What values ​​can the align attribute take? HTML text alignment by center, width and indentation. Example. Text alignment

Press the button

To access the address book, you must

Press the button

To edit an HTML document displayed in the Internet Explorer window, you must use the menu items

“View” – “View HTML code”

RGB – the red color code is written as

RGB – the green color code is written as

RGB code blue written as

RGB code gray written as

The HTML language allows you to create

A tag, by definition, is


The web document must begin with the tag

The title of a Web document opens with the tag

The title of the web page begins with a tag

The body of a Web document begins with a tag

The running line is created by the tag

A new paragraph is created by the tag

A line break is created by the tag

A Definition List type list is created by the tag

Standard size font is set by tag

To enlarge the text, use a tag

A tag is used to reduce text

A tag is used to create blinking text

The type of font in the text determines the tag

The font color in the text is determined by the tag

The viewing direction in the text is determined by the tag

The language code for the text specifies the tag

The ALIGN attribute value specifies left alignment

The ALIGN attribute value specifies right alignment

The ALIGN attribute value specifies center alignment

The ALIGN attribute value specifies the alignment to be close to the left edge

In the TABLE tag, the UNIT attribute specifies the unit of measurement in EN spaces

In the TABLE tag, the UNIT attribute specifies the unit of measurement in pixels.

In the TABLE tag, the UNIT attribute specifies the unit of measurement in percent

Meaning VALIGN attribute sets content alignment to the top border

The value of the VALIGN attribute specifies the content alignment to the bottom border

The value of the VALIGN attribute specifies the vertical alignment to the center


Inserting a picture in HTML is written as

A list element in HTML is written as

  • http://www.mfua.ru – website of the MFUA
  • An HTML comment is written as

    If the head file of the Web page includes one tag , then the Web page includes

    At least 3 files

    If the head file of a Web page includes two subtags , then the Web page

    Divided into 3 frames



      Numbered list



        Unordered list



    Table cell


  • sets

    List item

    The size attribute may be present

    In the tag

    The bgcolor attribute may be present

    In the tag

    The value of the href attribute is

    URL - address

    Which of the following entries corresponds to the display of a picture on the screen with a caption underneath it?


    Specify the frame name in the tag's target attribute

    Set the target attribute to _blank

    Tag used

    To describe the structure and content of the site.

    You can host your website on a server for free

    Banner is

    B2B is

    Model of electronic trading of commercial firms with each other

    B2C is

    Model of e-commerce between commercial firms and consumers

    C2C is

    E-commerce model individuals with each other

    An electronic signature is

    A special encryption procedure that provides confirmation of authorship

    The basis of electronic money is

    Encryption with public key

    The banner in the banner spinner is moving

    Reboots at regular intervals

    Electronic document management uses

    Computers on the network and special programs


    Confidential sign confirming the right

    Hosting for personal websites

    Paid according to the rules established by the server owner

    Internet resource directories are

    Root zone DNS servers

    Banner effectiveness is assessed

    Number of clicks on it

    What is not the function of money?

    Transferring owner information


    ActiveX- kit technical means and techniques that link into a single whole different tools that allow Web page developers

    dpi(dot per inch) – number of dots per inch. Resolution unit various devices(printers, scanners, etc.)

    "Escape sequences"- sequences that can be used to encode characters not included in the ASCII table and included in HTML commands.

    FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a file transfer protocol used on the Internet to copy files from one machine on the network to another. File Transfer Protocol is used to exchange data between computers over TCP/IP networks. This platform-independent protocol allows you to move files between computers with different processors and operating systems.

    HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language - hypertext markup language). A language used to create hypertext documents on the Internet.

    HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol) is a protocol for sending hypertext files over the Internet. To use it, an HTTP client program must be running on one end of the channel, and an HTTP server must be installed on the other.

    IP(Internet Protocol) is the primary TCP/IP network protocol that provides address and routing information.

    IP address- a unique physical address of a computer connected to the Internet, made up of four decimal numbers, separated by dots.

    IRC(Internet Relay Chat) is a popular Internet service that allows users to communicate with each other by connecting to the same IRC server. The conversation is conducted in real time by typing your statements on the keyboard.

    OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) is a Microsoft technology that allows you to include in a document of one application (OLE client) an object created in another application (OLE server) with the ability to edit this object using the OLE server.

    PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect - interaction of peripheral components) - a personal computer bus that provides significantly greater performance and more advanced capabilities than the ISA bus.

    Plug and play(plug and play) is a standard for motherboards, buses, controllers and operating systems that allows a personal computer to automatically discover and configure hardware in the system.

    Shareware- free versions of programs with a limited time of full functioning.

    SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - Internet protocol for sending email.

    TCP Transmission Control Protocol is a connection-oriented protocol responsible for reformatting data into packets and reliably delivering those packets.

    TCP/IP- a basic set of Internet protocols responsible for breaking the original message into packets (TCP), delivering the packets to the destination host (IP) and reassembling the original message (TCP).

    Telnet- Internet protocol, which allows the user of one computer to connect to another remote computer and work with it as on your own computer, including editing, moving, and deleting operations.

    URL(Uniform Resource Locator - universal resource address) is a method of symbolically indicating the addresses of computers, resources and documents on the Internet.

    USB(Universal Serial Bus) is a hub that allows you to connect 127 different devices to one port. The USB bus has a standard connector to which all peripheral devices can be connected.

    Web portal- A Web site that offers access to various Internet resources via large number systematic and regularly updated hyperlinks

    Web page– a separate document with hypertext information located on a server, accessible to network users through the WWW service.

    WWW(World Wide Web) is a service that provides access to various Internet resources - documents, graphics, audio and video recordings, using the HTTP protocol and the HTML language.

    WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get - what you saw is what you got) - the principle of an exact match between the image on the display screen and the document printed on the printer.

    System administrator- an employee who administers operating systems, performs tasks related to setting up and maintaining the functionality of system software of servers and routers, distributing server resources between various services, maintaining a unified database of user budgets, participating in the maintenance and promotion of information and service services, integration of various services .

    Address- coded designation of the point of origin or destination of the data.

    AWS(automated workplace) - a personal computer equipped with specialized software (accounting, computer-aided design system).

    Architecture- a concept that defines the model, structure, functions performed and the relationship of the components of a complex object;

    Authentication (Authentication) - establishing the authenticity, reliability of something (object or subject). Authentication is an important component of network security technology.

    Database is a named collection of structured data related to a specific subject area.

    Banner (Banner) – a dynamic, bright picture on a Web page that advertises something.

    Browser (Browser) is a client program that facilitates the processes of moving between nodes of the global network, displaying, searching, collecting and storing information. The term comes from English word"browse" – browse.

    Hyperlink (Hyperlink) – a specially selected fragment of hypertext that contains a pointer to another server, site, document or document fragment that is invisible to the user. A transition to another resource occurs when you click on a hyperlink. When you hit a hyperlink, the cursor changes to the shape of a pointing palm.

    Hypertext (Hyper Text) is a document format that, in addition to text, can contain links to other hypertext documents, pictures, music and files.

    Global network (WAN, Wide Area Network) is a set of interconnected networks in which third-party communication tools are used for inter-network communications.

    Distribution- a program designed for the initial installation of applications.

    Domain– a group of servers located in the same area, organization, building, floor, division.

    Protection of information from unauthorized access and modifications - differentiation of functional authority and access to information in order to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability.

    Mirror– a server that is a copy of another popular but distant server. Used to reduce network load and increase information transfer speed. The contents of the mirror are updated periodically.

    Identification- the process of identifying an object (network, user, system, channel, device, program, process) with one of the known ones.

    Encapsulation- nesting data packets into each other.

    Internet– a global computer network that unites networks, gateways, servers and computers that use a single set of protocols for communication.

    Interface (Interface) - a connection between two devices or media, determined by the physical characteristics of the connectors, signal parameters and their meaning.

    Information system - an organizationally ordered set of documents, arrays of documents and information technologies that implement information processes. Another definition is possible. Information system is a set of data (databases or knowledge bases) and hardware and software designed to automate data processing (search, sorting) and solve problems typical of expert systems. There are factual IP (facts, for example, about the employees of the institute) and documentary IP (a set of articles, books, drawings).

    Information society is a society in which the majority of the working population is engaged in receiving, transforming, transporting and storing information.

    Information retrieval system is an applied computer environment for processing, storing, sorting, filtering and searching large arrays of structured information.

    Information Technology applied – technologies based on the use of application software.

    Information- this is information that removes uncertainty about the surrounding world, which is the object of storage, transformation, transmission and use.

    Channel- a means or path through which signals or data are transmitted.

    Cluster– the minimum unit of information placement on a disk, consisting of one or more adjacent sectors.

    Client- a computer on a network that requests resources or services from other computers on the network.

    Client-server- the concept of a network in which the bulk of its resources (databases, files, storage devices, external devices) is concentrated in servers serving their clients;

    Computer virus- a specially created small program that can attach to other programs, reproduce (create copies of itself) and perform unwanted actions.

    Cryptography (Cryptography) is a science that deals with the development of encryption methods - transformations that make text unreadable and difficult to solve without knowledge of the secret keys.

    Local network (LAN, Local Area Network) - a network within an enterprise, institution, or one organization.

    Latin alphabet No. 1(Latin-1)- a set of 8-bit single-byte characters ISO 8859/1.

    Macro- a sequence of several commands called by pressing one key. Macros are used to automate repetitive actions.

    Route- a sequence of network nodes through which information is transmitted from the source to the receiver.

    Routers (Router) - standard network devices that operate at the network level and allow you to forward and route packets from one network to another, as well as filter broadcast messages.

    Routing (Routing) - the process of determining on the network the path along which a block of data can reach the destination. Routing ensures that the address of the destination object is converted into a list of channels through which this block of data will travel to the destination.

    Masterspecial program, which uses several dialog boxes to help you perform a specific operation.

    Motherboard (Motherboard) is an independent element of a computer that controls internal connections and interacts with external devices using an interrupt system.

    Firewall (firewall, Firewall) is a hardware and software tool that prevents unauthorized access to the protected network.

    Modem (Modem) - a device that converts computer digital information into signals transmitted over a telephone line and back.

    Audio modem– a modem operating over dedicated or dial-up telephone communication channels with a data transfer rate from 300 bps to 52,000 bps.

    Broadband modem– a modem with a significantly larger frequency range and data transfer rate than audio.

    Multimedia- interactive tools that allow you to simultaneously perform operations with still images, videos, animated graphic images, text, speech and sound.

    RAM (RAM, Random Access Memory - random access memory) is a computer's volatile memory device on microcircuits for writing, reading and storing information.

    operating system (OS- Operating System) is a set of programs that provide control over the operation of the computer and its interaction with the user.

    Data package(information packet) is a block of data processed by network programs as a single whole.

    Folder- a Windows operating system object that is a container that can contain other folders, programs, applications, documents and shortcuts. The equivalent concept in the MS-DOS operating system is the terms directory and directory.

    Password- a confidential sign confirming the right of a user or application program to use a resource.

    Peripheral device (Peripheral Device) - a hardware component in a computer through which it interacts with the external environment.

    Pixel- an elementary point of an image on a display screen.

    Pictogram- compact graphical representation on the screen of a program, document, file, folder, etc. The terms icon, icon are practically synonymous.

    Search engine- a program used on a Web site to search for information.

    Search node(search page) - a Web page that allows you to search for information

    User (User) - a person who uses a computer to solve some applied problem.

    Mailbox– region hard drive on mail server, designed for writing letters. The owner of a mailbox can use a special client program to view, copy, move, and delete the contents of the mailbox. The mailbox is assigned a unique email address, which allows everyone mailbox distinguish from others.

    Proxy server– a computer that is used to reduce network load and increase performance.

    Protocol- a standard that defines the behavior of functional blocks when transmitting data.

    Workstation- subscriber system specialized in solving certain tasks user.

    Bus width (Bus Width) - the number of bits simultaneously transmitted over the bus.

    Distributed database - a database whose contents are located in several subscriber systems of the network.

    Regional network (MAN, Metropolitan Area Network) is a network that uses wide area network technologies and connects local networks within a specific geographic region, such as a city.

    Relevance- the degree of compliance of the selected information with the search criteria.

    Website- a set of Web pages, thematically related to each other and located on the same server.

    Server (Server) – 1. A program that provides the opportunity to use its capabilities (resources) to another program - the client. 2. A computer that provides services to another computer - a client.

    Server software (Server Network Software) is a type of software developed for servers that provides storage of resources for client access.

    Network Applications (Network Applications) - advanced programs available through the network communication system.

    Peer-to-peer network (Peer-to-Peer Network) - a type of network where each computer can be a client for other computers and also act as a server.

    Dedicated server network (Server-based Network) is a type of network where the presence of a server is required both to provide services and resources and to control access to these services and resources.

    Script– a small set of instructions (program or macro) used to perform a specific task. The most commonly used languages ​​for scripting are Java, Visual Basic, JavaScript and Perl.

    Traffic- load, information exchange, message flow.

    CPU (CPU, Central Processing Unit) is the central device of a computer that performs data processing operations and controls the peripheral devices of the computer.

    Chipset (Chipset) - a set of chips installed on the motherboard.

    Tire (Bus) - specialized set parallel conductors V personal computer, used to move data between the central processor and peripheral devices.

    Gateway (Gateway) - specific to the one used software a node connecting otherwise incompatible networks. Transforms data to enable network collaboration.

    E-mail (Email) - a service for transmitting and receiving text messages or binary files as attachments from one user's computer to another user's computer via the Internet.

    Greetings, Friends! Today we will talk about paragraph tag and alignment attribute. In general, all content on a page should be divided into paragraphs. Paragraph content is written between tags


    . When we display 2 consecutive paragraphs, an invisible field is formed between them, which pushes them away from each other. The tag is a block tag so it takes up the entire width of the page.

    For example, let's take a page with the following code:

    Page with paragraphs.

    First paragraph: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

    Second paragraph: It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using "Content here, content here", making it look like readable English.

    Let's see what this looks like in the browser:

    Surely you noticed that there is a tag in the page code strong, this tag makes the text bold.

    Tag attributes

    For each tag you can, and in some cases even need to, specify attributes. Through the attribute, we tell the browser exactly how to display this or that element on the page.

    The attribute is specified inside the opening tag bracket and has the following syntax: attribute_name="value"

    Alignment attribute

    For example, we have a paragraph on a page and we want to align its content. To do this, we write the attribute inside the opening tag align, which is responsible for aligning the content within the paragraph, and set it to one value.

    Contents of the paragraph.

    This attribute has 4 values:

    1.Left– Aligns content to the left. This value is the default. That is, if we do not specify the attribute for the paragraph align, then the content inside the paragraph will be left aligned by default. This can be seen in the previous example.

    2.Right– Aligns content to the right.


    Here's what it looks like in the browser:

    3.Center- Aligns content to the center of the page.


    4.Justify– Aligns content to the width of the page.


    Lesson summary:
    Today we learned what it is paragraph in html. Paragraphs are used very often in html. We also learned what a tag attribute is. And learned the alignment attribute align. Which can take one of the following values: left (default value),right,centerjustify.

    For images, you can specify their position relative to text or other images on the web page. The way images are aligned is specified by the align attribute.

    This attribute is deprecated, use styles instead.



    In table 1 listed possible meaning the align attribute and the result of its use.

    Table 1. Using align attribute values
    bottomAligns the bottom border of the image with the surrounding text.
    leftAligns the image to the left edge of the window.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...
    middleAligns the middle of the image to the baseline of the current line.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...
    rightAligns the image to the right edge of the window.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...
    topThe top border of the image is aligned to the tallest element of the current line.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...

    Default value


    IMG, align attribute

    This text wraps around the left edge of the picture.


    The following notations are used in the browser table.

    • - the element is fully supported by the browser;
    • - the element is not perceived by the browser and is ignored;
    • - may appear during operation various errors, or the item is supported with reservations.

    The number indicates the browser version from which the element is supported.

    HTML tags that determine text alignment and indentation

    Justified text used in typography

    The example below shows how to align text to width pages:

    align="left" align="right"

    The number of workers employed in the service sector and dissemination of information is growing every day. If the symbols of past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the current 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

    align="justify" align="center"

    The number of workers employed in the service sector and dissemination of information is growing every day. If the symbols of past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the current 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

    The number of workers employed in the service sector and dissemination of information is growing every day. If the symbols of past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the current 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

    The justify value ensures uniform align text right and left, that is in width. This method is widely used in printing.

    Aligning text in HTML to center and width

    Align text in HTML centered, text to the right:


    Attributes and values

    • align="left" - defines left text alignment(default).
    • align="center" - aligns text to the center.
    • align="right" - aligns text to the right.

    Alignment | HTML text indentation

    HTML text and its indentation on the left side of the page

    We will produce text indentation on the left in two ways:


    View in new window.

    Until now, we have aligned elements only to the left. More precisely, you and I didn’t do this at all, and the browser itself aligns elements to the left by default. Of course, it would be too boring to align everything to the left. Therefore there are various ways center and right alignment.

    Alignment of elements is something you just need to know when doing this. The first thing you need to do is type a simple page.

    Once upon a time there was a tag

    I do not advise you to use it now, due to the presence of more modern methods, but I can’t help but mention it. It is very, very simple to use. Everything you need to be centered, you place inside this tag. For example, here we align the 1st level heading to the center.

    You can add a picture, also aligned to the center, let's also move to the next line using the tag

    1st level heading, center aligned

    It was a tag

    , which is already outdated, in addition, contrary to your expectations of tags And simply doesn't exist. Let's say left aligned by default, center aligned using tag
    , but what about the right one?

    To solve this problem, the developers came up with universal method element alignment HTML. The method is to use so-called containers, which are created using the tag

    . That is, everything that needs to be placed in a specific container is placed inside the tag
    . And this tag already has the attribute " align", the value of which determines the position of this container. There are three values: " left", "center", "right". By default, it is " left“However, I think that this does not surprise you.

    Let's write the same one now HTML code, but using containers, in addition, let's align not to the center, but to the right.

    As you can see, everything works. I advise you to also change the values ​​of the attribute " align" to look at other types of container content alignment.

    Another way to align elements HTML- these are tables, but this topic deserves a separate discussion, so we’ll talk about it in one of the following articles.

    For now, your page should look like this:

    1st level heading, center aligned

    1st level heading, right aligned

    Sincerely, Mikhail Rusakov.

    P.S. If you want to know more about HTML then look at mine free course with an example of creating a website on HTML:



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