Getting married: the surest signs. Folk signs for getting married

Wedding beliefs have long been noticed by our ancestors; they almost always came true. From this article you will learn how to bring family happiness closer.

In the article:

Wedding signs for marriage

If you are invited to a wedding ceremony as a guest or bridesmaid, you can take advantage of the chance by knowing the special ones. This honorable role in itself marks an imminent wedding, but not if you managed to be a bridesmaid more than twice.

The girl sitting between two brothers at the wedding table will soon get married.

In order to become a married woman, you can acquire things from your wedding that have magical power and can help you find happiness - a needle that was used to sew the bride’s dress, a pin pinned to it, and a hairpin from a veil. Box or pillow from wedding rings They also attract marriage, but they are given only to the witness.

If you were accidentally doused with champagne or wine at a wedding party, do not be upset about the ruined dress and stain. This is also a sign of imminent marriage.

You can ask the bride to trust you to hem her wedding dress, or rather, the hem. Those who do not know how to sew can clean or wipe their wedding shoes.

One of the most common signs for an unmarried girl is this. But its "original" is considered family amulet, and a “duplicate” is thrown into the crowd of girlfriends - the same bouquet in appearance, specially prepared in advance. Perhaps this explains that the sign does not always work.

It is believed that dancing with the groom attracts a quick wedding. Moreover, the less time has passed since the engagement, the better. It will be very good if he invites you to slow dance, but you can try it yourself. Dance with those who sit further away.

Everyday signs for getting married

For a girl who wants to have a wedding quickly, her great-grandmothers advised sweeping the floor towards the window or table, and to start doing this from front door.

Folk signs for early marriage include recommendations on keeping fasts. For example, November 7th every year. Lent is also mandatory; failure to comply will alienate a man with serious intentions.

Good housewives are usually lucky in marriage, you can take this into account and improve your skills in cooking and keeping the house tidy and clean. Accuracy is also important, because there are many bad omens, but we will talk about them below. However, there is an exception: it is believed that a girl whose food constantly burns will marry a man with dark hair.

He also believes that order and cleanliness in the house will have a positive impact on your future family life and how soon you will have a husband. Experts in this field recommend keeping figurines in a visible place in the bedroom. happy couples. If you love handicrafts, embroider blossoming peonies.

A girl who knows how to sew well and tears off long threads during this activity will marry a foreigner or a resident of another city.

Find a bouquet - for the wedding. But beware of picking it up, because troubles, illnesses and damage come down to exactly those things that you want to pick up - flowers, gold jewelry and many others.

Folk signs for marriage and the teachings of Feng Shui recommend placing shoes with their toes in one direction so that sides came into contact with each other.

A sure sign that a girl will soon leave her parents and get married is the dirty tricks of the brownie. He can choke, rattle dishes and frighten the future bride in other ways. By the way, such behavior not only foreshadows the wedding, but also brings it closer, because he, as it were, “survives” you from your father’s house.

Another sign for marriage says that if a girl pricks or cuts her finger New Year, - will meet the future groom. Hair falls out - you will soon go to the altar.

Godmother small child will get married when he learns to walk.

To meet your betrothed, you need to ride a donkey more often. It is difficult to follow this advice in our time; such animals are now rare.

Meeting a man on Thursday is a sign of an imminent wedding.

Signs for unmarried girls - what not to do

Let's look at the bad signs for girls who want family happiness. There are many prohibitions that must be followed in order not to remain an old maid.

Everyone knows that it is forbidden to pass or take things across the threshold, especially water. The ancestors believed that this contributed to the lonely fate of the old maid and forbade unmarried people to violate the ban.

The fact that the future wife should be a good and tidy housewife has already been mentioned above. If your hem constantly gets wet while washing dishes, laundry and other household chores, this means that your husband will have problems with alcohol. The same thing awaits those who do not wring out their laundry well and water constantly drips from it.

You cannot sweep around you and in the direction from the windows to the front door, this drives away family happiness. Do not brush crumbs off the table with your hand - foretells an ugly husband.

Signs for the wedding of an unmarried girl prohibit doing your hair when strangers are looking at you. Do not invite guests into your home if you are not sure that you will have time to get yourself in order. You cannot braid your hair or wear jewelry on your ring finger. Only engagement, wedding and wedding rings are worn on it.

Under no circumstances try on other people's dresses or veils. To see how you will look in your wedding dress, go to a specialty store. You cannot wear clothes that were made from a wedding dress.

At weddings, girls are prohibited from taking too active part in competitions and entertainment - such behavior can delay their own engagement.

Signs for unmarried people prohibit sitting on the windowsill and corner of the table. You cannot grow oleander, violets, cacti and other masculine flowers, hang paintings with images of single women and place similar figurines and other decorative elements.


Every mother wants to see her child in the family created by him. But not everyone succeeds and it happens on time; for some it drags on for many years. Simple spells can help your daughter or son find their family successful marriage or marriage. Read prayers for a quick marriage.

Conspiracies are best carried out on the waxing moon: for a girl in women's days, for my son in men's.

Today there are a lot of unmarried girls and no less young people who do not want or cannot get married. How can we explain this? There are many explanations:

  1. Such times, the difficulties of life, the problems of existence prolong the period of childhood and adolescence for our children. People often start thinking about marriage after 25 or even after 30 years.
  2. It is difficult to find a match based on one’s own character, since the orientations of most young people are shifted towards the material.
  3. The reluctance of young people to shoulder the heavy burden of family life.
  4. “Civil marriages”, in which there is no strict responsibility for the fate of the person living next to you. It is no coincidence that the man in them considers himself single and free, while the girl thinks that she is married.
  5. The lack of necessary funds for joint housing and for organizing a wedding delays the process of creating a family. Although it’s always easier to survive together together.
  6. All kinds of mental and psychological reasons.

And the girl can only wait for a marriage proposal.

Spells for successful marriage

A strong spell for a successful marriage

This conspiracy, although simple, is powerful.

Having visited Orthodox Temple, buy 13 candles. After leaving the temple, leaving its walls, turn around and say these words to yourself:

Just as my mother’s heart aches, my daughter’s marriage will calm me down. Amen.

Upon return, to all alone light all the candles. And standing in front of the flame imagine happy marriage daughter in a family with a bright, kind loved one and say these words, first copying them onto a piece of paper and reading from it:

With respectful bow I call upon the power of the day, may the Gods of the Universe hear me. I want my daughter not to languish in trouble, not to struggle alone in grief. Oh, powers of fire, prophesy fate that your daughter will be married this time to a loved one and close to her, happy and content. The word is sculpted, the deed is strong! Amen! Amen! Amen!

If you assume that your daughter is wearing the crown of celibacy, read these words:

As a mother, I ask the fire for my daughter, may her husband be wiser than me. If this is a crown that stands as an obstacle, let it fly back to hell. If enemies and fire have sent damage to my daughter, I ask you to help her and me. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

We put out the candles. If they do not have time to burn out, it is better to bury them or let them burn completely. Remove the sheet from prying eyes.

Plot for a daughter's happy marriage

This ritual is performed on a moonless night, preferably on the first or second growing day. You need to pour water into a cup, light an ordinary candle next to it, if not, a church candle will do, throw a ring into the water, cross yourself three times with the words:

“I throw the ring into the water, I voice the cherished words: God’s servant (name), marry me, God’s servant (name), immediately! My word is strong, as I said, so be it. Amen".

After these words, you need to get up and pour water on your head, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand and go to bed.

Plot for a successful marriage for your daughter

The mother makes the plot. Early in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to go to the field, you can go to the city open place in the park. Stand facing the rising sun and read these words three times:

“Whether across the ocean, in a distant city, or in his mansion, a fine fellow is sitting.

He is chained with ten chains and locked behind ten locks. Only my word, the word of my own mother (say your name) will free him. I am persuading the good fellow to love the red maiden. Without (daughter’s name) he doesn’t have fun, without (daughter’s name again) he doesn’t go for walks, without (name) he doesn’t live in his parents’ shelter.

Let her appear to him at noon and midnight. Let him come running to her. The parent’s word is the end, but the love of the red maiden and the good fellow is the beginning. Amen".

After reading the words, go home and don’t say anything to anyone, not even your daughter. Wait!

Prayer for a girl dreaming of marriage

On the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 14, you need to go to church service and read the words there:

Most Holy Mother of God, cover my head with a red kokoshnik and a golden headband. Amen

A conspiracy to create a family for a girl with a physical disability

It is difficult for healthy people to find a mate in our mortal world, and it is even harder for those with physical disabilities. This is understandable, despite the humanity of society and mercy, physical imperfection is still a disadvantage in a person’s consciousness. Although there are a lot of examples of how big the heart and broad soul of such people are.

We will help such a girl with joy.

Take the saint Epiphany water and divide it into three parts with the words: “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

On the received three parts of water, read the following words:

The trouble is bad, give the groom to the servant of God (name) for marriage, for marriage, for a soft pillow, for a marriage bed. Open the eyes of the grooms so that they look at the slave (name) and don’t see enough, look and don’t see enough, get bored and don’t get bored. And the slave (name) would be more beautiful for them than the red sun, sweeter than May honey. Amen

After this, drink one part of the water, wash your face with the other, and pour the third at the entrance to the house.

Keep waiting for the result and the main thing is to believe in the power of conspiracies!

Ritual for a girl to attract suitors

And sometimes this happens: the girl is good to everyone, and smart and well-behaved and of a meek character, and the suitors bypass the house. Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that everyone thinks very well: “the hat doesn’t suit Fenka.” And in vain.

You can do the following ritual.

Let your daughter take a clean shirt and left hand raw chicken egg before going to a river or lake to swim. On the shore, undress and quickly dive into the water with the egg three times with the words:

And quickly throw the egg and quickly run to the shore without looking back. While getting dressed, repeat the same words:

“Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me”

Tie the shirt that you brought ashore with you into three knots, saying:

“Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me”

Bring the shirt home and give it to your mother to wash, saying:

“Christ has risen, and our bridegrooms”

Let the shirt dry in the house for three days, then put it away from human eyes. You will see how grooms will often come to your house.

Plot for a quick marriage of a son

To help your son meet his love as quickly as possible and want to start a family with her, the following plot will help. Swear at food or water before giving it to your son with the following words:

Lightning mermaids, throw yourself, throw yourself on the white chest of a slave (name) in a dream, kindle in a dream and in reality the zealous heart of a good fellow, a slave (name), so that he misses the girls, the affectionate wife, the baby diaper, the wet vest, the girlish breasts, sugary lips. Maryushka-zoryushka, zaryanitsa, red maiden, tie the servant of God (name) in marriage. Amen.

Remember that the conspiracy works where they believe in its strength and effectiveness! You will succeed and your children will be happy in family ties. For believers, you can read which will only speed up the fulfillment of your desires and lead you to your cherished goal.

Even in ancient times, girls used to tell fortunes to see their betrothed and get married as soon as possible. They also knew by what signs one could determine that marriage was just around the corner, and they sincerely believed in these signs. A lot has changed since then, but girls still believe the old signs.

Many timely noticed harbingers of some important future events can help a person avoid big failures or minor bad luck. It’s not for nothing that people still believe in ancient folk superstitions to this day.

Most people are quite skeptical about the old wisdom of our ancestors in the form of all sorts of signs, omens and signs. After all, nowadays you can refute or prove anything.

Modern people are accustomed to explaining the phenomena that happen to them with the help of facts. Therefore, signs that are not supported by arguments are most often considered the faith of naive people.

But is this really so? Based on natural changes, one can accurately determine the weather for the near future, and correctly noticed character traits of people who were born in different months began to be called a horoscope and zodiac signs.

“I can’t bear to get married”

In order to get married soon, one sign that appears is not enough. Secret symbols do not depend on our attentiveness, they always exist. But far-fetched signs are just a misconception that soon the girl will happily tell her friends about the upcoming wedding.

Also, you should not expect that someone might be able to bring a marriage proposal closer, relying only on signs and astrology, and not on their real actions. Signs and fortune telling are more suitable for those girls who already have a lover, and accordingly there is a likelihood of getting married in the near future.

Proven signs of a quick marriage

  • The girl dreams of dead loved ones. Intuitive feelings about impending changes can be embodied in dreams. Often dreams about ancestors who have left this world become signs of the creation of a new family.
  • The girl unexpectedly finds a bouquet. Found surprises in the form of a bouquet from a loved one do not count. The bouquet must be a draw.
  • Unpleasant sensations when falling asleep. Sometimes, half asleep, some strange incidents happen. The girl may feel a feeling of heaviness in her body, someone’s presence near her, difficulty breathing. Thus, the brownie “strangles” her, driving her out of the house to her future husband.
  • A girl cuts or pricks her finger in New Year's Eve. This sign is very old and does not explain how it is related to marriage.
  • To speed up the marriage proposal, a girl can embroider a red peony. This flower is a symbol of family happiness.
  • The girl becomes a godmother. When the baby learns to walk, the unmarried girl will find her family happiness.

Wedding signs

They say that other people's happiness is contagious. And married women all the girlfriends are gradually getting married. She can find out how soon a girl will be able to put on a wedding dress by being a guest at a friend’s wedding.

The following signs associated with other people's weddings indicate that the girl will soon get married:

  • One of the guests will accidentally spill champagne or wine on the girl.
  • The role of a groomsman at a church wedding increases the chances of getting married soon.
  • Dance with the groom is good sign for a girl who wants to get married.
  • According to tradition, towards the end of the holiday, the bride throws her bouquet unmarried girls. The one who catches the bouquet will be the first to get married.
  • Ask the bride for a hairpin or pin from her dress.

There are also signs that can delay marriage. If you want to get married quickly, never do the following things:

  1. You cannot sit on the corner of the table during a meal.
  2. You can't sit on the windowsill.
  3. You cannot be a participant in competitions at other people's weddings.
  4. You cannot try on someone else's wedding dress before the bride gets married in it.
  5. You cannot pass things or products across the threshold.
  6. You can't sit on the doorstep.
  7. You cannot grow an oleander plant in your home.

In what month should the wedding be held?

When signs of marriage come true and a girl receives a long-awaited proposal to get married, she should think about which month is best to schedule the celebration.

Wedding predictions by month

  • January - the girl will become a widow early.
  • February – a peaceful and happy couple awaits family life.
  • March - the spouses will move to live in another country.
  • April - happiness will be short-lived.
  • May - the husband will betray or the girl will constantly suffer.
  • June – family life will be like an eternal honeymoon.
  • July - the couple will experience both happiness and misfortune.
  • August - the spouse will be a faithful friend and a good lover.
  • September - family life will be quiet and calm.
  • October - the couple will constantly face difficulties.
  • November - the spouses will live in wealth and prosperity.
  • December – love will become stronger every year.

Signs help attract love and family happiness. They indicate exactly what can happen. However, symbols and signs themselves cannot ensure well-being in life. They should rather become motivation to real actions. After all, it is always better to build your own destiny than to rely on chance.

In addition, do not forget what you really strive for: to get married as soon as possible or to find happiness with a worthy life partner?

Signs and predictions set us up for right thoughts and program our subconscious. Thus, we find ourselves closer to our cherished goal. Perhaps all folk signs are just self-hypnosis. But it is a fact that they really work.

Among white magical rituals, the marriage plot takes pride of place. With his help, parents desperate to marry off their beloved daughter brought closer happy date, and the lonely girls themselves were eager to experience the ancient magic way for a quick marriage. It's time for you to use the proven methods of your ancestors!

When is the ritual to get married valid?

A plot to get married soon can become a life-saving straw for a desperate girl, tired of loneliness. There are several good reasons to use it:

  1. Her personal life does not work out; the young lady, due to her natural modesty or internal complexes, cannot build a long-term relationship.
  2. The beauty has a young man with whom she has been dating for a long time, perhaps living in a civil marriage, but her lover is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. So why not push him to take an important step by using marriage whispers.
  3. A loving mother sees how her little one suffers due to the lack of a soul mate and sincerely wishes her daughter female happiness.

In order for prayers and requests for marriage to be satisfied, higher powers must see the sincere desire of a female representative to create a marital union.

You should not turn to magic if you just broke off a relationship and want to annoy your ex by hastily getting married.

Also, don’t let mothers hope for heaven’s favor, who impose on their daughter the standard stereotype of society: “you’ll stay too long as a girl,” “it’s time to give birth to children,” “all your peers are already married.” If your child feels comfortable and is in no hurry to ring himself, no conspiracy will work!

The result will not follow even in a situation where the chosen one has been married for a long time and deeply. It will not be possible to divorce him from his wife through marriage conspiracies. Required here love magic stronger - look among !

Before using one of the rituals below, answer frankly the question: “How important is it to you to get married?” Only if you have a 100% solution, take up the sacrament, not forgetting to follow the magical instructions.

Like other spells, marriage conspiracies must be read confidently, clearly pronouncing each word and putting faith in their power. But besides general rules, there are conventions, observing which you can speed up the action of this prayer.

  • The key to the success of the ritual is the sincere good intentions of the performer. A few days before the sacrament, refrain from sorting things out with ill-wishers, try not to get involved in conflicts.
  • You can resort to reading ritual words for marriage only on the waxing moon - so that love grows stronger.
  • Fast for three days: no meat, alcohol, sweets or fatty foods. This way you will be cleansed and prepared to communicate with the forces of light.
  • Conduct the ritual in privacy and silence. If there is a black cat in the apartment, do not kick the animal out of the room - it is considered a conductor between worlds.
  • Girls who wait a long time for a proposal from their chosen one need to clearly imagine the image of their beloved during the ceremony.

Briefly remove the ring from your finger, squeeze it in your palm and sit for a few minutes in front of a lit candle bought in church.

Armed with the basics of magical science, choose the method by which you will attract family happiness!

Rituals that help girls of marriageable age say goodbye to free life, huge amount. The most popular and simple ones are included in the following selection.

For the ritual you will need a small jar of honey. Draw a symbol of marriage on it - two intertwined rings. Holding the jar in your hands at eye level, say the lines:

As long as the bees flew, honey was collected,
So the servant of God (worldly name) flutters around the house,
Sweeping, tidying up, not knowing about fatigue,
Everything is in order to be kept. How much the bees worked,
So the spouse of the servant of God (worldly name) should not be lazy,
So that there is prosperity in the family,
To love the servant of God (worldly name) greatly.
As sweet as the honey is, so sweet and smooth would the servant of God (worldly name) have a family life. Sip the honey and be considered happy! Be that way.

After the ritual, you need to treat your daughter with the charmed honey so that she does not know that the drug is magical. You can also add it to baked goods. If your daughter already has a partner, treat both of them with a treat.

Towards noon, braid your hair and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Go with this hairstyle for the rest of the day without adjusting or redoing it. When getting ready to sleep at night, let your hair down and burn the ribbon. Bury the remaining ashes with the words:

I light a candle and unbraid my hair. I throw the scarlet ribbon into the fire. I punish the servant of God (name of the man): take the servant of God (your name) as your wife, and from now on call him your beloved wife. Be that way. Amen.

During the year, you will definitely hear the desired phrase from the lips of your loved one.

For the ritual, you need to prepare a ring, a white candle, which it is advisable to purchase in the temple, and some holy water in a glass. After waiting until nightfall, light a candle and dip the ring in the prepared water. Then say the words of the conspiracy three times:

I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen.

As soon as you finish saying the cherished words, remove the ring from the glass, go out with it to the center of the room and put it on the ring finger of your right hand.

Pour all the remaining water over your head. Then go to bed. After waking up, remove the ring and hide it away from prying eyes. You can put it on again only after meeting your future spouse.

When turning to magic, remember that you cannot abuse magic rituals. Even if they are aimed at such a good goal as creating a family. If, having done everything correctly, you do not notice any changes over time, wait a

Although women in modern world have become quite emancipated and independent, they still strive to find their soul mate and create happy and harmonious relationships. For this they are used as traditional methods, and non-traditional, which include conspiracies and various magical rituals. In this article we will reveal to you effective conspiracy for marriage, which will help you go down the aisle as quickly as possible.

Today everyone knows that words have enormous power. Sometimes there is no need to use any kind of weapon, it is enough to carelessly drop a word and it falls like a heavy stone on the heart, taking away positive energy from a person and filling it with negative.

Or maybe the opposite situation - with the help of one single word you will inspire a person, charge him with optimism, and push him to new achievements.

All these are ordinary words, but what a huge significance they have in our lives! Now imagine for a moment that there is a special category of words whose power is many times greater than ordinary ones. We are now talking about conspiracy words that influence human destiny.

Why do spell words have such power? The answer to this question is both simple and difficult at the same time. When a person pronounces a conspiracy, then to the power of the word (which is enormous in itself), the power of nature is added (it is to this that we most often turn when we want to get help, get rid of trouble, misfortune, and so on).

Previously, in the time of our ancestors, people were inextricably linked with nature, they coexisted with it face to face and were completely dependent on it. Therefore, it was from her that they asked for help, and were sure to receive it. And even now, when people hid from nature behind the stone walls of megacities, they are mired in information networks, we still continue to depend on natural forces that are inexplicable, ancient, great, but quite generous.

Rules for pronunciation of conspiracies

For any conspiracy to work, it is important to adhere to certain pronunciation rules, namely:

  1. It is necessary to pronounce every spoken word as clearly and clearly as possible; mistakes and slips are not allowed. Repeat the rituals exactly the number of repetitions indicated by the conditions of the ritual.
  2. Many people think that they should definitely learn the text of the conspiracy by heart, but, it should be noted, this rule is not mandatory. You are allowed to read the text from a piece of paper, besides, many conspiracies are quite long and replete with incomprehensible outdated words and expressions that are quite problematic to remember. Just read the spell to yourself a couple of times beforehand so that it is easier for you to pronounce it during the ritual.
  3. Make sure you don't pause while reading texts, but don't read them too quickly.
  4. As a rule, it is necessary to quietly pronounce the spell words. They act as secret, to some extent even intimate rituals, so it is not at all necessary that those around you (your family or neighbors) know about them. At the same time, you don’t have to worry - Higher powers will hear even the quietest whisper, because they are always around you.
  1. Spell words, even if they were not written by you, must come from the depths of your soul; do not forget about this rule while reading. You must always keep in your head the image of what you want, which will become inspiration and support for you. It is this point (that is, visualization) that makes the conspiracy work more actively.
  2. Read the instructions for the ritual and always follow everything stated in it. You cannot perform rituals in another place or at another time; you also need to stock up on the necessary magical arsenal. Of course, in the modern world it is sometimes difficult to adhere to all the points indicated in the plot, so instead of going out into an open field, you often have to go out onto the balcony. But if a conspiracy with unchanged conditions is proposed, then nothing can be done; you will have to do everything as indicated in the instructions.
  3. Be patient! This is very important condition. Many people make the mistake of starting to wait for results immediately after completing the ritual. Of course, this can happen. But often you will have to work long and painstakingly, even repeat the same ritual several times. It's okay because you may encounter enough complex tasks(for example, removing the crown of celibacy, damage, and so on). Therefore, do not worry and wait until the magic “ripens” and in no case lose faith in it. As a last resort, it is better to repeat the ritual again and you will definitely achieve the desired effect!

Examples of effective rituals for home use

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing - to examples of strong conspiracies that will help a girl get married as soon as possible.

For quick marriage

If you are already at the age when it’s time to get married, but still no one has proposed marriage to you, then you will need to wait until the last Friday of the month, go to the field where the burrs grow, while saying the following magic words :

“Just as a burdock clings to the floor, so the suitors would cling to me, fall in love with me and keep up with me, asking me to marry them. Amen".

The ritual must be performed in complete solitude. When you return home, collect the thorns clinging to your dress, tie them in a rag with your menstrual blood and send them to a secret place, away from prying eyes. When you receive the long-awaited proposal and get married, on the third day after the wedding you need to wash the rag, go to the same field again and scatter thorns there with words of gratitude to the burdock.

To get rid of loneliness

  • Ring;
  • With a candle white(it is best to purchase it at the church);
  • A small amount of holy water, which is poured into a glass.

Then you need to wait until night falls, light a candle, put the ring in the prepared water and read the spell three times:

“I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, so that he finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen"

Upon completion of the procedure, you need to take out the ring, stand with it in the central part of the room, put it on your ring finger on right hand. The remaining water must be poured onto your hair. After that, go to bed. And when you wake up, take off the ring and hide it in a secluded place. The next time it is allowed to be worn only when you have already met your future spouse.

We also bring to your attention a ritual that will help you put on a wedding dress faster

Seeking help from conspiracies for speedy marriage, you need to strictly adhere to all their rules, sincerely believe in their power, and also really want to meet the person with whom you will connect your future destiny

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:



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