Om Georg Simon, biography, life story, creativity, writers, life. Om Georg - biography, facts from life, photographs, background information

(1787-1854) German physicist

Georg Simon Ohm was born in Erlangen into the family of a mechanic and craftsman. His father instilled in his sons a love of mathematics and physics from childhood. After graduating from high school, Georg entered the University of Erlangen in 1805, but studied there for only a year, and then from 1806 to 1809 he worked as a teacher in the Swiss city of Gottstadt. In 1811 he defended his doctoral dissertation, prepared independently. Georg Simon Ohm taught mathematics, then physics in various gymnasiums: from 1813 to 1817 - in Wamberg, from 1817 to 1828 - in Cologne. In the intervals between lessons, he was engaged in galvanic experiments, trying to find out how the action of a galvanic battery depends on the quality and type of metal from which the wire connecting its poles is made.

In 1826, Ohm experimentally discovered the fundamental law electrical circuit, connecting current strength, electromotive force and resistance. This law - Ohm's law - was formulated by him in his work “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct electricity.” In 1827, the scientist substantiated it theoretically for a section and for a complete chain. In his small laboratory in Cologne, he built a structure consisting of a bismuth rod soldered between two copper wires. Having lowered one of the junctions into boiling water and the other into finely chopped ice, Georg Ohm soon came to the conclusion that there was an analogy between the movement of electric current and water flow in an inclined channel. The greater the level difference in the channel and the freer the path, the stronger the water flow. The same thing happens with electric current: the current strength will be greater, the greater the electromotive force the battery has and the less resistance to the current along its path. In the same year, Ohm introduced the concepts of “electromotive force”, “voltage drop” and “conductivity”.

Ohm's law did not find application for a long time, although the quantitative relationships established in it between the parameters of an electrical circuit opened up wide opportunities in the study of electricity. Local physicists treated the results of the German scientist’s work favorably, but they were not known in any other country. In October 1831, Claude Servais Poullier, professor of applied physics at the Paris School of Arts and Crafts, reported to the French Academy that he had found a quantitative relationship between current, electromotive force and resistance, without mentioning Ohm's name. But then he was forced to admit that he had read the work of a German physicist on the galvanic circuit and agreed that this law was first formulated by Georg Simon Ohm. This scandalous story contributed to the fact that other French people learned about Ohm’s work, and then English physicists. The significance of Ohm's law became undeniable only after the outstanding Russian scientists Emilius Christianovich Lenz and Boris Semenovich Jacobi, German scientists Carl Friedrich Gauss, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff and some others made this law the basis of their research.

Despite the discovery of the quantity law, Georg Ohm continued to remain a modest teacher. At the age of 44 (in 1833), he received a position as professor of physics at the Nuremberg Higher Polytechnic School, and in 1839 he became its rector. The Royal Society of London awarded him the Copley Medal in 1841. In 1849, the scientist was invited to the University of Munich to the position of extraordinary professor, and in 1852, when Ohm was 63 years old, he became a professor. All his life Georg Simon Ohm was a great worker, but he was haunted by failures.

Ohm's scientific interests also extended to acoustics, optics, and crystal optics. He came up with the idea of ​​a complex composition of sounds. In particular, in 1843 Ohm established that the simplest auditory sensations are caused only by harmonic vibrations. The ear is capable of decomposing complex sounds into sinusoidal components, and they are perceived as the main tone, and additional ones - overtones. This is Ohm's acoustic law. However, these works did not receive scientific recognition, and only eight years after his death his compatriot Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Helmholtz was able to prove the validity of Ohm's conclusions. Later, based on Ohm's acoustic law, Helmholtz developed the resonance theory of hearing. In 1842 Ohm was elected a member of the Royal Society of London.

At the end of the 40s, he decided to create a coherent theory molecular physics. Unfortunately, the scientist managed to write and publish only one volume of his work. On July 7, 1854, he died suddenly.

Twenty-seven years after Ohm's death, when a common unit of resistance was named after him, a monument was erected to his "dear compatriot" in Munich.

Georg Simon Ohm(1787-1854) - German physicist. Established the basic law of an electrical circuit (Ohm's law). Works on acoustics, crystal optics, member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1845), corresponding member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, foreign honorary member of the Royal Society of London (1842).

At my father's house

Georg Simon's father, Johann Wolfgang Ohm, was a hereditary mechanic who devoted a lot of time to self-education. He studied mathematics textbooks and attended a technical drawing school in Berlin. In 1785, master Johann Ohm returned to his hometown of Erlangen and received permission to open his own business. A year later he married the daughter of an Erlangen blacksmith, Maria Elisabeth Bekkin.

Of the 7 children born to her, only three remained alive, and she herself died in childbirth in 1799. Johann Ohm never recovered until the end of his life from the loss of “the best and most tender of mothers,” as he spoke of her. Then his son Georg was 10, Martin was 7, and his daughter Barbara was only 5 years old.

Johann Ohm paid great attention to the upbringing of the children left in his arms. To provide for his family, he spent every day from morning to evening fulfilling blacksmith and metalwork orders, and he devoted every free minute to his children. Both sons of the mechanic Johann, who became professors, later spoke about the infinite amount they owe to their father: Georg, a physicist, and Martin, a mathematician. Even on the monument to Ohm in Munich he is depicted next to his father, big man in a work apron, who, with his arm around the shoulders of his son, who is enthusiastically listening to him, is seriously and tenderly telling the boy something.

The school where the sons of the blacksmith Om began their education was more than modest, although the education was paid: its owner, who was also the only teacher (he was, however, helped by his daughter, who taught the kids to read), was a former stocking maker, although he did not have teacher education, apparently, possessed, in addition to excellent handwriting and the ability to quickly solve arithmetic problems, also some innate teaching talents, curiosity and mental alertness. He prepared Georg to enter the city gymnasium.

This educational institution focused on the study of Latin and Greek language. As for mathematics and especially physics, only the classes that Johann Ohm conducted with the sons of the house allowed them to advance in the study of these sciences. From the rather limited funds of the family, money was always allocated to buy books on mathematics (they predominated), but also on history, geography, philosophy, pedagogy, as well as manuals on metal processing. When Georg translated from Latin (and he was the first in the class in languages) Leonhard Euler’s book “Integral Calculus,” the father, under the dictation of his son, not only rewrote the translation, but also seriously studied this work.

It is not surprising that the blacksmith, who worshiped science, had acquaintances (who soon became his friends), university teachers. They willingly studied with his gifted sons. One of them, mathematics professor K. E. Langsdorff, examined Georg at the end of the gymnasium. Here is the result of this exam: “During a five-hour conversation, I tested his knowledge in all the most important sections of elementary mathematics: arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, statics and mechanics, and also found out his knowledge in the field of higher geometry and mathematical analysis. I received quick and accurate answers to all my questions. I am almost convinced that both brothers from this family will become no less famous than the Bernoulli brothers - Johann and Jacob: with such zeal and such talent, they will enrich science if they find the appropriate attention and support." And in 1805 Georg Ohm himself became a student at the University of Erlangen.

With the preparation he had, studying at the university was easy for Georg Ohm. Perhaps for this reason, he plunged into sports with passion (became, in particular, the best billiard player and speed skater at the university), and became interested in dancing. The father could not help but worry about such a change in his son. In addition, it became increasingly difficult for him to provide for his family. A "conflict between fathers and sons" was brewing - for the first and only time in their lives - which ended with Georg, having studied at the university for only a year and a half, leaving his parents' home to take a position as a mathematics teacher in the Swiss town of Gottstadt. private school. Thus began the teaching career of Georg Ohm.

Start of independent life

Switzerland fascinated Georg. Its nature, its people, including his colleagues and students, a tiny town in which the largest building was an ancient castle in which the school was located, and finally, a good salary - all this gave him a feeling of admiration that filled his letters home. The only upsetting thing was the lack of response letters from his father, who was so deeply traumatized by the quarrel with his son that for almost a year he not only did not write to him, but even refused to read his letters: It seemed to Johann Ohm that all the hopes that he had pinned on his gifted son had collapsed .

But it’s not without reason that they say that time is the best healer. Gradually, correspondence was restored, and the father, as before, tried to support George with attention and advice.

But the tone of Georg Ohm's letters gradually changed. The monotony of life, the lack of exciting prospects for work and scientific growth cooled the first youthful delights. More and more often, his letters reveal homesickness and a dream to continue his studies at the university.

One can only guess what this would lead to later, but the arrival of the priest’s son, who was both the owner of the castle and the owner of the school, caused big changes. The fact is that the newcomer was a mathematician, and Georg had to free up a teaching position for him and move to the Neustadt school.

The isolation from home and from the university was experienced more and more painfully by the young mathematics teacher. But I had to come to terms with it. Professor Langsdorff, who continued to take a large part in Ohm's fate, strongly advised him to concentrate his efforts on self-education. Georg studied the original works of major mathematicians. And these activities turned out to be very fruitful. When Ohm finally returned to Erlangen in 1911, he managed to graduate from university that same year, defend his dissertation and receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Moreover, he was immediately offered the position of private assistant professor in the department of mathematics at the university.

It was great, but after just three semesters Georg Ohm was forced, for financial reasons, to look for another place. These searches were painful and unsuccessful for a long time. Georg sent letters to many scientific and educational institutions, even sent a petition to the General Commissariat of the Bavarian Kingdom, but only in January 1813 he received a job as a teacher of mathematics and physics at a school in Bamberg. The teaching methods in this school (as in many others) were such that Om considered it his duty to forward his critical views to the General Commissariat for Teaching. The result of this was that in 1816 the school in Bamberg was simply closed, and Ohm was transferred to a local preparatory school, where both the student population and the working conditions of the teachers were much worse.

But even from this sad experience Om gained some benefit. He wrote an extensive note on teaching methods. This was his first published work. It was published in 1817. The work was met with restraint, not to say hostile. Some even wrote that Ohm's ideas meant "the death of all mathematical teaching." But gradually supporters began to appear.

Ohm tried to vigorously defend his ideas, sending letters with copies of the article not only to universities and schools, but also to ministries and even to kings (Württenberg and Prussia). Many letters are not answered at all, or they receive evasive or even negative answers. The more clearly it was perceived “ unexpected joy" An invitation came to take a place as a teacher of physics and mathematics at the Jesuit College of Cologne. Om, 37, immediately headed to Cologne.

Fruitful years in Cologne

Although Georg Ohm is far from a young man, his first letters home from Cologne contain youthful enthusiasm. He writes about a large collection of physical instruments, about the favorable attitude of his colleagues, about the convenient schedule of his lessons (he is free the entire first half of the day, and the entire teaching load is relatively light). One can do science, and Om takes advantage of this precious opportunity.

The first thing Georg does is conduct an inspection of the entire fleet of instruments. Here it is discovered that many devices require repair, or even replacement. But it was not for nothing that Om was a diligent student of his father, who remains his first adviser. Om can do a lot. Not without pride, he writes, for example, to his father that he has learned to polish amber so much that it is even difficult to tear two polished plates from one another.

The thoroughness of the work, the desire to think through the setup of experiments in as much detail as possible and prepare the equipment for them became the basis for future successes. Om, who had previously focused on mathematics, switched decisively and enthusiastically to physics. Ohm was fascinated by problems associated with the flow of electrical currents through conductors. This choice was partly determined by the fact that physicists were little involved in these issues at that time, and Ohm hoped that he would have no competitors.

Today's schoolchildren studying Ohm's law may think that this is one of the simplest laws of physics: the current strength in a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage drop in it and inversely proportional to the resistance. But try to mentally transport yourself to the twenties of the 19th century! At that time, electric currents in conductors were, however, already known, current sources already existed, in particular, batteries of galvanic cells, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted even discovered that electric current affects the compass needle, but what is this current, how does it measure what it depends on - physicists knew almost nothing about this. There were not only no measuring instruments, but even also the necessary terminology.

The path that Georg Ohm took was determined by a clear understanding that the first step was to learn how to quantitatively study a physical phenomenon. To measure current, attempts have already been made to use the fact that it causes the conductor to heat up. However, G. Ohm chose not the thermal effect of current to measure, but rather its magnetic effect, discovered by Oersted. In Ohm's device, a current flowing through a conductor caused a rotation of a magnetic needle suspended on an elastic flattened gold wire. The experimenter, turning the micrometer screw to which the upper end of the wire was attached, achieved compensation for the rotation caused by the magnetic influence, and the angle of rotation of this screw was a measure of the current.

Ohm initially used galvanic current sources, but he soon discovered that they created a current that quickly decreased with time. This circumstance even caused inaccuracies in Ohm's first publication. He found a way out of this situation by moving to the use of a phenomenon discovered by Thomas Johann Seebeck - the occurrence of current in a circuit of two different wires, if the junctions between them have different temperatures. Ohm used a thermoelement made of bismuth and copper as a current source, one of the junctions of which was in boiling water, and the other in melting snow.

The installation was installed with all possible care and ensured sufficient current stability. Only after this did Ohm eliminate all initially existing sources of inaccuracies and obtain reliable results regarding the influence on the current of both the geometric shape of the conductors (their length and cross-section) and their chemical composition. In 1826, an extensive article by Georg Ohm “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity, together with an outline of the theory of the voltaic apparatus of the Schweigger multiplier” (as Ohm called the galvanometer he used) appeared in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, which outlined the main results of his research .

First reviews

The publication of the results of Ohm's experiments did not generate almost any feedback at first. There was, however, one instructive circumstance. Having learned about Ohm's works, the great Michael Faraday himself became interested in them and expressed regret that, due to ignorance of the German language, he could not study them in more detail. As for Ohm’s German colleagues, when a lengthy review of one of them was finally published, its author considered that Ohm’s research “does not inspire serious respect.”

Nevertheless, Ohm’s efforts to provide him with a year’s exemption from studies in order to be able to devote himself entirely to scientific research were satisfied in 1826 (though with only half his salary).

Georg Ohm moves to Berlin, where his brother Martin lives and works, and exactly a year later an extensive monograph, “Theoretical Study of Electric Circuits,” containing 245 pages, is published.

Its author was inspired by the ideas of the theory of thermal conductivity of the French mathematician and physicist J. B. J. Fourier, considering electric current as the flow of a certain fluid caused by differences in “electroscopic forces,” just as the flow of heat is caused by temperature differences. Ohm was also guided by the analogy between currents in conductors and the flow of liquids through pipes.

Although Ohm used terminology that differed from modern ones (although, for example, the value “resistance” he introduced is still used today), but with a proper “translation” one cannot help but be amazed at how far Ohm has advanced in understanding the laws of electric current. He even understood how to describe electrical circuits in which both conductors and current sources are connected to each other both in series and in parallel.

It is all the more surprising that his contemporaries not only did not properly appreciate his work, but even began to bitterly revile him. Apparently, the reason for this was the then dominant philosophical views. Many scientists were of the opinion that truth should be comprehended speculatively, that experience cannot (and should not even) occupy a leading position in science. Ohm’s works, in the opinion of his critics - natural philosophers (including high-ranking ones) - smelled not of “higher harmony”, but of later. Russian physicist Alexander Stoletov later wrote about this very emotionally: “...physics especially seduced natural philosophers. What a rewarding topic for the most unbridled fantasies were electrical phenomena, with their polar “love and hate”, with their mysterious relationship to the processes of the animal organism! Beautiful and vague deductions stood in the foreground: the painstaking work of the experimenter, the precise analysis of the mathematician were not in honor; they seemed unnecessary and harmful in the study of nature...”

Ohm's opponents not only denied his merits, but also actively prevented him from working. All efforts about a place where one could work remained in vain. Even speaking in print with his arguments was not easy for Om.


“There is no prophet in his own country!” Georg Ohm experienced this to the fullest. Understanding the importance of what he received scientific results, he strove in vain to give him the position that he rightfully deserved. Although his assignment to Berlin was expiring, he considered it impossible to leave this scientific center. In the end, he was offered a job at the Military School of Berlin, but with an almost symbolic load - 3 hours a week (and with corresponding pay). Om, supported by his brother, accepted this proposal. He continued to work hard. In 1829, another of his works was published in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry. It actually laid down the fundamental principles of the operation of electrical measuring instruments. In particular, a standard that is still used today was proposed electrical resistance.

In 1830, Georg Ohm published a work entitled “An Attempt to Create an Approximate Theory of Unipolar Conductivity.” This work aroused interest. Michael Faraday himself praised her. Despite this, the time for proper assessment of Ohm's merits was still approaching. They still did not find recognition at home. Om decided on an extreme measure: he wrote a petition to the King of Bavaria for work, but this did not have the desired effect. Only in 1833, 6 years after the publication of Ohm's main work, was he offered a position as professor of physics at the newly organized Polytechnic School of Nuremberg. Ohm immediately moved to Nuremberg. Soon he was appointed inspector of teaching methods and assigned to head the department of mathematics. In 1839, the duties of the school rector were added to this. At the same time, his transition to a new scientific topic was outlined: Ohm was attracted by acoustics. In 1843, he showed that the simplest auditory sensation is caused by harmonic vibrations, into which the ear decomposes complex sounds (Ohm's acoustic law).

There has also been international recognition. In 1841, Ohm's works were translated into English, in 1847 - into Italian, and in 1860 - into French. (Although there was no translation of Ohm’s works into Russian, it was E.H. Lenz and B.S. Jacobi who worked in Russia who were the first to attract the attention of the wider scientific community to Ohm’s works). In 1842, an event occurred that was the first important sign of recognition of the scientific merits of Georg Ohm: he was the second German scientist to be awarded a gold medal by the Royal Society of London and elected as a member.

In America, J. Henry was the first to appreciate the importance of Ohm's work. In Italy, the first promoter of these works was Carlo Matteucci (1811-68).

Finally, after 20 years of waiting, Georg Ohm received recognition in his homeland. In 1845 he was elected to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, and four years later he was invited to Munich to the position of extraordinary professor. At the same time, by royal decree, he was appointed custodian of the state collection of physical and mathematical instruments and a referent for the telegraph department at the physical and technical department of the Ministry of State Trade. At the same time, he continues to lecture on physics and mathematics.

Sixty-year-old Professor Georg Simon Ohm not only copes with these many responsibilities, but also continues scientific research and is engaged in the design and manufacture of demonstration instruments. Pays a lot of attention to teaching methods. In the last years of his life, he began working on a physics textbook, but only managed to finish the first volume, “Contributions to Molecular Physics.”

Georg Ohm's entire life was devoted to science and therefore he did not create a family.

In 1852, Ohm's long-standing wish was fulfilled - he received the position of ordinary professor. But his health had already deteriorated. In 1854 he suffered a serious heart attack. On June 28, 1854, King Maximilian issued a decree exempting him from compulsory lecturing. But there were only 12 days left until the end of Georg Ohm's life.

Installed on the building of the Cologne College memorial plaque. There is an inscription on it: “To Georg Simon Ohm, a famous physicist who, as a teacher at the old Cologne gymnasium, discovered the fundamental law of electric current in 1826, this memorial plaque was installed on March 6, 1939, on the 150th anniversary of his birth.”

The unit of electrical resistance was named in honor of Ohm in 1881. Professor of physics at the University of Munich E. Lommel spoke well about the significance of Ohm’s research at the opening of a monument to the scientist in 1895: “Ohm’s discovery was a bright torch that illuminated the area of ​​electricity that was shrouded in darkness before him. Georg Ohm showed the only correct path through the impenetrable forest of incomprehensible facts. The remarkable progress in the development of electrical engineering, which we have observed with amazement in recent decades, could only be achieved on the basis of Ohm's discovery. Only he is able to dominate the forces of nature and control them, who is able to unravel the laws of nature, Om wrested from nature the secret it had hidden for so long and handed it over to his contemporaries.”

More about Georg Ohm:

Georg Ohm was born into the family of a hereditary mechanic. Ohm's father, Johann Wolfgang, continued the craft of his ancestors. Georg's mother, Maria Elizabeth, died in childbirth when the boy was ten years old. Of the seven Om children, only three survived. Georg was the eldest.

After burying his wife, Oma's father devoted all his free time to raising his children. The father's role in the upbringing and education of children was enormous, and, perhaps, everything that his sons achieved in life, they owe to their father. This was later recognized by both Georg, the future professor of physics, and Martin, who had even earlier become a professor of mathematics.

The father’s great merit is that he managed to teach his children to work independently with a book. Although books were expensive at that time, purchasing them was a frequent joy for the Om family. Having difficulty making ends meet in the family budget, Johann never spared money on books.

After graduating from school, Georg, like most of his peers, entered the city gymnasium. The Erlangen Gymnasium was supervised by the university and was educational institution corresponding to that time. Classes at the gymnasium were taught by four professors recommended by the university administration.

But the father of the future scientist was in no way satisfied with the amount of knowledge and its level that the gymnasium graduates possessed. Father did not overestimate his capabilities: he knew that he alone could not give good education children, and decided to turn to the teachers of the University of Erlangen for help. Professors Klüber, Langsdorff, Georg's future examiner, and Rothe readily responded to the self-taught request.

Georg Ohm, having successfully completed high school, in the spring of 1805 began studying mathematics, physics and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Erlangen.

The solid training he received and his extraordinary abilities made his studies at the university easy and smooth. At university, Om became seriously interested in sports and devoted all his free time to it. He was the best billiard player among the university students; among speed skaters he had no equal. At student parties, no one could compete with the dashing dancer that Om was.

However, all these hobbies required a lot of time, which was left less and less for studying university disciplines. Georg's excessive hobbies caused anxiety in his father, who was finding it increasingly difficult to support his family. A very big conversation took place between father and son, which ruined their relationship for a long time. Of course, Georg understood the justice of his father’s anger and some of the harshness of the reproaches and, after studying for three semesters, to the general satisfaction of both parties, he accepted an invitation to take the place of a mathematics teacher in a private school in the Swiss town of Gottstadt.

In September 1806, he arrived in Gottstadt, where his independent life began, away from his family and homeland. In 1809, Georg Ohm was asked to vacate his position and accept an invitation to the position of teacher of mathematics in the city of Neustadt. There was no other choice, and by Christmas he moved to a new place.

But the dream of graduating from university does not leave Om. He goes through everything possible options, contributing to the fulfillment of his desires, and shares his thoughts with Langsdorff, who at that time worked at the University of Göttingen. Om listens to the professor's advice and completely devotes himself to studying the works recommended by him.

In 1811 Georg Ohm returned to Erlangen. Langsdorff's advice was not in vain: Ohm's independent studies were so fruitful that he was able to graduate from university that same year, successfully defend his dissertation and receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Immediately after graduating from the university, he was offered the position of private assistant professor in the department of mathematics of the same university.

Teaching work was quite consistent with Om's desires and abilities. But, having worked only three semesters, he was forced to look for a better paying position due to financial considerations that had haunted him almost all his life.

By royal decision of December 16, 1812, Ohm was appointed teacher of mathematics and physics at the school in Bamberg. The new location was not as successful as Om expected. The small salary, which was also paid irregularly, did not correspond to the volume of duties assigned to him. In February 1816 the real school in Bamberg was closed. A mathematics teacher was offered to teach overcrowded classes at a local school for the same fee. preparatory school. This work was even more painful for Omu. He's not happy at all existing system training.

In the spring of 1817, G.S. Ohm published his first printed work on teaching methods. The work was called “The Most best option teaching geometry in preparatory classes." But only five years later, the same ministry, whose employees believed that the appearance of Ohm’s work “marked the death of all mathematical teaching,” was forced to urgently give the author a cash prize, thereby recognizing the significance of his work.

Having lost all hope of finding the right one teaching work, a desperate doctor of philosophy unexpectedly receives an offer to take a position as a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Jesuit College of Cologne. He immediately leaves for the place future work. Here in Cologne, Georg Ohm worked for nine years and “transformed” from a mathematician to a physicist. The presence of free time contributed to the formation of Ohm as a research physicist. He enthusiastically gives himself new job, spending long hours in the college workshop and in the instrument storage room.

Om began researching electricity. A leap was required from contemplative research and accumulation of experimental material to the establishment of a law describing the process of electric current flowing through a conductor. Ohm based his electrical measuring instrument on the design of Coulomb's torsion balances.

The scientist conducts a whole series of experiments. Ohm presented the results of his research in the form of an article entitled “Preliminary report on the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity.” The article was published in 1825 in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, published by Schweigger. This was Ohm's first publication devoted to the study of electrical circuits.

However, the expression found and published by Ohm turned out to be incorrect, which subsequently became one of the reasons for its long-term non-recognition. However, the researcher himself did not claim to have a final solution to the problem he set and even emphasized this in the title of the published article. The search had to be continued. Om himself felt this.

The main source of error was the galvanic battery. The wires under study also introduced distortions, because the purity of the material from which they were made was questionable. Basic diagram new installation almost no different from the one used in the first experiments. But as a current source, Ohm used a thermoelement, which was a copper-bismuth pair. Having taken all precautions and eliminated all possible sources of error in advance, Georg Ohm began new measurements.

His famous article “Definition of the law according to which metals conduct contact electricity, together with an outline of the theory of the voltaic apparatus and the Schweigger multiplier,” published in 1826 in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, appears.

The article, containing the results of experimental research in the field of electrical phenomena, did not impress scientists this time either. None of them could even imagine that Ohm's law of electrical circuits constituted the basis for all electrical calculations of the future. The experimenter was discouraged by his colleagues' reception. The expression Om found was so simple that it was its simplicity that aroused mistrust. In addition, the scientific authority of Georg Ohm was undermined by the first publication, and opponents had every reason to doubt the validity of the expression he found.

This Berlin year was the most fruitful in the scientific quest of a persistent researcher. Exactly a year later, in May 1827, the Riemann Publishing House published an extensive monograph “Theoretical Studies of Electric Circuits” of 245 pages, which now contained Ohm’s theoretical reasoning on electric circuits.

In this work, the scientist proposed to characterize the electrical properties of a conductor by its resistance and introduced this term into scientific use. It also contains many other original thoughts, some of which served as a starting point for the reasoning of other scientists. While exploring an electrical circuit, Georg Ohm found more simple formula for the law of the electrical circuit, or rather, for the section of the circuit that does not contain EMF: “The amount of current in a galvanic circuit is directly proportional to the sum of all voltages and inversely proportional to the sum of the given lengths. In this case, the total reduced length is defined as the sum of all individual reduced lengths for homogeneous sections having different conductivities and different cross sections.” It is easy to see that in this passage Ohm proposes a rule for adding the resistances of series-connected conductors.

Ohm's theoretical work shared the fate of the work containing his experimental studies. Scientific world still waited. After the publication of the monograph, Georg Ohm, deciding on the place of his further work, did not abandon scientific research. Already in 1829, his article “An Experimental Study of the Operation of an Electromagnetic Multiplier” appeared in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry, in which the foundations of the theory of electrical measuring instruments were laid. Here Ohm was the first scientist to propose a unit of resistance, for which he chose the resistance of a copper wire 1 foot long and cross section in 1 square line.

In 1830, Ohm's new study, “An Attempt to Create an Approximate Theory of Unipolar Conductivity,” appeared. This work aroused the interest of many scientists. Michael Faraday spoke favorably about her.

However, instead of continuing scientific research. Om is forced to spend time and energy on scientific and pseudo-scientific polemics. It is difficult to be calm: his appointment to a good position and material well-being depends on the recognition of the discovery.

His despair at this time can be felt by reading the letter sent to Schweigger: “The birth of Electric Circuits has brought me untold suffering, and I am ready to curse the hour of its birth. Not only the petty court people, who are not given the opportunity to understand the feelings of a mother and hear the cry for help to her defenseless child, utter hypocritical sympathetic sighs and put the deceitful beggar in their place, but even those who occupy the same position as me gloat and spread evil rumors , driving me to despair. However, the time of testing will pass, or most likely has already passed, and noble people took care of my offspring. He stood on his feet and will continue to stand firmly on them. This is an intelligent child, who was born not by a stunted sick mother, but by a healthy, eternally youthful nature, in whose heart feelings are stored that will eventually develop into admiration.”

It was not until 1841 that Ohm's work was translated into English, in 1847 into Italian, and in 1860 into French.

Finally, on February 16, 1833, seven years after the publication of the article in which his discovery was published, Ohm was offered a position as professor of physics at the newly organized Polytechnic School of Nuremberg. Six months later, he also became head of the mathematics department and served as inspector of teaching methods. In 1839, Ohm was appointed rector of the school in addition to all his existing duties. But, despite the heavy workload. Om does not give up scientific work.

The scientist begins research in the field of acoustics. Georg Ohm formulated the results of his acoustic research in the form of a law, which later became known as Ohm's acoustic law. The scientist concluded: any sound signal is a combination of a basic harmonic oscillation and several additional harmonics. Unfortunately, this Ohm's law shared the fate of his law for electrical circuits. Only in 1862, after Ohm’s compatriot Hermann Helmholtz confirmed Ohm’s results with more subtle experiments using resonators, were the merits of the Nuremberg professor recognized.

Continuation of scientific research was complicated by heavy teaching and administrative workload. On May 6, 1842, Georg Ohm wrote a petition to the King of Bavaria to reduce the load. To the scientist’s surprise and joy, his request was quickly granted. Recognition of his work was still approaching, and those who stood at the head of the Ministry of Religions could not help but know this.

The Russian physicists Lenz and Jacobi were the first to recognize Ohm's law among foreign scientists. They also helped his international recognition. With the participation of Russian physicists, on May 5, 1842, the Royal Society of London awarded Ohm a gold medal and elected him as a member. Ohm became only the second German scientist to receive this honor.

His American colleague J. Henry spoke very emotionally about the merits of the German scientist. “When I first read Ohm’s theory,” he wrote, “it seemed to me like lightning suddenly illuminating a room immersed in darkness.”

As often happens, the scientist’s homeland was the last country to recognize his merits. In 1845 he was elected a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. In 1849, the scientist was invited to the University of Munich to the position of extraordinary professor. In the same year, by decree of King Maximilian II of Bavaria, Georg Ohm was appointed custodian of the state collection of physical and mathematical instruments, while simultaneously delivering lectures on physics and mathematics. In addition, at the same time he was appointed as a supervisor for the telegraph department at the physical and technical department of the Ministry of State Trade.

But, despite all the instructions, Om did not stop studying science during these years. He conceives a fundamental textbook on physics, but the scientist did not have time to complete this work. Of all his plans, he published only the first volume, “Contributions to Molecular Physics.”

In 1852, Georg Ohm finally received the position of full professor, which he had dreamed of all his life. In 1853, he was one of the first to be awarded the newly established Order of Maximilian “For outstanding achievements in the field of science.” But the recognition came too late. The strength was already running low. His whole life was devoted to science and the confirmation of the discoveries he made.

Spiritual closeness connected Om with relatives, friends, and students. Among his students there are scientists who have received wide recognition: the mathematician Dirichlet, the astronomer and mathematician E. Geis, and others. Many of Ohm's students followed in the footsteps of their teacher, devoting themselves to teaching.

He maintained the warmest relationship with his brother. Martin remained throughout his life his first adviser in personal matters and the first scientific critic of his research. Until his death, Georg Ohm helped his father, remembering the need in which he lived, and constantly expressed gratitude to him for the character traits that he cultivated in him. Own family Om never created: he could not share his affections and completely devoted his entire life to science.

Georg Ohm died on July 6, 1854 at half past ten in the morning. He was buried in the old southern cemetery of the city of Munich.

Georg Ohm's research brought to life new ideas, the development of which brought forward the doctrine of electricity. In 1881, at the electrical engineering congress in Paris, scientists unanimously approved the name of the resistance unit - 1 Ohm. This fact is a tribute to the respect of colleagues, international recognition of the scientist’s merits.

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Ohm Georg Simon

The famous German experimental physicist who discovered the famous law that now bears his name.

It is difficult to imagine that Ohm’s law, which has long been included in school courses all over the world, was not recognized by science for almost twenty years, and the name of its creator remained unknown. But Georg Ohm’s contemporaries were the greatest scientists of the early 19th century, Fourier, Ampere, Faraday, Laplace...

History knows examples when the scientific discoveries of single geniuses were far ahead of their time. A similar fate befell Georg Ohm. He discovered a law that became the basis of modern theoretical and practical electrical engineering, and gave scientific definitions to such concepts as current strength, emf, voltage, resistance. The resistance standard proposed by Ohm made it possible to streamline the experiments. Ohm was the first to apply mathematical methods in electrical engineering, which made possible an important transition for science from qualitative observations to quantitative measurements...

Georg Simon Ohm was born on March 16, 1787 in the provincial German town of Erlangen. His father made a living as a metalworker, and devoted all his free time to science, to which his soul was always drawn. He independently studied physics, chemistry, and higher mathematics. The humble mechanic managed to instill a thirst for knowledge in his sons. Georg, who became a professor of physics, and his brother Martin, a professor of mathematics, believed that they owe everything they achieved in life to their father, who passed on to his children his perseverance in work, determination and faith in success.

In 1805, Georg Ohm entered the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Erlangen, where he began to study physics, mathematics and philosophy. Unfortunately, the temptations of a free student life did not escape him, and soon Georg began to devote much less time to his studies than his father would have liked. And it became increasingly difficult to pay for training. After studying for only three semesters, Georg left the university and went to Switzerland, to the small town of Gottstadt, where he was offered a position as a mathematics teacher in a private school. But the father did not give up hope of seeing his youngest son as a scientist. In letters to him, he tried to convince Georg that it was important not only to learn how to teach knowledge to others, but also to find the strength to continue his education, to comprehend the difficult art of teaching himself.

The father's instructions took effect. In 1811, Georg returned to Erlangen and in one year graduated from the university, defended his dissertation, and received a Ph.D.

In 1824, Ohm became interested in electrical engineering. At that time, were there many unsolved problems in this field of science? The experimental methodology has not been developed, the patterns connecting the basic quantities have not been found. And there was no instrument that would allow measurements to be taken with sufficient accuracy. Om took up the task of making such a device. He designed it on the basis of Coulomb's torsion balances: he hung a magnetic needle on a wire above a conductor located in the direction of the magnetic meridian. The more current flowed through the conductor, the more the needle deviated. Did you use a Volta element as a current source? copper and zinc plates placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid. The discovery of his law was not easy for Ohm, firstly, because of the imperfection of the measuring instruments available in his arsenal and, secondly, because of the obstacles caused by high-ranking officials supervising the education of Germany.

In 1826, for the publication of a short article in which the now well-known law of Cologne was derived school teacher Georg Ohm was fired on the personal orders of the Minister of Education.

A high-ranking official held the belief that bringing mathematics into classical physics? unacceptable heresy. He ordered all inspectors to vigilantly monitor the purity of natural philosophy and consider the speculative approach to natural phenomena to be the main thing in it.

It is noteworthy that in Germany not only teachers, but also scientists listened to the ministerial cry. Georg Ohm was not rich and famous. He was not treated kindly by the friendship and recognition of his colleagues, who treated the rootless professor with great prejudice almost all his life. Recognition came to a German scientist from distant Russia. Russian scientists E.Kh. Lenz and B.S. Jacobi already in 1832 applied Ohm's law in a work on a quantitative study of electromagnetic induction. Ohm's law returned to Germany more than ten years late. The Ministry of Education stubbornly did not include in textbooks the idea that it was impossible to understand the laws of electricity without mathematics. Ohm's work itself was openly ridiculed for "a morbid fantasy that belittles the dignity of nature by mathematics."

Was the scientist offended by the ministry in 1826? Not at all. He worked in German schools for many years, taught mathematics and physics, and own experience I became convinced that “hopeless officialdom” reigned there. According to his observations, obscurantism in school teaching took the place of logic by 99%.

?“But even one percent gives us hope for moving logic forward, ? he told his friends. ? Well, let's wait! " Indeed, Om withdrew from scientific activity for several years, engaged in self-education, but then, when enlightenment came, he published a number of brilliant works on electricity, acoustics, and crystal optics, in which mathematical formulas were widely used. In 1839, 13 years after his expulsion from school, Ohm became a corresponding member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

In 1842, 16 years after the discovery of the law, Ohm's works were translated into English and the Royal Society of London elected him as a member, awarding the scientist a gold medal. Nevertheless, for many years attempts to refute Ohm's law did not stop. Even in 1852, the French physicist M. Despres wrote that “Ohm’s law does not in any way represent an accurate expression of the facts.” But by that time most scientists around the world had already used Ohm’s discoveries in their work.

Recalling the difficulties of discovering Ohm's law and its approximate nature, physicists jokingly propose to clarify its formulation as follows: “If you use carefully selected and impeccably prepared starting materials, then, with some skill, it is possible to construct an electrical circuit from them, for which measurements of the ratio of voltage to current give values ​​that, after introducing the appropriate

corrections turn out to be equal to a constant value called resistance.”

Almost three decades after his death, Georg Simon Ohm received the highest recognition of his scientific achievements: in 1881, at the Electrotechnical Congress in Paris, a unit of resistance measurement was named after him. This was done at the suggestion of the Russian scientist A.G. Stoletova.

Om began researching electricity. He began his experimental studies by determining the relative values ​​of the conductivity of various conductors. Using a method that has now become classic, he connected thin conductors of different materials of the same diameter in series between two points in a circuit and varied their length so that a certain amount of current was obtained. Om began researching electricity. He began his experimental studies by determining the relative values ​​of the conductivity of various conductors. Using a method that has now become classic, he connected thin conductors of different materials of the same diameter in series between two points in a circuit and varied their length so that a certain amount of current was obtained.

A conductor is simply a passive component of an electrical circuit. This opinion prevailed until the forties of the nineteenth century. So why waste time researching it?

Already in his first experiments, Ohm noticed that the magnetic effect of the current when closing a circuit with an arbitrary wire decreases with time...

This decline practically did not stop over time, and it was clear that searching for the law of electrical circuits in this state of affairs was pointless. It was necessary either to use another type of electrical energy generator from those already available, or to create a new one, or to develop a circuit in which a change in the EMF would not affect the results of the experiment. Om took the first path."

After the publication of Oma's first article, Poggendorff advised him to abandon chemical elements and it is better to use a copper-bismuth thermocouple, introduced shortly before by Seebeck. Ohm listened to this advice and repeated his experiments, assembling an installation with a thermoelectric battery, in the external circuit of which eight copper wires of the same diameter were connected in series, but different lengths. He measured the current strength using a kind of torsion balance formed by a magnetic needle suspended on a metal thread. When the current parallel to the arrow deflected it, Ohm twisted the thread on which it was suspended until the arrow was in its usual position; The current strength was considered proportional to the angle at which the thread was twisted.

In addition, Ohm established that the constant b does not depend either on the exciting force or on the length of the connected wire. This fact gives grounds to assert that the value in characterizes the unchangeable part of the circuit. And since addition in the denominator of the resulting formula is possible only for quantities of the same name, then, therefore, the constant in, Ohm concludes, should characterize the conductivity of the unchangeable part of the circuit. In 1827 in Berlin, he published his main work, “Galvanic Circuit, Mathematical Design.”

Ohm was inspired in his research by the work “The Analytical Theory of Heat” (1822) by Jean Baptiste Fourier (1768-1830). The scientist realized that the “heat flow” mechanism that Fourier talks about can be likened to an electric current in a conductor. And just as in Fourier theory the heat flow between two bodies or between two points of the same body is explained by a temperature difference, in the same way Ohm explains the occurrence of an electric current between them by the difference in “electroscopic forces” at two points of a conductor.

Ohm introduces the concepts and precise definitions of electromotive force, or “electroscopic force”, in the words of the scientist himself, electrical conductivity and current strength. Having expressed the law he derived in the differential form given by modern authors, Ohm writes it down in finite quantities for special cases of specific electrical circuits, of which the thermoelectric circuit is especially important. Based on this, he formulates the known laws of changes in electrical voltage along a circuit.

Life story
The remarkable German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787-1854), whose name is given to the famous law of electrical engineering and the unit of electrical resistance, was born on March 16, 1789 in Erlangen (federal state of Bavaria). His father was a well-known master mechanic in the city. The boy Om helped his father in the workshop and learned a lot from him. He would have been a mechanic and continued his father’s work, but Om was ambitious, wanted to become a scientist and work at the best German universities. He went to study at the university in Erlangen and graduated in 1813. His first job was as a teacher of physics and mathematics at a real school in Bamberg.
After several years of working at the school, Om's dream came true. In 1817 he became professor of mathematics at the Jesuit College in Cologne. Here Ohm began research in the field of electricity using the Volta battery. Ohm made electrical circuits from conductors of various thicknesses, from various materials, of various lengths (and he pulled the wire himself, using his own technology), trying to understand the laws of these circuits. The complexity of his work can be understood by remembering that there were no measuring instruments yet and about the strength of the current in the circuit could be judged by various indirect effects. The work skills he acquired while working in the workshop with his father were very useful to him. And his perseverance came in very handy, because the experiments went on for 9 years.
To characterize conductors, Ohm introduced the concept of “resistance” in 1820; it seemed to him that the conductor resists the current. In English and French, resistance is called resistance, so the modern circuit element is called a resistor, and the first letter R with light hand Ohm is still used as a symbol for resistor in circuits. In 1827, Ohm's seminal work "Mathematical Study of Galvanic Circuits" was published, in which Ohm's famous law was formulated.
It would seem that such a simple mathematical formula, which is now studied in schools, should deserve universal recognition, but it turned out the opposite. Colleagues took Ohm’s conclusions with hostility and started making fun of him. Offended, Om resigned from college in Cologne. In subsequent years, Ohm lived in poverty, working as a private teacher in Berlin. Only in 1833 did he manage to get a job at the Polytechnic School in Nuremberg.
Meanwhile, the importance of Ohm's work was recognized abroad. In 1841, the British Royal Society awarded him a gold medal, and in 1842 elected Ohm as a full member. Finally, in 1849, Ohm became a professor at the University of Munich. For only 5 years he had the opportunity to work and teach full-time. On July 7, 1854, Georg Simon Ohm died.
In 1893, the International Electrotechnical Congress decided to introduce a unit of electrical resistance and named it after Georg Simon Ohm, thereby emphasizing the importance of his discovery for electrical engineering.

Georg Simon Ohm (German: GeorgSimonOhm, 1787-1854) is a famous German physicist who developed and practically confirmed the law, which reflected the relationship between current strength, voltage and resistance. The scientist is the author of the acoustic law, which received wide recognition after his death.

Georg Simon Ohm

Georg Simon Ohm was born on March 16, 1787 in the small Prussian town of Erpagen. His father Johann Wolfgang was a professional plumber and at the same time always gravitated towards new knowledge. He studied mathematics on his own and also studied at a technical drawing school. The future scientist’s mother, Maria Elizabeth, was the daughter of a blacksmith and bore her husband seven children. When Georg was a young teenager, she died during childbirth, leaving Johann with two sons and a daughter. To provide them with a normal life, the father worked hard, and devoted all his free time to the children.

The first school where Georg studied was private and there was only one person teaching there - its owner, a former stocking maker. Having no pedagogical education, he turned out to be a talented teacher and prepared his student well for entering the gymnasium. The emphasis in teaching here was on languages, so Omu had to master the exact sciences together with his father. Georg, together with his younger brother Martin (future professor of mathematics), showed remarkable abilities and soon university teachers began to study with them. One of them, K. Langsdorff, even agreed to examine Ohm at the end of the gymnasium and rendered a verdict that he was very talented and would definitely become famous.

The beginning of your journey

In 1805, Ohm was admitted to the University of Erlangen without any problems, where he studied without any problems. Here he became interested in dancing and billiards, demonstrating success in new activities. The father did not really like the change in life guidelines, which led to a noticeable deterioration in his relationship with his son. As a result, after three semesters, the young student left the walls of his Alma Mater and went to teach mathematics in the Swiss town of Gottstadt. Two years later, Ohm moved to Neuerburg, Germany, continuing his teaching practice. On this path he will gain solid experience, which will be summarized in a methodological article, published in 1817.

In 1811, Georg returned to his hometown and again sat down at the student bench. He did this so successfully that during the same year he defended his diploma, wrote a dissertation and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After completing his studies, he was offered to work as a private assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics. At first, Om perceived his work with enthusiasm, but after 1.5 years he was forced to leave the university due to financial problems. In the period 1812-1816, Georg worked at the Bamberg school as a teacher of physics and mathematics, and after its closure he received an offer to move to Cologne to teach students in preparatory classes.

Cologne period

The scientist will spend 9 years in this city. In his new place, he was overwhelmed with positive emotions - a convenient class schedule, excellent equipment, good relationships with colleagues created an excellent background for life. Due to the free time that appeared in parallel with teaching, Om took up science seriously. His areas of interest include processes occurring in electrical circuits.

But first Georg took care of his instruments, many of which were in need of repair. With his characteristic meticulousness, he began to prepare the equipment for the planned experiments. Ohm became increasingly interested in physics with its many mysteries, and competition in this area was not so strong. The scientist sometimes determined the direction of movement towards the intended goal intuitively, but very accurately. He realized that it was first necessary to master the methods of quantitative research of phenomena.

Discovery of Ohm's law

Ohm improved the principle of measuring current, focusing not on thermal, but on magnetic action, previously discovered by his Danish colleague Oersted. In his device, the current passing through the conductor caused the magnetic needle, which hung on an elastic gold wire, to move. Its upper end was attached to a special screw, with the help of which the scientist compensated for the rotation of the arrow caused by magnetic influence. In this case, the angle of rotation of the screw acted as a measure of current.

This is what industrial galvanometers produced since 1900 looked like - based on a device invented by Ohm

At first, the experimenter worked with galvanic current sources, but soon realized that they generated a current that rapidly decreased with time. Ignoring this circumstance caused certain inaccuracies in his first articles. Georg's inquisitive mind helped him overcome his difficulty, and he turned to the phenomenon first described by Thomas Seebeck. It is associated with the occurrence of electricity in a circuit of two conductors, provided that the junctions between them have different temperatures.

For his experiment, the scientist took a copper and bismuth thermocouple, with the first junction located in boiling water and the second in melting snow. As a result, the device provided the necessary stability of the current, which allowed the author to draw objective conclusions about the influence of the length, cross-section and chemical composition of conductors on the electric current. Ohm later modified the setup to include 8 copper wires of varying lengths but identical diameters. The author subsequently repeatedly changed the experimental conditions - different thermoelements were taken, including brass wires, the resistance was adjusted, but the result of the observations was reduced to the already derived formula.

As a result, an empirical law was discovered that established a relationship between the current strength in a conductor with the voltage at its ends and resistance.

The current strength in a section of the circuit is directly proportional to the electrical voltage at the ends of the section and inversely proportional to the electrical resistance of this section of the circuit

Georg managed to prove that in his equation the constant b (characterizes the properties of the electrical installation) does not depend on the length of the conductor and the exciting force. This gave reason to believe that this value reflects the properties of the unchangeable part of the electrical circuit. The summation in the denominator of the derived formula is correct only for parameters with the same names, therefore the constant b characterizes the conductivity of an unchangeable circuit segment.

Ohm's law is popularly described in the video.

The scientist also conducted research aimed at determining the conductivity values ​​of conductors. To do this, he used a method that has become classic in experimental physics. Georg alternately connected thin conductors of similar diameters made of different materials between two points in the circuit. Then he measured their length, achieving a certain amount of current. Ohm outlined his conclusions in detail in an article published in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry in 1826.

By this time, Om had firmly settled in Berlin, where he worked in a scientific center with a very modest workload of three hours a week. But this made it possible to actively engage in science. In 1829, another article by the scientist was published, in which he substantiated general principles functioning of electrical measuring instruments, proposing a standard of electrical resistance. A year later, another work was published - “An attempt to create an approximate theory of unipolar conductivity,” about which he spoke enthusiastically. Despite all his efforts, the physicist initially did not receive universal recognition in his homeland, and even a letter to the Bavarian king did not have much effect.

He is the author of the concept of electromotive force. He formulated his law not only in differential values, but also in finite quantities suitable for special cases of individual electrical circuits, among which the thermoelectric circuit was of paramount importance.

Moving to Nuremberg

In 1833, Ohm moved to Nuremberg, where he was invited to the position of professor of physics at a recently opened specialized school. Later he headed the department of mathematics and received the position of rector of the school. At this time, Georg's scientific priorities began to change - he became interested in acoustics.

In 1843, he managed to formulate an acoustic law, named after the author. It is based on nature auditory system person who is able to differentiate complex sound wave into separate segments, that is, up to certain limits, we perceive individual frequencies that together create a complex sound. Ohm proved that elementary acoustic sensations cause harmonic vibrations into which the ear separates complex sounds. At first, this law, like the previous one, did not find wide acceptance. Only 20 years later, the German Hemholtz conducted a series of more accurate experiments with resonators that confirmed Ohm's conclusions.

International recognition

Over time, Georg gained recognition at the world level. His works are published in several European languages. There were no translations into Russian, but scientists of German origin who worked in Russia promoted the scientist’s conclusions in every possible way. The apotheosis of Ohm's merits came when he was awarded a gold medal and accepted into the ranks of the Royal Society of London. Georg became only the second scientist from Germany to receive this honor. Despite this, he still had many opponents who not only belittled his merits, but also openly interfered with his work.

The work of a compatriot was also appreciated in his homeland. In 1845, the physicist became a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, and in 1849 he was invited to Munich to take the place of extraordinary professor. Soon he received the position of official custodian of the collection of physical and mathematical instruments, and also worked as an assistant in the telegraph department at the Ministry of State Trade. Throughout his life, the scientist experienced unusually warm feelings for his brother Martin, who remained his most important critic and adviser. Ohm had an equally close relationship with his father, to whom he was immensely grateful for the opportunity to touch science.

In 1852, Georg was finally appointed full professor, but by that time his health left much to be desired. In 1854, he suffered a heart attack, after which the Bavarian king released the scientist from lecturing, but Om died 12 days later.

  • On the bas-relief of the monument in Munich, unveiled in 1895, Om appears next to his father, who is depicted in a work apron and reverently tells something to his son holding a book in his hands.

  • In 1881, a unit of electrical resistance was named after the German scientist.
  • Ohm's dedication to science was so great that throughout his life he never created his own family.
  • Georg's brother Martin also became famous in science, becoming a famous mathematician.
  • The American scientist J. Henry compared the law formulated by Ohm with lightning that illuminated a dark room.
  • Om generously shared his acquired knowledge with his students, among whom were many famous scientists, for example, the mathematician P. Dirichlet and the astronomer E. Geis.



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