Union of Scorpio and Virgo woman. Are they compatible in love? What is sexual compatibility if a Scorpio woman and Virgo man are in the same bed

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Only at first glance, representatives of these signs very different: calm and consistent Virgo versus impulsive and emotional Scorpio. This combination has a lot in common, and common ground can be found without problems. A prudent and mature Virgo at any age will be offered guardianship over the eccentric Scorpio, but she will cope with this difficult responsibility professionally. The extravagant but sweet Scorpio will color the Virgo’s rather smooth life with his enchantment, and she will be grateful to him for this: this couple of different temperaments will always have something to say to each other, they perfectly organize their common leisure time and do not get bored together.

For the reliability of the union, whatever it may be - business, love, friendship, will have to answer Virgo: only her rationalism and prudence will not leave Scorpio’s emotional impulses uncontrolled and will not allow the development of relationships to take their course. But Virgo’s age and life experience are very important: experienced and wise men or women of this sign can easily cope with the enchanting nature of Scorpio, but young people will not have the strength or desire to deal with the constant whims.

In youth, such a union has every chance of falling apart right before our eyes if the couple rushes headlong into the pool of passions, forgetting about serious differences in worldview

Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Bright and emotional, completely independent, with her characteristic total control of everything around her and constant vigorous activity, the Scorpio woman strives for an authoritative and influential circle of acquaintances. Her psychological opposite - the phlegmatic and socially passive Virgo man - is far from dynamic and spontaneity, and takes excessive pressure and pressure as a personal threat.

Business or love union between them will be possible if Scorpio shows delicacy and basic politeness in the relationship. This man easily loses his temper if someone raises their voice at him, and he does not at all accept sarcasm and causticity addressed to him. The kind words of a Scorpio woman will reach their goal faster: with such an unobtrusive gingerbread Virgo will be tamed for a long time.

Between so different characters conflicts inevitable. In disputes, it is important for them not to get personal and not stoop to mutual insults. The wait-and-see attitude of both will not cover up the conflict - a deadlock situation will arise: the pathological touchiness of Scorpio and the integrity of Virgo will soon lead to an irreversible break in relations.

Between such different characters, conflicts are inevitable

Are they compatible in love?

The impulsiveness and even frivolity of the Scorpio woman are sometimes unable to balance even the responsibility and pragmatism of the Virgo man. IN love relationships this couple there are a lot of surprises waiting for you: the lady likes novelty in communication, but Virgo is a stable and adamant conservative who will not want to rebuild the established one every day life together for the sake of the whims of the chosen one.

Protracted quarrels in an alliance where he is a Virgo and she is a Scorpio are quite likely, but if both find the strength not to get hung up on each other, critically looking for shortcomings over and over again, relative peace will come to this relationship. The best option will happen if, in addition to a fragile love affair, a common cause or an interesting hobby arises in their union: mutual trust and curiosity will help Scorpio and Virgo easily overcome any obstacles in life. In addition, the couple is capable of romance and mutual tenderness: the manifestation of these feelings, albeit not every day, but from time to time will help to avoid fatal disappointments.

Virgo guy and Scorpio girl in sex

Compatibility of this couple in intimate relationships unpredictable: in the heat of passion at the initial stage of a relationship, partners will easily turn a blind eye to the too stormy temperament of Scorpio and the regularity and calmness of Virgo. But as soon as the first love fervor is cooled by frequent meetings in bed, the entire opposite of these signs will manifest itself in full.

Virgo’s pickiness and criticality towards her partner can go beyond all limits, and if Scorpio does not try to gently resolve the situation, the couple can be considered failed

In addition, Virgo should not forget that Scorpio does not tolerate criticism, especially in the intimate sphere. The peculiar egoism of both will lead to the fact that everyone will pull the blanket over themselves: Virgo, due to her prudence, will consider herself right, and the Scorpio woman does not need to prove anything to her partner, so she will easily part with this prude and go in search of another happiness.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

A romance between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman does not always lead to marriage, although the marriage of this combination of signs is quite viable and lasts for a long time. A couple can go to legal registration for years if the Scorpio woman does not find a less reasonable gentleman - after all Virgo will think and think whether he needs this eccentric woman for the rest of his life. But it is this “eccentric woman” who in marriage is able to acquire that peace and inner balance that she so lacks in a friendly or love union.

Virgo for Scorpio is the one safe haven, in which there is no need to be afraid of the consequences of the manifestation of one’s sexual temperament, a violent thirst for activity in all spheres of life, constant and often unreasonable risks. The wife of the Scorpio sign is even capable of taking care of Virgo, and the husband, who values ​​attention and affection, will easily make decisions that are necessary and useful for the family, and, if necessary, will take responsibility.

A romance between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman does not always lead to marriage

Is there friendship if he is a Virgo and she is a Scorpio?

They will good friends, if they concentrate on the little things they have in common: straightforwardness, honesty, the desire for self-development, setting goals and achieving them. A Virgo man should not compare this woman with other acquaintances: she simply will not tolerate criticism directed at her, especially sarcastic ones. If he is not too cold and withdrawn, and she is not annoyingly curious, they can become each other reliable support and protection. In this friendship, Scorpio should come down to earth and not demand the impossible from Virgo.

In constructive friendly quarrels, which usually end quickly, they will not only find a grain of truth, but also move on new level mutual understanding

The first and basic rule for a Scorpio woman is do not go into open conflict with him. She must have enough flexibility and intuition to sense this man's boiling point and hit the brakes. He, like a true man, is attracted to her by her natural sexuality: the desire to possess this enchanting woman will become a fixed idea. But he has excellent self-control, and his conservative thinking does not allow him to jump over several steps in a relationship.

All the Scorpio woman needs is not to force events, giving Virgo the opportunity to make decisions that are important for the development of communication. And take care of yourself and your education: a pedant and a neat person, this man will choose as his companion an attractive woman, erudite and able to carry on a conversation.

The first and basic rule for a Scorpio woman is not to enter into an open conflict with Virgo.

Scorpio woman urgently It is not recommended to openly flirt with other men: even if from the outside it looks harmless, the very old-fashioned views of the Virgo man will not appreciate such frivolity and will not forgive. His review of such a lady will be as too frivolous a person.

How to get the attention of a Scorpio woman?

A Scorpio woman who is well versed in the subtleties of seduction and wholly charming will not be so easy to achieve. But in fact, a man who meets her ideals is able to completely take possession of this lady.

What should the chosen one of this bright woman be like?

  • Charm and individuality are the first things this coquette will notice.
  • Scorpio woman absolutely does not accept empty promises and lies, but a straightforward and open Virgo man can easily cope with this.
  • He must be extremely confident in himself, since it is the Scorpio woman who does not observe stability in herself at all.

For some ladies of this sign, the process of conquering a man is interesting, and not vice versa - she will quickly get tired of too obvious interest in her person. Fascinated by the inaccessibility of Virgo, this young lady is capable of taking the first step, which can be the beginning of a vibrant relationship.

Horoscope compatibility of Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man?

The engine of this relationship is the energetic and imperturbable Scorpio; it is the critical and judicious woman born under the sign of Virgo who gets to help her partner, and she will cope with this role perfectly. With this fit and tireless man, whom neither his business partners nor his family ever sees broken and tired, it is easy for Virgo to build both friendly and loving relationships.

It is easy for Virgo to build both friendly and loving relationships with Scorpio

Love relationships

How will their romance develop?, even they themselves don’t know: on some issues, Scorpio and Virgo come to a common opinion, on others – to the completely opposite. Unpredictability in love relationships, which often arises due to the extremes of Scorpio, can be avoided due to the stability and prudence of Virgo.

If a couple has serious mutual feelings, there is every chance of long and happy love

In a proper, harmoniously developing romance, they strive to learn from their partner what they don't have themselves: the reserved and reserved Virgo woman draws passion and confidence from the emotional Scorpio, and he restrains himself from rash and impulsive decisions, becomes smarter and more logical in his behavior.

The harmony of intimate relationships of this combination largely depends from a Scorpio man. Whether he will be a reliable protection for the sensitive Virgo or torment her with his suspicions of treason, the bed for both can become both a place of true pleasure and a battlefield. Seriously carried away by this unapproachable and cold, but in fact faithful and sexy girlfriend, Scorpio is capable of completely losing his head. For a couple there will be the best option, if a man submits to the flow of love that rushes over both of them, and does not try to control it. A Virgo in his arms should forget about her excessive prudence, trust and be led, and not try to lead.

This couple may well get to the registry office, but only if the Scorpio man deserves Virgo's exceptional trust. And she can think more than once or twice, and she will have many reasons for this. It is about the Scorpio man that we can say: “ No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest" But if a husband and wife are ready to share the responsibility for joint happiness, family development and raising children in half, and also be faithful to each other, everything will work out for them.

Virgo has the power to really arrange strong alliance: she carefully chooses her life partner, which, however, does not prevent her from getting a divorce and again looking for a soul mate.

Scorpio's sexuality can put an end to these love affairs, but for this to happen, it is the man who will have to try hard in marriage

How are a Virgo girl and a Scorpio guy friends?

Friendly relationships with this combination of signs can flash on and off as if they never existed. The incredible attraction to each other is due, rather, to common interests: they can come together on the basis of an exotic hobby or scientific work. How successful their friendship will be and whether it will become stronger over time is difficult to predict: if they want, together they can resolve a complex conflict, but an accidental small quarrel can put an end to a prosperous friendship.

How to win a Scorpio man and build a relationship with him?

All Virgo needs for this is keep yourself in check, trust this man and give him leadership in the union. No usual and so logical for Virgo criticism, scenes of jealousy and petty quibbles: more freedom for Scorpio, the opportunity to set goals and achieve them, and this man will be grateful for such faith in his capabilities.

With this combination of signs, friendships can flare up and fade away, as if they never existed

Is it possible to make a Virgo woman fall in love with you?

But above this Scorpio man with all his charisma and sexuality will have to work. Virgo is not the sign that forgets itself from love and rushes headlong into novels. Scorpio has everything to please Virgo; it is important to use these qualities correctly and have patience to conquer the apparent impregnable fortress. Virgo men often lack ideal decency: alas, the bright individualist Scorpio cannot boast of this either.

December 14, 2017, 16:46

Virgo and Scorpio are the two zodiac opposites when it comes to sex. Scorpios are very sexy, and for Virgos sex is a mere tenth of a role. However, the stars say that these two signs can make a good union. Let's see what the compatibility horoscope is for Scorpio and Virgo.

General characteristics Virgo sign

Virgo is one of the most controversial signs in the Zodiac. They amazingly combine sober logic, pragmatism and realism with rare intuition and spirituality. Huge number spiritual leaders and theologians were Virgos. Virgos are reserved and secretive; they have few friends, but they value them very much.

Virgos are reserved in love; they love to analyze everything too much, including feelings. They say that virgins truly love only once in their lives, and this love is rarely happy, dooming them to loneliness. However, Virgos are capable of creating strong families, provided that they meet a worthy couple.

General characteristics of the Scorpio sign.

Scorpio is an unusually bright and strong sign of the Zodiac. He is impulsive and sometimes even aggressive. It is said that the two main traits of Scorpio are aggressiveness and sexuality. Scorpios are always powerful and tireless individuals, even if this is hidden under the guise of indifference and immaturity. They are indifferent to moral principles and public opinion, the vitality and charisma emanating from them makes people obey them. Both Scorpio men and women are fatal people, capable of suppressing their “halves” and even causing them pain.

compatibility if Virgo is a woman and Scorpio is a man.

So, two signs that are unlikely to have anything in common. Virgo and Scorpio - compatibility impossible? Not at all. These two signs, as the stars say, may well make happy couple. Their relationship is dynamic and contradictory, sometimes they argue and even make scandals, but they still stay together, it’s too good and interesting for them. They complement each other: Virgo calms Scorpio, and he likes it when she shows the passion hidden under the coldness.

Scorpio is a strong-willed and strong sign. He doesn't like cute dummies who obey him. The Scorpio man does not like easy prey. That is why the cold-blooded and restrained Virgo, who shines with her intellect, is so attractive to him. Scorpio will notice her in any company and will definitely try to impress her with his characteristic self-confidence. But that was not the case. Virgo is perhaps the only sign of the Zodiac that is not subject to Scorpio. Even having fallen in love with him, she will still persist and show character, thanks to which Scorpio will not be bored. Not every couple can withstand such a confrontation. That is why it cannot be said that Virgo and Scorpio have perfect compatibility. However, if they love each other, they will live an extremely bright and interesting life together.

It is very important for Scorpio that the family supports his endeavors. And Virgo is quite smart enough to give him this support, at least in front of everyone. Virgo is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of Scorpio's interests, and he appreciates this very much. If Virgo also manages to accept Scorpio as a patron and criticize him less, their marriage will be very happy. It is not surprising that many consider the marriage of “Virgo and Scorpio” to be successful. Their compatibility causes slight surprise and even envy, and their problems, as a rule, are locked with a strong lock.

The horoscope of Scorpio and Virgo is not ideal, there are also underwater ones in it, it is very sexy, it needs new impressions and originality. Active is suitable for Scorpio creative personality, which Virgo is not. In addition, Virgo is vulnerable, and Scorpio is a brawler. Even when loving, he can greatly offend Virgo with his unjustified outbursts.

They will also have problems sexually. Scorpio will try in every possible way to melt the ice, but it is not a fact that he will succeed. For Virgo, sex is not that important. However, if in all other respects Scorpio suits the pragmatic Virgo, she will quickly understand that sex is best way tie him to you. And Virgo always excels at everything she takes seriously, including sex...

Virgo and if Virgo is a man and Scorpio is a woman.

This union is dynamic and unpredictable. They are always emotional and on the rise. The Scorpio woman is truly femme fatale, emotional and impulsive. And the Virgo man, with his calm disposition, really likes this, sometimes he even teases her on purpose - so as not to get bored. However, a Scorpio woman can also be aggressive, which a Virgo man is unlikely to like. This union can become very promising provided that Virgo takes care of work and finances the family, and Scorpio, in addition to work, finds interesting hobbies that will consume most of her temperament.

A Virgo man should never forget that his lady is the sexiest female sign in the Zodiac. The Scorpio woman is attracted to a lot in Virgo, but if he does not take care of her sexual satisfaction, they are quite capable of going “to the side.” However, if a Virgo man is dear to her, then he will never know about these campaigns.

The emergence of a spark in the zodiac signs: between Virgo and Scorpio, can occur at work in neighboring offices, on vacation or on the Internet. In marriage, such people usually have no problems, because they both treat this matter very carefully. Friends, acquaintances and old friends Virgo and Scorpio will never risk pinching their souls in such a way as to try to create a strong union. In friendship and in love, a Virgo has one incorrigible point: the Virgo considers herself perfect sign zodiac The horoscope of freedom-loving and independent signs, like Virgos, is ideal, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to argue with this. After all, a virgin (woman or man, it doesn’t matter) will immediately begin to prove the opposite in word and deed, remaking everyone and everything. In marriage, this is called a showdown, not a scandal. Climbing into the depths of the consciousness of anyone who stands opposite them, a virgin is capable, although not of turning the world of another person upside down. But include a little doubt whether the interlocutor is actually right.

With Scorpio, in terms of changes and clicks, it is unlikely that anything will work out for the Virgo, no matter how pleasant the man is to her and no matter how many times the horoscope is read. No matter how hard the virgin tries, the closed and stubborn Scorpio will not allow himself to be scanned, much less taught about life. If a man said that the earth is flat, it’s easier for a virgin to turn on her wisdom and say that she can agree with this too, if the cute Scorpio (or scorpio woman) is so comfortable.

Scorpio is so confident in himself that no other zodiac sign is capable of breaking his conceit, and, in his opinion, neither does the horoscope. Lies often. Moreover, this does not always mean endless self-love. If a Scorpio wife suddenly said that she is not beautiful, then it is unlikely that anyone can prove her otherwise. Moreover, this is not a desire to receive more compliments, it is an attack on a fact, the opposite of which only irritates and spoils the mood. The best thing a man can do is to encourage him with the words: “We will do everything possible to improve your appearance so much that you will be delighted with yourself,” or let you read the horoscope for the week, where it says that everything will be fine.

This couple needs to learn to listen to each other

Unlike Virgo, who has a sense of tact from birth, Scorpio does not give in to criticism, and his reaction to what is happening around him may not be at all what was expected or described by the horoscope. As many expect. Let’s say, if you come up with a surprise for your Scorpio, with whom you’ve lived for five years, you risk not even getting into the “seven” simply because he wasn’t in the right mood today. Virgo can only tolerate such “gratitude” a couple of times from all signs. But after that, he won’t even turn around to leave. Because this greatly degrades her ideal and insults her sense of self-sufficiency. A Virgo husband can go to the left simply out of boredom, even though he has a beloved woman.

A man who happened to be born in August - September likes bright colors, beautiful melody and well-groomed women. We can say that everyone likes them and the horoscope has nothing to do with it. But these husbands and virgins can only like an intelligent woman with energy, and not just a glossy cover. He is a creator and a romantic, but sex, which often happens after courtship, cannot bind commitment to a guy or man under the sign of Virgo. A Virgo woman and girl do not allow themselves to go to bed with a seducer, without love or the reason she needs. This is it big difference between girls of different sexes. The Scorpio woman and the Scorpio man are similar to each other in their behavior and worldview. It is precisely this similarity that separates the two Scorpios into different angles.

A sense of self-sufficiency and confidence that every Scorpio deserves the best; often marriages of two identical zodiac signs break up in the first year of life.

What unites Virgo and Scorpio, besides the fact that they are a man and a woman? Strange, but it is precisely similar character traits that closely intertwine the fate of the man and woman of these zodiac signs. Prerequisites for friendship can quickly develop into marriage and long-term feelings of love. Scorpio is suspicious and cautious by nature; he will never make contact if he is not completely sure of the person. Even if he is mistaken, he will never admit his mistake, but will come up with an excuse why they did not get along in character. Virgo, like Scorpio, does not accept surprises, stupid gifts and worthless relationships. Their arrogance is so great that it immediately gives the impression of being strong and wise man, a woman is especially good in this role. This is something that both zodiac signs like.

Since a Virgo usually has a beautiful appearance, especially a woman, and competent speech - often a man, Scorpio likes to communicate with this sign and move towards strong friendship.

Virgo, on the contrary, always treats Scorpio with caution: either wariness due to suspicion of hot temper, fear of losing a loved one because of his sense of leadership, or the inability to guess Scorpio’s mood. But sooner or later, the virgin gets tired of any psychological stress and a “debriefing” begins where a god and an idol are chosen for further relationships. These two zodiac signs have only one opportunity to build a marriage in love: learn to listen and understand each other.

As parents, Virgo and Scorpio are a real team

While the Virgo prepares for herself a friend, acquaintance, accomplice and an excellent person from her own child, reading his horoscope before he is born, the Scorpio parent becomes a real dome over his child and devotes his entire life to his beloved child, two, seven. A different view on upbringing gives a little person of all zodiac signs the opportunity to develop diversified and feel the love of their parents in a full-fledged marriage. in every sense of the word.

Representatives of the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio are characterized by astrologers as firm, assertive and independent personalities. The relationship between this couple is quite complicated. The difference in temperament leaves an imprint on their entire joint activities. The restrained Virgo has difficulty accepting the violent manifestations of Scorpio's emotionality. In the union of these zodiac signs, there is often misunderstanding. Scorpio is annoyed by the lack of activity in Virgo's behavior, and she is infuriated by unfounded outbursts of jealousy and scandals organized by her partner.

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If Virgo and Scorpio fall in love with each other, both should eradicate the habit of making decisions on their own. Otherwise, the union will constantly be rocked by conflicts. For the relationship to be harmonious, everyone in this couple will have to give up their independence.

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      • Struggle for leadership

        Strength of character is manifested in Scorpio and Virgo in all types of activities. Regardless of whether they are male or female, representatives of these signs clearly demonstrate rigidity in decision-making. This quality, coupled with the independence of each, prevents partners from discussing current affairs and listening to each other’s opinions. Both consider themselves to be quite reasonable, so in the union they rarely think that it would be a good idea to first discuss this or that problem before doing anything on their own.

        By nature, both Virgo and Scorpio are leaders, so each strives to take a dominant position in the couple, but their ways of resolving issues are radically different. Virgo has a conservative approach to everything, while Scorpio prefers to act intuitively, using progressive ideas.

        If representatives of these constellations decide to go on vacation together, then everyone has their own idea of ​​how and where to spend their time. At the same time, neither one nor the other is inclined to think about the preferences of the partner and discuss joint plans. Closer to vacation, they suddenly find out that their opinions fundamentally differ: Virgo wants to relax in silence, go out of town, and Scorpio has already agreed on a trip to a noisy resort and planned active entertainment, including parachute jumping, skiing from the mountain slopes and daily discos.

        As soon as such differences in preferences are revealed to both, a conflict flares up between the couple. The partners refuse to give up ground, so everyone rests according to their own program. If similar situations are repeated regularly, but Scorpio and Virgo do not seek compromises, and the union very soon falls apart. Relationships between these signs are impossible without choosing a leader; someone must recognize the dominant position of the other and focus on the common decisions made by him, otherwise disagreements and mutual dissatisfaction will push the partners away from each other.


        It is unlikely that representatives of these constellations will become bosom friends, but their friendly relations develop well. Virgo and Scorpio have little common interests, so they fail to establish a strong friendship, but in overlapping areas, for example, if they are both interested in fishing or the same sport, both partners willingly make contact with each other. They have something to talk about, the breadth of their horizons is both top level, so they never get bored.

        If they have been friends since childhood, Scorpio has always been slightly strained by this friendship. Over the years, he understands that the frequent company of a friend can be very tiring, and Virgo is convinced of the need to maintain relationships with regular meetings, so he bores his partner.


        As colleagues, Virgo and Scorpio complement each other perfectly. The union of this couple can be a real godsend for a wise leader. The frantic activity, energy and pressure of the determined Scorpio in tandem with the reasonable and practical actions of Virgo give a stunning result. The horoscope of each of these signs indicates hard work and responsibility. Scorpios and Virgos are considered very reliable workers.

        This couple can be entrusted with the most complex and urgent projects; thanks to the responsible approach of both employees, everything works out before our eyes. While one is thinking, the other is actively implementing well-thought-out plans. These partners work very well together in the field economic activity. Classic solutions Virgos, based on many years of experience, coupled with extravagance modern ideas Scorpio will lead the company to the heights of prosperity.

        In a pair of boss-Scorpio and subordinate-Virgo, these signs are unlikely to work together; the violent manifestation of the leader’s emotions will not find understanding in the eyes of the employee. But if Virgo is in charge, then the relationship can turn out very successfully. The Scorpio subordinate will love and respect the Virgo boss very much, because they are very hardworking and fair. They deserve respect in the team. And Scorpio knows how to maintain subordination, so he will hide his violent temper, happily acting under the control of an intelligent person.


        Scorpio sets the passionate tone for the relationship in this couple. Virgo constantly extinguishes her partner’s violence and slows him down in every possible way. Her tediousness causes a lot of grief: the adventurous Scorpio prefers fireworks and explosions; for a representative of this zodiac sign, life is empty if it flows smoothly and grey. Incompatibility of temperaments brings disharmony to a love union, but mutual feelings allow lovers to find a middle ground that suits both. Virgo's prudence complements the lack of caution in Scorpio's behavior. These partners balance each other perfectly if they strive to create a strong couple. Although the cocky Scorpio sometimes gets bored in the company of a bore, this sign knows how to adequately assess the other abilities of its chosen one. In Virgo he is attracted to:

        • reasonableness;
        • honesty;
        • tact;
        • ingenuity.

        The intelligence of both partners is usually developed, so they always have something to talk about. In a love relationship, Scorpio is ready to turn a blind eye to Virgo’s moralizing monologues, because he sees in them a sincere desire to achieve a goal and correct, reasonable arguments. Virgo admires her partner’s selflessness. Well aware of their shortcomings, representatives of this sign highly value people who are able to withstand their pickiness. From the first minutes of a relationship, Virgos notice Scorpio’s lack of restraint, so they regularly reproach their partner for being too emotional. Their pedantry can infuriate anyone, but a Scorpio in love regards this quality in their chosen one as a counterbalance to their own sloppiness, and tries to respond adequately to constant attacks and reproaches.

        True, deep love in this couple arises over time, when both representatives of the signs get to know each other better and begin to trust their partner. This union is durable only with complete trust, otherwise Scorpio’s jealous attacks will force the calm Virgo to break off the relationship in order to preserve nerve cells. However, the separation of reasonable partners does not happen often. If they are imbued with mutual sympathy, then their couple clings tightly to intimate compatibility. Scorpio is pleased to discover in Virgo the ability to submit in bed. She, in turn, secretly grins, allowing herself to be guided without making any effort, getting the opportunity to completely relax and receive satisfaction in the hands of a skilled lover.


        The family union of these partners is developing extremely successfully. Virgo is unlikely to enter into marital relations, without being 100% sure of the need for such a connection. The marriage of representatives of these signs is concluded only if each spouse understands his role in the family and is ready to take on certain obligations.

        Comfort in family life This couple is supported by the homely Virgo, regardless of gender, while Scorpio devotes most of his time to satisfying his own ambitions at work, although he performs his duties at home regularly. In this family, conflicts often arise when resolving financial issues; the partners’ views on this area of ​​life are very different. Virgo considers making capital and investing in home improvement the most important tasks of a young family. And Scorpio loves to live on a large scale, so he does not want to put off luxury and entertainment indefinitely. In material matters, these partners need to immediately determine amounts that will satisfy both of them for established expense items.

        Money issues cannot be resolved by Scorpio and Virgo without compromise, because neither one nor the other will change their life attitudes in this area. To create harmony, Virgo will have to come to terms with significant waste of the family budget on entertainment and recreation. And Scorpio must strictly observe established order investment in the spouse's fundamental goals.

        The relationship of a couple depends on the gender of the zodiac signs. The Virgo girl is more pliable and flexible than the Scorpio lady, and the Virgo guy may well end up under the heel of his wife, but this will never happen with a male Scorpio.

        Scorpio man and Virgo woman

        The union of this couple is quite successful. A woman of this sign is able to show flexibility and hand over the main reins of power to a man due to the fact that a conservative approach to everything also leaves its mark on relationships with the opposite sex. These ladies recognize male dominance.

        If a man’s income allows a woman to do housework without being distracted by work, the union of this couple is ideal. The woman is always under the supervision of Scorpio, so he does not torment himself with the pangs of jealousy. The lady in these relationships fully demonstrates her pedantry, her home sparkles with cleanliness, she is able to devote whole days to arranging things in the right order. The Virgo woman loves and knows how to cook, so her husband will always be satisfied with a hearty and tasty dinner.

        Scorpio is annoyed by the pickiness of his chosen one, but he highly appreciates her merits, so he is ready to put up with this shortcoming, although sometimes he cannot stand it and causes a scandal. But in other aspects of the relationship, this couple has nothing to complain about; harmony and mutual understanding reign between them. The compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man reaches 90%.

        Scorpio woman and Virgo man

        In this combination, marriage unions rarely develop. If love breaks out between a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man, then things are unlikely to come to a wedding. This is due to the fact that the representative of the stronger sex in this couple counts on female pliability, but the Scorpio lady crushes all his hopes to dust. This representative of the zodiac circle is considered the most insidious and strong woman, therefore, it is impossible to conquer and subjugate her, but she herself can easily crush any man with her power.

        In this union, it will be difficult for Virgo to cope with her habit of pointing out flaws to everyone. In addition, he will also receive a violent rebuff to every remark. The Scorpio woman cannot be educated, so the man faces a difficult battle, in which he may well lose. If at the dawn of a relationship he naively believes that he can cope with the unrestrained temper of his chosen one, then over time he understands that it is easier to give up or retreat. In this union, the partners have equal rights or the Scorpio wife dominates. Everything depends only on the man; if he has the strength and wisdom to understand and accept his wife with all her shortcomings, then the relationship can develop smoothly. When he is weak in spirit, this woman imperceptibly adjusts him to herself.

        The Scorpio wife is capable of being tender and affectionate, but her husband’s tediousness constantly drives her away. And when she is angry, she does not control her expression, which greatly hurts Virgo’s pride. If a wife manages to drive her husband under her thumb, she loses respect for him; nothing good comes out of such a marriage. Both responsibly fulfill family responsibilities, but the woman begins to look to the left. Only Virgo is very attentive, so he immediately notices changes in his wife’s behavior, and this man does not forgive betrayal.

        Very often this marriage breaks up because the man, insulted and humiliated, leaves his rebellious wife. If the relationship continues, partners should learn to keep their mouths shut: the husband - if he wants to express criticism of his companion, and the wife - in conflict situations. As a percentage, the compatibility of these spouses does not exceed 70%.

They seem to be perhaps the perfect couple. They both don't overexpose high requirements to each other, allowing everyone to be themselves. She will be devoted to him, will be able to show maximum care - this is all he expects from his beloved. In turn, with him she will be able to feel like behind a stone wall and enjoy peace and confidence.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo in LOVE

Both she and he do not like to show off their feelings. Therefore, at first their relationship may seem too dry and unreal to others. But this is far from true. He knows how to deeply experience his emotions and literally dissolve in the feeling that has visited him. However, he will talk about them only to his beloved and not in words, but in actions. This approach is ideal for her, since she herself is not very emotional.

He will like her reasonable approach to life and the sincerity of the feelings shown. Unlike him, she was used to experiencing her feelings more with logical reasoning and reason. Due to such character traits, this couple will not be in a particular hurry to get into a relationship. They will spend enough time to study each other and become closer. This approach will create ideal mutual understanding and close connection between them.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo in MARRIAGE

Their family relationships will be full of idyll. She will be able to properly organize his life so that he will be pleased to return home. Each item will be in its place, creating perfect order. In turn, he will be able to provide financially for the family so that no one experiences any shortage. They will treat each other with due respect and even provide reasonable freedom.

The only thing that can overshadow a union is its excessive jealousy. She can eat him from the inside and still find a way out. Fortunately, she understands this very well and will be able to calm him down. Her main quality is patience, which will help avoid many conflicts. True happiness for them will come with the advent of children. This will bind them to each other even more so that they cannot imagine their life without a partner.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo in BED

Their intimate relationships will happen naturally. He, with his indomitable energy and feelings, will be able to awaken the woman in her and teach her to speak body language. Her purity, modesty and hesitant steps will make him feel like a real man. Then he will begin to show maximum care and tenderness towards her. And she, in his arms, will be able to forget about all her fears and insecurities.

Despite this, this couple may also face some difficulties. This will especially happen at the very beginning of a relationship, when everyone has not been able to fully get to know their partner. In view of her cold appearance, he may also try not to show his feelings, which will only hold back their physical relationship. If everyone tries to meet each other halfway, then this point can be easily circumvented.

Important for girls to know!

This will be a very specific couple, but it will only appear that way from the outside. They will be able to understand each other's motives and establish harmonious relationships. But for this, they will need to accept their partner as he is and not try to change him even in the slightest detail. This will not be an easy task, especially for him, but for overall happiness and complete mutual understanding, it is worth trying.



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