The artist's way full version. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

The artist's journey by Julia Cameron

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Title: The artist's way
Author: Julia Cameron
Year: 1992, 2002
Genre: Self-improvement, Hobbies, Crafts, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Personal growth, Foreign psychology

About The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

There is no person who does not have some talent. There are those who did not find them in themselves or hid them far behind complexes, condemnation of others, their helplessness and lack of confidence in their abilities. Everyone has their own life with problems and difficulties that make us what we are today. In addition, the upbringing of parents plays a huge role in the development of personality. Not all parents will be happy that their child wants to devote his life to painting or sculpture, because this will not earn a living. This is how complexes appear.

The book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is very interesting because the author talks about how to realize your dreams, how to become who you are and, most importantly, how to discover the talents in yourself that will make you a truly happy person.

The book was written about 10 years ago, and during this long time it has become a real bestseller and helper for millions of people who are confused and lost in their lives. Creativity is what allows you to fulfill yourself, enjoy life, enjoy every day.

Julia Cameron has an excellent command of the word and masterfully uses her skill. The writer will help you discover yourself in yourself. You will find creativity in yourself, realize yourself, discover new talents, opportunities, prospects in life.

Today there are few people left who can confidently state that they believe in a brighter future. Julia Cameron in her book "The Way of the Artist" claims that we build our future ourselves, and we need to believe in the best, and every day we need to work on ourselves, on our "I". There are many topical examples in the book, showing the dullness of days, which inspire all this to change.

The Artist's Way offers a course of exercises that will change you. These are simple exercises that do not require much time and effort, but at the same time you will constantly delve into your head, thoughts, desires, aspirations. You will look for the positive in everything, forgetting about the negative that poisons life and interferes with realization, which often controls us, makes us act in such a way that we later regret everything. For example, every morning to write about what does not suit you, thus splashing out all the negativity in order to start new day with a smile and a good mood.

Of course, the book "The Way of the Artist" is rather for those who want to devote their lives to creativity, to realize themselves in this direction. However, those who just want to find talents in themselves will discover a lot of useful and exciting things here. In addition, the exercises proposed by Julia Cameron will be useful to absolutely everyone who just wants to learn how to enjoy life, get rid of negativity in their thoughts, become better, learn how to relax, be creative, discover talents in themselves.

It is important to listen to yourself, your desires. You need to learn not to depend on the opinions of others, not to get upset over trifles, tune in to the same wave with your inner self and boldly go towards successes, undertakings and self-realization in different aspects life. And Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, will help you with all this.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version of the publication from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

A person must become what he must in order to fulfill the destiny of fate.

When the brush does its job, it will certainly stumble upon something that cannot be done by itself.

Sometimes, like this time, the answers seem superficial or too simple. But, as I was convinced, the simplicity is just apparent. Very often, following the advice received, I understand that nothing can be more correct than it. So I emphasize: the pages are my way of meditation; I lead them because they help me.

Every time you do not follow your inner instinct, you feel a loss of strength, energy and mental weakness.

“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes,” said Miles Davis. “They don’t exist.”

Any fair man it is recognized that the possible is much more terrible than the impossible, that freedom is more frightening than any prison.

Time Travel: List three "champions" who have boosted your creative self-respect.

"I deserve to love and be loved"; "I deserve a good salary"; "I deserve a full creative life»; "I am a brilliant and successful artist"; "I have a great talent"; “I am a confident expert in my field.”

We like to pretend that it is difficult to realize a cherished dream. In fact, it is much more difficult to get past the many doors that will begin to open in front of you. Turn away from the dream - and it will still remind you of itself. Agree to follow her again - and a new mysterious door will open.

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Julia Cameron. THE PATH OF THE ARTIST. Your creative workshop


When people ask me what my job is, I answer like this:

"I'm a screenwriter and director, and I also run workshops on creativity."

This is where people usually get interested.

"Like this? Can creativity be taught? - they are interested in either with a dismissive, or with an inquisitive expression on their faces.

“Creativity cannot be taught,” I say. “But it’s quite possible to teach people to allow themselves to create.”

“Are you saying that everyone is capable of this?” – Distrust and hope are already fighting on their faces.

"You and truth do you believe in it?"

“What exactly are you doing?”

This book is what I do. For ten years now I have been leading workshops aimed at unleashing creativity. My students were artists and non-artists, musicians and directors, housewives and lawyers - in short, anyone who wanted to learn how to live more creatively by doing some kind of art. Moreover, anyone who would like to learn the art of living creatively. Over the years, I have found, invented, guessed different tricks, and was also gifted with them from above. Using them, teaching and recommending to others, I saw how the barriers that hindered creativity disappeared, and the fate of people changed, and all only because we attracted the Great Creator to the discovery and awakening of creative forces in us.

"Great Creator? Just about some Indian deity. It sounds somehow too Christian, too sophisticated, too…” Stupid? Simple? Menacingly? I do not argue. Think of it as receptivity training or as a game. Just say to yourself, “Okay, let there be a Great Creator, whoever he is,” and keep reading. Allow yourself to admit that somewhere there is a Great Creator out there who can help you release your creativity.

Precisely because The Way of the Artist is, in fact, also a spiritual path that is born and practiced in creativity, the word “God” will be found in this book. For some readers, it may raise doubts, recall outdated, useless, unpleasant, or simply incredible ideas about God that they have had to hear since childhood. Please keep an open mind.

Remember, you don't need to have a concept of God to be successful in this course. Moreover, many conventional ideas about God can only interfere with perception. Don't let semantics become another trap that traps you in a creative dead end.

If you encounter the word "God" throughout the pages of this book, feel free to replace it with something like "benevolent guiding power" or "flow." It's about creative energy. God is a brief reference to it, understandable to most, but other designations are no worse: Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, Higher Power. Yes, and it's not a matter of somehow designating it. It's about trying to use it. Many have found it very useful to think of this energy as spiritual electricity.

Ordinary scientific approach, which is based on experiments and observations, without difficulty makes it possible to establish a practical connection with this very flow of benevolent directing force. My purpose is not to explain, discuss and try to define it. You don't need to understand the nature of electricity to use it.

Don't call this energy God if that confuses you. There is no need at all to invent a name for it, unless that name serves as a convenient reference to what you yourself have experienced. Don't pretend to believe if you don't. It is better to remain an atheist or an agnostic. Still, you can experience for yourself how working on the principles I have outlined turns life upside down.

As an artist with an artist, I have worked with potters and photographers, poets and screenwriters, dancers and novelists, actors and directors. With those who knew only what he dreams of becoming, and even with those who only dreamed of somehow expressing themselves creatively. I saw how artists who had “entered into a stupor” again took up the brush, how their muse returned to desperate poets, and writers who were unsure of themselves, stuck on one phrase and exhausted, were rapidly filling the last pages of drafts. All this made me not only believe, but firmly convinced of the following.

It doesn’t matter how old you are and what you do in life, it doesn’t matter if art is your profession, hobby or dream, the important thing is that it’s never too late to get creative, and this will not be a manifestation of selfishness, vanity or stupidity on your part. One of my fifty-year-old students who "always wanted to write" used my method and began to win prizes for his plays. Another, a judge, used the referrals to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a sculptor. Of course, not everyone after the end of the course makes creativity their main occupation. But even professionals note that during our studies they become more people, and only then - creative people.

Experience - my own and those I could observe - made me believe that creativity is our true nature, and everything that leads us into a creative dead end is unnatural and only interferes with the process that once was the same common and as wonderful as the one that gives life to a flower at the end of a thin green stem. I find this process of establishing a spiritual connection simple and unsophisticated.

If you are in a state of creative "stupor" - and I believe that every artist experiences it to some extent - it is possible, even likely, that you will learn creative freedom by following the advice of this book. Just as yoga changes your mind even though you're only stretching, the exercises in this book change your mind even though you're only writing and playing. So, follow the given exercises and the result will not be long in coming, whether you believe in it or not, whether you call it a spiritual awakening or in any other way.

In short, theory is nothing compared to practice. You will be engaged in the formation of channels in your mind through which the creative forces can begin to operate. Your creativity will kick in once you agree to clear those paths. In a way, it is like blood. Just as blood is just an objective part of your physical body, creativity is a part of your spiritual body that you don't have to invent.


I started teaching creative development workshops in New York. I led them because I was told to. One day I was walking down a cobblestone street through the West Village, bathed in beautiful afternoon light. And suddenly, in a moment, I realized that I should teach people, groups of people, how to find a way out of a creative impasse. Perhaps this desire was passed on to me from one of the walkers. Undoubtedly, there is a greater density of creative people in Greenwich Village - including "stuck" people - than anywhere else in America.

“I have to find a way out of the dead end,” someone probably breathed.

“I know how to do it,” I probably answered, responding to someone else's words. Internal movements have always played an important role in my life. I call them "orders to march."

Somehow, I suddenly realized that I knew how to help such people, and that I was destined to do this here and now, starting with the lessons that were taught to me.

What lessons am I talking about, you ask?

In 1978 I stopped drinking. I never thought that I owed alcohol the fact that I became a writer, but then it seemed to me that I would owe sobriety that I would cease to be one. In my mind, drinking and writing were inseparable, like, say, a gin and tonic. The trick was to subdue my fear and start writing as soon as possible before the booze fog thickened around my creative window, causing it to close again.

I was thirty at the time and had an office at Paramount Studios. Periodically being sober, I subordinated my entire career to such spasmodic creativity. Convulsive, whimsy and selfish. Yes, it was creativity, but it was more like blood rushing out of a severed carotid artery. In ten years of writing I have learned nothing but to recklessly, headlong, throw myself, no matter the difficulties, against the wall of what I have been working on. If my work was spiritual in some way, it was only in what made it related to the crucifixion. I fell on the prosaic thorns of life. I bled.

Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way has been a huge success for over 20 years. It is a manual that will help a person to open up creatively.

It is generally accepted that creativity is only for brilliant people. If a person sits down at the piano with the first or second attempt to create something beautiful, and the melody does not please the ear, then he decides that he is not capable of becoming a creator. If a person fails to create a masterpiece of painting, then he gives up and decides that “not destiny”. In fact, things can be quite different.

The book will help you unleash your creativity within 12 weeks. special exercises. It will give the necessary self-confidence, inspiration. After all, this is what is important in creativity. When a person thinks that if he is not Shakespeare, then there is no need to get into literature, this does not give him inspiration, and therefore will not allow him to create something new and amazing. But when he believes in himself, in his idea, when he is inspired and feels spiritual awe, then he can become a true creator. Of course, it does not always work out the first time, often a lot of work is needed, but the result will exceed all expectations.

The methods proposed by Julia Cameron have been used by thousands of people, and all recognize that they have helped them in their creativity and work. After all, creativity can be considered not only painting and music, but everything that a person makes his own. own way following the call of the heart. The book helps to hear this very call and reveal your Creative skills find inspiration and faith in yourself. The book will help both those who just want to find a creative beginning in themselves, and those who experience temporary creative difficulties and are again looking for their own path.

On our website you can download the book "The Way of the Artist" by Cameron Julia for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.



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