Dream of being at a relatives' funeral. Dream Interpretation: What do people dream about funerals for? Why do you dream of a wake according to the dream book?

A wake in a dream can have both positive and negative value in the dream book, everything will depend on some details of the dream, such as: plot, emotional content and the real circumstances of the person himself.

Let's try to figure out why we dream about funerals, and what the world's leading dream books think about this.

What if you dream about your own funeral?

So, first, let's look at the dreams in which you dreamed of a wake... for yourself. It looks, of course, creepy, and from such dreams a person can always wake up in a cold sweat. What could such a dream mean? Oddly enough, in reality everything is not so bad, but quite the opposite. For example, modern dream book claims that such a dream can symbolize positive changes in life and good mood. This could be any of the following events: career advancement, marriage, employment personal life, the birth of the baby that everyone has been waiting for so long, and so on.

If you see in a dream how people are having fun at your funeral– this is also very good sign promising improvement financial well-being in the near future. This could be a salary increase, a bonus and some kind of financial gratitude.

However, old dream book has his own vision of such a dream. If people at your wake are having fun, dancing, and so on, this is a sign that a long life full of joy awaits you. However, if a person does not feel good, this is not a good sign, promising the loss of one of the people close and dear to you, or the loss of one’s status in society.

Dream about a funeral for a living person

    If you saw in a dream a wake for a person that real life still alive - this is a harbinger of some big event at which many people will gather;

    if you yourself are present at a dinner after a funeral in honor of a living person, this is a good sign that promises you a prosperous life and longevity;

    if you are in a dream at the funeral of one of your close relatives, who is actually alive and well, this is a sign of universal reconciliation, this applies to everyone, even the most sworn enemies.

A dream with a wake for a deceased person

Being at a wake for a deceased person in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways, depending on the dreamer’s perception and the current state of his affairs. So:

    if you commemorate a recently deceased person, this is bad sign, promising troubles, major troubles and problems;

    if you were invited as a guest to the funeral of a stranger, this means that in real life you will really be invited to visit;

    seeing a wake for a long-dead person is a sign of receiving some kind of important information, which must be used extremely carefully and carefully.

What if you dream of a wake in a cemetery?

No one cares about a funeral in a cemetery. pleasant emotions, although such a dream actually turns out to be a completely positive sign.

    If a healthy person saw a funeral dinner in a dream, this promises him longevity, while a sick person can expect a speedy healing;

    if such a dream was seen by an elderly person, this may be a sign of his imminent death (only if additional signs appear).

To more accurately interpret such a dream, you need to remember what the cemetery looked like in the dream. If it was well-groomed enough, this means that you should expect good news from afar. In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as the likelihood that you will soon get back something that you yourself once lost or was taken away from you (not necessarily a material thing).

Such a dream has another meaning. If you want to achieve success in any business, you will have to work hard and for a long time, only in this way will you become closer to your goal. It is also necessary to take into account the emotional component of the dream. If you behaved calmly and deliberately in it, this means that even in critical situations in real life you will be lucky. If you were anxious and sad in a dream, expect a dark streak in life, adversity and problems.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Miller’s dream book?

As Miller’s dream book says, a person’s appearance at a funeral is more likely positive sign than negative. Much will depend on the atmosphere of the dream, the behavior of those present and the personality of the deceased himself. In general, attending a wake is a good sign, promising quick changes in life.

If you were in a dream at the funeral of a stranger, this means that it will be difficult for you to find mutual understanding with the people around you, there is a high probability of conflicts and quarrels. The Dream Interpretation recommends that during this period you behave as restrainedly as possible and not be fooled by the provocations of other people.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Freud’s dream book?

Sigmund Freud believes that if you watch your own wake in a dream, this is a sign of new, exciting changes in life. If you see a memorial dinner for a person who is actually alive, this is a good sign, promising family well-being and success in business.

To more accurately characterize such a dream, you should remember the emotions that you experienced during such a dream. If you have a calm and positive attitude towards the situation, despite its tragedy, this is a sign that promises good luck. If you were anxious and restless in your soul, this means that you should expect some difficulties in life. However, you should not be afraid; they will probably not be long-term and will quickly go away.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Loff’s dream book?

Seeing a wake in a dream means there will be a lot of hard, intense work. Also, such a dream can be deciphered as an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange or bad trading.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Morozova’s dream book?

If in a dream you saw yourself at another person’s funeral, this, according to Morozova, is a bad sign, indicating that if you are sick, your illness can be fatal. If you are healthy, you can expect the loss of one of your relatives or friends. Also, such a dream should be interpreted as meaning that you will return to one of your old plans or projects.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If you dreamed of a wake on the waxing moon, this is a sign of gossip, slander, and deception. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will work hard to achieve success in your business and strive for the ideal.

English dream book

As it says English dream book, if you were at the funeral of a person living in reality, this is a favorable sign, promising positive events, or successful solutions to problems that could not be solved for a very long time.

If you saw yourself in a dream at the wake of a deceased person, this is, on the contrary, a bad sign, promising that you should soon expect negative news from afar (often from relatives). People who have been interpreting dreams for many years strongly recommend visiting church after such a dream, lighting a candle for the repose of the soul of the person you saw in the dream, and humbly remembering him. This way you will be able to avoid negative impact similar vision.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    If you saw in a dream how you were present at the funeral dinner of someone you know who is alive in real life, this is a sign that in reality a long and prosperous life awaits him;

    the dream in which you saw yourself at your own wake will directly depend on the behavior of the people who will be there. If people are very sad and sad at the table, this is a sign that your plans will not come true;

    if the ceremony takes place in a cheerful, friendly atmosphere, this means that soon you can count on financial assistance, and you will get rid of the troubles that are mentally aggravating you;

    if the funeral dinner smoothly turns into a drunken feast - this is not a very good sign, promising problems in the family, betrayal of a spouse and troubles with children;

    if you had a dream in which you yourself are at a wake as a living person or spirit, this means that your new business or project will not get off to such a good start as you originally expected;

    if you dreamed strange dream, in which you are at your wake pet(cats, dogs, hamsters, etc.) - this means that you should expect some kind of prank from your friends or children.

The death of a loved one is always a great grief, and a wake is a special ritual during which we say goodbye to the deceased. This happens differently in different cultures. And sometimes this ritual appears to us in a dream.

But when you wake up, you shouldn’t panic: this dream does not always have negative energy. Its meaning can be positive and even joyful; many factors should be taken into account when interpreting. Let's turn to the interpretation of dreams about why we dream of a wake.

Important Details

Have you seen your own funeral in a dream? Don’t let anxiety, fear and horror take over you after waking up. Under no circumstances should such an event await you in reality! Remember the emotions of the people sitting at the table. If it was joy, then your life begins new stage, big financial profits await you. This dream can also promise:

  • Large, important events - for example, a wedding.
  • Receiving a long-awaited gift.
  • Promotion.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

But a dream about one’s own funeral with a bitter tint is a warning about financial losses. Also pay attention to the health of your loved ones: there is a risk of exacerbation of diseases, but if warned, you can help them.

Seeing the funeral of a living person in a dream means that you will live long and your life will be fulfilled bright colors and joyful events. As the dream book interprets, the same long and happy life awaits your friend, whose funeral you saw in a dream. But to remember already - dreams of news from relatives.

I wonder why you dream of a wake where someone who has died for a long time is present or his presence is felt in the form of a spirit? According to Miller's interpretations, this is a sign that what you have planned will not come true or will have negative consequences. You have a chance to think it over again and change plans.

Miller's dream book also explains why one dreams of a stranger's wake. A dream in which you happened to be at a stranger’s wake is a harbinger possible problems and misunderstandings with the people around you. Be restrained in your words and especially in your actions, and also remain calm and do not give in to provocations. This way you can avoid conflicts. But watching a stranger’s wake in a dream, being surrounded by your family and friends, means receiving support and help from them at the right moment.

Room and weather

Also pay attention to the place where exactly this action is dreamed. When you dream of a funeral for a deceased person indoors, know that you have a lot of work to do and make every effort to get a salary increase. The vision of a wake in a restaurant is dreamed of as a harbinger of a prosperous, even rich life.

Perhaps you remember the weather that accompanied the event? Then let's turn to Miller's dream book to interpret this factor. Clear, sunny weather promises the same cloudless future in reality; there will not be a single obstacle in your way. But rainy, cloudy weather speaks of minor troubles, but you will be able to deal with them as easily as you deal with raindrops with an umbrella.

Now, knowing what the funeral means in dreams, you can be convinced that the main meaning of this vision is positive. But, even having some negative connotations, this dream does not promise anything tragic.

Events associated with death, funerals or the deceased have always caused fear and excitement both in reality and in dreams, leaving behind a depressing and disturbing trace. It’s all the more interesting to figure out what dreams of funerals mean and what impact such visions can have on a person’s fate.

Different seers and esotericists give different interpretations of such dreams. Here are the most common descriptions:

  • Miller finds such visions rather favorable. He believes that everything depends on the atmosphere around, the behavior of those present and the personality of the deceased. Basically, being at a wake is a sign indicating imminent changes. If the deceased is a stranger, then it is probably not easy for the dreamer to find common language with people. He should behave calmly and not react to provocations from the outside.
  • According to Freud, observing one's own ritual of remembrance means being drawn into a series of love affairs. When such an event is held for a living person, then in reality a quiet family life. The psychoanalyst mentions that for correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account the attitude of the sleeper to what is happening. If a person experiences calm at the same time, despite the tragedy, it means that good luck awaits him.
  • David Loff describes in his dream book the funeral of a deceased person as a sign of difficult and hard work ahead, bad trading or loss on the stock exchange.
  • Pythagoras believes that this vision predicts a serious mistake or major loss in the future.
  • According to Morozova’s book, a dream like a wake at the table is a bad sign. He predicts death for the sick, and his own illness or the death of a loved one for the healthy.

If you dream that a person is at a strange wake or this ritual is associated with animals, then extraordinary situations will occur in reality. There may be pranks on the part of friends.

Where is the funeral ceremony taking place?

If the funeral took place in a cemetery, then it matters who the dreamer is. For a healthy person this is a promise of many years of life, for a sick person it promises a long-awaited recovery, and only for an elderly person under bad circumstances it predicts a quick death.

Particularly worth remembering is the appearance of the cemetery. What was it like? Old, abandoned or beautiful, modern and well maintained? What were the monuments and were the inscriptions read? If so, then it matters what was written.

If the graveyard was unfamiliar, then in real life you will have to find a way out difficult situation. If the place is known, then profit is expected from an unexpected source.

Unkept graves indicate that one of the deceased is offended by the dreamer and you should immediately go to church and light a candle for his repose.

The worst thing is if it seems that the ceremony is taking place in own home. In this case, the interpretation of what the funeral table means in a dream becomes negative. This is a harbinger of trouble, need and even death.

If everyone around is cheerful and jokes are heard, then this good sign improved well-being, an end to troubles. Crying or sad people are a warning about unfulfilled plans and hopes.

Interpretation - why do you dream if there is a wake, and everyone at the table is drunk - can be deciphered as imminent scandals and betrayals in the family.

For whom is a memorial service being held?

Visions where the sleeping person himself is remembered are very favorable. They prophesy a long life happy life and a prosperous old age. This may be a promotion on the career ladder, marriage, the birth of a child. It is good if those gathered there remain in good location spirit, no one cries or is upset.

If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who is alive in reality, this portends a big event with a huge amount people. But if the one you saw is sick, the dream means a deterioration in his health.

There are many descriptions of why people dream about the funeral of a deceased relative. Esotericists believe that in this way the deceased remind themselves of themselves. You need to go to the grave of the deceased and light a candle in the church.

It is bad to remember someone who recently died in night visions. In real life, these are always big troubles and problems in all areas.

Numerological Dream Interpretation

Find yourself at a wake in a dream- means that you made a serious mistake and lost the case.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Wake- long-awaited luck will visit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream- to grief.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Celebrating a wake in a dream- to a large crowd of people.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Wake- to oblivion.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality- this foretells him many years of prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own funeral, if those gathered are sad- this is a disruption of plans, and if you are cheerful and lively- this means that you will soon receive financial assistance.

A wake in a dream that resulted in an ordinary drinking session- portend difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present- a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business.

Funeral service for a deceased cat or dog- mean in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a wake in a dream- to a happy old age, be in a dream on them- means that you will return to your old activities and habits.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Attend the wake- a bad sign. For a patient such a dream- means death, and for healthy- death of someone close. One more meaning- the return of the one who had the dream to some of his old activities or projects.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wake- happy old age.

Ukrainian dream book

I'll dream about the wake- happy old age.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Throughout the day, people do a lot of things, after which they want to rest and relax. Sleep is a physiological process that is aimed at resting the body and unloading the nervous system. Almost all people dream. Some people see prophetic dreams, while others are ordinary. It depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Trying to find out what the future holds for us, what gifts fate has in store, people tried to decipher their dreams. A correctly interpreted dream could give hope for the future, warn against misfortune, promise family happiness, or someone's death. All these predictions have been accumulated and collected for centuries, and many psychological tests have been conducted with the subconscious. All this was recorded in special dream books. There are a lot of different dream books and dream interpreters in the world. Each nation at different times explained dreams differently, but if you look at it, everything comes down to one essence. Nowadays, many dream books have been created; you can go to the Internet and decipher what your dream prophesied. Miller's dream book, Vanga's regiments and others are especially popular. Let's figure out why we dream about funerals.

Why do we dream about funerals?

If you dreamed of a wake, you shouldn’t get upset right away. In fact, the event is not fun, but on the contrary, serious and responsible. If you are in a pleasant mood after what you saw, then wait career growth or a wedding, or maybe even the birth of a baby. When, after sleep, you are in a bad mood or anxious, a possible loss awaits you. Crying people at the wake to disappointment in dreams and hopes. If you participated in the wake, then expect a long and happy old age. Correct interpretation such a dream will be true only when you remember the mood of the people present. This dream foretells that changes will occur in your environment in the near future.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a living person?

A dream about the funeral of a living and healthy person foreshadows prosperity in business and career. Perhaps in the near future this person will happen a pleasant event, climbing the career ladder. He will live happily ever after. If the person you saw in the dream is sick, then such a dream does not bring good things. The disease will develop. Hearing a ringing sound during a memorial ceremony is a sign of unpleasant news about the deterioration of health in distant relatives.

Why do you dream about a funeral for a dead person?

Such a dream speaks of unpleasant news, perhaps from relatives. If this is your close relative or friend, go to the cemetery or light a candle in the temple. If you dreamed of a wake that smoothly turned into regular drinking, you will experience difficulties in communicating with your child and frequent absences of your husband or wife.

If in a dream you saw a wake completely stranger, you will be haunted by conflicts and difficult relationships with people. Get ready for possible diseases, review your budget so that there are no problems. When you dream of a magnificent funeral, perhaps financial success awaits you in real life, but when you are poor, do not expect money in the near future. A revived dead person at a wake means failure in your endeavors; put aside all your affairs for a while. If a dead person calls you to him, this is a bad sign; when you go after him, you will be sick, problems await you, and if you do not give in to persuasion, everything will be fine.

Perhaps you remember the weather at a relative's funeral. Sunny, warm weather means that everything will be fine in your life. Cloudy weather and rain - there will be many more small obstacles on your way.

If you cried a lot at a wake for a living person, expect minor problems that will quickly end. Surrounded by sad faces, it symbolizes an unexpected blow from enemies. Accepting condolences means a good mood and fun await you.

When you dreamed of a wake where you sat at the table and ate food, expect bad news from your relatives.

It happens that you dream of a cemetery; what you see of the graves often shocks you, but you shouldn’t be upset. Such dreams do not carry negative information, but on the contrary, positive moments await you. Such a dream can symbolize the end of old affairs or the beginning of new ones, a long and happy life.

When a widow or widower dreams of a grave, you may meet a mate in the near future. Seeing fresh graves in your dream may deceive you. Standing on your grave means big changes in life, which will be accompanied by minor troubles. If you see a coffin with your name on it, you urgently need to change your habits, try to lead healthy way life otherwise you will face health problems.

Constant dreams about the dead a loved one, indicate a strong attachment to this person. You should live in the present time, look forward. Remember his soul and continue to live.

If you dreamed of a wake in a cemetery, try to remember the little things. What was the place like? Clean, tidy or abandoned, in the weeds. A clean cemetery symbolizes a good sign and portends good acquaintances, while an abandoned one warns of disappointment. An old cemetery symbolizes old problems.

If you were wandering around the cemetery in search of a grave, then you urgently need to complete the work you started.

Why do you dream of a wake according to the dream book?

All dream books interpret dreams about funerals and wakes in different ways. You will not be able to find two absolutely identical explanations, but the main meaning comes down to the positive (dream book of the future, Miller's dream book, small Veles dream book), in rare cases to the negative (Pinn's dream book, dream interpreter). Try to even remember small details. The more information there is, the more accurate the interpretation will be. If you often have dreams, place a piece of paper and a pen near your bed so that you can write everything down right away and not miss it. important details. Try to think everything over and choose the main thing.

Never be upset by what you see. No one can tell you exactly why this or that dream is happening. Maybe, nervous system It simply removes negative emotions, or maybe your state of mind has affected your sleep. But we shouldn’t completely ignore dreams either; very often they warn us against troubles. A person must decide for himself what to believe.



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