Each of you is already familiar with the character from children's horror stories and legends, the Queen of Spades. Usually the first question is related to how to call it, and the question of the consequences of the call fades into the background. In this article I will tell you about the possible harm and consequences of calling the Queen of Spades.

Based on the legend, we understand that the Queen of Spades herself is in the kingdom of the dead. If you disturb her and call her, you should not hope that she will come to you at in a great mood. The Queen of Spades can play a cruel joke on you and cause you both moral and physical harm, and if you’re lucky, it can simply scare you. If your challenge is not based on selfish goals of an evil nature and you are in a friendly mood, the Queen of Spades will most likely simply scare you, and may not show up at all.

If you call the Queen of Spades with a grin, without faith in her or her abilities, or are hostile, do not expect anything good from the ritual. If you make her very angry, she can take your soul and leave you with only a physical body. Yes, you will walk the earth in the same way, and outwardly nothing will change in you, but humanity, all wonderful feelings will die in you, only hatred, anger and indifference to everything around you will remain.

During the ritual itself, slight suffocation and clouding of mind are possible. Don’t be scared or surprised if, during the ritual, something starts to fall or break, you still call the soul from underworld. Also, immediately after the end of the ritual, there may be a breath of grave cold, and doors or windows may unexpectedly open. The Queen of Spades can cause bodily harm to you, either herself or with the help of objects around you. This could be a chandelier hanging above you, a closet next to your bed, windows, mirrors or other objects.

The Queen of Spades can leave bruises or redness on your body on her own. Also, sometimes she leaves her marks all over the place where you called her, they can be barely noticeable, or they can look like distinct red marks from prehensile hands. The Queen of Spades may begin to talk to you or convey some messages, sometimes not verbally, but rather incomprehensibly, for example, with the help of foreign objects she will try to explain something to you.

You shouldn’t expect good and pleasant words from the Queen of Spades; she will scare you and talk about approaching death, the passing of your loved ones or beloved pets, as well as the impending apocalypse. The most serious consequences can be injuries to the legs, arms, head and internal organs. The summoned lady may not touch you herself, but she is quite capable of getting into your brain and harming herself. The Queen of Spades can even, a lot depends on the time of day and your mood, and the location of the lady herself.

These are just the most basic points of what can happen when calling the Queen of Spades. It is impossible to predict her mood and the possibility of a response from her soul from the other world. But the Lady herself is quite strong, she moves like a soul that cannot be touched or even seen until she herself wants it, and can be unpredictable. You should think carefully about whether to call her, and be sure to think through a defense strategy. Summoning the Queen of Spades is a serious matter that can have serious consequences. I strongly recommend not to call her, who knows what will come to her mind?

How can you summon the Queen of Spades? How to call the Queen of Spades at home

Before finding out how to summon the Queen of Spades, they weigh whether the ritual is really needed. Summoning different entities is a dangerous matter that threatens unpleasant consequences.

In the article:

How to summon the Queen of Spades and who she is

The Queen of Spades is one of the perfumes popular among children and teenagers along with. Some expect the ghost to fulfill their wishes, while other teenagers perceive the ritual as a way to have fun and get a dose of adrenaline.

Among the cards, the Queen of Spades has a bad reputation and is identified with a witch or demoness. In the Queen of Spades, it usually means an enemy, a person with whom it is better not to mess. They put damage and strong quarrels on the card, ask for help in bad deeds.

Does the entity exist or is it just a child's imagination? Some children have a craving for mysticism with early age. Interest gave rise to the desire to summon different spirits. Children's energy is strong and can not only evoke an existing spirit, but also create something new.

How many children believe in the Queen of Spades? Everyone has heard stories at children's camps and places where teenagers interact with each other. The ghost really exists and can be summoned.

The Legend of the Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades was not always evil. The creature comes from another world - the Card Empire, which consisted of four powers (according to the number of suits in a deck of cards). Law and order reigned in each state, trade was carried out between countries and treaties were concluded.

The subjects of the Spades and Chervonnaya countries could not stand each other's company, although their kings were friendly. The powers began to quarrel. Other countries tried not to interfere in the conflict. The State of Hearts was considered good and pure, and the State of Spades was the offspring of evil. The king succumbed to the influence of his subjects. Four powers were involved in the war, but the forces were equal. As a result, a fragile truce was established, and hostility remained.

By old tradition Card empire, Queen of Spades was supposed to marry a jack of a similar suit, but was secretly in love with Chervonny. Her lover persuaded her to kill her rival, whom he was to marry, the Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Spades agreed, but upon returning to the palace under the cover of darkness, she learned that her lover had deceived her and was planning a wedding with the Queen of Hearts.

The Queen of Spades failed to escape; the woman was taken into custody. The peak state was disgraced. The legend does not tell how and when the Queen of Spades died, but it is known that after the Jack of Hearts and the Queen were found strangled. Since then, the spirit of the Queen of Spades, which has not found peace, has been helping women who wish harm to their rivals. In every provocative girl, the Queen of Spades sees, and in the guy, a Jack the traitor, demanding revenge for the disgrace of the family and deception.

Challenge of the Queen of Spades - consequences

The Queen of Spades challenge is considered a joke, which is often done by teenagers. The ritual is dangerous, but they get rid of the essence without complex manipulations. Although there are scary stories about the woman, the conscription goes smoothly if you follow the rules.

The ritual is primitive, but involves working with a mirror, which opens a portal between worlds. Not only the object of the call can penetrate from the gap, but also other spirits that are unknown in advance. It is impossible to prepare for the unexpected. Usually the entities leave along with the main person involved, but all the Queen of Spades’ calls require a quick reaction and the ability not to get lost in an extreme situation.

If among the summoners there is a child with , it becomes possible to summon not only the Witch of Spades, but someone stronger. Methods that drive away the Queen of Spades do not affect other entities. The spirits remain in the apartment, and the owner will have to take serious measures. It makes sense to use summoning options that do not require a mirror.

Usually the Queen of Spades is sent back when the entity appears. The ghost is not allowed to approach, because the ghost can strangle. The spirit should not be allowed to descend from the stairs. Spellcasters often complain about nightmares - the consequences of calling the Lady.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at home - the first method

The ceremony is performed at midnight. Before the time comes, prepare a mirror, red lipstick, a candle from natural wax and a napkin or piece of cloth. You need a deck of cards that hasn't been played.

Shortly before midnight, a staircase of thirteen steps is drawn on the mirror, and on top of the staircase is a door with a handle. The lights in the room are turned off and the candle is lit. The deck lies in front of the caster; the Queen of Spades is placed face down on the cards.

After preparation, stand around the mirror and say three times:

Lady of Spades, appear!

After a while, the mirror will darken, and the candle will begin to crackle or smoke: The lady is coming. Sometimes you have to wait several minutes for changes. A silhouette or face appears in the mirror. They often see an image quickly descending a drawn staircase: steps, laughter, and rustling sounds are heard.

One question is asked. The spirit should be driven away as quickly as possible. Using a prepared rag or napkin, wash the steps, starting from the bottom. The card is torn and then burned in the street.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at home - the second method

You can summon a spirit using mirror corridor - reliable, but dangerous way. The ritual is best performed at midnight, but it can be done at other times. The main thing is to close the curtains so that the room is dark.

Before the call begins, a candle is placed between two mirrors. The mirrors should reflect each other, forming a corridor. The caster picks up another candle and repeats six times:

Queen of Spades, the one who lives in the mirror world, come to the dim light of my candle.

Signs that the call has worked: the sound of footsteps, laughter, rustling, silhouettes in the mirror and darkening of the surface of the attribute. Both candles will begin to burn faster and smoke. As soon as they notice the spirit, they break the corridor of mirrors (move one of them), open the curtains and turn on the light.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at school

School lessons fall on daytime. In winter, the last lessons may coincide with the beginning of twilight. Schools have evening clubs. The summoner should, if possible, remain in the building until evening. Darkness is what the spirit loves. Light scares the essence - a way to drive away the silhouette. The ghost cannot tolerate daylight or electric lighting.

School toilets are equipped with mirrors. It doesn’t matter where the Queen of Spades is invoked - at school or at home, the ritual does not change. A company that wishes to conduct a ceremony can remain on duty in the classroom and conduct the call. You should close the curtains and take the necessary attributes for the ritual from home.

It is not advisable for anyone to see the ritual. Several people can engage in conscription, eliminating the possibility that other classmates and teachers will see them. An outsider distracts from the process: you can miss the moment when you need to wash the stairs. The spirit may become angry and punish.

How to call the Queen of Spades on the street

The Queen of Spades is called in an apartment, at a school, even in an entrance hall or outbuildings. The ritual began to be performed on the street recently.

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The Queen of Spades is a famous character who attracts with her mystery. Many believe that you can communicate with her if you know how to summon the Queen of Spades at home. Legend has it that her spirit can make any wish come true.

Who is the Queen of Spades

In a deck of cards, the Queen of Spades has a bad reputation. The appearance of this woman in a fortune-telling scenario does not bode well.

There is an old parable that tells the life story of the Queen of Spades. It's hard to believe, but she was once a sweet and friendly woman who was destined to marry the jack of her suit. But you can’t tell your heart, the Lady was not in love with him. She liked the jack of hearts.

The lover asked the Queen of Spades to kill her rival, the Queen of Hearts. Intoxicated by passion, she gave her consent and came to the castle at night to commit this crime. But then she was arrested. It turned out that the Jack of Hearts set her up; he planned to marry the chosen one of hearts.

Since then, Queen of Spades has become angry and cruel. She began to see every girl as a rival, and in every man as a traitor.

Challenge of the Queen of Spades

To summon the Queen of Spades, you must perform a mystical ritual. To do this you will need the following attributes:

  • Mirror
  • Scarlet lipstick
  • Candle
  • Cloth napkin
  • A new deck of cards that was not used for games or fortune telling

Ten minutes before midnight, complete all preparations. You need to draw a staircase of 13 steps on a mirror surface. Use lipstick to apply the design. On the top step, draw a door with a handle.

Turn off the lights, light a candle. Place a deck of cards on the table, with the Queen of Spades on top. After this, wait until midnight. At the moment when the clock shows the time 00:00, stand in front of the mirror and say loudly three times: “Mistress of Spades, come!”

If you did everything correctly, the mirror will begin to become cloudy and the candle will begin to crackle. The flame may sway as if a light breeze has blown. If this happens, know that the Lady of Spades has come to your house.

Sometimes this doesn't happen right away. Repeat the ritual words, wait a few minutes. After the candle flame begins to sway, you will be able to see a woman’s face or the outline of a silhouette in the mirror.

Sometimes people who call the spirit see a black man descending a schematically depicted staircase. This is the mysterious black Lady you've been waiting for.

Sometimes when calling a spirit, muffled laughter and shuffling steps are heard. These are messengers that you have completed the ritual successfully.

How to ask a question

Often people who evoke otherworldly forces are frightened by strange sounds and rustles. Therefore, they immediately forget why they contacted the spirit. Don't make this mistake.

To avoid forgetting your question, write it down in advance on a piece of paper and place it next to the mirror. This will help you concentrate at the right time.

After the entity has appeared, ask your question loudly and clearly and make a wish. After this you will hear an answer. Often people hear it clearly in their heads, like an echo.

After this, you should immediately drive the spirit away so that it does not have time to take root in your home. It may be dangerous.

How to drive away the Queen of Spades

So, if you have voiced your desire and asked a question of interest, then remember that you need to say goodbye to the mysterious Lady. To do this, take a pre-prepared cloth and wipe off the steps from the mirror. You should start from the bottom and work your way up.

When the entire staircase has disappeared, take the Queen of Spades card, take it outside and burn it in a secluded place.

If you manage to summon the Queen of Spades, do not tell your friends and relatives about it. Keep this information secret until your wish comes true.

Video instructions

Black rites and witchcraft rituals have always attracted unknowing ordinary people. And with the release of the film of the same name “The Queen of Spades: The Black Rite” and many films of fantastic content, the spirit of an evil woman turned into a demonic character who really exists for many fans of spiritualism and magic in the other world.

But how safe it is to access a space unknown to science, and why it is impossible to call the Queen of Spades and other entities, people do not think about it.

Origin story of the Queen of Spades

A fictional image, a black witch or a dead dark female soul, no one knows whether the Queen of Spades actually exists and what she looks like. There is much debate about the character's origins. AND real story The Queen of Spades is surrounded only by fictitious legends:

  • symbolic image of A.S. Pushkin. It still remains a mystery: or remorse killed young man, or still revenge dead soul old women;
  • devil's wife The famous harlot Magdalene, who, after meeting Jesus Christ, repented and began to lead a righteous lifestyle. The mother did not accept her daughter’s choice and took on a demonic form;
  • a legend about a gypsy woman who was predicted to die of her daughter Eliza. Trying to save the narcissistic beauty, her mother locked her up and hid her from the whole world. But the girl fell in love and drowned in the river after the death of her chosen one. Mother began to take revenge on all people.

Nobody knows what the Queen of Spades was called and whether she was real. From stories and scary stories supposedly eyewitnesses know that nothing good should be expected from an evil spirit. Even in fortune telling, the Queen of Spades card is an uncompromising, influential and aggressive woman.

When and why you can’t call the Queen of Spades

To magic ritual successful, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge of communicating with evil spirits, create the appropriate atmosphere and fulfill everything necessary conditions, choose exactly the time and the right place for it. When can you perform a ritual to summon the Queen of Spades:

  • midnight. The fear that people experience at nightfall attracts evil forces;
  • full moon. Evil spirits, werewolves and restless souls become active during this period;
  • Friday the 13th. The best day to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that on this day people are surrounded by evil spirits.

Excessive imagination and excitement can provoke visual hallucinations. This is one of the main reasons why can't you call the queen of spades at night and alone. It's better to invite friends or like-minded people.

How and why you can’t call the Queen of Spades at home

If you are a superstitious and overly suspicious person, afraid of the dark, performing any magical actions is dangerous. Only people who are confident and strong in spirit can perform the full ritual called the “Queen of Spades”:

  • place two mirrors opposite each other on the table;
  • draw 13 steps and a door at the top with lipstick on one reflective surface;
  • Place one candle near the mirrors, take the second in your hand;
  • turn off the lights;
  • say the magic words: “The Queen of Spades appear!” If the Queen of Spades is scary, it is better to put out the candles, lower the mirrors with their surfaces facing the table, and turn on the lighting. If the spirit is calm, you can ask it to fulfill a cherished wish or ask about something important.

An indispensable attribute of any ritual action is a light source, since in the dark it will not be visible what to do. The reflective surface is an excellent conductor for otherworldly entities, and the image of the Queen of Spades is infused with a soul. This is why you cannot summon the Queen of Spades without cards, candles and a mirror.

How and why you can’t call the Queen of Spades on the street during the day

It’s hard to believe that on a sunny day you can turn to dark forces for help. They prefer the night, the moon and bad weather. And in the living conditions of a large metropolis it is quite noisy and crowded. But, if it is not possible to carry out the ritual correctly on the street during the day, why can't you call the queen of spades at home:

  • close the curtains tightly. Exclude sunlight from entering the room, create twilight;
  • Place a mirror on the table. Sit opposite;
  • take the paper. Depict equilateral triangle. Don't try to look for ways to draw the Queen of Spades on a sheet of paper;
  • place the card so that the Queen of Spades appears in the mirror;
  • repeat the spell three times: “Queen of Spades, come!”

The mirror darkened and a figure appeared, ask a question or make a wish. After this action, turn the mirror surface towards the table, calm down, open the curtains, turn on the light. Any unpleasant sound, evil laughter or loud steps during the ritual indicate that the Queen of Spades has appeared and the fortuneteller will face negative consequences in the future.

Many have already early years We heard legends and stories about the mysterious Queen of Spades, but in reality no one knew about the authenticity of her existence. To test the authenticity of the legends, the bravest among us took risks and dared to meet her. The legend of the Queen of Spades is in many ways similar to the legend of Bloody Mary, and is also its original embodiment.

There are different versions origin of the Queen of Spades, but the essence of many of them is that the legend of the Queen of Spades is associated with a card deck in which her image is contained. Either her ominous image, or the black peaks with their sharp tops served as symbols of something sinister, but since ancient times the Queen of Spades has been compared to a witch who carries within herself dark forces. Thanks to many stories about a lady living through the looking glass, the Queen of Spades began to be considered an object of mysticism, secrets and unfavorable energy. As a result of many legends, people appeared who began to believe in the materiality of the mystical creature. Thus, the mysterious woman on the card became a symbol of an evil spirit.

There are opinions that the Queen of Spades can be summoned using a certain ritual. But what is the essence of this process? Convince yourself of the authenticity of the existence of the Queen of Spades, refute all the legends, or perhaps the desire to fulfill a wish? Everyone chooses for themselves.

On at the moment There are several options for how you can summon the Lady from the looking glass, but it is worth remembering that calling a creature from another world is unsafe and carries a bit of risk. It is also worth remembering that the summoned creature may turn out to be a spirit that came into our world to punish the one who disturbed his peace.

So what methods can you use to summon the Queen of Spades?

Method No. 1

The essence of the first method is to draw a staircase on the mirror at midnight with red lipstick, turn off the light and light a candle. Next, say the words three times:

Queen of Spades, come

If after the above words any sounds are heard, for example, the clicking of heels, laughter, steps, or a moving silhouette is visible in the mirror, the ladder drawn in lipstick should be erased immediately. True, there are also stories that the Queen of Spades moves at such a speed that you may not even notice how she ends up next to you.

Method No. 2

For the second method, we only need perfume. Having perfumed yourself, you need to go outside and stand in front of multi-storey building. Looking through the unlit windows of the third floor, say the words three times:

Queen of Spades come / show up / appear...

Method No. 3

Third way. At midnight, sitting or standing in front of a mirror, tear up the Queen of Spades card. Next, the Queen of Spades will appear in the mirror, coming towards you from afar. Looking in the mirror, you will see how she begins to choke you. At this time, you need to turn on the light or break the mirror, otherwise she will strangle you.

Method No. 4

The fourth method requires a dark room. Best suitable for a bathroom room. After smearing the mirror with soap, light the candle and place it so that the candle is reflected in the mirror. Next, take the Queen of Spades card and place it face down to the mirror. It is worth remembering that when using this method, your hair must be gathered under a scarf, otherwise the Queen of Spades will grab you by the hair, begin to drag you and hit you against the walls. When all preparations are made, you need to sit down and peer into the mirror. At midnight you will notice figures in the mirror. These can be either white triangles or shapes of a different color. White triangles symbolize the kind Queen of Spades and the wish you make can come true. Figures of a different color are a symbol of the bad Queen of Spades, which can bring misfortune and misfortune.

Method No. 5

Fifth way. Fill the glass first cold water, and then warm and cover it with a mirror. When condensation appears on the mirror, i.e. droplets, at midnight say: “Queen of Spades, come out!” At the moment when the Queen of Spades appears, it is necessary to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!” There is also a possibility that when you meet the Queen of Spades, you will be scared and will not be able to do anything. In this case, you should just run away.

Method number 6

To implement the sixth method, you need to tie a black thread on your hand at 11 o’clock at night. After this, say 10 times:

Queen of Spades, come!

When the Queen of Spades appears, cut the thread and say:

Unclean one, get out!

Method No. 7

For the seventh method, during the call there should not be any red objects in the room. You need to take a glass and put 15 kopecks in it with the tails. At the same time repeat “Queen of Spades, come!” At this moment, the coins in the glass will begin to rise from the bottom. When the Queen of Spades appears, she will point at someone present. The person she chooses will be happy.

Method No. 8

Eighth method. Stretch a white thread from the table to the bed and hang the candy on it. At midnight, write a wish on a piece of paper. If the temptation to see the Queen of Spades awakens in you, then this should be done carefully, so that she does not notice it. For example, through slightly open eyes. If the Queen of Spades notices that you are peeking, there will be grief.

Method number 9

For the ninth method, you need to stick a needle into the wall. At midnight the Queen of Spades will appear to you, who will either fulfill your desire or strangle you. At the same time, you cannot turn on the light, otherwise it will disappear. If suddenly the Queen of Spades wants to strangle you, then you need to scream:

Tari, tari, tari, her,

Make my wish come true!

Method No. 10

For the tenth method take red wool threads, which are tied to the legs of a chair or some other furniture. Then, taking a card with the queen of clubs, they place it face down and leave the room, closing the door behind them. After some time, entering the room, on the floor in different places you can see crosses that look like birds. It is also possible that the chairs in the room will be overturned and the bed thrown off. If you hurry and enter the room before the Queen of Spades has time to hide in her card, she can strangle you. To avoid this, you should wait 10 minutes before entering the room.

How to call the Queen of Spades video



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