Advertisement with tear-off sheets. How to write an ad correctly (sample)

Some people use them for personal purposes, sometimes for work purposes. And if simply typing text in an editor does not present any difficulty, how to print tear-off slips is a more complex question, the answer to which not everyone knows. In fact, it is easy and simple, and this article will help you figure out all the tricks.

There are two types of advertisements: informational and tear-off. The second option is necessary so that the potential “client” can tear off a piece with a phone number. This will help you not to forget it and call at any convenient time.

How to print an ad in Word (informational)

First you need to choose the size of the sheet: you can make one large ad or two, but smaller ones. You can make four on one sheet of paper. But they will be quite small, unreadable and not attractive.

In the new file, you need to select “Page Layout” in the main menu and go to the “Orientation” - “Landscape” section. In the “Margins” tab, you need to select the “Custom Margins” menu and make 1 cm everywhere.

Next, we set up the centering of the text. To do this, click the “Align Center” button or in the “Format” tab, click the “Paragraph” column.

Worth picking up large size font, for example, 36. It is not recommended to use decorative, overly elaborate or handwritten fonts. The main purpose of the ad is to attract the attention of a person passing by, provide an opportunity to quickly skim over it and easily remember the information. Therefore, it is best to use the well-known standard sets - “Times New Roman”, “Calibri”, “Arial”. Do not overuse many different fonts. Two is enough. If you have a color printer, you don't need to turn your ad into a rainbow. It is enough to focus attention on several elements, using one main color - black, and a second one for highlighting.

Key points can also be highlighted in bold, but don’t get too carried away with them. Italics or bold italics should not be used at all. The number of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence should not exceed one.

It is better to print the telephone number brighter and bolder so that it attracts attention and is remembered.

How to make a tear-off ad in Word

Now the problem is a little more complicated. To do this you will need a tool such as a table. You can add it to the sheet using the menu “Insert” - “Table”. You can select required quantity columns and rows using the mouse or specify in numbers after clicking the “Insert table” button. The optimal number of columns is seven; only one row is needed.

With Word and Publisher, you can print poster letters and resize them from 1 to 1638.
For beginners, the difficulty is that it is not clear how to make the letters larger if the standard sizes are limited to font size 72.
This article discusses the issue of increasing standard size font, as well as the question of how to create a WordArt title.

How to print capital letters

1. Set the scale smaller because we need to see the sheets and the letters on them in order to edit the inscription.
1.1. In Word 2010, in the status bar we find the scale tool.
Use the slider or click the minus button to reduce the sheet size.

tool - scale

(Figure 1)

1.2. In Word 2003, the scale can be set in two ways - by selecting the desired one in the toolbar.

(Figure 2)

The second way is to click "View" / "Scale"

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)
After we have chosen the scale, we can see several sheets at once and how the inscription will look.

2. Change the size of the letters.

If you don't know how to increase the letter size (more than 72pt), then it's quite simple.
We erase what is written in the “Font Size” window:
— place the cursor inside the “Font Size” window;
— delete the number indicating the old size using the backspace or delete key;
— print the new font size, remembering that the upper limit is the number 1938 and if you type 1939, the program will report an error.
2.1. In word 2010, go to the “Home” tab, erase the old font size and type 72, and then press Enter.

(Figure 5)

2.2. In word 3003 you also need to erase the font.

(Figure 6)

Here's what I got.

(Figure 7)

Working with WordArt

This feature is not available in Word 2010, but is present in Publisher, where the inscription can be printed and copied into Word.

3. To make WordArt text, turn on the drawing panel in Word 2003; to do this, click “View” / “Toolbar” / “Drawing”. Now click on the letter A in the WordArt panel and select a font for the ad text.

(Figure 8)

And now you can write the text in full or in parts...

(Figure 9)

4. After we have received part of the text, we need to move it, move it, but it won’t work that easily - we will have to change the settings of the WordArt object. To do this, select the text, click on the selected object right click mouse and select “Format WordArt Object” in the window that appears.

(Figure 10)

5. Then in the window that appears, we must go to the “Position” tab and select “By contour”, now we can freely move and enlarge our object.

Go to the Position tab and select Along contour

(Figure 11)


If you are going to print an inscription for a poster in Word, then this can be done using regular text enlarged in size and WordArt text.
And not always new program has better opportunities and outdated word program, can print exactly the same, you just need to know the location of the tools.
Good luck with your poster.

When there is a need to sell something or offer any services, then the best way promotions of information were and remain to this day announcements. Over the past few decades, the only thing that has changed is that in addition to paper notices posted on all surfaces in the city, you can also use sites on the Internet.

For many people, familiar paper advertisements remain more suitable option. And when almost every home has personal computer or a laptop, you can create an advertising poster in the popular text editor Word with your own hands.

How to make an ad in Word?

An advertisement will help you cope with this task. In Word you can create an advertising leaflet of any format. But designers should remember the color combination: red letters on a blue background will turn off any passerby.

Information should be presented as completely as possible, but at the same time concisely. The essence must be stated in a few sentences that will immediately catch the eye of passers-by.

In Microsoft Word, you can type any text and achieve any goals using font formatting. But first you need to decide on the type of ad.

Before solving the problem of how to make an ad in Word, the user will need to understand exactly what type of flyer he or she is in.

Window ad

This type of advertising is usually printed on one A4 sheet. For correct design Requires mirror printing. For this type there is no need to create a unique and eye-catching appearance. As a rule, they perform an informational function: they report changes, additional services and so on.


Bright advertising leaflets were thrown into almost everyone's boxes. Usually they report about some event in a certain organization: the opening of a discount season, the beginning of enrollment in training courses, an invitation to an opening. Flyers take the most time to create. The background is created, then the text is printed and the company logo is added. You can add images and graphic objects if you wish.

Advertisement with tear-off sheets

It won’t be difficult to understand in Word. This type of ad is the most common. Advertising is used for buying/selling/removing invisibility, selling any items, offering repair services, and so on. Let's take a closer look at how to make an announcement in Word with tear-off slips.

Creating a table for text

First of all, you need to open a new document. The user will then need to create a table. To do this you will need:

  • Go to the "Insert" menu.
  • Open the additional menu “Tables”.
  • Select "Insert Table".

In the pop-up window you need to enter the number of columns and rows. Let's create, for ten numbers. To do this you will need to enter the following data:

  • The number of columns is ten.
  • The number of lines is two.
  • Select the entire line.
  • Right-click on it and select “Merge Cells”.

Thus, a single space was created from disparate cells. Next, you need to move the cursor over the bottom border of the first line and pull it down, increasing the space for text.

The next step is typing. You can use any font, but it is better to give preference to simple ones that do not have monograms or slants. Such text will be easier to perceive by passers-by.

After the text has been typed, it should be placed in the center. To do this you need:

  • Select the entire table by holding down Ctrl+A.
  • Go to the "Layout" menu.
  • In the “Alignment” group, select “Center.”

All text in the table will be located exactly in the middle. It is important not to forget to indicate in the first line contact information and the time at which the user can answer calls.

Changing the text direction

The next step in deciding how to make an announcement in Word with tear-off leaves is formatting the text in the cells for numbers. But first of all, you need to click on any cell in the second row and, going to the “Layout” tab, write down the data for the column width.

To begin with, just as in the case of the first line, you need to draw out the cells for the numbers. To position the text vertically in them, you need to:

  • Select the entire second line.
  • Right-click on it.
  • Select “Text Direction” from the pop-up menu.
  • In the Orientation group, click on the vertical text.

Then enter one or more phone numbers into them. To avoid typing the number for each cell, you need to copy it from the first column, then select the empty spaces and press Ctrl+V. If the cell boundaries have shifted, you can align them in the “Layout” tab, where you will need to enter the previously written data.

The announcement is ready.

You can often see paper tear-off notices at bus stops. vehicles, on the entrance doors. This article presents step by step instructions about creating such passages in the Word text editor. The program itself can be of any year of release: 2003, 2007, and so on. Regardless of the versions, the sequence of actions is approximately the same everywhere. In this case, everything will be demonstrated in version 2007.

Let's try to figure out how to make tear-off ads with phone numbers in Word. Open text Word editor. The following panel will appear in front of you:

IN different versions programs, this functional menu may differ in its appearance, but the order of actions does not change. All menu items in each version contain the same submenu items.

Please note that if you want to place as many advertisements as possible on an A4 sheet when printing, then you need to reduce the margins from the edges of the page. You can do it like this:

And, for example, set indents of 1 cm (it’s better not to put less) on each side of the A4 sheet:

By clicking on it, a window will appear for selecting the number of rows and columns in the table you are creating. We need to select two rows and the maximum possible number of columns (the visual interface allows you to select a maximum of 10):

After completing the steps described above, you will get a plate like this:

Our tear-off ad will have a title and text that will appear above the tear-offs. Therefore, we will combine the cells of the first row into one. To do this, you need to select all the cells of the first row with the mouse cursor while holding down the left mouse button, release the left mouse button, press the right mouse button without deselecting the cells, and select “Merge Cells” in the menu list that appears:

Having done this, the table will look like this:

At the top of the table we will write the heading “Advertisement”, which we will highlight in a large font size and bold, and the text “I will buy an apartment in your house”:

To make the text look good, align it to the center of the cell. To do this, select it with the mouse cursor while holding down the left key and select the “Align to Center” option (or press Ctrl+E):

In the cells of the second line we will enter the phone number by which you need to contact the author of the ad. By default, the text orientation in cells is left to right, but we need to change it to “bottom to top”. To do this, you need to select all the cells of the second row with the mouse cursor holding down the left mouse button, release the left mouse button, press the right mouse button and in the dialog box that appears, select the “Text Direction” item by pointing at it and clicking on it with the left mouse button:

As a result, the tables will look like this:

However, the cells are small in height. Therefore, you need to enlarge it by grabbing the bottom border of the table with your left mouse and dragging it out:

We enter our phone numbers into each cell, enlarge the font and align it in the middle, as in the top line:

However, we see that the text is not aligned horizontally. To do this, select the bottom cells again and, by right-clicking, select “Align Cells” -> “Center”:

In order to fit more advertisements on one A4 sheet, it is necessary to reproduce it on this page several times.

Below you can with tear-off leaves.

Hello, dear readers of the Comp-Profi website! If you want to sell, buy, rent, or rent any thing or item, you need not only you, but also other people to know about it. To do this you need to make an announcement.

You can post it on the Internet, for example, on OLX, or, for example, order it in a newspaper. But in this article we won’t talk about that. We will do everything ourselves on a computer using MS Word.

How to print an ad

If you want to tell people any information, then just print the required text in large font.

Create a new document in Word. Then, using the slider below, select the page scale so that the entire sheet is visible. Let's leave the page orientation portrait.

Type the text and select it completely - press Ctrl+A on your keyboard.

After selection, on the “Home” tab, select the right type font and size, I have “Calibri” and “28”.

Now select the title separately. Let's make it centered - on the "Home" tab, in the "Paragraph" section, click on the button with the image of stripes in the middle. Now we’ll make sure that everything written fits the width of the sheet - select the words and click the button with all the same stripes.

You can print it out. If the ad takes up only half of the page, then duplicate it again a little lower - copy and paste the inscription. Then you can cut the leaf in half, and instead of one there will be two.

If the ad doesn’t have to say a lot, but just needs a short text so that people pay attention to it, then we do the following.

First, let's change the sheet orientation to landscape. You can read more about this in the article: how to make one page in Word landscape. And in short, then open the tab "Page Layout" and in the section "Page Options" you need to click "Orientation".

Adjust the scale again using the slider at the bottom right so that the entire sheet is visible. Then type the right words.

Select them completely - press Ctrl+A. Select the desired font type and size. Place what is written in the center by clicking on the button with the corresponding image of the stripes. If you want, you can make the text bold or italic - to do this, click on the button with the letter “F” or “ TO» .

In the drop-down list with a font size, maximum 72, if you need to make an inscription larger size, then double-click on the number itself with the left mouse button and enter the desired value, I have 85.

We made a regular announcement with text. Print it, place it in the center, highlight important words in bold.

How to make tear-off ads

If you need to be able to tear off leaves in your ad, then you need to use a table and a suitable text direction for this.

Open a text editor, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Table” item. Use your mouse to select the squares that it will consist of. For me it’s 10x2, that is, you get 10 tear-off leaves. You can do less or more. To add the selected table size to the page, click on the lower right square in the area you selected.

You can read in detail about how to make a table in Word by following the link.

After the table appears on the sheet, you need to make sure that the necessary words can be printed at the top. To do this, combine all the top cells into one.

First, select them - press the left mouse button on the left margin of the sheet opposite the top line with cells. Next go to the tab "Working with tables"- “Layout”. Under Merge, select "Merge Cells".

When there is 1 cell at the top instead of 10, write what you need in it. Then place the cursor on the first cell in the second row.

Right-click on the first cell of the second row and select from the context menu "Text Direction".

In the next window, in the “Orientation” section, select one of vertical options and click on it. Then click "OK".

Change the orientation of the labels in the remaining cells in the same way.

Then enter the data that should be on the leaves so that people tear them off. Most often, this is a telephone number where you can be contacted, and brief information about the product or service you provide.

Select what is printed in the first cell and copy it - press Ctrl+C

Paste what you copied into the remaining cells - place the cursor in the cell and press Ctrl+V.

After you fill out all the tear-off sheets, select them - place the mouse italics on the field and press the left button.

Now let's make sure that the text in the small rectangles is centered. Go to the tab "Working with tables"- “Layout”. In the “Alignment” section, select from the buttons provided the one in which the stripes are placed in the center.

If there is not a lot of text, then you can reduce the width of these cells.

Without removing the selection from the cells, right-click on any one and select from the context menu.

In the next window, go to the "Column" tab. You see, at the top it is indicated which columns we are working with: “Columns 1-10”. Check the "Width" box. Enter the appropriate width, I have 1.9 cm, in the “units” field select “Centimeters”. Click OK.

Pick up suitable value width for cells with tear-off parts. If there is a lot of information there, then you can either make them smaller, in the example 10, and you make 7, or you can reduce the font size for this text.

The part of the ad containing phone numbers is already ready. Now let's look at the top cell where you need to give basic information.

Select it and go to the "Home" tab. You can increase the font, I set it to 18, change the type of font, I left it at “Calibri”. Center the text - this is a button with all the stripes drawn in the center.

To prevent the text from being too close to the edges of the table and looking crowded, move the bottom border down a little - hover the cursor over it, and when it turns into arrows, hold down the left mouse button and drag down.

Now you need the inscription to be not on top, but in the middle of the cell. Go to the tab "Working with tables"- “Layout”. Next, click “Alignment” and select the button with the image of all the stripes in the center.

The announcement with tear-off leaves in Word is ready. You can make not one, but several pieces on one sheet. To do this, select it entirely - hover over it and click on the arrows in the upper left corner of the table. Copy the table – Ctrl+C.

After that, paste them onto the sheet the required number of times – Ctrl+V. I fit 3 pieces on one sheet.

You can make announcements with tear-off leaves in different ways. Here's another example. There are only 7 parts with phone numbers, but as many as 6 of them fit on one sheet.



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