Ready plan for educational hour notes. Class hour on the topic: Cool watches

All people have talent, but people don’t always know which one it is. Class hour for high school students helps to expand students’ ideas about their abilities and talents based on personal experience, awareness of the prospects for their development.
Many years of experimental research in pedagogy have revealed that any healthy person has the inclinations of some talents from birth. In the future, in the process of education and training, a person can develop his talents to various levels.
To find your formula for success, you need to study, look for yourself in different areas activities.

Target Audience: for 11th grade

As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer V.G. Rasputin in March, an All-Russian lesson was held in schools in the city of Irkutsk, dedicated to the literary heritage of the Russian playwright, publicist and public figure Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

I prepared this presentation for a class event for 6th grade students, dedicated to the life and work of the writer.

Valentin Grigorievich is one of the few Russian writers for whom Russia is not just a geographical place, but the Motherland in the highest sense of the word. The works of Valentin Rasputin should be read and watched by the younger generation because... they teach people to value their homeland, take care of their elders, preserve nature, family traditions and customs.

Target audience: for 6th grade

Goal: development and education of patriotic feelings using vivid examples of heroism and the lives of peers during the war.
. To instill in the younger generation feelings of patriotism and respect for the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.
. Expand students' knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.
. Develop best qualities human: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s homeland, desire for peace.

The class hour is intended for students in grades 3-4. The development contains a script and presentation dedicated to introducing you to the diversity of professions.

The purpose of the class hour: to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world of professions.

Target audience: for 4th grade

The material tells about the history of Maslenitsa and versions of the origin of pancakes, about Maslenitsa fun and traditions.

During Shrovetide week, people did not skimp on a generous feast and unbridled fun. And people called Maslenitsa “honest”, “broad”, “gluttonous” and “ruiner”.

During Maslenaya Week, according to Orthodox custom, they no longer eat meat, and dairy products are supposed to strengthen the people before a long fast - so they bake butter pancakes.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The presentation is designed for extracurricular activities. It briefly presents the main milestones in the biography of G.K. Zhukov. The material is presented in an accessible form. This presentation can be used during communication hours from grades 1 to 11. Move from slide to slide with a click.

The purpose of the class.
To form ideas about the heroic pages of our Motherland.
Foster respect for the Armed Forces Russian Federation, the people, Russia, the heroic past and present of our Fatherland; the desire to continue the heroic traditions of the multinational Russian people.
The presentation consists of 22 slides. The slides change over time. The presentation is accompanied by the march of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment.

Target audience: for 8th grade

Dear colleagues! We offer you a class hour, which is aimed at introducing you to the basics of entrepreneurial activity.

The goal is to stimulate students' interest in the entrepreneur profession and business issues. This resource contains presentations necessary for conducting a class hour, a script, and handouts.

The class hour includes the game “Opening your own company”, testing “Are you capable of becoming an entrepreneur?”, economic puzzles-add-ons, which helps to increase interest in this profession.

This resource can be used as part of Entrepreneurship Week, which the Ministry of Education and Science recommends to hold in the 2016-2017 academic year. year

Target audience: for the class teacher

The quiz game "Legends of Flowers" is intended for teachers of summer school camps, after-school groups and parents, and can also be used in extracurricular activities during thematic classes and events "Flowers - the living beauty of the earth."

The resource is a presentation created using the "Puzzles" technological technique in Microsoft program Office 2007.

Goals and objectives: acquaintance with traditions and legends; developing interest in traditions and customs, the historical past native land; development of observation and attention; nurturing a love for nature.

Target audience: for the class teacher

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as an individual. At this age, children strive to leave the care of not only their parents, but also their teachers. However, the ways of their self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

Classroom topics for high school students

Often, senior students claim that they no longer need the classroom as a form of extracurricular educational work. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is conducted in the form of a lecture, which does not add to the fun of it.

To prepare class hour you should be creative and use extraordinary solutions... First of all, you need to decide on a topic. What would be interesting for older children to talk about and think about?

The first thing that comes to mind is . In order not to miss the mark, you can conduct a simple survey and find out what profession students are thinking about. This is where the themes come from:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military man, designer, accountant) is mine future profession!
  • Journey to the land of professions.
  • The road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on an excursion to some enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings so that schoolchildren are completely immersed in the working atmosphere.

Class hours timed to coincide with some event or holiday will help develop your horizons and diversify your interests. There, schoolchildren will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • World of Museums (timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 has been declared the year of literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, since 2002. Can be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Don't forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and be liked by the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge; it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of the students.

At such thematic class hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobbies are, and conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the development of personality. Therefore, emphasis on this side of life is also necessary extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 is International Day of Older Persons.

May come into effect here project activities schoolchildren. They can present their research papers or presentations.

The main thing in a person’s life remains love. Singers have sung it since ancient times. So it’s not possible to avoid this topic. Cool watch for high school students about love can take any form.

  • First love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

At such extracurricular events, the topics of the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and preciousness of family should be raised. Cool hour about love can take place in the form of a humorous game, known in the 90s, when a pair of “lovers” was chosen based on their interests. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and songs about love will be heard. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write a letter to their first or unfulfilled love themselves.

Developing a classroom lesson is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To make the task easier, look at the cool clock designs on our website.

Until now, one of the priority forms of extracurricular educational work in school from grades 1 to 11, chosen by teachers and students, remains the classroom hour. This is an event that has various shapes and technology depending on the age, characteristics of students, teacher experience, as well as school conditions that promote self-education and self-realization of children.

At the same time, it must be remembered that class hour is not a lesson , but free creative communication between the teacher and his students, aimed at achieving the set goal.

To determine the topic of class hours , it is necessary to identify a range of topics and questions of interest from the wishes of students, and then draw up an educational program for academic year.

To do this, students, for example, can be offered several thematic areas in the form of a questionnaire, so that each student makes his own choice or offers something of his own. It is very important that there is a confidential psychological microclimate in the classroom, where children are not afraid to express their opinions or remain completely misunderstood. With this approach, the class teacher will be able to learn more about the problems that interest children, and not impose his point of view.

Naturally, in elementary school, the teacher will have to push the children to formulate their point of view and identify the range of problems, but by the 5th grade the children will speak freely about what worries and interests them.

With a skillfully organized organization of educational work at school, high school students themselves will not only choose relevant topics for class hours, but also prepare for them, raising questions from which, in their opinion, they “have not grown up.”

After this, you can safely plan class hours for the entire school year, according to the selected thematic areas of educational work. They can be like this:

1. Class hours aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren .

These classroom hours are developed with the aim of developing mental abilities students and increasing interest in acquiring new knowledge and education in general.

Historical relay

Your own game in the world around you

Brain-ring in physics

Intellectual game: “Oh, mathematicians!”

Economic game "Battleship"

Business game: Interest

Journey to the Land of Computer Science

2. Class hours on work and family education .

Their goal: to involve students in various types labor and transfer of experience, as well as the implementation of initial career guidance. Family education is aimed at strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society.

Sample class topics:

Journey to the city of masters

World of professions and your place in it

Business game: We are the best in our profession

3. Cool hours on developing a healthy lifestyle

They are aimed at developing physical strength and health, developing hygiene skills and healthy image life.

Sample topics:

Let's take care of our health from an early age - it will save us from pain and troubles

Ways to deal with stress

Bread and porridge are our food

How Ivan was a fireman

The Great Secret of Mister Vitamin

Respecting traffic rules, we’re going to Gena’s for her birthday!

4. Classroom hours about moral education

The purpose of these events is to develop a sense of duty and responsibility for one’s country and one’s behavior, a humane attitude towards others and a culture of communication, respect for nature, law-abidingness, the formation of socially approved views and relationships in family and sexual life, the need for work, needs and skills in self-knowledge and self-education.

For example, the following topics:

You and your friends

Life is given for good deeds

All people are different, but everyone has the same rights

We are in the world of things

Behavior in the theater

Resentment. Relationships with others

5. Class hours of military-patriotic and legal education

Here the main goal is the formation and development of a patriotic personality capable of successfully performing civic duties in times of peace and war.

Sample class topics:

A lesson in tolerance with writer Ordem Gali

And the Siberians went to the front

Children of war

It’s easy to love all of humanity, but you can love your neighbor

The feat of the people to live for centuries

This order should never be removed, for it is acquired by merit.

6. Holiday class hours

This is the most popular type of classroom time in schools. Preparation for the holidays begins long before the special day, and, as a rule, class teachers try to tell about the history of the holiday in an entertaining way - competitions, KVN, quizzes, evenings, etc. In a word, teach and educate while playing!

7. Class hours on environmental education

This direction is becoming priority in educational work schools. Today, it is very important to educate an environmentally-cultural personality, to develop environmental consciousness and a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Examples of topics for classroom hours:

Ecological KVN

Journey to the land of ecology

New Year's ecological fairy tale

Eco-occupation: national environmental safety

Ecological fairy tale: A forest full of wonders!

The earth is our home!

Ecology game: About green forests and forest wonders!

You can read more about the forms of extracurricular work on ecology

It is no secret that class teachers do not have enough time to compile and develop all school activities, so they have to resort to searching for information on the Internet.

We hope that our collection of classroom hours, aimed at all age groups of children, will help you adequately prepare for the upcoming event:

Remember that an interesting class hour will not only please students, replenish your methodological collection, but will also allow you to receive from

Class hour “Indifference is a disease of our century”

Equipment and materials: sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. , candle, piece of black bread, audio recording of the song “We live in a world of indifference.”

Are you friendly? (Yes)

Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

"Me and the computer"

"How to become successful"

interesting and relevant

Class progress

An excerpt from a song is playedM. Nozhkina “Indifference” (beginning)

Slide 1. “Indifference is the disease of our age”

Slide 2. Epigraph: “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death”

Guys, pay attention to our epigraph, how do you understand this expression?

Listen to Andrei Medvedev's poem:

Don't touch it, baby, in case it's contagious!

Don't iron! You'll get your palms dirty.

For what? Take a different path.

And the child grows up knowing:

It’s easier to live this way without noticing.

Why carry someone else's burden?

Share the trouble. I came up with that too.

Figure it out yourself! It's not me that's hurting.

I've had enough of my own problems.

- What human vice is revealed in this poem?

The growth of indifference among people is a sign of our times. Every day we hear about military actions, for example, in the Middle East or Ukraine. There are wars in which, due to someone’s excessive desire for money and power, people die in poverty, children starve, and old people make ends meet.Finding the roots of indifference, helping to get rid of indifference - this is what our meeting is dedicated to.

I brought a piece of stale bread. How do you think it is similar?such bread with an indifferent person?

Answer: An indifferent person is dry on emotions, callous to the world around him.

What else can you call indifference? List synonyms for this word.

Answers: callousness, selfishness, ruthlessness, indifference, callousness, apathy, insensitivity, heartlessness, indifference, passivity.

And here’s what the small explanatory dictionary tells us:

indifference – this is indifference to issues of knowledge, morality, and social life.

Slide 4.

Now listen to the parable of the old man and the young man.

One day at dawn, a young man was walking along the seashore and saw an old man who was picking up starfish on the sand and throwing water into them.

“Why are you doing this?” asked the young man.

“The stars can wither and die under the rays of the hot sun,” answered the old man.

“But the coastline stretches for many miles, and there are millions of starfish. What's the use of your efforts? - asked the young man.

The old man looked at the starfish he was holding in his hands, threw it into the sea and said quietly.

- This starfish has a point. A good deed begins with a small thing: helping in word, deed. A person and his actions are visible in small things. Remained not indifferent, which means you -a real person.

  1. Why do you think the old man started throwing starfish into the water?(mercy, kindness, attention, compassion)
  2. Can you give examples of mercy from your personal experience?
  3. What do you think are the reasons for indifference? How to deal with it?

(pride, selfishness, careerism, selfishness).

What can we conclude from our meeting today? Can you somehow influence the current situation in the world?

This concludes our class hour. To say goodbye, let's light a candle, pass it from hand to hand, and say something kind to each other..(music)

I speak: “Don’t forget to give kindness to each other.It will come back to you in a circle.”

The students' words are heard.

I speak : “As long as we feel someone else’s pain,

As long as compassion lives in us,

While we dream and rage,

There is justification in our lives.”

Goodbye! Thanks for your cooperation!

(Part 2 of the song about indifference sounds)


Class topic:“What does success mean?”

Equipment: blue and red blanks, 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens (2 packs), 2 cards with the image of a ladder, 12 rays

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Class progress

blue and red.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word Success?

Here's what the dictionary tells us:

“Success is public recognition,

– achievement of set goals;

good results at work, study".(Slide)

Let's draw a portrait of a successful person. Reds draws a “successful girl”, and Blue - “young man”.


Tell us what you depicted.

Then the children analyze their drawings, what is depicted in them (house, family, car, money, university, etc.)

Tell me, does success come to a person suddenly?

(children’s answers: no, you need to strive for it, work, etc.)

What paths do you think lead a person to success?

Select from the suggested words only 4, the most important in your opinion, and arrange them on the ladder in ascending order.

Ladder card - each team

Family, friends, school, yard company, education, abilities, envy, self-interest, laziness, hard work. (handout.)

Explain your choice.

Yes, guys, everyone has their own preferences, but every person should strive for success from childhood, set goals and achieve them, constantly working on themselves. I want to talk about people with an unusual destiny:

After a serious illness, a 5-year-old girl, Olga Skorokhodova, first became blind, then lost her hearing and stopped talking. A deaf-blind girl, thanks to perseverance, hard work, and willpower, graduated from a special school, received a higher education and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, the author of the book “How I Perceive” the world around us", which has been translated into all languages ​​of the world.


And the fate of Masha Iovleva is even more tragic: when the girl was born, her mother immediately rushed to abandon her. The doctors didn’t even think that Maria would be able to survive. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver and Sochi. The path to these awards was incredibly long for Maria. From birth Iovleva could not speak and could not hear. She had developmental delays. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to the sport. Sport changed Masha's life.


2 destinies, 2 human lives. What do they have in common?

(student answers:built their life the way they wanted, struggled with difficulties, walked towards the goal)

What qualities do you think a successful person should have?

Write down these qualities on the sun's rays and glue them onto whatman paper in a circle so that it looks like a sun and comment on your choice.

- (dedication, hard work, communication skills, kindness...)

Guys, let's hold hands so that the sun will shine, just like at the stand, let it always illuminate your life, give warmth and joy. Be happy and successful!


Class topic:"Me and the computer"

Equipment sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. stickers 2 colors, cloud, sun.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean?"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Class progress

We will work in groups, come to me and take some pieces of paper, we have 2 teams: blue and red.

Hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile. Feel like you are a team. You can take your seats.

Computers have long and firmly penetrated all spheres of human activity. They are used at work, at home, at school, and even in kindergarten. On the one hand, they make our life much easier, but on the other, we are forced to pay with our health for sitting at the computer for a long time. So what do computers bring us today: harm or benefit? Let's try to figure this out.

On the board we have a picture of a harmful cloud and a kind sun. Using stickers show me What do you think the computer brings more harm or benefit?

Judging by your decision, you are inclined to believe that a computer is useful for modern society, and many people think so. Now we will try to figure out whether this is so.

Carousel game

1 task

On the tables of each group there are sheets of paper and pens, Blue will try to prove that the computer is beneficial, and Reds – harm caused by a computer. Come up with a slogan for your evidence.


Many of you do not see anything wrong with the fact that you spend a lot of time at the computer, consider this type of leisure to be intellectual and useful, but excessive hobby, for example, computer games affects not only your physical health, but also your mental health.

2 task

Guys, try to formulate rules safe work with a computer, write them down and comment on them.


I distribute booklets.

What can we conclude from our meeting today?

Well done! I think each of you has realized that you can’t sit in front of the monitor for too long.

Now I suggest you do an exercise that you can use while working with the computer.

Thanks for your cooperation, goodbye.

Class hour in 8th grade on the topic:

"On the threshold of adulthood."

Homeroom teacher: Izhboldina M.A.

Target: to form in students an understanding of the versatility of personality and the ability to adapt to the surrounding reality.
    Updating knowledge about the qualities and “values” of an individual. To develop in students the ability to determine their own positions on certain concepts. Promote the formation of skills of self-analysis, self-understanding and self-criticism; deepening knowledge about each other through revealing the qualities of each student.

    Promote student awareness own life, its goals, understanding its strengths and capabilities.

Equipment: presentation, projector, cards, A4 sheets, image of a tree and apples, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, brushes, fountain pens, music.

Progress of the class hour:

    Opening speech by the class teacher.

Greetings. - Let's greet each other.The guys express their mood and express their wishes to each other for future work.- How do you understand the topic of the class hour?

Exercise “Without a mask”.

Each participant is given a card with a written phrase that does not have an ending. Without any preliminary preparation, he must continue and complete the phrase. The statement must be sincere. If the rest of the group senses a falsehood, the participant will have to take another card. Approximate contents of cards:

"I especially like it when the people around me..."
"What I really want sometimes is..."
"Sometimes people don't understand me because I..."
"I believe that I..."
"I feel ashamed when I..."
“What especially irritates me is that I...”, etc.”
- On the threshold of “adult life” it becomes relevant to think about what life is, what its meaning is. To reflect on this difficult topic, we have gathered here at class. Sixteen is a frank age,
It's time for love and dreams,
It's time for worry and doubt
And tender meetings, and secret tears.

Such an exciting life you have now. Very soon you guys will find yourself in adulthood. With what life experience? With what reserve of spiritual and moral qualities? How will you live away from home?

These questions are asked not only by your parents, but also by us, teachers.

Adults have life experiences with joys and disappointments behind them. These are accomplished people. They have a home, a family, a profession, a job. They know exactly what life is.

Life is not easy, it cannot be smooth and even. Life is a combustion, and in fire something burns. Life is light, and light blinds some people. Life is a struggle, and in a struggle there must be a winner. Life. This word has many meanings. The life of a flower that has only one summer to live. The life of a bird living 3 springs. Human life. And the life of the country. In this poem all the stories are intertwined. Can we live without flowers, without birds? What is life anyway? You can live, or you can exist! Are life and existence the same thing? What is the difference between existence and life? Existence is life without goals, plans, interests, hobbies.

I would like to continue our class hour with a retelling of the famous parable:

“A certain young man was walking along a muddy road and suddenly saw in the mud gold coin. He bent down and picked it up. I went further in search of other coins. And, indeed, they sometimes came under his feet. This is how his life passed. When he was dying, he, a very old man, was asked what life was. He replied: “Life is a dirt road with occasional gold coins.”

Let's try to ask this question: "What is life?"

Exercise “Tree” (visualization)( art - therapeutic exercise. )

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a tree. Think and imagine where the tree stands, what it looks like: what branches it has, how tall it is, what roots it has. The roots are your parents.

Draw the tree you imagined. And on its branches draw apples - values.

(children draw). Then everyone presents their tree.

2. Before us is the symbolic “Tree of Life”. Its roots go deep into the earth. This gives him food and stability. Thanks to this, it has a strong trunk and many branches. It’s the same in life. Roots are your parents, family, who give you a foundation in your life, confidence in the future, you grow stronger and gain strength. Your branches are the knowledge and experience that you acquire throughout your life. There will definitely be fruits on it. This is your success! What do you think life is? Define the concept of “Life” in one word, which supports a person and makes him happy.

On the board: tree of life, bearing fruit.

That’s why you got different “fruits”. But there are also the same ones, let’s highlight them:
(Students’ answers, their understanding of life).

So, life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once. And it depends on him what content he will fill his life with.

It is known that time is extensible

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

- Question " And what can help us in life, what qualities?” Are all personality traits bad?

Exercise "Thrift store"

It is suggested to play thrift store. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example: kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants write down their character traits, both positive and negative, on a card. Then they are invited to make a trade, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks effective living eloquence, and he can offer for it some part of his calm and poise.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

Fold " positive qualities"into the box.

3. Range of opinions"Price and Value"

When climbing the stairs, we always walk confidently, we can make mistakes, we can stumble and even fall. Anything can happen in life: we are accompanied by illness, disappointment and even loss. Our ascent depends largely on how we behave towards other people who are walking up the stairs with us: we will push, trespass over someone, let us pass ahead, walk next to them. Our ascent will depend on what laws we follow to build our lives, what moral values ​​will, like a beacon, illuminate our movement along the ladder of life.

Give an answer to the following question: what vices and bad habits do you think prevent a person from living happily ever after?

And before we make our choice, let's determine what is value ( working with a dictionary).

Conventionally, when we say “values,” we mean cultural values ​​developed by humanity over the history of its existence and raised to the crest of culture. It is clear that one person among his values ​​includes food, money, things and does not recognize others, while another, considering food, things and money as conditions of existence, chooses love, work, beauty, knowledge, nature as values. When the ancients posed the philosophical question: “Live to eat, or eat to live?” - then their choice was clear: “Eat to live!”

To fully understand what value is, let’s compare it with the category “price” (working with a dictionary).

Thus, price is the cost of something expressed in monetary units. Therefore, it is material, quite definite and has an objective, accessible substance (you can look, touch, smell, weigh, etc.).

Value is what is significant for a person’s life, that preferred object, the presence of which influences the meaningful course of life. Value is spiritual; it cannot be revealed through sensations. Pushkin’s: “Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript” - very accurately outlines the boundaries of price and value. For price - the market sphere, for value - the soul. Price exhaustible and exterminate: food is eaten, things wear out, homes are destroyed, and all this is subject to vandalistic destruction.

Price is replaceable: there will always be a product that is superior in quality to another product and can displace its predecessor.

Value is irreplaceable: the absence of love is not compensated by love for another; a wonderful meeting with a wonderful person is not repeated; the look thrown at you as support has no other take.

4. Exercise “What do I value in people?”

Thus, by explaining your choice, you came up with values. Now let’s create a list of eternal values ​​together.

(Conscience, mercy, love, friendship, justice, kindness, courage, honesty, decency, etc.)

6. Summing up.

Let's look at another parable:

“In one of the countries, no matter which one, there lived an old woman. For many years she walked with a stick along the beach during the height of the summer season. Many people were perplexed and did not understand what she was looking for in the sand, raking it with a stick.

Only years later did people find out that for many years she walked along the beach with only one purpose - she collected the pieces broken glass so that adults and children do not get hurt.

Student questions:

How much has this old lady achieved in life?

What do you think was her path up the ladder of life?

What were her values ​​in life?

And in conclusion, let’s once again look at the ladders of desires you created and listen carefully to the order of the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky : “You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can. Your desires are the joys or tears of your loved ones. Check your actions with your consciousness: are you not causing harm, trouble, or inconvenience to people with your actions? Make the people around you feel good..."

Ask strict life,

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Head out early in the morning?

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown.

Go my friend, always go

Dear goodness!.....

Exercise "Free microphone"

Children take turns speaking about their impressions received during the class hour, while handing over a box with “positive qualities”.

Everything in life depends on you, believe me..." Everything is in your hands!



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs