Chernenko city as it is now called. K.u. Chernenko - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Ukrainian from Siberia

The territory where the city of Sharypovo is located today has a long and distinctive history. Archaeological excavations confirmed the theory previously expressed by scientists that since the Neolithic era this region was a direct contact zone for a number of ethnic cultural groups Southern Siberia: Okunevskaya, Andronovo, Karasukskaya, Tagarskaya and others. Today, in the Sharypovsky district, more than 130 archaeological monuments have been explored and mapped - from burial grounds, burial mounds, rock carvings to sanctuaries and ore smelters.

The history of the village of Sharypovskoye itself, from which the modern city originates, began in the first half of the 18th century, when, as a result of the development of Siberia, Russians began to settle in these areas. From sources found by local historians, it is known that in 1829 in the village of Sharypovskoye there were 38 households in which 294 people lived. When a stream of immigrants poured from the European part of Russia to Siberia, the population of the village began to increase rapidly. Since 1891, as the largest of the neighboring villages, Sharypovskoye has become the center of the volost. Fairs were regularly held here: winter and summer, spring and autumn. In 1885, a school was opened in the village, in 1902 a public bank was formed, and in 1909 a rural bank was opened, a hospital and an almshouse were opened. By 1907, 1,687 people lived in Sharypovsky, and by 1911 - 2,179 people.

In 1941, the village of Sharypovskoye became the regional center of the Khakass Autonomous Region (it was part of Khakassia until 1948). In Sharypovsky, authorities and management bodies of a small rural district are organized. During the reign of N.S. Khrushchev, the village was included in the Uzhursky district.

The city received a gigantic boost in development with the beginning of industrial development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the 1970s. Geological exploration showed that the territory of the Sharypovsky district and the village of Sharypovskoye is located in the center of one of the country's largest brown coal deposits, which passes into Irkutsk in the east, and into Irkutsk in the west. Kemerovo region. Coal lies at a depth of just a few meters and is available for mining open method, and the thickness of its layer reaches 60 m. To develop these deposits, the USSR Government developed a project for the construction of a complex of several coal mines and thermal power plants. The project was called the Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex (KATEK). The first objects of KATEK were the Berezovsky-1 open-pit mine and the Berezovskaya State District Power Plant. They began to be built near the village of Sharypovo, and on July 31, 1981, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village was transformed into the city of Sharypovo. Gradually, an urban infrastructure began to take shape, including satellite villages - Goryachegorsk and Dubinino.

Since 1979, KATEK has been declared the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. In total, from 1980 to 1985, more than 12 thousand young people from all over the Soviet Union worked in Sharypovo.

Simultaneously with the construction of KATEK, housing was actively built in Sharypovo: in 1981-1985. Three microdistricts with schools, kindergartens, and shops appeared in the city. The city's population increased from 20 to 55 thousand, and later to 60 thousand people.

From 1984 to 1988, the city changed its name: after the death of the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee K. U. Chernenko, the city was named after him. However, later, at the request of residents, the city was returned to its previous name.

In December 1987, the first batch of coal was shipped from the Berezovsky open-pit mine to the Berezovskaya GRES, and the first power unit of the Berezovskaya GRES began supplying electricity to the network. In April 1991, the second power unit of the power plant was launched.

Chernenko's most remarkable feature is the absence of any remarkableness.

Parisian newspaper “Russian Thought”, March 1984


On April 11, 1984, after the death of Andropov K.U. Chernenko was unanimously chosen Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU. When 73-year-old Chernenko received highest position in the Soviet state, he no longer had either the physical or spiritual strength to lead a huge country. He himself was seriously ill, and therefore was seen as an intermediate figure. Konstantin Chernenko spent a significant part of his reign at the Central Clinical Hospital, where meetings of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee were even held.

During the reign of K.U. Chernenko undertook several projects that were never successful: school reform, turning of the northern rivers, strengthening the role of trade unions.

Under Chernenko, the Day of Knowledge was officially introduced as a holiday (September 1, 1984). In June 1983, Chernenko criticized Russian rock performers, equating their performances to illegal entrepreneurial activity, violating the monopoly of the Rosconcert company, and threatened with imprisonment. Under Chernenko, post-Brezhnev and post-Maoist détente began in relations with the PRC, but relations with the United States remained extremely tense; in 1984, the USSR, in response to the US boycott of the Moscow Olympics, boycotted the Los Angeles Olympics. During this period, the USSR was visited for the first time by King Juan Carlos I, the head of the Spanish state. Under Chernenko, there were no significant changes in the composition of the Politburo and the Council of Ministers.

Many active investigations and repressions against various kinds of corrupt officials of the Brezhnev era, begun under Andropov, were partially suspended under Chernenko. Cases that did not develop were put on hold. So, for example, the Uzbek case actually stopped; the investigation against Nikolai Shchelokov was suspended, which was soon continued. The investigation into the “diamond case” was stopped and Galina Brezhneva’s house arrest was lifted. However, some high-profile cases continued. Thus, already under Chernenko, the former head of the Eliseevsky store, Sokolov, was shot, and after the investigation was resumed, he committed suicide former minister Internal Affairs Shchelokov.

The Secretary General reinstated 94-year-old V. M. Molotov to the CPSU; Molotov, being 21 years older than Chernenko, also outlived him, dying at the age of 96. He personally announced the decision to rehabilitate and reinstate Molotov in the party. Two days before his death, Chernenko, supported by Grishin, suddenly appeared on television and with difficulty uttered several welcoming phrases.

Konstantin Ustinovich died on March 10, 1985 after 1 year and 25 days of rule and became the last person buried at the Kremlin wall. There is a bust on his grave. Chernenko’s death ended a 5-year period during which a significant part of Brezhnev’s Politburo passed away (the so-called “era of magnificent funerals”). Chernenko turned out to be the oldest of all Soviet leaders to ever receive the post of General Secretary. Mikhail Gorbachev, a representative of the next generation of the Politburo, was elected his successor in this post the very next day.


A party of twenty million, in the name of some consideration of continuity, chose no one to take the highest path! He was a sweet, simple, poorly educated man who spent his entire life next to Brezhnev. He was in charge of the office for Leonid Ilyich. I loved coming to his receptions - he was a sentimental man. He was a wonderful head of the letters department! Chernenko laid out a stack of letters that, in his opinion, should have been sent to newspapers, read them aloud, groaned, gasped, and even shed a tear when the letters were too unhappy. And this is the General Secretary of the party...

A.I. Adzhubey, former editor-in-chief of the newspaper Izvestia

Unable to cope with the mountain of work that fell on him in his new post... Chernenko, like the sick Brezhnev, entrusted the preparation, and in many ways, the solution of major problems to a narrow circle of people closest to him in the leadership - the same Ustinov, Gromyko, Tikhonov, as well as Grishin.

Chernenko was completely detached from earthly affairs, because he knew little about economics, not to mention science, technology, and culture.

V. Afanasyev, former editor-in-chief of Pravda

The Sverdlovsk hall was already almost full... The provincial elite was already all here. And everything was as usual: they kissed passionately, greeted each other loudly through the rows, shared “news” about the snow, about the prospects for the harvest, in a word, there was “party talk” between their own people, who felt like masters of life. In this discord, I never heard Andropov’s name or talk about his death...

At about twenty minutes to eleven the hall fell silent. The waiting began. With every minute the tension grew, the atmosphere seemed to be filled with electricity... The tension reached its climax. All eyes are directed towards the left door behind the stage, where the exit to the presidium is: who is first?!

At exactly 11 o'clock Chernenko's head appeared in the doorway. Behind him are Tikhonov, Gromyko, Ustinov, Gorbachev and others.

The audience reacted with silence...

A.S. Chernyaev, assistant M.S. Gorbachev (about the atmosphere of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, held in the Kremlin in February 1984 regarding the election of Chernenko)

I have repeatedly asked myself the question: how did it happen that this man, weak both physically and in many other respects, who did not have sufficient erudition for this, nor experience of real government work, nor knowledge, ended up in the highest leadership position of a huge state? economy? After all, the colleagues who elected him, and Konstantin Ustinovich himself, for that matter, couldn’t help but see this?

A.M. Aleksandrov-Agentov, assistant to Chernenko

This was the Big Priest of an inexorable, powerful, well-functioning, constantly working bureaucratic machine. Chernenko became a giant in office, but remained a dwarf in spirit.

YES. Volkogonov

...Of course, Andropov was very smart person and a high-class leader. Konstantin Ustinovich treated him very respectfully, and Andropov treated Chernenko with caution.

...My husband drank only cognac or vodka on holidays. But I didn't drink much. I don't remember him being drunk.

...He loved Yesenin and Nekrasov very much, he knew them by heart. I also loved Tvardovsky. Of course, he idolized Pushkin and Lermontov. When we were walking in the park on vacation in Kislovodsk, he read me the poem “I go out alone on the road.” In general, our marriage was happy. Kostya never once offended me either by word or action. From his look, from his first reaction, I understood that he was dissatisfied with something, and I tried to improve the matter. We all forgave each other. And we lived together for 42 happy years.

HELL. Chernenko, wife of Konstantin Ustinovich

Having stood at the head of the party and state, Chernenko honestly tried to fulfill the role of the leader of the country. But this was not given to him - both due to the lack of appropriate talent, breadth of knowledge and views, and due to his character. But most importantly, he was a seriously ill man.

E.I. Chazov, academician

To the question: What city was previously called Chernenko? MORE PHOTOS? given by the author European the best answer is
Sharypovo is a city of regional subordination (since July 31, 1981) in Russia, administrative center Sharypovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

At the end of the 18th century, the Sharypovsky Trinity parish was opened. In addition to the village of Sharypovskoye, it included 8 villages: Kadat, Temrya, Berezh, Shush, Glyaden, Linevaya, Kosongol and Ashpantskaya. The village of Sharypovskoye, located on the Kadat River, was 350 versts from Krasnoyarsk. There was only one church in the village of Sharypovskoye, made of stone, built in 1817 by parishioners. The church had a library consisting of 311 volumes. In the village Sharypovsky had a two-class parish school, a post office, a volost government, a world district, a medical center, a consumer society, a state-owned wine shop, a bakery store, and a public almshouse. There were two fairs: Paraskevievskaya (every ninth Friday) and Nikolskaya (October 28 - November 1); on Saturdays there is a market. By January 1, 1911, in the village of Sharypovskoye there were 302 households, in which 1,093 men and 1,086 women lived. The population consisted of indigenous Siberians and settlers, the main occupation being arable farming and cattle breeding.
Until the end of the 1880s, Sharypovskoye belonged to the Uzhur volost of the Achinsk district. On January 10, 1891, the grand opening of the newly formed Sharypovskaya volost with its center in the village took place. Sharypovsky.
This is how the Yenisei governor L.K. Telyakovsky describes this event in a report to the Irkutsk governor-general: “... the representatives who gathered in the presence of the police authorities and the volost gathering at 12 o'clock in the afternoon in the local church received... holy icons, passed procession to the premises of the volost government, where a prayer service was served. … Then the officials were given the insignia of office and at the same time the official seals were presented. After that, my order about the opening of the Sharypovo volost was read.”
As an administrative-territorial unit, the Sharypovo volost existed until 1924.
A special feature of the city is that it is divided into 11 microdistricts (1-7, Berlin, Western, Pionerny, Northern), but the maps show streets whose names are not written on the houses and almost none of the residents know them. In fact, there are streets only in the old part of the city.
The mayor of the city is Vadim Gennadievich Khokhlov (elected on March 22, 2009).

Reply from sleepy[guru]
The name of the city Sharypovo in the period from 1985 to 1988.
Former names until 1985 - Sharypovo
until 1988 - Chernenko
Sharypovo is a city of regional subordination (since July 31, 1981) in Russia, the administrative center of the Sharypovo district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Population 38.5 thousand people. (2008). The area of ​​the city is 30 km².
Two villages are administratively subordinate to the city: Goryachegorsk and Dubinino. The first one is located 28 kilometers from it, the second one is 14 kilometers away.
The city is located in the Nazarovskaya basin on the Kadat River (a tributary of the Beresha basin of the Chulym (a tributary of the Ob)), 320 km from Krasnoyarsk.

Reply from Vadim Khrolenko[guru]
the city of Sharykino in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Reply from Microscope[guru]
(in 1985-88 Chernenko), city (since 1981) in Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, 160 km southwest of Achinsk. Railway station. 43.7 thousand inhabitants (1998). Berezovskaya GRES-1 and Berezovsky coal mine. Founded in 1922.

Scheme map of Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory
The city map shows house numbers, highways, bus routes, hotels, cinemas, and other useful information.
The city of Sharypovo is located in the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau, on the river. Beresh, a tributary of the river. Chulym. Distance from Krasnoyarsk 415 km. Population is about 43 thousand. h.
In 1985 was renamed the city of Chernenko in honor of the deceased General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee K.U. Chernenko (1911-1985), who was born in Sharypovo. But not for long, in 1988 it was given back its old name. The city is home to the largest power plant in Siberia, Berezovskaya State District Power Plant, for which the Berezovsky coal mine supplies coal.
The road to lakes Ingol and others passes through the Sharypovo district. On Ingol, leave Sharypovo towards Mariinsk.

In February 1984, Soviet citizens experienced mixed feelings - some felt awkward, others were downright amused. The new General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee instead of the 69-year-old who died of a serious illness Yuri Andropov 72 year old was elected Konstantin Chernenko. The new Soviet leader was also seriously ill, and looking at him appearance, residents of the Land of Soviets said: it won’t be long to wait for new funerals.

The forecast turned out to be correct: Chernenko’s reign lasted just over a year, and during this period the leader spent most of his time in a hospital bed.

The late USSR in this sense resembled the Vatican: just as Catholic hierarchs sometimes choose an elder as a pontiff as a temporary compromise figure, so representatives of the Soviet party elite elected the sick Chernenko so that for some time he would serve as a screen for a furious struggle for power hidden from view.

Konstantin Chernenko himself was not eager to become a leader. All his life he was a skillful and diligent performer, who, at the end of his life, suddenly found himself at the very top.

Ukrainian from Siberia

It is all the more surprising that the biography of this Soviet General Secretary has almost the most large number"white spots". Chernenko himself created the “spots”, taking advantage of his official position. Having headed the General Department of the CPSU Central Committee in the 1960s, he gained access to the most important party secrets, including biographies of leaders.

Having established the strictest system of access to work with archive documents, Chernenko tried to ensure that the most controversial and ambiguous pages of his own biography disappeared forever from his archive.

He was born on September 24, 1911 in the village of Bolshaya Tes, Yenisei province. His father Ustin Demidovich Chernenko, came from a family Ukrainian peasants who moved to Siberia. My father worked in copper mines and gold mines.

Many years later, when Chernenko had already entered the top leadership of the USSR, his native village would be flooded during the creation of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir.

Chernenko had quite a lot of relatives and, having become a “big man,” he helped them get “grain” jobs. However, in contrast to the daughter’s wild lifestyle Brezhnev, Chernenko’s relatives, like himself, skillfully remained in the shadows without causing irritation.

Women could ruin a functionary's career

In his youth, Kostya Chernenko graduated from a three-year school for rural youth, after which he began his party career. At the age of 18, he became the head of the agitation and propaganda department of the district Komsomol committee. Then he served in the border troops, where he distinguished himself both in the liquidation of a dangerous gang and in his main “specialty” as an agitator-propagandist. During his service, Chernenko joined the party and became secretary of the party organization of the border detachment.

Returning from the army, the 22-year-old young man was determined to continue his successful party career.

Konstantin Chernenko (second from right in the top row) among the delegates to the party conference of the border detachment. 1932 Photo: RIA Novosti

By the beginning of the war, Chernenko had risen to the rank of secretary of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and at the very height of the war he was sent to High school party organizers under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. After graduation, the functionary was sent to work in Penza. In 1948, Moscow intended to hire him to work in the central office.

And here the career failed. A letter arrived in Moscow from a certain woman who claimed that Chernenko - immoral person living with several families at once. Subsequently, Chernenko tried to hide all documents related to the party’s investigation into this fact as deeply as possible or completely destroy it.

It is known, however, that party comrades came to the conclusion that certain facts discrediting Konstantin Ustinovich had taken place. This did not completely destroy his career, but instead of Moscow he ended up in Chisinau, taking the post of head of the propaganda and agitation department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova.

Konstantin Chernenko, 1976. Photo: RIA Novosti / Filatov

Exemplary performer

Two years later he became the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova Leonid Brezhnev. Acquaintance with him, which grew into friendship, became fateful for Chernenko. It is not known whether the fact that both in their youth experienced an increased attraction to the female sex played a role in this, but it is reliably known that Brezhnev very quickly appreciated Chernenko’s skills as a performer and organizer. Moving upward, Leonid Ilyich will begin to pull his friend along with him.

In 1956, Chernenko finally got a job in Moscow, becoming the head of the mass agitation sector in the department of propaganda and agitation of the CPSU Central Committee. In 1960, Leonid Brezhnev became chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and Chernenko was appointed to the post of head of the Secretariat of the Presidium.

In 1965, after Brezhnev became “man number one” in the USSR, Chernenko was appointed head of the General Department of the CPSU Central Committee.

It's hard to call him " right hand"Brezhnev - for this role he was too inconspicuous and unambitious. But it depended on Chernenko how quickly this or that issue would be resolved, and what kind of decision could be made. In his hands was all the correspondence of the Secretary General, he prepared draft replies, materials for Politburo meetings and much more. Over time, Chernenko de facto began to make decisions on many issues himself, only bringing a ready-made verdict for Brezhnev to approve. However, this did not concern key issues - Chernenko never crossed the border.

From the second half of the 1970s, when Brezhnev’s health began to deteriorate, “friend Kostya” became an irreplaceable person for him. In 1978 he was introduced to the number senior managers country, becoming a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

Soviet delegation at the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Leonid Brezhnev, Andrei Gromyko and Konstantin Chernenko, 1975. Photo: RIA Novosti / O. Ivanov

At the same time, part of the party elite began to consider him as a possible successor to Brezhnev, in defiance of another group that supported Yuri Andropov.

In November 1982, when Brezhnev died, Andropov’s supporters took over, Chernenko at the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee personally announced the candidacy of the former chairman of the USSR KGB for the post of Secretary General. The proposal was adopted unanimously.

And on February 13, 1984, Chernenko himself, after Andropov’s death, was confirmed to the post of Secretary General.

Year of Secretary General Chernenko: boycott of the Olympics, school reform and persecution of rockers

As already mentioned, by this time he was seriously ill. However, during the short period of his reign, some significant things happened. A school reform was launched, which provided, in particular, for education from the age of 6 and the introduction of a five-day period.

Chernenko, who graduated from a pedagogical institute while working in Moldova, was generally actively interested in issues of education - it was under him that the Day of Knowledge holiday appeared.

Under Chernenko, a response was given to the American boycott of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow - the USSR national team refused to participate in the Games in Los Angeles, and as an alternative, large-scale competitions “Friendship-84” were organized.

Chernenko launched a campaign to combat musical groups that cause “ideological and aesthetic damage.” This period became the time of the toughest pressure on representatives of “Russian rock”.

Contrary to misconception, the investigation into major corruption cases that began under Andropov was not curtailed under Chernenko. Former head of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs Nikolai Shchelokov stripped of the rank of army general, state awards and expelled from the party during the reign of Konstantin Ustinovich.

Chernenko was a supporter of party rehabilitation Stalin, however, he failed to carry out this project. But he was reinstated in the party famous figure Stalin era Vyacheslav Molotov. This step towards the 94-year-old Molotov will give rise to the joke: “Chernenko has found a successor.”

Jokes aside, but the mighty Stalinist People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and head Soviet government will survive Chernenko, ending his earthly journey already in the era of perestroika.

Guard of honor at the grave of K.U. Chernenko on Red Square near the Kremlin wall. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Makarov

Last election of a dying man

In the mid-1970s, the Soviet leadership was struck by an epidemic of mutual rewards, which also affected Chernenko. Under Brezhnev, he became twice a Hero of Socialist Labor, and he received a third “Golden Star” in 1984, on his last birthday.

In February 1985, elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR were held, and the first person of the state, according to tradition, was nominated as a deputy labor collectives. Chernenko did not leave the ward at the Central Clinical Hospital, and everyone understood that he would survive last days. However, the decorations of the polling station were created right in the chamber in order to show the people the participation of the Secretary General in an important state event.

On February 28, 1985, the Vremya program showed the ceremony of presenting Chernenko with a deputy’s certificate. This broadcast made a depressing impression - the leader of the country was out of breath, spoke with difficulty and practically could not stand on his feet without the help of outsiders. Against this background, even Brezhnev recent years seemed like a cheerful, big guy.

We must pay tribute to Konstantin Chernenko - the party functionary played the role to which he devoted his entire life until the very end, even trying to talk about the need for new labor achievements. However, the country, listening to him, was preparing for the next series of epics known as the “carriage races.”

Problem "Ku"

Konstantin Chernenko died on March 10, 1985 at 19:20 Moscow time. Three days later he became the last person to be buried at the Kremlin wall.

The Secretary General never found out what role he played in the fate of the comedy film “Kin-dza-dza!”, which has now become a classic of Russian cinema. The fact is that Chernenko came to power in the midst of work on the film, putting the creators in a dead end: the main word of the aliens “ku” coincided with the initials of the Secretary General - Konstantin Ustinovich. Fearing trouble, Georgy Danelia And Rezo Gabriadze decided to replace “ku” with something else, but none of the options seemed suitable. While the issue of a replacement was being decided, Chernenko passed away, and the film remained unchanged. So the “ku” in this comedy is also a memory of the strangest leader of the Soviet era.



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