How many words do you need to know at the intermediate level? Intermediate: what does it mean, what level of English is it?

Since 2001, Europe has moved to fundamentally new language standards, so classic British textbooks are now also being republished in accordance with the new levels. Has anything changed significantly with the introduction of levels? No, but strict classification put an end to heterogeneous self-made divisions into groups in language schools. And the tendency was obvious - firstly, to create more levels than necessary (this is to take more money), and secondly, to inflate your level for self-esteem. This is when the intermediate level of English was given A2, which can only be called intermediate given its position between levels A1 and B1.

In total, the new language knowledge standards are 6 (well, or 7 - if you take into account zero). So, language is not one, but two levels according to modern classification- B1 and B2. People who possess it to this degree are also called Independent Users, especially those occupying column B2 in the classification deserve this title. And in new system It is recommended to move away from the old name “intermediate-level of English” and either call B1 and B2 Lower and Upper Intermediate, respectively, or generally use other, very specific terms - Threshold and Vantage levels. In other words, old terms will not help you navigate the modern sea of ​​textbooks.

Knowledge of English at the intermediate level, if the language school did not deceive you, most likely corresponds to level B1. What does this mean practically? A person understands clearly spoken speech well when the vocabulary is frequently used or related to his professional activity. Can cope with almost any situation that arises when it comes to traveling around the country of the language being studied (hence the term “independent”, as we discussed above). Can deliver coherent speech on topics related to work or personal interests. Briefly justify your opinion, present evidence or plan of action. That is, an intermediate level of English, even at the lowest level, is good

How is someone described as a B2 user? He understands a wider range of texts and is capable of perceiving the main ideas of even complex scientific texts, while B1 is a level for everyday interaction. Speech is fluent, with a large amount of spontaneity, which makes conversations with speakers stress-free for both parties.

Able to create clear and detailed text on large number topics, not only workers and households. Able to clearly express the advantages and disadvantages of various types of opinions. Such a language user is rightfully called independent. Level B2 allows you to start studying at the university level. It is found among the brightest graduates of the strongest specialized schools or among graduates of good non-linguistic universities.

These two levels are intermediate, there are two more above them - C1 and C2, and everyone who already has an intermediate level of English should strive for them. After all, more high categories provide the opportunity for professional immigration or work on expensive language courses for English teachers. In general, level C1 is average for good and excellent students at language universities. But not all carriers can get C2.

Thus, the path along this ladder from the level of a graduate of a good special school with English to the level of an applicant to Oxford University takes at least a whole year of study abroad, no matter how offensive it may seem to our graduate. Well, 9 months may be enough for a capable and hardworking graduate. And with intensive training (30 hours a week), perhaps six months.

Some clarifications need to be made here. When we talk about the level of language proficiency of a local resident (native speaker), we mean a decently educated and moderately erudite local resident for whom this language is native. And even then, not every Englishman will be able to pass the Cambridge Proficiency exam. What can we say about a huge number immigrants from the most different countries world, speaking English in a very specific way. Sometimes students who come to study English in high levels, speak it much better than those whom you encounter, say, on the streets of London.

But without studying in the country of the target language, mastering a living language modern language It’s almost impossible - no textbooks have time to track what happens to the language when a variety of jargons, dialects, argot, and foreign borrowings are mixed. You need to find yourself not only in the linguistic, but also in the cultural context, to know what the newspapers write about, what is discussed on TV, what songs are sung, what jokes are told... Only then will it be possible to pass the English exams with the highest score.

So how long does it take to learn English to enter Oxford University (this educational institution imposes the highest possible requirements for the level of English proficiency of foreign applicants; in many universities the requirements are much lower)?

According to Western estimates (approximate, average and published solely as information of a recommendatory nature), from zero to passing the IELTS exam at 7.5 you need to study 1000-1200 hours of classroom lessons with a qualified teacher. Hours of self-study, preparation, assignments, etc. must be added to this figure.

Theoretically, you can complete all levels without traveling abroad - this can take approximately 2.5 - 3 years if you take courses a couple of times a week for 4 hours. “Theoretically” because in practice it is quite difficult to implement this, except perhaps to enroll in the philology department prestigious university. In regular language courses, it is rarely possible to move from level to level without interruptions in classes, and at high levels, groups are very rarely formed at all. At the Advanced level, it is no longer possible to do without a trip to study abroad.

If you study abroad, it will take three times less time - one year is usually enough even for a graduate of a regular high school in order to reach the required level of proficiency in a foreign language.

Thus, the well-known formula “time is money” is clearly embodied: you can save money, but you will have to spend a lot more time. You can reach the next level faster, but you will have to pay more. You can learn a language even faster by studying more intensively, in mini-groups or individually, but it will cost even more.

But what doesn’t happen are miracles. No one anywhere can learn a foreign language in a month for any amount of money - no matter what the sellers of all sorts of miracles like “25 frames”, “unique author’s techniques”, “English in 16 lessons” and other nonsense promise. Parents who plan their child’s future career in advance can successfully combine studying in our country with periodic trips to summer language courses abroad - then by the end of our school, in addition to a certificate, the teenager can also receive a certificate of passing an international exam.

If you need advice on how to most effectively and quickly improve your level of foreign language proficiency, please contact us! We help everyone, regardless of region or country of residence.
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Often, when applying for a job, the employer asks the applicant about ownership foreign language and requires knowledge of it at level B1. Having an Intermediate level will make it easier to pass exams and enter a university abroad. What is it like to speak English at an Intermediate level?

What levels of English are there?

Division into levels when teaching a language:

  • facilitates the recruitment of a student group whose representatives have similar competencies;
  • publication of textbooks;
  • development curricula and methods;
  • organization of testing and entrance examinations.

Separation is needed more by teachers than by students.


Level group Levels

Beginner user

(basic possession)

A1 Beginner Elementary
A2 Elementary Elementary

Independent user


B1 Pre Intermediate Below average
B1 Intermediate Average
B2 Upper Intermediate Above average
C Advanced user

(fluent, high level)

C1 Advanced Professional
C2 Proficiency Perfectly

Intermediate - what level is this?

The main requirement of employers is proficiency in English at the Intermediate level. Allows you to travel, explore the unknown, maintain communication with indigenous people, and describe the surrounding space.

Voicing your position, discussing general everyday and industrial topics, understanding what is said aurally are essential features of the middle stage.

Pre Intermediate

At this level, learners are confident in applying the rules of grammar in practice, but active vocabulary is limited.

Upon completion of the level, they master the necessary communication skills and maintain a conversation on general topics.

Upper Intermediate

At this level, students communicate easily and know grammar in depth. Vocabulary differs in variety, a transition is being made to reading books in the original.

There is an opportunity to get an education in the West or find a job: work without close contact with clients.

Material that people with knowledge of English at the Intermediate level should know


Students understand:

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It ranges from 2000 to 3000 lexical units. Along with common vocabulary, they study common words that are associated with communication in business sphere. The Intermediate level is enriched with phraseological units.

Students operate phrases in context. The vocabulary is expanded through word formation using prefixes and suffixes, addition of stems and conversion. Show attention to the interpretation of semantics, citing words that are close and opposite in meaning.


At the Intermediate level you can:


What is typical for you at the Intermediate level:

  • understanding of adapted literature;
  • unfamiliar vocabulary does not make it difficult to read articles from the World Wide Web and the media;
  • there is a transition to reading books in the original.


Differs at the Intermediate level:

  • relatively complete understanding in direct contact and in sound recording of what was heard;
  • instant comprehension of unadapted audio recordings, despite ignorance of individual words, the accent of the speaker;
  • ability to distinguish the pronunciation of a native speaker from the pronunciation of a non-indigenous speaker;
  • watching television series and films with subtitles;
  • listening adapted or not very difficult original audiobooks.


You can:

  • construct a sentence grammatically correct;
  • subscribe greeting card, invitation, letter, advertisement, request;
  • fill out a form if necessary;
  • describe phenomena, people and incidents, give a comment.

How do you know if your language proficiency is intermediate?

Level checking means a lot in language acquisition and mainly influences the selection of a training program at the Intermediate level.

How to correctly determine the level of training so that testing determines the true state of affairs? There are many websites on the Internet that offer online tests to check your level. However, not everyone copes with the task of determining the language level.

A standard test involves choosing one correct answer from a given set. Accurate answers indicate excellent theoretical knowledge of grammar, but are silent about your skills: writing and oral speech, listening, reading. Many people answer at random.

There are tests that establish:

The first variation is considered inferior, so they turn to the second type of test.

The following English language proficiency tests are popular:

  1. British
  2. American

The IELTS exam is suitable for:

  • study in New Zealand and Great Britain, Ireland and Canada, Australia;
  • move to these states.

There are two main types of IELTS:

  • It is used to control the Intermediate level in the professional field. If you want to work or study abroad
  • General Training. Tests language proficiency in everyday situations. Enough for immigration. Consists of:
    • Interviews with the examiner. When filing an appeal, a recording is made on a voice recorder. The topics are varied. It is important for the inspector to hear your thoughts on this or that matter. It is important to sound and look natural. Express your ideas, use your accumulated experience or evoked associations. When you find it difficult to say something about museums, think about which one you want to visit. Tell us about your attitude towards art, even if it does not arouse interest.
    • Letters or essays. You are given 2 tasks where you need to describe a table or write a mini-essay on a specified topic. For General Training: writing (informal or formal), Academic - essay. When passing the written part, they formulate clearly thoughts, avoid repetitions and tautologies, and consistently cover the topic. If you have problems with the first task, do not get hung up and move on to the next exercise. Competently completed task No. 2 is rated higher: concentrate on completing it. Remember the required length of the assignment: No. 1 – 150 words, No. 2 – 100 words more. Reaching this mark will save points.
    • Listening. Listen to 4 passages and answer questions. Entries are on general topics or related to studies. They are presented in the form of a monologue or dialogue and are the same for everyone. To pass successfully, a sheet with tasks will help: there is a chance to quickly review and pay attention to the necessary information. If you have difficulty hearing, be sure to warn the staff. The control is structured in such a way that points are awarded for a correct answer, but are not deducted for an incorrect one.
    • Readings. Tasks are given: answer questions, select an error-free version and title of the text, insert the necessary word forms instead of gaps.

When performing, follow the instructions exactly. Don’t ignore changing the font, emphasis, headings - it may contain important information. Don't focus on every token - questions only relate to certain factors. The final grade is derived from the points of all sections: minimum - 1, maximum - 9. Usually 6-7 points is the minimum result that foreign institutions require from applicants.

Intermediate level courses

An acceptable and simple way to improve your language level is to study online. Self-study language is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to attend courses. The disadvantage of studying is the lack of speech practice for the Intermediate level. The solution is to improve your language skills with interactive courses via Skype. Optimal solution question - face-to-face courses.

English courses:

  • English via Skype. EnTouch lessons are about acquiring knowledge with comfort and passion.
    • Business English online. Entrepreneurship is growing at a fast pace. Hence the demand for this service.
    • Accelerated English. It is undeniable but true: English is a means of international interaction and constructive agreements.
    • English with certificate. Most English functions clear the way for climbing the corporate ladder.
    • English for schoolchildren. Classes for students will be cognitive and interesting.
    • Spoken English. To have a sense of decisiveness in any verbal situation, it does not hurt to speak fluently in online lessons.
    • English for students. A foreign language is a mandatory component of the curriculum of many specialties. Sometimes the subject is difficult for students.
    • English for adults. It doesn't matter how old you are. The price is the desire to speak English. EnTouch will help you make your dreams come true.
    • Corporate English. In the variety of EnTouch courses there was a place for corporate consumers.
  • School of Daria Dzyuba. Business English: Intermediate (B1).
  • Online courses at “Ischool of English”.
  • Global Link. Courses for adults and children.

Intermediate level program

Grammar topics

  • plural of nouns (special cases), agreement between subject and predicate;
  • articles and pronouns;
  • degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;
  • Present Indefinite and Present Progressive;
  • Present Progressive with stative verbs;
  • Past Indefinite and Present Perfect;
  • Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive;
  • Past Indefinite and Used+ Infinitive;
  • Ways of Referring to the Future;
  • Reported Speech;
  • Indirect Questions and Imperatives (Suggestions/Requests/Commands);
  • passive voice and formation of tense forms;
  • Modal Verbs and their equivalents;
  • prepositions;
  • The Gerund and the Infinitive;
  • The Complex Sentences;
  • Different Types of Questions.

Conversational topics

  1. Applying for a job;
  2. At the cafe;
  3. At the kitchen;
  4. Books are our friends;
  5. Challenge and approving the goals;
  6. Family affairs;
  7. Fashion and new trends;
  8. Holidays abroad;
  9. Mass media and newspaper;
  10. Modern society;
  11. My career;
  12. My personality;
  13. My point of view;
  14. Natural d;
  15. Old people;
  16. Social problems;
  17. Sport and health;
  18. The place where I live;
  19. The world around us;
  20. The way I spend my pastime/Parties/Hobbies/Music;
  21. We are interested in our past;
  22. We learn to communicate.

How will your speaking skills develop during the Intermediate course?

Intermediate-level is the core period when the listener’s development progresses.

The acquired skills have distinctive features:

Duration of training at the Intermediate level

In practice, the duration of training depends on the student’s passion and motivation, as well as the knowledge base.

Teaching is carried out systematically and is based on previously acquired skills and abilities. The educational process is characterized by intensity and speed, when the student actively masters vocabulary and grammar. When you realize gaps in certain topics, you should not be upset.

It is advisable to try to master the required material in full in order to achieve the required level, and then fearlessly make the transition to new level. In the second case, studying will require more effort and time, but in the end the student will have a comprehensive understanding of all language components.

The next levels represent a deepening and expansion of the active vocabulary and a concentration on linguistic micro-details and nuances.

Books to read at Intermediate level

The best helpers and friends for students of the language of international communication.

List of books that are used in the educational process:

  1. Nevil Shute. On the Beach / On the shore. Novel. (1957);
  2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button / Mysterious story Benjamin Button. Story (1922);
  3. Mark Twain. The Prince and the Pauper / The Prince and the Pauper. Historical nove;
  4. Live and Let Die / Live and let die. Thriller. (2010);
  5. Lewis Carroll. Alice Through the Looking Glass / Alice Through the Looking Glass. Books for children. (2013);
  6. Dal Road. Matilda / Matilda. Books for children;
  7. Mario Puzo / The Godfather / The Godfather. Fiction (1999);
  8. Arthur Conan Doyle. Short stories / Short stories (2012);
  9. Alexandre Duma. The Three Musketeers / Three Musketeers. Fiction;
  10. Seven-Day Magic / Seven days of magic. Books for children (2004);
  11. English Fairy Tales / Fairy Tales of Britain (2008);
  12. Henry. The Gift of the Magi / Gifts of the Magi. Story;
  13. Romeo and Juliet / Romeo and Juliet. Tragedy (2010);
  14. Treasure Island / Treasure Island. Adventure novel. (2008);
  15. Wilkie Collins. The Woman in White / Woman in White. Fiction.

Textbooks for Intermediate level

  1. English: service and tourism (N.E.Koroleva, E.Z.Barsetyan, A.M.Serbinovskaya);
  2. A Frequency Dictionary of Russian: core vocabulary for learners. Sharoff S., Umanskaya E., Wilson J. (2013. – 400 pp.). Directory;
  3. Business Grammar Builder Macmillan;
  4. Business Resource Book Oxford;
  5. Essential English for Foreign Students (C.E. Eckersley, 2002);
  6. Communicating in Business Cambridge;
  7. English Result Intermediate Workbook with Key + MultiROM-E;
  8. Headway Business English;
  9. Language to go. Araminta Crace, Robin Wileman;
  10. Market Leader. David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent;
  11. New Opportunities;
  12. New Cutting Edge. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor;
  13. Teach Business English Cambridge;
  14. Textbooks “Practical course of English” by linguist, Doctor of Philology V. D. Arakin in 5 volumes;
  15. I want and will know English. T.I. Arbekova, N.N. Vlasova, G.A. Makarova.

Films and TV series for Intermediate level

English-language films are suitable for training and practicing audio skills.

  1. Desperate Housewives / Desperate Housewives (2006). USA. Comedy, detective, romance, drama;
  2. Restless / Restless (2012). Great Britain, Germany. Romance, drama;
  3. Come Sunday / Heretic (2018). USA. Drama;
  4. The White Princess / The White Princess (2017). USA. Drama;
  5. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel / The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017). USA. Drama, comedy;
  6. White Collar / White Collar (2009). USA. Drama, crime, comedy;
  7. Paterno / Paterno (2018). USA. Drama, biography;
  8. War & Peace / War and Peace (2016). Great Britain. War, romance, drama;
  9. The 15:17 to Paris / Train to Paris (2018). USA. Historical;
  10. The Kennedys After Camelot / Clan Kennedy: After Camelot (2017). Canada, USA. Historical, drama;
  11. Peter Rabbit / Peter Rabbit (2018). Australia, USA. Cartoon, family;
  12. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell / Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (2015). Great Britain. Fantasy;
  13. Kickboxer: Retaliation / Kickboxer returns (2018). USA. Drama, thriller;
  14. The Lost Room / Lost Room (2006). USA. Science fiction, fantasy, thriller;
  15. Lost / Stay Alive (2006). USA. Science fiction, thriller, adventure;
  16. American Gods / American Gods (2017). USA. Detective, fantasy;
  17. Happy! / Happy (2017). USA. Fantasy, crime, thriller, comedy, detective;
  18. McMafia / McMafia (2018). USA, Great Britain. Thriller, drama, crime;
  19. Game Night / Night games (2018). USA. Thriller, comedy, detective, crime;
  20. Bent / Bend / (2018). USA, Spain. Thriller, crime.

Grammar textbooks for Intermediate level

  1. Goldenkov M.A. Street English. For the lazy, for the restless, for those who don’t know English, for those who think they do. (2003. – 224 p.);
  2. Ivantsov English Grammar Untangled. (2012. – 123 p.);
  3. Litvinov P.P. 2000 English expressions. Memory technique. (2010. – 320 p.);
  4. Matveev S.A. English for intermediate level. Level B1. (2016.– 160 p.);
  5. Tretyakov Yu.P. American English. Educational manual for adults. Advanced course. (2005. – 327 pp.) + mp3;
  6. Khidekel S.S., Kaul M.R., Ginzburg E.L. Difficulties of English word usage. (2002. – 175 s);
  7. Chernikhovskaya N.O. 200 dialogues in English for all occasions. (2014. – 336 pp. + mp3);
  8. Chernikhovskaya N.O. Modern English words and expressions + Slang. (2013. – 496 pp.) + mp3;
  9. Collins Cobuild Basic Grammar English grammar(2004. – 240 p.);
  10. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth. New edition Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate;
  11. Grammar Games Oxford;
  12. Gina Caro. English Grammar from A to Z. / English for our people in 2 volumes (1998. – 265 pp.);
  13. Macmillan English in Context;
  14. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use;
  15. Reward Resource Pack Macmillan.

How to increase the Intermediate level?

The main task when studying at the Intermediate level is to immerse yourself entirely in the English language. In addition, they pay attention to topics that are of interest and are directly related to work activity.

These strategies will allow you to raise the level of a foreign language in the future:

  1. Apply language skills every day in everyday life. Change the language settings in devices, gadgets, email correspondence, and social media accounts. Make a list of things to do and queries for a search engine in a foreign language, do not use translation. Join a conversation club.
  2. Reading in English is the best learning. It is preferable to read publications from popular magazines or newspaper news. If you are studying or are engaged in the field of international relations, entrepreneurship and commerce, it’s time to switch to English-language publications: The Week or The Washington Post - you can download it for free on the Internet. Remember to take notes, especially try to learn idioms.
  3. Regularly listen to audio podcasts and watch video files, listen to audio books. Highlight the variety of English you require: Australian, British or American.
  4. Expand your vocabulary. However, not by cramming and not by large volume. Use context to memorize, group vocabulary thematically, this will allow you to learn words. Develop your imagination by making up stories with new vocabulary.
  5. Improving speech skills is impossible without speaking practice, which is 80%. lesson at the Intermediate level, for this you will need either an English-speaking friend or a teacher.
  6. If you love pop music, there is a reason to go to karaoke with your girlfriend or boyfriend. You can find your favorite songs online and sing them at home. Don't be modest!

Hello friends. Many of you are probably asking yourself the question: “What is my level of knowledge of English? What level can be considered basic? To what level would you like to improve your English? How is English proficiency measured? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Conditionally There are 4 levels of English proficiency:
elementary - initial
intermediate - average
advanced - advanced
proficiency (fluent) - native speaker (fluent)

If you take any foreign training manual, for example, Longman, then either on the cover or on the first pages it will be indicated what level this manual is. Many publishers divide the first 3 levels into several sub-levels:

elementary - beginner (starter) - beginner
- easy - easy

intermediate - low-intermediate - lower average
- intermediate - average
- upper-intermediate - high average

advanced - advanced - advanced
- high-advanced - high

What parameters are used to divide the levels?
1. By the number of words learned
2. According to the level of proficiency in grammar and speech structures.

Number of words learned by level

Different publishers may have different criteria. For example, for some elementary is 100 words, for others it is 500, the same differences in grammar. When choosing a study guide or book for yourself, look at the first pages with text or tasks. If it's too easy for you, take the next level book. If much is not clear, then take the previous level.

According to my observations, for those who learn English from scratch, the beginner level is suitable - it couldn’t be simpler. The easy level requires some kind of foundation. There they usually use present simple/ continuous, future simple and past simple.
Intermediate is the level at which everyone sits for a very long time. We can say that if you speak English at an intermediate level, you already have a base. This is basic grammar (without the nuances that are important only to the British:), and several thousand English words. Our school curriculum ideally brings students to the intermediate level.
Advanced is, as they say, a field where you can roam. This is already quite fluent English. Typically, textbooks at this level take some specialization (for example, business English), and study words / terms / grammatical structures in the chosen direction.

Of course, you need to strive for the advanced level, because with it you can already take international certificates, which, unlike school certificates / university diplomas / shortcuts of local English language courses, are valid throughout the civilized world.

But if you are a beginner and are learning English almost from scratch, do not chase levels. Do not sign up for courses in a group with a more advanced level, you will stall, and much will remain unclear. Often adults who want to learn English say something like this: “I have school English, but I need business English / I’m going to get an IELTS / TOEFL certificate.” But at the same time they cannot distinguish the present simple from present continuous. Be realistic, gradually and gradually expand your knowledge, and your level of knowledge of the English language will certainly increase.

Description of each level in accordance with the international system:

A1 Beginner Elementary

The student understands and can use in speech familiar phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. Can introduce himself, introduce others, ask and answer questions about his place of residence, acquaintances, property. Can engage in simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

A2 Pre-Intermediate

The student understands individual sentences and frequently occurring expressions related to basic areas of life (for example, basic information about himself and his family members, shopping, getting a job, etc.). Can perform tasks involving simple exchange of information on familiar or everyday topics. In simple terms he can talk about himself, his family and friends, and describe the main aspects of everyday life.

B1 Intermediate

The student understands the main ideas of clear messages made in literary language on different topics, typically occurring at work, school, leisure, etc. Can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the target language. Can compose a coherent message on topics known or of particular interest to him. Can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, express and justify their opinions and plans for the future.

B2 Upper-Intermediate

The student understands the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. Speaks quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers without much difficulty for either party. Able to make clear, detailed reports on a variety of topics and present his view on the main issue, showing the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.

The student understands voluminous, complex texts on various topics and recognizes hidden meaning. Speaks spontaneously at a fast pace, without having difficulty finding words and expressions. Uses language flexibly and effectively for scientific and scientific communication. professional activity. Can create an accurate, detailed, well-structured message on complex topics, demonstrating mastery of text organization models, means of communication and the integration of its elements.

The student understands almost any oral or written message and can compose a coherent text based on several oral and written sources. Speaks spontaneously at a high rate and high degree precision, emphasizing shades of meaning even in the most complex cases.



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