Seed for a big city in minecraft. The best seeds for Minecraft PE

To start a good adventure, you have come to the right page. You won't find such diversity, splendor and madness anywhere else. The list includes seeds for villages with buildings, huge fortresses, majestic biomes and much more. If you try all of the seeds listed below, you can safely tell all your friends that - I saw everything in Minecraft.

Attention: Type the seed in the exact order of letters that is written. If there is a capital letter (capital letter) at the beginning of the seed, then type in a capital letter. If not, then no.


In the world of Mine there are a lot of spawns for villages. This is fine. But when the spawn of a village is located near a mountain, you get this something. It looks like an ordinary village, but if you look closely, you will see an insanely tall house, a huge fortress with a door five heads taller. How do you like rock gardens? How do you like squatting on an inaccessible slope? This is actually a little madness in the vastness of Minecraft. And it’s very nice that this particular seed starts our list of the best.


Villages, as a rule, should be small, with small houses and occur once every thousand squares in the world of Minecraft. But this village doesn't think so. On this seed, three villages spawned at once, forming a huge “metropolis”. It is difficult to find such a residential "neighborhood", especially if it was built by the game itself, and not by its players. By entering this seed into the game, you will appear next to this village. Go straight and you will see her.
We also bring to your attention other seeds:
- Seed for 5 villages 1235045255
- 450864243
- 1388582293
- village pls
- 455 and more 9047


At first glance, this is an ordinary forest biome. But this is for the first time. If you climb up and look closely, you can see trees and pieces of land floating in the sky. This looks strange and very tempting for builders of something extreme, for example, a flying base. Go ahead, try it.

Mesa plz

Great seed for survival. You appear on an island, surrounded by water, sand and one tree. But don't despair, there are quite large mines under the island with many useful resources. Try ultra survival mode and set it to the highest difficulty.
Also seeds for survival:
It's a tree- similar


Perhaps we’ll give this seed the title of best seed of the month. Mesa Bryce biome in all its glory. As soon as you appear at the spawn of this biome, turn around and see baked clay - that's where you want to go. After walking some distance you will see the huge size and height of the mountain peaks from different types clay. It is so beautiful that it cannot be put into words. You need to see this for yourself. Perhaps this best view biome in the world of Minecraft.
Also, other seeds with mesa (Mesa Bryce):

lagoon- you appear in the jungle biome, turn around and see the Mesa plateau, and then the mesa biome.
237568 - a double village in the mesa biome and a Fortress below it.
29616 - Village near the Mesa biome. There is an abandoned mine in the mountains.

kick me from the hill

The swamp biome, which very well borders the biome high mountains. Quite a nice seed, it’s nice to look at these formidable rocks. But if this is not enough for you, there is a small village next to the spawn, and in the forge chest there are: 2 emeralds, 2 gold bars, an iron helmet and two apples. I hope you like it.


You can spend a lot of time searching for a village, or you can just download this seed and save time. This is one of the largest "metropolis" of villages in Minecraft.

The second seed for a huge village, which is located in the mountains biome, is even larger - 1235045255 .

legend of luuc

You appear in the desert, and the Mesa biome is nearby, but that's not all. There is a sand village in the depths of the desert. There is a forge with a chest and very beautiful houses from sand. But that's not all. If you dig under the well, you can find a Fortress (citadel) with many chests and two huge libraries. There is even a portal to the Ender world in the Fortress, but we know that it does not work yet.


After appearing at the spawn, you will see a small village. Go to her. As you approach it, you will be greeted by a magnificent landscape of the very rare Ice Plains Spikes biome. High peaks of ice, snow all around and huge tundra. What could be more beautiful?
You can also look at another seed:
- Kaboom

candy Crush Saga

Well, first of all, the name is already fancy. Secondly, I have never seen such holes in the rocks. Thirdly, there are also huge waterfalls in these rocks. As a result, this is a very interesting Mountain biome. When loading on this seed, stand still for a couple of seconds until the world loads, then just turn your head back and say WOW!


Explore a beautiful snowy biome complete with Glacier Tundra and a village too. An ideal place to stop before a long journey into the snowy plains. Very nice seed. You should definitely study it. .


One of the most charming biomes in the game. Yes, this is a mushroom biome. Despite the realistic nature of all the biomes in the game, this type of biome is fabulous. Mushrooms are not that big, always correct form. On the plains of this mushroom mass live mushroom cows. The creatures are essentially useless, but very cool. To get to the mushroom biome of this seed, you need to go a little further than the village.
Another seed on - 320439


Swim a little further from the spawn and you will see an incomparable view of the high cliffs that stick out from the ocean. It is so breathtaking that the very view of these mountains is worth hundreds of diamonds.


Quite a lot of joy of discovery comes from finding ordinary Minecraft things in unusual places. Therefore, we present to you a unique village, which is located on the ocean. It's like a port city that supposedly welcomes passing ships. Very interesting place.


In this seed you appear on the edge of Metataiga, which is filled with tall trees, mushrooms and structures made of mossy cobblestones, and of course wolves. If you want to dedicate your Minecraft game as a carpenter, this is the best seed for you. There are thousands of blocks of wood.

this is a combination of numbers or letters that allows you to create worlds with different ones, and there are a lot of them.

Minecraft world generation keys also called seeds.

When creating a world, you need to enter the world generation key:

  1. Let's start the game
  2. Click the Single Player button
  3. Click the "More world settings..." button
  4. Enter key in the “Key for world generation” field
  5. Click the "Create New World" button
  6. Ready!


  • 1711734982989244509 - you will find yourself on the beach next to the village, next to a ravine and an abandoned mine
  • kedengkedeng- you will find yourself in a village near the river
  • biome- you will be in a snowy world, near the village
  • gargamel- you will appear in the forming a ridge
  • 404 - there is a hole next to you to the adminium, you just need to find gravel and dig
  • Glacier- this world is full of flying islands and waterfalls
  • Winter-
  • 616263 - uninhabited island and water
  • Ar- nautical chart
  • f99t- a world with many resources
  • Maxi- and mountains
  • WasteLand- almost plain with few trees
  • Civilization-lots of wood and resources, but no water at all
  • What the fuck- snow everywhere
  • Herobrine- everyone knows each other
  • por*o- peace with
  • 66666302 - you will appear next to the village. In the forge you will find an iron ingot, an iron breastplate, bread and a diamond. There are also mountains nearby with a lot of pumpkins. The world will start working the 2nd time, because... When you first start it, chunks are not drawn in it
  • andwhenthemountainsgrew- seed for adventures. Switch to survival for more fun.
  • Artomix- island
  • Temple- spawn near the mountain biome.
  • grandson- you will appear as if underground in some kind of crypt
  • Theworstseedever- abstract tones, a mixture of jungle and swamp biome, also two canyons, very beautiful
  • 6533320452545774686 - a collection of fantastic islands: various food, wood, ores, sugar seeds or cane.
  • 109269902 - seed with very big map for Minecraft 1.7. This seed is rich a huge amount resources, animals and other things necessary for life and survival.
  • -6537646629406718267 - will spawn you right next to a small village, among dense oak forests, next to the acacia biome and the desert biome. Directly across the road you will see a village with a deserted temple. In this temple you will find enchanted books, emeralds and much more
  • 1276197293612298877 - this seed will allow you to feel the beauty of loneliness on a desert island
  • 2466194839641607740 - a seed for Minecraft 1.8, representing a desert with a temple and an NPC village. In the desert temple you will find as many as seven diamonds. And if you go downstairs of the temple, you will find a mysterious cave with nine large diamonds
  • yogtowers- seed for Minecraft 1.8. - blue ocean with beautiful mini islands that rise here and there above the transparent surface of the water
  • 3657966 - the seed contains NPC villages, eleven diamonds, a beautiful mushroom biome, underground mines, dungeons and a desert temple. In the village you can find the village blacksmith located near the spawn
  • -2361431792115655139 - seed for checking survivability. A small island in the middle of the ocean. You will only have a couple of trees at your disposal, a little sugar cane and... that's it
  • -7913242515578862597 - Appear in the jungle near the temple and village. In the temple chests you can find an enchanted book for strength III and durability III, 1 diamond and golden horse armor.

This article shows the TOP 5 most interesting seeds for survival in. We will tell and show you about them. Not only interesting, but also excellent generation keys for survival. Some generations have rich resources, while others have amazing topography.

Let's get down to business and look at all five generation keys. Let's start our list from the most interesting generation key.

Ocean monument and underwater fortress

How can I find the monument and this fortress? Once you create a world with this key, you will appear on a tree in the forest biome. And there should be a desert biome near you. Finally, to reach the legendary structures, you must enable cheats in the settings menu. Next, enter the command into the chat: /tp 1258 75 -1827, then you will find yourself at the very location of these structures. But or, of course, you can just move to the given coordinates.

Key generation: 702642131

We think that this generation key will be especially useful for you. After all, you can save time and immediately find that very mansion in the forest. You will partially spawn near this structure, but you will need to walk about 100 more blocks to your destination. Most likely, you should not have any problems, because it is quite easy to find. And so, to get to this building, you need to turn right after appearing and walk through the dense forest. This will take you to the forest mansion.

Key generation: -518068014

Village by the ravine

This time you are lucky, because you will appear near this gorge with a village. The ravine surrounded the village in a semicircle. These are probably the results of a terrible disaster. And if the ravine were generated closer to us, would it be more interesting?

Key generation: -1000

Two villages and an underground fortress

A simply amazing appearance awaits you in this generation key, because you will appear in the middle of two villages, so to speak, in the center of events. This generation key is just perfect for your survival, because the first and second villages have a blacksmith, which means you won’t be left without bonus things.
If you are ready to travel to the underground fortress, then you need to go to the deserted village. And then find the well of this village. After you have found the well, go down through the water and break the bottom of the well. This will take you to the underground fortress.

Views: 4605 | Date: 01/29/2017, 11:00

Sometimes it’s very long and tedious to look for diamonds, villages and cool biomes, isn’t it? Our seeds will give you all this in just a few seeds. We have been collecting seeds for a very long time, starting with version 0.9.0 and now we are finally ready to provide you with seeds that work on versions 0.9.0 - 1.0, seeds that work across the entire minecraft parallel

Before moving on to the review of seeds, I want to say that you should type the seeds in the order in which it is written here. If there is a “-” sign in front of the seed, then you also put “-” if the seed contains capital letter- then you put it big. And here we go, let's go!

10th place.

Our top opens with a somewhat strange seed that generates a village, but this seed is not simple, but with a strange house that is as tall as 6 players. It would be really cool to build a house out of it - a fortress and not be afraid of anyone except the Enderman and the Skeleton, but you can also protect yourself from them, but you can find out about this in other articles, but I leave the seed and we move on.


9th place.

Ninth place goes to another seed that generates a sand island in the middle of the ocean... There is only one tree on the island, which can become critical, but at the same time it will be an exciting survival. You will be worse off than Robinson Crusoe, because he had a tree... At least you can set yourself conditions: Do not leave the island and then this seed will become even more interesting. By the way, animals are unlikely to spawn and on the first night you simply need to kill a spider to craft a fishing rod and subsequent fishing, but these are minor things, and we move on...

Mesa plz

8th place.

It’s difficult to choose a cool seed, because all 10 seeds are very cool, and I need to make sure that only 1 takes first place... Well, in 8th place there is a seed that generates a village, but it’s not the most interesting thing in this seed. Much more people may be attracted by the beauty of the intersection of the mountain biome and the swamp... Well, if you still need loot from the village, then there you will find the following gear in the Blacksmith's house: 2 emeralds, 2 gold ingots, an iron helmet and two apples. I hope you like it.

kick me from the hill

7th place.

As everyone knows, villages in Minecraft are small and rare... One for several square kilometers, and it’s not a fact that there will be a forge in it. But this village threw the rules of the game to hell and was generated as huge as a city. I have never seen such breathtaking seeds before, a huge metropolis, as if an entire city was spread out in the middle of a plain. There are so many forges, temples and libraries that it takes your breath away!


6th place.

I couldn’t choose which of these seeds is cooler... Therefore, in the 6th and 5th places there will be two equal seeds, so the 5th place goes straight away...

5th place.

Two of the coolest seeds. And the first of them is flying islands in the forest biome, yes, you read that right, these are flying islands in the middle of the mountains! There are trees on the islands, which in my opinion is very suitable for builders and simply for survival!

And the second seed - something with something, he claimed third place, but unfortunately did not make it to 4th and ended up at 6-5. This is the Table Mountains biome in the Messa biome. I simply don’t have enough words to describe this wonder of the world! Just admire the pictures


4th place.

The top three winners are just around the corner, but for now let's look at the very mountains behind which the winners rise. This seed is the edge of the ice mountains, in the middle of which there is a village! Very impressive! A village in the Ice Plains Spikes biome is a rare sight!


A wonderful seed with a desert, Mesa biome and a sandy village with a forge earns bronze. But if all this has not yet attracted you, then I’ll tell you a secret - under the well there is an entrance to the fortress with a portal to the world of “The Edge”, yes, yes. A very cool seed, but unfortunately you will have to look for a tree.



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