How to correctly put the emphasis in the word agreement and what is the emphasis in this word in the plural? Agreements or agreements - which is correct?

Errors in our oral speech- a common occurrence... Q, rings or rings, agreements or agreements, how to correctly pronounce this or that word and not be ridiculed in society? According to the strict literary norms of the Russian language, one should say “contracts”. However, in lately Many sources claim that the word "contracts" is starting to be used more and more often in business and business areas. “Agreements” is a kind of professional expression, such as “directors” instead of “directors”.

According to the assumptions of some etymologists, this word can become stronger in the Russian language and become an aesthetic norm of speech, both literary and colloquial.

Why "contracts"?

The word comes from the verb “to agree”, consisting of the particle “to” and the verb “to speak”. This is a pre-Slavic form that has not changed for more than a dozen centuries. Let us emphasize once again that “contracts” are an absolute literary norm, so this option is the only one the right way pronunciation.

Exactly literary language is a guarantor of the preservation of Russian culture and the Russian language as a whole. It acts as a certain standard of behavior that determines the unambiguity of the words used different people. If everyone starts coming up with new ways to pronounce and emphasize words, then people will simply stop understanding each other.

Even in the example of the words “agreements” and “agreements” one can see this misunderstanding when a person pronounces this word in a different way than his communication partner. This partner begins to listen not to what the person wants to convey to him, but begins to notice that he pronounces the word “contracts” incorrectly. This leads to mutual misunderstanding between the parties.

Correct pronunciation of words is of great importance for effective communication between people. Correct understanding of a communication partner is based not only on a unified system of speech symbols, but also on the same understanding of these symbols. Therefore, there is a single point of reference - the literary standard of the language. People couldn't build Tower of Babel, since God has confused all languages. By doing this, he erected a communication barrier that people were unable to overcome. As a result, they never finished the tower.

It’s no joke, but how many conflicts, including at the global level, occur only because of a misunderstanding of the parties at the language level? Quite a lot, if not all of them. In today's world, people are in dire need of a unified system of symbols in order to build their relationships not only with their fellow citizens, but also with citizens of other countries. The trend is that year after year English is becoming a similar world language system.

Speak correctly! "treaties", but not "contracts".

how to correctly put stress in the word agreement and what stress in this word when plural?

  1. Contracts or agreements? The emphasis is on the word agreement.
    Since I work as a lawyer, I constantly encounter errors typical of legal matters. The saddest thing seems to be that legal scholars themselves, who first of all need to be able to express themselves competently, are often mistaken in their speech.

    There is no doubt that each of us periodically encounters contracts. In all sorts of situations: when we use the services of an Internet provider, when we rent an apartment, when we enroll in educational institution etc.

    With regard to the word "agreement", as a rule, two options are allowed:

    1) Emphasis. We often hear the colloquial version of “agreement,” which is considered acceptable, but the pronunciation “agreement” seems correct and official.

    2) Plural. Based on how you place the emphasis in the word “agreement”, you should also choose the plural form: “agreements” or “agreements” (in no case “agreements”).

    Some lawyers believe that professional practice Recently, the form of “agreement” has been used more often. In my opinion, it is correct to use the word “agreements”, since this is a strict literary norm, although in colloquial speech it is permissible to say “agreement”, “agreements”.

    The Ministry of Education and Science approved the emphasis in the word “agreement” on the first syllable
    Print version
    "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" -
    01.09.2009, 15:19
    The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on approval of the list of dictionaries containing the norms of the modern Russian language came into force on September 1. From now on, inviting people to a “fife-o-clock” to drink “delicious coffee” and writing “ciao” instead of “bye” is the norm.

    The approved list includes four reference books - spelling, grammar, phraseology and a dictionary of accents.

    As reported by the Ministry of Education and Science, the list of dictionaries can be expanded if experts approve other publications. In addition, we are not talking about changing the rules of the Russian language. Dictionaries only record the norms of the “great and mighty” - they reflect what is already in the language. Publications approved by the Ministry of Education and Science will become a standard for Russian officials, since they are officially approved for use state language RF.

    Now it is not a mistake to say “black coffee” or to put the emphasis in the word “agreement” on the first syllable. Dictionaries also allow you to say “yogurt” and “yogurt”, “on Wednesdays” and “on Wednesdays”.

    “Internet” can only be correctly written with a capital letter, and “Tskhinvali” can only be written with an “and” at the end. "Facsimile" is pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable.

    The greatest problems when writing are often caused by borrowed words, in particular those starting with re- and ri-. New reference books come to the rescue here too. In them you can find the words “realtor” and “remake”, as well as “offshore”, “digger”, “fax modem” and “file server”.

    “Fife-o-klok” is now also considered a Russian word and it is quite possible to say “I didn’t have fife-o-klok today” in the sense of “I didn’t have an afternoon snack today.”

    Meanwhile, in the dictionaries it was not possible to find such recently popular words as “diversify” (there is only “diversification”) and “nightmare”.

    Also, the new reference books leave unchanged the norms for pronouncing the words “cakes” (with emphasis on the first syllable), “calls” and “more beautiful” (on the second).

  2. on the 3rd syllable
  4. Contract#769;r (plural contract#769;ry) an agreement between two or more persons to establish, modify or terminate civil rights And

on the first syllable) is considered acceptable in informal speech, and this variant is sometimes found in dictionaries marked "colloquial". But “agreement” is considered a strict literary norm; you can pronounce this word this way in any situation - and no one can blame you for poor knowledge of the Russian language.

Many people believe that the words " agreement“with emphasis on the first – a consequence of “total illiteracy” recent years. However, this is not true. That's why, in colloquial speech quite acceptable, indicated spelling dictionaries published in the middle of the 20th century. And Korney Chukovsky, in his book about “Alive as Life” (published in 1962), argued that this type of pronunciation could become a literary norm in the foreseeable future.

Please note

The literary and colloquial “duality” of the word “agreement” also affects the formation of the plural form. Thus, the form “agreements” is a strictly literary norm, and the use of the plural version of “agreement” is considered colloquial.


  • emphasis contract

Accent in Russian it is not fixed, that is, it does not always fall on a specific syllable, as, for example, in Hungarian or Finnish. There are also no specific rules on how to put , so issues of Russian pronunciation often concern not only foreigners, but also native speakers themselves.

Often people who have heard Russian since childhood believe that they have no problems with the placement of accents. But is this true? Check whether you correctly pronounce the words that belong to the category of the most “problematic”: alphabet, pamper, rattling, religion, witchcraft, dispensary, rust, call, iconography, catalog, kilometer, quarter, compass, misanthropy, nabelo, hugged, percent , centimeter, facilitate, dowry, beet, convene, inquire, concentrate, seal, force. In the words “”, “ports”, “bows”, “boards”, as well as in their forms, it is always placed on the first syllable. But the word “” can be used in the same way as you are used to: it allows for double stress placement. That, Where placing stress may also depend on the context: for example, in “atlas” it falls on the first syllable if we are talking about a meeting geographical maps, and on the second, if we mean fabric. Another example: a characterful person and a characterful dance. In some cases Russian accent obeys certain laws. For example, the stress is placed on the first syllable, but in the singular form. numbers feminine usually falls on the ending: Vesel - Vesely - Vesela; stupid - stupid - stupid; started - started. This also applies to past tense feminine singular verbs. numbers: took - took, lived - lived, lIlo - lilA. But there are exceptions: klAla, krAla, etc. Sometimes (for, under, by, on, from, without) take the emphasis on themselves, leaving the following unstressed after them. Examples: on the water, on the hand, on the hundred, under the feet, on the sea, From the nose, before the night, an hour From the hour, etc. But there are few such rules. In most cases, you have to memorize the accent, and if in doubt, it is best to check yourself in dictionaries. Among them, there are those that are completely dedicated to pronunciation - orthoepic ones. But if you don’t have one at hand, the emphasis in words can be checked using any other dictionary, for example, a spelling or explanatory one. You can also use resources.

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“Iconography” is a word that is used quite rarely in everyday speech. And the question of where to correctly place the emphasis in it can confuse a person who is far from religion or art criticism. Which pronunciation option will be literate and correct?

“Iconography” – emphasis on the rules of the Russian language

The pronunciation options for the word “iconography” can vary greatly: some people put on the “and” in the first one, someone emphasizes the second one, as in the word “icon” - “iconography”, and both of these accents are quite common. A rarer case is the emphasis “icon painting”, by analogy with the name of the profession “icon painter”.

However, dictionaries of the Russian language are unambiguous: the only correct option for placing the stress in this word is on “I” in the first syllable. It is the pronunciation of “Iconography” that is considered correct and corresponds to the literary norm. As for the emphasis on “iconopis”, a number of authors of authoritative spelling dictionaries (for example, Zarva or Reznichenko) specifically point out that the pronunciation is an error.

The stress on the first syllable will remain in all case forms of the word. For example:

history of Russian Iconography,

his favorite type of painting is Iconography;

his whole life is connected with iconography.

Why stress on the word “iconography” causes problems

“Iconography” with an emphasis on the first syllable sounds strange, unnatural, and “harms the ear” for many. This is quite understandable:

  • firstly, in Russian, in polysyllabic words, the stress usually tends to the middle of the word;

  • secondly, “icon painting” is a complex word, and in such compound constructions the emphasis most often remains on the same syllable as in the root of the “source” word (ikona);

  • thirdly, in none of the other complex words with the root icon, the emphasis on “and” in the root ever falls (for example, iconographer, iconostas, iconographer).

However, it is not for nothing that Russian is considered extremely complex - there are no “iron” rules in it, there are only pronounced tendencies. And the pronunciation of each individual word depends more on the tradition that has developed in the language.

The word “icon painting” can be attributed to religious vocabulary, which is characterized by greater traditionalism than commonly used everyday vocabulary. And you hear such words relatively rarely - they are more often found in books or articles, rather than in speech.

So you just have to remember that in the word “icon painting” the stress falls on the first syllable– and try to use exactly the normative one in speech, correct option, despite the unusualness of its sound.

Tip 5: How to correctly emphasize the word “on Wednesdays”

The word “environment” has many meanings. And which syllable should be emphasized - “on Wednesdays” or “on Wednesdays” (namely, the dative plural raises the most questions) depends on what was meant: the day of the week, or the environment.

How to put emphasis on “Wednesdays” when talking about the day of the week

Just a few decades ago, the only correct option indicated by dictionaries as a literary norm was the unusual “on Wednesdays” for many. However, the rules of the Russian language tend to change over time, and now “on Wednesdays” with an emphasis on “E” is no longer considered an error or an option acceptable only in colloquial speech. Many authoritative reference books published in the last decade indicate both of these options as equal. An example is spelling dictionary Lopatin, published under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Reznichenko, included in the official reference publications recommended for the use of Russian as the state language.

So it's official both the emphasis “on Wednesdays” and “on Wednesdays” is considered correct. However, the emphasis not “E” is not yet “recognized” by all reference publications without exception, and many people, out of habit, consider it a mistake.

Therefore, if you want literary speech to sound flawless, out of two equal pronunciation options, there is still It is advised to use the old, undisputed academic norm of stress “on Wednesdays”. It is this pronunciation (which seems unusual and “harassing to the ears”) that is recommended to be used by radio and television announcers:

  • on Wednesdays there are dance evenings for tango lovers,

  • "Violets on Wednesdays" - one of famous story Andre Maurois,

  • I prefer to make trips to the supermarket on Wednesdays, in the middle of the work week.

When declension of the word “environment” meaning "day of the week" in the creative and prepositional case The plural “academic” stress should also fall on the second syllable, on the vowel “A”.

Which syllable is stressed “on Wednesdays” when talking about surroundings?

The word "environment" can mean:

  • the substance that fills the space (water medium, nutrient medium),

  • complex natural conditions ( , natural environment, environment),

  • social and living conditions of human life (bohemian environment, student environment).

In the third meaning, the word “environment” is used only in the singular. And in the first two cases in the case form “on Wednesdays” the stress can only fall on “E” in the first syllable - according to “mediums”. This option is the only correct one and is fixed as the norm by all reference publications without exception.

In all forms of the singular, the accent is the ending, and in the plural, the stem:

  • provided with nutritional ENVIRONMENTS for the entire duration of the experiment,

  • environment The habitats of these animals are significantly different,

  • human emotions are largely determined by urban Wednesday,

  • above the bourgeoisie Wednesday Many Russian writers sneered.

Thus, when placing the emphasis on “on Wednesdays,” the emphasis on “E” will not be erroneous in any of the meanings. However, if the day of the week was meant, it is preferable to use the “senior” accentological norm with emphasis on the second syllable - “on Wednesdays”.

Ignorance of the rules of the Russian language does not relieve one from responsibility for the impression one makes. If a person respects himself and his interlocutor, then this is immediately visible not only by the words he pronounces, but also by the way he emphasizes them. Remember: a primitive language is for those who think primitively.

By WHAT and HOW a person says, you can make a portrait of him. As soon as your interlocutor opens his mouth, his level of culture and erudition becomes obvious. It's interesting that more educated people understand each other perfectly and do not ask questions about where to put the emphasis in the words “agreement”, “marketing”, “blinds”, “petition” and others. This is a closed club for the “chosen few”, or rather for those who care whether they will consider him a cattle or not.

Why do you need to put stress in words correctly?

In Russian the stress is free, i.e. is not assigned to any specific syllable, which frees the hands and tongues of all those who do not know the norms and gives the opportunity to ignoramuses to distort the pronunciation beyond recognition. Movable in different grammatical forms(cases, degrees of comparison, etc.) the emphasis sets traps for the illiterate. To avoid looking dumber than you really are, just know how to correctly emphasize the most commonly used words.

A person who puts emphasis on words incorrectly becomes an object of ridicule.

Have you noticed that people who make mistakes in pronunciation are eternal objects of ridicule from satirists, KVNists and simply more literate “users” of the Russian language? This will never change! It is naive to believe that if most of the street kids speak “Will you call?”, then this has already become the norm. Nothing of the kind! This continues to indicate their backwardness and generally low educational level. Is it worth following the tail of the locomotive? Maybe it’s better to find out where to put the emphasis in words and speak normally without causing laughter?

For difficult cases, there are dictionaries and reference books that describe pronunciation rules in detail. Spelling dictionaries and various information portals, as well as reference books are designed to eradicate speech errors and teach not only native speakers, but also foreigners the correct pronunciation. Why is this necessary? The simplest answer: to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. However, is this the true goal? For some it will be an incredible achievement. Others clearly understand that in order for the language not to become an enemy, it must be studied thoughtfully and constantly work on oneself.

You can find out where to put stress correctly in a particular word from a linguistic dictionary

To help foreigners and native speakers, numerous Internet resources are being created today, where you can find all possible “difficult” words and expressions. For example, there is a popular Internet portal, where you can not only check spelling and stress, but also hear how familiar words ideally sound (audio dictionaries “Speaking Correctly” and “Russian Oral”). However, it is better to rely on your own brain and write down information there once, than to rely on constant “tips” from the computer.

How to put stress in words: norms for some special cases

There are many mnemonic exercises for memorizing, so choose the ones that are most effective for you. The recommendation for everyone is this: since speech is not just a set of words, but meaningful statements in a specific situation, the associative method always helps out when you are in doubt about where to put the emphasis.

Correct your speech, because speaking correctly is no more difficult than speaking with mistakes

We suggest you remember these blocks of information. They can serve as a “lifesaver” for the words blinds, contract, cottage cheese, catalogue, quarter, cakes, beets, sorrel, call, pamper, prettier, facilitate, plum, scoop.

  • Better not bite your nails and close the blinds.
  • A thief snuck into our office and stole a contract.
  • The woman baked a pie, but forgot about the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must have been expensive at the market. (both forms are within the normal range)
  • He left us a hundred rubles and a catalog as a deposit.
  • The quarter is ending, who is richer now?
  • While putting on shorts, he remembered about cakes.
  • The rain has passed, the beets in the garden got wet. And the falcon noticed how many wet beets there were. The roundabout way is long, the beetroot borscht is delicious.
  • You love sweet caramel, but sorrel is healthier. They talked about the land, the cauldron and sorrel.
  • Who is standing in the square calling on a mobile phone?
  • In order not to shed tears, it is better not to spoil.
  • A blue dress will help you look much more beautiful.
  • To avoid carrying a lot, you need to lighten the load.
  • The sour plum compote was quickly poured into the garden.
  • Scoop cherries with a skull.

If you have your own associative chains that help you correctly place stress in words, then feel free to use this method, which saves you from stupid cramming. Even if these are not entirely decent “sayings” in content (for example, “This is not easy petting for you, but financial marketing”), the main thing is that the desired result is a one hundred percent guarantee of memorization and standard pronunciation.

You can come up with your own tricks for words such as “seal”, “petition” and “not allowed”? Write your options in the comments, we will welcome creative ideas!

Correct: agreement, plural. -ы, -ов and (colloquial) -а, -ов


Which is correct: agreement or contract? How to put emphasis on the plural?

Strict literary norm: agreement, agreements; in casual oral speech, the variant agreement, agreement is acceptable. Let's give interesting quote from “Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in the modern Russian language” by K. S. Gorbachevich:

Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

A small note: many people believe that the agreement, agreement option is an innovation of recent years. However, an indication of the admissibility of such stress in colloquial speech can be found in publications half a century ago, for example, in the dictionary-reference book by R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” (M., 1959).



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