New Year's scenario for schoolchildren in a modern way. New Year's "12 months in a new way" Scenario for older preschoolers in a new way

The fairy tale "Morozko" remains popular today, although it has been told to children for a very long time. But the modern world requires a new approach even to fairy tales. Therefore, the action of our scenario takes place in the present tense, although it is very reminiscent of a real fairy tale. Unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't get gifts. This scenario New Year's fairy tale"Morozko" is suitable for both high school and colleges, and for primary school and even for kindergarten kids. In order to adapt the fairy tale for the younger age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters and the name of the lesson that Maria teaches.

Actors and entourage

Since the scenario involves action in modern world, then the scenery must be selected appropriate. Characters fairy tales are also slightly changed.

Entourage and stage

At the price, you won’t even need to change too many things. The main focus is on the clothes of the characters and the items they use. For each new action, the scenery will change a little, so it's worth preparing a "background" for each of them in advance. For this, several large sheets of whatman paper are suitable, which depict a general picture of the place where events take place in this moment- apartment, forest, hunting lodge.


Act one

scene one

The scene begins in a city apartment owned by Antonina Pavlovna. There are two girls in the room.

Nastasya finishes cleaning, sets the table and, at the same time, runs to the kitchen to check if dinner is ready. Maria sits at the table, "nods" and pretends to solve a problem in higher mathematics. Enter Antonina Pavlovna. Stepmother: Masha, well, did your math? Maria: Of course, mommy. But she is so uninteresting, barely finished! Tired already. You all sit and sit. Take a walk now... Stepmother: Well done, daughter. You did a good job, you can go for a walk. Just eat here. Maria: Nastya hasn't done anything yet! Stepmother: So, Nastasya, why is dinner not ready yet and the table is not set? Nastasya: Antonina Pavlovna, a couple more minutes, almost everything is ready. Stepmother: Here's a lazy person, does absolutely nothing! And for what you only feed? So now father will come, we will eat, and then you will clean everything up here, fold Masha's textbooks and knit a blouse for her, otherwise the child has nothing to walk around! Here, hold on, I brought new yarn. Nastasya: Well, Antonina Pavlovna, it’s already six in the evening, I won’t have time to finish it. It's too much… Stepmother: Nightmare! You are kind to her, but she keeps grumbling and grumbling, and even contradicts her elders and is a terrible lazy person! Now, wait, your father will come, I will tell him to take you to his mother in the village. That's where you belong!

scene two

Anatoly Fedorovich enters the room. Father: Well, girls, how are you doing here? Stepmother: Tolya, your daughter doesn’t do anything at all, and she doesn’t listen to me either. I'm so tired of her! Take her now and take her to the village. It will be more useful there. Father: Right now? Yes, I also didn’t quite fix the car, and it’s already late, it’s dark. Maybe on the weekend? Stepmother: No holidays! Now! I can no longer see this girl, and Mashenka complains about her. Father: Well, if so ... Get ready, daughter, let's go. You will see your grandmother, you will help her with the housework. I'll go, I'll drive the car to the entrance. Gets dressed and leaves the room. Stepmother: You, Nastasya, don’t relax too much there, take the yarn with you and finish the blouse there. And for the holiday, your father will pick you up, so don't forget to prepare homemade cottage cheese and cheese in advance. Here you will bring it. After all, Mashenka needs to eat well. Maria puts dinner on the table and leaves..

Action two

scene one

Morozko, Blizzard with a blizzard and Snowflakes gathered in a bright clearing in the forest. Snowflakes(in unison): Oh, how boring! Winter is very calm... Snowstorm: Indeed, girls, you can’t even turn the snow, Grandfather doesn’t allow ... Snowstorm: And I have nothing to do. Grandfather Morozko, maybe we'll work a little, otherwise we've already sat too long. Morozko: Here are restless! Calm down, I'm telling you. It's not time yet. Snowflakes(in unison): And when will the time be? Morozko: That's when I say, then it will be. Snowstorm: Look, look! We have some people here. Maybe a parrot? Snowstorm: Oh, right! Now there will be work! Snowflakes(in unison): Hurrah! Let's play enough! Morozko: Well, what is it? Like I said, only when I tell you to. And suddenly this good people? Why scare them in vain? Snowstorm: Grandpa, let's check them out! Snowflakes(in unison): Exactly! Let's! And... how do we check? Morozko: What have you already thought up, Vyuzhenka? Snowstorm: I also know how! We will blow cold and snow on them, cover them with hoarfrost ... Then we will adjust the tests - we will call Vochitsa and our sons, We will ask for the river, the Christmas tree. If People are not afraid and try to help them, then they are good people. Snowstorm A: Just the way I wanted it. Thanks, girlfriend! Morozko: Tests, then ... Well, it sounds good! Snowflakes, fly to call the Wolf. We'll start right here. Only obey me in everything and do not be too zealous until I tell you!

scene two

Maria and her father are in a car. Already in the forest, not far from the village where the grandmother lives, the car finally breaks down and they get out.

Father: Well, it's broken. There was no need to listen to Antonina, they would have left tomorrow morning. I could fix the car. And the phone, unfortunately, does not work. Nastya: And I'm completely discharged ... Yes, okay, dad. Let's go on foot, it's not far from here. There, in the village, let's go to my grandmother's neighbor, Uncle Kolya. He definitely has all the parts. You will spend the night with your grandmother, and in the morning with Uncle Kolya, fix the car and go home. Father: No, daughter, it won't work like that. How much snow do you see? And your boots are thin. I'll go myself - it will be faster. Nastya: How are you? No, let's go together. I'm afraid to let you go alone. Father: I'm telling you - I'll get there faster. I'll leave you a thermos of tea and a few sandwiches. I think I can do it in two hours. You sit in the hunting lodge, it will be warmer there. Nastya: Okay, dad, just be careful, don't get lost. Father: Okay, I'll be careful. Well, everything. I went, go to the house, lock it up and don't open it to anyone.

scene three

Anatoly Fyodorovich leaves. Nastya goes to the house. She needs to go near the River. river: Girl, help me please. Nastasya: Oh, who's here? Who is speaking? river: This is a river. Don't be afraid, tonight is a magical night and I can talk. Nastasya: Well, if so ... And how can I help you? river: Over there, a little further, a log lies, blocking the path to the water. I'm small and wintery, I can't move it myself. Try you. Nastasya(to himself): It's strange how... The river is talking... Maybe I fell asleep? And moving a log is not difficult. He goes to the log, pushes it out of the water. river: Oh, thank you! You are a good girl. Nastasya: My pleasure. I didn't do anything special. Goodbye, I'll go to the house, warm up. river: Goodbye. Thank you. Nastya goes further. Almost near the entrance to the house there is a small spruce. Herringbone: Oh, it hurts. Help someone! Nastasya: Is there anyone else here? Herringbone: It's me, Elochka. Don't be surprised. We are in a fairy meadow magical night. Nastasya: You asked for help. What's happened? Herringbone: Someone broke my branch, it hurts terribly. Can you bind? Nastasya: Since there is no need to be surprised, then, of course, I will try. He takes off his scarf and carefully ties up the broken branch. Herringbone: Thanks a lot! You saved me. After all, almost no one happens here, only hooligans sometimes wander in to steal a Christmas tree from the forest for the New Year. Nastasya: Please, Christmas tree. Be healthy. Next time you prick them with needles so that they do not climb. Herringbone A: I will definitely take the advice. Well, run into the house, warm yourself. Nastya enters the house, closes the lock. After a short time, he hears a knock. Nastasya: Who's there? Dad, is that you? She-wolf: This is a she-wolf with children. Let us warm up. Nastasya: My dad asked me not to open it to anyone. But how can they not let you in, because it's cold there. She-wolf enters with two wolves. She-wolf: Thank you. cubs: Yeah, do you have something to eat? She-wolf: That's ill-bred! You came to visit, what kind of talk is that! Nastasya: I have some sandwiches, would you like? cubs: We want, come on! (quickly eat sandwiches). Oh how delicious! What else is there? Nastasya: There is tea. Do you drink this? cubs A: Haven't tried it yet. Come on too. She-wolf: Yes, children. What needs to be said? cubs: Thank you! She-wolf: We are very grateful to you, girl. Warmed up a little, and now you need to go. Nastasya: You're welcome. Come again!

scene four

The family of wolves leaves. The knock is heard again. Nastasya opens the door immediately. Nastya: Oh, I thought it was dad. Are you the real Santa Claus? Morozko: That's what they call me now too. Tell me, honey, is it cold for you here? Nastya(wraps up in a coat): It's not cold at all, grandfather. Frost snaps his fingers, calling for assistants. It's getting colder. Morozko: And now? Nastya(trembling): No, I'm dressed, and in the house ... Morozko(snap of fingers again): Now, isn't it cold at all? Nastya(trembling more and more, hiding his hands in his pockets): No, it's fine. It's winter now... Morozko: Well done! And I was not afraid, and helped all my friends willingly. And your father is brave. For the fact that you are so good, gifts are sure to be put. Nastasya: Which presents? For what? We just went to grandma's... Snowflakes(in unison): Gifts, gifts! Don't give up. Morozko: What would you like? Nastasya: So that dad would come back soon and fix the car. Morozko A: Well, it's easy. Then I'll give you something else from myself. Soon the father returns and sees a new car, his daughter has new boots and a fur coat, Snowstorm and Vyuga did their best - they tied a blouse, and next to it there are many packages with gifts. They, happy, go to their grandmother, then return home. Leading: Nastasya, of course, shares gifts, but neither she nor her father told what happened and where it all came from. And on the first day of the new year, a guy who studies with her sister comes to Nastasya and asks her father for her hand. When a person is good, everything will work out for him! Live like the main character in this fairy tale. Well, if you decide to add something to this scenario, then it will not be superfluous to first look at the fairy tale "Morozko" in original version:

The New Year is considered the most magical holiday of the year - firstly, because it is the only family holiday for all people, and secondly, because real magic happens on the New Year, which not only children, but even adults believe in. With the approach of the New Year, we begin to prepare gifts, create a festive atmosphere. What really immerses you in anticipation of the holiday is the staging of a New Year's fairy tale. To make this process especially exciting and truly joyful for children, it is important to choose the right script for the fairy tale. This section contains the best classic and modern New Year's fairy tales for children, which are divided into two parts:

  • New Year's fairy tales for kids;
  • New Year's fairy tales for preschool and younger children school age.

How to choose the right fairy tale?

Choosing a fairy tale for children

When choosing a New Year's scenario, it is important to consider the following points:

1. The age of the child. To make the process of staging a performance interesting for the child and less difficult for the parent, it is important to select for each age suitable scenario. Kids should not be given a fairy tale with a long script for staging, with characters incomprehensible to the child, as well as with a large amount of text. Words should be as simple and short as possible, and there should not be double meanings in the plot of the tale itself - the child must understand it;

2. Interests of the child. It is important to consider the type and character of the child. If the tale is staged in a group in kindergarten, it is important to ask each child what kind of fairy tale character he would like to be. In case of disputes, for example, if several kids want to play the same character, you can go for a trick - increase the number of identical characters. Let there be not one princess in the fairy tale, but two.

Christmas stories for the little ones

Matinee in kindergarten

New Year's fairy tales for kids should have a simpler plot and simpler characters - no need to choose scenarios with robots or space heroes - it's better to take traditional Russian fairy tales with animals, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. We offer two options for simple plots:

1. One of the simple plots of fairy tales for the smallest can be the work "Christmas Tree" by Vladimir Suteev. The tale has a small volume and is written plain language which is suitable for children 2-3 years old. The plot of the tale is that children in kindergarten are preparing for the New Year - they make crafts, Christmas tree decorations together with teachers. But it turns out that the main character - the Christmas tree - they do not have. With the help of adults, children begin to sculpt a snowman, which comes to life and goes to Santa Claus with a request to send the kids a Christmas tree from the forest. The snowman is helped by forest animals and puppy Bobik. As a result, Santa Claus sends a Christmas tree, around which smart guys dance. This kind New Year's fairy tale is very versatile - it is suitable for children. different ages. Adults can introduce new characters into the plot in order to get a fairy tale on new way;

2. Another fairy tale - "New Year's Story", written by Sergey Kozlov, can also become the basis for a New Year's performance in kindergarten. The main characters of the tale are a hedgehog, a bear cub and a donkey. They live in the forest and prepare for the New Year - they decorate trees, make a snowman, prepare treats for guests. From distant countries, a camel comes to visit them, which has never seen winter and snow. The forest dwellers warmly welcome the camel, show him the forest, and together they celebrate the New Year. If desired, Santa Claus or any other heroes can also be included in the characters.

New Year's fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger students

younger preschoolers

When choosing the plot of a New Year's fairy tale for primary school age, you need to choose options containing the following:

  • developing plot - unlike fairy tales for the youngest, it is important for children of primary school age to choose fairy tales with an educational basis: counting games, rhythmic exercises or songs can be included in the script. In addition, the very meaning of the tale can be instructive, based on Russian fables or proverbs;
  • memory training - to make the fairy tale more interesting and useful for the children themselves, you can translate the plot into poetic form- such poems can be invented independently or found on the Internet;
  • new heroes - well, if a fairy tale is for younger preschoolers will contain large quantity characters than a fairy tale for the little ones - in addition to additional training, the presence of additional characters will also help develop the child's imagination. You can invite the children to come up with new characters that will participate in the New Year's performance.

From the well-known New Year's stories, you can take well-known Russian and foreign fairy tales:

1. One of these is "The Adventures of New Year's Toys" by Elena Rakitina. The fairy tale tells that on New Year's Eve magic is hidden everywhere - it can be seen both in the frosty pattern on the window and on the silvery surface of the Christmas decoration. Heroes of the fairy tale - Christmas decorations that come alive in new year's eve and go on fun adventures. Among the characters are wooden horses, teddy bears, snowflakes, bells and many others;

2. Fairy tale "Morozko". Everyone's favorite story, remade in a new way, will appeal not only to children, but also to parents. IN new version fairy tales, the action takes place in the present tense - unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't get gifts. This scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Frost" is suitable for both high school and primary school, and even for children from kindergarten. In order to adapt the tale for the younger age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters.


  • Nastasya is the eldest daughter, the main character of the tale, a smart and nice girl who does not dare to argue with her stepmother, because she loves her father very much;
  • Maria is the youngest daughter, Nastasya's maternal half-sister. She is very lazy and doesn't like people in general;
  • Antonina Pavlovna (Stepmother) - Maria's mother and stepmother of the main character. A quarrelsome, heavily made-up lady;
  • Anatoly Fedorovich is the father of the main character. Modest and hard-working, he cannot argue with his wife in anything;
  • Nastasya's grandmother, her father's mother;
  • Morozko, aka Santa Claus;
  • Blizzard and Metelitsa - mythical characters, servants of Morozko;
  • Snowflakes are Morozko's little helpers;
  • She-wolf with two cubs - twin brothers;
  • Herringbone - talking tree from the fairy forest;
  • The river is a real little river that can talk.

Due to the large cast of characters, the tale can be adapted to be staged jointly by junior and senior classes at school. The author gives only the beginning of the tale, inviting the children to independently think out the development of the plot and the denouement of events. In a city apartment where a large family lives, Nastasya does all the housework. Her father works two jobs, so he is rarely at home, and her stepmother and half-sister are all messing around and coming up with new tasks for her. Only the grandmother regrets Nastasya, however, she does not dare to say a word against her stepmother - a strong and powerful woman.

How to come up with a fairy tale "in a new way"?

In order to come up with original script New Year's fairy tale for children, you can use two options:

1. Compose a fairy tale on your own - for this you can take any of the known plots as a basis, or take a standard set of characters: animals, children, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman and others;

2. One of the most common options is to convert famous fairy tales by adding new heroes or changing the scene;

3. If the fairy tale is staged for older children, for example, schoolchildren, then you can come up with jokes or add small funny scenes- it diversifies the presentation;

4. If the fairy tale is staged for kids, you can increase the number of characters - every girl dreams of being in beautiful dress, depicting a snowflake - therefore, you can enter into the fairy tale not one, but several snowflakes. You can also come up with a lot of squirrels, bunnies and other heroes;

5. To diversify a boring script and make it more interesting, you can translate the text of the script into the format of ditties or songs - to make it easier to come up with a rhyme, you can find ready-made rhyming lines on the Internet;

6. Another one interesting option- is to mix several fairy tales into one. In this way, the number of characters can be increased if many children are to be involved in the performance. Thanks to the presence a large number New Year's scenarios on the Internet, it is not difficult to compose a fairy tale from several different scenarios.

How to help a child learn the text of his role?

Helping the child to study the text

To make it easier for the baby to remember the text of his role or just a poem, or a song, you can use the following actions:

1. First, you need to tell the child what he has to do. Explain to the kid that the whole group in kindergarten will participate in the New Year's performance - it will be fun and interesting for him, and at the end all the audience will applaud and thank the child for his performance. It is important to properly motivate the baby so that he has a desire to study for a long time in order to remember words or actions by heart;

3. Ask the baby if all the words are clear to him. Ask the child to explain the meaning of difficult words, and then ask him to retell the meaning of the tale.

Text memorization technique

child with a book

1. First of all, you need to clearly explain to the baby what it means to "learn by heart."

Read a short poem from memory, if possible, ask one of the older children to read something by heart. Let the baby feel how great it is to read familiar lines from memory, without a book.

2. First, read the text yourself - expressively, clearly, intonation highlighting the rhyme.

Then ask your child to repeat each line after you.

After that, read the text again, "hushing up" the final words - the child will try to reproduce the endings of the lines and will be surprised at how suddenly the necessary words "jump out" from him.

This will be the first step to memorizing the text.

3. If the text is large enough, it is better to split it into parts.

You can memorize the text in two lines to make it easier for the baby to remember, but you should not stretch the memorization process too much so that the fragments easily merge into a whole.

After learning each new part, connect it with the previous one.

4. Try to alternate the usual reading with the sing-song.

The melody helps to catch the rhythm of the text well and contributes to quick memorization.

But keep in mind:

if you only hum the lines that you learn, then the child will not be able to repeat them otherwise than in a singsong voice, for him it will not be prose, but a song.

Therefore, it is good to change the melody and the tempo of the tune.

5. You can add an element of the game.

For example, repeating the learned lines, alternately throwing a ball to each other, while pronouncing one line of text at a time.

6. Surely you remember in your own way childhood experience that texts are best learned "at night", at sleep.

This is absolutely true in most cases, however, if the child is too tired, it is better to postpone memorization until the morning.

7. Gently but firmly correct mis-emphasis or word substitutions, and this must be done immediately.

When the text is learned, correction will become very difficult.

8. You can use the technique of passive memorization.

It lies in the fact that you yourself recite the desired text many, many times, and the child just listens.

After some time, the text will be learned. But it is better to use the mechanisms of active memorization.

9. If you see that memorization causes rejection in the child and not a single methodical technique works,

it is better to agree with the organizers of the holiday that your baby is given time until the next matinee.

It’s definitely not worth learning anything with swearing and screaming.

You can always be offered some kind of alternative: instead of reciting by heart, the child can prepare another presentation that is more in line with his interests.

Features of memory in boys and girls

Memory in boys and girls

There are features of memory development associated with the sex of the child. In boys and girls, the rate of maturation of various brain formations does not coincide, and the rate of development of the left and right hemispheres is also different, which differ significantly in their functions. It has been established that in girls, the development of the functions of the left hemisphere is much faster compared to boys, and in boys, compared to girls, the development of the functions of the right hemisphere. What does this have to do with memory? Scientists have found that the left hemisphere, to a greater extent than the right, is responsible for conscious arbitrary acts, verbal-logical memory, rational thinking, positive emotions. The right hemisphere plays a leading role in the implementation of involuntary, intuitive reactions, irrational mental activity, figurative memory, and negative emotions.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Cinderella" (in a new way)

The material is useful for teachers involved in theatrical activities to conduct new year holiday. The event is designed for children of school age.
Managers: Alexey, Denis
Old woman Shapoklyak

(Dance of the snowflakes)
Storyteller: Inhabitants of the fairy kingdom, and inhabitants of the fairy kingdom, can you hear me? Everything is ready for the New Year's ball in royal palace. At the ball, something amazing is bound to happen. After all, it is not for nothing that our kingdom is fabulous. Come, don't forget. Honestly, you won't regret it. Our King got up at 6 o'clock in the morning. I personally checked whether everything is ready for the holiday. And now he hurries to his friend the forester. Oh, I'll run to catch up with him.
(The forester exits)
Father: (sings) Little Christmas Tree is cold in winter ...
(King exits)
King: Hello, mister forester.
Father: Hello, Your Royal Highness.
King: Listen, I have long wanted to ask you why you are in Lately startle?
Storyteller: And look back?
King: Has a monster appeared in the forest, threatening you with violence?
Father: No, Your Majesty, I would immediately stab the monster.
Storyteller: So maybe bandits appeared in the forest?
Father: Why, sir, I would immediately kick them out.
King: Well, then what? What brought you to this state?
Father: My wife.
King: All right.
Storyteller: It's true, your majesty.
Father: I swear to you. I married a pretty but stern woman, and they make ropes out of me.
Narrator: They are his wife and her two daughters from her first marriage.
Father: For the third day now, they have been dressing for the New Year's ball and have completely driven us. We are me and my dear, beloved daughter Cinderella, who became my stepdaughter because of my weakness.
King: That's it, I'm leaving, I'm leaving immediately for the monastery. If there is no order in my kingdom. Live as you know.
Father: Hush, hush, your majesty. If my wife finds out, I'm dead. Don't judge me. My wife is a special woman. Her own sister, just like her, was eaten by a cannibal.
King: So what?
Father: Poisoned and died.
Storyteller: You see, your majesty, there are some poisonous characters in this family.
King: Well, okay, so be it, I remain on the throne. Give me the crown, but be sure to come to the ball with your daughter.
Father: Thank you, Your Majesty.
(Sisters come out, dance)
Anna: Again measuring my dress? And in general, what a manner to take other people's things. Look, everything went to the seams.
Mariana: Hysterical. Surrendered to me your dress, you still have no taste.
(Stepmother exits)
Stepmother: Oh, what a hard job it is to go around all the supermarkets. So, where is this bum? Cinderella, where are you?
Everyone: (shouting) Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella.
(Cinderella runs out)
Anna: Cinderella, are you dreaming again?
Stepmother: Why are you standing like a betrothed?
Mariana: Did you wash the dishes?
Anna: Did you iron the dress?
Stepmother: Did you clean the house?
Cinderella: Yes, mother.
Anna: Don't be rude to mom.
Mariana: Make your face simpler.
Stepmother: Did you do it? OK. Here's a new list of your assignments.
Cinderella: But it's too late, isn't it?
Stepmother: Cinderella, it's never too late to work. Good night my babies.
Sisters: Good night, Mom.
Stepmother: And you, Cinderella, let your fair-haired fairy prince dream.
(Laughing, leaving)
Cinderella: Mother and sisters were invited to the ball, but I was not. It's not fair. Right? They will dance with the prince, and he has not even heard of me. They will eat ice cream, but I won't. Although no one in the world loves him as much as I do. It's a shame, right? After all, it is very harmful not to go to the ball when you deserve it.
(Cinderella sings and dances)
Stepmother: Do you dance? I was knocked down from fatigue, going to the ball, and you?
Cinderella: Yes, I am.
Stepmother: Shut up! Anna, Mariana, come here quickly.
(music plays)
Mariana: I will wear a red velvet dress and a precious headpiece.
Anna: And I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers.
Sisters: Mom, what happened?
Stepmother: You know, my dear babies, this impudent girl was dancing now.
Anna: Dancing without sewing my cuffs on?
Cinderella: I sewed them on a long time ago, sister Anna.
Maryana: Did you dance without smoothing my collar?
Cinderella: Here he is, sister Maryana.
Anna: She does everything to drive us crazy.
Maryana: Don't feed her bread, let me just bet.
Stepmother: Where is your father, not grateful, where is this monster?
Cinderella: He was talking to the king in the forest.
Stepmother: With the king, with the king. Talked to the king, why were you silent? Where are you, poisonous snake?
(father runs in)
Father: What happened, dear?
Stepmother: Look into my eyes? Is it true that you spoke to the king?
Father: Pure, really.
Stepmother: And you, of course, asked the King to write my babies in the book of the first beauties of the kingdom and increase your salary?
Father: Well, dear, how can you?
Stepmother: So you spoke to the king and did not ask him for anything? Oh how unhappy I am. My God, how tired I am of taking care of everyone. If only someone would appreciate it.
Sisters: Mom, mom, we will appreciate you.
Stepmother: And this monster. All is decided. I will bring you out of your own home. I will make your life unbearable. Yes, I know...
Cinderella: No, mother, please don't, it's better to look at your New Year's dresses.
Sisters: Are they ready?!
Stepmother: Show them immediately. Yes, my girls, today you have a meeting with
professional matchmaker Madame Shapoklyak. She and her glamorous managers will teach you how to behave properly with a prince.
(Song Shapoklyak)
Shapoklyak: But that's all in the past. I now have my own marriage agency. I help people, but for money. So, mail, what's new with us?
Invitation to the royal ball. Fine. Conduct a master class. So where are my managers?
(Managers leave)
Alexey: Excuse me, madam, only traffic jams.
Denis: We barely got to your forest ruble.
Alexei: What are our plans?
Denis: Who do we marry?
Shapoklyak: Two brides who are long past... 18
Alexei: Rich?
Shapoklyak: We do not work with others.
Denis: Beautiful?
Shapoklyak: The beautiful ones will find suitors themselves, and these people specifically need help. (See photo)
Alexei: Perhaps, first, a plastic surgeon.
Shapoklyak: Then we will go to the royal ball with them.
Denis: And what are we going to do there?
Shapoklyak: You work, and I - rest!
Alexey, Denis: How?
Shapoklyak: Like this.
(Dance Shapoklyak)
Shapoklyak: That's enough. Went to meet the bride.
(music plays)
Stepmother: Cinderella, I know you wanted to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Yes, I did.
Mariana: You want a lot, you get a little.
Anna: They don't let sluts like that to the ball.
Maryana: Now, if she had a dress?
Anna: A dress? You say more crystal slippers and own carriage.
Maryana: Then it would not be Cinderella, but a princess.
Stepmother: Okay, I'm kind today.
Father: Get ready soon, Cinderella!
Stepmother: Yes, but after you complete this list of errands. And then you can come and stand on the sidelines, admire us.
Cinderella: But there's work here for a whole month?
Stepmother: And you hurry up, hurry up, dear.
Sisters: Look, don't cry?
Cinderella: No, I won't cry, I won't.
(Fairy enters)
Fairy: Hello, Cinderella.
Cinderella: Hello dear godmother.
Fairy: I am very glad to meet you, Cinderella. I do not ask, dear, how you live, I know everything. I hate your evil stepmother, and her daughters too. I would have punished them long ago, but they have such great connections! However, enough about them. Cinderella, do you want to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Yes, very much. But I can not.
Fairy: Now we are going to the ball, and my assistants will do everything according to the list that your stepmother gave you.
Cinderella: Thank you!
Fairy: Let's start doing miracles. We will make a carriage out of a large pumpkin, frisky horses out of mice, well, and a rat will be a coachman.
Cinderella: Thank you. But is it possible to go to the ball in this old dress?
Fairy: Of course not. Let's go now to a fashion boutique and buy the best dress there.
(music plays)
Shapoklyak: So, girls, what distinguishes a prince from an ordinary groom?
Alexei: First, the crown.
Shapoklyak: Secondly, a regal look.
Denis: Thirdly, the kingdom, which means: money, dollars.
Shapoklyak: What to do when you meet your prince?
Alexei: First of all, stay calm.
Shapoklyak: Second, smile at him.
Denis: Well, show me your smiles?
Alexei: No, better not smile.
Shapoklyak: Just curtsy and look coyly at the prince.
Sisters: Like this?
Shapoklyak: Almost.
(Everyone is dancing)
Shapoklyak: Everyone is behind me. Ball is waiting for us.
(music plays)
Cinderella: Is it really me?!
Fairy: Yes, it's you! Cinderella, today is a fabulous New Year's Eve, and when the clock strikes ...
Cinderella: I know, godmother, I will have to run home, because the carriage will become a pumpkin, and so on ...
Fairy: Not on New Year's Eve. And under the chiming clock, may all your dreams come true.
Cinderella: Thank you, dear godmother. I'm so happy.
Fairy: Good luck, dear Cinderella! I'll see you at the ball.
(came to the ball)
Anna: Write it down, mommy, the Prince looked at me three times.
Maryana: And he smiled at me and sighed once.
Father: Why do you need all these records?
Stepmother: Don't let us have fun.
Maryana: He always grumbles.
Shapoklyak: Girls, do not forget how we taught you.
Storyteller: Oh, Your Majesty, what a wonderful ball!
King: It's all right. But our prince is bored.
(Cinderella enters)
Storyteller: Hello, we are very glad to see you. Allow me to introduce: His Majesty the King.
King: Good afternoon. Oh, what a kind, lovely creature. Come quickly, I will introduce you to the prince and the guests.
(music plays)
King: Prince. Son. Look who's here for us.
Storyteller: A mysterious and beautiful stranger.
King: Right. Why are you silent son?
Prince: Oh sir, I am silent because I cannot speak.
King: Don't believe him. He can speak poetry and speeches. Let's go.
Prince: And you, and you are not tired on the road?
Cinderella: No, what are you, I rested on the road.
Prince: Please!
Stepmother: Excuse me, prince. Me for a minute.
(Prince walks away)
Stepmother: Oh, you are a snake. Still managed to come to the ball.
Anna: And I found a dress.
Mariana: What bad taste.
Anna: What an ugliness.
Father: Cinderella, my daughter. I have no words. Where did you get such a beautiful dress?
Cinderella: Given by my godmother. It was she who helped me come to the ball.
(Cinderella waves her godmother)
Father: You are amazing!
Stepmother: Shut up, idiot. Just try to say that this is our Cinderella.
And for you, Snake, I will arrange it now. (wants to take away)
King: (clapping) Gentlemen, we will now play royal forfeits.
Your first fan. Can you sing us something please?
Cinderella: Okay! Now I will sing you a good song.
Prince: Bravo. Wonderful.
King: Good storyteller, the next phantom is yours. Please do something magical, wonderful and pleasant for everyone present.
Storyteller: It's very simple, Your Majesty.
(fantastic music playing)
Prince: Don't be scared.
Cinderella: I wasn't scared at all. I was expecting miracles from tonight.
And here they are, please. Well, anyway, where are we?
Prince: We are transported to a magical land.
Cinderella: Ah, where are the others?
Prince: Everyone where he pleases. But we're not here for long. After a few minutes, the magic will disappear.
Cinderella: True. What a pity. Are you sad, prince?
Prince: I don't know. May I ask you one question?
Cinderella: You can.
Prince: One of my friends is also a prince. Also quite bold and determined.
He met a girl at the ball who he liked so much that he was completely at a loss. What would you advise him to do?
Cinderella: Or maybe the prince thought that he liked this girl so much?
Prince: No, he firmly knows that nothing like this will ever happen.
King: What a wonderful ball. Legs themselves directly ask to dance. Everybody dance!
Cinderella: Try to guess what I'm thinking right now?
Prince: Ah! You think about how good it would be to eat ice cream!
Cinderella: I am very ashamed, prince, but you guessed it.
(run away)
Stepmother: No, you saw. What a cheek.
Anna: What about the prince?
Mariana: Oh, Mommy. Everything is lost.
Alexey: And the prince does not take his eyes off Cinderella.
Denis: She's all like that.
Shapoklyak: Quiet.
Stepmother: Don't worry, little ones. I have a plan. Behind me.
(music plays)
Shapoklyak: Dear Cinderella!
Cinderella: Yes, I'm listening to you, who are you?
Denis: We Good friends your godmother.
Alexei: And she asked me to tell you that she is very sorry, but at 12 o'clock the magic will disappear.
Shapoklyak: Pumpkin will become a carriage. And your dress will again be old and dirty.
Cinderella: Where is the godmother herself?
Shapoklyak: She was urgently summoned to the embassy.
Cinderella: Yes, very sorry.
Shapoklyak: Hurry, Cinderella.
Cinderella: Well, why now? It's not fair.
Prince: The best ice cream in the whole world. What's wrong with you?
Cinderella: Thank you, dear prince. Thanks for all. Because you are so caring, attentive, polite, kind. The best I have ever met.
Prince: Why are you talking to me so sadly?
Cinderella: Because, because it's time for me to leave.
Prince: No, no, I can't let you go. Honestly, I can't. No. I thought it over. After ice cream, I would tell you directly that I love you. My God, what am I saying. Please don't leave!
Cinderella: You can't.
Prince: Stay.
Cinderella: I can't.
Prince: Do not be angry with me, please, for my words. The thing is, I really like you.
Cinderella: Yes, I...
Prince: Well, excuse me. I love you!
The clock strikes. Cinderella runs away.
Prince: Wait! Where are you?
(Prince is sad)
King: What happened, prince? You got sick. I knew it. And 40 servings of ice cream. Oh, what a shame, you must have froze your stomach.
Prince: I haven't touched the ice cream, dad.
King: How did not touch. That's right, I didn't touch it. Then what about you?
Prince: I fell in love, dad, with our nice stranger. But she ran away.
King: In love? What a happiness!
Prince: It's a disaster. She doesn't love me. She ran away. And she didn't want to listen to me.
King: Nonsense. Trivia. Loves. Let's go look for her, son.
(music plays)
Cinderella: I don't understand. I'm in the same dress. The carriage did not turn into a pumpkin.
Shapoklyak: Great, we deceived you.
Stepmother: Look, a splinter, she wanted to take the prince away from my daughters.
Alexei: You are not of that status, baby. Although you are nothing.
Denis: He needs something more interesting, not you, dirty little thing. Why don't you give me a phone number?
Stepmother: You think you put on a dress and that's it: your prince.
Cinderella: I will immediately run to him and ...
Shapoklyak: Yeah, so he's waiting for you. He does not need a simple and poor girl.
Cinderella: Did he say so?
All Yes.
Stepmother: So come on, blow home. Pans and a broom are waiting for you.
Cinderella leaves.
All: Oh yes we are.
Stepmother: Now I will put things in order. Eh, the kingdom is not enough, there is nowhere to roam.
Denis: I feel sorry for her.
Shapoklyak: Shut up, Knight.
Stepmother: Then we act according to the plan.
(music plays)
King: My friends. Our prince fell in love with a kind stranger.
Storyteller: But she ran away.
King: We need to find her urgently.
Denis: Your Majesty, look, a shoe.
Alexei: This is probably a stranger lost.
Shapoklyak: Let's try on this shoe for all the girls, and to whom is it ...
Prince: No, it's not her shoe.
Storyteller: And the young lady had expensive shoes. It is unlikely that she would part with them.
Prince: Then you need to draw a portrait of a girl.
Storyteller: And let the courtiers look for our stranger in every house.
King: Right. Don't worry son, we'll find her.
Anna: Mom, what now?
Mariana: This upstart is lucky again.
Denis: Yes, a complete failure.
Alexei: It didn't work out with your shoe.
Shapoklyak: It's okay, they will look for a beautiful and elegant one.
Stepmother: Exactly, not this poor thing in rags.
Shapoklyak: The right decision.
(music plays)
King: What to do?
Storyteller: We'll never find her.
Prince: Where is the mysterious stranger?
(Fairy and father enter)
Fairy: We know, Your Majesty.
Father: The portrait is of my daughter Cinderella.
Narrator: Why did she run away?
Fairy: She didn't want to. That's all they are. Well, come here quickly.
Father: It was all set up by my wife and daughters
Fairy: And her friend Shapoklyak, along with her retinue.
Father: And Cinderella is now at home crying and suffering.
Alexey and Denis: We are not to blame.
Shapoklyak: That's all of them.
Fairy: They also used my name. Now I will turn you into frogs.
Together: Please don't.
King: Eh, you, aren't you ashamed? Why are you so evil and not good.
Stepmother: Your Majesty, I am all alone. My husband is always at work, and I haven’t heard a kind word and a look from him for a long time.
Anna: And this proud woman, Cinderella did not have time to come to the ball and you, give her a prince right away.
Maryana: So we will remain in the girls. This isn't fair.
Stepmother: Not life, but only loneliness.
(music plays)
Fairy: What a touching scene.
Father: Dear wife, please forgive me for everything. You are my queen!
(music plays)
Stepmother: Oh, how dizzy. Thank you my dear!
Alexey: Madam, let's celebrate the New Year together.
Denis: And you, madam, I invite you to a New Year's party.
King: Yes, how little our ladies need. Just a little bit of attention.
Father: Your Majesty, I will now bring Cinderella.
Prince: No, please, myself.
King: That's good. And we will all go to meet them together.
(Cinderella sings)
Prince: Cinderella! Cinderella!
Cinderella: Prince, sweet prince.
Prince: Please don't run away. I know everything.
Cinderella: But they told me?
Prince: It's not true. I need you and only you.
Fairy: Dear friends! Our Cinderella hurried to put on a New Year's outfit.
Storyteller: And we invite you to a festive concert.
(Musical numbers)
(Dance of the Prince and Cinderella)
King: Congratulations, my dear!
All: Cinderella, please forgive us.
Cinderella: I forgave everyone a long time ago. Let's all celebrate the New Year together.
The song "New Year"
The old year is pumping the run
Last minutes on the clock
Whirling fluffy white snow
Fireworks decorate the skies
It is a pity, of course, that there is only once.
For twelve months in the world
New Year is celebrating with us
And we believe in miracles like children.
Chorus: New Year is always like a sweet dream
New Year will be a fairy tale for us.
Chimes await in the heart.
New Year comes to every home.
Against the background of music words
In multi-colored, New Year's
Light of holiday lights
Congratulations today
All the assembled friends.
Happiness to everyone and less bitter tears
And smile more often in life.
May you never return
Past sorrows and hardships
Happy holiday friends, everyone
Happy New Year! Hooray!!!

The scenario of the New Year's holiday "12 months in a new way"

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for a senior preschool age It is interesting in that 24 roles of the heroes of the fairy tale are played by children, there are only two adult heroes: the host and Santa Claus.

1. Purpose: introducing children to the traditions and customs of modern Russian society through interactive methods, games and fairy tales. To uncover Creative skills children through different kinds activities.
- Cohesion children's team through the process of joint preparation for the matinee;
- Interact with all members of the educational team of the preschool educational institution: teachers, pupils and their parents;
- To form the integrity of the picture of this holiday through the traditions and direct heroes of the celebration - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
- To form a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.

2. Equipment:
1. Two "magic" wands for wizards;
2. Doll in a toy carrier;
3. Thrones for the queen and king;
4. Three spyglasses for astrologers;
5. Baby musical instruments for orchestra (maracas, bells, tambourines: according to the number of children);
6. Spindle for fairy Carabosse;
7. Sultans for the dance of snowflakes (according to the number of participants in the dance);
8. A bag with gifts for Santa Claus;
9. "Magic pot", a bucket of water, salt, sugar, snow, tinsel, snowflake for "magic".

3. Repertoire:
1. Round dance "Happy New Year" music by S. Elezarova;
2. Round dance "The New Year has come to us" muses. S. Sosnina;
3. Music game"Collect a snowflake" r.n.m.;
4. "Ballroom dance" music. Lennon Macartney;
5. "Dance of the Snowman" music. Dubravina;
6. Musical game: "Zimushka-winter" author's music;
7. "Dance of the robbers" music. Yu.Entina;
8. Round dance: “Winter song” music by Z. Root;
9. Round dance "New Year" music by Partskhaladze;
10. Musical game “I will freeze” r.s.m.

4. Actors:
Leader: group leader
Santa Claus: dad or group teacher
Snow Maiden
2 Buffoon
Daughter Marfushenka
4 Snowflakes
6 robbers
2 months
The rest of the children: boys-months, girls-Snowflakes (Snezhinika - an outfit like a snowflake)

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music, holding hands, perform a round dance “Happy New Year” music by S. Elezarov, reorganize in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree

Leading: Dear guests, we hasten to congratulate everyone.
May good luck and success come to you in the coming year.

1 Child: New Year is knocking on the door with a song, a fairy tale, good
Everyone now believes in a miracle, every house is waiting for gifts

2 Child: A fairy tale comes in the New Year, a miracle awaits us in the New Year,
Do not make noise, blizzard, in vain, the holiday will come anyway!

3 Child: We celebrate the holiday again, congratulations on the New Year
A fairy tale will also come to us, it will join us in a round dance.

4 Child: Through the window from the frosty, white streets, winter admires us!
Look - the guests smiled, well, a holiday ...

All together children: Good, bright hour!

Leading: Why can't we sit?

All children: Because New Year!

Leading: Well, let's have fun, get into a round dance!

, the child comes out, stands in front of the Christmas tree

5 Child: Having dissolved its needles, the tree shines with beauty.
How many balls, toys, cones, stars, crackers are there
Only something doesn’t burn with lights in our place.

Leading: To light the garlands on the Christmas tree, you need to call the Snow Maiden.
Let her come soon, and light our Christmas tree ...
Let's call her together

Together: Snow Maiden!
music sounds, the Snow Maiden passes, stands in front of the Christmas tree

Leading: Our Christmas tree does not sparkle, does not burn with lights, Snow Maiden, help us light the lights

Snow Maiden: Light up the Christmas tree, invite us to the holiday!
Fulfill all desires - fulfill all dreams!
We need to join hands, shout: "Christmas tree burn"!
And the colorful lights on the tree will light up

children hold hands

Together: One, two three - Christmas tree burn!

“magic” music sounds, garlands light up on the Christmas tree
The round dance “The New Year has come to us” is performed, muses. S. Sosnina
after the round dance, the children pass, sit on the chairs

Leading: On New Year's Eve, everyone knows himself, without fail, a fairy tale comes to visit us
You sit quietly and look carefully

music sounds in the middle of the hall two buffoons run out

1 buffoon: Attention attention! Everyone, everyone, everyone! Hear the announcement!

2 buffoons: By the highest command, everyone is invited to the ball, to the royal carnival.

1 buffoon: The program expects songs, dances, jokes, laughter - common fun for everyone.

2 buffoons: The royal hall is lit with lights, the New Year's ball will begin now

Together 2 buffoons: Her highness is coming! Make way, honest people!!!

music sounds, children stand near the chairs,
the page invites the queen, leads her to the middle of the hall - the queen sits on the throne,
the page stops nearby

Queen: Please sit down! Children sit on chairs

I'm glad to see all the guests!
I expect pleasant news from you, interesting gifts and flattering wishes.

Music sounds, the professor comes out, stops near the queen

Professor: When the young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance,
Hide a fragile snowflake in the palm of your hand make a wish

gives the queen snowflakes (each snowflake with an individual pattern, painted along the edges in different colors, each is cut into 2 halves, snowflakes according to the number of boys)

Queen: Same thing every time, get up, stomp your feet
I'm tired of listening to you!

throws scattered snowflakes on the floor, the professor runs away, sits down in his place

Queen: Your gifts are sickening - they would have given it better ... a cat ....
No, I don't need a cat either.... Better than chocolate... no, and he bored me ...

Page: Queen, do not be sad and do not drive the courtiers, order them to dance, have fun and play!

Queen: Dance, have fun and play!

Page: Hey, courtiers, get up and collect snowflakes!

Leading: The snowflakes split into two halves. You need to find the halves and collect the snowflakes.

Musical game "Collect a snowflake" r.s.m. (you need to find the other half of the snowflake and draw a picture of the two halves. The queen scatters snowflakes several times the game 2-3 times)
after the game, the children pass, sit on the chairs
the dancing master enters the middle of the hall

Dancemaster: The New Year's hall is lit with lights, the royal ball will begin now!
So let the music sing - call everyone in a circle to dance!

music sounds, children stand around the Christmas tree in pairs to dance
Performed "Ballroom dance" music. Lennon Macartney
after the dance, the children and the page pass, sit on the chairs, the dance master approaches the queen

Dancemaster: Are your majesty satisfied?

Queen: stamps his feet Nothing will calm me down, no one deserves a reward!

All children: What does the queen want?

Queen: I want ... flowers in the middle of winter! I want warmth, I want spring!
I want to see snowdrops here now! Such is the order!

Music sounds, the queen gets up, passes, sits on a separate chair,
a herald enters the middle of the hall, fanfares sound

Herald: Attention attention! Listen to the royal command!
Pick simple snowdrops before dawn, and they will give you a golden basket for it!

the herald leaves, sits down in his place,
the lights are dimmed, music sounds, the stepmother and daughter come out, sit down at the table

Stepmother: Eat, daughter, get better, and blush!
Here we will get flowers - we will buy a mountain of candy

Daughter: We will have a life, like in a fairy tale!

there is a creak of the door, Masha comes out from behind the tree, brushes herself off

Masha: That's how the blizzard broke out, well, it's furious!
Not a path left, everything around was swept up!

Stepmother: Now don't undress in the woods, get ready with a basket!

Daughter: There, narvi snowdrops, but live, otherwise - look!

shakes his fist pushes Masha behind the Christmas tree

Stepmother: What Marfushenka, my friend! Do you want a sweet pie
Or a delicious candy, you have nothing to refuse!

Marfusha: I want to get snowdrops so that I can get to the palace, to the ball
So that they give us gold and we become rich.
Do what I want, not how I scream! AAAAAAAAAA!

stepmother and daughter go to their places, the lights go out, only the lights on the Christmas tree burn
Masha comes out from behind the tree, the blizzard howls

Masha: Everything around is white-white, all the roads are covered with snow!
What should I do, how should I be? Where can I get flowers?

sits down near the Christmas tree on a stump and cries,
“Snezhiniki” come out, take sultans under the tree, stand in a circle in front of the tree,
the light turns on

Performed "Dance of the Snowman" music. Dubravina
after the dance "snowflakes" remain scattered, read poetry

1. Snowflake: Again blizzards and blizzards came to us today,
And they put white dresses on pines and spruces.
There was a lot of snow - not to be seen around the earth.

2.Snezhinika: We dance, we fly, we sparkle, we silver in the sun on a frosty day.
Openwork dresses, carved kerchiefs ... A wonderful miracle, because we are Snezhiniki.

Masha gets up from the stump, walks between the trees. Ay! Whoa!

3.Snezhinika: Look, girlfriends, someone is walking along the edge
She doesn’t look like Snezhinik, who are you, girl, well, who are you?

Masha: I'm called Masha, my stepmother sent me here,
Find snowdrops in the forest, and take them to the palace!

4. Snowflake: But this does not happen, in winter the flowers do not bloom,
Spring will not come early, everything always has its turn!

All snowmen together: Do not grieve Mashenka, do not be bored, it is better to play with us! (run up to the tree, put sultans, stand in a circle in front of the tree)

Musical game: "Zimushka-winter" author's music
(the first time Masha plays with the Snowflakes, the second time the host invites all the courtiers to the game (the children all go out, stand in a circle around the Christmas tree))
after the game, all the children go to their places, Masha goes behind the tree, music sounds, the robbers come out

Performed "Dance of the Robbers" muses. Yu.Entina
after the dance, the robbers remain standing in front of the Christmas tree

1 robber: I want to eat guys! Animals hid in burrows!
Someone is sleeping... someone is full, but my stomach hurts!

2 robber: Cold, hunger here in winter, oh, how you want to go home!
Jump into a warm bed and fall asleep in it sweetly!

3 robber: Who will keep us warm in winter? Will he take you home?
Will he regret, caress, read a bedtime story?

4 robber: Quiet, robbers, be silent - and do not whimper, but freeze!
Someone seems to be coming... what's in store for all of us for dinner?

Masha comes out from behind the tree

Masha: How anxious and terrified I am! Walking alone in the forest is dangerous! sees robbers, gets scared

5 robber: Why did you come into our domain? What did you bring us in a beautiful basket?

Masha: I must bring a basket of flowers, robbers, how can I find my way?

6 robber: You will not find the way, and you will be lost in the forest!
Leave! - here's our advice, or cook for dinner!

music sounds, Metelitsa comes out with a whisk, “sweeps” the robbers

Robbers (in chorus) Not all dreams come true, our dinner is cancelled. run to the chairs

Snowstorm: I am a winter hostess, I am a mischievous blizzard! I throw a snowball in the forest, I have fun and sing!
But this does not happen, the girl walks alone! You will freeze here in the forest, out, snowflake on your nose!
Do you want me to give you a broom?

Masha: There is no sense in a panicle for me, maybe you saw here where snowdrops grow?

Snowstorm: Do you see the snow path? You step forward on it
Come to the edge of the forest, where luck awaits you!

Masha: Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Metelitsa and Masha go to their places, to the chairs.

Leading: The snow of the path is all covered up and drifting winds, this winter-winter laughs merrily

A round dance is performed: “Winter song” music by Z. Root
After the round dance, the children sit on the chairs, the light goes out, they “set up” a fire near the Christmas tree (made of twigs - in the middle of the “fire”) “months” come out, stand around the fire “warm their hands”,
the light turns on, Masha comes out

Masha: Good evening!

Months (in chorus) Good evening!

Masha: I froze and chilled, I can warm myself by the fire, I have nowhere else to go!

1 month: Although by our fire, no one has ever warmed himself, but we allow you,
We invite you to our close circle. But tell me, why did you come? Did you bring this basket?

Masha: My evil stepmother wants to destroy me
She ordered to collect snowdrops, but I did not dare to argue!

All months: We will be happy to help you, we can perform a miracle.
sounds of music, the sounds of birds singing

2 Month: The bear makes his way through the thick deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed

takes a snowdrop from under the tree, gives Masha, she thanks the months
blizzard music sounds, the lights go out, Masha goes behind the Christmas tree, the Queen sits on the throne

Masha: That's the miracle of miracles - where did that wonderful forest disappear,
And the months were gone ..., found herself in the throne room

Queen: claps his hands. That's a miracle, look, bring me a snowdrop soon!

Masha gives a flower to the queen

Queen: I thank you, I command you to live in the palace

Queen and Masha together: We will not stop loving the miracle of a fairy-tale country!
From good fairy tales, we ourselves are kinder and will become better!

All children together That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened, well done!

The Queen and Masha go to the chairs for the children

Leading: Let's continue the holiday - it's time to call Santa Claus

Children: Santa Claus!

Santa Claus comes out to the solemn music

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Congratulations to all the children, congratulations to all the guests.
I wish you to grow, temper, not get sick and life path overcome all obstacles.
And now everyone stand in a circle, start the dance together.

music sounds, children stand in a circle around the Christmas tree
Round dance "New Year's" music.Partskhaladze
after the dance, the children remain standing in a circle

Father Frost: Oh, what wonderful children you are - you both sing and dance, but do you like to play?
Children's answer

Father Frost: And now I’ll check it, get up in a circle, let’s play my favorite game “I’ll Freeze”

music sounds, children stand in a circle around the Christmas tree
Musical game "I will freeze" r.s.m.
after the game, the children go to their places, to the chairs

Father Frost: Thank you guys for your poetry. Well, now it's time to say goodbye...

Leading: What about gifts, Santa Claus? Did you bring anything for the kids?

Father Frost: Present? I almost forgot, now, now .. where was my bag of gifts? Takes a bag. Now there will be gifts for the kids, but I need help - say the magic words

Let's say together ... .. "One two three, bring a bag of gifts!".
Children repeat words
Santa Claus takes out a rattle from a bag.

Father Frost: Oh! Something bad we have conjured. Well, let's try again. Friendly and louder. Let our parents help us too.

The words "Hocus-pocus ..." are repeated and Santa Claus takes another toy out of the bag.

Father Frost: Apparently no one is trying. Let's try again.

Music sounds and for the third time Santa Claus takes out gifts from the bag

Father Frost: Well, guys, don't yawn and get gifts
Gifts are given out to the music.

Father Frost: My friends, thank you for the laughter, poems and dances!
I forgot to count my years - I ended up not in a garden, but in a fairy tale!

Leading: Come back to us in a year. We will be waiting for you.
Our holiday has come to an end and now we invite you to take a picture with our guys.

Snow Maiden;
overseas prince;
New Russian Vanya;
Helen, director of the White Rose modeling agency;
Mafia - 2 people;
Santa Claus-psychotherapist;
Teachers: head teacher, mathematician, writer, historian, Englishwoman, music teacher.

Picture 1.
Narrator: Hello, Dear guests! Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba ... You probably think that I will say “They were very poor”? No, you are wrong! After all, this is a fairy tale about the new Russian Grandfather and Baba, so they were rich. They had everything - a Bosch stove, an Ariston refrigerator, and washing machine"Bork", and the car "Porsche". They did not have only a granddaughter who would help them with the housework.
Grandfather and Baba's apartment. Grandfather is watching the news, Baba is spinning in front of the mirror.
Baba: Grandfather, how long can you watch this news! It's not news, it's bullshit! Either the Swan Princess was kidnapped, or Ivan Tsarevich dismembered the frog in order to conduct a medical experiment!
Grandfather: Don't interfere, old one! I must know the rate of a dime! You’d better not jump at the mirror, but clean it in the apartment, otherwise the dust in the corners begins to come to life! What do you need me for washing vacuum cleaner bought?
Baba: You should also remember the dishwasher in which you put the carpet to wash! And in general, I’m not cleaning now, I’m late for yoga. I would pick it up and fix it myself.
Grandfather: And I’m not up to cleaning either, I have a business meeting in the sauna scheduled in 2 hours. Grandma, can we hire a housekeeper?
Baba: Yes, you can’t find a good housekeeper now! Now such youth will not clean it, but clean it! I don't trust these professional nets, oh, I don't trust them. Not only do they steal, they also eat like horses. Don't fall for them!
Grandfather: And let's, in order to save money, make ourselves a housekeeper out of snow? There will not be, but will work for three. And at night we will put it on the balcony so that it does not take up space in the house.
Baba: And what to do with it in the spring? Freeze until next winter?
Grandfather: And in the spring we won’t need it, we were going to the Canary Islands.
Baba: Exactly, I completely forgot. Come on, let's go sculpt!
Storyteller: And they went to sculpt a housekeeper. Not much they tried, spat, slammed, stomped. Let's see what they got.

Picture 2.
Grandfather, Baba and Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden cleans the apartment: she washes the dishes with a mop, she cleans clothes on Baba with Pemo-Lux.
Baba: Lord, Grandfather, well, they blinded ... What did you put in her instead of brains?
Grandfather: I took out some part from the TV and inserted it. Wanted the best...
Snow Maiden: best gift For best girl!
Baba: ...and it turned out as always! Look at her, she can't do anything, everything falls out of her hands.
Snow Maiden: When there is no mood, and everything falls out of hand - tea "Brook Bond"!
Grandfather: I think I understand. I must have inserted an ad block for her.
Baba: I knew it, old fool!
Grandfather: Stop it!
Snow Maiden: Take a break - eat Twix!
Baba (Snow Maiden): Go ahead, take out the garbage, you will bring at least some benefit.
Snow Maiden (leaving): Do you know that not all yogurts are equally useful?
Baba: Grandfather, well, what should we do with her now? She will spoil all the equipment for us, and there’s no sense in her!
The Snow Maiden returns with Helen, the director of the White Rose modeling agency.
Ellen: Hello. Does this girl live here?
Grandfather (suspiciously): Are you interested in registration? Everything is in order with us, she lives on a separate balcony with amenities.
Snow Maiden: The best prices— from 15000 for square meter!
Ellen: No, no. Let me introduce myself, I'm Helen, director of the White Rose Modeling Agency. We are looking for girls to participate in a beauty contest.
Baba: And I think, where did I see your face. And in advertising, like, starred.
Ellen: Yes, I did. I sold aspirin.
Snow Maiden: "Aspirin Upsa" - live without pain!
Helen: And now I want to take the Snow Maiden to a beauty contest. Grand Prize - trip around the world.
Snow Maiden: Five continents are waiting for you! Send us 2 membranes from Nescafe...
Grandfather and Baba (together): We agree! Take it wherever you want!

Picture 3.
Beauty contest. Girls walk the catwalk, smile, take beautiful poses.
Storyteller: The Snow Maiden, of course, she is a fool, but a beauty. And in a beauty contest, brains are not the main thing. And so she became the winner.
Helen and the Snow Maiden enter the stage.
Helen: Meet our winner Snegurochka! Snow Maiden, what are you feeling now?
Snow Maiden: The feeling of freshness stays with me all day!
The Overseas Prince runs onto the stage and falls on his knees in front of the Snow Maiden.
Prince: I am the Prince from beyond the sea, and you are a super girl, a genius of pure beauty!
Snow Maiden: Cleanliness - pure "Tide"!
Prince: I propose to go to my country and be my guest. I will treat you, give gifts, dress you in a fur coat.
Snow Maiden: This season, fur coats can be bought in the chain of stores " The Snow Queen».
Prince: What is she talking about?
Maria: Don't mind it. She drank Panadol and her head was blown away. Let's go, let's write a visa for the Snow Maiden to your country.

Picture 4.
Storyteller: The Snow Maiden left for an unknown country with the prince, but she didn’t say anything to Grandfather and Baba. A month passes, Grandfather and Baba are waiting for news from her and cleaning, but there is no hearing or spirit from her ...
Grandfather (on the phone): Vanya, all hope is on you, save me! Our housekeeper, the Snow Maiden, left to visit overseas prince and disappeared. Probably got him so fed up with advertising slogans that he paid some brothers to kidnap her and never return her. Go, Vanyusha, to a distant country, save the Snow Maiden and bring her home.

Picture 5.
Two mafiosi sing the song "We are a gangster gangster". Vanya appears with a sword, on a stick-horse with the inscription "Mercedes-Benz".
Bandit 1: Who are you, what are you doing here?
Bandit 2: Where did you get the car from? Not our car, cool.
Vanya: I am the new Russian Ivan, and the Russian car is a pirated copy. Are you bandits?
Bandits (in chorus): Yes, but don't call us bandits. We are the Russian mafia. What do you need from us?
Vanya: So you stole the Snow Maiden? Confess!
Bandits: So you came for her? Finally! Save us, take her soon, we are so tired of her, we have no strength. He can't even speak properly.
The Snow Maiden appears with a saucepan in her hands.
Snow Maiden: Today's menu includes Rollton noodles!
Bandit 1: You see, Vanya, he feeds some rubbish, and all the time makes his hands wash.
Snow Maiden: "Seyvgard" and you - to protect the family!
Bandit 2: What do you want, Vanya? Invented! Come on, we'll pay you the ransom ourselves, just take it away as soon as possible, you're tired of it - no strength!
Vanya: I, a Russian person, do not need your ransom. I'd rather give the money to our teachers as bonuses. And I'll take the Snow Maiden anyway.
The bandits thank Ivan, give him a bag of money. Ivan and the Snow Maiden leave.

Picture 6.
Vanya: Grandfather, woman, I brought you your loss. Do not let her go on tour abroad anymore, she has no mind at all! A beautiful, hard-working woman - only such a fool ... But I would be ashamed to show her to my friends. As the mouth opens - as if the TV turned on. What to do with her?
Grandfather: I'll try to send her to school. Let's check what Russian teachers are capable of. Maybe they'll make a man out of her.
Vania: Great idea! And if the teachers can get her brains right, I'll give them bonuses. The bandits gave me money for taking Snegurka away.
Grandfather: Agreed. Tomorrow I will go to find out if she will be accepted to the school. Just the head teacher at school is good ... Maybe he will meet me halfway.

Picture 7.
Storyteller: They took the Snow Maiden to school, she went for six months, she gained her mind and mind. Her teachers were talented, but even they could not cope with her. So the teachers' council was assembled.
Meeting of the teachers' council.
Head teacher: Colleagues, we have a sharp question - what are we going to do with the Snow Maiden? Your suggestions.
Mathematician: I can say that the girl is very capable, has amazing abilities in mathematics. True, she solves strange problems. Counts how many more dishes were washed by the people of Villaribo than the people of Villabagio. Constantly says how much cheaper soap and washing powder. He says that "Toilet Duck" destroys 3 times more germs than ordinary powder.
Writer: The girl has a great talent in literature as well. She memorizes so many verses! True, the poems are more than strange. For example, "Myth-universal saves capital" or "Coffee Jockey - look at life more cheerfully." But she reads very little. Recently I asked her the names of Russian heroes, and she told me - San Sanych, Alyonka and Seryozha, too.
Historian: And she also has problems with history, and very strong ones. At the lesson I asked her what democracy is. So she almost started a campaign. Says "Vote, otherwise you will lose."
Englishwoman: Colleagues, don't judge the girl so harshly. Here in English language she has achieved great success. The words "Fruittella", "Nokia" and "Orbit" she says like a real Englishwoman. Sounds like music! By the way, what about the music?
Music teacher: Well, what can I say ... She does not know classical music, but she has an excellent voice and ear. Constantly sings songs like
“These words are sung by the whole city. Promotional calls and SMS bonus from MTS.
Head teacher: Well, there are problems. I propose to take the Snow Maiden to our school psychotherapist.

Picture 8.
Psychotherapist's office. The psychotherapist - he is Father Frost - is dressed in a white coat, conducts psychodiagnostics of the Snow Maiden. Grandfather with Baba, Vanya and teachers are waiting for the results and publicity of the diagnosis.
Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, what's the problem?
Snow Maiden: MMM - no problem!
Vanya: The problem is that she has an ad block instead of a brain. We need to clear her mind.
Snow Maiden: The best remedy for cleaning - "Komet"!
Santa Claus: Yes, the case is very difficult. Snow Maiden, do you know who I am?
Snow Maiden: Dr. Caries?
Santa Claus: The diagnosis is a sharp accentuation on commercials. Now I will use the hard freeze method. You just need to get changed.
Santa Claus changes clothes, turns to the Snow Maiden and hypnotizes her, making passes with his hands. The Snow Maiden falls into a trance, Santa Claus portrays surgical operation and takes out some detail from the head of the Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus: Well, that's all, now she will wake up.
Grandfather and Baba: Has she really become normal?
Snow Maiden: How long have I been sleeping. What is it? I was sick?
Teachers vying: It worked! Did not work out! Let's check! What is Tide? Pedigree? Sprite? Kamei?
Snow Maiden (to Santa Claus): What's wrong with them? Is there something wrong with their heads? What are they talking about?
All in unison: Hurrah, it worked! This is real Christmas magic!
Santa Claus: Now our Snow Maiden has turned into a real Russian dream girl - a beauty, a smart girl and a good worker. But remember, it can become the same again if you do not behave as befits fairy-tale characters. Baba should not only go to yoga, but also bake pies. And you, Grandfather, should not go to saunas, but grow turnips. Do not forget that you yourself are from a fairy tale and are able to work miracles, then you will not need my magic either.
Baba and Grandfather: We are not stupid, we understand! Now let's get down to our fabulous business!
Vanya: So you're not a psychotherapist? Who are you then?
Snow Maiden: This is Santa Claus, don't you recognize him!
Santa Claus: Exactly. The New Year will come very soon, let's congratulate our guests!
All in unison: Happy New Year!



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