Merry holiday in Japanese style. Japanese party "Japan-party"

My child's birthday is coming soon, and I decided to see what Japanese mothers offer to serve at children's parties. Still, our children eat Japanese food well, they grow up among it, and there is always that unknown layer of cuisine that they, say, love and eat in kindergarten or somewhere outside the home while traveling. At home I don’t cook classic Japanese cuisine, so many things simply fall out of focus. So, a Japanese children's party... I Googled it all evening yesterday and laughed.

In general, the Japanese are not quite accustomed to throwing parties at home and inviting guests. More often they just buy a cake at a restaurant, and if friends do come home, they rarely treat them to anything other than chips and juice. Adult gatherings are also an element rather of fashion for everything Western; women’s magazines now present very beautiful and fashionable furnishings: fashionable European bread, pates, sausages, olives... It feels like the general public will not accept this culture very, very soon, simply and middle-aged Japanese are much more accustomed to dinner in a restaurant with guests, and at home an evening in a narrow circle around a pan of nabe in winter or a grill of yakiniku in summer.

So, ideas for a children's menu. Crazy from the daily preparation of shaped bento for the whole family, housewives, of course, are not often eager to cook amazing children's table. In addition, Japanese children are malnourished, eat modestly, they are not pampered, so it is easy to please and surprise them. Main details festive table- these are fruits (in Japan they are perceived as sweet, dessert, so there are always few of them) and sushi in a children's version.

Chirashi zushi is “lazy sushi”, when pieces of crab, shrimp, diced salmon and/or tuna, caviar, cucumber slices and thin strings of omelette are placed on top of rice.

Reminds me of something subtly, doesn’t it?!!)))

Don't be alarmed. It's Halloween.

Yes, in Japan it is believed that the best food for children is: fried potatoes, fried chicken and hamburgers. It seems to me that with this approach, the glory days of the Japanese as a subtle and sonorous nation are numbered...

But everything is not so bad, but they have no prejudice against vegetables. They are not disguised in any way, they are not faked as anything in order to push them into a child. Here is the children's plate menu at one of the hotel restaurants in Okinawa where we visited in May

And yet it seems to me that the Japanese do not fully grasp the meaning and necessity of the children's holiday menu. It’s difficult for them to do both beautifully and childishly. Well, which of the little children will eat? boiled eggs or olives? It seems to me that they will just scatter it and that’s it. And Anpanman (Japanese Kolobok) will not help.

Here is a photo from one Japanese blog, from a child’s birthday

Holidays in the same family. They clearly follow trends and try to do everything beautifully.

It was they who ordered the children to have a fondue party for BD

There may be no cake at all

And here a man with claims to be a chef was cooking. On the menu for children: roast beef, sushi, cabbage with anchovies, salad with couscous...

Salmon rolls with broccoli sprouts (children applaud), eggs marinated in soy sauce for ramen (rumble), omelette with crab stick inside (children ask for more).

But a merciless feast in the style of the game and cartoon Youkai Watch

So much soul and talent!

But for comparison, here is a children's menu from some restaurant. In Japanese chain inexpensive restaurants, which are classified as family restaurants - where the menu is as wide as possible, covering any need - there is always such a menu. There you can find at least cutlets, spaghetti, sausages, pancakes and ice cream. And of course, children's curry, they love it.

We continue to peek at other people's tables

Children's cakes. Everything about cakes in Japan is very simple. There are no such figured cakes as in Russia, with a variety of designs, decorations, and characters. But there are already craftswomen who make them to order for a large Russian-speaking audience. I wonder if the fashion will spread to the Japanese?

Snack jar, I liked it

This is what they made it from: pasta, tomato and meat sauce, vegetables. Always helps in this matter huge amount inedible decorations specifically intended for decorating food. All kinds of skewers, without which a bento would not be complete, stencils for cutting out any shapes and sculpting any of God’s creatures from rice.

A common option for serving a holiday snack is a large dish, often disposable, with a large number sectors. They can put it on the table and take it on a picnic. This dish will have everything at once: a little spaghetti, meat, fish, vegetables, and even sweets. Apart from such a dish, there may be nothing else at all, that’s enough.

Here's an appetizer option for 3 kids that the delivery service offers: 3 puddings for dessert and a bacchanalia dip fry.

And here are snacks for adults, Japanese style: tempura, steamed soybeans for beer, boiled vegetables and konnyaku

But holiday delivery for a large company

Basically, anything kitchen crafts Quite common among Japanese women. I really don't like this phenomenon and hope that I won't have to make food in the form of people and animals. Food is food, it can and should be beautiful and appetizing, but it does not have to have eyes, a tail, claws, horns, etc.

Also someone's holiday table

I present to your attention detailed Japanese party script which my friend and I held for our guests. Japanese granddaughter was dedicated on March 8, but you can easily remake the script for any occasion, be it a friends party, a birthday, or even an unusual wedding.

Japanese Party: Gathering of Guests

Invite guests to introduce themselves or introduce them yourself, diluting the names with vowels and redoing them in the Japanese style. Replace the letter “l” with “r”. TO female names add endings: -i, -ko, -mi, -yo, -e, -ki, -ra, -na, -ri, -ka. And after the name add the respectful title “san”. For example, Anna - Annako-san, Ira - Iri or Iriko-san, Natasha - Natami-san, etc.

TO male names add endings: -o, -hiko, -go, -ru, -ro, -si, -ke, -zu, -ki, -ya, -ti, -mu, -hey, -to, -ta, -bu , -n, -sa, -iti, -give. After the name we add the title “san”. For example, Maxim - Makishimo-san, Vitaly - Vitarizu-san, Dima - Dimaru-san, etc. Such appeals will sound interesting and funny. You could even make name tags to place next to each guest's plate, or name tags to be pinned to the clothing of everyone entering the party. We prepared name badges, remade in the Japanese style.

Musical background used modern Japanese compositions: AAA group, Ai Otsuka, Utada Hikaru, Meiko Kaji and others. At the same time we got acquainted with modern Japanese music, it was very interesting.

When the guests had gathered and sat down, Japanese party has begun.


There were two presenters: me, Vikatori-san, and my friend Aniko-san.

IN.: Konichiwa!

A: Hello!

IN: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Noble samurai, charming Japanese women...

A: Thank you for visiting our Japanese kindergarten to spend this romantic evening together. Let me introduce you (and introduce you to each other)


IN: Aniko-san

We're having a Japanese party., therefore, we will now call everything accordingly, that is, in Japanese.

Aniko-san, is this what the Japanese call the city of San Francisco?

A: Well, Francisco-san, of course!

IN: This is how we will help our guests transform and we will call them exclusively in Japanese!

(We hand over name badges)

Competition "Japanese Proverbs"

IN: By the way, Aniko-san, do you know that a new dish called USSR is becoming increasingly popular in Japan? As it turned out, this is 1/6 of the land.

A: Many of you are familiar with Japanese cuisine, and some of you will try exotic dishes for the first time. That's why we provide you with a choice of cutlery - chopsticks for amateurs and forks for professionals! And in order for us to start our little feast, we will hold the next competition.

IN: The Japanese are great aesthetes when it comes to food. And Japanese proverbs are as beautiful as Japanese dishes. And to get the desired device you need to find an analogue to the famous Japanese proverbs.

(we read proverbs and give the one who correctly finds the analog a choice of sticks or forks)

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

You can't catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time.“If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.”

If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness.- Love is evil, you will love a goat. Love is blind.

Negotiate a price for an uncaught badger.- Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

While we are alive we don’t appreciate it, but when we die we regret it.“We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.”

It was as if a bird suddenly flew out from under my feet.- Like a bolt from the blue.

Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

A silent bug gnaws at the wall.- There are devils in still waters.

Fear creates black devils. - Fear has big eyes.

Bitten by a snake, afraid of rotten rope.- Having been burned by milk, they blow on the water.

The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of Buddha. — Money opens all doors.

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha.– The less you know, the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. - After us there might be a flood.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den.. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

A falling drop breaks through a stone.- Water wears away stones.

If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison.- They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

A: Now let's raise our sakazuki(we take glasses in our hands), let's drink to love and beautiful ladies! Kanpai!

IN: And now bon appetit - itadakimas!

White Day in Japan

A: In Japan, by the way, there is a holiday similar to our usual March 8th, when men give gifts to women and congratulate them. This holiday is celebrated on March 14th and is called White Day. White Day- This is a continuation of St. Valentine's Day, which was proposed for celebration by confectionery companies so that the ladies would not be offended. After all, on Valentine's Day, only women congratulate men.

IN: During these two holidays, more than half of the annual chocolate turnover in Japan is sold. There are two types of gifts on Valentine's Day and White day: giri-choko and honmei-choko. The Japanese would not be Japanese if they had not added something of their own to a foreign custom. So it turns out that every year many women buy tons of chocolate on Valentine's Day to give it to their father, brother, work colleague, boss, neighbor, etc. only because “it’s necessary”, “it’s customary” and in general they are obliged to do so, because it’s weights. Honmei-choko is intended for those who are truly dear to the donor and, as a rule, they try to make it themselves.

A: On White Day, the triple return rule applies, according to which the value of a White Day gift must be two to three times the value of the corresponding Valentine's Day gift.

IN: And following Japanese tradition, we first invite girls to do to their men sweet gift practically with your own hands to encourage them to return the gift.

Competition with fishing rods

Props: bamboo sticks, candy, tray. We take out a tray of candies and give the girls fishing rods with a rope attached to them and a hook at the end. Sweets with loops tied to them are laid out on trays at a decent distance from the participants. Using a long fishing rod, holding it by the edge, you need to hook the candy. We give it one minute. Who will collect more sweets as a gift for your loved one?

Origami (hearts)

A: Dear ladies, did you congratulate your men over the past holidays? And you, gentlemen, have you prepared gifts for your loved ones? If not, remember that best gift for them it is your heart.

IN: And how to quickly and easily give your heart to your beloved or loved one - we will now show and teach you!

We give all the guests a square of red colored paper and show them step by step how to make a heart out of paper. Download the diagram online.

Guessing haiku on a children's theme

IN: The ancient tradition of versification in Japan, passed down from generation to generation, has developed its own rules and manners of writing. Haiku, Japanese poetry, combines minimalism and contemplative immersion in the subject. This is high art, which we will also touch upon tonight. We will unravel the deep meaning of each haiku. The most insightful of you will receive prizes!

IN: Aniko-san - explain the deep meaning of this haiku and translate it into Russian:

Tanya-chan lost her face -

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Pull yourself together, daughter of a samurai.

A:(Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river)

IN: Arigato, Aniko-san!

So let's get started! We read haiku, you explain!

1. We lived with an old woman

Two puffer fish.

One is white, the other is gray - two cheerful fish.

(Grandma lived with 2 funny geese)

2. The son of a gray goat lived with an old woman.

He went into the bamboo grove to graze.

Everything in this world is changeable, only the horns and legs are eternal.

(There lived a gray goat with my grandmother)

3. Came out of the fog

Moon with the face of a samurai.

He drew his sword from his kimono pocket.

(The hedgehog came out of the fog and took a knife out of his pocket)

4. Brothers Enike and Benike

We enjoyed sushi.

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t drink sake.

(Eniki Beniki ate dumplings)

5. Old woman

Sowing rice on the slope of Fuji.

(Baba was sowing peas and said loudly Oh)

6. The cat died.

The fur on the tail is not the same.

Keep quiet or taste it.

(The cat is dead, its tail is peeling off, whoever says a word will eat it)

7. A greedy person is like beef meat,

To the ram of distant Turkey,

Salted cucumber fruit.

(Greedy beef – pickled cucumber)

8. Happy rice traders are dancing on one leg -

Fooled a stupid man

For four nunchucks.

(They fooled a fool with 4 fists)

9. The son of the bull moves with an uneven gait.

Take a deep breath - the tatami ends,

Falling is inevitable.

(The bull walks and sways)

10. Take a close look at the grass -

There sat a green grasshopper that looked like a cucumber fruit.

Oh yes frog.

(A grasshopper was sitting in the grass)

11. It, ni, san, si, go - a carefree walking hare.

Got hit by hunting nunchucks.

Slap-slap, oh-oh-oh.

(One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk)

12. Geisha ice cream, sakura for children...

Inattentive man

From Basho Street.

(That’s how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street)

13. Playful summer fly

Sat down on sakura jam.

That's the end of haiku.

(a fly landed on the jam, that’s the whole poem)

Prizes – candy and chopsticks

Sakura Competition

A: On White Day, a month after Valentine's Day, young people pamper their girlfriends and show them reciprocal signs of attention.

IN: Therefore, we invite men to reciprocate the gesture right now and shower their loved ones with sakura petals.

A: But in order to give our competition a real samurai spirit, we decided to hold it in best traditions Sumo wrestlers. (we say this after the men have left). But what is sumo without uniforms - a special “mawashi” belt?

We invite three men and attach inflated balloons to their bellies with tape.

Q: Your task is to collect sakura petals from the floor so that the “belly” does not burst. Whoever collects the most petals and remains safe and sound will receive a prize.

We pour a mountain of pink petals on the floor and give each participant a basket.

The prize is wind music.

Presentation of the nominees for the competition for girls “Miss Sakura in Bloom”

IN: What would a women's holiday be without a competition of femininity, beauty, charm and Japanese style? Cherry blossoms are considered the standard of Japanese beauty and grace, so we will choose Miss Cherry Blossoms from our guests!

A: We conducted a secret survey of our guests, who nominated several nominees for this title. Greetings!

A: Iriko-san! Please come out and take a lap of honor.

Dance with fans

A: We were visited by a charming geisha, who will now show us her art of dancing. Meet Mariko-san!

My sister Maria, wearing a kimono and carrying two fans, performed this dance wonderfully.

Competition "Russian-Japanese Translator"

IN: Aniko-san, after all, everything is romantic in Japan: geisha, sake, hara-kiri...

A: Yes, not what we have: women, vodka, stabbings...

IN: And you are well versed in Japanese words, just like a Russian-Japanese translator.

A: I think there are much better translators among our guests. Let's invite them to participate in the competition.

We select three participants.

A: I call Russian word, and you must remember the corresponding Japanese. It may not be a completely accurate analogue, but it is appropriate in meaning.

IN: Humor is welcome. The most active and resourceful “Japanese scholar” is given the title “Russian-Japanese translator” and awarded a prize.

Aniko-san names the words, I count who has how many correct answers.

Examples of words and analogues:

Singing to a backing track - karaoke

Sacred Mountain - Fuji

Raw fish - sushi

Hitman - ninja

Sword - katana

Lover - geisha

Paper plastic - origami

Suicide - kamikaze

Suicide is hara-kiri

Fate is karma

Robe - kimono

Vodka – sake

Hooray! - Banzai!

Letter - hieroglyph

Fat Man - Sumo Wrestler

Pet – Tamagotchi

Warrior - samurai

Vanka-Vstanka – Daruma

Rhyme - haiku

Cartoon - anime

Bouquet – ikebana

Mat - tatami

Crossword - Sudoku

Mustard – wasabi

Soy cheese - tofu

Wrestling – karate, aikido, judo

Military leader - shogun

Comics - manga

Funny haiku again

IN: And again poetry. This time it's a haiku reading competition. After all, reading beautifully can be just as difficult as composing.

We distribute leaflets with funny haiku to the guests in advance and now invite them to read the works, calling them by their Japanese names.

1. Die for the great Nippon

I'll leave my wife only debts

Yes, three Tamagotchis, a little less...

2. My plane is buzzing,

It's hard for my plane.

Hurry up to Pearl Harbor.

IN: Orego-san!

1. Three samyrayas in the winter wind

Sake is drunk cold

It would be better if we took port wine...

2. The samurai blade is like a ray -

And he became blunt

Damn sprat in tomato!!

3. What about you, neighbor Isyjima

Do you grab your sword right away?

Let's fight in Nintendo...

A:*** - san!

1. Sakura white branch

She lay down quietly on the ground.

I'm happy with the new saw.

2. From Monday

I'll start a new life -

I will change my avatar on VKontakte.

3. Everyone in the village has a haiku

Learned to compose

The rice harvest was lost...

Funny haiku about love and family

Read our nominees for the title “Miss Sakura Blossoms”

1. I was waiting for the prince
Didn't come. Slush, rain...
Is your horse sick?

2. In the land of the rising sun, the cherry blossoms have already faded,
Not a hieroglyph from you,
Lest the ginger root dry out.

3. I only like one thing about him.
But I need to get married
Go out entirely.

4. Your answer shakes
Flowers on my ears...
Ikebana is sad.

5. With a sweetheart, heaven in a hut.
To strengthen your will -
I'm going there too!

6. Dew drops
fly from your lips,
Please keep your voice down.

7. I don’t need a star from the sky!
I just ask you -
Change the light bulb in the chandelier already.

8. Great is the talent of a samurai’s wife -
With a single blow of the rolling pin she gives her husband
Bright stars in the night...

9. The samurai sword is all sticky...
The little son smears with a sword
Jam for bread.

Japanese calligraphy

IN: The Japanese love to give each other exquisite cards with congratulations and wishes of happiness, love, and good luck.

A: We also invite you to create your own now greeting card and put a special meaning into it.

All men are invited to mandatory approach the tables and draw a hieroglyph with a gouache brush on a sheet of paper. In front of the participants we place leaves with printed hieroglyphs denoting “happiness,” “love,” and joy. Each participant chooses a hieroglyph with which he would like to congratulate his other half and draws the hieroglyph. Whose hieroglyph turns out to be more beautiful and neat, that participant becomes the winner, and his wish will certainly come true.

Details: Table, paper, brushes, black and red gouache, examples of hieroglyphs, 1 prize.

Another poetic moment

Walk through the rock garden

I wandered into a rock garden,

I didn’t find any -

Someone took it away.

Stone from the top of Fuji

I dropped it on my leg.

He shouted for a long time.

Sakura handful of petals

I insisted on sake.

Easy to drink...

Garden of watching stones,

I thought about eternity.

Game "Japanese impromptu theater"

The presenters read the text expressively. The actors, when mentioning their hero, pronounce a line and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. There are seven actors and one presenter.

A: Ladies and gentlemen! We present to your attention the production of the legendary Kabuki Theater “The Last Samurai”. Roles performed by: (roles are printed out for everyone)

Heroes and lines:

Sakura(pleadingly): “TokasE is not ikebana!” (which translates to: “just don’t make an ikebana out of me!”).

Sparrow (proudly): “Japanese bird!”

Horses (two people) (sad):"We're pretty bad."

Grass(provocatively):“Tickle something!”

Samurai (two people) (menacingly): "Banzai!"


IN: Beautiful SAKURA grew in the endless Japanese steppe. SAKURA branches swayed. A small SPARROW was sitting in the branches of SAKURA. Two purebred Japanese HORSE horses were grazing nearby. And beneath them the lush Japanese GRASS grew and stretched. Oh, how it extended! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. At the same time, the GRASS tenderly tickled the bellies of the stallions. THE ROOMS neighed contentedly.

A: Two Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba appeared in the steppe. SAMURAI Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Samurai Toshiba was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a karateka Toshiba is!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were making faces and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed and chirped. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and it flew away from SAKURA.

IN: SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw ROOMS. The SAMURAI wanted to ride the HORSE and made an attempt to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI managed and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions impatiently beat their hooves and neighed displeasedly. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

A: They went in different directions and, taking off from their place, rushed towards each other. Tamagotchi hit Toshiba and he fell from his MOUNT. While falling, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his MOUNT. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. The beautiful SAKURA towered above them, bowing its branches sadly. A SPARROW flew past, looked at the lying SAMURAI and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly thunder roared and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

IN: Epilogue. In the endless Japanese steppe, a broken, crooked SAKURA grew. A plucked SPARROW was sitting on it. Under the tree lay the GRASS, crumpled and limp. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba were lying in the GRASS and hugging each other. THE HORSE HORSES nibbled the GRASS and neighed joyfully. Peace reigned in the endless Japanese steppe.

Cinema "Irony of Fate in Japanese".

We show guests an 8-minute film parody from Big Difference “The Irony of Fate in Japanese”

The Japanese party ends with the announcement of the results of the Miss Cherry Blossoms contest.

And now there is a disco and mass fun.

Japan is a mysterious country, an island where the sun spends the night, where it wakes up and rises. Rich cultural traditions are carefully preserved by the Japanese and passed on to new generations, thanks to which we can enjoy beautiful customs, colorful outfits and delicious cuisine. It is not surprising that they are trying to imitate this splendor, and therefore parties in Japanese style.

The atmosphere of Japan is created from little things

Where to start? The exotic atmosphere of the country will be created by the appropriate decoration of the hall. The basis of wall decoration can be based on images of dragons. You can get several figurines in the form of these monsters - this is a wonderful decor for a festive table. Ideally matched with Japanese culture any bamboo products - curtains, hot pads, bells. Let’s not forget about the famous red paper lanterns and cherry blossoms; perhaps their presence is mandatory. You can light a couple of fragrant candles; a romantic note is quite appropriate at many events, even if it is a business meeting.

Japanese transformation

For those who like to dress up good option will be a costume party in Japanese style. Girls are geishas, ​​boys are samurai. In principle, costumes are not so difficult to find now. As a last resort, you can borrow a kimono from someone and become a real karateka, cruel and merciless. And it doesn’t matter that you’ve never held a belt in your hands, for one evening you can become anyone, even an elusive ninja. Women can become real geishas with the help of makeup; for this you need to “whiten” your face, make your eyes big and draw small lips with red lipstick.

Japanese music

And one more important point- Japanese music. The most famous groups are: UtadaHikaru, AAA, MejkoKaji and others. A subtle, gentle melody will completely immerse all guests in the fabulous world of Japan.

Making a Japanese menu

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Japanese cuisine is rolls. And, of course, sake, or rice vodka. In principle, if the people gathered at the party are not fans of exotic food, then you can use familiar dishes.

Table setting deserves special attention: plates rectangular shape, chopsticks, bamboo print elements on the tablecloth and napkins. Even if the food on the table is not entirely Japanese, at least the style will be one hundred percent consistent.

Shall we have fun?

Of course, at any party competitions will be useful. How to entertain guests in the Japanese style?

Sumo competition

You can hold a sumo competition. To do this, we “thicken” the players using tape and balloons, after which the great athletes come together in a severe battle and try to burst their opponent’s balloons and at the same time protect their own from destruction.

Competition "Samurai"

The competition for the best samurai will definitely appeal to those who love to compete. To carry it out, you will need several sticks and many rings that will be thrown onto these sticks. Several pairs of volunteers take part in the tournament at the same time - one is a squire, the other is a well-aimed samurai. The winner is the one who throws greatest number rings on the sword, which the squire holds at a certain distance from the samurai.

Competition "Japanese shooter"

You can compete in your dart throwing skills. This is a great opportunity to determine which of those present is hiding a real ninja. As an option, take the usual game of darts instead of darts.

Creative competitions

Speed ​​match towers, origami art, calligraphy - a Japanese party is a great opportunity to compete in the arts.

Computer games

By the way, for some kind of Japanese-style bachelor party, a great entertainment is suitable - a championship in games on a console. You can remember such wonderful times when Mortal Kombat was the favorite game of all the boys.

Japan is a multifaceted country, rich spiritually. Its culture is so vast that getting even one iota closer to it is not an easy task. But with the right approach and organization, you can get a stunningly beautiful holiday, filled with sun, the smell of cherry blossoms and accompanied by a pleasant Japanese melody.

First you need to decide whether it will take place quietly and measuredly to the sounds of nature with tea drinking or let's go all out :) The design of the room will depend on this.

Here are some directions:

1. O-zashiki - here the main role is played by geishas, ​​i.e. mistress of the house.

Tatami can be replaced with a dense one-color carpet or a layer of foam rubber on the floor, hidden under beautiful fabric. Low table, paper lanterns, paintings on the walls, etc. everyone is quietly eating sushi and drinking tea while having a casual conversation.

2. Tanabata or "star festival" is an explosion of colors and fun!

Bright paper lanterns, multi-colored paper garlands, bamboo, balls, fresh and paper flowers. There are notes everywhere with wishes for friends and empty ribbons on which guests can write their wishes.

3. White day - the theme of this holiday is more suitable for lovers.

Men give their loved ones white sweets, mainly marshmallows, marshmallows and white chocolate. But you can break traditions and hold a party according to the “Day of Love and Mutual Gratitude” scenario. Let the scenery be white, but with bright accents here and there - flowers, the constant lanterns, paper garlands. Of course, a lot of sweets and other dishes white(in powder, sauce, etc.).

4. Martial arts - dedicated to sports fans... ninjas, samurai, karate, judo, kempo, aikido and dozens of others. You can choose one direction. For example, dressing guests in huge pinkish “pajamas” with a pillow at the waist and a white bandage on the hips will create funny sumo wrestlers. Or do not limit the guests, allowing them to choose the image of any warrior. Shurikens, nunchucks, katanas and other weapons on the walls, training dummies in the corners... Antique posters depicting battle scenes.

5. Sakura blossom - here I think everything is clear. Sounds of nature, aromatics, silk in pastel shades and a sea of ​​“sakura” - made of paper, fabric or live branches of apple, cherry and other fruit trees.

These are the main directions, but, of course, no one limits you and you can mix everything or, on the contrary, choose one topic.

Here are some more design ideas :

- chrysanthemums, bonsai, ikebana ;

- candles and petals that float around the aquarium... or in other containers :) fountains ;

- miniature rock garden or dry garden, moss garden ;

- maneki-neko, all kinds of fans and umbrellas, hieroglyphs, rice paper, figurines of anime characters, posters with them, dragons and little dragons, scented candles and other incense ;

***fans can be made from pieces of wallpaper, whatman paper, newspapers, magazines, etc. stick pictures on them with the same dragons or sakura, fold them like an accordion and secure the bottom edge***

- It’s better to dim the light, use more candles (just don’t burn down the apartment!) or small lamps ;

- pillows, pillows, pillows - drag everything you find ;

- music... it all depends on your taste, you can philosophize to a lyrical melody or have a blast listening to J-rock, J-pop .

It seems that everything is for decoration.

Let's move on to the equally important part-


This also depends on the theme of your party. Whether you will be a geisha, a warrior or a neko girl. And also don’t forget about cosplay.

A kimono is traditional, but if you can’t get one, then take a large piece of fabric (or several different ones) and... start wrapping it so that you get wide sleeves, and then wrap the two ends of the fabric around yourself under the chest and fasten the ends with a brooch.

Don't forget about the scarf, which will act as a belt. Or maybe you have a blouse with wide sleeves and a high collar in an oriental style. Then add a long narrow plain skirt to it and the suit is ready.

A traditional silk kimono-style robe would also work. If you decide to wear it, again choose a wider belt.

If you are lucky and you get a kimono, then it is wrapped from left to right, with a bow at the back (bows at the front only for “moths”, which geishas never were).

Shoes - silk slippers or sandals (if, again, you couldn’t get traditional shoes).

The most interesting thing is

A whitened face, neatly drawn eyebrows and a bright doll mouth. If you follow traditions, jewelry can only be in the hair. Don't want Japanese extremes? A stylish light kimono (also known as a silk robe), neatly styled hair (in a small bun or high ponytail) with discreet decoration and calm makeup are quite suitable.

The face can be lightened with foundation or very light powder. Or maybe you have paints for applying makeup? They are now sold in all craft stores. We paint the eyebrows and eyes brightly, lining them only with black. Black arrows are a must-have element of Japanese-style makeup. They will give your eyes an exotic slant. eastern form. In Japanese makeup, lips are specially made smaller by whitening their corners. If you are a geisha, then your lips can only be bright red.

The easiest way to create a Japanese-style hairstyle is to gather your hair into a high updo and pin it up with two chopsticks. Use special sticks or regular ones wooden sticks for food, coloring them yourself with markers or paints. You can also decorate your hair with combs and flowers.

The most delicious part is

Dishes - it can be bought in a theme store or a large supermarket - with ornaments (sakura, bamboo, fish), tea sets or a sushi set. The decoration of the table will be napkins folded like a fan, miniature “beds” of live grass (you can grow it in five days by buying grass for cats at the pet store - the main thing is not to eat it!), bamboo in tall thin vases and the food itself. Don't forget to buy sticks :)

Of course, the menu for a Japanese party begins with rolls and sushi - temaki, uramaki, hosomaki, oshizushi, chirashizushi and other “maki” and “zushi”. In principle, you can limit yourself to this if you prepare or order enough varieties of sushi for every taste. If you want something more substantial, traditional dishes are suitable: rice with chicken and vegetables, chahan with seafood, kimchi, fried shrimp, rice or noodles with shiitake, etc. Any seafood and fish will be fine.

Drinks: ceremonial tea, sake, plum or tangerine wine.

For dessert bright wagashi, beautifully stacked in a flat dish. There are a huge variety of wagashi recipes, as well as sushi recipes. Place chocolate-covered marshmallows on a platter, melt white chocolate and use a bag (or pastry syringe) draw a lattice pattern over the marshmallow fabric. On white marshmallows or marshmallows - with dark chocolate.

Or bake a cake decorated in the shape of the Japanese flag, as well as cookies with wishes and fortunes inside.

***if someone doesn’t know how to eat with chopsticks, then hold a competition or ask a riddle, and the prize will be a fork***

Entertainment part -

The main thing here is not to forget to buy gifts. Guests can be divided into teams.

Here are some examples of competitions:

1. The most common - guess the Russian equivalent for a Japanese proverb . Here are some examples:

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. - The less you know, the better you sleep

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den - To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

A falling drop breaks a stone - Water wears away a stone

If you are poisoned by poison, be treated with the same poison - they knock out a wedge with a wedge

Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, he blows on cold vegetables - Having been burned on milk, he blows on water

2. Japanese-Russian translator - everything is simple here: the presenter names the words in Japanese, the one who translated the most wins;

3. Haiku (haiku) - prepare cards with three random words. Guests take out cards and compose haiku from the indicated words;

4. Tatami - this is for those who love puzzles. Tatami cannot be laid in a grid, and according to the terms of the competition (to make it more difficult), more than two tatami cannot be laid in a row (in parallel). The corners of only two mats can touch (three corners should not meet at one point). The Japanese believe that improperly laid tatami mats will bring terrible disaster. One of the competitions theme party may be laying tatami. Of course, not real ones - prepare sheets of cardboard to size (this will be the floor) and rectangles that need to fit on the “floor” - tatami. At speed so that guests don't get bored. And it should look like this:

5. Origami - You will need paper and printed instructions. Guests assemble origami at speed;

6. Shuriken throwing or, so as not to hurt anyone, just darts;

7. "Japan Mama" - participants have a ball tied to their stomach and are asked to collect the largest number of sakura petals (pre-cut from paper) from the floor. Whoever's stomach bursts is out. At the end, the number of collected petals is counted.

8. Conduct beauty contest or competition for the best hairstyle ;

9. The best dance - of course, the dance should be Japanese with fans in both hands, and then improvisation. Participants can dance at the same time or take turns, for a minute or two. To identify the winner through closed voting or the loudest applause;

10. And what would a party be without karaoke ! Here you can also organize a competition to see who can sing better.

And, of course, use it more often Japanese words and expressions. Greet guests with a formal “konichiwa.” Raise your sakazuki (glasses) and shout “kanpai!” Remember to say “arigato” (thank you) and “itadakimas” (bon appetit). All these words must be said while bowing slightly.

And don't be afraid to experiment and improvise!!! The main thing is desire. Create images, outfits, prepare interesting dishes, spice it all up with fun competitions and interesting conversations.

And, of course, you will remember all this for many years;)

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The host greets the guests, she offers to wear Japanese clothes and gives out cards with new names.

While the guests are expected, the presenter offers to make origami on a piece of A4 paper; they will be needed during the evening.

Leading: Konichiwa! (Hello) ladies and gentlemen! Noble samurai, charming Japanese girls... Thank you for coming to our Japanese garden to spend this romantic evening together. Today we celebrate the birthday of the charming Japanese woman Natati and the brave shogun Sakhi-san. Since our evening is in an oriental style, we will now call everything accordingly, that is, in Japanese.

Let me introduce the guests. Well, as I see, all the guests did not come empty-handed and now they will explain to us what their gifts symbolize (the guests stand up when their names are called)

Welcome to the family

1. Maksimudtse: Iriki and Zhehito-san(They give a gift (origami) and an explanation for it, for example Airplane - I wish you to travel to warm countries this year))

2. Family Rumyantsekhun: Anzhemi and Dimako-san

3. Family Sharpanodtsa Olesity and Ivanito-san

4. Family Bogdanidtso Snezhaki and Mihun-san

5. Family Sukharidtse Alesya Sereki-san

6. Family Pimenzen Alemi and Zhendai-san

7. Family Kunyatsu Tanyako and Makhei-san

Well, now let's pour it and drink to original gifts and beautiful congratulations.

Many of you are familiar with Japanese cuisine, and some of you will try exotic dishes for the first time. That's why we provide you with a choice of cutlery - chopsticks for professionals and forks for amateurs! (The presenter distributes chopsticks and forks)

Leading: Well, my dear “Tanjobi omedeto” (Happy birthday - guests 3 times standing)

And now bon appetit – itadakimas!

Leading Toast: We wish you with all our hearts
Good health forever,
Good endless love,
Great hope, strong faith,
And complete happiness without measure,
In the work of lasting success,
And in life - sincere laughter! (We're having a drink)


(They dress up the guests, attach balloons to their bellies) Dima, Angela, Zhenya and Ira

Leading: And now the Summo Wrestlers want to congratulate you. We meet (congratulate).

Leading: Sakhi-san, you know the wrestlers have performances tomorrow, and one player was seriously ill and they asked me to find a replacement for him. You could help them and fight a tough fight tomorrow. The wrestlers will test the birthday boy's strength and agility. (We attach a balloon to the birthday boy’s stomach and the fight continues until the one whose balloon bursts wins.)

Leading: We drink to the bottom for congratulations.


Leading: You know, the Japanese are great aesthetes when it comes to food. And Japanese proverbs are as beautiful as Japanese dishes. And to get small prizes you need to find an analogue to famous Japanese proverbs.

(Guests are given cards with Russian proverbs, read the proverbs, and give a prize to the one who correctly finds the analogue)

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

1. You can’t catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time. - If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

2. If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness. - Love is evil, you will love a goat.

3. Negotiate the price for an uncaught badger. - Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

4. While we are alive, we do not appreciate him, but when he is dead, we regret him. “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.”

5. As if a bird suddenly flew out from under your feet. - Like a bolt from the blue.

6. Better than a hundred tomorrow, fifty today. - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

7. A silent bug gnaws at the wall. - There are devils in still waters.

8. Fear gives rise to black devils. - Fear has big eyes.

9. Bitten by a snake, he is afraid of a rotten rope. - Having been burned by milk, they blow on the water.

10. He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. – The less you know, the better you sleep.

11. It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

12. And you will wait for good weather for the sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

13. A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away stones.

14. If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

Leading: Now let’s raise our sakazuki (take glasses in our hands) and drink to love and our beautiful birthday people! Kanpai (Drink to the bottom)!


(We dress up the guests with a mustache, a robe Olesya, Vanya)

Leading: Dear birthday people, the representative of the Japanese parliament himself came to visit us with congratulations.

Let's meet

Japanese congratulations for newlyweds
Japanese: Dorogutsi state position!
Translator: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Nasa delegate, Honda Japan mother, prime minister.
Translator: Our delegation arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Japanese: It’s hard to write satire.
Translator: Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
Japanese: Mitsubishi Toyota San is a pit or a ditch.
Translator: Then we drove for a long time in a foreign car called “Zaporozhets”.
Japanese: Dorogutsi Sahi-san. and Natachi-san!
Translator: Dear birthday people!

Japanese: Freebie gunda kishi - misi yahamaha.
Translator: Thank you for the invitation to such a significant event.
Japanese: Prime Minister Murakashi Palakashi.
Translator: The Prime Minister regrets that he was unable to come and congratulate you personally.
Japanese: Kyurono hawajimi two boorish Japanese mother.
Translator: But he sent us - two of the best representatives of the Japanese people.

Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.
Translator: There are so many smiles, joy and love here!
Japanese: Women - san is a little thin - a little plump.
Translator: There are so many beautiful and slender girls here!
Japanese: Suzuki kimonota crappy Japanese bitch.
Translator: Unfortunately, our Japanese women are not so beautiful and charming.

Japanese: Nasa japona kobelina macaques are stupid.
Translator: And men cannot compare with your Russian heroes.
Japanese: Hitachi shuki tena, rodaki mani dali.
Translator: How richly the table is set. Apparently your parents are rich and take good care of their children.

Japanese: Aren't you a bad Japanese mother?
Translator: Have you ever been to Japan?
Japanese: Hiro is your Japanese mother.
Translator: We invite you to visit our homeland.
Japanese: Desya hamond sun prime minister take out su him japan mother.
Translator: On behalf of the Japanese people and their Prime Minister, we thank you for the invitation and look forward to a generous meal.

Japanese: Quasimode amaury pavori cherubim shuka sex.
Translator: We wish you a lot of happiness and love!
Japanese: Primihi, it’s meager, it’s a bit of a poor life!
Translator: Accept a gift from our people!

Leading: Let's thank our guests for the gift, invite them to the table and raise a glass to Sakazuki for their congratulations. Kapnay (Drink to the bottom)


(We dress up the guests Misha-geisha and Snezhanna-shogun, congratulate and give a gift).

Leading: We all know that Japan has very smart and wise people. They love to solve Sudoku and various puzzles. So now we’ll try to solve a crossword puzzle, only Russian, let’s see how smart you are dear guests. And the crossword puzzle contains an encrypted gift for birthday people, so they can only receive it with your help.

1. Singing to a backing track - karaoke

2. Raw fish - sushi

3. Hitman - ninja

4. Mistress – geisha

5. Paper plastic - origami

6. Suicide - kamikaze

7. Suicide – hara-kiri

8. Fate is karma

9. Robe - kimono

10. Vodka - sake

11. Warrior – samurai

12. Cartoon - anime

13. Bouquet – ikebana

14. Mustard – wasabi

15. Military leader - shogun

Leading: Well, here is the long-awaited gift: meet the beautiful geisha and the brave samurai with congratulations for the birthday people



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