What is the largest peninsula? The largest peninsula

The blue dream of most of humanity is a house by the sea, but you know who doesn’t dream of that? Of course, those who are lucky enough to live on the ocean! What more could you ask for? Peninsulas are unique areas of land that are not completely surrounded by water, allowing everyone to easily communicate with the mainland. possible ways, and not just water and air, which are limitedly available. The fact that the peninsula is adjacent to one side mainland, makes calculating its area a rather difficult task. Therefore, the area of ​​the peninsula is a fairly arbitrary number. However, even this convention is enough to find largest peninsulas in the world
1 Arabian Peninsula, 2730 thousand km²

The largest in the world is the Arabian Peninsula, its area reaches almost three million square kilometers. Considerable size, isn't it? This square can accommodate ten Italias. But most of it is occupied by Saudi Arabia; there is still room for Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Located in southwest Asia, the Arabian Peninsula is bordered by the Red and Arabian Seas, as well as the Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf and Oman. The sun shines here tirelessly! The peninsula is rich in oil fields and natural gas.

2 West Antarctica, 2690 thousand km²

Unlike hot Arabia, West Antarctica is the coldest of the peninsulas. It is smaller in area than its hot predecessor and is one of two main regions of Antarctica that are separated by the Transarctic Mountains. This peninsula is not just cold, but very cold - most of it is covered with ice. It is interesting that although this name existed for a long time, it was documented during the International Geophysical Year - 1958.

3 Indochina, 2088 thousand km²

Let's return to Asia, to the warm sun - we move east and see the Indochina Peninsula. Its area is a little over two million square kilometers. This peninsula is washed by the Andaman and South China Seas, as well as the Gulf of Thailand, Bengal and Tonkin and the Strait of Malacca. There are many rivers here, the climate is quite humid, so rice is mostly grown here. Local states - Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam.

4 Hindustan, 2000 thousand km²

The area of ​​Hindustan is exactly two million square kilometers and it is again located in Asia. There are only three states here - Bangladesh, Pakistan and, of course, India. Residents of these countries have access to the waters of the Indian Ocean, and the only one is the Bay of Bengal.

5 Labrador, 1600 thousand km²

For now, let's leave Asia and head to the shores of North America, or rather to the shores of the Labrador Peninsula. More than one and a half million square kilometers in eastern Canada. Here you have easy access to the waters of the Atlantic, Hudson Bay and Strait, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. There are also many rivers here - Churchill, Arno, Fay, La Grande, Koksoak, Grand Balen, Petite Balen, George, Povungkituk, and many lakes. Interesting vegetation and significant fur resources - lynx, muskrat, fox.

6 Scandinavian Peninsula, 800 thousand km²

All other peninsulas on our list are significantly smaller in area than those in the first part. 800 thousand km² is the area of ​​the Scandinavian Peninsula, which is located in northwestern Europe, where it is the largest. The peninsula contains Norway and Sweden, as well as part of Finland. It is on this peninsula that there is an interesting rock - Troll's Tongue, which we recently mentioned.

7 Somalia, 750 thousand km²

The Somali Peninsula is slightly smaller in size. We return to the scorching sun again - this time to Africa. Somalia is also called the Horn of Africa - it very much resembles it in its shape. This horn is washed by the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. There are several national parks and reserves of international importance, however, nature still suffers from depletion. Many of the animals here are endangered, and there are more reptiles in Somalia than anywhere else, with 90 of them found exclusively in the Horn of Africa.

8 Iberian Peninsula, 582 thousand km²

The Iberian or Iberian Peninsula is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the peninsula is occupied by Spain, 15% by Portugal and a tiny part belongs to France, Andorra and Great Britain. The second name appeared thanks to the Iberian people who lived in this territory before.

9 Balkan Peninsula 505 thousand km²

We remain in Europe and look at the third largest Balkan Peninsula here. Half a million square kilometers cover Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is such an impressive list. And here are the Balkan Mountains, which is why the peninsula was also named. The First World War began here with the assassination of Prince Franz Ferdinand.

10 Asia Minor and Taimyr, 400 thousand km²

The last place in our top ten is shared by two large peninsulas with a roughly equal area of ​​four hundred thousand km² - Asia Minor and Taimyr. As you may have guessed, we are back in Asia again. This place is also called Anatolia - beautiful, isn’t it? The waters here are the Black, Marmara, Mediterranean and Aegean seas, as well as the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits. The entire territory of the peninsula is occupied by Türkiye.
Taimyr is located in Russia, and here it is washed by the Laptev and Kara Seas. This is the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are several rivers on the peninsula. It is quite cool here, summer is short and far from the warmest. Of course, northern animals live here, adapted to such an environment. The peninsula was uninhabited for quite a long time, but later people learned to adapt to the harsh climate.

For many people, the big dream is to have their own house by the sea, to enjoy the quiet splash of the waves every day, and in the storm to admire the enchanting beauty of the powerful elements... But there are still lucky people for whom living on the ocean is nothing special, because they live like this all my life! We are talking about the inhabitants of the greatest peninsulas on Earth - some of them are completely wild, and some of them simultaneously combine highly developed infrastructure and natural beauty. Answering the question, where is the most large peninsula in the world, we have collected best places of our planet, located on the edges of the continents - and there really is something to see there!


This place is the largest peninsula on our planet; it occupies an area approximately equal to 2,750,000 square meters. kilometers. Only the figure itself looks impressive, and if we consider it geographically, then on the peninsula with the largest territory you can fit as many as ten Italys! The Arabian Peninsula itself is divided between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and several other countries in southwest Asia. The area of ​​the peninsula is mostly deserted, but this does not mean that there is nothing to do there - even though the sun mercilessly dries out the land, but in its depths lies a huge amount of valuable resources such as oil and natural gas, which makes the Arabian Peninsula a real treasure for those countries that have rights to it.

The peninsula is washed by several bays and two seas - the Arabian (which, however, is not difficult to guess) and the Red

West Antarctica

But these lands are not nearly as valuable for people, unlike the leader of our rating described above. The fact is that this is not only perhaps the largest peninsula in the world (its area is about 2,690,000 square kilometers), but, unlike the largest Arabian, this one is also the coldest. Most of the local beauty is covered with a centuries-old layer of ice, and only penguins can appreciate the natural wealth. In fact, there is a lot to see on one of the largest peninsulas - the Transantarctic Mountains are beautiful in their icy beauty, but few people are able to withstand the harsh climatic conditions, therefore there are no human settlements in West Antarctica. Of course, the landscapes of these lands are truly breathtaking and will leave an unforgettable impression, but still, tourist tours are not at all popular here.

Penguins are perhaps the only inhabitants of West Antarctica

These two peninsulas with similar names to Russian ears are the largest in Asia, with an area of ​​208,800 and 200,000 square meters. kilometers respectively. Both are characterized by a warm and humid climate, in fact, characteristic of the entire Asian region, and are also rich in tourist attractions, which attract guests from all over the world.

In Asia, the largest peninsulas belong to various states: Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. (Indochina), and Pakistan, India and Bangladesh (Hindustan). By the way, it is on the territory of Hindustan that the famous area on the border of India and Pakistan is located - Kashmir, where many military clashes took place; now the image of Kashmir is often used as propaganda against violence.

Hindustan and Indochina are quite popular among tourists and travelers


This memorable name goes to the largest peninsula of Northern America, which is comfortably located in the eastern part of the state of Canada, among the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is popular among tourists: it’s all about a huge number rivers and lakes that are so valued by Canadian residents and visitors. In addition, among the most beautiful landscapes of the peninsula there live many animals that arouse interest among tourists: many species of foxes, lynxes, muskrats and others.

Labrador is famous for its harsh climate.


It is worth saying that Scandinavia may not be the largest peninsula in the world, but it is certainly more popular than all the others. And in northern Europe it is the largest peninsula, not to mention the fact that it is home to countries that are very significant in the world community. Sweden and Norway are entirely located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, and there is only a part of Finland there, but this does not prevent the latter from being considered a Scandinavian country. There are many tourists here throughout the year: guests come not only to get to know the culture of the countries better, but also to admire the amazing green and mountainous landscapes that the Scandinavian Peninsula certainly boasts. It will be especially exciting to visit here in winter: the mountains of Scandinavia, covered with a snow-white cap, are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena, and even their images immediately create a cozy winter mood.

The approximate area of ​​the peninsula is 800 square meters. km


On our tour of the largest peninsulas on Earth, we again returned to very hot places where the merciless sun constantly bakes.

We are talking about the Somali Peninsula, which ranks sixth in our ranking of the largest peninsulas in the world. In fact, Somalia lags behind Scandinavia by as much as 50 thousand kilometers, but despite this, Somalia is the largest in Africa (its area is 750,000 square kilometers).

It is interesting to note that in some ways this incredibly hot place has a lot in common with West Antarctica, the coldest peninsula.

The fact is that they are both almost lifeless and deserted, but only in the first case almost the entire nature of Somalia is depleted by the merciless sun, and in West Antarctica it is so deserted because an eternal harsh winter reigns there.

Many of Somalia's animals have become extinct, and the local fauna is mainly composed of reptiles

The Iberian (also known as Iberian) Peninsula is another asset of Europe, which is shared between the neighboring states of Spain and Portugal. These lands received their second name from the Iberians who once inhabited them, but now only Europeans live there. It is noteworthy that although the Spaniards believe that one of the largest peninsulas on Earth belongs only to them, in fact, France, Great Britain and Andorra also have official rights to part of the territory (albeit insignificant). However, these pieces of territory are so small that most people do not even know that the British or French live in the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain grabs where larger piece territory of the Iberian Peninsula than Portugal

Balkan Peninsula

Another European treasure is the Balkan Peninsula, which is one of the largest in the world and the third largest in Europe. We can say that these lands were literally “torn into pieces” by many states: of course, because Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Montenegro have rights to the Balkan territory - whatever one may say, this is a very impressive list of countries, and yet each has its own characteristics culture and tradition. Although the Balkan is not the largest peninsula in the world, it has certainly earned the title of the most attractive for tourists.

There really is something to see here - for example, the Turkish capital of Istanbul or the real stronghold of world culture - Athens, deserves attention, because it’s even difficult to imagine what rich history has this city since the times Ancient Greece! It turns out that the Balkan Peninsula has always had great value for the world community, many centuries ago it was the center of ancient Greek civilization, in the 20th century it was here that the First world war, V modern world same for him special influence given by the European Union.

The Balkan Peninsula covers 505,000 square meters. km in south-eastern Europe

And again we are transported to the Asian part of the mainland - Asia Minor, although last on our list, is still one of the largest peninsulas on Earth. She also holds the record for the number of seas washing her. Asia Minor belongs entirely to Turkey, and due to the wonderful seascapes and developed infrastructure, the tourism industry, which is so important for this country, flourishes here.

This peninsula has four seas - Marmara, Black, Aegean and Mediterranean.

Having looked at our rating, where the largest peninsulas on the planet are collected, we can absolutely say: they are all different from one another, and each of these places deserves to be visited! Of course, each of them is left with a certain imprint by the country to which it belongs: for example, Somalia is covered with the spirit of African poverty, and in Asia Minor you can find all the delights of Turkish tourism.

At the same time, the lands divided between several states are of particular interest - wouldn’t it be exciting to cross the thin line between England and France on the Iberian Peninsula or find out how they differ from each other? Scandinavian countries? And for lovers of extreme recreation and exotic things, we recommend visiting places that are so unpopular with traditional tourism, such as West Antarctica and Somalia - even though the climatic conditions there are more than difficult, the impressions of this trip will definitely be unforgettable!

It is interesting to live in the world, knowing this or that feature of any geographical point planets. For example, which lake is the deepest, and which city is the most populous. Or the sub-island (the one that is connected to the mainland) - which of them is the largest in area?

Especially for you, we have created the TOP 5 largest peninsulas in the world.

Gets the right to top the rating Arabian Peninsula, with an area of ​​2 million 730 thousand square meters. km. Almost all of these kilometers are deserts. Sand in deserts is a natural phenomenon. It is most pleasant on numerous beaches, because the peninsula is washed by 2 seas - the Red and Arabian and 3 gulfs - Aden, Persian and Oman. True, not all of them can be accessed freely. And if the residents of the United Arab Emirates tolerate tourists on their territory, then the radical Muslims of Saudi Arabia allow visits to their country with very great restrictions.

Located on the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and Yemen also profess Islam. One of the world's main religions was born here, and it is here that Muslims from all over the world make pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina.

The Arabian Peninsula is poor in plant life and has no permanent fresh water bodies.
The air temperature stays above 30 degrees most of the year, and there is very little precipitation. But the Persian Gulf region is rich in oil and gas, which allows the leaders of Arabian states to have a say in world politics.

Located almost at the very top of the southern hemisphere West Antarctica, is the complete opposite of Arabia. It occupies an area of ​​only 40 thousand square meters. km. smaller, covered with snow and ice instead of sand. The temperature is deeply below zero, reaching -40 degrees in June. January is the most warm month, attracts extreme tourists to West Antarctica. There is a lot to see - the icy landscapes are very different from standard tourist attractions. And although there is no vegetation here, you can admire penguins and whales.

Global warming is softening the climate of the Antarctic Peninsula; in the second half of the 20th century, the temperature here increased by 2.5 degrees, the ice is melting, and tundra is beginning to form.

All changes are closely monitored by scientists at numerous research stations - so far the only inhabitants of this harsh region.

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Let's move to East Asia to the peninsula Indochina, with an area of ​​2 million 88 thousand sq. km. The contrast with Antarctica is striking. It's warm here all year round and high humidity. Thailand and Vietnam offer a plunge into the Gulf of Thailand and the Pacific Ocean, for which they are dearly loved and are visited by tourists with pleasure. Laos and Myanmar are a little less hospitable; Cambodia generally accepts guests selectively.

From the north, the peninsula is bounded by the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Hongha rivers.

The climate is subequatorial, the vegetation is tropical. Moisture-loving forests are especially diverse on the slopes of mountains, including Annam, Arakan, and the Tanentaunji mountain range. The mangrove forests natural to this peninsula on the densely populated coast, on the contrary, are greatly thinned out. But many rice fields are cultivated.

Having crossed the Bay of Bengal, we find ourselves on Hindustan Peninsula, which is Indochina for 88 thousand square meters. km. From the west you will have to get to Hindustan through the Arabian Sea, while the south is washed directly by the Indian Ocean.

The state that occupies almost the entire peninsula is India. Some territory went to Bangladesh and partly to Pakistan. The northern border of the peninsula is usually drawn between the deltas of the Indus and Ganges rivers, which have extensive basins.

Abundance water resources affects flora, feeding tropical rainforests and savannas. Here there is a place to hide not only for numerous insects and birds, but even for elephants, not to mention monkeys.

The climate is humid and warm. The temperature difference between winter and summer is insignificant.

To find the fifth largest peninsula, you need to move to the Western Hemisphere and, in North America, pay attention to eastern Canada. Labrador Peninsula has an area of ​​1 million. 600 thousand sq. km. This peninsula is already in a temperate climate zone. Its climate is influenced by the North Arctic Ocean, which includes Hudson Bay, which surrounds the peninsula along with the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean.

The temperature in winter reaches 28 degrees below zero, so it is not surprising that there is a variety of fur-bearing animals: foxes, martens, lynxes. Forest-tundra with spruce, fir, and larches is a familiar habitat for these animals.

The first place is rightfully taken Arabian Peninsula.

The size of the Arabian Peninsula is about three and a half meters square. Saudi Arabia is located on most of its territorial part; the rest of the piece is occupied by the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and others. The huge peninsula, located in the southwestern part, is washed by seas such as the Red Sea and the Arabian, and gulfs such as the Persian and Oman. The sun on the peninsula never tires. Natural resources such as natural gas and oil deposits are also hidden here.

In second place West Antarctica.

This peninsula is the coldest among all. Its dimensions are slightly smaller than the previous one, it is the main region of Antarctica, separating the Trans-Artic mountains. This peninsula is not only very cold, but icy; the main part of it is covered with ice.

Third place. Indochina.

The space occupies a little more than two million kilometers squared. This peninsula is washed by the Andaman Sea and the South China Sea, and such gulfs as the Gulf of Thailand, Tonkin and Bengal. The peninsula has many rivers and a very humid climate.

On the fourth Hindustan.

Its size is not much, not little, but exactly two million kilometers square. It is located in Asia. There are, of course, India, Pakistan and, at the end, Bangladesh. There is one bay of Bengal, and one of the waters of the same ocean - the Indian.

Fifth place Labrador.

Refers to the American shores, more precisely North American, and to be completely reliable, to the shores belonging to the peninsula called Labrador. Occupies one and a half million square kilometers near the eastern Canadian border. Nearby are the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and there are a lot of rivers and, of course, lakes here. Animals such as lynxes and foxes live here, and quite interesting plants grow.

In sixth place is peninsula of Scandinavia.

The location of the peninsula is in the European North-West, its size does not exceed 800 thousand kilometers square. It includes Sweden, Norway, and a piece of Finland. There is a very interesting rock there called Troll's Tongue.

On the seventh is Somalia.

In parallel, Somalia is called the Horn of Africa, as its shape is reminiscent. It is washed by the ocean called the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. There are many parks and nature reserves on the peninsula, but nature still has to suffer from exhaustion. Many animal species here are at the level of extinction. Well, there are more reptiles here than in any other place.

Eighth place Iberian Peninsula

It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay. Previously, the Iberian peoples lived here, so the peninsula received another name - Iberian.

The penultimate position is occupied by Balkan Peninsula.

It occupies half a million square kilometers, on which Serbia, Türkiye, Italy, Romania, Bosnia and many others are located. There are also the Balkan Mountains, and the peninsula was named after them. After Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the First World War began here.

In last, tenth place Asia Minor and Taimyr.

These two peninsulas split the last place in half.

Seas such as the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean wash Asia Minor. Türkiye takes over the entire peninsula.

Taimyr, located in Russia, is washed by the Laptev and Kara Seas. There are large lakes and rivers on the territory. Weather conditions It's bad here, summers are very short and not warm at all. Northern animals live that are adapted to frost. For a long time no one lived on the peninsula, but over time people got used to the harsh climate.

The area of ​​the Crimean peninsula, which became part of Russia several years ago, is 27,000 km². However, land areas from this geographical category. Let's try to find the largest peninsula in the world on the Earth's globe by listing the ten largest parts of the continents that crash into the ocean or sea.

Top 10 Large Peninsulas of the World

The geography of the planet is bizarre and does not recognize strict geometric outlines. From the polar Russian coast to the harsh icy expanses of Antarctica, you can see similar islands, but sections of continents connected to the rest of the land.

10. Taimyr. The northernmost point of the Eurasian continent is located here. There is not a single city to be found on 400 thousand km². The largest settlement is the village of Karaul, where less than 800 people live. The polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen stayed in the winter hut on the site of which the village was built during his trip to Siberia. Cold rivers flow through this region and inhospitable mountains rise. Agriculture is impossible in the tundra, and the population is gradually declining.

9. The Balkan Peninsula is washed by the Black and Mediterranean seas, as well as several smaller ones. This part of Europe has always been full of life and history has been created. From medieval battles between Serbia, Byzantium and the Bulgarian Empire to the Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990s, these events took place on this 505 thousand km² landmass.

8. The Iberian or Iberian Peninsula is a distinct part of southwestern Europe. The waves of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea break on its shores. Tourists go here to see Cape Roca - the most western part European continent and the southernmost one - Cape Morocco. Located on the peninsula are Spain and Portugal, a piece of France and the tiny principality of Andorra, the territory of Gibraltar. The Cordillera Central, a mountain range 400 km long, also stretches here. The area of ​​the Iberian Peninsula is 582 thousand km².

7. Somalia was nicknamed the Horn of Africa for its characteristic shape. The waters of the Indian Ocean splash along its shores and are washed by the waves of the Gulf of Aden. The territory is occupied by plateaus and plateaus. The climate is arid and there is little precipitation. The Somali Peninsula is a real paradise for reptiles, of which there are more than 90 species. The area of ​​the site is 750 thousand km².

6. The Scandinavian Peninsula is the homeland of brave Viking sailors. In the north-west of Europe there is a stunningly beautiful land, cut by bizarre fjords. Sweden and Norway are located here, as well as part of Finland. The territory covers 800 thousand km².

5. The Labrador Peninsula is located in North America in eastern Canada. It is washed by the waves of the Atlantic, Hudson Bay and the Strait. It is here that the Gulf of St. Lawrence is located - an estuary, i.e. the place where the river of the same name flows into the ocean, which is the largest in the world. Many rivers and lakes turn this part of the mainland into an amazing natural reserve with an area of ​​1 million 600 thousand km².

4. The Hindustan Peninsula is located in the southern part of Asia. In addition to India, the states of Bangladesh and part of Pakistan are located here. The Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal splash along the coast. The climate of Hindustan is monsoon and subequatorial. Half of the area is occupied by the Deccan Plateau, localized in the central region, and the entire territory of the peninsula is 2 million km².

3. Indochina is halfway from one large state to another. Seeing in the aborigines the features of two peoples - Indians and Chinese - Europeans gave the corresponding name to the peninsula in southeast Asia. The waves of the South China Sea, Bay of Bengal, Strait of Malacca and Andaman Sea crash on its shores. The southern part stretches a narrow strip of the Malacca Peninsula to the south. The total area of ​​Indochina is 2 million 88 thousand km².

2. West Antarctica is a lifeless expanse of the southern continent hidden by an ice crust. The Transantarctic Mountains separate this landmass from another major region of the mainland. The territory is 2 million 690 thousand km².

The largest peninsula in the world

The largest area is occupied by an arid and desert region, the only riches of which are oil, natural gas and sand.

1. The Arabian Peninsula is mostly occupied Saudi Arabia and is located in the southwestern part of Asia. Smaller states on the territory of the landmass are Yemen, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. All this is located on 3 million 250 thousand km². The shores of the peninsula are washed by the Gulf of Oman, Aden and Persian Gulfs, the Arabian and Red Seas.

The peninsula that exists in the world is larger than West Antarctica or Indochina. The Arabian land is entirely desert with skyscraper cities built thanks to oil and gas wealth.



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