What are bank card details? How to find out the details of your Sberbank card

Sberbank card details may be needed in many situations: when paying for goods in online stores, to receive money transfer, registration of a subsidy, to receive wages etc. In this article we will look at how to find out your Sberbank card details and what data relates to them.

What are bank card details?

For Sberbank of the Russian Federation cards, details are payment data necessary for making incoming and outgoing transactions. Using them, the system recognizes the bank, region, division and the addressee itself.

Details bank card for transferring money it is customary to divide into

  • "payment"
  • "full"

“Payment” includes data that is sufficient to make a simple payment on the Internet, they are also details for transferring to a Sberbank card from a bank client:

  • Card number
  • Full name of the holder in Latin transcription
  • Validity period

Full details of Sberbank are needed to transfer salaries to a card, to receive a transfer from another bank and even from another country.

Full details for crediting to a Sberbank card are information about the bank and the cardholder, encrypted in numbers.

What do bank card (payment) details look like:

  • Number - 6390 0246 5416 1234
  • Owner – Petr Ivanov
  • Validity period – 07/17 (month and year)
  • CVC2 code - 312

What is included in bank details (full):

Sberbank current account

To transfer to a card, the sender will need the “address” of the account owner – 20 digits. The first 3 digits of the account are 408

Sberbank correspondent account

Cor. A Sberbank account is necessary when transferring funds from other financial institutions - it is through it that mutual settlements with counterparties are carried out. Each territorial division has its own Sberbank correspondent account. It always starts at 301, and last digits copy the BIC of the bank branch.


In Sberbank, TIN and BIC are the most important bank details. An example of this is any payment system that identifies the recipient. If suddenly, when filling out payment information, you make a typo and enter Rosbank details for transfer to the card in the Sberbank place, but you write the BIC correctly - any system will show an error, since it includes an automatic check using the BIC.

TIN and KPP of Sberbank of Russia

The only constant numbers for all branches are the taxpayer identification number and registration code (attention, the checkpoint has changed after the change of organizational form from OJSC to PJSC):

  • Gearbox 775001001
  • TIN 7707083893

Sberbank - full name

The public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia is divided into branches: 14 divisions cover 83 regions and districts. Each branch has proper name and details (except for TIN and KPP):

  • Baikal Bank ( Transbaikal region, Irkutsk region, Republic of Buryatia and Sakha, Yakutia)
  • Volgo-Vyatsky Bank (Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Kirov region, Republic of Mordovia, Mari El, Chuvash, Tatarstan)
  • Far Eastern Bank (Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Kamchatka region, Amur, Sakhalin, Magadan regions, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)
  • West Siberian Bank (Tyumen, Omsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
  • West Ural Bank ( Perm region, Republic of Komi, Republic of Udmurtia)
  • Moscow Bank (Moscow)
  • Volga Bank (Samara, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Penza regions)
  • Northern Bank (Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vologda, Arkhangelsk regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
  • North-Western Bank (St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Pskov, Novgorod regions, Republic of Karelia)
  • Siberian Bank (Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo region, Altai, Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Altai, Republic of Tyva and Khakassia)
  • Central Russian Bank (Moscow, Tver, Kaluga, Bryansk, Smolensk, Tula, Ryazan regions)
  • Ural Bank (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Republic of Bashkortostan)
  • Central Black Earth Bank (Voronezh, Oryol, Lipetsk, Kursk, Belgorod, Tambov regions)
  • South-Western Bank (Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Republic of Adygea, Stavropol Territory, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Chechen Republic)

Sberbank details for transfers to, account or card will be different for each of the listed branches. The official website of Sberbank of Russia contains the details of each bank - this is where you can get up-to-date information.

For example, we indicate the details of the 2 largest divisions in Moscow (Moscow branch) and the Moscow region (Central Russian branch):

Moscow bank of Sberbank of Russia - details for transfer:

  • Correspondent account 30101810400000000225 in the Operations Department of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank Russian Federation for the Central Federal District of Moscow (OPERU Moscow)
  • BIC 044525225
  • TIN 7707083893
  • Gearbox 775003035

Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank of Russia: details for transfer:

  • Cor. account 30101810400000000225 in the OPERU of the Moscow State Technical University of the Bank of Russia, Moscow
  • BIC 044525225
  • Gearbox 775001001
  • TIN 7707083893

Clients are often interested in how to find out a Sberbank branch by card number or how to find out the full details of a Sberbank card (for example, some data is missing). Theoretically, you can calculate from the first 8 digits in which region the card was issued, but it is still better to focus on the BIC or TIN to determine the branch. It would be even better to request full details from the card owner to eliminate the possibility of error. After all, you are unlikely to want to subsequently look for a lost translation.

If you have a card in your hands and you are looking for how to find out where the Sberbank card was issued, pay attention to the inscription in the lower left corner of the card: for example, 8425/0342 is the numbering of the branch and through the line is the code of a specific office. Knowing the office code, on the map (which is located on the bank’s website, section “Branches and ATMs”) you can easily find the address and opening hours of the desired branch.

How to find out Sberbank card details?

If you are interested in how to find out the details of the Sberbank card that belongs to you, it is not difficult. We have compiled some short instructions for you:

The easiest way to find card details in Sberbank online is to open the “card” menu, select the one you need, click the “Card Information” menu and here it is - a link to a document where you can view the card details in Sberbank online. Read more in this article.

  • ATM

How to get Sberbank card details through an ATM: go to the “Information and Service” menu, find the “card information” item or simply “About the card” (the location of the button depends on the firmware) and click “print details”. The check, similar to the one that comes out when you withdraw money, will contain all the information you need.

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card through the terminal: after authorization using the PIN code, go to the “personal account” section and find information about your card.

Bank card details - summary information on a bank card, thanks to which money can be transferred to you from anywhere in the world. It includes your initials (full name), bank card number, card bank account number, payment information of the bank in which the bank is serviced.

Please do not confuse the concepts of “card details” and “bank card details”. In the first case, confidential data is implied that only you should know and disclosing it is strictly prohibited for obvious reasons!

The card details are partially displayed on the card itself, these are:

  • Cardholder's name
  • card number
  • month and year of expiration
  • security code CVV2

And the bank card details are data regarding where your card is serviced, using which money can be transferred to your card.

Bank card details include:

  • Bank name (full and abbreviated)
  • Bank TIN
  • Bank checkpoint
  • BIC - bank identification code
  • Correspondent bank account number
  • Your bank account number

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card?

To credit or withdraw money from a plastic card, you will need its details. This is the data that identifies the card and its owner, and also has a linked account in which the client’s money is stored. Using the details, you can transfer funds to the card from any bank accounts, payment wallets, etc. Card details are generated when it is activated and issued to the client.

You can also find them in the Internet bank, by calling the hotline, or from a bank specialist. When using a card at an ATM/terminal or paying for purchases, you do not need to enter details, but if you need to make a transaction without directly having the card, you will no longer be able to do without them. Most often, details are required for non-cash transfers.

What do the details consist of?

This is a set of data that identifies the card and its owner. This includes:

  • Owner's full name.
  • Card number (mostly 16 digits, but Sberbank also has cards with an 18-digit number).
  • End date.
  • Card account account. It is not indicated on the card itself, but it is to it that money is credited, which is then available for use.
  • Name of the issuing bank. It is indicated in payment order when making a transfer.
  • Bank INN. This is individual tax number issuing bank.
  • BIC. This is a code that identifies the bank. It must be specified without errors, otherwise the system for sending or receiving money will not be able to identify the specified bank using it. As a result, the payment may not be credited or sent.
  • Checkpoint. This is the bank registration code.
  • Correspondent account. All interbank transfers are carried out first through correspondent accounts, and then end up on card accounts for their intended purpose. If the recipient's information is incorrect or does not match, the money may get stuck in correspondent accounts and then be sent to accounts until clarification.

In order for the money transfer to go smoothly, all details must be entered correctly. Otherwise, the bank will not make such a payment and will force the client to clarify the data.

Where can I find Sberbank details?

The question of how to find out the details of a Sberbank card is not difficult. There are several options:

Thus, there are several options for how to find out the details of a Sberbank card.

The difference between the details of debit and credit plastic cards.

In fact, there are no differences in the details between these two types of cards. According to some data, without knowing tariff plan, there is no way to know which card it is. Information about the card is included in the terms of account service. It is quite possible that the bank somehow includes information about the type of card in the account number

Sberbank currency card details.

Currency cards and accounts also have their own details, but they will differ from the usual Russian details. The fact is that intermediary banks, correspondent banks, card account in international format, etc. will be indicated here.

Key: how to find out Sberbank card details

1. What are card details, what do they consist of, why are they
2. Where can you find them - in the card agreement, in the Internet bank + picture from the Internet bank
3. Are the details of a debit card different from a credit card?
4. How to find currency card details and how they differ

Using a bank card every day, people often have no idea what the details are, because in order to carry out the simplest transactions of crediting or withdrawing cash They are not required through ATMs. However, sooner or later a situation may arise when full bank card details are needed. How to find out the details of a Sberbank card and why they might be needed? Most often, full card details are required for non-cash transactions, or for transfers between physical and legal entities, either to repay loans or to replenish your own deposit.

Speaking about bank card details, you need to know the difference between the concepts “card details” and “Sberbank bank details”.

Bank card details are data that is partially displayed on the card itself. These include:

Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


  • Cardholder's name in Latin letters(if it is named);
  • month and year of expiration;
  • (not indicated directly on the plastic card).

Bank details Sberbank branches - this is information regarding exactly where the card was issued and the account to which it is linked. This information allows you to perform any operations with the card and account. These include:

  • bank name (full and abbreviated);
  • Bank INN – individual taxpayer number;
  • KPP – reason code for registration;
  • bank correspondent account number;
  • The bank branch number has the form XXXX/YYYY (where XXXX is the number of the regional bank, YYYY is the number of the additional office in the region).

How to find out Sberbank card details

    At a Sberbank branch.

    The easiest way is to contact the nearest bank branch. You must have a bank card and passport with you, upon presentation of which a bank employee will provide complete information on the details. You can get several copies of a printout with your bank card details.

    Online Sberbank.

    If you have access to the Internet and are connected, then the card details can be viewed in personal account. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

    First you need to log into your personal account using your personal and password.Next select the desired card, select the “card information” tab, and then select “transfer details to the card account”. Detailed information with your card details will open in a new window. It can be rewritten or printed.

    ATTENTION: if the card is a credit card, salary card, or opened in another territorial bank, then the information on the personal account will not be displayed, there will be an empty field. You will need to find out your personal account number using one of the alternative proposed methods.

  1. Official website of Sberbank.

    On the official website you can find out the details of the territorial bank or the full details of your card if you know the account number and TIN of the bank.

    1st method. On the official website, you must first select and set your region, then find the “About the Bank” tab. It is located at the very bottom of the page on the left. Next, from the small list on the right, select the “details” tab. This will open a new window with the necessary information on the regional bank.

    Method 2. This method allows you to find out card details by account number. On the official website of Sberbank, at the very bottom left we find the “About the Bank” tab. Next, in the menu on the left we find the “Details” tab, and “Checking a 20-digit account”. The following information must be filled in: full name, tax identification number or address of the bank branch where the card was issued, 20-digit account number to which the card is linked. Next, click “Generate” and receive information on the card details.

    Self-service terminals.

    Sberbank card details can be found through ATMs or terminals that support the corresponding function. To do this, you need to insert the card into the terminal, enter the PIN code, select “My payments” - “Account details” in the menu. All the necessary information will be displayed on the screen. For convenience, details can be printed on the receipt.

    Thus, if necessary, there are several ways to find out the details of a Sberbank card. This can be done either without leaving home or from anywhere outside the home. Full bank details can only be obtained by the cardholder himself if he has a passport, secret code information and the plastic card itself. Such measures are taken for the safety of Sberbank clients themselves, since information on the card details provides full access to it and its account and allows you to perform any operations.

To carry out the most basic and common operations, for example, to transfer funds to a bank card, the information indicated on the front side of the plastic card is sufficient. But sometimes additional information may be needed to make some payments: full details of the card or the bank itself. How to find out the details of a Sberbank card? There are many ways that are used when necessary to obtain the necessary information.

Before you find out how to get the details of a Sberbank card, you should understand the existing differences between the details of a plastic card and the bank itself.

In the first case, we are talking about information related to the personal card and its owner, in the second, the data of the financial institution itself is indicated.

Additional information about the details will be required if the following operations are carried out:

  1. transfer funds between legal entities. persons and individuals persons (for example, receiving payment from an insurance company);
  2. replenish your own contribution;
  3. transfer salary to a bank card;
  4. carry out an interbank transaction.

Sberbank card details

Some bank details of the Sberbank card are partially indicated on the plastic itself, but there are also those that should be found out additionally.

You can get bank details of a Sberbank card in various ways– all of them are described below in the article

The complete card details are:

  • Owner’s name (embossed on plastic if we are talking about a personal card);
  • 16-digit card number;
  • Service end date;
  • CVV2 or CVC2 (security codes, these can be found on back side);
  • Account number (not indicated on plastic).

This is personal data that may be required to carry out a particular operation, both for the owner and for the person replenishing the card.

Good to know

Embossing is a method of protecting a plastic card in which part of the information (owner's name, number, validity period) is extruded on the front side of the card.

Bank details

Sometimes Sberbank details may be required to transfer to a card. This is banking information about:

  • full and/or abbreviated name of the financial institution;
  • TIN;
  • BIC;
  • checkpoint;
  • Cor/account number;
  • Bank branch number;

You can find Sberbank details on the bank’s official website - below home page“About the bank” and then the “Details” section. On at the moment the information looks like this:

How to find out Sberbank card details

There are several ways to find out the details of the card or the bank itself in Sberbank online, which you can use if necessary.

If you don’t know how to get the details for transferring to a Sberbank card, we’ll help you

All available methods can be divided into the following groups:

  • In person at a bank branch.
  • Through SberBank's own ATM.
  • Remotely.

Remote options for obtaining information include:

  1. Call to the call center (operator " Hotline» will provide the necessary information);
  2. In Internet banking Sberbank Online card details;
  3. On the official website;
  4. Search in the contract (you have your own copy on hand, it contains the necessary information).

Through a bank branch

In the first case, the details of the Sberbank card are found out by card number during a visit to the inpatient department. In this case, you will need to have an identification document (passport) with you. Also, at any branch you can obtain information about the data of the financial institution itself.


In order to receive Sberbank card details through an ATM, just find “Account details” in the menu. After you insert the plastic card into the ATM (or terminal with the corresponding function) and enter , select the “My Payments” item, this is where the category you need is located. If necessary, print out a receipt, which will be useful to you in the future for repeated transactions.

You can find out the details of a Sberbank card by card number remotely. There are several such methods, so let’s look at them in more detail.

Through the Sberbank website

One of the most convenient and available ways– Internet search. If you go to the official website of SberBank, then in the “About the Bank” tab in the left corner at the bottom of the page there is a “details” item. Depending on whether you need information about the financial institution itself or about the plastic, select this item and then the section “Checking a 20-digit account. If you fill in all the specified fields, information about your personal card will appear.

Through your personal account Sberbank Online

Another opportunity to find out the details of a Sberbank card through Sberbank online is to obtain the data in the personal account of a Sberbank client in Internet banking (for this the service must be). In the section "card information" There is a corresponding tab where all the plastic data is available. If necessary, print the required sheet.

Through the Sberbank mobile application

If your smartphone or tablet has mobile application Sberbank, then you can get information about the details of all your cards and accounts. Just log in and follow the instructions.


You have received information about all the possibilities, and now you know how to find out the details of a Sberbank card: in a branch, through a call center, through a terminal/ATM, through a mobile application, Sberbank Online, the bank’s website and an agreement with it. Any of the above methods will be suitable if there is a need to carry out one or another operation that requires additional information about the financial institution itself or about the bank card. Choose the most convenient and currently available method.



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