1. Abkhazian language belongs to the Northcaucasian language family adyga-abkhaz group and is spoken by abkhazians in The Republic of Abkhazia. Also spoken in abkhazian diasporas in Turkey, Russia, some Middle East countries Europe and USA.

2. Verb is a main element of the Abkhazian language. There are many simple verbs as "abara" (root "-ba-") -to see- "ats"ara" (root "ts"a") -to go- "aura" ("u") -to do- akra ("k") - to catch, agara ("ga") - to take, azhra ("w") - to dig, az"ara ("z" ") - to measure, as"ra ("s" ") - to beat, afara ("fa") - to eat, ashara ("sha") - to share etc. There are also composed verbs like “Aҟаҵara” “аҭаҵara” “alaҵara” “alkhra” “anykhra” “ақәыртәara” “anavagylara” etc.

3.Tenses in the Abkhazian language are demonstrated by endings that are simply attached to the root of the verb. Here is the table of the main tense endings.

Abkhaz language for beginners phrasebook with pronunciation. Abkhazia

How do you do? (f) How are you? (to woman)
10 Har simam! I'm fine Fine
11 Igei? What's new? What's new?
12 Bziarope Everything's OK Everything is fine.
13 Uҫҧаҟоу? How do you do? (m) How are you? (to man)
14 Syҟope uҫ ashshyҳәa. I'm OK Little by little.
15 Sәyҫҧaқakou? How do you(pl.)do? How are you (pl.) doing?
16 Aҕaraҳәa ҳаҟопп! We are doing super! Everything is great with us!
16 Absiaraҙy! Good bye! Goodbye!.
17 Bziala saaabeit! Welcome! Welcome!
18 Ashara sәҙybziarahaait!! Good night! Good night!
19 Ahh alghha wowaait! Good night! Good night!
20 Bzia zbasha! Hello! (universal reply) Hello! (reply to greeting)
-oit(-ueit) Sc"oit I am going; I go I'm coming
-up Staup I am sitting I'm sitting
-it(-t) Sc"eit I went I went, I left
-on(one) Station I was sitting down I was sitting down
-n Stan I was sitting I was sitting
-p; -pcs Future Future Stap; Staasht I will sit down I'll sit down
-zaaueit Stazaaueit I will be sitting I will sit
-hyeit Staakhjeit I have sat I've already sat down
-xian Staakhyan I had sat I was already sitting then

4. The construction of Abkhazian infinitive and at the same time the construction of the verbal noun is as follows:<а-“root”-ра>. Examples: abara, ats’ara etc. Also some prefixes and suffixes may be involved, so that the construction may be:<а-“prefix”-“root”-“suffix”-ра>. Examples: Adbalara, akh’ҳәaara etc.

5. A intransitive verb in active form usually consists of pronominal prefix, (some additional prefixes and suffixes may be involved), root and the temporal endings. Examples of intransitive verbs. Each of them has pronominal prefix and temporal ending:
I am going - Sc'oit
You (masculine) are going - Uts’oit
You (feminine) are going - Bts’oit
He (She) is going - Dts’oit
It is going - It’oit
We are going - Ҳts’oit
You (plural) are going - Cәts’oit
They are going - It'oit
As the pronominal prefixes substitute the pronouns it is not always necessary to use pronouns with active verbs.
Transitive verbs in active form include, beside subject"s prefix, include, if the object doesn"t precede the verb directly, object"s prefix which is always "and-". Examples:
I eat (I am eating) smth - isf ` oit
But I am eating a bread - ach ` a sfoit
6. The Abkhazian pronouns:
I - Sarah
You (masculine) - Uara
You (feminine) - Bara
He - Iara
She - Lara
It - Iara
We - hara
You (plural) - Saara
They - Dara
The pronominal prefixes that are attached to the verbs root are as follows
I - "s-"
You (masculine) - "y-"
You (feminine) - "b-"
He - "and-" (for transitive verbs)
"d-" (for intransitive verbs) She - "l-" (for transitive verbs)
"d-" (for intransitive verbs) It - "a-"
We - "ҳ-"
You (plural) - "сә-"
They - "r-"
7. Verbal suffixes demonstrate some special meaning: Conditional mood is expressed by the suffixes: “-p”, “-zar” “-zҭgy”, “-nda”, “-ndaz”. Examples: Aqara imazar, isiyoit. If he has money, he will give it to me. Aҩnyҟa dc’ar ian dibap. If he goes home he will see his mother.
8. Negative forms of the actie verb have their own endings.

-ohm; (uam) -ӡom (ӡuam)) Present (continuous) dynamic Sts"om; Sts"aӡom. I am not going; I don't go I'm not going
-m (ӡam) Present (continuous) static Present static Staam, Staaam I am not sitting I'm not sitting
-m -"root"-it, -m -"root"-ӡeit Past indefinite Past perfect Symts "eit, Symts" aaeit I didn't go I didn't go, I didn't leave
-omyzt (-uamyzt), -ӡomyzt (-ӡuamyzt) Past (continuous) dynamic Past dynamic Staomyzt, Staomamyzt I was not sitting down I didn't sit down
-myzt, ӡamyzt Past (continuous) static Past static Staamyzt, Staamyzt I was not sitting I didn't sit
-eye; -sham Future Future Starym; Stashasham I won't sit down I won't sit down
-zaarym Future (continuous) static Future static Stazaarym I will not be sitting I won't sit
m -"root"-ts(t), m -"root"-ӡats(t) Present perfect Present completed Symtaats; Symtaaats I have not sat I haven't sat down yet
-m -"root"-tsyzt, m -"root"-ӡatsyzt Past perfect Past completed Symtaatsyzt; Symtaaatsyzt I had not sat I wasn't sitting yet then

9. Imperative mood in Abkhazian has two types. a) For transitive verbs b) For intransitive verbs.
a) Imperative form of a transitive verb for singular second person is as follows "and"-"root". "And" in the beginning stands for the unreasonable object that is an aim of the action. If the object is reasonable (human being), than "and" is replaced by "d". The root is often shortened in imperative form. Examples: Iga (igs) - take (this), If - eat (this), Iba (ibs) - see (this), Izә - drink (this) but Dga (dgy) - take him or her, Dshy - kill him or her. Imperative form of a transitive verb for plural second person is as follows isә(зә)-"root".Izona (izәgy) - take (this), Isofa, Isofa - eat (this), Isoba (izәby) - see (this) , Изәзы - drink (this) but Dyzәga (dyzәgy) - take him or her, Dysәshy.
b) imperative form of intransitive verb is "subject prefix"-"root". Examples - "Uts"a" - go (you man) "Bts"a" - go (you woman) "Cәts"a" - go you (plural).
c) Specific imperative forms has a verb "to give". Give me - isyҭ ;, give me (plural) - isysәҭ , give her - ilyҭ , give him - iҭ, give us - iҳаҭ, give them - iryҭ. Plural imperative give, us, give her and give him - ѳасәҭ, ilysәҭ, isәҭ.

Abkhazian numbers

  1. One - Aky
  2. Two - ҨBA
  3. Three - Xha
  4. Four - Ҧшба
  5. Five - Khaba
  6. Six - FBA
  7. Seven - Byzhba
  8. Eight - Aaba
  9. Nine - Zәba
  10. Ten - Zhaaba

Sounds - pronunciation:

  • gy agyezh soft "g" as in "weight"
  • gә агәы "g" plus English "w"
  • Ҕ аҔа is similar to the Ukrainian “g” but more hoarse and guttural
  • Ҕь аҔяра soft "Ҕ"
  • Ҕә аҔәы "Ҕ" plus "w"
  • Yes, position your tongue as when pronouncing “d” and articulate with your lips as when pronouncing “b”.
  • zh azhy Soft "zh"
  • zә as much as a rounded “zh”. Whistle the sound "zh" i.e. position your lips as if whistling
  • ҙ aҙara Average between “z” and “f” and a little soft. Lit. resp. - "z" sometimes "sh"
  • zә azә rounded "z". Whistle "z".Lit. resp. - zә
  • ӡ аӡы combination of "d"
  • ӡ’ aӡ’ara between ӡ and the English “j”. Lit. resp. - ӡ, sometimes џь
  • ӡә аӡәы position your lips as if whistling and say “ӡ”
  • Кь акягәа soft "k" as in Kirill
  • kә akaa after “k” comes the English “w”
  • қ ақды aspirate "k"
  • soft
  • қә ақә after “қ” comes English. "w"
  • ҟ aҟazaara is a guttural "k" (like Arabic qaf). When pronouncing, the soft palate comes into contact with the root of the tongue

Badrak Avidzba, Sputnik.

Preservation and development of the Abkhaz language, taking into account the danger of its extinction, is the main task of the State Committee for State Language Policy, said methodologist expert Ada Kvarchelia.

How language is preserved

“International Mother Language Day today fully applies to the Abkhaz language, because the Abkhaz language, unfortunately, is on the list of endangered languages. The Language Policy Committee purposefully chose the development and preservation of the language as its main focus,” the specialist said.

The main direction for preserving and developing the language is the information field, she noted.

“This is television and all the technical resources that we can use. This is, of course, difficult, these are expensive projects, but nevertheless there are such undertakings, first of all, cartoons in the Abkhaz language, which are aimed at learning the language,” Kvarchelia noted.

© Sputnik / Thomas Thaitsuk

"Educational literature is prepared using modern methods that meet the requirements today", Kvarchelia said.

The specialist noted that those who want to learn the Abkhaz language have the opportunity to do so.

“There are various teaching aids, and we develop them by level, there is the first elementary level. That is, a person who absolutely does not know the language and wants to learn, he can do it,” Kvarchelia emphasized.

The expert methodologist said that teaching aids can be purchased in almost all bookstores in the republic. At the same time, she emphasized that according to current practice, greater success in learning the Abkhaz language is achieved by working directly with a teacher.

Abkhaz language courses

The expert methodologist said that the State Committee for State Language Policy organized courses in the Abkhaz language.

“We do our best to make the study of the Abkhaz language accessible to make it convenient. Anyone who wants to learn the Abkhaz language can take part in the course; the courses are organized at Armenian school No. 9 in Sukhum. People can contact us, there are all contacts on the State Committee’s website,” - she emphasized. Abkhaz language courses are free, said Ada Kvarchelia.

© Sputnik / Thomas Thaitsuk

“The Abkhaz language, of course, is not easy, but nevertheless any language can be learned. With all the complexity of the Chinese language, the number of people who do not speak Chinese and who are learning it is not decreasing. They are not stopped by the fact that the Chinese language is difficult, there are simply challenges of today, there is a need in this language, that’s why they study it,” Kvarchelia said.

The specialist also noted that the role of gadgets in learning the Abkhaz language is of no small importance.

“Based on the fact that the role of various gadgets in people’s lives is increasing, their use for language development is an important task. This is part of our life. Of course, this is a priority for us. The Abkhaz language can also develop with the times,” she said .

Abkhazian language in gadgets

Considering that gadgets, especially phones, have become an integral part of modern man, the importance of using modern technologies in language development can hardly be overestimated.
Learning any language begins with a dictionary in order to modern man could start learning the Abkhaz language or consolidate their knowledge, in December 2017 the “Russian-Abkhaz Dictionary” application was released on the IOS platform, a month later a similar application was released for the Android platform.

The application was developed on the initiative of the Ambassadors movement goodwill Abkhazia" and the State Committee for Language Policy. "Russian-Abkhazian Dictionary" contains 72 thousand words and phrases. The application was developed on the basis of the "Russian-Abkhazian" dictionary, published by famous scientists Boris Dzhonua and Vladimir Kaslandzia.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999 and is celebrated annually on 21 February to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.
This date was chosen to commemorate the events of February 21, 1952, when in Dhaka, the capital of present-day Bangladesh, students who participated in a demonstration in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the official languages ​​of the country, were killed by police bullets.

Form of government presidential republic
Area, km 2 8 665
Population, people 240 705
Population growth, per year -0,33%
Average life expectancy 76
Population density, people/km2 40
Official language Abkhazian and Russian
Currency Abkhazian apsara
International dialing code +7 840 and +7 940
Time zones +4

Brief information

Little Abkhazia has huge tourism potential. Foreign tourists are very welcome in this country, who will see ancient fortresses, monasteries, churches, beautiful mountains with rivers. But the main wealth of Abkhazia is mineral and hot springs, as well as beach resorts on the Black Sea coast with picturesque surroundings - Gagra, Sukhumi and Pitsunda, surrounded by citrus and coniferous trees.

Geography of Abkhazia

Abkhazia is located in the Caucasus at the intersection of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Most states consider Abkhazia to be part of Georgia. However, Abkhazia, like Russia, does not agree with this. In the southeast, Abkhazia borders on Georgia, and in the northeast and northeast – on Russia. In the southwest the country is washed by the Black Sea. Total area – 8,665 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 319 km.

Almost the entire territory of Abkhazia consists of mountains, among which there are picturesque plains. IN coastal zone There are forests and citrus plantations, and in the north there are mountains and glaciers. The height of several Abkhazian peaks exceeds 4 thousand meters.

This small mountainous country has many small rivers (the longest of them are Kodor Bzyb, Gumista and Kyalasur), as well as several lakes (for example, Lake Ritsa).


The capital of Abkhazia is Sukhumi, which is now home to more than 70 thousand people. Archaeologists claim that the ancient Greek polis of Dioscurias once existed on the site of Sukhumi.

Official language of Abkhazia

There are two in Abkhazia official language– Abkhazian and Russian.


About 60% of the population of Abkhazia are Orthodox Christians, and another 16% of Abkhazians consider themselves Muslims.

State structure of Abkhazia

Abkhazia is a presidential republic. Its head is the President, elected by the people for a term of 5 years. The President is the head of the executive branch.

The unicameral parliament in Abkhazia is called the People's Assembly, it consists of 35 deputies, who are also elected for 5 years.

Administratively, Abkhazia is divided into 7 districts.

Climate and weather

The climate in Abkhazia is humid subtropical, determined by the sea and mountains. Winter begins in mid-December, and spring begins in early March. Even in winter, the air temperature rarely drops below 0C. The average air temperature in winter is +7-9C, and in summer - +26-28C. The average annual precipitation ranges from 1300 mm in coastal areas to 3500 mm in the mountains.

Seas in Abkhazia

In the southwest, Abkhazia is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The length of the coast is 210 km. In summer, the sea temperature off the Abkhaz coast reaches +27C, and in September-October - +19C. This means that the beach season lasts from mid-May to October.

Rivers and lakes

In summer, as a result of the melting of glaciers, the Abkhaz rivers are filled with the purest water. In general, this country has about 120 rivers and 186 lakes. The longest rivers are Kodor, Bzyb, Gumista and Kyalasur, and the largest and most beautiful lake is Ritsa.

Culture of Abkhazia

Abkhazian culture is based on the folk ethical principle of “apsuara” (Abkhazian moral values). The meaning of this word is “to be Abkhazian”. In other words, “apsuara” is an unwritten code of Abkhaz ethnic knowledge that describes folk customs and beliefs.

Founding father of the Abkhazian fiction Dmitry Gulia, who published his first work in 1913, is considered.

To this day, ancient songs that reflect folk life have been preserved in Abkhazia. Distinctive feature Abkhaz folk singing - polyphony.

The cultural hero of Abkhaz mythology is the hero Abrskil. He is a kind of Abkhazian Prometheus. Abrskil did not obey the gods, and they chained him to a pillar in the depths of a deep cave as punishment.


Abkhazian cuisine was formed under the influence of climatic and economic factors. The main food products of the inhabitants of this country were (however, they still remain) corn, millet, and dairy products.

The main dish of Abkhazian cuisine is mamalyga, a porridge made from corn flour. There are several options for preparing hominy - ayladzh (hominy with fresh cheese), achamykva (hominy with milk and cheese). Amgyal cakes are made from corn flour. Pies are most often made from wheat flour. The main meat dish is shish kebab.

In addition, fresh cheese (ashvlaguan) and yogurt (ahartsvy or matsoni) are popular among Abkhazians.

Almost everything vegetable dishes add walnut. But most of all, Abkhazians love adjika seasoning (the main ingredients are red pepper, garlic and herbs), suluguni cheese and wine.

Traditional non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks– ahartsvy yogurt, atshadzyua honey drink, tea, wine and chacha (grape vodka).

Sights of Abkhazia

The ancient land of Abkhazia has many different attractions, including ancient churches and monasteries. The Top 10 best Abkhaz attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Bagrat Castle near Sukhumi
  2. Ruins of Sebastopolis near Sukhumi
  3. Ruins of Anakopia in New Athos
  4. New Athos Monastery
  5. Abaata fortress in Gagra
  6. Temple of Simon the Canaanite in New Athos
  7. Byzantine Anakopia fortress
  8. New Athos Cave
  9. Ruins of the fortress in Pitsunda
  10. Hypatia Church in Gagra

Cities and resorts

The largest Abkhaz cities are Gagra, Gudauta, Ochamchira, Tkvarcheli, Gali, and, of course, Sukhumi.

On the Black Sea coast in Abkhazia there are several excellent beach resorts - New Athos, Gagra, Avadhara, Pitsunda, Ochamchira.

Most of the beaches in Abkhazia are pebble-sand (beaches with small pebbles predominate, as in Gagra). Only in Pitsunda there is a completely sandy beach. Most beaches are municipal, i.e. entry to them is free. Entrance to the beaches of sanatoriums and boarding houses is paid. By the way, there are sandy beaches in Sukhumi - for example, Sinop Beach, which is 2 km long and 20 meters wide.

Almost all private beaches have a well-developed infrastructure, including volleyball courts, cafes and restaurants. But municipal beaches are not very well equipped.

Near some beach resorts there are hydrogen sulfide springs where tourists can take therapeutic mud baths. In general, there are more than 170 mineral and hot springs in Abkhazia. The most famous Abkhaz mineral spring is Auadhara, which originates from a spring in the valley of the river of the same name. As for hot springs, the most popular of them are in the villages of Primorskoye and Kyndug.


Tourists from Abkhazia bring folk art products, yew products, shells, coffee Turks, daggers, knives, souvenir plates, eucalyptus and chestnut honey, tea, suluguni cheese, adjika, churchkhela, chacha, wine.

Official status State:Abkhazia Language codes

Abkhazian language (Aҧsua byzsha; аҧсшәа)- North Caucasian language of the Abkhaz-Adyghe family of languages. Distributed in Abkhazia and Turkey, primarily among Abkhazians. It consists of two main dialects - Abzhuysky (the basis of the literary language) and Bzybsky. The language is recognized as the state language in the self-proclaimed partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia, as enshrined in Article 6 of the Constitution of the Republic.

Belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyghe family of languages, which, together with Nakh-Dagestan, the vast majority of researchers include in the North Caucasian superfamily of languages.

1. Classification and prevalence

The Abkhazian language belongs to the group of Abkhaz-Adyghe languages, which are part of the family of the so-called Caucasian languages, namely the North-Caucasian linguistic superfamily, which confirms the autochthony of the Abkhazians. Abkhaz-Adyghe languages ​​are widespread not only in the Caucasus, but also in Russia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and today they are spoken by about one million one hundred thousand people. These statistics indicate a much smaller number of Abkhazians in the world, recorded as a result of various population censuses in different countries. And this paradox is probably explained by only one thing - over the centuries, hundreds of thousands of Abkhazians were predominantly forcibly (and sometimes voluntarily) assimilated in different countries, but in everyday life they managed to preserve the thread of life that alone still connected them with their ancestors, with their real people, their culture and history and confirmed the fact that this person is actually an Abkhazian, no matter who she is officially considered to be in her country of residence. The Ukrainian diaspora is well aware of this situation, and they have experienced for themselves how difficult and at the same time extremely important it is to preserve the language of their people in any foreign-language environment.

2. Graphics

In 1882, P.K. Uslar compiled an alphabet for Abkhazians based on Russian graphics. The letter was focused on the Bzibsky dialect. During the first period of development of Abkhazian writing (late 19th - early 20th centuries), separate textbooks were published and books of a religious nature were translated. Pre-revolutionary literacy was poorly developed and was used by a small number of literate people. In Soviet times, intensive work began in Abkhazia to improve the national written language and literary language, as well as to introduce them into various areas economic and cultural life of the people. In 1928, at the Abkhaz-Adyghe conference, a decision was made to romanize writing, which lasted ten years. From 1938 to 1954, Abkhazians used Georgian graphics, and again switched to Cyrillic graphics.

3. ABC and pronunciation of letters

Abkhazian alphabet (Aҧsua alphabet)
GGg/G/ Ҩҩ / Ɥ /
Ҕҕ / Ɣ / Ҧҧ /p/
Ҕьҕьg̍ " / Ɣ ʲ / GGr/r/
Dədəd o/dʷ/Ttt/t/
Џџ ǰ /dʐ/Tətət o/tʷ/
Eat ǰ " / ʥ / Ҭҭ /t/
Here/E/ Ҭəҭə t̢ o/tʷ/
Ҽҽ / ʦ̢ / Oohu/W,u/
Ҿҿ c̨̍ / ʦ̢ / Fff/f/
LJ ? / ʐ / Xxx/X/
Zhzh ? " / ʑ / Hughx"/Xʲ/
Zhəzhə? o / ʐ ʷ / Ҳҳ / Ћ /
Zzz/z/ Ҳəҳə x̢ o / Ћ ʷ /
Ʒʒ ʒ / ʣ / Tstsc / ʦ /
Ʒəʒə ʒ o / ʣ ʷ / Tsətsəc o / ʦ ʷ /
Iii/i,j/ Ҵҵ / ʦ /
Kkk/k/ Ҵəҵə c̅ o / ʦ ʷ /
Kkyk"/kʲ/Hh č /tɕ/
Ққ /k/ Ҷҷ č̢ /tɕ/
Ққььk̢ "/kʲ/Shh ? / ʂ /
Ҟҟ /Q/Sew ? " / ɕ /
Ҟҟьk̄ "/qʲ/Shəshə? o / ʂ ʷ /
Lll/L/Yyyy / Ə /

Two letters stand out b And ә, which do not indicate any sounds, but in combination with other letters form new sounds. At the same time b softens the previous letter, and ә - obublue (i.e. the sound is pronounced with the participation of the lips). The resulting digraphs are included in the alphabet.

4. Grammar

Conjugations - richly special. Verbs are characterized by: person, grammatical classes, tense, manner. Declension is poorly developed. In the grammatical class of person, subclasses are distinguished - male and female. The role of missing cases is played by prefixes. Ergative sentence construction. Writers play the role of prepositions. The sound composition of the Abkhaz language is rich in consonant sounds (56 in the literary language). Writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet since 1862, on Latin based- since 1928, in Georgian - since 1938, again in Cyrillic - since 1954.

5. History of the study

A comprehensive scientific study of the Abkhaz language was started by the famous Russian Caucasian scholar P.K. Ular, the author of the first “Grammar of the Abkhazian language” (Uslar P.K. Ethnography of the Caucasus. Section I. Linguistics. Tiflis, 1887). This grammar has not lost its scientific value to this day. During the first period of development of Abkhazian writing (late 19th - early 20th centuries), separate textbooks were published and books of a religious nature were translated. Pre-revolutionary literacy was poorly developed and was used by a small number of literate people. In Soviet times, the Abkhaz national literary language served such areas as radio and television programs, school education; teaching was conducted in the Abkhaz language at the Faculty of Language and Literature of the Sukhumi Pedagogical Institute, the theater operated, and various socio-political and artistic publications were published. The writers of Abkhazia D. Gulia, S. Chanba, I. Kogonia, I. Papaskiri, B. Shinkuba, M. Khashba, I. Tarb and others did a lot for the development of the literary language.

6. Interesting things about the Abkhaz language

The Ubykh language belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyghe family of languages. She is interesting because she has greatest number consonant sounds: (81 consonants; it was spoken by the Ubykhs - a people who lived in the Sochi region in the first half of the 19th century, but in the 1860s were deported by the Russian authorities to Turkey, lost their natural range and disappeared in the 90s of the 20th century ). Also, this language has the smallest number of vowel sounds: Ubykh and Abkhaz dialects (2 vowels).

7. Example

Sa sanҧslak shaara syzhyzhy
Adamra sagany,
Asazan baa aguany,
Sa s-Ukrainy;
Adә do ҧshӡa ҭbaakuey,
Dnepr ui aҧakuey
Sarah izbaua, tsqaisakhaua
Iara abzhyy shgaua.

Ukrainatә ishaagalak
Khara amshyn iakhәakh
Khakatsa rshya... usgan sara
Adәy ashhey abra -
Zeg aanyzhny ira ubrah,
Scrap antsa ikhaa iakh
Smataneiratsy... Uaanӡa sara-
Dsyzdyram ui antsa.

Sara syzhyzhy, us shәa shәnagyl,
Ashyamҭlaҳәkua nshashәyzh,
Us khaqatsa rshala
Itskashәtә akhakuiҭra.
Sarga ҭaatsәara do aҿy,
Khakuiҭ ҭaatsәa ҿyts aҿy,
Syshәkhashәmyrkhҭyn, syshәgualashәala
Zhaa Haa gugagala.

It is well known that one of the main components of a nation is the national language. Without it, the national component is lost, identity is lost... and everything is lost... Large nations have no problems with the language, but they still treat it with care, study it, and often promote it, which they are now promoting various technologies. Why am I talking? The Abkhaz language, due to its very various reasons found itself on the verge of extinction, and this has already been recorded by international organizations. After the Mukhajirism, most of the Abkhaz nation was forced to live in other countries, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, etc. And no matter how hard they tried to preserve their language, this was not always possible. But it seems to me that they treat their native language more carefully than those living specifically in Abkhazia. Many diasporas managed to preserve both their language and traditions, despite the fact that they lived in other countries for more than 150 years.

A friend teaches our returning Mukhajirs the Abkhaz language. There is such a language center in Sukhum. This is probably the only oasis where there is aspiration, desire, and a clear result. I personally communicated with one uncle who was born and raised in Turkey, at the age of 60 he returned to Abkhazia and urgently learned the Abkhaz language in this center. It’s just amazing how beautifully and correctly he speaks! The advantage, of course, is that the Turks do not know a single Russian word, not even an interjection. That’s why they have nothing to sprinkle our language with. How and what they taught - so they say. In a word, the conclusion is simple: soon the Mukhajirs will speak Abkhaz better than the native Abkhazians who have never left. And God bless them! Maybe at least they won’t let our language die. What is happening to the Abkhaz language in Abkhazia... I can’t even call it a disgrace... everything is much worse. And there are very few tough measures that the state must take, and the situation can be improved for the better.

It’s a shame that society doesn’t shame you for not knowing your native language! When a parent understands that a child will have no place in his native society without knowledge of his native language, then every parent will strive for the child to know his native language! And so and so the problem exists.

If every family hopes for a kindergarten, school and other government institutions, they can immediately say goodbye to their native language. And before kindergarten, why don’t moms and dads talk to the child in Abkhazian? Where are the grandparents? Who completely abolished communication in families in their native language? Children should be sent to villages, city dwellers. Otherwise, children will soon learn and learn not only their native language, but also all our customs from books at school. So let every adult address both grievances and shame to himself. It's easy to blame.

In the old days, princely families sent their children to distant villages, to peasants, to complete strangers. So that their son grows up on the earth, knows all the customs, traditions, understands what is good and what is bad. So that he does not become arrogant that he is of special blood. And now the parents will visit their grandparents in the village, take their child for a quick weekend in the car and run back home to the city. Why - a child should sit at the computer, walk along the embankment, swim in the sea, go to a cafe. In the village, you can get dirty with soil, there is constant akud-abysta - it gets boring. You have to carry water, walk around - can this really be allowed? No, no... No way.

Both in kindergartens and in schools - they themselves DO NOT KNOW!!! All around the Abkhaz language is interspersed with Russian. I don’t even know where there is a place where they speak pure Abkhazian. Isn't this a real disaster for our people?!

For example, the city of Sukhum. There are much fewer Abkhazian schools than Russian ones. And nothing is being done to increase the number of such schools, and yet the famous 10th Mountain School is overcrowded. For many reasons, many Abkhaz children study in Russian schools. In the classes, 2/3 of the children are Abkhaz. And here the parents are primarily to blame. Yes, many city residents themselves do not know their native language well, and it is clear that it is more difficult to study in Abkhazian, and here many follow the path of least resistance. It turns out that they cannot help their child prepare lessons.

And the quality of teaching the Abkhaz language in Russian schools is simply terrible. With such training, the child will NEVER understand or speak Abkhazian. At one of the pre-election meetings, the current president was asked a question about improving the quality of language teaching in non-Abkhaz schools. To which he replied that this was impossible to do, since there were no teachers. And it turns out to be a vicious circle, because those who do not learn the language now will not be able to teach their children in the future.

But if the state puts the population in such a framework that it is impossible to find in the future good job(at least in government organizations) without knowledge of Abkhaz, then parents will think about the future of their children and will do everything to learn. And even those who know the language, many speak Russian at home.

Before the war, we all struggled in live communication and almost everyone understood both Georgian and Mingrelian, some even Armenian, well or poorly. And they knew their language better, probably on the basis of the instinct of self-preservation. Again, before the war our villages were not as empty as they are now. Namely, it is in the villages that our native Abkhazians primarily live. The villages actually speak Abkhazian. In the cities it goes away a little. Young people somehow communicate more in Russian. Although during the season this is understandable. There are so many guests so that everyone understands; for ease of communication, they speak Russian.

I declare in full force about the problem of the Abkhaz language. It's time for the Ministry of Education to wake up! A language disaster is on the doorstep; almost everyone speaks at all levels, leading with porridge-malash - a cross between Russian and Abkhazian. It would be nice if at least Abkhazian was in first place in this mixture.

And as for the season and tourists... People go to the Papuans, communicate using sign language, and because of this they return no less rested. So there is no need to blame the Russian tourist. Otherwise we will finally and irrevocably lose our Abkhaz image and morality.

Of course, both the state and some non-governmental organizations are taking some measures. For example, cartoons and feature films are dubbed into Abkhazian, and they are dubbed very well. But this is not enough, very little. If we ourselves do not take action now, tomorrow will be too late.

Every parent wants the best for their child, and does everything to get an education - and many strive to educate their children at Russian universities. This is probably why they believe that knowledge of their native language is not necessary. I cannot understand why many parents are so careless towards their children, who may not want to return home - and build their own state.

In the author's reasoning about ways to solve the problem, there is a lot that is controversial and incorrect.
It must be said that ALL texts by Abkhaz authors on the problem of language adequately assess the current situation, but they sin in terms of explaining the reasons for the current situation, setting the final goal and methods for solving the problem.

We must realize that the language of such a small people, in principle, cannot become a full-fledged language - the language of all areas of science, culture, and political life.

So, the entries in the Georgian and Abkhaz constitutions about the state status of the Abkhaz language are not a political declaration that can be implemented in practice.

And it's not anyone's fault. Emotionally speaking, this situation can be called the misfortune of a small people, and with a rational approach - an insurmountable objective reality.

I'll explain.

You can, of course, push yourself and create, or translate from other languages, all the necessary terms and concepts. However, all this will remain dead weight without their constant and widespread use. Those. without spreading throughout society,bringing to people, in other words - memorization.

And for their constant and widespread application - dissemination, teaching the people - a CERTAIN MASS of scientists, writers, journalists, politicians, teachers is needed.

How many such people can a nation of 100,000 people produce from its depths?

The same number as now, or 20 years ago - the whole nation cannot consist of people with the specialties listed above?

There is only one way out:
1. outline the range of areas in which the use of the Abkhaz language is realistic. There are corresponding developments in world science. (Sorry for the dumb word, but it is necessary to create language reservations, protected from outside influence). And don’t be afraid that this circle may not be so wide.
2. create, with the help of the same scientists, state program development of these areas by the Abkhaz language. And find sources of funding for this program.
3. Well, and of course, implement this program.

Otherwise, you will have to run around with such chimeras until the end of time state language, Abkhaz school and Abkhaz university. Moreover, in real life the degree of alienation from the native language will increase more and more.



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