Professional training program for the profession of asphalt concrete worker. Asphalt concrete worker training. Buy a certificate - what's behind it

Layout of occupational safety instructions
for asphalt concrete workers

1. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training and have professional skills to perform asphalt concrete work, before being allowed to independent work must pass:
mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia;
education safe methods and methods of performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
2. Asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with labor safety requirements to ensure protection from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:
increased dust and gas pollution in the air working area;
increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
increased level vibrations;
moving machines and their moving parts.
3. To protect against mechanical influences and pollution, asphalt concrete workers are required to use the following provided free of charge by employers:
suits made of mixed fabrics or cotton jackets and canvas trousers;
leather boots;
combined mittens.
When busy at the spill binder material from distributors:
signal overalls of the 3rd protection class or signal suits of the 3rd protection class;
leather boots or ankle boots;
combined mittens.
When busy hanging and dosing materials:
alarm overalls of the 3rd protection class;
leather boots with hard toe caps;
combined mittens or gloves with polymer coating.
For outdoor work in winter, you should use the additional provided:
insulated signal suits with water-repellent impregnation of the 3rd protection class;
gloves with protective coating, frost-resistant, with woolen liners.
Asphalt workers should wear safety helmets while on a construction site, and safety glasses should be used when using jackhammers.
4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and service premises, work areas and workplaces, asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization.
The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.
5. In the course of daily activities, asphalt concrete workers must:
perform only the work assigned by the work manager;
use small mechanization tools, machines and mechanisms during work for their intended purpose, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers;
maintain order in work places, clear them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;
Be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.
6. Asphalt concrete workers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

Safety requirements before starting work

7. Before starting work, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) present to the work manager a certificate confirming knowledge of safe work methods;
b) wear special clothing, safety shoes, a signal vest and a helmet of the established type;
c) receive an assignment from the foreman or work manager and undergo training at the workplace on the specifics of the work performed;
d) determine the installation locations of road signs and fences.
8. After receiving the task from the foreman or work manager, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) check workplace and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements, the presence of fences and warning signs;
b) select the technological equipment and tools necessary to perform the work, check them for compliance with safety requirements.
9. Asphalt concrete workers should not start work if the following safety requirements are violated:
a) malfunctions of technological equipment, equipment, protective equipment for workers and tools specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, in which their use is not allowed;
b) the absence of fences at the work site and warning signs;
c) clutter or insufficient lighting of the workplace and approaches to it.
Detected violations of security requirements must be eliminated on our own, and if it is impossible to do this, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to inform the foreman or work manager about them.

Safety requirements during operation

10. While working, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) maintain order in the workplace, prevent it from being cluttered with production waste, materials, and various objects;
b) fence the workplace and mark it with appropriate road signs: prohibiting - “Entry prohibited”, “Restriction” maximum speed"; warning - "Road works". Turn on warning lights at night;
c) turn on lamps to illuminate workplaces at night. Lamps must be located so that the glare of the light flux is excluded.
11. If waste is found at work sites, asphalt concrete workers are required to place it on the side of the road or edge of the road adjacent to the part being repaired or under construction. When storing materials and waste on the side of the road, a barrier with a warning sign, illuminated at night, must be installed in front of them at a distance of m in the direction of traffic. It is allowed to place materials on the edge of the road passing along the embankment no closer than 1 m from the edge of the embankment. Sand stored in piles must have slopes with a steepness corresponding to the angle of repose for this type of material.
12. When using a jackhammer, it is necessary to the following requirements:
a) before starting work, check the serviceability of the hammer, the serviceability of the hoses supplying compressed air to it, as well as their connection points;
b) hoses should be connected to compressed air ducts only through valves installed on air distribution boxes or outlets from the main line. Connecting or disconnecting hoses is allowed only after turning off the air supply;
c) work in unbreakable safety glasses or a protective shield.
13. When cutting out defective areas in the road surface, you must ensure that there are no other workers in the area of ​​flying fragments.
14. Upon acceptance delivered by dump truck asphalt concrete mixture into the hopper of an asphalt concrete paver or onto a prepared base, asphalt concrete workers are required to fulfill the following requirements:
a) be on the side of the road in the driver’s field of vision when a dump truck approaches;
b) approach the dump truck to unload it only after it has stopped and the body has been raised;
c) the dump truck body should be cleaned of the asphalt concrete mixture with a scraper or shovel with an extended handle while standing on the ground;
d) the mixture that fell out during unloading of the dump truck should be loaded into the hopper of the asphalt concrete paver after the dump truck has been completely unloaded.
15. When laying asphalt concrete mixtures, the following is not allowed:
a) stand on a freshly laid hot road surface;
b) touch the casing of the leveling plate of the asphalt concrete paver;
c) be in front of a moving roller.
16. When laying asphalt concrete mixture manually, the following requirements must be met:
a) bringing the hot mixture with shovels is allowed at a distance of no more than 8 m;
b) the hot mixture should be moved over a distance of more than 8 m on a stretcher, fenced with sides on three sides, or on wheelbarrows with unloading by tipping forward;
c) transferring the hot mixture to the laying site is not allowed.
17. When constructing a road surface from materials treated with black binders, the following requirements must be met:
a) check the level of the laid road surface, pour back or remove excess materials after the completion of mechanized laying of materials in a given area or after stopping the operation of the machine;
b) when pouring the road surface with black binders, unauthorized persons are not allowed to be within a distance of closer than 10 m from the pouring site. Pouring areas must be fenced.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

18. Work must be suspended:
a) during thunderstorms, rain, as well as fog and snowfall, excluding visibility within the work area;
b) in case of malfunction of the asphalt concrete paver or hand tools;
c) when bitumen leaks from the asphalt distributor;
d) when vehicles roll over or damage road signs and fences at the work site;
e) in case of a traffic accident related to the race vehicles to the place of work.

Safety requirements after completion of work

19. Upon completion of work, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) disconnect the power tool from the network;
b) move tools and technological equipment used during work to places designated for their storage;
c) bring order to the workplace;
d) inform the foreman or work manager about all problems that arose during work.



Asphalt concrete workers
TI RO-003-2003

This industry standard instruction has been developed taking into account the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing government requirements labor protection specified in Section 2 of this document and is intended for asphalt concrete workers when constructing and repairing road surfaces made of asphalt concrete and materials treated with black binders, according to their profession and qualifications.

General requirements security

5.3.1. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training and have professional skills to perform asphalt concrete work must undergo the following before being allowed to work independently:

mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia;
training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

5.3.2. Asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:

increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;
increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
increased level of vibration;
moving machines and their moving parts.

5.3.3. To protect against mechanical influences and contamination, asphalt concrete workers are required to use cotton suits, leather boots, combined mittens, and canvas knee pads with cotton wool provided by employers free of charge. When working on pouring binder material from distributors: cotton overalls, leather boots or ankle boots, combined mittens. When busy hanging and dispensing materials: cotton overalls, leather boots, combined mittens.

Asphalt workers should wear safety helmets while on a construction site, and safety glasses should be used when using jackhammers.

5.3.4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and service premises, work areas and workplaces, asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization.
The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.

5.3.5. In the course of their daily activities, asphalt concrete workers must:
use small-scale mechanization tools, machines and mechanisms during work for their intended purpose, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
maintain order in work places, clear them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;
Be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.

5.3.6. Asphalt concrete workers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

Safety requirements before starting work

5.3.7. Before starting work, asphalt concrete workers are required to:

a) present to the work manager a certificate confirming knowledge of safe work methods;
b) wear special clothing, safety shoes, a signal vest and a helmet of the established type;
c) receive an assignment from the foreman or work manager and undergo training at the workplace on the specifics of the work performed;
d) determine the installation locations of road signs and fences.

5.3.8. After receiving a task from a foreman or work manager, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:

a) check the workplace and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements, the presence of fences and warning signs;
b) select the technological equipment and tools necessary to perform the work, check them for compliance with safety requirements.

5.3.9. Asphalt concrete workers should not start work if the following safety requirements are violated:

a) malfunctions of technological equipment, equipment, protective equipment for workers and tools specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, in which their use is not allowed;
b) the absence of fences at the work site and warning signs;
c) clutter or insufficient lighting of the workplace and approaches to it.

Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, asphalt concrete workers are required to report them to the foreman or work manager.

Safety requirements during operation

5.3.10. While working, asphalt concrete workers are required to:

a) maintain order in the workplace, avoid cluttering it with production waste, materials, and various objects;
b) fence off the workplace and mark it with appropriate road signs: prohibitory - “Entry prohibited”, “Maximum speed limit”; warning - "Road works". Turn on warning lights at night;
c) turn on lamps to illuminate workplaces at night. Lamps must be located so that the glare of the light flux is excluded.

5.3.11. When you find building materials and waste in places where work is carried out, asphalt concrete workers are required to place them on the side of the road or edge of the road adjacent to the part being repaired or under construction. When storing materials and waste on the side of the road, a barrier with a warning sign, illuminated at night, must be installed in front of them at a distance of 5 - 10 m in the direction of traffic. It is allowed to place materials on the edge of the road passing along the embankment no closer than 1 m from the edge of the embankment. Sand stored in piles must have slopes with a steepness corresponding to the angle of repose for this type of material.

5.3.12. When using a jackhammer, the following requirements must be met:

a) before starting work, check the serviceability of the hammer, the serviceability of the hoses supplying compressed air to it, as well as their connection points;
b) hoses should be connected to compressed air ducts only through valves installed on air distribution boxes or outlets from the main line. Connecting or disconnecting hoses is allowed only after turning off the air supply;
c) work in unbreakable safety glasses or a protective shield.

5.3.13. When cutting down defective areas in the road surface, it is necessary to ensure that there are no other workers in the area of ​​flying fragments.

5.3.14. When accepting an asphalt concrete mixture delivered by a dump truck into the hopper of an asphalt paver or onto a prepared base, asphalt concrete workers are required to fulfill the following requirements:

a) be on the side of the road in the driver’s field of vision when a dump truck approaches;
b) approach the dump truck to unload it only after it has stopped and the body has been raised;
c) the dump truck body should be cleaned of the asphalt concrete mixture with a scraper or shovel with an extended handle while standing on the ground;
d) the mixture that fell out during unloading of the dump truck should be loaded into the hopper of the asphalt concrete paver after the dump truck has been completely unloaded.

5.3.15. When laying asphalt concrete mixtures, the following is not allowed:

a) stand on a freshly laid hot road surface;
b) touch the casing of the leveling plate of the asphalt concrete paver;
c) be in front of a moving roller.

5.3.16. When laying asphalt concrete mixture manually, the following requirements must be met:

a) bringing the hot mixture with shovels is allowed at a distance of no more than 8 m;
b) the hot mixture should be moved over a distance of more than 8 m on a stretcher, fenced with sides on three sides, or on wheelbarrows with unloading by tipping forward;
c) transferring the hot mixture to the laying site is not allowed.

5.3.17. When constructing a roadway from materials treated with black binders, the following requirements must be met:

a) check the level of the laid road surface, pour back or remove excess materials after the completion of mechanized laying of materials in a given area or after stopping the operation of the machine;
b) when pouring the road surface with black binders, unauthorized persons are not allowed to be within a distance of closer than 10 m from the pouring site. Pouring areas must be fenced.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.3.18. Work must be suspended:

a) during thunderstorms, rain, as well as fog and snowfall, excluding visibility within the work area;
b) in case of malfunction of the asphalt paver or hand tools;
c) when bitumen leaks from the asphalt distributor;
d) when vehicles roll over or damage road signs and fences at the work site;
e) in case of a traffic accident related to the entry of vehicles into the work site.

Safety requirements after completion of work

5.3.19. Upon completion of work, asphalt concrete workers are required to:

a) disconnect the power tool from the network;
b) move tools and technological equipment used during work to places designated for their storage;
c) bring order to the workplace;
d) inform the foreman or work manager about all problems that arose during work.

Requirements for professions that determine professional standards and the development of technologies are constantly changing, in connection with this, there is a continuous process of changing, adjusting and updating educational programs, in particular in railway professions. Last week we received training programs, agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Agency railway transport by profession:

Learning to operate a railway crane

The theoretical training of the driver was completed last week railway crane. It was the railway crane operators who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting work, alarm and safety rules on railway... The course focused on the KDE-251 and KZhDE-25 cranes, as well as the EDK-1000/2 cranes with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

On next week The trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put into practice the acquired theoretical knowledge under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production

Where does oil come from? How is it mined and what is it processed into? How are rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course “Introduction to Oil and Gas Production,” which was conducted by specialists from the oil and gas division of PromResurs last week.

Although the course has ended, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful to you if:

Studied with us: Training of galvanizers

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists conducted regular training for employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical classes. During practical classes, work was carried out to coat parts of complex shapes.

Now the galvanizers will be able to independently perform the stated work, and the company will not waste valuable time on training them while working on productive parts and will reduce the level of defects in its production.

We welcome everyone who has not yet completed training!

Recruitment of a group of Railway Crane Operator in July

Friends, at the end of July, training in the profession of “Railway Crane Operator” will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane design, operation, loading and unloading, railway signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalman on the tracks of JSC "Russian Railways"

Railway department specialists training center"PromResurs" has adjusted the training program for the profession "Signalist" in accordance with the requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". In particular, the requirements of the labor protection instructions and the job requirements of the signalman, approved by the regulations of Russian Railways, were taken into account. Also, as part of the training, the profession of “Trackman” is mastered - a mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

Buy a certificate - what's behind it?

Very often you can see advertisements with flashy headings “Buy a certificate”, “Buy a crust”, “Buy a certificate”. And we are not talking about buying the certificate forms themselves, but about selling a ready-made certificate in your name, which confirms the qualifications you have declared. They offer to buy everything from an occupational safety certificate, fire safety, and ending with working professions, such as slinger, turner, etc.

Layout of occupational safety instructions
for asphalt concrete workers

The layout of the labor protection instructions for asphalt concrete workers MI-1-2-2009 was prepared on the basis of SP 12-135-2003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry standard instructions on labor protection", containing the industry standard instructions on labor protection - TI RO 003-2003 , taking into account the requirements of current legislative and regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements labor protection specified in Appendix 4.

The layout is intended for the preparation of labor safety instructions for asphalt concrete workers when constructing and repairing road surfaces made of asphalt concrete and materials processed with black binders, according to their profession and qualifications.

General safety requirements

1. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training and have professional skills to perform asphalt concrete work must undergo the following before being allowed to work independently:
mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia;
training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
2. Asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:
increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;
increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
increased level of vibration;
moving machines and their moving parts.
3. To protect against mechanical influences and contamination, asphalt concrete workers are required to use the following provided free of charge by employers:
suits made of mixed fabrics or cotton jackets and canvas trousers;
leather boots;
combined mittens.
When busy pouring binder material from distributors:
signal overalls of the 3rd protection class or signal suits of the 3rd protection class;
leather boots or ankle boots;
combined mittens.
When busy hanging and dosing materials:
alarm overalls of the 3rd protection class;
leather boots with hard toe caps;
combined mittens or gloves with polymer coating.
For outdoor work in winter, you should use the additional provided:
insulated signal suits with water-repellent impregnation of the 3rd protection class;
gloves with a protective coating, frost-resistant, with woolen liners.
Asphalt workers should wear safety helmets while on a construction site, and safety glasses should be used when using jackhammers.
4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and service premises, work areas and workplaces, asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization.
The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.
5. In the course of daily activities, asphalt concrete workers must:
perform only the work assigned by the work manager;
use small-scale mechanization tools, machines and mechanisms during work for their intended purpose, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
maintain order in work places, clear them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;
Be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.
6. Asphalt concrete workers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

Safety requirements before starting work

7. Before starting work, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) present to the work manager a certificate confirming knowledge of safe work methods;
b) wear special clothing, safety shoes, a signal vest and a helmet of the established type;
c) receive an assignment from the foreman or work manager and undergo training at the workplace on the specifics of the work performed;
d) determine the installation locations of road signs and fences.
8. After receiving the task from the foreman or work manager, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) check the workplace and approaches to it for compliance with safety requirements, the presence of fences and warning signs;
b) select the technological equipment and tools necessary to perform the work, check them for compliance with safety requirements.
9. Asphalt concrete workers should not start work if the following safety requirements are violated:
a) malfunctions of technological equipment, equipment, protective equipment for workers and tools specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, in which their use is not allowed;
b) the absence of fences at the work site and warning signs;
c) clutter or insufficient lighting of the workplace and approaches to it.
Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, asphalt concrete workers are required to report them to the foreman or work manager.

Safety requirements during operation

10. While working, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) maintain order in the workplace, avoid cluttering it with production waste, materials, and various objects;
b) fence off the workplace and mark it with appropriate road signs: prohibitory - “Entry prohibited”, “Maximum speed limit”; warning - "Road works". Turn on warning lights at night;
c) turn on lamps to illuminate workplaces at night. Lamps must be located so that the glare of the light flux is excluded.
11. If construction materials and waste are found at work sites, asphalt concrete workers are required to place them on the side of the road or edge of the road adjacent to the part being repaired or under construction. When storing materials and waste on the side of the road, a barrier with a warning sign, illuminated at night, must be installed in front of them at a distance of 5 - 10 m in the direction of traffic. It is allowed to place materials on the edge of the road passing along the embankment no closer than 1 m from the edge of the embankment. Sand stored in piles must have slopes with a steepness corresponding to the angle of repose for this type of material.
12. When using a jackhammer, the following requirements must be met:
a) before starting work, check the serviceability of the hammer, the serviceability of the hoses supplying compressed air to it, as well as their connection points;
b) hoses should be connected to compressed air ducts only through valves installed on air distribution boxes or outlets from the main line. Connecting or disconnecting hoses is allowed only after turning off the air supply;
c) work in unbreakable safety glasses or a protective shield.
13. When cutting out defective areas in the road surface, you must ensure that there are no other workers in the area of ​​flying fragments.
14. When accepting an asphalt concrete mixture delivered by a dump truck into the bunker of an asphalt paver or onto a prepared base, asphalt concrete workers are required to fulfill the following requirements:
a) be on the side of the road in the driver’s field of vision when a dump truck approaches;
b) approach the dump truck to unload it only after it has stopped and the body has been raised;
c) the dump truck body should be cleaned of the asphalt concrete mixture with a scraper or shovel with an extended handle while standing on the ground;
d) the mixture that fell out during unloading of the dump truck should be loaded into the hopper of the asphalt concrete paver after the dump truck has been completely unloaded.
15. When laying asphalt concrete mixtures, the following is not allowed:
a) stand on a freshly laid hot road surface;
b) touch the casing of the leveling plate of the asphalt concrete paver;
c) be in front of a moving roller.
16. When laying asphalt concrete mixture manually, the following requirements must be met:
a) bringing the hot mixture with shovels is allowed at a distance of no more than 8 m;
b) the hot mixture should be moved over a distance of more than 8 m on a stretcher, fenced with sides on three sides, or on wheelbarrows with unloading by tipping forward;
c) transferring the hot mixture to the laying site is not allowed.
17. When constructing a road surface from materials treated with black binders, the following requirements must be met:
a) check the level of the laid road surface, pour back or remove excess materials after the completion of mechanized laying of materials in a given area or after stopping the operation of the machine;
b) when pouring the road surface with black binders, unauthorized persons are not allowed to be within a distance of closer than 10 m from the pouring site. Pouring areas must be fenced.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

18. Work must be suspended:
a) during thunderstorms, rain, as well as fog and snowfall, excluding visibility within the work area;
b) in case of malfunction of the asphalt paver or hand tools;
c) when bitumen leaks from the asphalt distributor;
d) when vehicles roll over or damage road signs and fences at the work site;
e) in case of a traffic accident related to the entry of vehicles into the work site.

Safety requirements after completion of work

19. Upon completion of work, asphalt concrete workers are obliged to:
a) disconnect the power tool from the network;
b) move tools and technological equipment used during work to places designated for their storage;
c) bring order to the workplace;
d) inform the foreman or work manager about all problems that arose during work.

Standard instructions on labor protection for asphalt concrete workers TI RO-003-2003

This industry standard instruction was developed taking into account the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing state labor protection requirements specified in Section 2 of this document, and is intended for asphalt concrete workers when constructing and repairing road surfaces made of asphalt concrete and materials processed with black binders, according to their profession and qualifications.

General safety requirements

5.3.1. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training and have professional skills to perform asphalt concrete work must undergo the following before being allowed to work independently:

  • mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

5.3.2. Asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:

  • increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;
  • increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
  • increased level of vibration;
  • moving machines and their moving parts.

5.3.3. To protect against mechanical influences and contamination, asphalt concrete workers are required to use cotton suits, leather boots, combined mittens, and canvas knee pads with cotton wool provided by employers free of charge. When working on pouring binder material from distributors: cotton overalls, leather boots or ankle boots, combined mittens. When busy hanging and dispensing materials: cotton overalls, leather boots, combined mittens.

Asphalt workers should wear safety helmets while on a construction site, and safety glasses should be used when using jackhammers.

5.3.4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and service premises, work areas and workplaces, asphalt concrete workers are required to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization.

The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.

5.3.5. In the course of their daily activities, asphalt concrete workers must:

  • use small-scale mechanization tools, machines and mechanisms during work for their intended purpose, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • maintain order in work places, clear them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations of the rules for storing materials and structures;
  • Be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.

5.3.6. Asphalt concrete workers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

  • General safety requirements
  • Safety requirements before starting work
  • Safety requirements during operation
  • Safety requirements in emergency situations
  • Safety requirements after completion of work

Full text standard instructions in the attached file.



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