Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic: Professions. Outline plan. Topic: “Creative professions

Abstract of GCD “Artistic Creativity” (drawing)

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Let's help the driver."

Program content:

Educational field "Artistic creativity": continue to learn how to draw round objects, figuratively reflect simple objects when drawing with pencils, hold a pencil correctly with three fingers, paint over a drawing without going beyond the boundaries.

Educational area "Cognition": expand children’s understanding of basic professions.

Educational field "Communication": learn to express your thoughts in speech, give a complete answer to the teacher’s questions, learn to change a noun by case.

Educational field "Socialization": to form emotional responsiveness, the desire to help those in need.

Educational field "Health": form the correct posture when drawing: sit freely, do not lean low over the table.

Educational field "Physical education": develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content.

Educational field "Music": to develop the skill of performing productive actions to music.

Material: pictures depicting people of different professions and attributes of professions, a ball, a toy doctor, a letter from Dunno, a toy car without wheels, colored pencils, for each child an A4 sheet with a picture of a bus without wheels, a radio tape recorder, classical music, cards with the image Dunno.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Ball game. Standing in a circle, children name professions, passing the ball to each other.
2. Introduction to the topic.

A stranger (Dr. Aibolit) came to visit. Guess which one
What is this man's profession? (doctor). How did you guess?
Children describe the doctor's clothes and name the objects in his hands.

3. Didactic game “Who does what.” Doctor Aibolit plays educational games with children.

The cook is cooking....
Teacher - teaches....
The seller is selling...
Educator - educates....
(hairdresser, driver, dressmaker, policeman).
4. Didactic exercise “Complete the sentence.”
The cook is cooking (what?) - soup.
The doctor treats (who?) - ....
The driver drives (what?) - ....
The dressmaker sews (what?) - ....
The teacher teaches (who?) - ....
The seller sells (what?) - ....
5. Didactic game “Who needs what.”

Doctor Aibolit gives each child a picture depicting items needed by people of a particular profession. Children guess what profession Doctor Aibolit has chosen.
The cook needs pots, a ladle, a cap, etc.
The teacher needs...
The doctor needs...
The seller needs...
The dressmaker needs....
The hairdresser needs...
The teacher needs...

6. Physical education minute. "Pilot"
It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”)
Better to be a pilot. (run in a circle, arms to the sides)
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank, (they stop, “pour”)
I start the propeller: (circular movements with my right hand)
“Take the engine to heaven, (they run in a circle, arms to the sides).
So that the birds can sing."
7. Statement of the problem situation. Letter from Dunno.
The teacher tells the children that he has just received a letter from Dunno. Reading the letter: “Hello guys, hello Doctor Aibolit. I am very sick, I really need your help. Come quickly good doctor Aibolit! . Children sympathize with Dunno. The doctor and the guys go to help Dunno and find out how they will get there. It won't work in a passenger car, there are a lot of guys and they won't all fit in the car, but everyone can get there by bus. We find out that the driver must drive the bus. We arrange the chairs like a train, the driver gets behind the wheel, but the bus does not move. Let's find out what the reason is. The teacher shows a toy bus that has no wheels. Here's the thing. The teacher offers to fix the bus; to do this, you need to add wheels to the bus.

8. Drawing wheels.

The teacher and the children find out what color the wheels will be (black), specify the shape of the wheel (circle), and the children describe a circle in the air with their index finger. The teacher shows drawing techniques. Pays attention to children's posture and how to hold a pencil correctly. The work takes place to the music.

9. Summary of the lesson.

The children repaired the bus, the driver and Aibolit thank the children for their help. Aibolit cured Dunno. Dunno gives the guys his portrait as a sign of gratitude.

Lesson notes in drawing

V senior group on the topic: “Who do I want to be”

(using information and communication technology)
Target: teach children plot drawing, drawing a person.


  • Continue learning to draw people in motion.

  • Learn to create a composition.

  • Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about types of professions.

  • Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

  • Gouache paints;

  • brushes 2-3 sizes;

  • sheets of paper (pre-tinted);

  • jars of water;

  • paper and cloth napkins;

  • Palettes;

  • illustrations depicting people of different professions (selection of illustrations for display using a multimedia projector).
Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads the poem “Professions” to the children:

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!
Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

Sing and dance for you!
I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!
I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!
Well, I'll come back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become a teacher!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, besides those mentioned in the poem.
Game: “Name your profession.”

(The teacher, in turn, throws the ball. The one who catches the ball names one of the professions. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher asks a riddle and helps him answer).

For example: "Poems - riddles about professions."

The traffic light is flashing for me, The insidious fire will win
He knows that I... The one whose name is...
(Chauffeur.) (Firefighter)

Before work he is a hunter, Furniture, bread and cucumbers
Every day with a plane... They sell us...
(Carpenter.) (Sellers)

The sick person will not solve problems, but the children know exactly:
He treats all the sick... The food is delicious...
(Doctor.) (Cooks)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod - delivered to me yesterday
Paints a picture from life... Five injections...
(Artist) (Nurse.)

With a heavy bag he walks around the area, Every resident in the house knows -
He puts letters in our mailbox... This house was built...
(Postman) (Builder.)

Well done! You named so many professions. Now let us draw people of these professions.

We will paint with paints (gouache). But first, let's see what kind of pictures we can draw.

(The teacher shows illustrations on a multimedia projector. Drawing children’s attention to appearance, body position, arm position - to the sides, bent, raised up.)

Don't forget about the palette, what colors need to be mixed to get pink or flesh color for painting the human body.

The children get to work. As necessary, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Summary of the lesson.

What wonderful drawings you have drawn.

Let us collect them into one big book, which we will call “Who I Want to Be”

(The teacher compiles a book, supplementing it with poems selected by the parents).

Abstract of the GCD "Artistic Creativity"

Subject: “There are countless good professions in the world” senior group

Type of activity: productive.

Form of activity: group.

(using information and communication technology)

Integration of educational areas artistic creativity, cognition, communication, socialization.



To help students develop the idea that any profession is important and necessary. Teach plot drawing, drawing a person in motion.


Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects; Develop speech activity, dialogic speech, attention, observation. Expand vocabulary, to concretize ideas about human professions


Foster a love of work and respect for people of any profession

Preliminary work:
Conversations with children about their parents’ professions;
Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic: “Professions”;
Design of a photo exhibition on the topic: “Professions of my parents”;


Didactic material:

Illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Working material:

Gouache paints; brushes 2-3 sizes; sheets of paper (tinted in advance); jars of water; Paper and cloth napkins; Palettes; (selection of illustrations for display using a multimedia projector).

TSO Multimedia installation, DVD, disk.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. Listen to the poem and say: what will we talk about today?

Educator reads the poem “Professions” to the children:

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

Sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!

Educator. Who is this poem about?

Children.- About human professions.

Educator. There are a lot of professions, they are all important, each person is busy with his own business. Tell us what your moms and dads do, what benefits do they bring to society?

Children's answers.

Game "Riddles-folds".

Educator. I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

1. If your ear hurts,

If your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, it will help you... (DOCTOR)

2. I'm sitting at the computer,

I balance accounts and balances.

In all offices here and there.

My name is (ACCOUNTANT)

3. The kids know exactly

The food is delicious... (COOK)

4.Under the spring bird whistle

Plowing the land... (TRACTOR DRIVERS)

5. So that our barn is filled with grain,

Needed in the field..... (AGRONOMIST)

6.A chorus is heard in the field of combine harvesters,

The grain ship is leading... (COMBINEER)

7. Pears, apple trees, gooseberries,

Planted in the garden….. (GARDENER)

8. Very careful care

In charge of the animals:

For the cows - (MILKmaid)

And for the pigs - (PIG KIND)

9. Do you want fresh tomatoes -

Take a look at the garden:

With a lack of vitamins

Will handle it... (VEGETABLE GROVER)

10. Furniture, bread and cucumbers,

They sell us... (SELLERS)

11. Walks around the area with a heavy bag,

He puts letters in our mailbox... (POSTMAN)

12.The day after tomorrow, Monday,

Sweeps away all the grain for us... (MILLER)

13. Helper for the sick,

Heels will hit... (SHOEMAKER)

14.I sew jackets and pants

You should all know me:

I write dashingly on a typewriter,

Because I….. (SAILOR)

15. I build schools, I build baths,

I am building new houses.

I'm building new villages

I even build cities.

Everyone in the house knows

This house was built by ..... (BUILDER).

Educator.Well done, guys. And this is a tiny part of all professions existing on earth. It is impossible to list all specialties. Now let's get ready to draw. We will paint with paints (gouache). Think about what profession of the person you want to depict in your drawing. Look at how people in different professions are depicted.

(The teacher shows illustrations on a multimedia projector, drawing the children’s attention to the appearance, body position, position of the arms - to the sides, bent, raised up.)

Let's get up, look carefully at each other, and relax.

Dynamic pause. Fizminutka. « We played in the profession"

In an instant we became pilots!

We flew on the plane

And suddenly they became drivers!

The steering wheel is now in our hands -

First class is moving fast!

And now we're at a construction site,

We lay the bricks evenly.

One - a brick and two, and three -

We are building a house, look!

It's game over

It's time for us to sit down at the tables.

Educator. Don't forget about the palette. What colors need to be mixed to create pink or nude color for human body painting? The children get to work. As necessary, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Summary of the lesson. What job did you like best?

Why? What's special about this job? How is it different from

others this work?

Educator. What wonderful drawings you have drawn.

Let us collect them into one big book, which we will call “Who I Want to Be.”

(The teacher compiles a book, supplementing it with poems selected by the parents).

Tatiana Andryushkevich
Drawing lesson in the aspect of gender education. Theme "Professions"

Program tasks:

Develop an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, convey in the drawing the image of a working person, depicting human figures in a characteristic professional clothes, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes. Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the role employment of men and women. Tell children about women's and men's professions.

Strengthen skills paint The main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings. Learn to evaluate your drawings according to the assignment.


White paper ( album sheet, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator wishes for children riddles:

Will you answer me children?

Who is the best in the world?

He will be able to treat you:

Give me something to drink and feed?

Children:- cook

Who tell me this

Protects our peace

He keeps order

Doesn't he tell you to bully?

Children:- policeman

I need things like this:

Hammer, vice and pliers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And the most important thing is skill.

Children:- locksmith

I've been sewing all day today,

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, cat, -

There will be clothes for you too.

Children:- seamstress, dressmaker

How can you call the answers in one word?

Children:- professions

Today you guys and I will go to the parade of masters. (Children walk through the gallery). Every master (children) dressed in their professional work uniform. Each child talks about his professions. Draw children's attention to the pictures « Professions» , "Tools". After the parade of masters, children go to an exhibition where the products of all the masters are displayed. Children look at them and determine which product belongs to which professions. Then the children return to the group.

Vos-l: Today we met many professions.

What is it profession?

Children:- This is something that parents do at work.

Name their parents' professions.

Children: Teacher, policeman, artist, fireman.

What are they for? professions?

Children: In order to work.

Why should you study? professions?

Children: To be smart, educated.

Where are they taught?

Children: In institutes, colleges.

Vos-l: Professions can be male or female. Name the men's professions, women's.

Children: Welder, fireman, mechanic, turner - these are men's professions.

Teacher is a female profession.

Why are these professions like welder, locksmith should be only male?

Children: Because these professions require a lot of effort.

And people like teacher - female?

Children: Because only kind women should work with children.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Children: Driver, teacher, fireman, teacher.

I want to be like mom, like dad. I want to be a teacher to teach children. I want to be a policeman to catch criminals.

Listen to an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" (The teacher reads) . Yes indeed professions there are a lot of them and they are all important and necessary.

Physical education minute.

I will talk about myself, and you - about yourself. To do this, do what I did and repeat the words.

IN: I'm walking, and then I got up from the bench,

D: And we go. And then we got up from the bench.

IN: I sing, And I wave my arms,

D: And we sing. And they waved their hands.

IN: I'm running, I clapped my hands,

D: And we run. They clapped their hands.

IN: I sat down on the bench, squatted ten times,

D: We sat down on a bench. We squatted ten times.

Today on during the lesson you will draw that profession, which you like best and which you want to choose in the future when you become big. Remember what form of clothing a master of this particular craft should wear? professions what tools and products should be. First you need draw with a simple pencil, placing the image on the entire sheet, and then coloring it with colored pencils. Children draw teacher carries out individual work.

At the end of the work, a finger test is carried out gymnastics:

The hammer knocked, knocked,

I drove nails into the board

One, two, three, four,

So we hammered in the nails.

A saw is sawing a thick trunk,

One-two, one-two,

Got white hot

One-two, one-two.

Analysis of works:

Children look at the work and tell why drew exactly this profession, choose the most interesting drawings.

Optionally play didactic game "Pick a tool".

Lesson notes in preparatory group"All works are good"

Program content. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about professions; arouse interest in different professions, show the importance of the work of representatives of any profession for people’s lives, bring to awareness of the need for serious preparation to master any profession, cultivate respect for people - professionals, a sense of pride in working people.

Material. A letter from Dunno, photographs depicting representatives of different professions.

Preliminary work. Educational conversations “Bread is the head of everything”, “How good it is in our garden”, “Who built new home?”, “What would you like to become?”, “Professions of my parents”, “Profession of the future”. Memorizing poems, riddles about professions. Making up riddles about professions. Reading the poem by V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?” Drawing on the theme “My future profession».

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, today I received a letter from Dunno. (Shows the letter.) In it, Dunno asks you to help him: “Dear guys! I can't decide what to become when I grow up. Please tell me the best profession. Your Dunno."

Educator. Well, let's help Dunno choose the best profession? I invite you to the photo exhibition “Professions”. Let's remember what professions there are. (Children determine the names of professions from photographs.)

Educator. What other professions do you know? (Children's answers.) You named a lot of professions. Are there any professions that you may not have even heard of? Think and tell me what does a person who works as a reindeer herder do? Snake catcher? A beekeeper? A designer? A draftsman? Crane operator? Security guard? etc. (Children's answers.) Correct! It’s not difficult to guess, because the word itself already contains a hint and it’s easy to guess what the person is doing. But there are professions that you need to know, and it is impossible to guess by name what a person does. Try to name such professions. (Children's answers.) What kind of work do you think a designer does? Lawyer? Manager? Foreman? (Children's answers.)

Game “Whose farm is bigger”

Target. Teach children to distinguish between farming and household farming; consolidate knowledge about the farming profession.

Material. Two 20x30 cm paintings depicting a farm and a household. Subject pictures with farm and household attributes.

Progress of the game

Children are divided into two teams: farm owners and household owners, with large pictures in front of them.

Object pictures for the farm and household are laid out on the tables. Farm owners collect pictures related directly to farming, and household owners - pictures related directly to household. Children justify their choice.

The emphasis is on the size of the farm, the number of products produced, the specifics of the tools and, finally, on for whom this or that product is produced.



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