How to learn German quickly. How difficult is it to learn German? Variety of educational materials

Mnemonics techniques

Mnemonics techniques have been known since antiquity. Periodically, they experienced times of increased interest and prosperity. But one thing has always been clear: their knowledge and use greatly facilitates the memorization of any material and improves memory.

Advice: Get acquainted with some of the most famous mnemonic techniques and test their effectiveness for yourself.

1. "Loci" technique

New words are “assigned” to well-known objects on the way home, to pieces of furniture in the apartment, etc. For example, you need to learn German words that have a special mixed inflection pattern: der Buchstabe, der Gedanke, der Wille(n), der Funke, der Friede(n), der Name, der Same(n), der Haufen und das Herz . “Place” these words mentally or on cards with the word and/or picture on stationary objects in your room. Watch and remember.

2. Method " keywords" (keyword method)

A foreign word is remembered in pairs with a word of the native language that sounds similar, and both are remembered in some image:
“Gabel” - “rake” (Mentally draw a picture: a giant eats with a rake.)
“Bratkartoffeln” - “brother” (Mentally we draw a picture: a photograph of a brother who has a potato instead of a head.)
“Wetter” - “wind” (Mentally draw a picture: the wind drives clouds and brings good or bad weather.)

3. Technique of associative connections

It is associated with the property of our memory to remember faster and more firmly what is in a natural or logical interdependence. Associative links can be of various types:

3.1. Interactive:
To learn a series of words, you need to connect them into an associative chain, even an absurd one. For example, you want to remember neuter nouns that form the plural using the atypical suffix -en:
das Auge, das Bett, das Ende, das Hemd, das Interesse.
Draw a mental or real picture: at the end of the bed there is a shirt, from the pocket of which an eye is peeking out, in the pupil of which the word “interest” is written.

3.2. Grapheme:
Easier to remember similar words, if you come up with “knots for memory” (in German they are called Eselsbrücken - “donkey bridges”) and graphically secure them. For example: nap R avo - R echts, on L evo - L inks.
This makes it easier to remember the rules for using conjunctions a ls-w e nn:
A ls in der Verg A ngenheit einm A lig, w E nn in der G E g E nwart m E hrmalig,
or gender of nouns: de R Fehle R, di E Fahn E,da S Gedächtni S.

3.3. Figurative:
der Hahn - rooster and cock (in shape); plötzlich - imagine a person in front of whom a stone falls into a puddle and splashes him with water from head to toe.

3.4. With native language:
die Trauer - “mourning”, rot - red like a “mouth”, flott - “fast” like an Aeroflot plane; die Dose - "tin can" (with cola) - my daily "dose".

3.5. Kinesic or "motor":
“Tying” a word or phrase to a gesture or movement. For example, prepositions with dative and accusative cases are easy to remember if you memorize them accompanied by semantizing gestures: in, an, auf, vor, hinter, über, unter, neben, zwischen.

3.6. Contrastingly ridiculous:
In order to remember, for example, the gender of words, especially in cases where it does not coincide with the native language, which causes annoying errors:
das Bett - bed O, der Sessel - chair, das Regal - regiment O, die Couch - sofa A. You can memorize German words by looking them up in native language similar and funny associations: Überraschung - “stunning”.

3.7. Natural:
For example, to memorize the gender of nouns, memorize groups of words as they are usually used:
ein Glas Bier, ein Stück Brot (all neuter words),
eine Tasse / Flasche Milch, eine Scheibe Wurst, eine Stunde Zeit (all feminine words).
And, in general, try to learn new words not in isolation, but in “natural” word combinations:
eine große Rolle spielen, an der Universität studieren, einen Deutschkurs be suchen, die Prüfung ablegen, am Tisch sitzen, mit Appetit essen, sich über jemanden lustig machen...

4. Techniques for writing sentences or writing stories

For example, you need to remember the verbs that form Perfect with sein:
sein, werden, bleiben, folgen, begegnen, gelingen, misslingen, passieren, geschehen.
You make up a story in which you use all these exception words:

Ich bin Detektiv. Heute bin ich in der Stadt gewesen. Ich bin einem Mann gefolgt. Es ist dunkel geworden. Plötzlich ist mir mein Freund begegnet. "Was ist passiert?" - wollte er wissen. - "Warum bist du nicht zu Hause geblieben? Es ist world nothing gelungen, dich telefonisch zu erreichen." Endlich bin ich meinen Freund losgeworden. Es ist nichts Schlimmes geschehen. Aber meine Verfolgung ist misslungen!

5. Technique for composing rhymes

To remember various words, rules and exceptions, for example:

Vor l, m, n und r, das merke ja, steht meistens das Dehnungs-h.
Nach l, m, n, r, das merk dir ja, steht nie tz und nie ck.

-chen und -lein machen alles neutral und klein.

Regelmäßige Verben tun nicht weh, vorne ge- und hinten -t.
Bei Verben auf -ieren kann nichts passieren: ohne ge-, aber hinten -t.

Bis, durch, gegen, ohne, um, für - öffnen dem Akkusativ die Tür.
Durch, für, gegen, ohne, bis, um - Akkusativ, sei nicht dumm!

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu - sieben sind es an der Zahl
wünschen stets den dritten Fall.

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
Fordern Dativ immerzu!

Während des Sommers ist es heiß
Wegen der Sonne, trotz des Regens
Um des Lernens willen lerne ich Deutsch
Anstatt mich ins Bett zu legen!

Über, unter, vor und zwischen,
an, auf, hinter, neben, in
Nehmen Dativ nach dem "wo?"
Und Akkusativ nach "wohin?"

6. Techniques for composing acronyms (or abbreviations)

For memorization, for example:
coordinating conjunctions: ADUSO - aber, denn, und, sonder, oder;
suffixes-indicators of various genders:
der Ig/ling/or/ismus
die Heit/ung/keit/ei/schaft/tion
das Tum/chen/ma/lein/ment/um.

7. Technique of melodization and rhythmization

Singing speech cliche or a stable phrase to a simple well-known melody:
Würden Sie mir bitte sagen! - “Nikolai, let’s have a smoke!”
Schwer zu sagen! - “Get up early, get up early, get up early!”
To learn the spelling s/ss/ß: Nasse Füße machen Spaß, weißt du das?

8. Technique for visualizing the meanings of words or the content of rules, For example:

phonetic: emphasis on long vowels: BrOt, sUchen, trÖsten;


for example, depict the conjugation of strong verbs in the present tense in the form of “your own” special table or:
depict the frame structure of a German sentence as a bridge, on both sides of which there are, for example, verbs and prefixes:

Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf.
Wann stehst du auf?

4.2. I want to know everything! Or how to master vocabulary, grammar, phonetics

A million, a million, a million new words...
I guessed it!
Dictionary or flashcards?

Learning nouns.

So, you have started learning German. And, accordingly, you need to learn the words that make up the German language. I would like to draw your attention to those points that may help you.

Always learn the word together with the article. More precisely, learn the gender of the word. But it seems to me that it is more convenient to learn the word with the article. And we learn to learn a word correctly by reading it in the dictionary.


das Fenster, -s, = - window

What does this entry mean?

das (article) indicates that the word is neuter.

s – indicates a particle that is added to a word in the genitive (Genitiv). Let us remember that the genitive in German answers the question wessen – whose? In Russian, the genitive (genitive case) answers the questions of whom - what - whose?

An example of such declension

Verwenden des Fensters– Using (what?) a window.

= - this entry indicates that in plural the word does not change.


Die Fenster sind offen. The windows are open.

As you can see, in the plural this particular word has not changed; the ending typical for neuter words has not been added to it er.

But here's a particle s, added in the genitive, this is the standard ending for such words.

Hence the rule to make it easier to memorize words in German.

We always learn the gender of words!

Why is this important? Firstly, we will often use the word with the article.

Das Buch ist interessant.

(This) book is interesting

Simply say - Buch ist interesting- is fundamentally wrong.

In addition, we will need to use the article in possessive pronouns.

Das Buch ist interessent. Ich habe es gelesen.

The book is interesting. I read it.

N.B. Please note that the word “book” in German is neuter. Very often the gender in German and Russian does not coincide.

Declension in genitive for of this word we teach when it differs from the standard. Let me immediately note that in almost all cases the genitive of nouns is formed using standard endings s or –es. Therefore, we can almost always skip this declination in the recording and not teach it.

Start learning short, single-root German words. If you come across a long German word, be sure to break it down into its roots and learn those roots as well. For what?


das Rathaus – town hall, literally "council house".

der Rat– advice

das Haus – house

So we broke the word into its components and understood how it works. Why is this important?

Now we can understand many words that we had not even learned before, but we know its individual components.

For example, we come across the word raten. Upon completion –en and by the fact that the word is written with a small (lowercase) letter, we can assume that it is a verb. What does it mean?

Root Rat(advice) we already know. Of course, this is the verb “to advise”!

Here's a new word - der Ratgeber.

Particle „ geber“ clearly from the verb „ geben “ – give, ending –er indicates occupation. Those. “giving” something.

What happens? “Giver” + “advice” - advisor, consultant! So, without knowing the word itself, but knowing its components, we can understand this word on our own, without looking in the dictionary.

Learning adjectives and adverbs

They are best taught in pairs. Those.

klein-groß ( small – big)

kalt-hei ß ( cold – hot)

Learning verbs

Verbs need to be taught by paying attention to the following points.

1. Is this a regular verb? If the verb is irregular, it is better to learn it separately; they are usually learned in a special table.

2. Pay attention to whether the verb is reflexive or not. Those. is the verb used with a particle? sich ( or mich, dich etc.). In Russian, such verbs are used with the particle – tsya, -tsya.

Example: rejoice (please yourself) - ich freue mich(I'm glad, I'm glad). Be sure to learn the verb with this particle so that you can use it correctly.

3. Pay attention to the verb control, i.e. with what preposition and case it is used. Why? Because, the control of a verb in German may differ from Russian.


I'm shooting at the target.

But in German the control of the verb schießen (to shoot) is completely different!

Ich schieße auf Ziel – literally, I shoot at the target.

Or a very common phrase

I'll call you (on the phone).

IN German word there is a verb anrufen, this is a verb with a separable prefix (another subtlety).

In German the phrase will look completely different:

Ich rufe dich an – literally, I will call you.

Studying prepositions.

Please note that there are prepositions that are used with only one case.


Prepositions used only with the dative (dative case)

mit, nach, aus, zu, von, bei, seit, außer, entgegen, gegenüber

Prepositions used only with the accusative (accusative case)

durch, für, ohne, gegen, um, bis, entlang

Prepositions used only with the genitive (genitive case)

während, trotz, statt, wegen, ungeachtet, außerhalb, innenhalb

Once you have learned how to use such prepositions, you will be able to easily construct sentences correctly in German in the future.

I think that first, so that interest in the language does not disappear, it is worth starting with materials that are entertaining and educational at the same time. In this regard, I can advise you this:

1. German is a language that immediately begins with difficulties. The difficulty with this is the articles that determine the gender of the noun, and it - this gender - in German most often does not coincide with Russian (the most famous example here is “das Mädchen” - a girl, which in German is neuter; the article das indicates the gender, and there are also der and die + indefinite ein and eine). So you either have to stupidly memorize ALL nouns along with the articles that belong to them, or use the game "", and it is an excellent tool for memorizing articles (and for replenishing your vocabulary, by the way, too), since they are divided into simple, medium and complex. Don't ignore this game.

Well, I’ll allow myself a little self-promotion) I once wrote short fairy tales on German grammar, and they were published on the de-online website. One of these fairy tales is "". People liked it) Read it, maybe it will somehow help you in learning articles.

5. There is also a good audio course for beginners: " ": consisting of four episodes, it tells the story of student journalist Andreas and his invisible companion Ex. Each series includes 26 lessons with dialogues, exercises and audio materials. There are textbooks for this course (one for each series), which are downloaded separately.

6. As for textbooks, then, in addition to “German Grammar with human face" (a textbook with pure theory, no exercises), I can also recommend V.V. Yartsev's textbook "German Grammar? Don’t be afraid!”: there is a very interesting, humorous presentation of the material in the form of a journey through different clearings in the forest. Exercises are offered for each section, and answers to them are given at the end of the textbook.

7. For memorization irregular verbs- the song " ": these verbs are sung there in rhyme, thanks to which they are perfectly remembered. There are 40 irregular verbs in this song - that's just the beginning.

Do you want to learn German, but don't know where to start? Or have you already bought a German tutorial and are eager to go into battle? In any case, today you will learn 5 ways to learn German that will help you learn this language much faster.

1. Sign up for courses!

Yes, this advice is banal, but many people neglect it, hoping that they themselves will be able to learn German. Indeed, you can learn quite a lot on your own. but believe me, if you take a German course, your learning will be faster, more fun and often more effective. There are explanations for this: firstly, you will be more responsible for your studies, since you will have to pay some amount of money for the courses. Secondly, the courses will give you the incentive to compete with others in learning German. In addition, the teacher in the courses will be able to explain to you some points that you may not understand on your own. You will learn about another advantage of studying German in courses a little further.

Considering that the courses foreign languages available in almost any area, we recommend that you definitely enroll in the foreign language courses nearest to you.

2. Buy the book you want to re-read in German!

Do you want to re-read some literary work? - Do it in German! This way you will not only enjoy good literature, but you will also be able to learn many new words and expressions. Don’t forget to also write down all new words in your personal dictionary.

3. Be sure to purchase a dictionary and work with it!

This would seem to be obvious advice. But not many people understand that just having a dictionary is not enough. In order for the use of a dictionary to bring you more benefit, you must work with it correctly. Every time you come across an unfamiliar word, immediately look it up offline or online dictionary. Once you know the meaning of a word, be sure to write it down (including transcription and translation) in your personal dictionary. After writing down the word, do not forget to repeat it in the evening of the same day and in the morning the next day. This will allow you to retain this word in your memory for a longer period.

If you already know a little German, then it is advisable for you to also purchase a German-German dictionary. Using such a dictionary will allow you to update the connections between the neurons responsible for memorizing certain words, thereby you will repeat those words that you already know without noticing it.

4. Find someone with whom you can communicate in German!

It is best if you find not only a person with whom you will be interested in communicating, but also a native speaker who speaks Russian. If you meet a person who combines all the above qualities, you can consider yourself very lucky. First of all, because now you will need to make only minimal effort to learn spoken German. In addition, they can easily not only point out any obvious mistakes, but also explain certain aspects of German that you may not understand.

By the way, about the advantage of studying German in courses promised in the first paragraph. When attending language courses, you will, willy-nilly, during classes you will be forced to communicate with the teacher and with other students attending these courses. This way, you will not only be able to get advice on one or another aspect of German that you do not understand, but you will also be able to make new acquaintances with interesting people who not only share your goal of learning German, but will also be happy to be your interlocutors.

Of course, we don't mean that you need to sit in front of the TV all day long. It's best if you do what we recommended in tip #3, i.e. find a film that you like so much that you are ready to watch it again, and find its version in German. Since you already know the content of the film, it key points and perhaps even many of the lines from it, you will not concentrate on it. Instead, you can focus on what and how the characters in the film say. This will allow you not only to get acquainted with spoken German, but also to learn several phrases. Thanks to the Internet, today it is not difficult to find a film in German.

We hope that these methods will not only help you learn German faster, but also make learning easier and more enjoyable!

Do you need to quickly learn German before traveling or for a job interview, business negotiations or exams? In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to quickly learn German and how best to do it: on your own or with a teacher.

Let's say right away: we won't reveal the secret to learning a language in three days, but you will learn how to effectively learn German at an accelerated pace.

Our articles help improve your German. But a good teacher can handle this even better.

Is it possible to learn German quickly?

First, let's answer main question, which our readers often ask us: “Is it possible to learn German quickly?” Yes, this is possible and reasonable in cases where you urgently need to prepare for one of the following events:

  • passing an exam for admission to a Russian or foreign university;
  • passing an interview in German;
  • travel abroad;
  • moving abroad;
  • certain work situations (negotiations, presentations, promotions, etc.).

If you are preparing for one of the above events, we recommend learning German with a teacher. This method will be the most effective and fastest for several reasons:

  1. Well-structured program- the teacher will find it himself optimal materials for classes and will provide it to you.
  2. Complete understanding of materials- the teacher will present information in a logical order so that you understand everything and do not get stuck on one topic for a long time.
  3. Control and motivation- the teacher will monitor your learning process, monitor your progress and motivate you for further studies.
  4. Expertise- the teacher knows all the nuances concerning your event, for example, he has experience in preparing students to successfully pass an interview in German. Teacher from own experience understands what you need to know and what to pay attention to.

If time is running out and you need to learn German very quickly, contact the school.

If you want to learn German quickly and independently, read on.

How to speed up learning German with a teacher

Learning German with a teacher is the best quick way achieving the set goal. We want to tell you what you should pay attention to in order to achieve maximum results.

1. Find “your” teacher

Even in a rush, try to find a teacher with whom it will be pleasant and interesting for you to study. Decide whether a strict and demanding teacher is right for you or a person who jokes a lot and presents even serious topics with humor. In addition, the teacher must be a true professional and have experience in the issue with which you are asking him (passing an exam, passing an interview, etc.). If the teacher meets all these requirements, then you will definitely not quit classes after a week, but will happily continue studying until you reach your goal.

2. Determine the scope of work

At your first lesson with your teacher, explain in detail why you are studying German, so that the teacher can determine what topics you need to study and what exactly you need to know. Check and exact date events so that the teacher knows how long it will take you to learn all the material.

3. Exercise 3-5 times a week

Preparing for an interview or exam is not the time to relax. You need to gain as much knowledge as possible in a short time, so be prepared to work hard. It is optimal to study with a teacher 3-5 days a week for 1-2 hours a day and devote the same amount of time to independent work: doing homework, repeating material, etc.

4. Do extensive homework

Be sure to ask your teacher to assign you extensive homework. This way you will repeat the material you learned in class, consolidate it in your memory, and at the same time find out how well you have learned the information. The teacher will check your work, identify errors and help you get rid of them, so be sure to take the opportunity to test your knowledge.

5. Don't neglect writing.

The ability to do written work in German will be useful for almost any language learning goal. As you write, you find and use new words and phrases and expand your vocabulary, your mechanical memory turns on and you better remember the words you use.

6. Try studying with a native speaker

If your level of German is confident Pre-Intermediate and higher, then you can try taking additional classes with a native German speaker, especially if you are going to move abroad or travel. During the lessons you will not be tempted to switch to Russian, and you will also learn a useful thing - the ability to paraphrase what you want to say. This will help you if you forget a word in German.

What to do on your own to quickly learn German

Have you decided to prepare for the event yourself? Well, the work ahead is not easy, but interesting. In this part of the article we have collected for you only working techniques. quick learning German language.

But even if you study German with a teacher, no one has canceled independent work. The more time you devote to German, the faster you will learn it and the more more material learn. So the materials below can be used in your free time outside of class.

1. Choose a good authentic textbook

This point is important for those who study without the help of a teacher: the textbook will help you structure your knowledge and “dosage” it correctly. We recommend taking 1 unit lesson every 2-3 days if you want to quickly master the material.

2. Learn phrases by heart, not individual words.

Many polyglots practice this technique in order to quickly learn German: they cram not individual words, but entire phrases on topics that interest them. You need to do the same.

3. Retell thematic texts

This technique will help you learn the necessary vocabulary in context and remember frequently used phrases. For example, let's say you are preparing for an interview with an oil company. Search texts on oil production to familiarize yourself with the technical terminology. Retell the text after reading, using new useful words and phrases.

4. Repeat what you have learned

No matter how much you rush to quickly “swallow” a layer of the German language, take time to review previously studied material, otherwise it will very quickly fly out of your head.

5. Immerse yourself in the language environment

To learn German faster, you need to try to create a suitable language environment around yourself. This can be done as follows:

  • Listen to audio materials With the help of podcasts you will develop your listening comprehension of German speech. First of all, of course, you need to listen to the audio recordings for the textbook and complete the attached tests in order to immediately assess your achievements in German.
  • Watch videos Great tutorial videos to help you understand grammar topics and expand your vocabulary. And if you love watching videos, films or TV series, you don’t have to completely deny yourself this pleasure. Just watch a video in German that interests you, so you will practice your listening skills, and you can also find and learn useful vocabulary.
  • Read books and articles The best texts for studying are texts from a textbook, but if you are used to reading at least a couple of pages of an interesting book at night, try reading it in German. In the text you will see how words and grammatical structures German language. If time is short, read short texts in the original.

6. Run tests

Tests not only test your knowledge, but also help you understand a misunderstood rule if there are comments on the tasks. Be sure to take tests from the textbook you are studying from, and also visit sites with grammar and vocabulary tasks.

7. Do translation exercises

Maybe tasks like this will remind you school lessons, but in fact, grammar-translation exercises are very useful: they will help you learn how to quickly and correctly formulate your thoughts in German. At the same time, it is better to practice translating phrases and texts on the topic you need, this great way quickly learning German. You can check the correctness of the translation on various forums on the Internet.

8. Change activities

Try to alternate different types exercises every 20-30 minutes, so as not to tire your brain with monotonous tasks. This way you will better absorb knowledge and you will be interested in studying. Alternately engaging in different activities is the only correct way to quickly learn German.

9. Study other people's experiences

Read on the Internet about other people's experiences: how they passed an exam, prepared for an interview, learned German for travel. Usually they talk not only about how to quickly learn German, but also about their main mistakes, pitfalls, most frequently asked questions, useful resources for preparation, etc.

10. Use proven ways to quickly learn German

And finally, we would like to warn you against using techniques in the style of “scout method” or “German in 7 days”: they do not bring the expected results.

Now you know how to quickly learn German if you need to prepare for an event. The work ahead will not be easy, but if you work hard, all your efforts will pay off handsomely.



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