Feng Shui talismans - the magic of the correct arrangement of things. Which feng shui stones suit your horoscope?

Our home is our fortress. A place where we will never call random people, and where loved ones are always welcome. According to ancient Chinese knowledge, Feng Shui, our home is divided into several “thematic” zones, and each of them has a special energy. In ancient times they believed that if it was strengthened with the help natural stones, you can attract any benefits into your life: love, prosperity, protection from damage... Modern experts nod their heads in agreement for good reason - there is such a science as crystal therapy.

Natural minerals are capable of accumulating both destructive and creative energy, and our task is to distinguish and select the latter. With its help, we learn how to properly zoning a house in this article!


The hallway is the “gate” of the house, a meeting place for all the energies that are allowed into your apartment - both with the “plus” and “minus” signs. Moreover, if all household members do not even think about bad things, guests can bring negative vibrations. That is why it is believed that powerful amulets should be placed in the hallway. Among them are obsidian, quartz, and rock crystal. In the absence of all of the above, you can turn to transparent stones that allow light to pass through.

Obsidian or quartz is placed opposite the entrance to the house - so that the stone is the first to “greet” arriving guests and neutralize any negativity. Of course, no one demands from you any sophisticated interior design in terms of organically incorporating natural stones into the decor of the apartment, and it is not necessary to place pebbles near the door. Obsidian, a stone of unusual color (or, to be more precise, volcanic glass) is used to make gift figurines, decorative boxes, and beads that can be hung above the door. Quartz is also suitable in any form and of any variety: pink, amethyst, and citrine, as well as jasper, carnelian and aventurine.


Living room - from the word “guests”: the spirit of the holiday, friendly gatherings and good mood should not leave this apartment area for a long time. The energy of the living room is active, creative, unlike the bathroom, which will be discussed below.

Stones located in this zone “work” to activate the vital forces of family members, attract wealth and material opportunities.

Products made from rock crystal and transparent stones purify the aura of the room and improve relationships between those who are in it. If there is often a wall of misunderstanding among household members or if there is no end in sight to quarrels, try to correct the current energy in the living room with the help of aventurine and - especially - rose quartz, which nipping all types of aggression in the bud.

Jewelry or crafts made from citrine will help you get rid of the “poor man’s psychology” stuck in your head and set yourself up for permanent financial success in business.

Products with amethyst inspire love of life and faith in the best, even if one gives up. And yet, in plain sight, in front of guests, amethyst should not be kept for a long time - “communicate” with it only at special moments, when it is necessary to make adjustments in the biofield of the living room, and at other times keep it in a jewelry box.

If it is necessary to improve the financial situation of the family, the living room should have interior items made of malachite, emerald, jade, marble, pyrite and the same rock crystal. In addition, wealth is “lured” by jewelry made of precious metals - gold and silver.


Kitchen = hearth. The place is sacred in a sense: it is believed that with food we receive energy for life, and also, by gathering at the table with the whole family, we strengthen family ties. The warmth of these meetings, as well as the increased energy of household members, is supported by minerals of all shades of the sun yellow. Among them, yellow calcite and carnelian are mainly distinguished. Knowledgeable people say that both stones in some mysterious way even help better digestion of food! The main thing is that “kitchen” minerals should be round in shape - without sharp protrusions and piercing corners.

Lapis lazuli, blue like the July sky, is also, oddly enough, listed as an assistant in the kitchen, but its “work” tasks are different. Vases, figurines, and maybe even salt and pepper shakers made of lapis lazuli are utensils for those who would like to curb their appetite. It is believed that the energy of the mineral is aimed at restoring balance in the body, as well as appealing to the mind, rather than self-indulgence.


The children's room is the center of the child's universe, especially before adolescence. Try to surround it with the right “planets” 😊

Citrine will help stimulate interest in learning, knowledge of the world, discoveries and experiments. It is said that this mineral also helps improve memory and speech skills.

Fluorite and other stones blue, as well as beryl, develop systematic thinking, increases the ability to analyze, helps to concentrate and not be distracted from studies. One “but”: stones should not be placed in a child’s room by force, only with the permission of its owner.

It is customary to keep products made of rose quartz near the crib of the little ones - its positive vibrations are directed, as they say knowledgeable people, and to maintain the health of the baby.


This location should be kept under seven seals for casual guests - you should not take them to the bedroom even for a sightseeing tour of the house if you do not want the joint energy of the spouses to undergo negative changes. It is also not recommended to store too many stones in the bedroom: there is a high risk of distorting the “calm” biofield of the room intended for relaxation.

If you suffer from insomnia or nightmares, you can take a closer look at the Labrador. This unusually colored stone should be placed in a visible place, but not near the head of the bed.

If it is necessary to eliminate the coldness between spouses, to increase mutual interest and attraction, stones of all shades of the most passionate color - red - can be placed on the bedside table. In the “love zone” there can be jewelry with rubies, garnets, carnelian, jasper in warm colors.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that studies natural energy flows and their impact on human life. It is based on the principles of interaction of 5 basic elements - Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal. The art of Feng Shui teaches us how to change the situation better way transformation of the surrounding space. Minerals also play a role in Feng Shui big role– placing according to the cardinal directions in certain places apartments are gems, we attract good luck in the right area of ​​life. You can use stone figurines, individual stones, or druses and geodes.

For general harmonization of life and improvement of health of apartment residents post in the center of the apartment jasper, marble, rock crystal, amethyst, uvarovite. good stone balls or eggs, druses, figurines of cranes or turtles.

For money luck and well-being post on southeast rock crystal, pyrite, petrified wood, citrine, marble, emerald, jade, malachite. Good stone figurines of frogs, turtles, fish, bulls, paired figurines of dogs, sailing ship, sculpture of the god of wealth Hottei, trees with leaves made of green stones.

For harmonization personal life And family relations place on southwest rock crystal, tourmaline, garnet, selenite, rose quartz, marble, charoite, jade. Good stone eggs, paired figurines of doves, ducks, cranes, geese, herons or dolphins, paired candlesticks, stone flowers or images of flowers, pink or red stone hearts, vases made of red or yellow stone.

For successful studies and quick development new knowledge place on northeast rock crystal, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, jasper, dolomite. Stone figurines of a snake or turtle are good.

To make new friends and patrons place on northwest products made of bronze, silver or gold, rock crystal, white jade, calcite, pyrite, fluorite. Good figures or images of dolphins, mosaic portraits of male people, icons, autumn landscapes.

For quick career growth in the north place rock crystal, fluorite, calcite, adularia. Stone fountains, stone figurines of turtles or fish, images of sea and river landscapes and waterfalls made from the appropriate stone are good.

To gain recognition, fame and success in the south place rock crystal, ruby, carnelian, garnet, heliotrope, amethyst, hematite, malachite. Good stone pyramids and figurines of horses, roosters, eagle, peacocks, druses or pointed crystals, stone trees, images from the corresponding stones of forest landscapes.

In order to weaken or strengthen the influence of the 5 elements on our own energy, we should wear certain minerals.

Element Reduces influence Increases influence
Water Jasper, marble, amethyst, golden topaz, tiger's eye, citrine, rauchtopaz, amber, jade, flint, rock crystal Aquamarine, selenite, belomorite, opal, fluorite, adularia, sapphire, turquoise, beryl, coral
Metal Ruby, garnet, hematite, rhodonite, carnelian, sardonyx, spinel, heliotrope, carnelian, rose quartz
Tree Pyrite, aventurine, diamond, tourmaline, alexandrite, pearl, heliodor Malachite, petrified wood, chrysoprase, peridot, emerald, olivine, moss agate

A wise woman selflessly takes care of her home. Cleanliness, order, cozy atmosphere– maintaining all this takes a lot of time and effort.

But this is not enough! In any case, this is what followers of Feng Shui believe. The ancient system of knowledge teaches us to change our lives by transforming the surrounding space.

In almost every house, zones with different purposes can be distinguished - and in each such specific zone the situation should be completely special. Let's take a closer look at the traditions of ancient Chinese civilization.

Why are such zones needed?

Correct zoning helps energy circulate freely, balance the flow of energy in your home, fill good mood all its inhabitants.

In Feng Shui practice, they work with virtually all household items. But semi-precious and precious stones play a very special role.

What is the power of precious stones?

Our ancestors knew well about the healing and magical power of stones. Modern medicine also recognizes this fact. The secret of healing properties is revealed by crystal therapy (quantum medicine). The power of stones is in vibrations!

Stones are natural crystals that accumulate energy over centuries. Electrical impulses affect the human electromagnetic field and increase individual energy.

But it's not that simple. You need to know how to work with stones correctly. You need to be able to choose the right stones. You need to tune in to them in a certain way.

According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, stones can be animate or inanimate. Moreover, the same stone can be alive for one person, but inanimate for another. The energy of the stone is not revealed to everyone. And if it is revealed, it is not at all accidental!
Find out: How to choose your feng shui stone

Stones and figures made of stones, like natural materials, have a certain impact on areas of your home. The vibrations of each stone stimulate specific systems of our body and push us to very specific thoughts and actions. That’s why you need to know exactly where and why you need to put a pebble in your home.

In total, Feng Shui distinguishes 7 main energy zones - the wealth zone, the fame zone, the marriage zone, the central zone, the knowledge and wisdom zone, the success and career zone, and the friends zone.

Wealth Zone
The wealth zone is located in the southeast. The most favorable stones for this zone are rock crystal, malachite, emerald, jade, pyrite, and marble. Place a marble vase on the table or place a beautiful sparkling pyrite crystal on a shelf. It is for such purposes that cute stone figurines are sold - frogs, turtles, fish, and so on.

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Placing the listed stones in the south-eastern zone of your home will help stabilize your financial situation, open new sources of income and properly invest material resources. According to an ancient tradition, the Chinese place compositions from petrified tree branches in the wealth zone. The energy of stone and wood concentrates the energy of growth, which contributes to the material well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

Glory Zone
IN southern zone At home they place decorations and red stones - red jasper, amethyst, ruby, garnet, carnelian. The Glory Zone belongs to the element of fire, so any objects of red-fiery shades are appropriate in this territory. Pyramids (glass, wood, metal) also wouldn’t hurt in the interior. The upward-pointing ends of the pyramids direct the energy flows of your home into the vastness of the Universe, attracting fame and recognition to the owner of the room. It is better to choose birds from the figurines - an eagle, a peacock, a rooster. Stone trees are suitable for this area.

Rejection zone
Feng Shui recommends that everyone who wants to strengthen their marriage or is looking for a second half should focus their attention on the southwestern zone of the house. Red and pink symbolize love, so it is necessary to work with the appropriate energy using stones of this color. The ideal stone is rose quartz. Its gentle subtle energy stimulates a person’s sensitive areas, helps to establish relationships, achieve almost intuitive mutual understanding and spiritual harmony.

Also, it is recommended to place tourmaline, rock crystal, charoite, and selenite in the marriage zone. From the figurines, it is better to choose paired figurines in the form of dolphins, swans, cranes, hearts - pomegranate hearts are especially suitable. It would be nice to place vases made of yellow and red stones on a table or shelf in this area.

Central zone
In the center of a house or apartment there is a central zone - a zone of harmonization of the general environment. This is where all the energies that pass through you and your home meet. It is this zone that is responsible for the harmonization of all elements.

Feng Shui recommends placing stones in the central zone - onyx, jasper, amethyst, selenite, rock crystal, marble, calcite. Amethyst will clear the room of negative energy, jasper will strengthen physical and mental health, onyx will reduce overall stress. Among the figures, it is better to place turtles and stone balls in the central zone.

Zone of knowledge and wisdom
The Northeast zone in your home is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. In this place it is recommended to use aquamarine, beryl, jasper, dolomite, and amethyst stones.

All these stones and minerals contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of knowledge and the achievement of mental clarity. As you know, symbols of wisdom are a snake, an owl, and a turtle. These are the figures that need to be placed in the wisdom zone.

Please pay special attention for crystals - rock crystal, quartz and others. Natural crystals are conductors of electromagnetic energy, as well as keepers of information and mental programs. It is not for nothing that the latest electronic systems are based on the operation of crystals. The warmth of your body activates the outgoing energy of the crystal. At the same time powerful energy Crystals allow us to balance our own energy, remove blockages, and open new areas of consciousness.

The pearl is another symbol of concentrated information. One pearl in the sink on your desk will help galvanize your efforts during your study or creative process.

Success and career zone
For a successful career, you need to take care of the northern zone of your home. Here the interior can be decorated with calcite crystals, as well as such unusually beautiful minerals as fluorite.

This stone helps to cope with emotions, helps to instantly find solutions in the most difficult situations and achieve success. Figurines of fish, frogs and turtles will help you quickly advance up the career ladder. Stone fountains and waterfalls are very appropriate in the success zone.

Friends zone
In the northwestern part of your house is the friend zone. It is in this place that it is best to arrange a living room and, accordingly, receive guests. The best stone for the friends zone it’s malachite. The stone is very friendly and positive. Put it on the shelf. Or decorate the table with a vase and malachite figurines. The energy of the stone will have the most positive impact to everyone present in the room.

Bronze figurines, items made of silver or gold, white jade, as well as calcite, pyrite, and fluorite stones located in the friend zone will have a very good effect on your energy. Choose figurines or images of dolphins, as well as mosaic portraits for this room.

Decorate your home with useful things natural decor And remember: It is not recommended to overload living spaces with stones, minerals and other energetically active elements of the natural world. This threatens an imbalance of energy zones, which can lead to deterioration in well-being and other negative consequences.

Mineral stones play a huge role in Feng Shui. Thanks to correct placement stones relative to the cardinal directions, we attract fortune into our lives in certain areas of life. Feng Shui - ancient Chinese teaching, describing energy flows and their impact on our lives. This worldview is based on the interaction of 5 basic elements - Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal. Thanks to the transformation of the surrounding space according to Feng Shui, we have the opportunity to change the world around us.

Where and what stones should be placed according to Feng Shui

To improve health and harmony in life, it is recommended to place marble, rock crystal, uvarovite, and yamsha in the center of the apartment. You can also use stone balls, druses, figurines of turtles or cranes.

For financial well-being, it is necessary to place petrified wood, rock crystal, pyrite, emerald, malachite, jade, and marble in the southeastern part of the apartment. Figurines of turtles, fish, bulls, sailing ships, sculptures of the god of wealth Hottei, and frogs will also have the desired effect.

To improve your personal life and family relationships, you need to place tourmaline, rock crystal, selenite, garnet, rose quartz, marble, jade, charoite in the southwest of your home. Paired figurines of ducks, pigeons, geese, cranes, dolphins and herons, as well as candlesticks, images of flowers, red and pink hearts will also be good for attracting success in the above-mentioned areas.

To find friends or patrons, place Feng Shui stones such as white jade, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, rock crystal or items made of silver, bronze or gold in the northwest. Also good are images or figurines of dolphins, various icons and autumn landscapes.

For success at work, you need to place fluorite, rock crystal, calcite or adularia in the north. Good influence There will also be stone fountains and figurines of stone turtles and other aquatic inhabitants.

To gain fame, success and recognition, rock crystal, carnelian, ruby, heliotrope, garnet, amethyst, malachite and hematite should be located in the south. Stone pyramids, figurines of horses, an eagle, a rooster or pointed crystals will also not interfere.

Feng Shui is a centuries-old teaching that helps people not only acquire knowledge about their body, energy flows in the Universe, but also focuses on everything that surrounds us in this world. According to Feng Shui, absolutely everything matters, especially what is dear to us and what we love. Precious and semi-precious stones also have their significance in ancient Chinese teaching. They have their own unique energy, endowing us with their magical powers and can have both positive and negative effects on their owners.

Without a doubt, each of us loves precious minerals and jewelry with them. However, not everyone knows What do stones mean according to Feng Shui? and how they should be placed in the house or worn in accordance with their magical and healing properties.

Placement of stones according to Feng Shui

To improve your health, Feng Shui advises purchasing products with the following gems: jasper, marble, uvarovite, crystal or amethyst. Minerals will have the best effect if they are placed in the center of your home, or worn as a necklace or pendant.

The following will help solve financial problems and restore the well-being of the family: emerald, jade, rock crystal, malachite. It is best to store jewelry or products with these gems in the southeast of the house, since it is this side that is responsible for cash flows and profit. Placing minerals near wood or water will give you maximum effect from their magical influence.

Everything related to love and passion: stones, minerals and gems in Feng Shui are located in the southwest direction. Here it is worth placing rose quartz, crystal, jadeite, garnet, selenite and other stones that are responsible for the balance and harmony of feelings and the search for a soul mate. Talismans or amulets, divided into two halves, or pendants and rings with these gems and minerals will help to establish relationships in the family and establish an unbreakable relationship with a loved one.

People who work hard in the field of science, students, schoolchildren and those who study hard and absorb information should acquire aquamarine, dolomite, jasper or amethyst. These minerals located in the northeast will help you work more efficiently and fruitfully and absorb new knowledge.

Modest, quiet and closed people who find it difficult to get along with others and live in their own universe, it is worth placing calcite, pyrite, fluorite and similar gems in the northwest. It is best to wear products with these minerals on your hands: bracelets, rings. They provide the ability to open up and get closer, to trust and understand.

Career growth and advancement, success in work and business, for both men and women, will be ensured by adularia in the northern part of the house or jewelry, for example, earrings.

Fame and recognition can be achieved if you decorate the southern part of your home with garnet, amethyst, ruby ​​or emerald. It is also recommended to wear gold or platinum jewelry decorated with these minerals.

Good luck and success will be brought by stones also placed in the southern part of the house: carnelian, hematite, agate, alexandrite, peridot.

Find a soul mate, get a promotion at work, gain luck and fame, good health natural precious and ornamental stones and jewelry with them will help, which can be purchased in the Mineral Market online store.. All about stones and their magic!

Other products made from this stone:



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