Interesting competitions in nature. Divination with matches. What are the contests

Great, summer is just around the corner. This means that we are waiting for warmth and field trips. What do you expect from outdoor recreation? Barbecue and great time? Then we will help you. You will make kebabs yourself, but here are new ones cool contests in nature for a fun company of adults, which we will describe to you, will help arrange an unforgettable show in nature in the summer.

Flying saucer.
For this show jumping you will need a flying saucer - frisbee. It is desirable to have more of these plates, for example, five pieces. The game is played according to simple rules:
- at different distances draw circles with a diameter of, for example, 1 meter. Draw a line for the players. Players must not step behind this line and throw plates from it so that they land exactly in circles. Whoever can get the most out of 10 attempts exactly in the circles wins.
This competition is more for sports and gambling people.

Fill up a glass.
And this competition is for the whole company. Do you need plastic disposable cups and plastic bottles with lids. The lids have one hole. The bottles are filled with water. The cups are placed on a stump, the participants take bottles of water in their hands and move 1-3 meters away. At the leader's command, they must press their bottle so that water starts to splash from the hole. And so they must fill their glass.
But remember that an empty plastic cup is light. And from the jet of water, he will fall. So here you can not do without tactics! When everyone has poured water from the bottle, they measure the water in each cup. Who could pour more, he wins.

Relay race!
This is a very fun contest. We need to split into two teams. Place beer bottles for each team so they can run around. At the end, each team has glasses according to the number of participants in the team. The glasses are filled with beer. Also, sticks are stuck into the ground at the beer glasses. At the command of the host, the first participants run to the beer, running around the snake bottle. They run up to the glasses and drink one glass of beer. Then they hold a stick in the ground with one hand and run around it 10 times. After they return back to their team, I also run around the bottles. But it will not be easy to do this, because after spinning, your head will spin. And falls are inevitable.
See how young vacationers played this contest:

Competition - buttons.
This competition is interesting in that you have to do everything right here. Each team has 2 people. One sits on a chair or stump, it is possible on the grass. And the second participant stands behind him. The host asks a question, and if the second participant knows the answer, then he must “press” the head of the first, as if on a button. And the first participant must make a button sound. It can be any sound. Only when the button has made a sound can you respond.
So teamwork is important here. And if someone thinks and forgets, then you can lose. Think of any questions. For example, you went to nature for your birthday. You can come up with questions about the birthday.

When adults get out into nature, into the forest or to barbecues for just a few hours, they want to leave all their seriousness for this time and arrange games in nature for a cheerful company of adults.

Of course, mobile games fresh air require some preparation, fresh ideas, but you can limit yourself to the usual set:

  • playing cards;
  • fun with the ball;
  • famous game"crocodile".

But vacationers will like fun, perky games for fresh air that will captivate everyone present at the picnic much more.


For this competition, you will need a rope that you need to randomly pull between the trees to form a semblance of a web. After that, the participants must quickly get through the "web" without touching it.

Silent system

The host must line up the participants in a row and explain to them the rules of the game. So, the leader, passing behind the formation, each participant will clap his hand on the back different amount times (which is its serial number). Then, at the signal, the participants must silently, without uttering a sound, line up in the indicated order. The joke is that the host can assign the same numbers to two participants, and skip some. This is where the row confusion comes in. Such games in nature for cheerful company it is useful to shoot on camera, because later it will be amusing for the participants themselves to look at themselves from the side: winking, inarticulately lowing, pushing one with the other. Fun entertainment!

Boar hunting

With great success, you can add this game to outdoor games for a company of adults, in which you first need to recruit two teams of hunters and a “boar victim”. Hunter weapons can be stickers, and each team has its own color. They need to be glued to the target - a cardboard circle lined with circles, tied to the “boar” just below the back. The fleeing "boar" must dodge, and the goal of the hunters is to hit as accurately as possible. After the agreed time has passed, the game stops and the winning team is determined, which hit the target more often. She gets the prize or she comes up with a punishment for the losing team. This and other fun competitions in nature will amuse any company, turning an outing into nature into a great vacation.


In this game, each participant, in addition to Have a good mood, you will need a piece of cardboard or paper. Nearby, it is necessary to protect the territory of a conditional “swamp” with branches and other improvised materials, which the participants must overcome. But they cannot go straight through the swamp, but only over bumps, which are pieces of cardboard. The game is quite simple, but requires a certain dexterity, and stumbled and "drowning" participants will cause everyone to laugh.


This is the name of the game, which is the classic game of hide and seek turned inside out. If in the latter one driver is looking for all the other hidden participants, then in the “sardines” everyone is looking for one. Moreover, the one who found the hidden person joins him, and this continues until the last participant has to look for everyone else. Of course, the hiding place must be large enough to accommodate all the players hiding in it.

Gift Hunters

At a barbecue picnic by the lake, this game is perfect. Its participants need to be divided into several teams, which will be united by the goal to find hidden treasures faster than others:

  • beverages;
  • fruit;
  • snacks.

A dozen notes are made, each of which indicates where to look for the next one. In this case, part of the notes must be hidden, and the other can be placed in the exchange office. To get it there, you have to complete a pre-designed task, which can be very unusual and fun. From this fun, you can make an interesting corporate game in nature that can rally a new team.

Tear off your hat

Anyone looking for games active rest in nature, can play this simple but fun game on any open area or in the park. The participants in the game must form a circle, in the center of which they launch two players who have:

  • one hand is tied to the body;
  • a hat is put on the head.

In the game, everyone seeks to remove the hat from the opponent's head and not allow their own to be stolen. Noise and fun for 20 minutes are provided.

Bring the egg

This fun game is good for a picnic and will require you to form two teams of participants. A member of each team must bring to a real or conditional pan a raw egg, which lies in a spoon sandwiched between the teeth, and pass it to the cook. Of course, the egg cannot be taken in hand.

Video about outdoor games for a company of adults


Participants are divided into pairs or teams, they are given an arbitrary number of pieces of paper on which they write phrases or individual words. The papers are folded and folded into a hat. The first team is determined by lot. One participant must guess, and the other must guess the word. In a minute you need to explain to your team how you can more words from pieces of paper, without naming them directly or using the same root words. The game continues until the end of all pieces of paper with riddles. Then the results are calculated, the team that guessed the most words wins.

ball games

Comic football variant

Outdoor outdoor games for teenagers can be interesting not only for classic football, but also for its parody form. For example, you need to divide the participants into two teams, outline the gates, because goals will have to be scored here too. Then the players of each team are first divided into pairs and the right leg of one player is tied to the left of the other. And now the players, hobbled in this way, are trying to take possession of the ball, bring it to someone else's goal and score a goal. More often, they fall on the grass with laughter.

"Blind" soccer player

Another variation on the theme of football. You can safely play it in the forest, since even the semblance of a football field is not required. A contestant ready to look ridiculous is chosen as the "blind" football player who is blindfolded. A ball is then placed in front of him, and the player himself is spun. Then he must blindly hit the ball. The first participant can be chosen by lot, and the winner can nominate another “victim” as a prize. It turns out a kind of mobile ball game in the air.

What games do you like to play outdoors? Tell about it in

Birthday is important, if not the most main holiday in everyone's life. There are many ways to celebrate it, but those born during a blooming spring, lush summer or quiet early autumn are more fortunate.

Because it is a unique holiday even in the most banal scenario. Except for cases when merging with nature means eating barbecue with an abundance of alcohol and then “spreading” home.

So, it was decided to walk under open sky. Pre you need to consider the following:

- location: a clearing in a park, by a river or lake, a nearby forest or a tourist base.

- menu: ready-made snacks, grilled or campfire dishes.

- service and equipment depend on the previous two points.

- entertainment program- without them, a birthday will not be different from a regular picnic.

The scenario of the holiday requires preparation. Therefore, as soon as the venue for the birthday party is chosen and the number of guests is specified, you need to start organizing leisure activities. This can be implemented in various ways.

Method one. Holiday without worries

If there is no desire and time for “amateur activities” and there is a certain amount of free finance, you can lay the organization and further holding of a birthday in nature on the shoulders of specialists. Several options are also possible here - the organization of a turnkey holiday (when the selected agency handles the feast, entertainment, and transportation of guests) or “part-time employment of specialists” (this is either a program with animators, or an exit “restaurant”).

Method two. Holiday from scratch

The organization of leisure is carried out by the hero of the occasion himself or his assistants-friends.

You can entertain guests with the help of active games, sports relay races, table quizzes, music competitions and dancing, fireworks and fireworks. When choosing entertainment, be sure to take into account the age of the guests, the degree of acquaintance with each other, and the games should be clear, simple and do not require special equipment.

Active games birthday party in nature

The variety of active games is great both between teams and several participants. Some of them:

"Gift from the Forest"- guests disperse around the area and bring a souvenir to the birthday man, inventing a name and history for him: for example, a staff - helping to confidently walk through life, or a bouquet forest herbs- a symbol of health and longevity. The winner is determined by the hero of the occasion.

"Treasure"- two teams receive a pre-drawn map and look for a treasure on the ground. A treasure can be an object useful for recreation, an inflatable ring or a ball, a bottle of water or champagne.

"Ball Fight"- under the formidable name hides a cheerful fuss with balloon tied to the leg of each participant. Moving on a limited playing field, you need to burst more opponent's balls, stepping on them, and keeping your own intact.

"Tourist"- each of the players must put on different things and collect the equipment scattered before that across the clearing - they play for a while. The sight of the tourists is very funny.

Sport games and relay races for a holiday in nature

You can warm up after a meal by playing mini-football, volleyball, or "knocking out" - these games are universal, they are played both on land and in water. Relay races will not only cheer up, but also amuse the guests:

"Three Legs"- the guests are divided into pairs, the players have two legs tied: the left leg of one and the right of the other. And so, on "three legs", they reach the flag and return to the team.

"Forest Run"- guests are given the roles of "hares", "boars", "bears" and so on. On command, they start in pairs and must represent animals until the very finish line. Those who were both faster and more convincing win.

"Cunning Dragon"- teams depict dragons, lined up in a snake. The first player is the head, the last is the tail, and in the middle are several "parts" of the body. During the game, all the “parts of the dragon” hold each other by the waist with their hands, it is impossible to break the chain. The task of the "head" of one dragon is to catch another by the "tail".

Entertainment at the table

Word contests, quizzes with questions are usually held at the table. They can help out a lot when guests you need to introduce or rally, or they are tired of active games.

"Acquaintance"- the paper towel is torn into many small pieces and each of the guests takes a few pieces for himself. After that, each guest tells about himself as many facts from his biography as he took the pieces of paper.

Quiz: "Who knows the birthday man better"- among the questions are facts from the life of the hero of the occasion, including those where guests are mentioned. The quiz will unite the company, and the prize will go to the one who answers the most questions correctly.

"Birthday telegram"- guests name adjectives that fit into a pre-prepared text and are read out by the host of the competition. It is interesting when all the guests are mentioned in the telegram - each of them sometimes receives an unexpected description.

Fun quizzes with questions:

"Question answer". Questions about the birthday man and funny answers are prepared in advance - the guests take turns pulling out first a trick question, and then a piece of paper with the answer - such “coincidences” will always make you laugh.

"Questions-riddles" with a catch, for example: How do day and night end? (Soft sign).

Song contests and dances

A dance program is always appropriate - what is a birthday party without a disco? Dance competitions for endurance, round dances can become part of the disco.

Song contests can be held at the table or by the fire, and if the company has a guitarist or accordion player, such contests will turn out to be much more interesting and brighter. And if there is no accompanist, then everyone can become one, having received as musical instrument any object - a plastic plate, foil, grill grate, glass, etc.

"Song Experts"- The theme of the competition can be songs about summer, about spring or autumn, about a birthday. Which of the teams will sing more songs (verses) dedicated to the chosen topic - that one wins.

"Day Night"- the competition consists in the fact that teams perform verses on opposite topics. For example, one part of the guests sings a verse from a love song, the other part sings about parting, and so on. The team that surrenders first loses.

Salute, fireworks, launch sky lanterns or balloons

It is always an amazing sight and positive emotions. Such entertainment for the birthday man is often a pleasant surprise at the end of the holiday. But you should remember the safety rules, especially if the birthday is held in the forest, where "fiery spectacles" may not always end in a positive way.

In any case, a birthday spent under clear sky in a friendly company, with competitions and games, relay races and quizzes will give everyone a lot of joy, laughter, fun, and with such a positive charge New Year in the life of the birthday man will be sure to be successful.

In warm summer day nice to relax in nature. Competitions will help to spend leisure time fun and interesting. Children and adults will be happy to participate in relay races and competitions. Active games will give you the opportunity to warm up physically and bring positive emotions. Everyday bustle will recede into the background and give place to fun and joy.

    Game "Severe Pioneer"

    Everyone who wants to participate. To conduct the game, you will need newspapers, from which players must make caps for themselves, and small plastic cups, of such a size that they can be put on the head and covered with a cap.

    One driver is chosen. He departs. The players at this time fill one cup with water, and someone hides it under the cap. The driver returns and tries to understand who has a glass on his head. He hits the cap of the selected player from above. If he guesses, then the participant with a glass takes the place of the driver. If he makes a mistake, he retreats again and gives the players the opportunity to re-hide the glass.

    Game "Sardines"

    Everyone who wants to participate. The principle of the game "Sardines" is similar to hide and seek. All participants close their eyes. One player is hiding. You can’t peep, otherwise it will be uninteresting. Then everyone starts looking for the hidden player. The one who finds it must hide with it, unnoticed by other participants. When one of the other players finds them, they also join them in the cache. As a result, the participants lie in ambush, like sardines in a jar. The last two players are looking for the whole company. The one who finds the participants last becomes the leader.

    Game "Uncle"

    Everyone who wants to participate. You will need a lot of space to play the game.

    One player, voluntarily or by drawing lots, is declared "uncle". He stands with his back to the rest of the participants. The players move away. Then they begin to move towards the driver. With each step, the participants take turns asking: “Uncle, what day is it today?”. The driver answers them with funny phrases. When he decides that the participants have come close enough, he says that today is hunting day, and rushes to catch them. The caught player becomes the new driver.

    An active relay game for a fun children's company. To carry it out, you will need 2 tennis balls. You need to choose a flat area on which 2 trees grow on the same line, and mark the start line in the distance.

    All children are divided into 2 groups. Each of them receives a tennis ball. Teams line up in 2 lines in front of the starting line. The first participants pinch the ball between their knees. After the “start” signal, they begin, like bunnies, to jump to the tree, then go around it and return back to pass the baton to the next player of their team. Thus, all participants must pass the distance. If the "bunny" drops the ball along the way, he must return to the start. The task can be complicated by inviting the children to hold their hands above their heads while jumping, imitating hare ears.

    The team whose members complete the task the fastest wins.

    The game "Kalistop"

    All interested children participate. During the game, they will change each other.

    Two children start the game. While one of them says: “Calistop, calistop, one, two, three, four, stop,” the other, with all his strength, runs forward. At the word "stop" the running child stops. The player who uttered the speech must determine the distance to the standing participant by eye. He calls the number of giants (large steps) and midgets (additional steps, when the heel is attached to the toe) and takes the announced number of steps. If he does not reach the second participant or steps over, other children try. The next runner is the child who manages to most accurately determine the distance to the standing player.

    From 3 to 6 couples "man-woman" participate in the competition. The host asks each couple to come up with a name for themselves or gives them comic nicknames.

    The task of each team is to overcome the designated distance in a special way, fill the bag with sand and bring it back. The man takes a supine position (face down), rises on his hands and rests on his palms. The woman takes the partner by the ankles and raises his legs. In this way, the couple gets to their destination, where they quickly pick up sand. Then the man puts the woman on her back, picks up a sandbag and runs back. 5 minutes are allotted for the competition.

    The winner is the pair that brings more bags in the allotted time.

    Game "Putanka"

    All children who want to play. Participants become in a circle. The driver walks in the middle. He points to any player and gives some command (for example, "hands up"). The participant pointed out by the driver should freeze without moving, and the neighbors on the left and right should raise their hands. This must be done quickly. Then the driver points to other players, giving some more commands (for example, “crouch”, “jump”, “sing”, “raise right hand”, “raise your left leg”, “sneeze”, “laugh out loud”, “crow”). Neighbors must perform the named task.

    Children who get confused and deviate from the rules are eliminated. The game continues until the last three players.

    Game "Can"

    Everyone who wants to play. One person is designated as leader. He picks up a watch with a second hand.

    The game begins with the leader calling any letter. The task of the rest of the participants is to take turns naming objects that can be placed in a can with this letter. The one on whom the hitch occurs has 30 seconds to save. If he fails to come up with anything during this time, he is out of the game and becomes a "doctor". The letter for the words changes and the game continues. "Doctor" can save dying players. Three rescued participants give him the right to enter the game again. The game continues until the interest is gone.

    Children are divided into several teams of 4 people each. The participants of each group stand in a row (in the back of each other's head), take hold of the waist and squat down, forming a centipede. The facilitator invites the children to show how the centipede dances, moves, goes to bed, wakes up, and does other actions. The team that works best together wins.

"Pantomime" is a favorite game of sincere companies. A person thinks of a word, says it in the ear of another. The player's task is to show this noun using gestures. The game switches to new level, if you try to think of words that are difficult to depict, for example: abbreviation, inspiration, loyalty, eternity, phenomenon, and so on.

Game "Who are you" Each player writes a noun on a small sheet, then this sheet is glued to the forehead of the neighbor on the right. A person should not know what is written on his forehead, his task is to guess this word with the help of simple questions that can only be answered with “Yes” or “No”. For example, a person has a piece of paper with the word tiger on his forehead, he asks: “Is this a plant?”, Other players answer: “No!”. Then follows the transition of the turn to another player and so on. The transition of the move is carried out only when the answer to the question was negative.

Interesting game "Principle". One person steps aside so as not to overhear the others conferring. He is water. The rest guess the principle for whom they will answer questions, for example, for a neighbor on the right. The water returns and begins to ask simple questions to everyone in order, and they must answer, according to the conceived principle. For example, water asks you: “Are you a blonde?”, And you, even if you are the owner of blond hair, but your neighbor on the right is a brunette, answer: “No!”. The task of the driver is to guess the principle itself. It can be completely different, for example: everyone is responsible for himself or for the nearest person who has a piercing, for the water itself, and so on. Water should ask such questions, the answers to which are obvious to everyone.

You can also play the famous "Mafia".

Competitions in nature

Competition "Storytellers". Two teams of three people, each team has a storyteller, a talking head and a gesticulator. The narrator stands aside and tells an interesting tale. The player playing the role of a talking head sits on a stump and puts his hands behind his back. His task is to open his mouth as if he is telling a fairy tale (do not forget about emotions and facial expressions). The gesticulator sits behind the talking head, hiding its head. He must gesticulate what is told in the fairy tale. The teams take turns showing and telling their stories, and those who did not participate in the competition choose the winning team. This is a very funny and fun competition.

"Captain". Two players are blindfolded - these are ships. Each of them has a captain. All other players are distributed in space and freeze in any position - these are icebergs. The captains must guide their ships to a certain, previously established point. The captain cannot touch the ship. He should give him verbal commands, for example: "Two steps forward", "Squat", "Three steps to the side" and so on. The team wins, the faster the ship got to set point and didn't hit the icebergs. Icebergs are not allowed to move.

Competition "Colorful volleyball". You need to inflate a lot of balloons. The territory is divided into two equal parts. There must be two teams with an equal number of people. Task: to clear your territory of balls as much as possible by throwing them to opponents.

At the end of this contest, you can divide the remaining balloons in half between the teams and hold a Minesweeper contest - whose team will burst the balloons faster.



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