Current list of literature on the subject “Developmental psychology. Current bibliography: "General psychology"

  • Methods, forms and means of education and self-education
  • Formation of worldview, moral, aesthetic and civic culture of the individual
  • Economic education and culture of professional self-determination of the individual
  • Formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle of students
  • Education of students in the team, family and society
  • The content of education as a means of forming the basic culture of the individual
  • The learning process. Structure, patterns and principles of training
  • Teaching methods and their classification
  • Forms of training
  • Technology of work of a teacher for the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents
  • Technologies of personality-oriented and developmental training
  • Technologies for organizing students' cognitive activity
  • Technologies for effective management of the learning process
  • Information technologies in education
  • School studies as a branch of general pedagogy.
  • Part 2. Psychology
  • Section 1. General psychology The emergence and development of psychology as a science. Branches of psychological science. Subject and tasks of general psychology
  • Methodological and theoretical foundations of psychology. Characteristics of the main psychological theories
  • The concept of psychology methods. Classification of psychology methods. Characteristics of methods for collecting primary information
  • The concept of activity in psychology. Activity structure. Main activities. Characteristics of teaching activities
  • The problem of personality in psychology. Views on personality structure. The concept of needs, motives, motivation and orientation of the individual
  • The concept of sensation and perception. Properties and types of sensations. Properties and types of perception
  • The concept of attention. Types and properties of attention
  • The concept of memory. Processes and types of memory
  • The concept of thinking and speech. Forms of thinking. Characteristics of mental operations. Types of thinking. Functions, properties and types of speech
  • The concept of emotional experiences. Forms of emotional experiences. Classification of emotions and feelings
  • The concept of will. Volitional act and its structure. Volitional qualities of personality and their development
  • The concept of temperament. Physiological bases of temperament. Characteristics of the main types of temperament. Taking into account the types of temperament of schoolchildren in educational work
  • Concept of character. Accentuations of character traits. Character Formation
  • The concept of abilities. Types of abilities. Inclinations and abilities. Levels of ability development
  • Section 2. Social psychology The concept of group and collective. Types of groups. The main characteristics of a team
  • Communication side
  • The concept of conflicts. Causes and methods of conflict resolution
  • Section 3. Developmental psychology Subject and tasks of developmental psychology. Theoretical foundations of developmental psychology. Characteristics of the main methods of developmental psychology
  • Basic provisions of the cultural-historical theory of l. S. Vygotsky. Theory of staged development of the psyche. Piaget
  • Age periodization of mental development. Periodization of mental development according to D. B. Elkonin. Periods of psychosocial development according to E. Erickson
  • Mental development and personality formation during schooling (characteristics of primary school age, adolescence, early adolescence)
  • Mental development of personality in adolescence, adulthood and old age
  • Section 4. Educational psychology Approaches to the relationship between teaching, learning, and mental development in psychology. Concept of developmental education
  • Structure of educational activities. Motivation in the structure of educational activities. Formation of learning motivation. Assimilation in the structure of educational activities
  • General characteristics of teaching activities. Professional requirements for the personality of a teacher. Style of teaching activity
  • Psychological characteristics of pedagogical interaction. Communication in pedagogical interaction. Types of conflicts in pedagogical interaction and options for their resolution
  • Informational and methodological part list of basic literature on pedagogy
  • List of additional literature on pedagogy
  • List of basic literature on psychology
  • List of basic literature on psychology

    1. Abramova, G.S. Developmental psychology: textbook aid for students universities / G.S. Abramova. – Academic project; Alma Mater, 2006 – 702 p.

    2. Andreeva, G.M. Social psychology: textbook. for universities / G.M. Andreeva. – M.: Aspect Press, 2000. – 376 p.

    3. Bityanova, M.R. Social psychology / M.R. Bityanova. – M.: EKSMOPress, 2004. – 576 p.

    4. Introduction to psychology: textbook. / under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1997. – 496 p.

    5. Godefroy, J. What is psychology. At 2 o'clock / J. Godefroy. – M.: Mir, 2000. – Part 1. – 472 p.

    6. Druzhinin, V.N. Psychology: textbook. for humanities universities / V.N. Druzhinin; edited by V.N. Druzhinina. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 656 p.

    7. Dubrovina, I.V. Psychology: textbook. for students avg. ped. textbook institutions / I.V. Dubrovina, E.E. Danilova, A.M. Parishioners; edited by I.V. Dubrovina. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1990. – 464 p.

    8. Zimnyaya, I.A. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. allowance / I.A. Winter. –2nd ed., additional, corrected. and processed – M.: Logos, 2002. – 384 p.

    9. Ivashchenko, F.I. Psychology of education of schoolchildren / F.I. Ivashchenko. – Minsk: Higher School, 2006. – 192 p.

    10. Klimov, E.A. Fundamentals of psychology: textbook. for students non-psychological universities specialist. / E.A. Klimov. – M.: Culture and Sports; UNITY, 1997. – 295 p.

    11. Kotikova, O.P. Pedagogical psychology: course of lectures / O.P. Kotikova. – Minsk: Publishing house. MIU, 2005. – 132 p.

    12. Krysko, V.G. Social psychology: textbook. / V.G. Krysko. – M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. – 448 p.

    13. Mukhina, V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: textbook. for students universities / V.S. Mukhina. –4th ed. stereot. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy” 1999. – 456 p.

    14. Nemov, R.S. Psychology: textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments / R.S. Nemov. In 3 books. Book 1. General fundamentals of psychology. – 3rd ed. – M.: VLADOS, 1998. – 688 p.

    15. Nemov, R.S. Psychology: textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments / R.S. Nemov. In 3 books. Book 2. Educational psychology. – 4th ed. – M.: VLADOS, 2002. – 608 p.

    16. Nemov, R.S. Psychology: textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments / R.S. Nemov. In 3 books. book Book 3 Experimental educational psychology and psychodiagnostics. – M.: Education, VLADOS, 1995. – 512 p.

    17. General, age and educational psychology: reader / comp. T.P. Berezovskaya, M.V. Kravchenko, A.V. Muzychenko. – Minsk: BSPU, 2006. – P. 87 – 128.

    18. Educational psychology: textbook. for students universities; edited by N.V. Klyuevoy. – M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. – 400 p.

    19. Platonov, Yu.P. Social psychology of behavior / Yu.P. Platonov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 464 p.

    20. Talyzina, N.F. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. for students textbook manager avg. prof. education / N.F. Talyzin. – 3rd ed., stereot. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999. – 288 p.

    21. Kjell, L. Theories of personality. (Basic principles of research and application) / L. Kjell, D. Ziegler. – St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1997. – 608 p.

    22. Cialdini, R. Psychology of influence / R. Cialdini. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. – 270 p.

    23. Khukhlaeva, O.V. Developmental psychology: Youth, old age, maturity: textbook. allowance / O.V. Khukhlaeva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 208 p.

    24. Chekhovskikh, M.I. Fundamentals of psychology: textbook / M.I. Chekhovsky. – Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. – 218 p.

    25. Elkonin, D.B. Developmental psychology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / D.B. Elkonin. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 144 p.

    26. Introduction to psychology: textbook. manual / ed. A. P. Lobanova, S. I. Kopteva. – Minsk: Higher. school, 2004. – 302 p.

    27. Lecture notes on general psychology: a manual for pedagogical students. specialties of universities / S. N. Zherebtsov [etc.]; under general ed. S. N. Zherebtsova, M. A. Dyguna. – Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2011. – 204 p.

    28. Dygun, M. A. General psychology in schemes, concepts, personalities / M. A. Dygun. – 4th ed. – Mozyr: Assistance, 2009. – 72 p.

    29. Psychology for university students / edited by. ed. prof. E. I. Rogova. – M.: ICC “MarT”; Rostov n/d: Publishing center “MarT”, 2005. – 560 p.


    1. Averin, V.A. Personality psychology: textbook. allowance / V.A. Averin. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house V.A. Mikhailova, 1999. – 89 p.

    2. Ananyev, B.G. Man as an object of knowledge / B.G. Ananyev. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 288 p.

    3. Andreenko, E.V. Social psychology: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities / E.V. Andreenko; edited by V.A. Slastenina. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2000. – 264 p.

    4. Wenger, L.A. Psychology / L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina. – M.: Education, 1998. – 206 p.

    5. Gamezo, M.V. Developmental psychology: personality from youth to old age: textbook. allowance / M. V. Gamezo [and others]. – M.: Ped. society of Russia, 2001. – 272 p.

    6. Gabay, T.V. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. allowance / T.V. Gabai. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2003. – 240 p.

    7. Gippenreiter, Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology: a course of lectures / Yu.B. Gippenreiter. – M.: Chero, 1996. – 336 p.

    8. Darvish, O.V. Developmental psychology: textbook. allowance / O.V. Darvish; edited by V. Klochko. – M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. – 264 p.

    9. James, W. Psychology / W. James; edited by L.A. Petrovskaya. – M.: Pedagogy, 1991. – 386 p.

    10. Kazakov, V.G. Psychology / V.G. Kazakov, L.P. Kandratyeva. – M.: Higher School, 1989. – 381 p.

    11. Kon, I.S. Psychology of adolescence: Problems of personality formation: textbook. manual for teachers Institute / I.S. Con. – M.: Education, 1979. – 175 p.

    12. Rogov, E.I. General psychology: course of lectures / Rogov E.I. – M.: VLADOS, 1995. – 448 p.

    13. Workshop on general psychology / under general. ed. M.A. Dyguna. – Minsk: Zhascon, 2007. – 240 p.

    14. Workshop on developmental psychology / edited by. ed. M.A. Dyguna. – Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2008. – 152 p.

    15. Workshop on educational psychology: a manual for pedagogical students. specialties of universities / Comp. M. A Dygun [etc.]; edited by M. A. Dyguna. – Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2009. – 144 p.

    16. Personality psychology: textbook. manual: 2 volumes. Foreign psychology. – 3rd ed., add. – Samara: Publishing House “BAKHRAH-M”, 2002. – T.1. – 512 s.

    17. Personality psychology: textbook. manual: 2 volumes. Domestic psychology. – 3rd ed., add. – Samara: Publishing House “BAKHRAH-M”, 2002. – T.2. – 544 p.

    18. Rean, A.A. Social educational psychology: textbook. aid for students and asp. psychol. facts / A.A. Rean, Ya.L. Kolominsky. – St. Petersburg: JSC “Piter”, 1999. – 416 p.

    19. Rubinstein, S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology: in 2 volumes / S.L. Rubinstein. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989. – T.1. – 486 p.

    20. Rudemsky, E.V. Social psychology: a course of lectures / E.V. Rudemsky. – M.: Novosibirsk: INFA, 1997. – 224 p.

    21. Sapogova, E.E. Psychology of human development: textbook. allowance / E.E. Sapogova. – M: Aspect Press, 2001. – 460 p.

    22. Social psychology: textbook. manual / ed. A.M. Stolyarenko. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. – 543 p.

    23. Social psychology: textbook. aid for students Pedagogical Institute / A.V. Petrovsky [and others]; edited by A.V. Petrovsky. – M: Education, 1987 – 224 p.

    24. Stolyarenko, L.D. Fundamentals of psychology: textbook. allowance / L.D. Stolyarenko. – 5th ed., revised. and supplemented. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2002. – 672 p.

    25. Stolyarenko, L.D. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. aid for students universities / L.D. Stolyarenko. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2000. – 544 p.

    26. Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and pedagogy in questions and answers: textbook. aid for students universities / L.D. Stolyarenko, S.I. Samytin. – M.: “AST” Rostov-n/D Phoenix, 1999. – 576 p.

    27. Tuckman, B.W. Educational psychology: from theory to practice / B.U. Tuckman. – M.: Publishing house. group “Progress”, 2002. – 572 p.

    28. Hong, R.L. Educational psychology: Principles of teaching: textbook. allowance / R.L. Hon. – Ekaterinburg: “Business Book”, 2002. – 732 p.


    for the state exam program in pedagogy and psychology

    The state exam program in pedagogy and psychology is built in the logic of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines. It reflects educational materials from the main sections of modern pedagogy and psychology. The theory of pedagogy is presented by questions about the essence of pedagogy as a science, the main categories and methodological foundations of pedagogy, the social essence of the individual, and the factors of its development. The theory of learning presents the problems of research in modern didactics, the essence of the main didactic categories, patterns and principles of teaching, its methods and forms, modern educational technologies. The “Psychology” part offers the content of educational knowledge from various branches of psychological science.

    Preparing for state exam This program requires not only that students acquire specific information on the studied pedagogical and psychological disciplines, but also a deep understanding of the tasks of education at the present stage, the ability to consider them in theoretical and methodological aspects, the ability to confirm theoretical positions with examples and illustrations from modern teaching practice and education, from the experience of a modern school.

    The program of the state exam in pedagogy and psychology reflects the provisions of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of education and: the upbringing of children and students, the features of educational work in school at the present stage of development. Sufficient attention is paid to the problems of moral, civic, patriotic, environmental and economic education in the light of the requirements of modern ideological work with youth.

    The program meets the basic requirements for documents of this kind and can be recommended for use by graduate students in the process of preparing for state exams.


    head Department of Psychology

    Educational Institution of the Belarusian National

    technical university,

    Doctor of Sociological Sciences Klimenko V.A.


    for the state exam program in pedagogy

    and psychology

    Compiled by: Emelyanova M.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kolesnichenko E.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor

    The program of the state exam in pedagogy and psychology reflects educational material in psychological and pedagogical disciplines, studied in accordance with the curriculum at different faculties during the entire period of professional training of students. Included are topics on the theory of pedagogy, didactics, school science, theory and methods of educational work, as well as educational material from various branches of psychology. The materials of the state exam program are comprehensive. Coverage of the proposed questions at the state exam allows you to check students’ understanding of the tasks of education, the most important problems of education and training in modern conditions. In the process of covering these problems, students need to demonstrate the ability to consider them in theoretical-pedagogical, psychological and methodological aspects, the ability to confirm theoretical positions with examples both from modern psychological and pedagogical practice in general, and from the experience of their own teaching activities.

    The program includes materials from the main documents in the field of education and upbringing in the Republic of Belarus “Code on Education in the Republic of Belarus”) and questions reflecting ways to implement the reform of the educational system in our state.

    The program of the state exam in pedagogy and psychology presents modern concepts of educational work in school, reflects questions that reveal the specifics of the content of education and upbringing in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage (for example, the essence of the active-personal concept of education; civil, patriotic, international education, nurturing the national self-awareness of students is the basis of ideological education in the Republic of Belarus; features of education and upbringing in the Polesie region of the Republic of Belarus; features of the content of education in Belarus at the present stage, etc.).

    In general, the program of the state exam in pedagogy and psychology corresponds to curriculum and can be recommended for use.


    head Department of History and MPI

    OU MSPU im. I.P. Shamyakina,

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences T.N. Symanovich


    1. Enikeev, M.I. General and social psychology: Textbook / M.I. Enikeev. - M.: Norma, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 640 p.
    2. Ivannikov, V.A. General psychology: Textbook for academic undergraduate studies / V.A. Ivannikov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 480 p.
    3. Kotova, I.B. General psychology: Tutorial/ I.B. Kotova, O.S. Kanarkevich. - M.: Dashkov i K, Academcenter, 2013. - 480 p.
    4. Makarova, I.V. General psychology: Short course lectures / I.V. Makarova. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 182 p.
    5. Makarova, I.V. General psychology: Textbook for secondary vocational education / I.V. Makarova. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 182 p.
    6. Maklakov, A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities / A.G. Maklakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 583 p.
    7. Maklakov, A.G. General psychology. / A.G. Maklakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 583 p.
    8. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes. volume ii in 4 books. book 4. speech. mental states: Textbook and workshop for academic bachelors / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 223 p.
    9. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes. volume ii in 4 books. Book 3. Imagination and Thinking: Textbook and Workshop for Academic Bachelor's Degree / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurait, 2016. - 224 p.
    10. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes. volume ii in 4 books. book 2. attention and memory: Textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurait, 2016. - 261 p.
    11. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes, volume 2 in 4 books. book 1. sensations and perception: Textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 302 p.
    12. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes. volume i. Introduction to Psychology: Textbook for Bachelors / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 726 p.
    13. Nemov, R.S. General psychology. In 3 volumes. T. 3. Personality psychology: Textbook / R.S. Nemov. - M.: Yurayt, 2012. - 739 p.
    14. Nemov, R.S. General psychology in 3 volumes. volume iii: personality psychology: Textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / R.S. Nemov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 739 p.
    15. Nemov, R.S. General psychology. In 3 volumes. General psychology: Textbook / R.S. Nemov. - M.: Yurait, 2012. - 2472 p.
    16. Nurkova, V.V. General psychology: Textbook / V.V. Nurkova, N.B. Berezanskaya. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 524 p.
    17. Ramendik, D.M. General psychology and psychological workshop / D.M. Ramendik.. - M.: Forum, 2013. - 304 p.
    18. Shadrikov, V.D. General psychology: Textbook for academic undergraduate studies / V.D. Shadrikov, V.A. Mazilov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 411 p.

    1. Averin V.A. Personality psychology: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Mikhailov V.A., 1999. - 89 p.

    2. Aleynikova T.V. Psychoanalysis: Textbook. manual.- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2000.-352 p.

    3. Antsiferova L.I. Psychology of personality formation and development / L.I. Antsiferova // Personality psychology in the works of domestic psychologists: Reader. / Ed. Kulikova L.V. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 464 p.

    4. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of personality. Cultural and historical understanding of human development - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M: Academy, Smysl, 2007 - 528 p.

    5. Asmolov A.G. Personality psychology: Principles of general psychological analysis. - M.: "Sense", IC Academy, 2002. - 416 p.

    6. Bozhovich L.I. Problems of personality formation - M.: Direct-Media, 2008. - 612 p.

    7. Big psychological dictionary/ Edited by B.G. Meshcheryakova, V.P. Zinchenko. - Publishing house: AST, AST Moscow, Prime-Euroznak, 2009 - 816 p.

    8. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology. Course of lectures. - M.: "CheRo", 2002. - 336 p.

    9. Eliseev O.P. Workshop on personality psychology - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2000, 560 pp.: illus (series "Workshop on Psychology")

    10. Ivashchenko A.V., J.-P. Seminega. Personality theories in foreign psychology: Textbook - Moscow: MNEPU Publishing House, 2001. - 438 p.

    11. Leonhard K. Accentuated personalities. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2000. - 544 p.

    12. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - Publishers: Smysl, Academy, 2005 - 352 p.

    13. Maklakov A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 583 p. - (series "Textbook of the New Century")

    14. Martsinkovskaya T.D., Izotova, E.I. and others. Children's practical psychology - M.: Gardariki, 2007 - 256 p.

    15. Maslow, A. Motivation and personality - 2nd ed., erased - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008 - 352 p.

    16. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: Selected psychological works / Edited by A.A. Bodaleva / M.: Institute Publishing House practical psychology, Voronezh: NPO MOD EK, 1995. - 356 p.

    17. Nepomnyashchaya N.I. Psychodiagnostics of personality: Theory and practice: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions - M.: Humanitarian publishing house. VLADOS center, 2001-192 p.

    18. General psychology: Textbook / ed. R.H. Tugushev and E.I. Garbera. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2006. - 560 p. - ( Educational standard XXI)

    19. Allport Gordon V. Personality in psychology “KSP+”, M.: “Yuventa”, St. Petersburg (With the participation psychological center"Lenato", St. Petersburg), 1998. - 345s.

    20. Pervin L., John O. Personality psychology: Theory and research / Transl. from English M.S. Zhamkochyan, ed. V.S. Maguna - M.: "Aspect Press", 2000 - 607 p.

    21. Petrovsky A.V. To be a person, M. "Pedagogy" 1990. 112 p. illus (B-chka of the Children's Encyclopedia "Scientists for schoolchildren").

    22. Psychology: Textbook for secondary pedagogical students educational institutions/ ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 464 p.

    23. Rozin V.M. Psychology: Science and Practice: Textbook. - M.: RGGU, Omega-L, 2005. - 544 p.

    24. Robertson R. Introduction to Jung's psychology. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 1998. - 320 p.

    25. Rogers K. A look at psychotherapy. The Becoming of Man / Translation, from English. M. Isenina; General, ed. I.E. Isenina. - M.: Progress, 1994 - 479 p.

    26. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. -720 p.

    27. Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Leader, 2004. - 592 p.

    28. Talaiko S.V. Personality psychology: course of lectures: educational method. allowance / S.V. Talaiko. - Mozyr: LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2006. - 198 p.

    29. Tikhomirov O.K. Psychology: Textbook / ed. O.V. Gordeeva. - M.: Higher Education, 2006. - 538

    30. Freud Z. Psychology of the unconscious. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 400 p.

    31. Fromm E. The greatness and limitations of Freud’s theory - Publishing house: AST, 2000 - 448 p.

    32. Hegenhan B., Olson, M. Theories of learning. - 6th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 474 p.

    33. Hall K.S., Lindsay G. Theories of personality. Per. from English M., 1997. - 720 p.

    34. Jung K.G. Analytical psychology: Past and present. Comp. V.V. Zelensky, A.M. Rutkevich. - M.: Martis, 1995. - 320 p.

    35. Jung K.G. Psychological types. Per. with him. - Publisher: Progress-Universe, 1995. - 716 p.

    36. Kjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 607 p.

    • 1. Dubrovina I.V., Prikhozhan V.V. Developmental and educational psychology. Reader. textbook manual for students of higher educational institutions / M.: “Academy”, 2001. - 62 p.
    • 2. Ignatieva E.I. Psychology / M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1965. - 49 p.
    • 3. Tsvetkova L.S. Reader on developmental psychology / M.: Academy
    • 4. Vilyunas, V.K. Psychology of emotional phenomena. - M.: Enlightenment
    • 5. Petrova V.G., Belyakova I.V. Who are they, children with developmental disabilities / M.: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 1998. - p.38
    • 6. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. “Teaching children to communicate” / Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1997. - 201 p.
    • 7. Rubinshtein S.Ya. Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren / Moscow, Education, 1979. - 64c.
    • 8. Shevchenko S.G. Correctional and developmental training: Organizational and pedagogical aspects. / Moscow, Vlados Humanitarian Publishing Center, 1999. - 91 p.
    • 9. Pevzner M.S., “Children with developmental disabilities” / M., 1966. - 58 p.
    • 10. Rubinshtein S.Ya. “Psychology of a mentally retarded child” / M., 1990. - 16 p.
    • 11. Lebedinsky V.V., “Disorders of mental development in children,” 1985 - 3 p.
    • 12. Zabramnaya S.D., “Your child studies in a auxiliary school” / M., 1993. - 90c.
    • 13. Petrova V.G., I.V. Belyakova “Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren” / M., Academy, 2002. - 8 p.
    • 14. Breslav G.M. Emotional features of personality formation in childhood: Norm and deviations. / M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 71 p.
    • 15. Vilyunas V.K. Psychology of emotional phenomena. / M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1976. - 27 p.
    • 16. Developmental and educational psychology: A textbook for pedagogical students. in-tov/V. V. Davydov, T. V. Dragunova, L. B. Itelson and others; Ed. A. V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., rev. And additional -M. : Education, 1979. -288 p.
    • 17. Garbuzov V.I. Nervous children: Doctor’s advice. / L.: Medicine, 1990. -176 p.
    • 18. Child psychology: Textbook. allowance/I. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko, A. N. Belous and others: ed. Ed. Y. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko - Mn. : Universitetskoe, 19888. -399 p.
    • 19. Magazine “Family and School” No. 9, 1988 - Article by B. Kochubey, E. Novikov “Shortcuts for anxiety”
    • 20. Magazine “Family and School” No. 11, 1988. - Article by B. Kochubey, E. Novikov “Let’s take off the mask of anxiety.”
    • 21. Zakharov A.I. Prevention of deviations in child behavior: 3rd ed., revised / St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997. -224 p.
    • 22. Izard K. Human emotions: [Trans. from English] /Ed. L.Ya.Gozman, M.S.Egorova; Introductory article by A.E. Olshannikova. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1980.
    • 23. Gozman, L.Ya. Psychology of emotional relationships. - M.: Education, 2005. - 254 p.
    • 24. Brief psychological dictionary / Comp. L.A. Karpenko; under the general direction. Ed. A.V.Petrovsky, M.G.Yaroshevsky. / M., p.195
    • 25. Lashley J. Working with young children, encouraging their development and solving problems: Book. For kindergarten teachers garden: [Transl. from English] / M.: Education, 1991.
    • 26. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology: [Text. For ped. Institute] / Ed. L.A. Venger - M.: Education, 1985.
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    • 35. Dodonov, B.I. Emotion as a value // Questions of psychology, 1995. - No. 3. - P.34 - 37.
    • 36. Izard, K.E. Psychology of emotions. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - P.34-50.
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    5. Craig G. Developmental Psychology (Translated from English) - St. Petersburg, 2010, 987 p.

    6. Kulagina I.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N. Developmental psychology: Human development from birth to late adulthood: Textbook for universities.-M.: Yurayt, 2011.-464 p.

    7. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: Textbook. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 452 p.

    8. Obukhova L.F. Developmental psychology. – M.: Russia, 2011, 414 p.

    9. Workshop on developmental psychology. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2011. - 682 p.

    10. Feldshtein D.I. Developmental and educational psychology: Selected psychological works. - M.:MPSI, 2012.- 427s


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    3. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its development in childhood. - M., 1968.

    4. Gamezo M.V., Gerasimova V.S., Gorelova G.G., Orlova L.M. Developmental psychology: personality from youth to old age: Textbook. - M., 2003.

    5. Zinchenko V.P., Morgunov E.V. A developing person. – M., 1995.

    6. Kle M. Psychology of a teenager. Psychosexual development. (Translated from French). - M., 1991.

    7. Kon I.S. Psychology of early adolescence. - M., 1982.

    8. Deprived of parental care. Reader/Ed. V.S. Mukhina. - M., 1991.

    9. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. - M., 2000.

    10. Nemov R.S. Psychology. In 3 volumes. Book. 2. - M., 2001, 686 p.

    11. Obukhova L.F. Child development psychology: Textbook for universities. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.-443 p.

    12. Petrushin V.I., Petrushina N.V. Valeology: Textbook. - M: Gardariki, 2003.-431 p.

    13. Polivanova K.N. Psychology of age-related crises: Textbook for universities. - M.: Academy, 2000.-181p.

    14. Piaget J. Selected psychological works. - M., 1994.

    15. Cognitive processes and abilities in learning./Ed. V.D. Shadrikova. - M., 1990.

    16. Psychological service of the school./Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1995.

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    17. Prikhozhan A.N., Tolstykh N.N. A teenager in a textbook and in life. - M., 1990.

    18. Mental development in children school age. /Ed. V.V. Davydova. - M., 1990.

    19. Psychology of age-related crises: Reader./Compiled. K.V. Selchenok. - Mn., 2000.

    21. Psychology of education / Ed. V.A. Petrovsky. - M., 1995.

    22. Childhood psychology: Textbook / Ed. A. A. Reana.-SPb.: Prime-Euroznak, 2003.- 350 p.

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    26. Dictionary of personalities. Psychologists from A to Z. - M., 1997.

    27. Flake-Hobson K., Robinson B.E., Skeen P. Development of the child and his relationships with others (Translated from English). - M., 1993.

    28. Personality formation in the transition period: From adolescence to adolescence / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1987.

    29. Formation of the personality of a high school student./Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M.. 1989.

    30. Reader on child psychology./Ed. G.V. Burmenskaya. - M., 2003.

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    32. Shadrikov V.D. Activities and abilities. - M., 1994.

    33. Shakhmatov N.F. Mental aging. - M., 1996.

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    35. Erickson E. Identity: youth and crisis (Translated from English). - M., 1996.



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