Family outdoors in autumn. How to organize a family photo session in nature

Our children are growing up very quickly. Time mercilessly takes with it the first steps and initial achievements, cheerful and mischievous laughter, pranks and the transition to adulthood. However, parents always want to remember these important points, which bring so much warmth and joy.

By arranging a photo session with your child in nature, you can not only get great shots for the family album, but also have great fun and spend a great time with your whole family. Ideal option It will become a tradition to organize such events every year, thanks to which not a single year from the child’s life will be erased from your memory.

Ideas for outdoor photo sessions for children

The best thing is to hire a professional photographer for this purpose, who will help, advise, correct and do everything in a proper manner. at its best. However, if this is not possible, then you can get by with your own camera, having thought through the whole scenario in advance.

The most best time The best time to conduct a children's photo shoot outdoors is summer. Bright and green grass, on which all the shots turn out very warm and beautiful. An abundance of fruits with which you can decorate the clearing. For example, a photo of a baby sitting on bright grass under an apple tree with still green apples will be very fresh and colorful.

You can also arrange it outdoors, arranging a real holiday for the children with balloons, gifts and cake. It could be a birthday, Children's Day or some other holiday.

Joint family photographs are always very touching and filled with real feelings. After all, the most important thing for a child is that both parents are together. And if we all lie down on the grass together, hugging the child located in the center, then such a portrait can be used to decorate a wall in the house.

A family photo session in nature is an unusual walk for children and a lasting memory for parents

It’s rare that a family or children’s get-together is complete without photographs. Children willingly pose and then admire the bright photographs. But parents I don’t always have enough imagination to diversify photos. Often the pictures turn out to be the same type, similar to each other. It feels like this is the same event, it’s just that the participants in the photo shoot were changed into different outfits from time to time. The scenery and emotions remain virtually unchanged.

Children's photo shoot can and should be bright, memorable, different from previous ones. Then it will become equally interesting for both children and adults. And not just an event “for show,” not a boring undertaking carried out just because everyone got together.


The easiest way out is to invite a professional photographer. But not every one family is ready to allocate a considerable amount (and services good specialist cannot be cheap) to pay for pictures. After all, the gala event itself will also require financial investments (food, prizes for competitions, etc.). Children's holiday will cost too much! And he's not the only one! So, should you shell out impressive sums to the photographer every time?

You can do it yourself and get nice pictures. The scenery will be prepared Mother And dad. Among relatives or family friends there will be a person who is good with a camera. Plus the kids are in a good mood (which is inevitable during the holidays) - that's all you need.

Outdoor photography is the best solution

It makes the most sense to have a photo shoot outside. In this case, you don’t even have to prepare special decorations. They will be natural objects: grass, trees, flowers, pine cones, ponds, interesting stumps, tree branches... A lot of interesting things can be found in any park near your home!

Many people think that taking pictures outdoors best in summer. There is some truth in this. Nature appears in all its glory. Everything is blooming, there is a riot all around bright colors. The weather is fine: it allows you to use almost any additional decorations, if necessary. It’s warm, you don’t have to worry about the children getting cold or experiencing discomfort.

But wonderful photos You can do it outside in other seasons. In autumn, parks and squares are full of colorful leaves. In spring, flowering trees and shrubs are suitable as decorations. And in winter you can have fun sledding: both entertainment and a topic for a photo shoot.

Family photos

Photos children's day Births in the family circle are often done according to the principle “everyone stood in a row and smiled.” They can be turned into something more interesting. I offer several interesting options.

  1. Decorations on the fence. The idea is suitable for a dacha surrounded by a fence. And families in which they can draw. You can use the fence on the street or in a park, but this can cause problems. Not everyone will like this use of the fence. If the fence is yours, then you are able to dispose of it as you please. First, the scenery is drawn on a large sheet of paper (or several). Princess castle, car park, seascape - whatever. Then the drawings are fixed on the fence, forming a composition. You can use additional items by attaching them to the drawings: fresh or artificial flowers, shells, tools, etc. Photos against such a background will turn out unusual in themselves. You can enhance the effect by dressing up the whole family in costumes that match the theme of the decorations. If there is a castle in the background, then children are dressed up as princes and princesses. Have you chosen the theme “sea”? The kids will be happy to be pirates (and adults will also start dressing up inspiredly).
  2. Huge photo frames. This idea It’s not new, but pictures always look great when using it. Participants in the photo shoot pick up huge frames (you can make them yourself or buy baguettes in the store) and, imagining themselves as characters in the pictures, pose right in them. Lots of fun guaranteed! 2-3 people fit into one frame. You can take pictures in mini-groups or prepare several frames at once.
  3. Ribbons or garlands. This photo shoot is relevant for a landscape with trees. First you need to stock up on decor. Regular tapes can serve as this different colors and length. You can also make flowers, butterflies and other decorations from paper or fabric (or simply cut out circles) and attach them to threads. All this is hung on a tree. Such decorations look especially advantageous with a slight breeze.

Photo session at a children's party

Ideas for a children's party are even simpler. The kids in the company are so active and emotional that practically no additional effort is required.

  1. Games and competitions. Can be arranged outdoors fun entertainment. During them, children behave especially emotionally and often change positions. Photographing them at this moment is a pleasure.
  2. Balloons . Suitable as decorations balloons filled with helium. They are hung in the background or given to children. If we are talking about a company of very young children (1-2 years old), then for the birthday boy you can prepare a wicker basket without a handle. A bunch of balls are tied to it. The hero of the occasion is put in a basket. The rest of the children stand around.
  3. Fun props. Prepare fun accessories for children in advance. You can buy hats, mustaches on sticks, clown noses, etc. in a themed store. Or make similar props with your own hands. If there are a lot of girls in the company, wreaths and bouquets of living plants will be received with a bang.

Have a beautiful and joyful photo shoot!

During the call, we will conduct a preliminary consultation on preparation for photography.

We will discuss questions such as:

  • Choosing a place
  • We agree on the date and duration of the shooting,
  • We will discuss your family's wishes for photography,
  • Let's find out what you like to do together (play cards, board games, draw, play with a ball, etc.) to build a photo session around these activities,
  • Let's talk about the need to hire a stylist-makeup artist,
  • We will discuss the chosen tariff and terms of payment,
  • We will answer all your questions.

After making an advance payment, we will send you " GID assistant for preparing for a family photo shoot ", which you can refer to in the future.

Photo processing

After all the happy people have finished the photo shoot, we go home and start processing the photos. Within a few days after our children's or family photo session, all photographs taken will undergo basic processing: color correction, cropping, elimination of minor defects, toning, etc. We upload family photos that have undergone basic processing to a personal folder on a “cloud drive” on the Internet, from where you can view and download them from any device, anywhere.

From the processed photos, you select 10-20 pieces (depending on the tariff) for hi-end retouching (in Russian, artistic, detailed processing). We also upload the retouched photos to your personal folder on the cloud drive.

Processing and retouching of photographs takes up to 3 weeks (this is the most time-consuming part of the work), we try not to delay the process and post pictures as soon as they are ready. If you want to do hi-end retouching of additional photos, this can be easily agreed upon by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp.

* Expedited retouching is possible with an additional payment of 30% to the cost of the photo shoot.

Below is an example of our portrait retouching, so you can understand how you can get sunny weather even on a cloudy day. Pay attention to how the skin, eyes, lips have changed. Each of these little things adds up to the big picture. We eliminate all the defects that people don’t notice in everyday life, but that catch the eye in photographs, showing you natural, beautiful and alive!

Collage for a photo shoot

I sent the collage to the photographer. I could, of course, tell it in words, but I’m afraid he wouldn’t understand me: “I want this with this, and with this, and like this...” :)

All points have been approved, which means we need to get ready. We sewed the tent in 1 day, made a garland from leftover fabric and old scraps, assembled it, bought it, and took everything we planned from friends. This is what our props looked like the evening before being packed into bags. By the way, don’t think that there were a lot of them: 2 bags, a basket and a tent folded lengthwise.

Accessories for a photo shoot

What should I wear?

In the spring this issue is quite acute. Don't buy new jackets and coats so that they match each other in color.

Professionals advise:

  • choose a range of 3-4 colors that combine with each other and stick to it;
  • dress all family members in clothes of similar colors;
  • you can dress the male half of the family in some colors, the female half in others (not in our case - 3 women, dad is out of work);
  • parents can dress in neutral colors and children in bright colors (our option);
  • you can choose a common accessory;
  • or choose unusual style clothes (cowboy, retro, formal, etc.).

Here's a good infographic on this topic:

(The pictures are too long, so we have compiled them into a PDF file, taken from the site: Inspire portrait & design).

Of course, I really liked this range, but, alas, the children’s coats and the tent clearly did not fit into this natural style. And the grass around was just like that.

Ideal time for a photo shoot

Morning after dawn or evening before sunset. At this time the light is most tender and rich. It gives soft shadows, beautiful golden backlighting and an amazing fairy-tale haze.

In our case, this time was never right. In the morning, the little ones wake up late, while they eat, get dressed, etc., a confident day begins. And before the early spring sunset they are still sleeping. So we arrived at the park around 12.00. This fact did not prevent us from taking good photographs.


It is better to coordinate this moment with the photographer. And it’s even better if he himself offers you good place. You may not take into account all the points. For example, your favorite picnic meadow with a cozy shadow may not be so good for photographs: there may be too harsh shadows and an inconveniently falling light.

Take with you:

  • Food for children and adults. The photographer is also a person :)
  • Drink. More. In the summer it’s hot - you want to drink, in the winter it’s cold - you want to warm up. We took a lot of tea.
  • Wipes are dry and wet. What if something crumbles or spills?
  • An extra bag or string bag may come in handy.
  • Change of clothes for children. We didn’t change our clothes ourselves and we didn’t change the children’s clothes for beauty, but Ksyusha still had to change her panties. I don't want it to good mood spoiled by soiled clothes.

And here is the result of our family photo shoot in nature with a children's tent, signs, a mirror and soap bubbles:



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