It is a shrub of compact size, characterized by spectacular appearance. hallmark of this variety are considered unusual bell-shaped flowers, which are characterized by a bright pink hue. Plant height can reach 1 meter.

Landing features and care

Moderately moist soils are preferred for planting. The plant responds well to loosening. For best quality flowering should be chosen sunny and protected from the wind places. Also, planting shrubs is allowed in places with slight shading.

Despite the resistance of the variety to frost, on winter period young plants are recommended to cover. During the dry season, watering is required. Pruning should be done after flowering is complete. Fertilization is carried out in spring and autumn.

WeigelaTango in landscaping

The variety is ideal for creating decorative compositions and hedges. Shrub in harmony with roses and coniferous plants. You can plant this variety for decoration household plots, parks and other spaces.

  • Latin name: Weigela florida Tango
  • Crown diameter and height in conditions middle lane: plant height can reach 1 meter
  • Bloom: unusual bell-shaped flowers, which are characterized by a bright pink hue
  • Features of growth and cultivation: during the dry season, watering is required. Pruning should be done after flowering is complete. Fertilization is carried out in spring and autumn
  • Frost resistance: despite the resistance of the variety to frost, it is recommended to cover young plants for the winter period
  • Landing: moderately moist soils are preferred for planting. The plant responds well to loosening. For the best flowering quality, choose a sunny and wind-protected location. Also, planting shrubs is allowed in places with slight shading.
  • Purpose: to create decorative compositions and hedges. The shrub is in harmony with roses and conifers. You can plant this variety to decorate personal plots, parks and other spaces.

Weigela blooming Tango (Weigela florida Tango). Weigela blooming Tango (Weigela florida Tango) Weigela blooming tango

(variety description, photo)

Weigela blooming Tango- a small shrub with a rounded crown shape. The leaves are purple-bronze. It is considered one of the few purple-leaved varieties for cold regions. Crimson flowers appear in June-July. Grows best on fertile, moderately moist soils.
Decorative. The shrub looks impressive with its purple leaves and variegated pink bell-shaped flowers.
Usage. It is used for groups, rabatok with perennials and conifers.
Plant characteristics. The shrub prefers fertile and moderately moist soils, can grow in the sun and in the shade. The plant is responsive to generous and regular watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing. It is not afraid of frosts, but it is better to cover for the winter.

How to buy flowering weigela seedlings Tango
in the nursery "Siberian garden"

In our nursery, you can buy weigela flowering Tango seedlings on open trading floors and in pet stores. Addresses, work schedule, phone numbers of outlets, see section "Contacts"(in the top menu).

Nursery " Siberian gardenยป delivers seedlings throughout Russia. You can order plants in our online store at: or follow the link in the top menu. Information about the conditions for placing orders, their payment and delivery of seedlings in Russia can also be found in the online store in the relevant sections.

Nursery Siberian Garden sells seedlings in bulk and invites organizations selling seedlings, landscape design, as well as organizers of joint purchases. The terms of cooperation can be found in the section "Wholesalers"(in the top menu).

Weigela blooming Tango

Weigela Quitucha Tango

Weigela florida Tango

Form: a new compact variety of Canadian selection of low-growing weigela with a spreading, rounded crown, 80 - 100 cm high. One of the most spectacular representatives of its kind, it impresses with green-purple foliage and bright pink bell-shaped flowers. The shrub prefers fertile and moderately moist soils, can grow both in sunny places and in the shade. A unique flowering border along the path.

Plant group: deciduous shrub.

Habit: sprawling, rounded, compact.

Height/diameter: the height and diameter of the plant is about 0.8 - 1 m.

Growth rate/growth strength: fast growing, annual growth in height and width is 25 cm.

Flowers: bell-shaped, purple-pink, collected in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. Abundantly cover the bush during flowering. Attractive for bees, birds, including hummingbirds, the similarity of which we observe in the nature of the Kyiv region (v. Zhornovka)

Flowering time: Why do gardeners love new weigel varieties? .... but because they bloom almost all summer! Weigela Tango blooms in June-July. Repeat bloom in August and September.

Leaves: arranged oppositely, elliptical in shape, 4-6 cm long, from dark green to purple with a bronze tint, finely serrated along the edges.

Root system: Weigela Tango has a flat-spread, well-developed root system that is resistant to compaction of the earthen substrate.

Attitude to light / insolation: Prefers sunny, sheltered locations. It grows in the shade, but the quality of flowering is deteriorating.

Humidity: Weigela flowering loves moist, but not waterlogged soil.

Type of soil/soil: tolerates all garden soils, but loves fresh, fertile, loose, well-drained soils, from acidic to slightly alkaline. Normally grows and develops on loam and clay substrates. Weigela does not tolerate soil salinity.

Landing / care: After planting, you need to shed the soil abundantly. Pruning is done after flowering, every 2-3 years. For the winter, after dropping the leaves (northern regions of Ukraine), the bushes are tied and bent to the ground. In the first years of life, the plant for the winter can be covered with spruce branches or synthetic non-woven material of various auctions. stamps like Spatbond with a density of 20 to 50 gr. per sq. m. Stronger plants and without shelter winter well and recover quickly.

We fertilize as usual with balanced NPK + Me in spring - nitrogen, in summer - phosphorus, August - September - potash. Do not forget about improving the structure of the soil with organic matter (humus, compost), and regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with adhesive.

All plants purchased in the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional dressing for a whole year. But the biggest advantage of buying potted plants is that they can be planted, without buying additional fertilizer, from March to December - even on the hottest days of summer.

Pests and diseases: resistant to diseases and pests, but can be affected by aphids.

Application: Weigela blooming Tango is suitable for single and group plantings, flowering borders and low hedges, contrasting color compositions, emphasizing unusual coloring, and is also suitable for growing in a container. Used successfully as a base or foreground for larger shrubs. Looks great on the lawn and against the background of green plants.

Temperature/frost resistance: frost-resistant.

Advantages: Weigela blooming Tango is a very showy dwarf shrub with purple-green leaves and bright pink bell-shaped flowers. Frost-resistant, undemanding to soils and lighting. Suitable for single and group plantings, for creating borders and compositions.

Climate/hardiness zone: 4-8 absolutely frost-resistant for the entire territory of Ukraine with basic care (mulching, fertilizing, watering)

Buy Weigela blooming Tango in Kyiv at low prices available in the PROXIMA plant nursery.
Read more about planting, watering, care, fertilizer, protection - with a photo in the "Planting, care" section.



2023 "" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs