Where else can you ask for financial help? Help with money from rich people

There are no additional costs or strict requirements to ask for money online. Financial assistance is available to everyone, and the variety of options allows you to quickly find funds to solve any difficulties that arise. The main difficulty is choosing a platform or website with which you can ask rich people for money online, and as a result receive financial support. Below we will consider ways to solve various problems - with debt repayment, finding funds for treatment (surgery), opening a business, and so on.

Where to ask for money on the Internet - the best ways

The global network offers wide choice services where, with the right approach, you can get financial support. Let's look at the main ones:

Social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte)

Such sites are in active demand. Here people communicate, promote their goods and services, receive useful information or solve other problems. In addition, here you can contact special groups that provide assistance, or post an ad yourself. The last option is less effective, because you will have to personally promote the community, and this takes time. An alternative is to add an ad asking for help on personal page, and then ask friends and acquaintances for reposts.

Company websites

When considering ways to ask for money online, you should not miss a single chance. Today there are many companies engaged in large business and having their own website. You need to take advantage of this. To attract attention, we find a site, study the contacts section and focus on the manager’s e-mail. After this, we draw up a letter with a catchy title (it should contain the full name of the entrepreneur). You can ask for money online in the USA in the same way. At the same time, the probability of receiving money is no lower.

Charitable foundations

Today, many organizations that conduct charitable activities have websites on the Internet. They contain information about the activities of the enterprise, the conditions for providing assistance, as well as documents that need to be transferred. As a rule, large and low-income families, orphans, disabled children, and so on can count on support. When exploring options where you can ask for money online for free, you cannot ignore this method. But you shouldn’t rely heavily on help either because of the great competition and strict requirements for applicants.

Fundraising sites

No less popular are platforms where you can add an advertisement and attract funding for various purposes, be it treatment, surgery, organizing a business, and so on. This platform is gaining popularity, has positive reviews, and is distinguished by its versatility and ease of adding advertisements. The website is one of the places on the Internet where you can ask foreigners for money. To do this, it is worth duplicating the appeal in several languages ​​(this increases the chance of attracting funds).

After choosing a suitable service, you should move on to the next part - creating an ad. When compiling it, the following is required:

  • We consider the situation in detail, indicate the reason for seeking funds and the cost items.
  • We write down the amount that is required (an approximate parameter will not work). Before asking people for money online, it is important to do the math and determine the exact number.
  • We indicate the details (there should be as many of them as possible) so that a person can easily transfer funds using a convenient method.
  • We add contacts through which the benefactor can contact and receive additional funds.

Who can you ask for money on the Internet for free?

Millions of dollars are donated to charity every day on the Internet, so everyone has the right to count on solving their difficulties at the expense of other people. The question of who you can ask for money on the Internet and receive it for free can be answered simply - everyone. Not only charities and rich people respond to requests, but also ordinary citizens. Many of us are ready to provide financial assistance. Let it be small, but when 100 people give 1000 rubles each, the final amount turns out to be substantial. It is already enough to, for example, save a person’s life or restore health.

Hello, you have come to a page where you can ask people for money for free. This section was created separately from the others. Here anyone can ask for any amount of money for their needs.

Please note that your request will be published in a public section and anyone can read it.

You can not only ask money from the rich, but also from another category of people. All you need to do is fill out a short form where you need to indicate:

  • What are you asking for money for?
  • How much money are you asking for?
  • In what ways can I transfer money and details to you?

Write your request

The more you write about your needs, the more likely you are to be helped.

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You can ask for money for anything. Someone wants to ask for money for a new car, someone wants to buy cell phone, and some even for some small things. Many people ask where to write an SMS to help with money. Write here. We send your applications to those who really help for free.
It’s very easy to ask people for money via the Internet; all you have to do is post a request for help and maybe someone will respond.

Usually, sites where you can ask for money require a long registration, long verification and other nonsense. With us, you just need to ask for money online in this section and your message will be seen by many people.

Many people ask how to ask for money on the Internet? There are many special services called crowdfunding, but they are aimed mainly at creative people. And in this section of our website absolutely anyone can apply for financial assistance.

Of course, you can ask for any amount of money, but it is not a fact that you will collect it. However, if your request is quite interesting, then it will be addressed more attention, and your chances will increase.

Good luck in raising funds for your needs!

Unfortunately, there are situations of acute need for financial resources. This could be the illness of a loved one, an accident, a credit hole, lack of housing, etc. Also, money may be needed to support an existing business. But, there are cases when there is not even a job to get. All people can get help, you just need to know where to turn and correctly formulate your needs.

About the rich

Rich people can be called those who have much more money than they need to live. These could be successful entrepreneurs, famous scientists, employees in highly paid positions, world-famous and recognized athletes, and even lucky ones who won money in a casino, for example.

There are enough such people in every country. Each of them has their own character traits and a more or less developed sense of compassion. Some of them would be happy to help someone once or are even ready to help regularly, but they don’t know such people. This is understandable, because their social circle, in most cases, consists of wealthy people.

Since now is the time of development of the Internet, almost all serious people of high income use the network for their own purposes. For them, the Internet is a platform for sales, cooperation, etc. They also tend to have their own accounts on social networks. Knowing this, you can try to describe your situation and ask the person for financial help.

But some wealthy people cooperate with charitable foundations. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to contact such funds, because they can help with food, housing, clothing, which is not so bad.

About scammers

Nowadays there are many cases when a person can pretend that he needs money. These could just be lazy people who don’t want to work, or scammers who are used to making money this way. On the Internet, it is especially difficult to distinguish them from those who really need help. But don’t despair, as this article will provide comprehensive information about the ways and opportunities to find money from the rich.

About the poor and truly needy

It’s already difficult for such people. It happens that asking someone is simply inconvenient. But, help is actually nearby. If you are sincere in your request, then there is a very high probability of being heard.

Not everyone who needs money even has equipment with Internet access. Therefore, if you know someone in need, then help them with the information from this article.

Where to look for the rich

On at the moment There are plenty of opportunities to find a wealthy person with extra money. These could be:

  • personal acquaintance with such a person;
  • getting to know someone from his close circle (company employees, relatives, friends who could convey to the person a request for help);
  • social media;
  • website of the company he works for or heads;
  • other sites that bring together the interests of rich people and lead to their communication (business forums, specialized forums, etc.);
  • charity and help sites, where a person who needs money can ask for help from a wealthy person.

Social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

Social networks are for rich people. For some of them this is generally necessary tool for work, advertising, sales, communication. But there is a subtlety. It lies in the fact that some people hire a content manager, for example, who reads messages, responds to them, and fills a page, community or group with information. That is, in some cases you will have to contact another person who acts on behalf of the account owner. But this is better than nothing, because in the message you can ask to convey the request to the account owner.

Who should I contact? This could be one of the entrepreneurs in the region where the person in need lives. You can read the news, the same business forums of the region, to find out the names of rich people. You don’t have to be tied to a region and turn to the most famous people, but the chances of getting a response are low.

Recommendation: as a rule, the appeal will be more productive if it is directed to developing businessmen and athletes who are just gaining popularity. In this case, such people run their own pages, and they have money.

Those who want to raise capital for their own or to introduce can also contact such people. But, you must remember to tell them that this offer can be very profitable and bring stable passive income. . Therefore, if they see common sense in the message provided, they will contact the specified contacts.

Company websites

Since most sites are aimed at selling goods/services or running an information business, there is a high probability of asking for help directly from the owner or founder of the company. For example, we type in any name into a search engine. Let’s say “Metal rolling Moscow website”. We choose any site, let it be https://www.vestametall.ru/. Go to the “Contacts” tab. Almost always, addresses, names, and telephone numbers will be indicated there. Including managers, owners, board members. In this case it is Povetkin Ruslan Viktorovich. You need to start the message with the words: “Urgently, to the General Director ...”, or “Personally, full name”. There is a high probability that the message will be read the right person.

There are company websites where their owners do not hesitate to post their personal contact information for communication. Of course, they are intended for commercial purposes, but this is a chance to get help.

The only thing left to do is select the necessary websites of companies, stores, enterprises and send messages to them. We must not forget that site owners are people too and can help if everything is explained correctly.

Online business forums, forums for businessmen and entrepreneurs

For example, one of the Ukrainian forums http://forum.dobusiness.com.ua/ (each country has its own forums where entrepreneurs communicate, share ideas or look for partners). Such platforms are good because you can contact several rich people at once, who can hear a plea for help. But there is also the possibility of personal appeal.

Do not forget that people gather there for their own benefits. Therefore, you should not litter the forum with your messages. One or two in the most active discussion threads is enough. This will allow the message not to be deleted by the administration for spam. It's better to think about the quality of the message. Such people like to check information, so it must be given accurate and reliable. If correspondence has begun, provide your phone number, email, page address in social network so that the person can be convinced of the seriousness of the request.

If you need money for treatment, then having supporting documents will be a significant advantage. If you need money for a startup, then you need to present information about the project, its benefits, payback, existing competitors, risks and guarantees as accurately and concisely as possible. If you need money to eat, then that’s what you should write. The main thing is not to make things up or try to cheat.

Charity websites

An example is the site http://pomogaem.com.ua/get_help_rus.html. Directly on the website you can see the categories of people who receive assistance. Of course, they won’t give you money here, but it is quite possible to extract payment for expensive treatment for a child. Some categories of people in need who receive assistance:

  • orphans;
  • families raising disabled children;
  • large families;
  • families with children, but without one parent (single-parent families);
  • families in difficult circumstances, etc.

Of course, there is no direct communication with rich people, but they take part by donating money to such funds. With their help you can get clothes, treatment, food, baby clothes, strollers and toys. Naturally, here you need to provide all possible documents. Such funds helped to survive and overcome difficult life situations thousands of people in need.

Websites where you can write about your difficult financial situation

For example, the site http://malodeneg.com/. The site provides the opportunity to write your request with the hope of help. The disadvantage of such sites is that anyone and anything can write. Stand out from large quantity messages of the same type will be helped by any links to photo or video sources that can confirm the serious financial condition. By teaching the information correctly, you are more likely to receive help from caring people.


We can summarize what is written with the words: “Whoever seeks finds, and whoever knocks, the door is opened to him.” If you don’t lose hope and reach out, the chance of getting help is many times higher than if you do nothing at all.

Hello, dear readers.

The world is cruel. All more or less adult people who have already encountered injustice, frequent deception and anger know and understand this. But all this reigns in literally every country.

Yes, you yourself can look at the absolutely disregardful attitude of the majority of citizens, just by walking down the street of your city. I will most likely not be mistaken if I say that in your locality there will be 2-3 grandmothers who can often be seen with outstretched hands, hoping to receive at least some alms from passers-by.

However, this does not happen. There is no sympathy and nobility in gray and lonely individuals who only strive for that.

What about those who have already succeeded in this? Do they show altruistic tendencies towards their neighbors? So we’ll talk about whether there is financial help from rich people: reviews, examples, evidence.

Famous benefactors

I’ll honestly answer that no, what about you? But this, in fact, is not a fictitious situation, but more on that later. Now I would like to talk about the truly great opportunities that the richest people on planet Earth have.

Think for yourself, because with their amount of money, they can do whatever they want, they have no restrictions in the form of the letter of the law, and they can bribe almost any civil servant who could imprison them for any offense.

Isn’t it interesting why, for example, we have never heard about how, say, the same Bill Gates rushes through the streets with a bazooka or organizes orgies in city squares.

Or take Mark Zuckerberg. Not a single violation of the law, although he is a brilliant programmer, and I’m sure he knows where to find an equally brilliant hacker who would open the wallets of millions of Facebook users for him in order to enrich himself.

This is where I want to bring you to the most important question: does money corrupt and spoil an individual? Referring to the examples above, I personally can say with confidence that no.

You see, finance is not the root of all evil. People themselves and, of course, their upbringing determine their behavior. That's why huge amounts of money were not converted founder of Microsoft into a monster who terrorizes society whenever he pleases.

But if the same countless riches go to an ignoramus, a person who only dreamed of swimming in gold, then this will destroy him, because he does not pursue any other goals.

Accordingly, he also won’t know what to do with fate’s gift, but this requires a whole systematic approach. So it turns out that not everyone is able to overcome the burden of wealth, but those who succeed will not morally sink and “rot” from the inside, such people are capable of more.

What do billionaires do?

Well, I’ll tell you right away, they don’t sit all day long in their three-story safes and dive into gold coins, as one famous character from the cartoon series did.

The whole essence of their life is constant, and this inevitably leads to bringing them to the ideal. own business. How else? After all, a balanced and wise director will definitely make the right decision and pass a fair verdict.

Let's take Bill Gates again as an example, by the way, the richest man in the world, and remember the hypothetical situation with your fortune and how you give half of it to a stranger.

So, do you know why this assumption is absolutely realistic? Because our altruistic geek initiated an agreement through which about 30 dollar billionaires around the world agreed to give at least 50% of their wealth to various charities.

How do you like this? At the same time, Bill has his own foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, into whose hands he transferred a certain amount Microsoft shares so that the fund's treasury is replenished annually and gives life and hope to those in need.

Now let’s remember about the financier and just a very rich man named George Soros. This is a representative of everyone’s unloved caste of players on the stock exchange.

For example, George has been involved in a wide variety of charitable events since 1979. Under the leadership of this financier, a program is being implemented to support budding scientific experts whose ideas and research contribute to the progress of humanity.

In addition, he sponsored a medical program, thanks to which almost every hospital in the United States acquired clean and sterilized needles, a small thing, but a nice thing.

Gordon Moore, also one of the wealthiest businessmen, billionaire and just good man, annually invests its funds in the development of technologies that promote conservation environment, promoting scientific and technological progress to the masses.

He is also the sponsor of the largest telescope to date, located in Hawaii. Therefore, it is safe to say that Moore is very fond of technology and science in general.

Why do they need this?

But this is far from the most full list our patrons. But why should they shell out so much for all this? Perhaps this is how they show off their money to each other or try to earn the image of saints?

The first assumption can be immediately discarded, since there are other ways to show off, but the second is true, but only partially. Of course, they are pleased when they are considered respected and highly spiritual individuals, but there is something else hidden in this.

In fact, they all know very well the law of financial return. They understand that if they give away a part, then the same part will definitely be returned in one form or another, even with interest.

Also, such a level of nobility, of course, says a lot about the personality itself. More precisely, it shows their moral and spiritual level, which is on quite high level, and this, in our age of total bitterness, is a real rarity, you must agree.

Therefore, they have not become hostages of their capital; it simply costs them nothing to part with part of their savings in the name of the good of society, and therefore the goals of such rich people are completely different, unlike ordinary citizens.


Thus, we found out that not all successful businessmen become slaves to their money. Some of them help those who really need it.

Without a shadow of a doubt, they give away half of their acquired wealth or spend billions annually on nurturing brilliant scientists in any field of science.

So let's be at least a little like them, try to find some site where you can donate part of your salary without registration or deception. I am sure that such resources exist in any country, for example, in Ukraine and even more so in Russia.

Transfer your finances to those in need, and those who urgently need help will receive it, and thanks to you, someone will be saved from death or disability.

All the best to you and see you again!

Charity, sponsorship or fundraising are particularly relevant concepts in lately. In 2015 alone, more than $500 million was donated from the United States. Today, most people feel embarrassed when it comes to asking for money. strangers. Modern conditions, the development of technology has contributed to the emergence of new ways to borrow money or receive finance without repayment. The Internet, mobile communications, television will all allow you to reach a wide audience to receive free financial assistance. Funds can be received by electronic transfer to a card, to a WebMoney wallet or to a Yandex wallet.

How to via the Internet ask rich people for money? In order to urgently receive financial resources for any purpose: for treatment, for a yacht or for your dream. Before organizing the receipt of help without registration, it is necessary to determine a list of Internet sites or forums, potential sponsors from whom it is better to ask for money free of charge. In the list, it is necessary to identify the most popular sites or financially stable sponsors. To attract possible sponsors, especially foreigners, it is necessary to describe the exact purpose as accurately as possible cash and the problem they solve. It must be remembered that popular sites where you can ask for money often require registration or sending a confirmation SMS to a real phone number.

Today, in order to increase the chances of receiving finance without return, it is necessary to describe as fully and in detail as possible the reason for receiving free financial assistance, what you have done to resolve the current situation. Try to engage as much as possible the feelings of those reading your ad or story. Provide details for receiving it (webmoney or Yandex wallet, data bank card), in addition, it is advisable to place your contact information. Perhaps a potential patron of the arts will want to contact you and communicate personally. The text asking for help should be placed on popular sites where you can ask for money.
Many people believe that it is almost impossible to receive money without a refund on the Internet, but this is not true. There are many reviews of people grateful for the urgent help. It is logical to assume that if someone thinks about who they can ask for money for free, then probably someone has the opportunity to lend money or without repayment.

To receive a certain amount irrevocably or as a loan, it is not enough to simply place the text “Help for a dream”, you need to carry out an analysis sites where you can ask money, write a reasonable and motivating request, and if potential patrons contact you, make them believe in the need to donate funds.

Comments on the article - (254)

Hello. I am very ashamed to ask for money, but I no longer have a choice. I have two children and would like to buy my own home. But the bank won’t give me a mortgage, they say I need a down payment of 400,000 thousand, help me at least a little bit, please. Living with two children without housing is difficult. Help please. I wish everyone health and prosperity. Thank you in advance Sberbank card 4276 8080 1817 8587.

06 May 2016, at 09:37 Andrey writes:

There is no more strength to strangle loans. I work 2 jobs. Sold the car, half the furniture and household appliances. There is no way to get out of this hole. Please help anyone, payeer account P25678850, yndex 410011837556634. Thanks in advance.

May 07, 2016, at 18:06 Sabina writes:

Good afternoon. I am a widow and I have three sons between me, I receive a pension and work part-time as a waiter. My mother lives with me; she is sick and receives a pension of 7,000, which almost all goes towards medicine. There is a catastrophic lack of money. I have a small house that just needs a lot of repairs. There is no water in the house, it needs to be installed and this requires 30,000 rubles. Gas 50,000. In general, we really need help. If it's not difficult, please help. No matter how much it’s a pity. This is the Sbercard number 639002309014178964. Thank you very much in advance.

May 07, 2016, at 21:45 Lyuba writes:

Hi all! I really need help! I'm 21 years old, I'm a single mother and an orphan with three years, I got an apartment but have nothing to pay with, and I also need to raise my child for something! Help for God's sake, even with a ruble to the Sberbank card 5469 1800 1277 9040

May 08, 2016, at 14:44 Timofey writes:

Hello, I am asking for financial assistance in the amount of 12,000 rubles to purchase a stroller and crib. Otherwise the baby sleeps with his mother and I’m on the floor. I will return it within 5 months. card details 4276 2600 2605 8767. Thanks in advance.



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