Pig fish and dragon maiden. year: yellow earth Pig. Compatibility of Dragon woman and Pig man

The compatibility of Pig and Dragon with each other is about 75%; both signs have strong energy and know how to stand up for themselves.

Characteristics of the Pig

Those born in the year of the Pig are naturally talented, hardworking and successful people, but their naivety and gullibility can ruin their lives. By character, guys born in the year of the Pig have the following qualities:

  • have enormous willpower, it would seem that such a young man can do anything, for the sake of the well-being of his beloved, he is able to give up his addictions;
  • a winner in life, not ready to deviate from the intended path;
  • Also, jealousy and possessiveness are inherent in young men: a guy is ready to hide his soul mate behind seven locks so that no one tries to take her away;
  • A distinctive character trait is the ability to think through all his moves in advance: such a guy will not go with the flow and change his intended route, he is confident in everything he does.

A character flaw is excessive gullibility and inability to understand people. Very often, through negligence, such people are deceived by scammers.

Girls born under the constellation Pig are kind and sympathetic. Such ladies absolutely do not know how to lie and weave intrigues; they need: peace and comfort. That is why they choose guys with a strong character as their life partners. General features, both girls and boys, is energetic, able to carry on a conversation, distinguished by its aristocracy, peacefulness, and willingness to forgive.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Born in the year of the Dragon, a person is naturally endowed with the following qualities:

  • decency and kindness, such people will never ignore someone else’s misfortune, they will always come to the rescue;
  • always defend their position;
  • protect the weak and helpless;
  • easily adapt to any conditions, ready to learn new things;
  • They value their family and friends and know how to help.

Guys born in the Year of the Dragon are distinguished by endurance and self-control. They strive for self-improvement, study science and technology, and are ready to learn. They demand a lot from themselves and from those around them, they do not tolerate bad manners and commercialism.

Girls born under the sign of the Dragon know their worth, they are well-mannered, and love to be looked after. Such women build a successful career, in which they are helped by a brilliant mind and the ability to think rationally. Among the character flaws one can single out such a trait as the inability to relax.

Pig Woman and Dragon Man

Pig by Eastern horoscope is a vector sign, which determines its dominance over the Dragon sign. The compatibility of a Pig woman and a Dragon man in love is very high. The Pig Girl falls in love with the Dragon in an instant, she idolizes him. That is why its vector affiliation does not apply to the Dragon.

Family and marriage

Peace and tranquility reign in such a family; the wife does not prevent her husband from learning new things and seeking recognition. She sincerely rejoices at her husband’s successes and victories. The man, in turn, is ready to protect and teach his companion new things. In a marriage, it is possible to have several children.

This ratio of constellations creates an almost perfect pair. The Pig and Dragon compatibility horoscope is above average, which means a very high indicator. If you rely on a horoscope when entering into a new relationship, you can be sure that you made the right choice.

Sex life

Girls born under the symbol of the Pig are naturally sexy and enjoy success with the opposite sex. Such women love to flirt, but prefer to become intimate only after a long relationship.

The Dragon and the Pig are attracted to each other, their romances are always long and productive. It is very rare when a one-night stand occurs between such sensible characters. As a rule, the sexual life of these signs is very liberated; understanding reigns in such a union: each partner knows how to please the other.

Friendship between signs

In friendship, as in love, there is very great compatibility between such people. Both signs easily achieve mutual understanding and can trust secrets. Comprehensively developed, they complement each other perfectly.

Pig women and Dragon men are the most best friends, they like to communicate, visit theaters together and even go shopping. It is not uncommon that feelings are hidden under the guise of friendship; most often, a girl falls in love, and due to natural shyness, she may miss her chance to be loved. Guys born under the sign Chinese calendar Dragons value and respect their friends very much, they are always ready to defend and help in any matter. The friendship of these two can last a lifetime, even with families.

Compatibility at work

Pig women and Dragon men, if we talk about business relations constellations, then everything is the other way around, no work will work out for them. Especially when it comes to joint projects.

The Pig's carelessness and gullibility are to blame; she is very easy to fool, which irritates her work partner.

Dragon Woman and Pig Man (Boar)

The Dragon woman and the Pig man are rarely married. The Pig is too jealous and picky for the Dragon girl. The ferocious and domineering character of a man scares away a woman, who by nature is an active and spectacular person who knows all her virtues.

Family and marriage

Being married to a Pig man according to the Eastern horoscope, a girl dooms herself to quarrels and conflicts, because her husband strives to make his woman a housewife, which does not fit into the plans of his careerist wife.

If, after all, a family has already been created, then one of the partners must be able to give in or completely give up his dream. Usually such a union does not bring much happiness and ease in relationships.

Sex life

In intimate terms, the compatibility of the two signs is one hundred percent. No one can extinguish the passion between the Pig man and the Dragon woman. It’s a shame that they only have such ardor during sex.

Nata Karlin

From the point of view of most astrologers compatibility between Dragon and Pig (Boar) is very good both in love and marriage, and in friendship and work. There is a serious difference between the main character traits of people of these signs, but by some miracle they manage to find common language. These two are able to love each other at first sight and live a long, happy life together.

An overly ambitious Dragon can ignite the flames of discord in a couple. If he decides to re-educate the Pig, conflict will not be avoided

These relationships should be built on equality, love and respect.

The Dragon is by nature a natural leader, speaker, activist and optimist.. If desired, he will conquer anyone with his own charm and logic. It costs him nothing to arouse the sympathy of both one person and the masses of people. He is always full of secret and obvious admirers, whose worship and love accompanies the Dragon throughout his life.

A representative of the Dragon zodiac sign, who creates many ideas in his own head, very rarely brings them to life and achieves success. He is hampered by a lack of rational thinking, lack of composure and unwillingness to adhere to a certain strategy. In addition, he always has a lot of not only fans, but also envious people, whose influence greatly poisons life. However, in most cases he remains the winner.

Slow and indecisive Pig takes a very long time to make a decision, hesitating between several options for the development of events. Therefore, as a rule, you are left with nothing. However, if all the arguments speak in favor of one option, the Pig acts with lightning speed. Sociable, kind, sympathetic and peace-loving people of this zodiac sign are sure to become the center of attention of any company. They attract with their wit, ability to find compromises and good nature.

Congenital hard work and perseverance make Pig very successful in all endeavors. However, people of this zodiac sign do not know how to manage money correctly. They are completely unsuited to saving money and sincerely do not understand why they should do this if they can spend it all on pleasure. Therefore, they very often find themselves in a difficult financial situation. However, if there is a question of life and death, the Pig will make every effort to find a way out of any situation with the least losses.

Compatibility horoscope for Dragon and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between a Pig and a Dragon develops rapidly if both are passionate about each other. . The pig is simply delighted with his partner, admired by his energy, liberation and independence. She gives everything to her Dragon free time, and in return gets the opportunity to become a little freer in his views on life and judgments.

Both partners are suitable for each other, but their tandem is possible only with mutual respect and love

They need to learn attention and caring attitude towards their other half. Spiritually strong, which greatly upsets the Pig. The latter will never tolerate humiliation and a supporting role and will definitely find a way to prove his superiority. Such a struggle for leadership can be a decisive moment for a break.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar)

Husband and wife (Dragon-Pig (Boar)) from the outside may look perfect couple. In essence, this is how it is. . Next to him, he is able to relax and truly enjoy family life. Both partners are endowed with a thirst for learning everything new; they like to travel together, look for adventures and fresh sensations. Any disagreements that arise in this couple are resolved peacefully, which is facilitated by the diplomatic qualities of the Pig.

It should be noted that in this tandem both partners know how to make money. However, they cannot distribute and spend them correctly. On this aspect life together they should pay close attention. The most acceptable combination in this tandem would be a couple where the guy is a Dragon and the girl is a Pig (Boar).

In bed, the Dragon and the Pig will possess each other not only physically, but also at the level of feelings and emotions

They completely surrender to the excitement of sex, without experiencing any shyness or fear in it. Therefore, the fire of passion will burn in them from the first day to the last.

Friendship between Dragon and Pig according to the Chinese calendar

The Dragon and the Pig (Boar) will be friends selflessly and with complete dedication to each other. The Pig enriches these relationships with spirituality, the Dragon adds energy. This relationship will bring a lot of benefits to each of the partners. They will be calm, smooth and long-lasting.

The work compatibility between the Dragon and the Pig is simply excellent. This tandem is doomed to success in any situation. If the Pig and the Dragon decide to organize own business, the company will remain a leader for a long time and will only prosper. However, in this tandem one should expect envy and a desire to dominate from the Pig.

Compatibility between Dragon man and Pig woman

So, he is the Dragon, she is the Pig. What awaits this union? This tandem has every prospect for happy coexistence. If one of the partners agrees to give in at least a little to the other, . First of all, the Pig (Boar) girl must accept her man with all his shortcomings and turn a blind eye to his impulsiveness and emotional outbursts.

A couple can be quite happy if The Dragon guy will devote time to his beloved and sometimes spend weekends and evenings at home. In turn, the Pig woman must learn, if not to shine next to her enchanting partner, then to be his worthy shadow during public appearances.

An almost perfect relationship can be established between two people

Most important drawback partners is that despite all their ability to earn money, they are absolutely not taught how to spend it. Them we need to learn together how to plan a family budget, and then financial stability and success are guaranteed to them.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Pig man

In those couples where she is the Dragon and he is the Pig, the union can turn out to be no less strong and durable. The Dragon Girl will have to learn to make certain concessions, moderating your bright temperament and harshness of judgment and outlook on life. The Pig guy, with such support from his other half, will definitely achieve significant heights in life.

He will always be lucky with work and money, and he will not be able to stop admiring and praising his beautiful partner

In turn, adoring praise and recognition The dragon will be delighted with this attitude.

The Dragon Lady has a bright appearance, has inner strength and charisma. She is always accompanied by a lot of admirers of her talents and appearance. To win the favor of such a person the Pig man will have to put in a lot of effort. The main and most important thing that a man of this zodiac sign can do is to show care and support, listen and hear his chosen one. This is what will conquer the Dragon woman, making her believe in the seriousness of her intentions. When paired, these people complement each other perfectly.

13 February 2018, 17:40

According to eastern calendar, the compatibility of Pig and Dragon largely depends on the zodiac sign of the partners and the order of the planets at birth. Representatives of these years are able to create a strong and reliable union, but their relationship may end a few months after they met.

People of these signs have similar character traits, which can cause disagreements. However, if a couple works on their relationship, the marriage will last a lifetime.

Characteristics of the Pig

The wards of this patron animal value spiritual and everyday comfort. Their main character traits are:

  • love of truth;
  • balanced decision-making;
  • friendliness;
  • tolerance.

Under the auspices of the Pig, soft and noble personalities are born. They owe their year to a love of art and condescension towards others. Such people have a weakness for luxury; they often purchase expensive jewelry and clothes in the latest fashion.

This sign is a good advisor and always provides support to loved ones. However, one should not take the softness of Pigs as weakness: representatives of this year do not tolerate disrespect. They will not openly talk about the problem and will simply leave, leaving their partner bewildered.

Elemental influence

The formation of a person’s personality is influenced not only by the patron animal, but also by the elements. Depending on the type of year, the Pig can receive the following character traits:

  1. The element of Metal (1911 and 1971) makes this sign cautious and conservative. Thanks to these qualities, people now easily find a way out of difficult situations.
  2. The Water Pig (1923 and 1983) is impatient and ready to take off at any moment, but such individuals give in to the first difficulties.
  3. Tree (1935 and 1995) endows its subjects with the ability to present themselves favorably to society. This element also makes the Pig promiscuous.
  4. Under the influence of Fire (1947 and 2007), people become extremely energetic and persistent. However, their stubbornness makes communication difficult.
  5. The earth element (1959) enhances the love of luxury and comfort. Such individuals put their own material well-being first.

The boar, regardless of the type of year, will always strive for peace of mind and a beautiful life. He surrounds his friends and loved ones with care and knows how to run a household.

The future partner of this sign should take into account that the Pig does not tolerate criticism and humiliation well. The wards of this patron animal will not tolerate violence against them and can take harsh revenge, although they are not prone to open scandals and disputes.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Representatives of this strong sign often become role models. The main character traits of the wards of this patron animal are:

  • temperament;
  • willpower;
  • endurance;
  • perseverance.

This year's wards value luxury goods and expensive brands. They love to visit restaurants and social events. However, behind the external superficial craving for a beautiful life lies romance.

The influence of the elements

Depending on the element, the Dragon acquires the following qualities:

  1. Metal (1940 and 2000) reduces the already low sensitivity of the sign to a minimum level. Such people prefer loneliness and often behave cruelly towards others.
  2. Under the influence of Water (1952 and 2012), the Dragon acquires spiritual harmony and inner balance. Lifestyle similar people often considered exemplary.
  3. The element of Wood (1964) endows the sign with a love of art and culture. Such people know how to complete everything they start and are distinguished by a measured way of life.
  4. Fire Dragon (1976) has an explosive personality. His innate honesty and lack of tact often cause problems in relationships.
  5. Earth (1928 and 1988) endows this year with rational thinking. Such people look at the world realistically and know how to correctly distribute their forces to achieve goals.

This year's future partner should know that even with a favorable combination of zodiac signs and the elements of the year, the Dragon will always be overly romantic and frivolous. The changeability of his character often leads to adultery.

To keep the wards of this patron animal near you, the relationship must be dynamic and vibrant. Boredom and monotony will lead to the Dragon's dissatisfaction, which will cause him to be demanding and hot-tempered.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman

First of all, it should be noted that this union has a vector orientation. The Dragon and the Pig have a servant-master relationship, with the Pig playing the dominant role.

This does not mean that the signs have low compatibility in love, friendship or work. The vector type of relationship implies the presence of a strong and driven personality in a couple. With a harmonious combination of signs, such a tandem can build a long-term union.

Compatibility in love

Gender distribution of roles has a beneficial effect on the couple. Thanks to her gentle character, the girl will not strive for power over her partner. She will be able to provide the man with the necessary support and give him advice. In turn, the guy at the expense strong character will try to fully provide for his girlfriend.

IN sex life partners will also have no problems. According to the horoscope, Pigs are distinguished by their love of love, and the Dragon has large quantity energy, so a man is able to satisfy any desires of his girlfriend.

Marriage Compatibility

The Dragon man and the Pig woman have high horoscope compatibility.

The girl in this couple needs strong patron, able to protect her from problems. In turn, a man wants to be the master of the situation and solve all possible difficulties.

The positive side of this pair is balance. The Pig's gentleness suppresses the Dragon's temper, which allows partners to create a harmonious union.

In this tandem, everything basically depends on the girl, since she sees shortcomings in her spouse, while he does not notice the negativity in his partner. If the Pig woman restrains herself from reproaches, then the union can last for more than a decade.

Relationship problems

Despite the high compatibility of the signs, disagreements still occur in the couple. The main reasons for them are:

  1. Financial instability. Both spouses want a luxurious life, but a man in tandem will not be able to fully provide for the couple.
  2. The guy's temper. The dragon is extremely emotional and unrestrained, so at a certain moment he can be very rude to his partner and seriously offend her.
  3. The girl's vindictiveness. The Pig can endure for a long time and does not like open scandals, but is capable of responding to outright rudeness.

The couple's main problem is the lack of discussion of conflicts. The girl in the couple endures in silence until a certain point, after which she simply breaks off the relationship.

In turn, the guy may not understand what actions of his offend his girlfriend. For a strong relationship, the Dragon man and the Pig woman should openly express their opinions and seek compromises.

Dragon Woman and Pig Man

It's less good combination signs, since a girl’s expressiveness will not appeal to a man’s taste. The Pig guy does not have the same gentle character as the Pig girl. He will gladly use vector communication to cause discomfort to his partner.

IN friendly relations a woman will insist on frequent meetings and material support, which will be perceived by a man as a restriction of freedom. It will also be difficult for the couple to work together, since the girl’s ambition will not please the balanced guy.

Compatibility in Love

This is an unpromising union. The girl in a couple often makes claims against the guy, since the Dragon is very demanding. In turn, Pig does not tolerate undeserved reproaches well and may subsequently act out of spite to his friend.

In sex, partners are well suited to each other. The sensuality of a man and the energy of a girl will help them achieve maximum pleasure in intimacy.

Marriage Compatibility

Pig man and Dragon woman have low compatibility in marriage. The reason for this is the girl’s excessive demands on her husband. Craving for a luxurious life and dislike for hard work makes the spouse unbearable for the Pig.

  • Vengefulness of the Pig. The husband in this relationship is able to methodically bring his partner to grief and gets pleasure from the girl’s temper.
  • Financial problems. Both spouses want a beautiful life, and the man is able to provide for his family, but under constant pressure he becomes mercantile and greedy.
  • In general, the marriage of these individuals has poor prospects. The Pig man and the Dragon woman are capable of falling in love at first sight, but a long relationship will exhaust them mentally.

    In such a tandem, the girl should show restraint and patience, then the man will soften his line of behavior. The hot temper of the Dragon and the vindictiveness of the Pig will not allow the couple to establish a trusting relationship.

    A family union in compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is, as a rule, stable and reliable. In it, each partner compensates for each other’s shortcomings and enhances their own strengths. The Pig (Boar) woman is capable of not only approving and supporting the ambitious aspirations of the Dragon man, but also providing him with reliable support and giving him wise and practical advice.

    The impulsiveness of the Dragon man is well compensated by patience and. The Dragon man is a tactician by nature and is often overly active and aggressive in his actions, while the Pig (Boar) woman is a strategist who prefers to achieve goals without serious losses or conflicts. She is able to reconcile opposing views and interests. Therefore, combining efforts allows them to more effectively achieve a wide variety of goals and go through life hand in hand. At the same time, the Pig (Boar) woman is more sacrificial and is able to give up personal ambitions, giving all her energy and strength to the ambitious and strong-willed Dragon man.

    Wanting a stable relationship, the Dragon man must constantly maintain his partner’s interest, letting her know that he desperately needs her help. If he succeeds, he need not worry about his rear, and the Pig (Boar) woman will be ready to endure all the difficulties and trials. In addition, the Pig (Boar) woman is not only ready to share the glory and success of the Dragon man, but will also provide him with selfless help in case of any failures and failures. Therefore, their union can be very romantic, happy and quite successful.

    Dragon man and Pig woman (Boar) - compatibility

    A pair of male Dragon and female Pig (Boar) can build long-lasting love relationship that will grow into a strong marriage. There is some kind of intuitive understanding and feeling between them. Together they can survive and solve everything problematic issues and difficulties. The interaction between a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Achieving family happiness in this couple is not difficult. It is enough just to treat each other with respect. First of all, this, of course, concerns the Dragon man, who can occasionally offend weaker partners. The Pig (Boar) woman will not tolerate humiliation and the relationship can deteriorate greatly. But if the Dragon man and the Pig (Boar) woman have learned to respect each other, then a warm and trusting relationship will be established between them. The Dragon Man will enrich you family life bright impressions, pleasant travels and interesting acquaintances, and the Pig (Boar) woman will give him sensitivity and attentiveness, care and devotion. Next to her, he will have the opportunity to fully rest and recuperate after his exploits.

    A man born and extravagant in appearance never goes unnoticed. Wherever he appears, he becomes the center of attention and universal admiration. He knows how to make a lasting impression on women, and on men too. He is distinguished by a vivid imagination, ambition, excellent taste, as well as honesty, decency and fairness. and aristocratic personality type. He always has many fans, but he himself can rarely fall in love with anyone. Its magnificent features have reverse side. A Dragon man spoiled by attention becomes arrogant, and his authoritarianism borders on selfishness. In personal relationships, the Dragon man is prone to despotism and tyranny, although he is not at all evil by nature. In addition, it is difficult for him to remain faithful to one woman, and therefore he usually easily changes his partners. But, if he meets a soft, very feminine, sweet, calm, and even mysterious girl, he is able to love her with all his heart and will do everything to win her hand. Despite the fact that the Dragon man believes that he was created for higher purposes, he does not disdain household chores. He is a good owner and a caring husband.

    A woman born with an easy-going, good-natured character. With her behavior she resembles a child. She knows how to enjoy everything around her and has a positive attitude towards both people and life in general. True, she is somewhat gullible and naive, so she is easy to deceive. He is a very peace-loving and decent person. The Pig (Boar) woman is loved by everyone because she is helpful, polite, friendly, touching, calm and has a fantastic charm. Despite the fact that she is somewhat shy and reserved, she is always surrounded by many friends, both men and women. He is steadfast in the face of difficulties, and despite his outward softness, he easily achieves his goals. The Pig (Boar) woman is a very sensual and emotional person, but in relationships with men she prefers to remain passive and hides her true feelings until she is sure that the man loves her too. She does not know how to be cunning or cunning, for her there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. The Pig (Boar) woman does not like to argue and unquestioningly recognizes her husband’s authority. She can rightfully be considered one of the best candidates for a wife for most men.

    The Dragon man attracts the attention of absolutely all women. Even the Pig (Boar) woman will not be able to resist him. He has qualities that she will be absolutely delighted with. And it is important for the Dragon man that he is admired. In addition, he likes the thriftiness of the Pig (Boar) woman, her caring attitude, kindness and gentleness. Due to the fact that both partners are inquisitive and love new sensations, they will quickly find a common language and be able to build strong, long-term relationships. The main thing is that the Pig (Boar) woman can abstract herself from the explosive nature of the Dragon man and not react so sharply to his antics. Despite some difficulties, relationships can be very fruitful and quite happy.

    The Dragon man and the Pig (Boar) woman feel each other on an intuitive level. They may not even speak to each other, but simply remain silent, but this silence allows them to resolve many contradictions. The Pig (Boar) woman knows how to take care of her loved one and constantly shows concern and kindness. Next to her, the Dragon man gains the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy simple joys life.

    The Pig (Boar) woman is femininity itself, and the Dragon man is a real knight. They are usually happy with each other, although problems still exist between them. In particular, they will not be able to immediately come to mutual respect and the ability to listen to their partner. This is especially true for the Dragon man. Sometimes, he perceives the sensuality and softness of the Pig (Boar) woman as weakness. And then he, stronger in character, will begin to strive for leadership and suppress his wife. Of course, a man should take a leading position in the relationship and have the last word, but it is important that he does not humiliate his spouse. The Pig (Boar) woman will not tolerate humiliation and can also move on to accusations, claims and even betrayal. As a result, their relationship will become simply unbearable for each other. But, when respect for each other is achieved, the compatibility of this couple increases many times over. It is mutual respect that will lead to a long, strong and strong union, and life will fill bright colors and new impressions.

    Another problem in a pair of male Dragon and female Pig (Boar) will be the uncontrollable desire of both for luxury. In this regard, not only financial problems may arise, but also disagreements in the family. To avoid this, you need to carefully plan your family budget and not make unnecessary expenses.

    Also, the organization of leisure time for spouses may become a stumbling block. Thus, a Dragon man can make a Pig (Boar) woman very happy if he stays at home with her from time to time, and she can please her lover if she at least sometimes goes out in public with him. Such compromising behavior will strengthen relationships and strengthen mutual understanding.

    Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman - compatibility in love

    Sexual compatibility of a male-Dragon and female-Pig (Boar) couple - on high level. Sex means much more to both than just physical satisfaction. They joyfully surrender to the right to possess each other. In intimacy, both behave relaxed, uninhibited, not afraid to experiment and use new techniques. The Dragon man in bed, as in life, behaves more selfishly, but, nevertheless, both try to give each other unforgettable moments of pleasure.

    Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple: Dragon Man and Pig (Boar) Woman

    A pair of male Dragon and female Pig (Boar) may well create happy family. But for this, you need to work on relationships and make efforts to cope with the contradictions that exist.

    Firstly, all problems in a couple are easily resolved due to the lack of expectations of anything from the other person.

    Secondly, both, and especially the Dragon man, need to learn to respect their partner. The ability to listen and avoid arguments can also be useful in building a happy relationship.

    And thirdly, both need to learn to control cash and not spend more than you can earn. It is better to entrust the distribution of finances to a Pig (Boar) woman. She is more perspicacious and wiser in many matters.

    The compatibility of the Pig (Boar) man and the Dragon woman is regarded as quite high. They are able to create a successful couple. Each partner is characterized by temper, passion and sensuality. It is these qualities that provoke conflicts. However, the development of spouses can reduce the number of quarrels to a minimum.

    Such a union is guaranteed prosperity if the woman motivates the Pig (Boar) man with her thirst for activity. Compared to his chosen one, he is quite passive. The woman guides the chosen one, which helps him acquire useful connections and conduct business successfully.

    It will not be difficult for a man to follow the advice and wishes of his companion. He wants to earn her favor and praise. But over time, he comes to the realization that such a rhythm of life does not suit him. His beloved is deliberately active and active. A man simply does not have time for his own interests and hobbies. In addition, he wants quiet family happiness, and not constant fuss. However, if the wife begins to help the Pig (Boar) man make the right decisions and find the optimal way out of any situation, then the compatibility of the Pig (Boar) and the Dragon in love increases noticeably.

    Pig (Boar) man and Dragon woman: general compatibility

    The Pig man is one of the good matches for the Dragon woman

    The quarrels that occur do not affect the relationship between the partners. This union has many prospects. Often, a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) and a Dragon woman get married. Their characters are radically different, but the partners feel and understand each other well, and they are not afraid of problems at all. Each of the lovers has the opportunity to realize themselves, which is important.

    If spouses treat each other with due respect, then nothing will interfere with their tandem. First of all, the Dragon woman should learn to regulate herself. She unconsciously puts pressure on all the people around her, in particular, on her chosen one. She should not forget that the future of the relationship is in her hands. If a woman puts forward too many demands and does not show her best traits, then separation is inevitable. The Pig (Boar) man is uncomfortable constantly experiencing pressure from his companion. This will lead to him becoming restless, lacking initiative, greedy and flighty.

    Charisma and sexual attractiveness are characteristic of a woman born in the year of the Dragon. Fans don't give her a pass. For this reason, capturing her heart is not an easy task. In order to show his true intentions, the Pig (Boar) man should support his chosen one in all endeavors. She will definitely appreciate it.

    The Dragon Woman has an active attitude towards life. It is impossible to limit it to any one area. She wants to realize herself in everything at once. A woman will not devote herself entirely to household chores. She is engaged in social work with great dedication, without which she cannot imagine her existence. This is how her self-expression occurs. She loves everything new, develops and offers different ideas. It is not difficult for her to be successful in all endeavors. In this she is helped by fortitude, endurance and the ability to maneuver in any circumstances.

    The Dragon Woman is distinguished by her confidence in own strength, reliability, honesty. However, her character is also dominated by such traits as imbalance and conflict. And this is a reason for quarrels and difficulties when communicating with her.

    Pig Man - “the life of the party”

    Calmness, reliability, sincerity, optimism, and efficiency fully characterize the personality of a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar). It is easy to build relationships with him because he is open and inviting. If necessary, he will gladly help his work partners and friends. In this regard, it is trouble-free. The Pig (Boar) man will always keep his word, so they trust him and count on him. He is characterized by gentleness and balance, which in no way prevents him from achieving his goals and implementing plans. Difficulties do not frighten him. He has well-developed willpower.

    Often such men have high ideas about morality and morality. They are sincere, honest, noble and kind. Those around you really appreciate it. At the same time, the Pig (Boar) man does not attach much importance to human weaknesses. His circle of friends and acquaintances is wide, because in him they find a good listener. In addition, he gives good advice and is incredibly supportive. His positive attitude towards the world is also adopted by his loved ones.

    However, it is difficult to even think that behind a mask of balance and openness a man hides deep emotional experiences and fears. He does not allow strangers into his inner world, prefers not to talk about what worries him. Such qualities of his do not go unnoticed by the Dragon woman. It is they who will attract her to the Pig (Boar) man.

    In material matters, a man is very lucky. In addition, he has a cheerful disposition. He will never forget to say warm and tender words to his beloved. He values ​​her highly. But this doesn’t matter to the Dragon woman. Because she never lacks male attention, for her, the praise of her lover does not play a significant role. Ordinary courtship does not impress her.

    Pig Man (Boar) and Dragon Woman: Marriage Compatibility

    The Pig man will admire the Dragon woman tirelessly

    The compatibility of the Pig (Boar) man and the Dragon woman is quite high, since their relationship is a kind of complement to each other. The husband never tires of admiring his other half, which endlessly flatters her. Next to her chosen one, she feels safe and confident in the future. This gives her the opportunity to relax and not think about anything. She brightens up family everyday life with unforgettable holidays, entertaining meetings and intense expressions of emotions.

    The Dragon Woman realizes that her husband can provide her with the opportunity to be herself. She doesn't need to pretend to be anything in front of him. She can easily demonstrate her essence. The woman believes that only the Pig (Boar) man can accept her as real. However, when she discovers the weaknesses of her beloved, she does not even strive to show respect.

    To increase the compatibility of Pig and Dragon in marriage, a woman should calm down, learn to control her impulses, make concessions and not put pressure on her companion. She is well aware of his weaknesses. And she does not miss the opportunity to strike for her own satisfaction. She incorrectly regards the good nature and sincerity of her lover as weakness. She prefers to be the head in the relationship. She makes attempts to compete with the Pig (Boar) man. Such behavior on the part of the wife is perceived with hostility by the man. Moreover, he may decide to cheat. All this will inevitably lead to separation. To avoid this, a woman should think about changing herself. If she proves herself to be a loving spouse, then her partner will do a lot to make her desires come true.

    Pig (Boar) man and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

    The Dragon Woman, even in bed, will try to take the initiative into her own hands

    The intimate sphere has its extremes. On the one hand, they may experience satisfaction from sexual intimacy. But, on the other hand, sometimes sex does not bring them pleasure. The problem is that the Dragon woman wants to be a leader in this area too. However, in such a situation, both spouses will lose. The Pig (Boar) man will take a passive position, so he will not strive to please his beloved. However, as soon as the Dragon woman transfers dominance to her partner, he will do whatever she wants. It's about experimentation and romance. The man will try to surprise his wife.

    A happy marriage between a Pig man and a Dragon woman is possible only with strong mutual concessions

    From time to time, life throws its own challenges at the couple. In difficult periods, it is extremely important how partners express themselves. The main thing is that they do not forget about the value of their union, as well as peace and harmony in the family. The marriage of a Pig (Boar) man and a Dragon woman will be happy and exemplary if the spouses can come to mutual respect, learn to listen to their companion and avoid quarrels and showdowns. A woman should trust her husband, because in many situations he acts smarter and more expediently.

    In addition, it is necessary to correctly distribute the duties and responsibilities of partners. If the Dragon woman begins to devote more time to her beloved, then he will be truly happy. He, in turn, should at least occasionally visit with her various kinds events. This way, the goals of each spouse will be achieved, and the relationship will be harmonized.

    The couple love luxury. They can spend money uncontrollably, so they should plan their family budget, make savings and minimize unnecessary expenses. This will help maintain peace in the relationship.

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