How to remove an unnecessary sheet in Word. How to delete a page in Word

When working with PC users, they are faced with the fact that a blank sheet randomly appears in the document itself. And here, if you plan to print it on two sides, the user faces a problem, since it is a blank sheet that can ruin everything. The question arises how to delete a sheet in Word.

To work you will need the software used in Word.

How to remove a blank sheet in Word?

To understand the reason for the appearance of empty space and answer the question of how to delete a page in Word, you need to look at those characters that are not printed. This is done as follows: on the toolbar, you need to click the button located near the buttons of the drawing panel and document diagram. It happens that this panel is not displayed in the editor window, in which case you need to click the “View” menu and check the “Standard” item in the toolbar.

Once the button has been pressed, a variety of various characters, which were not visible before, dots and other signs. This way you can remove unnecessary spaces. You need to view the entire document, which will allow you to reduce it by a few lines. If it is large enough, then the volume can be reduced even by a whole paragraph.

It is necessary to look very carefully at all the pages in Word until many points are discovered. It is necessary to remove such an element, since there is a high probability that it was this element that caused the blank characters to be moved to another page.

If you remove this element fails, to answer the question of how to delete a blank page in Word, you can try another option: try all deletions of a given value. In addition, deletion can be done not only using the Delete button, but also Ctrl+X or Ctrl+Backspace. The latter is usually used to remove a word from the text.

It also happens that the method with non-printable characters does not help, then you should try using editing. How to edit in Word? To do this, use the “Web Document” mode, which can be selected in the “View” menu by clicking the corresponding tab. After editing is completed, you need to remember to change the viewing mode back.

If the question arises of how to delete not just one page, but several at once, then you need to place the cursor in front of the sheet that you plan to delete initially, and scroll to the document that you want to get rid of last. As a result of such manipulations, everything unnecessary should be highlighted. All that remains is to press the Delete or Backspace button.

Hello again! Today we will talk about such a seemingly simple topic as deleting pages in a Word document. Of course, this operation is unlikely to cause any particular difficulties for anyone. The only thing you need to consider is which page you want to delete - with or without text and where it is located - at the beginning, end or middle of the document. Word also has ways of working here that you probably don’t know about. We will consider these tricky moments today.

As usual, we will cover the topic in several simple examples V different versions programs. And at the end of the article is posted short video. So, let's study the material.

Deleting a page in word 2010 in the middle of a document (with text)

If you have an unnecessary page of text that needs to be deleted, you can do it as follows. The first thing to do is place the cursor anywhere on the page to be deleted. After that, in the upper right corner of the document on the main panel we find the “find” button. A binocular icon is shown next to it. Click on it and in the drop-down menu click on the inscription “Go”.

A window will open in front of us in which the search object is selected. In our case, this is a page and it is the first one by default and is already selected.

Next to it there is only one field “Enter page number”. Here we type “\page”, and then press the “go” button. As a result, all text on the page will be highlighted. All that remains is to press the “DELETE” key and the page with this text will disappear.

In essence, this procedure is the removal of only unnecessary text, and not the page as such. After all, the text that comes after the one being deleted rises higher, replacing what was there before. Therefore, there is a much simpler way to delete pages in this way. Just select it by holding left. Click on all the text on the page and also press the “DELETE” button.

Removing the last blank page at the end of the document (with headers and footers)

If your document contains headers and footers, and there is a blank last page when entering the work, then removing it is very easy. Place the cursor on the previous page and press the “DELETE” key, pressing it multiple times to remove the blank page. Before starting the operation, you can include non-printable characters to make it easier to navigate the pages being deleted.

How to remove an extra blank page at the beginning of a document in word 2010

The appearance of an extra blank page is most often associated with the use of breaks. We don’t see all this in the usual format. To display them, use a special button on the main panel. However, many people like to type with the non-printable characters feature turned on. So, let's turn on the visibility of these non-printable characters: ¶.

Then select them on the page to be deleted and press the Delete or BackSpace key. As a result, the page will be deleted.

Removing a blank page in word 2013 in the middle of a document

When deleting an unnecessary page in a Word document version 2013, you must enable the function for displaying non-printable characters. After this, we place the cursor in the place where the last non-printable character is displayed before the page to be deleted. By pressing the Delete key several times we delete the unnecessary page.

You can also delete a page using the page break options. You can open them from the “Paragraph” tab on the main menu panel.

In the first tab “Indents and spacing” you can set large values Before or After the interval. In the second tab “Page Position” you need to check the value of the “pagination” section. After checking the correctness of the settings and removing what is unnecessary, you can safely delete what you don’t need.

Removing the blank page in word 2007 at the end of the document

To remove the blank page at the end of the document, we will use enough simple action. Place the cursor at the end of the previous page and press the “Delete” key repeatedly to delete invisible lines. For convenience, we include these non-printing characters. Then you can select them all on the page to be deleted, and then simply press the Delete key. And at the end of the topic there is a short video on deleting pages in Word.

Here, in principle, are all the simple steps to remove unnecessary pages. Although everything is simple, you need to know some tricks. That's all for now.

Often, when pages break in documents, extra sheets– there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they should be removed - why waste extra paper when printing on a printer. Today we will tell you how without extra effort delete a blank page in a program Microsoft Word, you will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is that you read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again, because in large documents you may not notice how you deleted a page that, for example, you needed.

Removing a blank page in MS Word

First of all, let's go to the "Home" tab if in at the moment you have another one open. There is one very useful tool– the “Display all characters” button, thanks to which you will see all the characters you have typed – up to spaces.

Click on it once and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs have appeared that were not there before?! The dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, it means there are too many spaces and this needs to be corrected. Arrows are Tab key presses. Blank pages are also displayed separately in the form of “Page Break” inscriptions. It is this gap that we must close!

In the screenshot above you can see the inscription “Page Break”, double-click on it with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. There are then two scenarios leading to the removal of the blank page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button;
  2. Pressing the “Delete” button.
Congratulations, the dummy page has been successfully removed and will no longer interfere with you when printing a document.

Removing a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We have learned how to get rid of blank pages, but what about those with some information: text, diagrams or pictures? You can also delete non-blank pages, now we will teach you how to do this.

Move the cursor to any part of the page that you want to quickly delete. We return to the “Home” tab, find the arrow on the right side that says “Select”, click on it and select “Select All” from the drop-down menu.

You can also go the other way, press left button mouse and select the part of the text that should be deleted and then proceed according to the well-established scheme - click on one of the above-mentioned buttons!

Ready! Now you can delete not only blank pages in Word, but also pages with information.

Hello friends! How to remove an unnecessary page in Word is the topic of my today’s “Crib Sheet”. For those who have not encountered a similar problem, this question may seem ridiculous. However, such a need may arise in the following cases:

  • needs to be removed front page(I wanted to take a different template or abandon the title altogether);
  • it was necessary to remove any chapter (one or more sheets) from the document;
  • Blank pages appeared in the document out of nowhere, and we also don’t need them for 100 years.

The first two problems are solved so simply that I, friends, even doubted whether it was even worth talking about in this article. But then I decided that since all the previous “Cribs” each considered its own question meticulously and thoroughly, then let this one be the most complete guide regarding the problem of how to remove an unnecessary page in Word. So, let's remove the title page.

How to Remove a Cover Sheet in Word 2016

If you don’t want to remove the title completely, but just replace it with one of the templates offered by Word, then you just need to click on the selected option. The old title page will be immediately replaced with the new one. In case of complete refusal of the title page, you should click on the line “ remove cover page" All these operations are performed in the “ Insert", section " Pages" When you press the button " Title page "In the drop-down window, you can select either a suitable template or delete the title altogether (Fig. 1).

How to remove the second page in Word (or any few)

The second, third, any other, or several pages at once can be easily and simply removed by clearing them of text. To do this, select the top line on the page to be deleted, then, while holding down the Shift key, select the bottom line. All text on the extra page is selected, after which we remove it using the key Delete. This operation can be performed on all pages to be rejected at once. When the text, graphics, or formatting disappears, the page also disappears.

Please note, friends, if the pages have been numbered, there will be no breaks in it. The numbering will automatically be restored in order.

How to remove an extra blank page in Word

Blank Pages…. This flaw is usually detected when the document is printed. If it was numbered, then such “dummies” violate the logical order of numbers. Yes and extra expense We don't need paper. Isn't it?

But why do extra pages appear in Word documents? Where do they come from? Is this an error in the program or perhaps the printer? No, friends. Neither the WORD text editor, nor, especially, the printer has anything to do with it. All such “jambs” are only our merit.

The fact is that such pages only seem empty. In fact, they always have some hidden characters formatting. We don’t see them, but the program takes them into account as full-fledged and necessary. To prevent such incidents from happening, my advice to you: when typing text and formatting it, always turn on the “ Show formatting marks" After activating it, you will see marks of paragraphs, spaces, headers or footers or breaks on the supposedly “blank” page.

Now, I think it’s clear that to delete a “blank” page you just need to display formatting marks on it and remove them using the key Backspace. Just? Without a doubt! But there is another - more complex case. Let's consider it.

How to remove the last blank page in Word after a table

If the last page of a document, chapter, or section ends with a table, then it is more difficult to get rid of the blank page at the end. The point is that removing the last paragraph mark in text editor Word is not allowed. And it will automatically be transferred after the table to new leaf. What to do in this case?

Of course, there is a way out. Yes, the program will not allow us to remove the paragraph mark. So let's make it invisible not only to us, but also to the Word itself. To do this, select our ill-fated icon and on the “ Home"go to the section " Font" Click on the arrow in the lower right corner to open the font adjustment window and put a checkmark in the line “ hidden" Click " OK" - the task is completed. We got rid of the last blank page after the table (Fig. 2).

Until yesterday, I thought that I knew Word quite well. Of course, I’m not an expert in it and I don’t use it constantly, as many do, but until now I was able to figure out what’s what. But yesterday a seemingly simple question: How to delete a page in Word 2010? - Just confused me. Moreover, the question concerned not the first nor the last page, but the page in the middle of continuous text. I had to turn to a guru on the Internet, I’ll pin the information on the pages of my blog.

Deleting a blank page in Word

There are several ways to delete a blank page. The simplest of them is to use the “Backspace” or “Delete” keys. To delete a blank page following a page with text, you need to place the cursor at the end of the previous page and press “Delete” on the keyboard. And if you need to delete, on the contrary, the previous empty page, then you need to place the cursor at the beginning of the next one and press the “Backspace” button.

There is another method for deleting a blank page, it can be deleted using the non-printable characters icon

First, find on the control panel in the “Home” section an icon that means non-printing characters; this icon is located in the “Paragraph” subsection and select it by clicking on it with the mouse. The document will now display many icons and dots that were not visible before. Thus, you will be presented with extra spaces, symbols that can also be deleted if desired.

Next, in the document itself, look for the inscription “Page Break” on the page that needs to be deleted. Click on it with your mouse, it should highlight a certain color(which you are using) defaults to black. Next, just press the “Backspace” or “Delete” key and that’s it. Congratulations, the blank page has been removed from your document.

Deleting a completed page in Word

After we've figured out how to delete blank pages, let's next figure out how to delete a page filled with text, an image, or other information in Word. This process will not take much time and will not require any special knowledge from you. What is needed for this:

  1. First, place your cursor at the location on the page from which you want to delete information.
  2. Next, on the main panel in the “Home” section, find the “Find” subsection and click on the arrow located next to it, then open the “Go” link.

A window will open in front of you in which you will need to put the number of the page that you need to delete and click on the “Go” link. You will see already selected text that needs to be deleted.



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