Interesting stories for children 6 7. Instructive bedtime stories for children

This section of our website contains stories from our favorite Russian writers for children aged 7-10 years. Many of them are included in the basic school curriculum and the curriculum extracurricular reading for 2nd and 3rd grade. However, these stories are worth reading not for the sake of a line in reader's diary. Being classics of Russian literature, the stories of Tolstoy, Bianchi and other authors have educational and educational functions. In these short works, the reader encounters good and evil, friendship and betrayal, honesty and deception. Younger schoolchildren learn about the life and way of life of previous generations.

The stories of the classics not only teach and edify, but also entertain. The funny stories of Zoshchenko, Dragunsky, Oster are familiar to every person since childhood. Plots understandable to children and light humor made the stories the most readable works among junior schoolchildren.

Read interesting stories Russian writers online on our website!

This section is under development and will be filled soon interesting works with illustrations.

Unfortunately, modern fairy tales, despite their diversity and huge amount, do not carry the brilliant semantic load that children's literature of past years can boast of. Therefore, we are increasingly introducing our children to the works of writers who have long established themselves as skilled masters of writing. One of these masters is Nikolai Nosov, known to us as the author of The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends, Mishkina Porridge, Entertainers, Vitya Maleev at School and at Home and other equally popular stories.

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It is worth noting that Nosov’s stories, which can be read by children at any age, are difficult to classify as fairy tales. These are rather artistic narratives about the lives of ordinary boys who, like everyone else in childhood, went to school, made friends with the guys and found adventures in completely unexpected places and situations. Nosov's stories are a partial description of the author's childhood, his dreams, fantasies and relationships with peers. However, it is worth noting that the author was not at all interested in literature, and certainly did not try to write anything for the public. The turning point in his life was the birth of his son. Nosov's fairy tales were born literally on the fly, when a young father lulled his son to sleep, telling him about the adventures of ordinary boys. This is how a simple adult man turned into a writer whose stories have been reread by more than one generation of children.

After some time, Nikolai Nikolaevich realized that he could write witty and funny stories about the guys, this is the best thing he could imagine. The writer got down to business seriously and began publishing his works, which immediately became popular and in demand. The author turned out to be a good psychologist, and thanks to his competent and sensitive approach to the boys, Nosov’s stories are very easy and enjoyable to read. Light irony and wit do not offend the reader in any way; on the contrary, it makes you smile once again or even laugh at the heroes of truly living fairy tales.

Nosov's stories for children will seem simple interesting story, the adult reader involuntarily recognizes himself in childhood. It is also pleasant to read Nosov’s fairy tales for the reason that they were written in simple language without sugary dilutions. It is also surprising that the author was able to avoid ideological implications in his stories, which was the sin of children's writers of that time.

Of course, it is best to read Nosov’s fairy tales in the original, without any adaptations. That is why on the pages of our website you can read all of Nosov’s stories online without fear for the safety of the originality of the author’s lines.

Read Nosov's fairy tales


A funny story about a mischievous deceiver, schoolgirl Ninochka. A story for elementary school and middle school age students.

Harmful Ninka Kukushkina. Author: Irina Pivovarova

One day Katya and Manechka went out into the yard, and there sat on a bench Ninka Kukushkina in a brand new brown school dress, a brand new black apron and a very white collar (Ninka was a first grader, she boasted that she was an A student, but she herself was a D student) and Kostya Palkin in a green cowboy jacket, sandals on bare feet and a blue cap with a large visor.

Ninka enthusiastically lied to Kostya that she had met a real hare in the forest in the summer and this hare made Ninka so happy that he immediately climbed into her arms and did not want to get off. Then Ninka brought him home, and the hare lived with them for a whole month, drinking milk from a saucer and guarding the house.

Kostya listened to Ninka with half an ear. Stories about hares did not bother him. Yesterday he received a letter from his parents saying that perhaps in a year they would take him to Africa, where they were now living and building a dairy canning plant, and Kostya sat and thought about what he would take with him.

“Don’t forget the fishing rod,” thought Kostya. “A trap for snakes is a must... A hunting knife... I need to buy it at the Okhotnik store.” Yes, there's still a gun. Winchester. Or a double-barreled shotgun."

Then Katya and Manechka came up.

- What is this! - said Katya, after hearing the end of the “rabbit” story. “It’s nothing!” Just think, a hare! Hares are nonsense! A real goat has been living on our balcony for a whole year now. Call me Aglaya Sidorovna.

“Yeah,” said Manechka. “Aglaya Sidorovna.” She came to visit us from Kozodoevsk. We have been eating goat's milk for a long time.

“Exactly,” said Katya. “Such a kind goat!” She brought us so much! Ten bags of chocolate-covered nuts, twenty cans of goat’s condensed milk, thirty packs of Yubileinoye cookies, and she eats nothing but cranberry jelly, bean soup and vanilla crackers!

“I’ll buy a double-barreled shotgun,” Kostya said respectfully. “You can kill two tigers at once with a double-barreled shotgun... Why specifically vanilla ones?”

- So that the milk smells good.

- They're lying! They don't have any goats! — Ninka got angry. “Don’t listen, Kostya!” You know them!

- Just as it is! She sleeps in a basket at night fresh air. And during the day he sunbathes in the sun.

- Liars! Liars! If a goat lived on your balcony, it would bleat throughout the entire yard!

- Who bleated? For what? - Kostya asked, having managed to immerse himself in thoughts about whether or not to take his aunt’s lotto to Africa.

- And she bleats. You'll hear it for yourself soon... Now let's play hide and seek?

“Come on,” said Kostya.

And Kostya began to drive, and Manya, Katya and Ninka ran to hide. Suddenly a loud goat bleating was heard in the yard. It was Manechka who ran home and bleated from the balcony:

- B-e-e... Me-e-e...

Ninka crawled out of the hole behind the bushes in surprise.

- Kostya! Listen!

“Well, yes, he’s bleating,” said Kostya. “I told you...

And Manya ran back last time and ran to help.

Now Ninka was driving.

This time Katya and Manechka ran home together and began bleating from the balcony. And then they went down and, as if nothing had happened, ran to the rescue.

- Listen, you really have a goat! - said Kostya. “What were you hiding before?”

- She's not real, not real! - Ninka shouted. “They have a groovy one!”

- Here's another one, catchy! Yes, she reads our books, counts to ten and even knows how to speak like a human being. Let's go and ask her, and you stand here and listen.

Katya and Manya ran home, sat down behind the balcony bars and bleated in one voice:

- Ma-a-ma! Ma-a-ma!

- Well, how? - Katya leaned out. - Do you like it?

“Just think,” said Ninka. - “Mom” every fool can say. Let him read some poem.

“I’ll ask you now,” Manya said, squatted down and shouted to the whole yard:

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

The old women on the benches turned their heads in bewilderment, and the janitor Sima, who at that time was diligently sweeping the yard, became wary and raised her head.

- Well, isn’t it great? - said Katya.

- Amazing! — Ninka made a sly face. “But I don’t hear anything.” Ask your goat to read poetry louder.

Here Manechka starts screaming obscenities. And since Manya had the right voice, and when Manya tried, she could roar so that the walls shook, it is not surprising that after the poem about the whiny Tanya, people’s heads began to poke out of all the windows with indignation, and Matvey Semyonicheva Alpha, who at this ran around in the yard for a while, barking deafeningly.

And the janitor Sima... There’s no need to talk about her! Her relationship with the Skovorodkin children was not the best anyway. They are sick of Sima to death with their antics.

Therefore, having heard inhuman screams from the balcony of apartment eighteen, Sima rushed straight into the entrance with her broom and began pounding on the door of apartment eighteen with her fists.

And the most mischievous Ninka, pleased that she managed to teach Frying Pans a lesson so well, glanced at the angry Sima, and sweetly said, as if nothing had happened:

- Well done, your goat! Excellent poetry reader! Now I’ll read something to her.

And, dancing and sticking out her tongue, but not forgetting to adjust the blue nylon bow on her head, the cunning, harmful Ninka squealed very disgustingly.

This year, guys, I turned forty years old. So it turns out that I saw forty times Christmas tree. That's a lot!

Well, for the first three years of my life I probably didn’t understand what a Christmas tree was. Mannerically, my mother carried me out in her arms. And I probably looked at the decorated tree with my black little eyes without interest.

And when I, children, turned five years old, I already perfectly understood what a Christmas tree was.

And I was looking forward to it happy holiday. And I even spied through the crack of the door as my mother decorated the Christmas tree.

And my sister Lelya was seven years old at that time. And she was an exceptionally lively girl.

She once told me:

When I was little, I really loved ice cream.

Of course, I still love him. But then it was something special - I loved ice cream so much.

And when, for example, an ice cream maker with his cart was driving down the street, I immediately began to feel dizzy: I wanted so much to eat what the ice cream maker was selling.

And my sister Lelya also exclusively loved ice cream.

I had a grandmother. And she loved me very dearly.

She came to visit us every month and gave us toys. And in addition, she brought with her a whole basket of cakes.

Of all the cakes, she let me choose the one I liked.

But my grandmother didn’t really like my older sister Lelya. And she didn't let her choose the cakes. She herself gave her whatever she needed. And because of this, my sister Lelya whined every time and was more angry with me than with her grandmother.

One day summer day Grandma came to our dacha.

She has arrived at the dacha and is walking through the garden. She has a basket of cakes in one hand and a purse in the other.

I studied for a very long time. There were still gymnasiums back then. And the teachers then put marks in the diary for each lesson asked. They gave any score - from five to one inclusive.

And I was very small when I entered the gymnasium, the preparatory class. I was only seven years old.

And I still didn’t know anything about what happens in gymnasiums. And for the first three months I literally walked around in a fog.

And then one day the teacher told us to memorize a poem:

The moon shines merrily over the village,

White snow sparkles with blue light...

My parents loved me very dearly when I was little. And they gave me many gifts.

But when I got sick with something, my parents literally bombarded me with gifts.

And for some reason I got sick very often. Mainly mumps or sore throat.

And my sister Lelya almost never got sick. And she was jealous that I got sick so often.

She said:

Just wait, Minka, I too will somehow fall ill, and then our parents will probably start buying everything for me too.

But, as luck would have it, Lelya was not ill. And only once, putting a chair by the fireplace, she fell and broke her forehead. She groaned and moaned, but instead of the expected gifts, she received several spanks from our mother, because she put a chair near the fireplace and wanted to get her mother’s watch, and this was forbidden.

One day Lelya and I took a box of chocolates and put a frog and a spider in it.

Then we wrapped this box in clean paper, tied it with a chic blue ribbon and placed this package on the panel facing our garden. It was as if someone was walking and lost their purchase.

Having placed this package near the cabinet, Lelya and I hid in the bushes of our garden and, choking with laughter, began to wait for what would happen.

And here comes a passerby.

When he sees our package, he, of course, stops, rejoices and even rubs his hands with pleasure. Of course: he found a box of chocolates - this doesn’t happen very often in this world.

With bated breath, Lelya and I watch what will happen next.

The passerby bent down, took the package, quickly untied it and, seeing beautiful box, I was even more delighted.

When I was six years old, I did not know that the Earth is spherical.

But Styopka, the owner’s son, with whose parents we lived at the dacha, explained to me what land was. He said:

The earth is a circle. And if you go straight, you can go around the entire Earth and still end up in the very place you came from.

When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.

Firstly, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter especially attracted Lelya and me.

Secondly, adults always told interesting facts from your life. And this amused Lelya and me.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they became bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. She chattered endlessly. And I also sometimes inserted my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And at first mom and dad were even pleased that the guests saw such our intelligence and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss started telling some story incredible story about how he saved a fireman.

Petya was not like that little boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She spoon-fed him, took him for walks by the hand, and dressed him herself in the morning.

One day Petya woke up in his bed. And his mother began to dress him. So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was being naughty and put him back on his feet. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and placed it near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad at the service on the phone.

She told dad:

Come home quickly. Something happened to our boy - he can’t stand on his legs.

When the war began, Kolya Sokolov could count to ten. Of course, it’s not enough to count to ten, but there are children who can’t even count to ten.

For example, I knew one little girl Lyalya who could only count to five. And how did she count? She said: “One, two, four, five.” And I missed “three”. Is this a bill? This is downright ridiculous.

No, it is unlikely that such a girl will become a scientist or a mathematics professor in the future. Most likely, she will be a domestic worker or a junior janitor with a broom. Since she's so incapable of numbers.

Works are divided into pages

Zoshchenko's stories

When in distant years Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote his famous children's stories, then he was not at all thinking about the fact that everyone would laugh at the cocky boys and girls. The writer wanted to help children become good people. Series " Zoshchenko's stories for children" matches school curriculum literary instruction for junior school classes. It is primarily addressed to children who are between the ages of seven and eleven years and includes Zoshchenko's stories various topics, trends and genres.

Here we have collected wonderful children's stories by Zoshchenko, read which is a great pleasure, because Mikhail Mahailovich was a true master of words. M. Zoshchenko's stories are filled with kindness; the writer was unusually able to portray children's characters, the atmosphere of the most youth filled with naivety and purity.

Interesting short educational stories by Valentina Oseeva for children of senior preschool and primary school age.


Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

Did your mom allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother again,” says Lena. Katya arrives the next day.

Well, did your brother allow it? - Lena asks.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

“I’m careful,” says Lena.

Look, says Katya, don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

“I just need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass,” says Lena.

“That’s a lot,” says Katya, and her eyebrows frown. And she made a dissatisfied face. Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

Well, what are you doing? Take it!

No need,” Lena answers. During the lesson the teacher asks:

Why, Lenochka, are the leaves on your trees blue?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend? Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a lobster and said:

I gave it to her, but she doesn’t take it. The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

Shame on you!

What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.

This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.


One day mom said to dad:

And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.

No way! What is not allowed is not allowed!


Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; Now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

Sit down, grandma! - Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

That's how smart you are!


The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. War broke out. A mother saw off three sons - three fighters - to war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy at sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!


Every evening, dad took a notebook and pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother.

Well, what are your achievements? - he asked.

Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all the good and useful things a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down Tanya's achievements in a notebook.

One day he asked, holding his pencil ready as usual:

Well, what are your achievements?

Tanya was washing the dishes and broke a cup,” said the grandmother.

Hm... - said the father.

Dad! - Tanya begged. - The cup was bad, it fell on its own! There is no need to write about it in our achievements! Just write: Tanya washed the dishes!

Fine! - Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that next time, when washing dishes, the other one will be more careful!


IN kindergarten there were a lot of toys. Clockwork locomotives ran along the rails, airplanes hummed in the room, and elegant dolls lay in strollers. The guys all played together and everyone had fun. Only one boy did not play. He collected a whole bunch of toys near him and protected them from the children.

My! My! - he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.

The children did not argue - there were enough toys for everyone.

We play so well! How much fun we have! - the boys boasted to the teacher.

And I'm bored! - the boy shouted from his corner.

Why? - the teacher was surprised. - You have so many toys!

But the boy could not explain why he was bored.

Yes, because he is not a player, but a watchman, the children explained for him.


Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate towards him.

“Deli one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and divided them into two piles.

Smooth? - Vova asked.

Misha looked at the crowd with his eyes:

Exactly... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandma served tea to both of them. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.

Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha said.

Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread...


Tolya often came running from the yard and complained that the guys were hurting him.

“Don’t complain,” your mother once said, “you have to treat your comrades better yourself, then your comrades won’t offend you!”

Tolya went out onto the stairs. On the playground, one of his offenders, the neighbor boy Sasha, was looking for something.

“My mother gave me a coin for bread, but I lost it,” he explained gloomily. - Don't come here, otherwise you'll trample!

Tolya remembered what his mother told him in the morning and hesitantly suggested:

Let's look together!

The boys began to search together. Sasha was lucky: a silver coin flashed under the stairs in the very corner.

Here she is! - Sasha was delighted. - She got scared of us and found herself! Thank you. Go out into the yard. The guys will not be touched! Now I’m just running for bread!

He slid down the railing. From the dark flight of stairs came cheerfully:



Uncle sat down on the suitcase and opened his notebook.

Well, what should I bring to whom? - he asked.

The guys smiled and moved closer.

I need a doll!

And I have a car!

And a crane for me!

And for me... And for me... - The guys vied with each other to order, my uncle took notes.

Only Vitya sat silently on the sidelines and didn’t know what to ask... At home, his entire corner is littered with toys... There are carriages with a steam locomotive, and cars, and cranes... Everything, everything the guys asked for, Vitya has had it for a long time... He doesn’t even have anything to wish for... But his uncle will bring it to every boy and every girl new toy, and only he, Vitya, will not bring anything...

Why are you silent, Vityuk? - asked my uncle.

Vitya sobbed bitterly.

I... have everything... - he explained through tears.


The little girl's mother got sick. The doctor came and saw that mom was holding her head with one hand and tidying up her toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

Bring me the cubes!

The mother picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, and gave them to her daughter.

What about the doll? Where's my doll? - the girl screams again.

The doctor looked at this and said:

Until her daughter learns to tidy up her toys herself, mom will not recover!


I offended my friend. I pushed a passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone left me. I was left alone and cried bitterly.

Who punished him? - asked the neighbor.

“He punished himself,” my mother answered.


The big black dog's name was Zhuk. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But they could not decide who the owner of the Beetle was, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.

One day they were walking through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!”

No, my, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and carried tasty morsels for her!



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