Wormholes in the universe have been solved. What is a wormhole

A wormhole or wormhole, in theory, is an intersection of time and space that significantly reduces the time of long-distance travel throughout the universe. The concept of “Wormhole” was born thanks to general theory relativity. Wormholes have not yet been studied and carry a colossal danger in the form of sudden contacts with unexplored matter, high radiation and other unknown collapses.

Wormhole theory

Back in 1935, physicists and Nathan Rosen discovered the theory of general relativity, which proposed the existence of “bridges” across space and time. These paths are called “Einstein-Rosen bridges” or wormholes. These bridges connect two different points in time and space, theoretically creating a path that reduces travel time and travel distance.

In theory, it contains two holes, which are then connected. The beginnings of these holes are most likely spherical. They then move into a straight section, although it is possible that this could form a circle, providing the traveler with a longer path than the traditional route.

Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically suggests the existence of wormholes, but to date none have been discovered by astrophysicists. The only thing that suggests the presence of a CN is the negative mass, which can be detected by the way its gravity affects the light passing by.

Some of the statements of the general theory of relativity allow the existence of wormholes, some of which consist of black holes. True, by its nature, a black hole, which arises from the explosion of a dying star, cannot itself create a wormhole.

Science fiction is replete with stories of travel through wormholes. But the actual reality of such a journey does not yet seem real.

The first problem is the size of the wormholes. Conventional wormholes, according to scientists, have a size of 10-33 centimeters. However, as the Universe expands, it is possible that some of them could stretch to larger sizes.

Another problem for travelers comes from the unexplored stability of the wormhole. The Einstein-Rosen research was simply useless for practical travel. But more recent research has shown that a wormhole containing "exotic matter" can remain open to exploration and unchanged for long periods of time.

Exotic matter, which is different from dark matter or antimatter, contains negative energy density as well as negative pressure.

If KN ( wormhole) contains sufficient amounts of exotic matter, whether naturally occurring or man-made, that it could theoretically be used as a way to send information or travelers through space.

Wormholes can not only connect two separate regions of the universe, but they can also connect two different galaxies. Interestingly, some scientists suggest that if one entrance to the KN is moved in a certain learned order, then this may subsequently allow travel to occur. Despite this, British astrophysicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking argues that using CN for travel is not yet possible.

"A wormhole doesn't actually give you the ability to travel back in time," wrote NASA scientist Eric Christian.


The recently released visually arresting film "Inrestellar" is based on real scientific concepts such as rotating black holes, wormholes and time dilation.

But if you are not familiar with these concepts, you may be a little confused while watching.

In the film, a team of space explorers goes to extragalactic travel through a wormhole. On the other side they find themselves in another solar system with a rotating black hole instead of a star.

They are in a race against space and time to complete their mission. This kind of space travel may seem a little confusing, but it is based on basic principles of physics.

Here are the main ones 5 concepts of physics Things you need to know to understand Interstellar:

Artificial gravity

The biggest problem we humans face with long-term space travel, is weightlessness. We were born on Earth and our body has adapted to certain gravitational conditions, but when we are in space long time, our muscles begin to weaken.

The heroes in the movie Interstellar also face this problem.

To cope with this, scientists are creating artificial gravity in spacecraft. One way to do this is to spin up the spaceship, just like in the movie. The rotation creates a centrifugal force that pushes objects toward the outer walls of the ship. This repulsion is similar to gravity, only in the opposite direction.

This is a form of artificial gravity you experience when you are driving around a small radius curve and feel as if you are being pushed outward, away from the center point of the curve. In a rotating spaceship the walls become the floor for you.

Rotating black hole in space

Astronomers, albeit indirectly, have observed in our Universe rotating black holes. Nobody knows what's at the center of a black hole, but scientists have a name for it -singularity .

Rotating black holes distort the space around them differently than stationary black holes.

This distortion process is called "inertial frame entrainment" or the Lense-Thirring effect, and it affects how the black hole will look by distorting space, and more importantly the space-time around it. The black hole you see in the movie is enoughvery close to the scientific concept.

  • The spaceship Endurance is heading towards Gargantua - fictional supermassive black hole with a mass 100 million times greater than the Sun.
  • It is 10 billion light years away from Earth and has several planets orbiting it. Gargantua spins at an astonishing 99.8 percent of the speed of light.
  • Garagantua's accretion disk contains gas and dust with the temperature of the Sun's surface. The disk supplies the Gargantua planets with light and heat.

The complex appearance of the black hole in the film is due to the fact that the image of the accretion disk is distorted by gravitational lensing. Two arcs appear in the image: one formed above the black hole, and the other below it.


The wormhole or wormhole used by the crew in Interstellar is one of the phenomena in the film that whose existence has not been proven. It is hypothetical, but very convenient in the plots of science fiction stories where you need to overcome a large space distance.

It's just that wormholes are a kind of shortest path through space. Any object with mass creates a hole in space, which means space can be stretched, warped, and even folded.

A wormhole is like a fold in the fabric of space (and time) that connects two very distant regions, which helps space travelers overcome long distance in a short period of time.

The official name for a wormhole is an “Einstein-Rosen bridge,” as it was first proposed by Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen in 1935.

  • In 2D diagrams, the mouth of a wormhole is shown as a circle. However, if we could see the wormhole, it would look like a sphere.
  • On the surface of the sphere, a gravitationally distorted view of space on the other side of the “hole” would be visible.
  • The dimensions of the wormhole in the film: 2 km in diameter and the transfer distance is 10 billion light years.

Gravitational time dilation

Gravitational time dilation is a real phenomenon observed on Earth. It arises because time is relative. This means that it flows differently for various systems coordinates

When you are in a strong gravitational environment, time moves slower for you compared to people in a weak gravitational environment.

Astrophysicists are sure: there are tunnels in space through which you can move to other Universes and even to other times. Presumably, they were formed when the Universe was just beginning. When, as scientists say, space “boiled” and curved.

These cosmic “time machines” were given the name “wormholes.” A “hole” differs from a black hole in that you can not only get there, but also come back. The time machine exists. And this is no longer a statement by science fiction writers - four mathematical formulas, which so far in theory prove that you can move both into the future and into the past.

And a computer model. This is roughly what a “time machine” in space should look like: two holes in space and time connected by a corridor.

“In this case we are talking about very unusual objects that were discovered in Einstein’s theory. According to this theory, in a very strong field, space is curved, and time either twists or slows down, these are fantastic properties,” explains Igor Novikov, deputy director of the Astrospace Center of the Lebedev Physical Institute.

Scientists call such unusual objects “wormholes.” This is not a human invention at all; so far only nature is capable of creating a time machine. Today, astrophysicists have only hypothetically proven the existence of “wormholes” in the Universe. It's a matter of practice.

The search for wormholes is one of the main tasks of modern astronomy. “They started talking about black holes somewhere in the late 60s, and when they made these reports, it seemed like science fiction. It seemed to everyone that this was absolute fantasy - now it’s on everyone’s lips,” says Anatoly Cherepashchuk, director of the Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University named after Sternberg. - So now “wormholes” are also science fiction, nevertheless the theory predicts that “wormholes” exist. I’m an optimist and I think that the wormholes will also be opened someday.”

"Wormholes" belong to this mysterious phenomenon like “dark energy”, which makes up 70 percent of the universe. “Dark energy has now been discovered - it is a vacuum that has negative pressure. And in principle, “wormholes” could be formed from a state of vacuum,” suggests Anatoly Cherepashchuk. One of the habitats of “wormholes” is the centers of galaxies. But the main thing here is not to confuse them with black holes, huge objects that are also located at the center of galaxies.

Their mass is billions of our Suns. At the same time, black holes have a powerful gravitational force. It is so large that even light cannot escape from there, so it is impossible to see them with a regular telescope. The gravitational force of wormholes is also enormous, but if you look inside the wormhole, you can see the light of the past.

“In the center of galaxies, in their cores, there are very compact objects, these are black holes, but it is assumed that some of these black holes are not black holes at all, but entrances to these “wormholes,” says Igor Novikov. Today, more than three hundred black holes have been discovered.

From Earth to the center of our Milky Way galaxy is 25 thousand light years. If it turns out that this black hole is a “wormhole”, a corridor for time travel, humanity will have to fly and fly to it.

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Science fiction novels describe entire transport networks, connecting star systems and historical eras, so-called portals, time machines. But what seems much more surprising is that time machines and tunnels in space are quite seriously, as hypothetically possible, actively discussed not only in articles on theoretical physics, on the pages of reputable scientific publications, but also in the media mass media. There have been many reports about the discovery by scientists of certain hypothetical objects called “wormholes.”

While selecting material for the research and development project on the topic “Black Holes,” we came across the concept of “Wormholes.” This topic interested us, and we made a comparison between them.

Purpose of the work: Comparative analysis black holes and wormholes.

Tasks: 1. Collect material about black holes and wormholes;

2. Make detailed analysis information received;

3. Compare black holes and wormholes;

4. Create an educational film for students.

Hypothesis: Is travel in space-time possible thanks to wormholes?

Object of study: literature and other resources about wormholes and black holes.

Subject of research: versions about the existence of wormholes.

Methods: study of literature; use of Internet resources.

Practical significance of this work is to use the collected material for educational purposes in physics lessons and in extracurricular activities on this subject.

The presented work used materials from scientific articles, periodicals, and Internet resources.

Chapter 1. Historical background

In 1935, physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, using the general theory of relativity, suggested that special “bridges” across space-time exist in the Universe. These paths, called Einstein-Rosen bridges (or wormholes), connect two completely different points in space-time by theoretically creating a curvature in space that shortens the journey from one point to another.

Theoretically, a wormhole consists of two entrances and a neck (that is, that same tunnel). The entrances to wormholes are spheroidal in shape, and the neck can represent either a straight segment of space or a spiral one.

For a long time, this work did not arouse much interest among astrophysicists. But in the 90s of the 20th century, interest in such objects began to return. First of all, the return of interest was associated with the discovery of dark energy in cosmology.

The English-language term that has been adopted for “wormholes” since the 90s has become “wormhole,” but the American astrophysicists Mizner and Wheeler were the first to propose this term back in 1957. “wormhole” is translated into Russian as “worm hole.” Many Russian-speaking astrophysicists did not like this term, and in 2004 it was decided to hold a vote on various proposed terms for such objects. Among the suggested terms were: “wormhole”, “wormhole”, “wormhole”, “bridge”, “wormhole”, “tunnel”, etc. Russian-speaking astrophysicists with scientific publications on this topic. As a result of this vote, the term “wormhole” won.

In physics, the concept of wormholes dates back to 1916, just a year after Einstein published his magnum opus, the general theory of relativity. Physicist Karl Schwarzschild, who was then serving in the Kaiser's army, found an exact solution to Einstein's equations for the case of an isolated point star. Far from a star, its gravitational field is very similar to that of an ordinary star; Einstein even used Schwarzschild's solution to calculate the deviation of the trajectory of light around a star. Schwarzschild's result had an immediate and very powerful effect on all branches of astronomy, and today it still remains one of the most famous solutions of Einstein's equations. Several generations of physicists have used the gravitational field of this hypothetical point star as an approximation for the field around a real star with a finite diameter. But if we take this point solution seriously, then at its center we suddenly discover a monstrous point object that has amazed and shocked physicists for almost a century - a black hole.

Chapter 2. Wormhole and black hole

2.1. wormhole

A wormhole is a supposed feature of space-time, which at every moment of time is a “tunnel” in space.

The area near narrow section The molehill is called a "throat". There are passable and impassable molehills. The latter are those tunnels that collapse (destroy) too quickly for an observer or signal to travel from one entrance to another.

The answer lies in the fact that, according to Einstein’s theory of gravity - the general theory of relativity (GTR), the four-dimensional space-time in which we live is curved, and the familiar gravity is a manifestation of such curvature. Matter “bends”, bends the space around itself, and the denser it is, the stronger the curvature.

One of the habitats of “wormholes” is the centers of galaxies. But the main thing here is not to confuse them with black holes, huge objects that are also located at the center of galaxies. Their mass is billions of our Suns. At the same time, black holes have a powerful gravitational force. It is so large that even light cannot escape from there, so it is impossible to see them with a regular telescope. The gravitational force of wormholes is also enormous, but if you look inside the wormhole, you can see the light of the past.

Wormholes through which light and other matter can pass in both directions are called traversable wormholes. There are also impassable wormholes. These are objects that externally (at each of the inputs) are like a black hole, but inside such a black hole there is no singularity (singularity in physics is the infinite density of matter, which tears apart and destroys any other matter falling into it). Moreover, the property of singularity is mandatory for ordinary black holes. And the black hole itself is determined by the presence of a surface (sphere), from under which even light cannot escape. This surface is called the black hole horizon (or event horizon).

Thus, matter can get inside an impenetrable wormhole, but cannot leave it (very similar to the property of a black hole). There may also be semi-passable wormholes, in which matter or light can only pass through the wormhole in one direction, but cannot pass in the other.

Features of wormholes are the following characteristics:

The wormhole must connect two non-curved areas of space. The junction is called a wormhole, and its central section- the neck of a wormhole. The space near the neck of the wormhole is quite strongly curved.

A wormhole can connect either two different Universes, or the same Universe in different parts. In the latter case, the distance through the wormhole may be shorter than the distance between the entrances measured from the outside.

The concepts of time and distance in curved space-time cease to be absolute values, i.e. as we subconsciously have always been accustomed to consider them.

A study of wormhole models shows that exotic matter is required for their stable existence within the framework of Einstein's theory of relativity. Sometimes such matter is also called phantom matter. For the stable existence of a wormhole, any small amount of phantom matter is sufficient - say, just 1 milligram (or maybe even less). In this case, the rest of the matter supporting the wormhole must satisfy the condition: the sum of the energy density and pressure is equal to zero. And there is nothing unusual in this: even the most ordinary electric or magnetic field satisfies this condition. This is exactly what is needed for the existence of a wormhole with an arbitrarily small addition of phantom matter.

2.2. Black hole

A black hole is a region in space-time. The gravitational attraction is so strong that even objects moving at the speed of light, including quanta of light itself, cannot leave it. The boundary of this area is called the event horizon.

Theoretically, the possibility of the existence of such regions of space-time follows from some exact solutions of Einstein's equations. The first was obtained by Karl Schwarzschild in 1915. The exact inventor of the term is unknown, but the designation was popularized by John Archibald Wheeler and first publicly used in the popular lecture "Our Universe: Known and Unknown." Previously, such astrophysical objects were called “collapsed stars” or “collapsars,” as well as “frozen stars.”

There are four scenarios for the formation of black holes:

two realistic ones:

    gravitational collapse (compression) of a sufficiently massive star;

    collapse of the central part of the galaxy or protogalactic gas;

and two hypotheticals:

    formation of black holes immediately after Big Bang(primary black holes);

    the occurrence of high energy nuclear reactions.

The conditions under which the final state of evolution of a star is a black hole have not been studied well enough, since for this it is necessary to know the behavior and states of matter at extremely high densities, inaccessible to experimental study.

The collision of black holes with other stars, as well as the collision of neutron stars, causing the formation black hole, leads to powerful gravitational radiation, which is expected to be detectable in the coming years using gravitational telescopes. Currently, there are reports of observations of collisions in the X-ray range.

On August 25, 2011, a message appeared that for the first time in the history of science, a group of Japanese and American specialists was able in March 2011 to record the moment of the death of a star, which is absorbed by a black hole.

Black hole researchers distinguish between primordial black holes and quantum ones. Primordial black holes currently have the status of a hypothesis. If at the initial moments of the life of the Universe there were sufficient deviations from the uniformity of the gravitational field and matter density, then black holes could form from them through collapse. Moreover, their mass is not limited from below, as in a stellar collapse - their mass could probably be quite small. The discovery of primordial black holes is of particular interest due to the possibility of studying the phenomenon of black hole evaporation. As a result of nuclear reactions, stable microscopic black holes, so-called quantum black holes, can arise. For mathematical description such facilities are needed quantum theory gravity.


If a wormhole is impassable, then outwardly it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a black hole. Today, the theory of the physics of wormholes and black holes is purely theoretical science. Wormholes are topological features of space-time described within the framework of special relativity by Einstein in 1935.

The general theory of relativity mathematically proves the possibility of the existence of wormholes, but so far none of them have been discovered by humans. The difficulty in detecting it is that the supposed huge mass of wormholes and gravitational effects simply absorb the light and prevent it from being reflected.

After analyzing all the information found, we learned how wormholes differ from black holes and came to the conclusion that the world of space is still very little studied, and humanity is on the verge of new discoveries and opportunities.

Based on the research done, an educational film “Wormholes and Black Holes” was created, which is used in astronomy lessons.

List of sources and literature used

    Bronnikov, K. Bridge between worlds / K. Bronnikov [Electronic resource] // Around the world. 2004. May. - Access mode // http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/vs/article/355/ (09/18/2017).

    Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_% D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0 (09/30/2017);

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A7%D1%91%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D1%8B%D1%80%D0 %B0 (09/30/2017).

    Zima, K. “Wormhole” - the corridor of time / K. Zima // Vesti.ru [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=628114 (09.20.2017).

    Wormholes and Black Holes [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://ru.itera.wikia.com/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0% B5_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B_%D0%B8_%D0%A7%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%B4% D1%8B%D1%80%D1%8B (09/30/2017).

    Mole holes. Popular science with Anna Urmantseva [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPA87TDsQ0A (09/25/2017).

    Wormholes of space. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HEBhWny2EU (09/25/2017).

    Lebedev, V. Man in a wormhole (review) / V. Lebedev // Swan. Independent almanac. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://lebed.com/2016/art6871.htm (30.09.2017).

    Through the wormhole, Is there an end to the universe. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // https://donetskua.io.ua/v(09.25.2017).

    Black hole [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://ru-wiki.org/wiki/%D0%A7%D1%91%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D1%8B% D1%80%D0%B0 (09/30/2017).

    Black holes. Universe [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // https://my.mail.ru/bk/lotos5656/video/_myvideo/25.html (09/25/2017).

    What is a wormhole? Reading [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://hi-news.ru/research-development/chtivo-chto-takoe-krotovaya-nora.html (09/18/2017).

    Shatsky, A. Wormholes: what is it - a myth, a gateway to other worlds or a mathematical abstraction? [Electronic resource]. - Access mode // http://www.znanie-sila.su/?issue=zsrf/issue_121.html&r=1 (09/18/2017).

    Encyclopedia for children. T. 8. Astronomy [Text] / Chapter. ed. M. Aksyonova; method. ed. V. Volodin, A. Eliovich. - M.: Avanta, 2004. S. 412-413, 430-431, 619-620.

Humanity is exploring the world around us at an unprecedented speed, technology does not stand still, and scientists are exploring with their sharp minds. the world around us. Undoubtedly, space can be considered the most mysterious and little-studied area. This is a world full of mysteries that cannot be understood without resorting to theories and fiction. A world of secrets that go far beyond our understanding.

Space is mysterious. He keeps his secrets carefully, hiding them under the veil of knowledge inaccessible to the human mind. Humanity is still too helpless to conquer Space, like the already conquered world of Biology or Chemistry. All that is currently available to man are theories, of which there are countless.

One of the greatest mysteries of the Universe is Wormholes.

Wormholes in space

So, a Wormhole (“Bridge”, “Wormhole”) is a feature of the interaction of two fundamental components of the universe - space and time, and in particular - their curvature.

[The concept of “Wormhole” in physics was first introduced by John Wheeler, the author of the theory of “charge without charge”]

The peculiar curvature of these two components allows one to overcome colossal distances without spending a colossal amount of time. To better understand the principle of operation of such a phenomenon, it is worth remembering Alice from Through the Looking Glass. The girl's mirror played the role of the so-called Wormhole: Alice could, just by touching the mirror, instantly find herself in another place (and if we take into account the scale of space, in another universe).

The idea of ​​the existence of wormholes is not just a whimsical invention of science fiction writers. Back in 1935, Albert Einstein co-authored works proving the possibility of so-called “bridges.” Although the Theory of Relativity allows this, astronomers have not yet been able to detect a single Wormhole (another name for a Wormhole).

The main problem of detection is that, by its nature, the Wormhole absorbs absolutely everything, including radiation. And it doesn’t “let” anything out. The only thing that can tell us the location of the “bridge” is gas, which, when it enters the Wormhole, continues to emit X-ray radiation, unlike when it enters the Black Hole. Similar behavior of gas was recently discovered in a certain object Sagittarius A, which leads scientists to believe that there is a Wormhole in its vicinity.

So is travel through Wormholes possible? In fact, there is more fantasy here than reality. Even if we theoretically assume that a Wormhole will be discovered soon, modern science would be faced with a lot of problems that she is not yet able to cope with.

The first stone on the path to mastering the Wormhole will be its size. According to theorists, the first burrows were less than a meter in size. And only, relying on the theory of an expanding universe, can we assume that the Wormholes increased along with the universe. This means they are still increasing.

The second problem on the path of science will be the instability of Wormholes. The ability of the “bridge” to collapse, that is, to “slam shut,” negates the possibility of using or even studying it. In fact, the lifespan of a Wormhole can be tenths of a second.

So what will happen if we discard all the “stones” and imagine that a person nevertheless made a passage through the Wormhole. Despite the fiction that talks about the possibility of returning to the past, it is still impossible. Time is irreversible. It moves in only one direction and cannot go back. That is, “seeing yourself young” (as, for example, the hero of the film “Interstellar” did) will not work. This scenario is guarded by the theory of causality, unshakable and fundamental. The transfer of “oneself” into the past implies the ability of the hero of the journey to change it (the past). For example, kill yourself, thus preventing yourself from traveling into the past. This means there is no possibility of being in the future, where the hero came from.



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