Famous artists with the sign of Scorpio. The most successful Scorpio men and women

On June 19, 1992 he was taken into custody under Art. 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on suspicion of stealing 55 cars with diesel fuel from the Ukhtinsky oil refinery in the amount of about 4 million rubles. The case was sent for further investigation.

On December 19, 1999, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Chukotka single-mandate electoral district V No. 223.

In the State Duma he was not a member of any of the factions or deputy groups. Since February 2000 - member of the State Duma Committee on Problems of the North and Far East.

Venedikt Erofeev. Writer (prose poem "Moscow-Petushki"). Birthday: October 24, 1938. Date of death: November 5, 1990

In addition to the poem, which almost became the national anthem of Russia in the second half of the 20th century, V. Erofeev wrote the essay “Dmitry Shostakovich” (1972), the text of which has been lost, the essay “Vasily Rozanov through the eyes of an eccentric” (1973), the essay-montage “My little Leninian" (1974), the tragedy "Walpurgis Night, or the Commander's Steps" (1985).

IN recent years Venedikt Erofeev was considering a play about Fanny Kaplan, the action of which was supposed to take place in modern Moscow at a glass container collection point. But a long-term, painful illness, which took away the writer’s voice, did not allow his plan to come true.

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the Spanish city of Malaga. Picasso received his first artistic lessons from his father, a drawing teacher, and soon mastered it to perfection.

Johann Strauss (son). Composer, conductor and violinist. Birthday: October 25, 1825. Year of death: 1899

Like his father, Strauss traveled all over Europe with his orchestra; in 1872 he conducted four concerts in New York and fourteen in Boston, and also performed “The Blue Danube” with an orchestra and choir of 20,000. The fiftieth anniversary of Strauss's first performance at Dommeier's restaurant, October 15, 1894, was celebrated throughout Vienna, with greetings sent by Bismarck, Verdi, Leoncavallo and many other celebrities.

He belonged to the symbolists of the “younger generation” (together with A. Blok, Vyacheslav Ivanov, S. Solovyov, Ellis). In 1904, the first collection of poems, “Gold in Azure,” was published, supplemented by a special section “Lyrical passages in prose.” A. Bely was one of the theorists of Russian symbolism of the “second wave”, the developer of a new aesthetic worldview.

Singer Jennifer Flowers told the press that she had an affair with Bill Clinton that lasted twelve years. As a rule, such a scandal means the political collapse of a presidential candidate. Hillary saved her husband's career by appearing with him on the popular television show 60 Minutes.

Hillary Clinton was the most powerful White House owner in the history of the United States. She is a vain woman, well aware of her competence and her importance.

In history sexual relations her husband with White House intern Monica Lewinsky Hillary again came to the defense of her husband. As if nothing had happened, she continued to travel around the country, speaking in support of Democrats running for Congress, and her popularity ratings grew by leaps and bounds.

Now Hillary is a public politician herself. She won a seat in the Senate on her first try.

Thai on her father and Chinese on her mother, Vanessa spent the first three years of her childhood in Singapore, where she was born. After which she moved with her mother to London, where she now lives. In addition to the violin, which Vanessa began to learn at the age of five, she has been playing the piano since she was three years old.

Vanessa first performed at the age of nine, and at the age of ten she was already playing with the Philharmonie Orchestra. At the age of 13, she had recordings of three classical works to her credit. At the age of fourteen, she began work on the album "The Violin Player", which soon after its release topped the ratings in more than twenty countries. In 1996, Vanessa was nominated in the category "Best Artist of the Year" at the BRIT Awards competition held in the UK. It is noteworthy that Vanessa became the first classical music performer to be nominated for this competition and awarded.

Niccolo Paganini. Violinist and composer. Birthday: October 27, 1782. Date of death: May 27, 1840

Born into the family of a small merchant. At the age of eleven he performed an independent concert in Genoa (among the works performed were his own variations on the French revolutionary song “Carmagnola”).

Paganini’s personality was surrounded by fantastic legends, which was facilitated by the originality of his “demonic” appearance and the romantic episodes of his biography. The Catholic clergy persecuted Paganni for his anti-clerical statements and sympathy for the Carbonari movement.

After Paganini's death, the papal curia did not give permission for his burial in Italy. Only many years later, Paganini’s ashes were transported to Parma.

Paganini was the first violinist to use playing by heart in concert practice; he laid the foundations of modern violin technique and influenced the development of pianism and the art of instrumentation.

Cook committed three times trip around the world, and 2 times as captain.

On February 14, 1779, Captain Cook, as well as Corporal Thomas, Privates Hinks, Allen and Fatchett, died at about 9 a.m. near the village of Kaavoloa on the island of Gwawi in a fight with the local population. The cause of the fight remains unknown to this day. According to the most reliable sources, the captain tried to sort out mutual complaints about theft. An accidental shot and misinterpreted gestures led to tragedy.

If a man has not had a Scorpio woman, you can be sure that he does not know what passion is. As well as the fact that he does not know what it means to be henpecked.

Outwardly, a Scorpio woman is easily recognizable by one the most important quality: no such thing life situation, in which she would cease to feel like a woman. What about the famous aestheticism of Scorpios in general and Scorpio women in particular? And in those days when the service was unobtrusive, and today - in Niagara of opportunities, what the Scorpio Woman chooses, buys and wears evokes only one desire. And you are familiar with this desire.

Well, this means that the people around her, no matter how busy the Scorpio woman is with production matters, are busy homework, too, under no circumstances will they stop seeing and feeling it. Even the figure and gait of a woman with a strong Scorpio sign breathes sexuality and passion.

And here is the most important contradiction. Our heroine is rarely satisfied. For one simple reason: “That good fellow has not yet been born...” And therefore, she is looking for a fierce partner. Tell me, how can they be so furious, together, in one jar? So it turns out that the one who can endure it will moor to this shore.

For a man who is ready to live according to plans strong woman, Scorpio is just a godsend. Such a wife is capable of literally “making” her husband. In the sense, to ensure his ascent in business and career. For those who are dizzy from memories, here is a sobering rule for dealing with Scorpios: either you are with them, or as far away from them as possible. There is no third option; no half measures or other half measures will work in this case.

The presence of a Scorpio woman in a team, on the one hand, is evidence that fate still needs the team; on the other hand, it is a guarantee that not all is well there. Stupid, short-sighted managers, driven to despair by continuous quarrels in the office and company, come to a solution that lies on the surface. They fire the troublemaker. And this, as you yourself understand, is the heroine of our story. And what? In the reigning silence and peace, after a very short time frogs will begin to croak and the smell of mud will begin to smell.

The Scorpio woman is a wonderful housewife: she remembers everything, knows everything, can do everything. She is driven by a passionate desire to make the most best family, raise the most talented child, fashion the most successful husband. Of course, she will not forget about her own career.

But if, upon returning home, you see our heroine, who has forgotten to turn on the light and sits silently with her gaze directed into spaces unknown to us, good advice to you: do not touch the person. It will be better for you. Put on an apron and get busy in the kitchen.

Famous Scorpio women:

Scorpio man born from October 24 to November 22. He attracts to himself like a magnet. He always has a mysterious and alluring look, such a wave of sexuality emanates from him that you stop paying attention to his appearance.
He may be one and a half meters tall, with bow legs, a noticeable bald spot and a small salary, but there is always a crowd of women in love around him.

Do you remember your most passionate lover, the strongest, brightest man among those you have ever met?

Such an alpha male must appear on the horizon of every woman at least once in her life. Rough and frantic, daring and restive, at the same time damn, almost mystically attractive. He is also a true intellectual and a pronounced individualist.

Description of character

The character traits of a Scorpio man appear even in the very early childhood. It hurts to offend, touch a nerve, verbally “sting” - Scorpio has enough poison for more than one argument, more than one verbal battle. Scorpios have a bad reputation in the zodiac world. They are afraid of them, and for good reason. After all, the Scorpio man is the bearer of two very strong impulses - aggression and sexuality. The combination is dangerous and at the same time always so attractive for women.

Roman Abramovich

Magnetism is a special trait inherent in Scorpio men, and no less so than in Sagittarius men, the latter have long gained fame as sex gurus. But unlike Sterling men, Scorpio’s sexuality does not lie flat on the surface, it hides somewhere in the depths, under the impenetrable chitinous cover of his shell. There are such unprecedented passions raging there, in the center of which every woman would dream of being!

But the Scorpio man is picky, he chooses the lady of his heart with passion. With rapid expansion, he conquers a woman, achieving his goal even where all other zodiac signs give in. Therefore, Scorpios are often considered heartthrobs, but this is not always the case; Scorpio is simply not used to retreating. Like a young mustang, he takes on obstacles one after another, without fear of breaking his neck or tripping on a turn.


It is difficult to build a relationship with a man born under the sign of Scorpio. Perhaps the Virgo women have succeeded most in this. Obviously, all-conquering femininity, combined with a practical mind and sobriety of thought, is exactly what can influence the Scorpio man in a positive sense, neutralizing his destructive principles.

They are perhaps the only ones who are able to bring out the bright essence of a Scorpio man. And she, in turn, is quite attractive - the Scorpio man is reliable, not selfish, corrosive and practical in a good way, and in general turns out to be very suitable for family life instance, especially if you know how to manage his bad mood.

Prince Charles

In essence, the most important rule is not to contradict or get into trouble, especially when your Scorpio comes home in a bad mood. Questions: “Where have you been? And who was this woman who called you today?” - should be included in your “never-and-under-any-conditions” blacklist. Any attempts to control Scorpio are fraught with a surge of aggression on his part. By the way, being in good location spirit, he will tell you everything himself.

The life of a Scorpio man is like a black and white movie. And the point is not in the dullness or ordinariness of his existence, but in the way he perceives this world, he does not see halftones. There is good and bad, friends and enemies, black and white. And these concepts do not mix, just like, for example, many others, say, wife and mistress.

The Scorpio man has very clear distinctions in this regard; he can easily live “on two fronts,” but he has difficulty castling, changing these fronts. So it is not recommended to connect your life with a married Scorpio man, the hope is that he will someday get divorced and leave old family for your sake, extremely small.

Famous Scorpios

The zodiac sign Scorpio, although not numerous, is one of the most noticeable. Scorpio men are always in sight, and all because of their remarkable strength of character and iron will. Thanks to these qualities, they make their way to the very top of the political Olympus and form the color of the oligarchic stratum.

Scorpios do not make the best diplomats: they go into conflict too openly. But the speakers, leaders (in in a broad sense this word) and businessmen from them anywhere - Roman Abramovich, Prince Charles, Bill Gates.

Bill Gates

A Scorpio man is never a monogamist, and the word “fidelity” often causes him to have a nervous tic. True, if he was born at the end of the third decade of his sign, he prefers not only to change partners, but also to marry each beloved.

And what do you tell a woman to do if a representative of this particular sign has won her heart? Of course, seduce! Even if you are not destined to go down the aisle with him, you are guaranteed an unforgettable romance.

How to charm a man born under the sign of Scorpio

Mister Perfect

He doesn’t need compliments, he himself knows how good he is, even if all his advantages are purely demonstrative.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that among the representatives of this sign there are much fewer wimps and posers than truly significant personalities. But this also happens.

Mysterious island

The Scorpio man is prone to mysticism , esotericism and philosophy. He constantly comprehends some secrets - the Universe or his own subconscious. He sees signs in everything, knows how to speak with his intuition in a language understandable only to him.

And, most importantly, he manages to extract real benefits from all this. At the same time diving into the depths various kinds secrets often make him a loner.

Matthew McConaughey


The Scorpio man is aware of his exclusivity and emphasizes it in every possible way, so he can be offended to the core by just a comparison with other people, and it doesn’t matter whether the comparison is in his favor or not.

He is especially irritated when they try to humiliate him with comparisons about professional or manhood. He does not forgive this and then takes revenge for a long time and with taste.

Elusive Avenger

The Scorpio man never forgives even fleeting insults. Even if the offender is much stronger or more influential than him, Scorpio will hide, wait for time and be sure to hit so that the offender will not get up.

An amazing combination of innate aggression and the ability to wait, to serve revenge like a cold dish - that’s why Scorpios equally succeed both in the field of detective work and on the crooked path of crime.

Lock with a secret

The Scorpio man is secretive, even if it is not immediately obvious. He can talk incessantly about his own misadventures, torments, and tosses, coloring his narrative with such details that it seems you couldn’t come up with something like that on purpose.

But no, whatever you can think of! Only after a long acquaintance with Scorpio does it become clear that he, having spoken more than an hour, may not say a word of the truth. For him, this is akin to witchcraft; he just has fun, testing his power on those around him.

And how difficult it is for him to look into his soul. And does he even have one...

Alen Delon

Comes from childhood

As a rule, Scorpios are not born this way. What makes them secretive, suspicious and vindictive is the first betrayal in their life - from a friend, relatives, or beloved. And then the whole world pays for those unpleasant moments when Scorpio felt, excuse me, a fool.

And the most amazing thing is that almost every Scorpio has a negative experience of encountering someone else’s deceit in their childhood or youth memories. Other signs, of course, have it too. But we probably just don’t focus on this.

And a lot of good things

It’s kind of a sad portrait, isn’t it? To somehow correct the situation, let’s add that the Scorpio Man always knows what he wants. This is a strong, bright and very self-sufficient nature.

He is brave, without fear he takes on those cases in which others have failed, he likes to play with death, danger only spurs him on. The Scorpio man is smart and cunning, he is fast and dexterous, especially when he needs to defend his territory or achieve an exceptional goal.

The remaining traits of a Scorpio man are individual. Among them, sometimes there are fluffy souls and gloomy types who do not want to do anything, but only pester others about the imperfections of our world.

Eldar Ryazanov

Not jealous, but faithful

Being jealous of a Scorpio man is the same as being jealous of the sea because for some reason other people are swimming in it... The only difference is that the sea will remain silent, but Scorpio will prove to you with his fingers that he did not sell your soul, and that he doesn’t belong to anyone at all, not even to himself.

But if you suddenly, God forbid, being considered his girlfriend or wife, even allow yourself to glance to the side, the punishment will be terrible. If he is essentially indifferent to you, then the matter may end in a simple separation.

But if he has some feelings for you, he may even go as far as assault. Scorpios are terrible owners, passionate and unrestrained natures - both with their tongue and with their hands.

With great personal experience or completely innocent

In order for a Scorpio man to be comfortable with a woman, he must either study or teach. In the first case, he will be with you exactly as long as it takes to learn all your experience.

Then Scorpio will go in search of something fresh (in terms of impressions). True, if by this time you will already be his wife, then, perhaps, it will do without parting. He'll just take a walk and come back.

And if you turn out to be a talented student and the Scorpio man gets a virgin, he will spend a long time and with pleasure teaching you the wisdom of love.

If you want this to last forever, then do not forget to pretend that you are truly interested.

Effective and appropriate

It doesn’t matter what external characteristics the Scorpio man himself has, the main thing for him is that there is a woman nearby, whom passing men look at with delight.

Moreover, the concept of beauty is formed in Scorpios in early youth, and then he rarely changes his preferences.

That is, he can “love” everything that moves, but in a test, one-time mode, but, as a rule, only one who fits the once chosen type can become a permanent companion of a Scorpio man.

And if he prefers plump brunettes, and you are a fragile blonde, then you can become his woman only by changing your hair color and gaining weight.

Oleg Menshikov


The less you talk about yourself during your first meetings, the more space you give for his imagination, the more interesting he will be with you, since at some point he will begin to be sincerely interested not in you, but in the image that he has come up with for himself.

By the way, being secretive with a Scorpio man is also in your interests for the reason that, paradoxically, he loves to gossip.

And you, having opened up, can then hear great gossip about you or read a lot of juicy details about yourself on the Internet.

If you immediately fall at his feet, he will simply wince and write down another victory for himself, but he will not lift you up, much less lie down next to you. There is too much in his life that just goes into his hands.

And this no longer seduces or even excites.

For a Scorpio man, become not the one who seduces, but the one who needs to be hunted, who needs to be seduced and lured into your network.

Be mysterious and unapproachable, elusive, but leaving something as a memory - the scent of perfume, an unfinished phrase, a rose on the table - as a hint, but not as a promise. Learn to look him straight in the eyes, but at the same time in such a way that he cannot understand what your own gaze expresses - love, disdain, challenge...

The more opaque your gaze, the more intensely a Scorpio man will want to see him reflected in your eyes.

Keep him on a leash for as long as you can, and if you have already let him get very close, never deny him sex - he will forgive this once and a half times, and then he will go looking for a new partner.

But you shouldn’t undress and jump into bed right away at the first call. The Scorpio man is an esthete, he is so experienced in sex , that prefers to enjoy all its facets.

Play with him, lure him, come up with new images and roles. The longer you surprise him, the more guarantees that he will stay with you. Although, if we are talking about Scorpio, you can’t even hope for a guarantee.

Ivan Stebunov

If subtle games of hunter and prey are not to your taste or character, then you can try to lure a Scorpio man with “moral sex”, he will also willingly agree to this. Just no household stuff!

Long conversations on social topics make him bored. The only thing, besides sex, he can discuss for hours is the mystical component of existence.

Become Cassandra for him, learn to speak with runes or make Tarot forecasts, find and read literature on esotericism, which he himself has not yet reached. And then you have a chance that, having become interested in you as a like-minded person, after some time he will begin to perceive you as a woman.

The Scorpio man is a sexy, smart, attractive and very dangerous character. A relationship with him is a kiss on the scaffold, a dinner with puffer fish and smoking in a gunpowder warehouse all rolled into one.

Roberto Cavalli

There is no way to get rid of a Scorpio unless he himself wants it.

Suddenly it turns out that he has entangled you either with obligations, or with joint property relations that cannot be resolved equally, or with personal charm, or you yourself do not want this due to a hypnotic attachment to him. Still, sexual relations are a strong thing that binds people’s souls very tightly; you simply do not have enough mental strength or will to leave on your own.

And - where? When Scorpio wants to get rid of you, it will not depend on you. You will not have the right to vote: “you were not asked...” The only chance to try to get rid of him is to start “re-educating” him. Moreover, you should resort to this measure if you really wanted to break up, and not to play and fool him. You won't be able to change anything about it.

Scorpio is jealous, vindictive and smart,
therefore, you need to get rid of it wisely. Lose all interest in sex, Scorpio is neither physically nor mentally ready for abstinence and will immediately find someone on the side. And he may not even hide it. Don’t make a scene, but pretend to be a great martyr.

Scorpio simply loves outbursts of emotion, and a jealous, hysterical partner can revive a faded passion. Make yourself look like an empty place, he won’t tolerate you. If Scorpio has some higher laws which he follows, then try to quietly violate them, but in such a way as not to offend him personally, just let him know about the violations, but not in relation to himself. It is not recommended to tease him, as you will immediately take a dose of “poison”, which is not always therapeutic.

Evgeni Plushenko

Scorpio is one of the most powerful and controversial signs of the zodiac. Those born under this sign are characterized by energy, egocentrism and a thirst for knowledge. At the same time, they can be dreamy and have good intuition. Properties such as a rich imagination and a sensitive soul give them the opportunity to become outstanding artists, which is once again proven by the “Scorpios” who have gained worldwide fame.

Let's see which of the star actors belongs to the most powerful zodiac sign, Scorpio. The smallest “Scorpio” who has adopted something from the previous sign of Libra is the wife of Tom Hanks Rita Wilson, which will celebrate its 57th birthday on October 26.

On October 28, the Oscar winner and mother of three children will celebrate her 46th birthday with a radiant smile - “Pretty Woman” Julia Roberts. At the beginning of next year, on January 30, the premiere of the film directed by John Wells “August” will take place, in which, together with “Scorpio” Roberts, viewers will be able to see such stars as Meryl Streep, Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliet Lewis and Dermot Mulroney .

The next day, October 29, will be 42 years old. Winona Ryder, which will also soon be seen in Russian cinemas. The action movie starring Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder and Kate Bosworth will premiere on November 28.

November 3 - birthday Dolph Lundgren, a regular participant in action-packed action films with two higher educations, knowledge of five languages ​​and a black belt in karate. Despite the fact that Lundgren will be 56 years old, he is still actively acting in films. So, in 2014, three films with his participation will be released at once, and these, of course, will be action films.

Versatile actor Matthew McConaughey will celebrate its 44th anniversary on November 4th. This year, McConaughey starred in two TV series, one of which, the drama “Dallas Buyers Club,” will reach Russian television screens on February 17, 2014. This true story about Texan Ron Woodroof, who managed to profit from his own misfortune.

On November 6, two “scorpios” of very different age categories were born. Two-time Oscar winner Sally Field turns 67. The Golden Globe nominee and Spider-Man's new companion Emma Stone, who also played in the wonderful comedy “This Stupid Love”, has a small semicircular anniversary - 25 years.

November 8 is notable for two bright names of Russian and French cinema - Oleg Menshikov And Alena Delona. Menshikov will turn 53, Delon is already 78.

On November 11, there will be two anniversaries at once - the winner of the Golden Globe Leonardo DiCaprio will celebrate her 39th birthday, and the Golden Globe nominee and recently divorced Ashton Kutcher Demi Moore this year 51.

DiCaprio recently finished working with his favorite director Martin Scorsese in the drama The Wolf of Wall Street. The world premiere of the film is scheduled for November 15.

On November 12, the winner of a very fresh Oscar for her role in the musical “Les Miserables” will turn 31 years old. Anne Hathaway. Russian viewers will see Hathaway on cinema screens not so soon - only in July 2014, when the film “Once Upon a Time in New York” is released, but you can hear her voice already in March 2014, in the cartoon “Rio 2”.

The next day, November 13, the favorite of the female half of the audience, the actor, celebrates his 44th birthday Gerard Butler. Currently, Butler is preparing to play the main role of football player Nikolai Trusevich in the US-produced drama “Dynamo” about the famous “death match”.

A native of Ukraine, and now a Hollywood diva Olga Kurylenko, who recently starred in the fantasy drama “Oblivion” with Tom Cruise, will celebrate her 34th birthday on November 14.

On February 13, 2014, Kurylenko will again appear on Russian cinema screens in Mark Waters' drama Vampire Academy.

To a beautiful Frenchwoman Sophie Marceau On November 17 he will turn 47 years old. Marceau will be seen in theaters at the end of the month in Jean-Paul Lilienfeld's new thriller Arrest Me.

"Queen of Melodrama" Meg Ryan from “You’ve Got Mail,” with three Golden Globe nominations in his acting baggage, will celebrate his 52nd birthday on November 19. In June of this year, the series “Web Therapy” was released on Russian television screens with Ryan’s participation.

Another rom-com legend - Oscar winner and long-term wife of actor Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn will celebrate its 68th anniversary on November 21. Nowadays, the actress no longer acts in films; now her interests are directed towards environmental problems and animal protection.

And the list of famous “Scorpios” is completed by the beauty born on November 22 Scarlett Johansson, which was literally just seen in theaters in Joseph Gordon-Levitt's new project Don Juan.

Four-time Golden Globe nominee Johansson will soon delight Russian audiences again with her appearance in the film Walk in My Skin. The premiere of the fantastic film by John Glaser is scheduled for December this year.

Every person has potential, which, if developed, can achieve great success and recognition. Representatives of each Zodiac Sign are capable of becoming famous in one area or another, but each has their own ways and capabilities for this.

How Scorpios achieve success

Scorpios know how and can be both good and bad. No one knows better than they how to play on the feelings of others, no one knows better than them what it means to be truly honest or deceitful. They know a lot about the nature of people and they are not used to being silent about it. Therefore, there are many iconic writers among Scorpios: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is the most ideal example, because he is known throughout the world for his drama “Crime and Punishment.” In it, he plays on the nerves and feelings of the readers, like a violinist on a violin. By the way, about the violin - the most mysterious, most interesting musician of the 19th century, virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini, was also a Scorpio.

The combination of mystery and the ability to show people what they can be is best combination for actors, of whom there are a lot of Scorpios. They are rightly called the best actors in the world: Arkady Raikin (the best comedian of the USSR), Julia Roberts (the greatest Hollywood actress of our time), Alain Delon (the greatest actor of France), Leonardo DiCaprio (the famous actor of our time).

Famous Scorpio men

Musicians: Joe Dassin, Igor Talkov, Eros Ramazzotti. These people are known for the sensuality of their works, which for Scorpios is the best way talk about the nature of people.

Actors: Joaquin Phoenix, Matthew McConaughey, Alain Delon, Sam Rockwell, Leonardo DiCaprio and many others. Such a star cast speaks volumes: these people know how and can play in such a way that the viewer experiences incomparable emotions. It is difficult and requires innate talent, which requires self-study and years of practice.

Other great people: the navigator Ferdinand Magellan, the fortune-makers Bill Gates and Roman Abramovich, the famous sportsmen Diego Maradona and Guus Hidding.

Famous Scorpio women

Actresses: Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada), Jodie Foster, Whoopi Goldberg, Scarlett Johansson, Winona Ryder, Maya Plisetskaya. Very charismatic personalities, presenting even everyday life and the simplest emotions in such a way that no one can do it better.

Scorpio women know how to be unusual. Such as, for example, Björk, a singer and composer who amazed the world with her individuality. Women of this Zodiac Sign are strong politicians, because they are strong in spirit and very self-confident. Proof of this is Indira Gandhi and Hillary Clinton.

Famous Scorpio people amaze us with their skills and innate talents, developed to genuine impeccability. You may observe this in yourself or in your Scorpio friends. Remember that each person is unique, regardless of belonging to a particular Zodiac Sign. We wish you success in all your endeavors, be happy and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:40

Each of us has the opportunity to achieve success and become famous. And innate abilities will help you get what you want...

In order to get what you want and gain success and fame, it is enough to know your strengths and...



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