How to decorate a wall for painting with magnetic marker paints: ideas, recommendations, tips. Marker coating for walls Paint you can write on

So, it all started with the fact that we needed a large marker board for the presentation room. The original marker board was only enough to say good morning, and it couldn’t cope with our plans and flights of creative thought at all. In addition to the office, a couple of people from the team became interested in creating a creativity corner in the nursery, so testing marker coatings acquired the scale of not only a working moment, but also a personal interest.

Marker selection. Start

To begin with, we decided to decide which is better: a marker board or a special marker paint— the product is quite new, but already popular. I didn’t have to think long: if you look at the coverage area, a can of marker paint from any manufacturer will cost less than a marker board of the same coverage area. The choice was made quickly - we will paint it. It remains to understand what.

How many marker coatings, so many colorful names...

For testing we chose 7 marker paints: SketchPaint and SketchPaint PRO from the Dutch company MagPaint, Active Wall and Le Vanille from the Dutch Magnetic Company and 3 American paints in which the names of the coatings coincide with the names of the manufacturing companies - IdeaPaint PRO (IdeaPaint company), Sherwin-Williams and Rust Oleum. All these paints have certificates of conformity and are officially sold in Russia.

In order for the experiment to be pure, we were guided by the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, painted all the “experimental” coatings and compared the results. It must be said that we did not identify any serious differences between what was written on the can and what actually happened in any of the paints - there were no obvious fakes or hidden tricks of the manufacturers.

IdeaPaint PRO is sold in 1 liter containers, Rust Oleum - 0.8 liters, Le Vanille only in 0.5 liters, which is not very convenient. More practical are paints that have a large and small can depending on the size of the future marker surface: SketchPaint and Active Wall are sold in volumes of 0.5 and 1 l, Sherwin-Williams - 0.9 and 3.8 l, SketchPaint PRO - 1 and 5 l.

Catchers for colorful substances

First, we assessed the amount of harmful and dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in paints. Here the undisputed leader is MagPaint paints: SketchPaint has none at all (zero), SketchPaint PRO has 60 g/l.

The next group is paints in which the amount of VOCs ranges from 100 to 140 g/l - Active Wall, Le Vanille, Sherwin-Williams and Rust Oleum. In last place is IdeaPaint PRO: 320 g/l.


Marker coatings There are two types - transparent and white. Active Wall, Le Vanille, SketchPaint and IdeaPaint PRO are available in white and transparent versions. Sherwin-Williams and SketchPaint PRO are clear only, Rust Oleum is white. If you don't want to add to the interior white, apply clear coat. If you want the marker surface to be white and stand out against the wall, choose white paint.

Of the seven test paints, only SketchPaint PRO is one-component, the rest are two-component, that is, they require additional manipulations before painting.


All paints are applied by roller, SketchPaint can also be applied with a spray gun, and Rust Oleum can be applied with a brush.

In terms of area to be painted, SketchPaint PRO is more than twice the leader - one liter of paint was enough for 14 m². Other “volatile and non-volatile Dutch” Active Wall, Le Vanille and SketchPaint showed a result of 1 liter per 6 m². The “Americans” have more modest indicators: Rust Oleum - 1 liter per 5.5 m², Sherwin-Williams - 1 liter per 5 m². IdeaPaint PRO closes - 1 l per 4.6 m².

3 paints are applied in one layer - IdeaPaint PRO, SketchPaint PRO and SketchPaint. IdeaPaint PRO is difficult to apply: after 10-15 minutes the layer dries out, which makes it impossible to correct defects during painting. SketchPaint applies normally and takes 4 hours to dry. SketchPaint PRO is easy to apply and takes 3 hours to dry.

Sherwin-Williams, Rust Oleum, Active Wall and Le Vanille are applied in 2 coats. Unfortunately, all paints that are applied in 2 layers begin to harden in the can before the first layer dries, so even if you need to paint a small area, you will have to buy 2 cans. And if Active Wall and Le Vanille are sold in containers of 0.5, which allows you to buy 1 liter in total, then Sherwin-Williams and Rust Oleum have the smallest containers - 0.9 and 0.8 liters, which means that you you will have to overpay, and throw away the remaining paint, or paint large areas.

A pungent odor that took a long time to ventilate three colors: IdeaPaint PRO, Active Wall, Le Vanille. There was a medium odor with Sherwin-Williams and Rust Oleum, a low odor with SketchPaint and SketchPaint PRO.

All paints dry to a glossy surface, except SketchPaint, which has both a glossy and semi-matte finish.

If you painted with SketchPaint PRO, you can draw on the walls with a marker within 24 hours. If you used Rust Oleum or SketchPaint - after 3 days. The remaining coatings must be allowed to dry completely for 7 days, otherwise the marker will not be erased and you will ruin the coating.

The cheapest square meter of marker coating comes from Rust Oleum - 745 rubles, but this calculation is correct only if you spend 2 cans of paint, that is, paint 8.8 m².

Then a dense group in ascending price tag: SketchPaint - 1196 RUR/m², SketchPaint PRO - 1285 RUR/m², Sherwin-Williams - 1331 RUR/m², Active Wall - 1416 RUR/m², Le Vanille - 1498 RUR/m² m². IdeaPaint PRO has the most expensive meter of marker coating - RUB 3,591/m².


Based on the painting results, IdeaPaint PRO is inferior to other paints in almost all respects, including VOC content, area to be painted, and cost per meter of coverage. The only plus is painting in one layer.

Next come paints with similar results: Active Wall, Le Vanille and Sherwin-Williams. Among the advantages, we highlight the average VOC content, average coverage area and average cost square meter. General disadvantages: applied in 2 layers, drying for 7 days. Active Wall and Le Vanille have a strong smell, Sherwin-Williams has a minimum can volume of 0.9 liters, that is, the area that will need to be painted, so as not to throw away the remaining paint, is 9 m².

Third place goes to Rust Oleum. The paint has the cheapest square meter of coverage; in terms of VOC content, it is inferior only to SketchPaint and SketchPaint PRO. Rust Oleum has a medium scent, can be applied by roller or brush, and dries completely in 3 days. We have already mentioned the disadvantages: it is applied in 2 layers, so you need to buy at least 2 cans of 0.8 liters each.

The winner for the office is SketchPaint PRO: the only one-component paint, applied in one coat, odorless and low VOC, ready to use in 24 hours. The downside is that the minimum volume of the can is 1 liter, which means you need to paint 14 m². This drawback is partially offset by the fact that the paint in the can does not dry out, so the leftovers can be safely stored.

The winner for the nursery is SketchPaint. Pros: no VOCs, a choice of 0.5 and 1 liter cans, application in 1 layer, odorless, dries in 3 days.

Magnetic paints. Which ones are better to choose and how to apply them correctly?

We have long wanted to test magnetic paints. But either there was no time, or something else got in the way. And then there were employees who had long wanted to make a magnetic wall in the nursery at home.

Marker paints for walls are a real find. When decorated with such materials, the walls of a house or apartment can be painted as your imagination allows.

Marker paints for walls

Coating with marker paints is popular. More and more families are using them to decorate apartments, and in offices they are painting walls for employees to work with. What kind of material is this? What are the advantages, features of application?

Marker paints for walls: what is it?

Marker coating is a material that, after drying, forms a layer similar in properties to boards of the same name. This paint turns the wall into a large board on which you can draw with felt-tip pens, markers, and, if necessary, remove the note.

The material is based on epoxy resins, polyurethane or acrylic.

Used for walls and decorative elements. Apply to the prepared surface with a roller in one layer. Distributes evenly, excluding smudges and unevenness. Dries within 10 – 14 days. It is not recommended to paint before this period, as the coating may be damaged.

Types of marker paints

The coating is available in two colors: transparent and white. Transparent, does not stand out, can be applied to any shade. The white one stands out against the background of the wall.

They also distinguish:

  • Slate paint is based on acrylic, graphite chips, and pigments. Reminds me school board, because of this it is called chalky. The coating looks original; there is no need to paint anything on it. Can act as an independent decorative element.
  • Magnetic paint is a coating developed relatively recently. It contains metal chips that allow you to hold magnets on the surface.

What markers are suitable?

To draw on the marker surface, special board markers have been developed. They do not scratch the surface and can be easily washed with a sponge. Choose high-quality products, the service life of the coating depends on this.

When choosing a marker, pay attention to the smell: it should not be sharp or unpleasant. The packaging of the product must contain an appropriate inscription that it is intended specifically for a marker board.

Markers are usually produced in packs of four: black, green, white, yellow.

What you need to know to draw on walls with a marker

The recommended storage period for a recording or drawing on the wall is 7 days. The board can for long time absorb the marker and it will be difficult to remove.

Wash only with a special sponge.

When using a marker, cover it with a cap, otherwise it will dry out and become unusable. You cannot refill them like old markers.

Once every two months, it is advisable to apply a special cleaning spray. It will further clean and protect the coating.

Magnetic wall paint: how it works

Dispersion magnetic paint is a wall covering on which you can draw and write, as well as attach magnets. This is due to metal chips in the paint; it shorts the magnetic lines.

The coating is widely used: in home interiors, in many educational, office and entertainment institutions.


  • Slate-magnetic – on such a surface you can draw with crayons and attach magnets. Available mainly in several colors: black, grey, brown, green and blue;
  • Magnetic marker - you can make notes, drawings with markers, the ability to attach magnets. This surface is easy to use and does not require careful maintenance.

Marker products are excellent for some details of a children's room, kitchen or office. Durable, universal coating for proper care will reliably protect the surface and last a long time.

Useful video

The desire to draw on the walls is the dream of any child, and with the help of a marker pen, adults can do it too. But that’s not all, because different options magnetic marker paints for walls receive numerous reviews about the ease of use in offices, meeting rooms and anywhere else you need a canvas for writing and drawing with markers.

What is marker paint?

Marker paint is (furniture, metal) that forms a layer after drying. It is similar in its properties to marker boards, which can take up any space you need. This type of finishing is perfect for offices of creative companies.

By purchasing marker paint for walls, you can turn a wall or any other surface into a magnetic or marker board.

Important! In appearance, a wall on which marker paint has been applied is not much different from one painted with acrylic paint.

This paint is absolutely safe from the environmental point of view, it can be used even in bedroom. Various manufacturers They produce marker paints in familiar colors - or colored ones. There are clear coating options that can be applied to any colored paint. At the same time, it will acquire the same characteristics as a marker-magnetic board.

Is it needed in the house?

The paint is completely safe and you can use it inside your home without fear. By making such a coating on a wall or other surface, you can create an atmosphere to suit your mood. In this case, you need to use special neon or regular (but not permanent) markers.

It is also allowed to apply acrylic paints or gouache. You can wash off the artwork with a regular sponge, and if they remain on the surface for longer than 24 hours, you can use a special solvent for this type of surface. What’s very convenient is that the paint is durable and you don’t have to worry about changing the wall decoration for at least 10 years.

Areas of use

Paint with a magnetic board effect has found distribution in various fields.


In an office setting, applying marker paint is a convenient solution. After all, you won't be limited by size. old board, no matter how big it is, it is always missing. Applying paint to the wall solves the problem of moving the board and rotating it at an inconvenient moment. Alternatively, you can use a white surface as a projector screen.

Marker paint for walls is one of the paint coatings, the basis for the manufacture of which is polyurethane, acrylic or epoxy resin. Home distinguishing feature- the ability, after complete hardening, to acquire the properties of an even, smooth marker board.

A surface with marker paint applied to it acquires increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage, but its peculiarity is that you can draw on it without fear of leaving marks. Any images can be easily wiped off the surface with a damp cloth.

Beautiful and comfortable

Walls for drawing with a marker in lately at the peak of popularity

Marker coating has won consumer recognition literally from the first days of its existence. It was appreciated not only by parents, whose children love to draw on all surfaces, not excluding the wall in the nursery or hallway, in the kitchen or even in the living room.

Walls covered with marker paint can be seen in the offices of large companies, executive offices, medical institutions, and even police departments.

The smooth and smooth surface walls can be used as a screen for showing films or slides. A schematic image is applied to walls painted with marker paint, which can be removed or corrected at any time.

To remove a drawing from a wall on which a marker coating has been applied, you will need a damp cloth or a soft sponge, but you can use them only during the first day after using the marker. After a day, you will need a special remover to remove the pattern.

Most often, coatings are made white or black.

Marker paint - the composition formed after drying is thin, but very durable, and does not absorb dyes. The marker coating is not much different in appearance from the well-known acrylic coating.

Manufacturers have mastered the production of formulations different colors, but black and white are in high demand. Other colors are also quite popular, but if white walls are acceptable in any room, then green or blue are most often in demand when decorating repair work in areas where children are present.

The marker coating does not pose any danger to the health of others, dust does not accumulate on it, and it is easy to clean. These properties can be called its main advantages.

Walls covered with black marker paint are found in many office premises. You can draw on them with any markers, except permanent ones.

Where do you need a wall with marker coating?

Children will appreciate a wall with a painting surface.

As mentioned earlier, marker paint is very popular when decorating:

  • conference rooms;
  • meeting rooms;
  • classrooms;
  • kindergartens;
  • school classes.

Such a wall successfully replaces the usual blackboard for writing and drawing with chalk. With its help, the space for completing school assignments or conducting art lessons is significantly increased.

Children in kindergartens are especially pleased with such walls. On such a wall there is enough space for collective creativity, regardless of the height and age of the children.

In an office setting, the convenience of a wall covered with marker paint is that employees do not need to constantly erase previously made drawings or drawings, making room for new schematic images.

At the same time, the clean surface is used as a screen without requiring use additional accessories necessary for watching educational films or commercials.

Even in medical institutions, in patient rooms you can find walls with marker coating. They develop a plan for the upcoming operation or analyze already performed surgical interventions, show slides or other photo and video materials.


Level the walls before applying the coating

To apply a marker coating to a wall, it is important to properly and efficiently prepare the surface for painting. The main task of the master is to prepare a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

If you can paint the walls with your own hands, then apply several layers of plaster and finishing putty A qualified technician will help. If desired or having certain skills, all work related to leveling the surface of the walls can be done independently.

You can only start painting completely dry plasters and putties. Paint does not stick to a damp wall.

Execution Features

The edges of the coating are sealed with masking tape

Painting works are not particularly different from regular painting. There are only a few nuances:

  1. Before painting, it is necessary to prime the wall in two layers, although, due to its high adhesive properties, many manufacturers in the instructions for use of the composition indicate that there is no need for mandatory priming of the surface to be painted.
  2. If the marker coating does not completely cover the wall, its boundaries are marked with masking tape.
  3. When starting painting work, you should thoroughly mix the composition using a drill with an attachment or construction mixer. After this, the paint is allowed to sit to get rid of small air bubbles. Otherwise, it will not be possible to apply the coating evenly.
  4. Use ready-made composition needed immediately after preparation. The paint dries quickly and small lumps may form.
  5. Marker paint is applied in two layers. The mixture for each is prepared separately. This is due to the fact that complete drying will require at least 12 hours, and re-painting is possible only on a completely dry surface. For more information on how to apply this coating, watch this video:

The marker coating is created using a specially created composition that is completely odorless. This quality allows dyeing in indoors at any time of the year, since no ventilation is required.

Marker paint is applied with a regular roller with short pile. First of all, use a wide paint brush to “remove” the corners and beat off the level of the floor and ceiling. Without waiting for the composition on the wall to begin to dry, they begin painting, moving the roller from bottom to top, strictly in one direction and carefully rolling out the edges so that the transition is not noticeable.

If, before starting work, a pattern or boundaries of the area to be painted were determined on the surface using masking tape, then it can be removed no earlier than an hour after applying the paint composition.



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