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the actions of the dreamer and ongoing events

Decoding dreams about a witch is based on the actions of the dreamer himself and the dreaming witch.

The witch attacks

If in a dream you experience an attack by an evil witch, this directly indicates difficulties and conflicts that should have been resolved long ago. But, on the other hand, the dream warns against excessive concentration on one’s difficulties. Don't dramatize them, and then everything will work out.

Fight the witch, drive away, kill

If you fought with the attacking witch and even killed her, expect changes as drastic as the fight was serious. If you can't brag feeling good and great business successes, then congratulations - a witch killed in a dream foretells an improvement in the situation. If everything is going well in your life, then a witch defeated in a dream promises envy from others and many small problems.

If in a dream you enter into a fight with a witch and (or) drive her away, then, according to the interpretation of most dream books, this means making the right decision in matters and problems related to the business and commercial spheres.

Sabbath in a dream

Interesting interpretations are given various dream books a dream about a Sabbath of witches and sorcerers. According to Carlos Castaneda, a gathering of witches in a dream indicates the magician’s ability to use lower energy centers and symbolizes the harmonization of energy flows. Perhaps such a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s desire to know his “I”.

Leiman's dream book interprets a dream about a Sabbath as a desire to go beyond previous ideas, a desire for new horizons.

A witchcraft sabbath in a dream - the desire to learn something new in reality

What does a witch look like in a dream?

Dreams are a bizarre phenomenon and beyond the control of reason. Despite stereotypes about the witch as a black symbol, she does not always seek to cause harm.

Dreaming of a black old witch or a kind, young witch

  1. If in a dream a black witch helps you with her charms, then such help will have a negative impact in reality. This dream is a warning: be careful, do not trust the first person you meet.
  2. An unpleasant and old woman who tinkers with decoctions and herbs speaks of possible conflicts in the family. Jealousy will play an important role in them.
  3. But the dream about the help of a good witch will most likely be repeated in real life. You will receive support from a wise woman. A dream about a young and attractive witch has a similar interpretation. In addition, it promises meeting new and interesting people, the emergence of wonderful professional prospects. Even the beginning of a new novel is mentioned.

Witch on a broom

Remember Bulgakov's Gella and Margarita? How did they dash through the night sky on their brooms? So, let witches' brooms remain in novels. Because if you dream about them, they can bring you a meeting with unpleasant person, which will bring a lot of minor troubles into your life.

When trying to figure out why a witch is dreaming, you need to take into account her age, appearance, the dreamer’s personality and relationships, as well as other nuances.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a witch in a dream

According to Miller's dream book the witch warns that noisy fun can turn into humiliation and resentment. For businessmen, the dream foretells losses.

Vanga suggests that when a witch dreams, it is a prediction about the past. In reality, everything will change soon. Witches and witchcraft over herbs or water are an indication of the need to strengthen self-control. This is not the time to succumb to provocations and violently express temperament.

According to Ukrainian source a witch or sorceress in a dream means trouble. They will arise spontaneously.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo indicates that witches and sorcerers mean a loss of self-confidence. The White Magician warns that it is highly undesirable to at the moment turn to unconventional healers because of the danger of running into scammers.

By modern source the witches' sabbath is a signal calling for attention. A dishonest person will try to drag you into a scam. When you dream of a witch in a house, uninvited guests will arrive.

Who dreamed of a witch in a dream

Witch in a dream woman reports the presence of a rival who threatens her well-being. However, the charming witch is the herald of a short-term love interest.

Dreaming Witch girl serves as a warning. The desire to have fun can lead to negative consequences, and casual acquaintances can cause harm.

Witch bride is a hint that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. It is necessary to calmly, without hysterics and scenes of jealousy, discuss important issues with the groom.

Witch pregnant- a signal that the body is at risk of disease. You need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

The witch predicts risky adventures man. Events will bring a flurry of emotions, but it is better to postpone the implementation of important projects until a calmer period.

What witch did you dream about?

Witch woman with a repulsive appearance - to disputes with household members. Families will have to experience the pangs of jealousy.

The old witch is a warning. Soon after such a dream troubles may follow.

Also decrepit grandma the witch encourages the sleeper to take care of his own appearance. Due to insufficient care, there is a risk of looking older than your age.

Witch cat signals that there is a woman around who wants evil. Other animals, which in a dream are the embodiment of a witch, have a similar interpretation.

Kind the witch is considered an auspicious prophecy. There will probably be a useful acquaintance with a wise person.

White the witch reports that you should listen carefully to the words of a new person in your environment. Thanks to timely advice received, many difficult situations can be avoided.

The dream calls for vigilance black witch. Among those around you, someone is secretly trying to cause harm.

Besides angry a witch means that new acquaintances may not be as pleasant as it seemed at first glance. You shouldn't share your most secret things.

Young a witch for women is a very positive sign. Failures will turn into benefits. For men, a charming witch means that he is attracted to women with a strong character.

In general, if witches in human form look attractive, then the vision is interpreted positively. A wise woman will have a beneficial influence on fate.

Ugly and scary witches are a warning. Because of someone's ill will, you will find yourself in the midst of an unpleasant and loud scandal.

A certain person from the environment is preparing to disturb the peace of the sleeping person if he has dreamed flying witch. Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to avoid troubles.

When you dream about a witch on a broom, also in reality you are likely to feel unwell. It is advisable to take preventive measures.

It’s good if you dreamed deceased witch. You will be able to overcome all problems.

Actions with a witch in a dream

Run away from a witch - an intuitive desire to avoid unpleasant people. It is important to listen to your inner voice.

Fight with a witch - dramatic changes in life. If at present the sleeper is not too happy with the current situation, he will have to rejoice in the fact that it will turn into better side. When you dream of a fight with a witch, and in reality everything is fine, the dream warns that it is too early to relax. People who are jealous of success can do dirty tricks.

In reality, the right decision will be made if it succeeds win witch

Kill witch - positive changes in fate. For those who are sick, killing a witch is a very good sign. There will be improvement soon. It’s good if you dreamed of a witch’s funeral. Troubles will soon be left behind.

choke witch - an indication that it is time to solve a long-standing problem or put an end to a long-standing conflict. If a witch blocks the access to oxygen, in reality the sleeping person is under a paranormal influence.

Burn witch is a neutral sign. To achieve the goal, you will have to change your own principles.

If you dreamed become a witch, in reality a situation may occur that causes anger. But it’s better not to take it out on others.

Regardless of what you read about the meaning of what a witch dreams about in each specific situation, the main thing is not to be afraid of what you see and not to be afraid of the future.

1. why do you dream about a witch?
2. Why does a witch dream? (interpretation by day)
3. Why do you dream about killing a witch?
4. Why do you dream of two witches?
5. Why does the witch grandmother dream?
6. Why does the young witch dream?
7. Why do you dream of a witch in a coffin?
8. Why does a man dream about a witch?
9. Why do you dream of a witches' Sabbath?
10. Why does a woman dream about a witch?
11. Why do you dream of burning a witch?
12. Why do you dream about fighting a witch?
13. Why do you dream about the witch in the mirror?

1. why do you dream about a witch?

Let us think a little about what a dream is? A dream is not just knowledge, pictures from the future or images that are sent to us by certain forces, a dream is a reflection of our feelings, experiences hidden from ourselves, any information that we feel subconsciously, but cannot or secretly do not want confess. In other words, a dream is images that our consciousness generates purely intuitively, most often in those situations that will later have an impact on great influence on ourselves. This is how my mother explained my dreams to me, more in simple language, but with the same meaning, my grandmother told her the same thing (long ago she was known as a witch in the village, and all my knowledge that I will present in this article will be almost straight from the hands of an old healer, unloved by anyone).

First of all, I will say that dreams are very difficult to interpret: there is huge amount dream books of various authors, each of which may contain different interpretation dreams, in order to find the most reliable interpretation, you need to reconsider most of them, this is what I will do now. Also, dreams should not be interpreted in the same way for each day of the week - the energy of the night from Monday to Tuesday is different from that from Friday to Saturday.

The most favorite image in my dreams, my mother, my mother and I had and still have a witch. Most people associate this word with an old witch who strives to cast a curse on someone, poison an apple, or turn an innocent victim into a toad. I hasten to disappoint those who think so badly about witches, because witch comes from the word “to know.” She is a repository of secret knowledge and practices, she is an ancient and graceful creature, seducing men with just one glance, she is bitchy and rebellious; in a word - the ideal woman in modern times.

2. Why does a witch dream? (interpretation by day)

  • Why do you dream about a witch at the very beginning of the week, when the dream reflects your state of mind, from Sunday night to Monday night ? Here we have two interpretations: first, the energy that has accumulated over the past week is raging inside you and you really want to throw it out, try to control it so as not to come into conflict with someone; secondly, true witch potential lies within you! Have you noticed that your intuition rarely lets you down? So, it's time to buy the most beautiful broom at the nearest market and go straight to the Sabbath! But if you don’t want to go that far, then start doing what you have long wanted to do, but were afraid or doubted the success of your undertaking, and if you are bored or tired of the job, then change it to another, you will have more than enough strength for this enterprise.
  • Between Monday and Tuesday , the night tells you which direction you should go and whether it’s worth it at all. If you saw a witch in a dream, it means being adventurous, but not necessarily fun; it is quite possible to get yourself into trouble. But what kind of witch is afraid of trouble, huh? If you have been preparing for a trip or even a short trip for a long time, go and do not forget that through troubles experience and wisdom come to you - a trait of every real witch.
  • Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday says a lot about your friends. If one of them turns out to be a witch (or sorcerer) in your dream, then this person is most likely weaving some kind of intrigue, conspiracy against you, treat her or him with caution, but say too much. If a person you don’t know turns out to be a witch, then you shouldn’t relax - this stranger may also be involved in some misfortunes in your life in the near future.
  • Night Wednesday-Thursday tied to human labor, work. On this night, a witch also means adventures and surprises, but only at work. It is difficult to predict exactly which ones: good or bad, a witch is an insidious and heartless creature when necessary, so being prepared for any trouble will not harm you.
  • Dreams I had for Friday , - prophetic. On this night, the forces hidden in a person are activated, feelings are heightened and emotions intensify, therefore these dreams are also tied to the sphere of creativity and have a creative orientation. The witch you dreamed about this night is a symbol of your creative potential. If you are planning any unusual, original, creative activity in the near future, then rest assured that you will cope with it very successfully.
  • From Friday to Saturday dreams come true only if you dream already in the morning hours. But they do not come true anyhow; they can affect not only the fate of the dreamer, but also his acquaintances, relatives and friends. A stranger witch on this night also means adventures and adventures in the near future, new experiences and knowledge. If someone you know appears to you in the form of a witch or sorcerer, this person contains great magical potential, be closer to him and try to always be on the same side in disputes and conflicts.
  • In dreams from Saturday to Sunday reflects your inner self emotional state, the body and mind summarize all the negative energy accumulated over the past week, which has not yet been managed to get rid of. The interpretation of the witch here is the same as on the first night: you want to urgently get rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in your soul, try to do this before the start of the new week, spend Sunday avoiding any work and household chores, throw everything out thoughts out of your head and arrange for yourself a marathon of good films or TV series from morning to evening.

Separately, you can pay attention to other images and dreams, one way or another connected with witches.

3. Why do you dream about killing a witch?

In your sleep you can kill a witch. This is a sign that you have recently uncovered or will soon uncover a conspiracy or reveal a lie against yourself, predict evil and damage. Be extremely attentive to what is happening around you and what people are saying about you.

4. Why do you dream of two witches?

Two witches at a time - to doubling anything in your life listed earlier. Look through the article by day of the week, select the night on which you dreamed of witches and simply multiply the interpretations by two. Two troubles instead of one, two adventures, two conspiracies, or, most likely, one conspiracy from two people you know. The most likely interpretations are about a double volume of adventures and a conspiracy of two enemies.

5. Why does the witch grandmother dream?

An ancient old witch dreams to tell you that within you lies a predisposition for witchcraft and predictions. If you dreamed of an old witch on Monday night, then this is definitely a sign from the other world that you should listen to your inner voice more often.

6. Why does the young witch dream?

A young witch may dream that you are too self-absorbed and pay little attention to the world around you, to what is happening in it, to what directly affects you. You lose control over your life and the situations you find yourself in. You gently gather all your will into a fist and change your lifestyle in order to become stronger and more experienced, get out of the pit of doubts and understand your inner world and those around you to start living life to the fullest.

7. Why do you dream of a witch in a coffin?

A witch in a coffin can mean the memory of an old evil deed, which is about to emerge from oblivion. The act may be a secret to you, which you will soon find out. Or, it may be a sin in your soul that you have been hiding for a long time, but very soon you will no longer be able to hide it from people or from one specific person.

8. Why does a man dream about a witch?

If you are a representative of the stronger (and no less the fair) sex, then a witch can mean great danger for you. Such powerful and irresistible forces as female envy and female jealousy. Be careful in your love affairs, because you may meet that same fatal witch, and if you are married and already have an affair (or even connections) on the side, then your dearest and most beloved wife risks turning into a witch.

9. Why do you dream of a witches' Sabbath?

A witch's Sabbath in a dream - to new knowledge that was previously hidden for you. This knowledge will not be from the category of “a list of conspirators and ill-wishers”, no - they are prophesying for you a certain secret hidden from you and many other people, but it is you who are worthy of knowing it.

10. Why does a woman dream about a witch?

It is a woman who can dream of a witch for many reasons: be it a conspiracy or ill-wishers, problems in the family or at work, imminent escapades and adventures, trips and acquaintances. Another interpretation will suit you if you are married or have been dating a man for a long time. It lies in the fact that your significant other is not completely honest with you, and may even have a relationship with another woman or family. Be prepared to learn something new and unpleasant for you about this person.

11. Why do you dream of burning a witch?

If you dreamed that you were burning a witch in a dream, then you will soon encounter a lot of trouble, but you will successfully deal with it. Also, if now your financial situation and life in general seem bad to you at the moment, then the burning of a witch may be a sign that a white streak will soon begin in your life, adversity will go away and, in general, everything will get better.

12. Why do you dream about fighting a witch?

Fighting a witch in a dream is a symbol of your internal struggle. Inside your consciousness there is a struggle between good and evil, positive and negative emotions. This may be caused by overstrain at work or a conflict with someone. In the fight against your inner “evil witch,” you need to try to win, otherwise too much will accumulate in you. large number negative energy and feelings that you will have to throw out on your loved ones and friends. Understand your inner world and calm down all the anger that you harbor against the world and people.

13. Why do you dream about the witch in the mirror?

If in a dream you saw a witch in the mirror, remember what she looked like. The strange property of sleep is that you never see yourself, so the appearance of the witch can change a lot in the interpretation of the dream. If in the reflection of the witch you felt goodness, strength and wisdom, then this means that you have hidden powers that you have not yet discovered for yourself, hurry to do it! Get busy creative work, try yourself in art, test your intuition, in other words: find that hidden “witch” talent in yourself and life will sparkle with new colors for you. If in the reflection the witch is terrible, negativity and malice emanated from her, then (how many times am I repeating myself?) there is evil inside you that is trying to find a way out, negative emotions and feelings inside begin to dominate over the positive ones.

This is how you can tell why a witch dreams about a witch on different days of the week, in different images and situations. The reader should not forget that interpretations are not statements, instructions or incentives to action, they are predictions of what is most likely to happen to you, based on ancient folk beliefs and the wisdom of our ancestors. Believe them or not - your choice.

Some of the most popular evil characters in fairy tales, cartoons and horror films are witches and witches. What if we saw these anti-heroes during a dream? Should we expect any negative consequences or, on the contrary, wait for the good? We suggest asking the question “Why do witches dream?” to several of the most complete and popular dream books.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: witches and sorceresses in dreams

This dream book interprets a dream about witches as a harbinger of some fun events, parties with friends, which, however, will result in humiliation, disappointment and resentment for you. If in a dream witches attack you, then in real life your business may be in some danger.

Intimate dream book: why do witches dream

A dreaming witch warns you to be wary of casual acquaintances and rash actions that can lead to serious consequences. If the witch from the dream is especially scary and ugly, then it is quite possible that someone is planning something bad against you and is planning to resort to black magic. Also, a dream about a witch can symbolize the dreamer’s subconscious desire to stop following the norms of behavior accepted in society.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: witches and sorceresses in dreams

Answering the question about why witches dream, the compilers of this dream book claim that such a dream promises the dreamer acquaintance with very cheerful company, in whose company he will spend a lot of time. However, you should always be on guard, since such entertainment can end very sadly both for your psychological health and for financial condition. Why do you dream of a witch, a sorceress, into whom you yourself turn in a dream? Such a dream promises the onset of a critical situation, which will be extremely difficult for you to deal with and in which no one will come to your aid.

Universal family dream book: why do witches dream

According to the compilers of this dream book, a witch or sorceress seen in a dream predicts that the dreamer will participate in noisy fun, which will ultimately result in bitter tears.

Dream book for the whole family: why does a witch dream?

If a man dreams of a witch, then some bad news probably awaits him. It is also quite possible that someone will try to complicate your life with their obsessive actions. A witch who performs some kind of trick on you in a dream magical ritual, promises you a loss of self-confidence, as a result of which you will decide to seek help from an influential but very unreliable person. If a witch in a dream appears in the guise of your girlfriend or wife, then such a dream predicts a temporary cooling in your relationship. A witch in the guise of a mother-in-law promises someone's interference in your affairs, as a result of which you will not be able to realize your plans. If a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a witch, then she should be concerned about her own good name and reputation, since something threatens them.

If you dreamed of a witch or a sorceress, then a person believes that a bad sign. But one should not be so categorical about such a dream. Such a frightening dream often carries useful information, talks about fatal mistake, which the dreamer can commit, warns of a treacherous woman nearby. Therefore, a dream in which a witch appeared is considered great luck. So what can such a dream warn about?

Why do you dream of a witch or sorceress?

According to Miller’s dream book, such an image of a woman in a dream indicates the dreamer’s craving for entertainment, new impressions, and a change of scenery. But this not the only explanation for such a dream. The autumn dream book usually warns its birthday people that at this moment they should not engage in home improvement or business modernization. The path to the goal can be thorny, and the result can be disappointing.

Why do you dream about a witch? According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, in reality someone is trying to charm the dreamer for the sake of their own interests. As soon as she gets what she wants, she will immediately leave him with nothing. If a person in love dreams of a witch or sorceress, then his feelings will be seriously tested. He will need to beware of temptations and learn to forgive.

Why does a woman dream about a witch?

According to the dream book, a woman dreamed of a witch should be remembered as best as possible. If she really reminds existing person, then in reality the relationship with him may deteriorate for a short time, but after a while such an obsession will dissipate by itself.

By interpretation An ancient dream book, a witch in the guise of a lover in a dream means:

  • cooling of feelings;
  • temporary separation in reality.

Why do you dream about a witch? According to the modern psychoanalytic dream book, if the dreamer flees from her in a dream, then in reality she I'm very tired of my family.

According to the dream book of winter birthday people, if you dream of an ugly-looking witch, then this is a sign that a woman should take care of her appearance, special attention paying attention to the condition of hair and skin.

Although the image of a witch in a dream has an ominous reputation, such a dream does not always portend trouble. In addition, such a symbol can prevent them.

Medea's dream book advises not to panic if you dreamed of an image of an evil witch. According to this dream book, this is symbolizes the image of mother nature and nature, which awakens in man. Therefore, it is unwise to fear yourself. What you see in such a dream indicates the beginning of the path to improvement and self-knowledge.

According to Denise Lynn’s dream book, such a dream symbolizes the dark side of a person’s essence, which in real life he is ashamed of and tries to ignore.

According to Hasse's dream book, a dream with an evil witch calls on the dreamer to show restraint. He does not need to rush to make a confession, since no one will appreciate such frankness and may even be used against him.

According to Modern dream book, a witch in a dream having an evil disposition means a high probability making a fatal mistake. The dream will have an unfavorable meaning if the witch and the dreamer have an external resemblance.


Why do you dream about a witch? D. Loff's dream book gives a very interesting interpretation of a dream where the good witch is the dreamer himself. If in a dream a person restores justice with the help of an acquired gift, then in reality he suffers from resentment and a feeling of helplessness due to the obvious advantage of the enemy.

It is possible that in everyday life the dreamer is forced to suppress his emotions and desires every day and decides to express himself in a dream. Sometimes this image can be inspired by unrequited love when only a miracle can give you a chance. This is a good sign that predicts a successful combination of circumstances in life.

If you dreamed of a good witch, then according to Family dream book, one should expect gross interference in the dreamer’s fate. At the same time, it is possible that the person who violated personal space was motivated by good intentions.

According to English dream book, a dream image foreshadows the imminent arrival of not entirely good news. If you dreamed of a plot in which a witch performs certain manipulations on a sleeping person, then the Jewish dream book interprets this as a person’s subconscious desire to turn to the help of occult forces.

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, the good witch personifies:

  • someone who likes to make empty promises or show off;
  • deceiver.


Why does the young witch dream? The modern dream book recommends remembering what she did. Her appearance is able to personify the wisdom of generations, which is applicable to today. Gestures and words are a guide to action in a difficult situation.

If she is very pretty, then the dream book of summer birthdays promises the dreamer joy and fulfillment of desires.

Witch on a broom

Such a dream foreshadows, according to the dream book of the sorceress Navi, the rapid elimination of all enemies. Dark forces are on the dreamer’s side and only he can decide whether to accept their help or not. It all depends on religious beliefs, education, worldview.

The Eastern dream book interprets a dream with a witch on a broom as follows: the dreamer will soon receive a very tempting offer to take part in a risky business. A Noble dream book claims that it is possible significantly strengthen your position in reality.

Thus, if you dreamed of a witch or sorceress, then you should take such a dream seriously. It can warn about a fatal mistake, give valuable advice, and give hints. Such a dream indicates that a person has taken the wrong path and is striving for fun, which will only bring disappointment. But in any case, a witch in a dream carries useful information that you should definitely listen to.



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