How to remove large spaces without a keyboard. How to remove extra spaces in Word

How to remove large spaces in Word.

There may be several reasons why there are large spaces between words in Word. In this article I will tell you about some ways to solve this problem.

Aligning text to width

If in your document it is not necessary for the text to be aligned to the width of the page - the first letters of each line are on the same vertical line, as are the last - then you can align all the text to the left. To do this, select the desired fragment with the mouse, or the entire text by pressing Ctrl+A (hereinafter, all key combinations use english letters). Then on the “Home” tab, click on the button "Align text left" or Ctrl+L .

Tab characters

Sometimes the reason long distance There may be tabs between words. To check whether they are used in the document, you need to enable non-printable characters: click on the icon that looks very similar to Pi. Tab stops in the document are displayed as arrows. If there are any, delete them and add spaces. Spaces in non-printing characters are displayed as a dot: one dot - one space.

If there are a lot of tab characters, you can perform a replacement. Place the cursor at the beginning of the text. Then we select one tab character, i.e. arrow, and copy it – Ctrl+C; press Ctrl+H and in the window on the “Replace” tab in the “Find” field, place the cursor and press Ctrl+V. In the “Replace with” field, put a space. Click the “Replace All” button. Next, an information window pops up showing the number of replacements performed.

End of line sign

If you have all the text selected in width and cannot be edited in any other way, and the last line of the paragraph is very stretched, then perhaps at the end of this line there is an “End of Paragraph” icon. To begin with, we turn on non-printing characters - “End of paragraph” is displayed as a curved arrow. If you have one at the end of the line, then simply delete it: place the cursor at the end of the last word of the paragraph and press “Delete”.

This option is also possible: you copied the text from the Internet, but between the words there is not one space, but two or three, so the distance is increased. When non-printing characters are enabled, there should be several black dots between words. Removing them throughout the document takes a long time, so we’ll use a replacement. Press Ctrl+H, put two spaces in the “Find” field, one space in the “Replace” field, click “Replace All”. If necessary, you can put three, then four, etc. in the “Find” field. spaces, and replace them with one.

Word wrapping

If the document allows the use of word wrapping, then the distance between words can be edited in the following way. Select all the text Ctrl+A, go to the tab "Page Layout", V "Page Options" Click on the transfer icon and select “Auto”. As a result, hyphens are placed throughout the text, and the distance between words is reduced.

In this article we tried remove large spaces between words in Word. I hope it worked out for you.

It is worth raising the question of how to remove the gap between words in Word. It should be noted that large intervals can arise due to various reasons. This includes incorrect formatting and the use of special characters.

Often this problem occurs in individual parts of the text, but can occur throughout the document.

Checking formatting

First, it is recommended to make sure that justification is active. When this option is enabled, the editor should format the document automatically. Using width alignment, the first and last letters rows are placed on a common vertical. As you know, this is impossible with equal intervals between words, so they increase. As a rule, visual perception such a text becomes more complicated.

On one side

To resolve the issue of how to remove big gap between words in Word, it is suggested to use the “Left Align” function. This makes it possible to set an equal distance. Thus, the following actions are performed:

1. The text that requires processing is selected (you can press the Ctrl+A key combination if you need to change the formatting throughout the document).
2. Go to the “Home” tab located in the editor control panel.
3. The “Paragraph” section opens.
4. Use a special function for alignment or use the corresponding Ctrl+L key combination.

Removing special characters and tabs

To solve the question of how to remove large spaces between words in Word, you should make sure that the Tab button has not been used in the text. To do this, you must enable the indication of non-printable characters. You will need to visit the “Paragraph” section. When you use this feature, you can see how small dots appear in place of the spaces. Where a tab is used, there is an arrow. To fix the problem, use the BackSpace key in several text fragments. If we are talking about mass formatting, you will need to use other methods.


To eliminate the gap between words in Word, you need to copy any of the tab characters. Then you need to activate the search and replace function by pressing the key combination Ctrl + H. After this, in the new window you should go to the “Replace” tab. Next, you will need to insert the character that was copied earlier in the “Find” column and enter one space in the “Replace with” item.

The next step is to click on the “Replace All” button. After the required action has been completed, you need to reactivate the non-printing character mode. If there is an indication that the cause of large gaps is extra spaces, you should proceed in a similar way. In this case, the search and replace function is used. You must enter two spaces in the “Find” column and perform a search. Then you need to specify three spaces and perform the same actions. In the future, you should continue to increase the number of indentations until a solution to the problem is obtained.

When using DOC or DOCX files, you can use advanced editing. To do this, open a document in Word and make the required settings. It is worth noting that performing a similar operation in web documents is not difficult. There is a special word-spacing function in their code. It allows you to set the desired spacing between words in a document. In addition, it is proposed to make changes to the letter spacing, if necessary.

Do you need to quickly correct a document with a lot of incorrect spaces and other characters? Thanks to the resources of Word, you can do this in just a few minutes.

Large spaces in the text can occur for various reasons, for example, due to incorrect formatting or the use of special characters. Moreover, the spacing between words in Word can be different both throughout the text and in its individual parts. There are a number of possibilities to correct the situation in Word.

Checking text formatting

The text can have text justification active. In this case, the editor automatically sets spaces between words. Justification means that all the first and last letters in each line should be located on the same vertical line. This is impossible to do with equal spaces, so the editor increases the spacing between words. Most often, text in this format is not very well perceived visually.

Align text left

Using this function, the text becomes less visually attractive, but all spaces that are set are immediately the same size. Follow these steps:

  • Select the text where the spaces are not equal (if this is the entire document, then select it with the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+A”);
  • Then, in the “Paragraph” section of the Control Panel, on the “Home” tab, click “Align Left” or use the “Ctrl+L” hotkey.

Removing tabs and special characters

It is possible that non-standard spacing was caused by the use of tab characters (Tab key). To check this, enable the "non-printing characters" feature. You can also enable it in the “Paragraph” section. By pressing the button, you will see small dots appear in place of all the spaces. If your text contains tabs, a small arrow will appear at those locations. One or two spaces can be removed by simply pressing the “BackSpace” key. If there are a lot of tab characters, it is better to do it differently:

  • Copy any tab character;
  • Activate the “Find and Replace” function by pressing the “hot” keys “Ctrl+H”;
  • In the window that opens, on the “Replace” tab, in the “Find” line, insert this character (or press “Ctrl+H”);
  • In the “Replace with...” line, enter one space;
  • Click the "Replace All" button.

All tabs in the text will automatically be replaced by a single space.

If, after activating the non-printing character mode, you see that the reason for large spacing in the text is large number spaces, use the same Find and Replace function. First, enter two spaces in the “Find” field and perform a search. Then three, and so on, until the number of replacements completed is zero.

Formatted files

DOC and DOCX files can use advanced editing. Open the file in Word and make the required settings. For example, instead of a single space, you can set a double space. Can also be applied special characters eg long space/short space, 1/4 space. To insert such characters throughout the document, use the same hot keys to open the Find and Replace window. By default, there are no special characters there, so you first need to insert such a character into the text, copy it from there and then paste it in the search and replace window. Where can I get the space pattern? To do this:

  • Open the “Insert” tab on the “Control Panel”;
  • Click "Symbol", then "Other";
  • Go to the "Special Characters" section and find there the right sign space;
  • Paste it into the text.

The resulting sample can be immediately cut by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+X”. It can then be pasted into the required field.

Working with html code

If you need to change spacing not in Word, but in a web document, this operation is even easier. There is a special function in the code called word-spacing. With its help, you can set a certain interval for the entire document. To do this, you need to insert the following between the head tags:

Instead of 30px, you can set any other pixel value.

How to change letter spacing

While working with Word, you may also need to change the spacing between letters. This can be useful if you need to somehow highlight a specific piece of text. Such intervals can be sparse or dense.

Changing spacing in Word 2003

To set a different letter spacing, follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Format” section and click “Font” (or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + D”;
  • Open the "Interval" menu;
  • Press "Enter".

Changing spacing in Word 2007

Use the following algorithm:

  • Go to the “Home” menu, then to the “Font” section;
  • Open the “Interval” tab;
  • Check the box “Sparse” or “Dense” and enter the required digital value;
  • Press "Enter".

If you need a similar function constantly, you can set hotkeys for sparse and compact intervals.

  • Open the “Tools” menu and go to the “Settings” window;
  • Go to the “Keyboard” section;
  • In the “Categories” item, click the “Format” line, and in the “Commands” item - the “Condensed” (for compacted intervals) or “Expanded” (for sparse intervals) line;
  • Specify keyboard shortcuts by pressing them on your keyboard.
  • Open the "Options" menu and go to the "Settings" window;
  • Click "Categories" and select "All Teams";
  • In the “Commands” item, select the “Condensed” or “Expanded” line and specify a key combination for them.

Even if you open a text file and see complete chaos, putting everything in order is not difficult. By performing all the described steps in turn, you can remove unnecessary intervals. And you can apply the acquired knowledge in the future.

MS Word has quite a few large selection styles for document design, there are many fonts available various styles formatting and the ability to align text. Thanks to all these tools you can improve your quality appearance text. However, sometimes even so wide choice funds seem insufficient.

We have already written about how to align text in MS Word documents, increase or decrease indents, change line spacing, and in this article we will talk about how to create greater distances between words in Word, that is, roughly speaking, how to increase the length space. In addition, if necessary, you can also reduce the distance between words using a similar method.

The need to make the distance between words larger or smaller than what is done by the program by default does not arise very often. However, in cases where this still needs to be done (for example, to clearly highlight some fragment of text or, conversely, to move it to the “background”), not the most correct ideas come to mind.

So, to increase the distance, someone puts two or more spaces instead of one, someone uses the TAB key to indent, thereby creating a problem in the document that is not so easy to get rid of. If we talk about reduced spaces, suitable solution doesn't even come close.

The size (value) of the space, which indicates the distance between words, is standard, and it increases or decreases only with changing the font size up or down, respectively.

However, few people know that MS Word has a long (double), short space character, as well as a quarter space character (¼), which can be used to increase or decrease the distance between words. They are located in the “Special Signs” section, which we previously wrote about.

So, the only correct decision that can be made if it is necessary to increase or decrease the distance between words is to replace regular spaces with long or short spaces, as well as ¼ space. We will tell you how to do this below.

Add a long or short space

1. Click on an empty space (preferably an empty line) in the document to place the cursor there.

2. Open a tab "Insert" and in the menu buttons "Symbol" select item “Other symbols”.

3. Go to the tab “Special signs” and find there “Long space”, “Short Space” or “¼ space”, depending on what you need to add to the document.

4. Click on this special symbol and press the button "Insert".

5. A long (short or quarter) space will be inserted into an empty space in the document. Close the window "Symbol".

Replace regular spaces with double spaces

As you probably understand, manually replacing all regular spaces with long or short spaces in the text or a separate fragment of it does not make the slightest sense. Fortunately, instead of the lengthy “copy-paste” process, this can be done using the “Replace” tool, which we previously wrote about.

1. Select the added long (short) space with the mouse and copy it ( CTRL+C). Make sure you copied one character and that there were no spaces or indents previously on that line.

2. Select all text in the document ( CTRL+A) or use the mouse to select a piece of text in which standard spaces need to be replaced with long or short ones.

3. Click the button "Replace", which is located in the group "Editing" in the tab “Home”.

4. In the dialog box that opens “Find and Replace” in line "Find" put a regular space, and in the line “Replace with” paste the previously copied space ( CTRL+V), which was added from the window "Symbol".

5. Click the button “Replace all”, then wait for a message about the number of replacements completed.

6. Close the notification, close the dialog box “Find and Replace”. All normal spaces in the text or selection you made will be replaced with large or small spaces, depending on what you needed to do. If necessary, repeat the above steps for another piece of text.

Note: Visually, with an average font size (11, 12), short spaces and even ¼-spaces are almost impossible to distinguish from standard spaces that are set using a key on the keyboard.

We could have finished here already, if not for one “but”: in addition to increasing or decreasing the spacing between words in Word, you can also change the distance between letters, making it smaller or larger compared to the default values. How to do this? Just follow these steps:

1. Select a piece of text in which you need to increase or decrease the space between letters in words.

2. Open the group dialog box "Font" by clicking on the arrow in the lower right corner of the group. You can also use the keys “CTRL+D”.

3. Go to the tab "Additionally".

4. In the section “Character spacing” in the menu item "Interval" select “Sparse” or “Compacted”(increased or decreased, respectively), and in the line on the right ( “On”) set the required value for indents between letters.

5. Once you have set the required values, click "OK" to close the window "Font".

6. The spacing between letters will change, which, paired with long spaces between words, will look quite appropriate.

But in the case of reducing the indents between words (the second paragraph of text in the screenshot), everything did not look the best, the text turned out to be unreadable and merged, so I had to increase the font from 12 to 16.

That's all, from this article you learned how to change the distance between words in a MS Word document. Good luck in exploring other features of this multifunctional program, detailed instructions work with which we will delight you in the future.

Have you noticed that between some words in a text Microsoft editor Word displays excessively large spaces? So, they don’t appear just like that. As a rule, this occurs due to the use of text formatting or individual parts of it; special characters could also be used instead of spaces. That is, various reasonsdifferent ways their elimination. From this article you will learn how to remove large spaces in Word. It is enough to read the instructions carefully and remember its contents in order to eliminate unsightly large gaps.

How to Remove Large Spaces in Microsoft Office Word

You should start by finding out possible reason the appearance of excessively large spaces between words. This is acceptable if width alignment is applied to all or part of the text.

The point is that when using of this element When formatting a document, the text editor begins to ensure that all words on new lines are at the same level, as if an invisible vertical line has been drawn to which they are attracted. The last letters of all lines are also aligned, which can create large spaces to fill the entire space in the document. Ideally, each line should have the same number of characters, then there will be no extra spaces, but this is something out of fantasy.

The width alignment has failed and there are still too many spaces? It's something else, like tab characters (pressing the Tab button visually creates a large indentation that is mistakenly recognized as multiple spaces). To identify such signs, you must enable the display mode of all signs:

As you can see, all spaces are indicated by dots, while arrows are the same tabulation marks. Fortunately, they can be removed in just a few clicks:

In the event that excessively large spaces appear due to width alignment, you will have to change it to standard left alignment by clicking on the corresponding button.



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