The name Elsa in Japanese. Significant years of Elsa. The meaning of the letters in the name Elsa

When choosing a name, we are not always guided by fashion, popularity or prevalence of the name. Sometimes it appears in my head expectant mother spontaneously, in such cases they say that “the child chose his own name.”

Someone names their daughter after their grandmother or a person who is very dear for some reason. In this case, the name may be somewhat unusual to hear, rare, or even completely foreign. Let's look at the meaning of the name Elsa, find out its origin, and also what the character of its owner may be.

Elsa - complete female name. According to one version, it is independent, widespread in Europe, especially in Germany, and is of Jewish origin. According to another, this is a short form of the full name Elizabeth, in Russia - Elizaveta.

Now a little about what the name Elsa means. It turns out that, despite some harshness in pronunciation, the meaning of the name is very poetic and even, perhaps, sounds like a motto: “God is my oath!” This is precisely the meaning of the word Elisheva when translated from Hebrew, because it was from it that the name Elizabeth was formed, which later “gave birth” to Elsa.

This name can also be found in Islam. Muslims may use it because they consider it acceptable to use names from other cultures, as long as they carry a positive meaning.

There are a lot of diminutive forms formed from the name Elsa: Elya, Elechka, Elzochka, Elenka, Elizonka.

Characteristics, abilities and career

  • Compatibility with zodiac signs: Gemini, Capricorn.
  • Colour: Red is best.
  • Number: 9.
  • Plant: water lilies, roses, saffron.
  • Animal: dolphin, seagull.
  • Mineral: aquamarine, rare earth metals.
  • Celestial body: Neptune.
  • Important years: 16, 28, 35, 49.

Little Elya is a girl with the habits of a boy. Her character is characterized by independence and perseverance. Among the children in the yard, Elechka will choose not girls with dolls, but boys with slingshots to play with. A sporty girl, always full of energy, Elsa is like a compressed spring, ready to “shoot” at any moment.

The girl’s lively, intelligent and resilient essence requires release and release. Great solution There will be a hockey, swimming or gymnastics section. She can achieve good results in these sports. Even if sport does not become her profession, adult Elsa will not give up her hobby and will practice it regularly.

Young girls named Elsa are passionate and sophisticated people. The character at this age becomes more impressionable, and a developed imagination allows you to believe in dreams and fortune-telling. The girl loves animals very much; in Elsa’s house you can often find a parrot, a cat or a puppy - and it doesn’t matter at all whether it is purebred or not.

Adult Elsa will relentlessly strive for everything material. Her life assessment of her success directly depends on the amenities she has and, of course, on the size of her bank account. It’s not for nothing that the sound of this name is like a compressed spring; Elsa’s character often fully justifies such a comparison. This woman is always neat, punctual and collected.

She loves comfort, expensive jewelry and luxury, but despises “undignified” methods of obtaining such values. She tends to make clear plans and, relentlessly following them, achieve material wealth and position in society. She prefers to take a break from work in “pretentious” places where she finds inspiration. Elsa categorically cannot stand noisy and hectic companies; she will tolerate such an environment only if it leads to the achievement of her goal. Also, the character of a decent and honest girl rejects deceitful and hypocritical people.

An analytical mindset makes such women diligent, loving to get to the bottom of every detail in everything, but their character can be a little lazy. Elsa is a night owl, and there’s nothing to be done about it: getting up at five in the morning to get to work is not for her at all. Owners of this name like to sleep longer; working with a flexible schedule suits them well.

Elsa can achieve high professional excellence, success and respect in various fields art, literature, dance. May become a famous fashion designer, designer or actress. The nature of the name will also be realized in the professions of a pharmacist, teacher, auditor, administrator and even a bank employee.

These are impetuous, vulnerable, sensual and artistic, but at the same time strong women with a strong inner core.

  • Else Lasker-Schüler is a gifted German poet and writer of the early twentieth century. In 1932 she received a prestigious literary prize, which allowed her to become widely known. Years of life: 1869—1945.
  • Elsa Marianne von Rosen was born in Sweden in 1924. A choreographer, actress and ballerina, she was awarded the Queen's Medal for her services to the arts and has toured the world in her performances. She died in Copenhagen at the age of 90.
  • Elsa Plieksane – nee Johanna Emilia Lisete Rosenberga, famous Latvian poetess. Took an active part in political life her husband Jan Rainis and strongly supported emancipation.

Love, family relationships. Name day

For Elsa, love is an eternal pursuit of interesting and new sensations. There is no particular passion, but there is curiosity, which is in no hurry to give way to a permanent relationship with one of the girl’s gentlemen. She gets married late; more often than not, her chosen one becomes an intellectual man, calm, capable of making informed decisions.

Married Elsa is a clean and tidy woman. There will never be chaos or dirt in her house. She cooks well and keeps order. She is strict with her household, but fair; she will not raise her voice in vain, throw tantrums or scenes of jealousy.

Her relationship with her husband may seem cold to those around her, but in reality it is not so. Elsa is cold and reserved only under the gaze of others, but alone with her husband she allows herself to open up and be a little tender and sensitive woman.

Most a suitable match for her there will be men with names: Akim, Alexander, Laurus, Taras, . The relationship will be less stable if fate brings Elsa together with Albert, Luka, Savely, Yakov.

There is no name Elsa in the calendar, so it is changed at baptism to Elizaveta (Elizabeth). Thus, the angel's day will fall on one of the following dates: May 7, September 5, September 18, November 4 or December 31. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

What does the name Elsa mean:
This name can only mean “the most patient.”

Origin of the name Elsa:
The name Elsa is primarily of European origin.

Character conveyed by the name Elsa:
Elsa often has a boyish character, which, by the way, manifests itself in her from the very beginning. early childhood. So she is simply not brave like a girl, incredibly determined and extremely resilient. She is mostly friends with boys, and even her haircuts are mostly what they call “boyish.” Elsa, moreover, has good athletic inclinations; she often enjoys swimming or gymnastics. However, despite this one might say “boyish” character, her nature is always very vulnerable, and this girl may require the most careful approach.

Winter Elsa has an incredibly complex character. She is extremely obstinate and quarrelsome. So very little winter Elsa can be unusually curious, loves to listen to all the conversations of adults, and this is probably why she tries to stay near them as much as possible. In addition, she is very keen, and often likes to fantasize, and using her well-developed imagination, she often believes in dreams and various fortune-telling, and is also incredibly impressionable.

Summer Elsa has a softer character. They often grow up to be domestic women, whose cozy home is kept in exemplary order. After all, she always cooks great, but, unfortunately, she doesn’t really like washing dishes. However, despite Elsa’s housekeeping and thriftiness, her very first marriage most likely will not be very successful; for some reason she does not get along well with her mother-in-law.
But autumn Elsa is often visited by sudden changes in her mood, she is often susceptible to stress. In addition, there is a fairly serious degree of laziness in her, so in the morning she simply cannot get up early. And, by the way, she often even chooses a job for herself that won’t require her to arrive too early. Often, Elsa may not work in the same specialty that she acquired in her youth. In everyday life, she is usually sociable, often loves to host numerous guests and with great pleasure goes to visit someone. In her cozy home There are almost always some kind of pets, and she treats them all quite touchingly.

It should be noted that Elsa’s external state will not always correspond to the actual state of her vulnerable soul. And if outwardly she seems indifferent or even cynical, then in reality she can really be very vulnerable. Elsa does not like to be frank with anyone at all, and it is extremely rare that she can allow herself to reveal the depths of her beautiful soul to someone, after which she often feels relieved and she may even develop some kind of attachment to this particular person.

3 version of the meaning of the name Elsa

Elsa's personality. Strong women.

Character. 87%.

Radiation of the name. 85%.

Vibration. 74,000 vibrations/s.

Color. Red.

Main features. Will - activity - excitability - morality.

Totem plant. Fern.

Totem animal. Sole.

Zodiac sign. Capricorn.

Type. Elsas have a gloomy, somewhat restless character, are easily excitable and very active. They reject coercion: if they want, they will do everything themselves.

Psyche. Immersed in your inner world, tend to experience troubles for a long time. You should not give them several tasks at the same time, in such cases they get lost.

Will. This strong-willed women, but they need time to think about their actions.

Excitability. They often get nervous when they feel backed up against a wall.

Reaction speed. Very slow. They are overly sensitive to failures; if they happen, they quickly give up.

Field of activity. Such women make excellent, persistent teachers, good secretaries and administrators. They like professions related to law, restoration of justice, and medicine is also suitable for them. Among them there are magnificent masseuses and cosmetologists. They achieve success in professions that require scrupulousness and organization.

Intuition. Elsa is perceptive, although she does not trust her intuition.

Intelligence. Possess analytical warehouse mind. They spend a long time delving into the details; before understanding the main directions of work.

Susceptibility. These women find it difficult to resist the impulses of their hearts. They need to be made to feel loved and appreciated.

Moral. Adhere to strict moral principles.

Health. In general, good, although they get very tired and then take a long time to regain their strength. It is advisable to play sports, go for a walk fresh air. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and nervous system.

Sexuality. Prone to masochism. IN sex life somewhat inhibited, which is a consequence of religious and home upbringing. If problems arise in this area, it is better to consult a doctor. Such women have a somewhat masculine personality, so they quickly make friends with men and establish excellent relationships with them in the team.

Activity. They lack energy and self-confidence. Although Elsa seems indecisive, when she gets down to business, she shows perseverance and enviable perseverance.

Sociability. These women need friends rather than just acquaintances.

Conclusion. There should always be someone next to Elsa who would not allow her to withdraw into herself, especially when failures befall her. Always be nearby, but not be annoying... And this is not always easy.

5 version of the meaning of the name Elsa

Elsa is independent, male character This little girl’s personality begins to manifest itself early: she is brave, resilient, determined, at school she prefers to hang out with boys, she even likes a boy’s haircut.

She is athletic, goes in for swimming and gymnastics. At the same time, these girls are vulnerable and require a careful approach.

“Winter” Elsa is obstinate and quarrelsome, she can act out of spite. Loves to be around adults and listen to their conversations. She has a developed imagination, she is impressionable, believes in dreams and fortune telling. Passionate natures.

“Summer” ones are softer, they are more “homey” women. They are excellent housewives, clean and tidy, everything in their house sparkles. They cook great (but they don’t like to wash dishes!). Nevertheless, they were unlucky in their first marriage and could not get along with their mother-in-law.

“Autumn” are very mobile, subject to sudden mood swings and stress. They are hospitable and willing to visit. Being lazy, I don’t mind sleeping longer in the morning; I even choose a profession so that I don’t have to get up early. However, having acquired one specialty, they often work in a completely different one. They love pets touchingly and keep them in the house.

Elsa's profession is: teacher, waitress, graphic designer, actress, fashion designer, tour guide, engineer, pharmacist.

Famous people named Elsa

Numerology of the name Elsa

Name number: 3

The number 3 is sacred. It carries the message of a mutually complementary combination of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, and high intellectual potential.
Number three is introverted. His motto is “The Giver of Joy.” Three people have a rich inner world, a great sense of humor and subtle taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, and charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Elsa

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good company. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc. It is very difficult for these people to find their soulmate.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They treat all people kindly, with all possible and in impossible ways strive to avoid conflict situations. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

Z- rich imagination, intuition, touchiness. Owners of this letter in their name often seek to isolate themselves from the outside world. They are constancy in relationships and are able to live with their chosen one for the rest of their lives.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance.

People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • E- (YE = E) Esi
  • L- People
  • b- Er (Creeping, Low, Soft, Soft)
  • Z- Earth
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Elsa in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell the name Elsa in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, or when placing an order in English online store and so on

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The meaning of the name Elsa

Elsa – courageous, see also Eliza. “Who Worships God” (German) German version of the name Elizabeth. The independent, masculine character of this little girl begins to manifest itself early: she is brave, resilient, determined, at school she prefers to hang out with boys, she even likes a “boyish” haircut. She is athletic, goes in for swimming and gymnastics. At the same time, this girl is vulnerable and requires a careful approach. “Winter” are obstinate and quarrelsome, they can act out of spite. They love to be around adults and listen to their conversations. They have a developed imagination, they are impressionable, they believe in dreams and fortune telling. Passionate natures. “Summer” ones are softer, they are more “homey” women. They are excellent housewives, clean and tidy, everything in their house sparkles. They cook great (but they don’t like to wash dishes!). Nevertheless, they were unlucky in their first marriage and could not get along with their mother-in-law. “Autumn” are very mobile, subject to sudden mood swings and stress. They are hospitable and willing to visit. Being lazy, I don’t mind sleeping longer in the morning; I even choose a profession so that I don’t have to get up early. However, having acquired one specialty, they often work in a completely different one. They love pets touchingly and keep them in the house. By profession - teachers, waitresses, graphic designers, actresses, fashion designers, tour guides, engineers, pharmacists.

Numerology of the name Elsa

Soul Number: 9.
Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people. However, “Nines” are prone to inflated self-conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in personal life. Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 5


Planet: Neptune.
Element: Water, cold-humidity.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Aquamarine, sea green.
Day: Thursday, Friday.
Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, seagull, albatross, dolphin.

The name Elsa as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
L People
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
Z Earth
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Elsa

E - the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language oral speech and in writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society”.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
b - the ability to classify, divide, put into shelves.
3 - all-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The name Elsa originated in Ancient Germany as one of the various forms common name. Translated, Elsa means “oath given to God.”

Diminutive form of the name: Ellochka, Ella, Eliz, Elzinchik.

Elsa's Angel Day Orthodox calendar does not note that girls are baptized under the similar name Elizabeth.

Elsa's character depends on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Straightforward, responsive. He doesn’t know how to lie when necessary, he says directly what he thinks about a person or a situation. She has no friends for fear of betrayal on their part.

Spring - Hardworking and purposeful. She does not give in to difficulties and bravely overcomes them. He loves communication and surrounds himself with loyal friends.

Summer - Dreamy, selfish. Seeks profit in everything, avoids responsibility. If you manage to get along with her, then you will live like Christ in his bosom.

Autumn - Cunning, emotional. He does not like to compromise and always tries to emerge victorious from any conflict. Distrustful of people.


At first glance, it becomes clear that Elsa has a masculine character. He does not forgive insults, he can take heavy revenge on the offender, striking when he no longer expects it. The character changes several times a day, clearly manifests its narcissism, which repels others. He carefully chooses his clothes so that they are comfortable and simple. Avoids complex hairstyles, choosing a short but stylish haircut that will not require additional time for care. She rarely wears makeup because of her natural beauty, which does not require emphasis.

Elsa grows up to be an active, sharp, impulsive girl who rarely cries. He begins to walk earlier than all children and is not afraid of obstacles along the way. It’s hard for parents to raise a daughter named Elsa; she always does things her own way. Parents need to remember that they cannot deprive their daughter of the independence that she values, otherwise they will not be able to establish contact with their daughter.

Elsa will first do the deed, and then grab her head, realizing what she has done. Due to restlessness and inattention, Elsa finds it difficult to study at school; she will only try in her favorite subjects. Teachers at school usually dislike Elsa due to her harsh behavior and rude phrases. Friendships with girls do not work out; she finds it easy in male company, where she can play war games, run around, and climb trees. Only with close and beloved people is Elsa soft in communication and restrains her rude behavior.

As an adult, Elsa hardly changes, but she already knows how to restrain her harshness and tries to think first, and then speak or act. Close friends appear who know the real Elsa - soft, kind, and not harsh and rude. From which it follows that under the mask of rudeness she hides her indecision. She likes to be surrounded by adults, with whom she is more interested than with her peers. She believes in mysticism and omens, follows them, knows how to listen to her intuition, which almost never lets her down.


He grows up to be a strong child and rarely gets sick. loves very much active sport, where he often receives physical injuries. In adulthood, nervous breakdowns are not uncommon due to difficult perceptions of the world and communication with others. It is important to get enough sleep to nervous system I recovered overnight.


Elsa will be in demand only in that area of ​​the profession where determination, sharpness, and ruthlessness are needed and not softness and compliance. He communicates with colleagues with restraint, keeping them at arm's length. She is passionate about cars and will make a first-class driver. Since Elsa likes to sleep in the morning, she tries to choose a profession where she does not have to get up at dawn. Elsa won’t even consider a low-paying profession.


She has no shortage of men, but not everyone can win her over. It is better for the weak and spineless to avoid it. A man must be deeply in love with her, otherwise he will hardly tolerate her frequent changes of character and whims.


After marriage, Elsa changes dramatically; towards her husband and children she shows softness, tenderness, and tolerance. Despite her kindness, Elsa raises her children strictly and keeps everything under control, afraid of spoiling them. If Elsa’s love for her husband has disappeared, then the family will soon fall apart, since the husband will not be able to tolerate his wife’s uncontrollable character. She will not forgive her husband’s betrayal.

Horoscope named Elsa

Aries - Unbalanced, emotional. Having offended a person, he will never apologize to him. Goes forward, sweeping away everything on the way to the goal.

Taurus - Stubborn, domineering. Can prove he is right with the help of physical force, does not take criticism well. She loves to have fun and takes a long time to find a husband.

Gemini - Cheerful, cheerful. Likes to suck up, difficult to communicate with.

Cancer - Infantile, fearful. Tries not to make decisions on his own. Nothing shines for her in her career; she keeps in the shadow of her colleagues, to whom she constantly sucks up.

Leo - Unpredictable, dreamy. Since childhood, she has dreamed of creating a strong and reliable family, and she succeeds.

Virgo - Sane, independent. She is in no hurry to get married, for fear of losing her freedom. He knows how to make his interlocutor fall in love with him with smooth and intelligent speeches.

Libra - Amorous, dreamy. She sees only the good in people, her goal in life is to get married.

Scorpio - Uncompromising, deceiver. He doesn’t forgive anyone for bad deeds and charms men with his unusual manner of communication.

Sagittarius - Kind, sensitive. Always helps out of trouble, non-aggressive, always surrounded by friends. She wants to seem cruel, but she doesn't do it well.

Capricorn - Honest, demanding. Does not tolerate lies and betrayal. Easily gets along with a feminine man.

Aquarius - Diplomatic, independent. She has few friends, but they are time-tested. Starts a family at a late age.

Pisces - Secretive, cowardly. She will be devoted to her family and friends all her life. She is looking for a husband who will do anything for her.



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