“Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about the Death of an Ex, why you dream about the Death of an Ex in a dream. The ex-husband died according to the dream book

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Death of your ex in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    In a dream, I dreamed of a former young man, but he did not immediately appear in it. At first it seemed as if I was on a long trip (at training camp) after I arrived and met him. I remember that there was good weather but there was no sun. I understood that we had stopped communicating, but for some reason I suddenly wanted to hug him, but I don’t know why. So I did his ritual, he also reciprocated, which turned out to be very strange, in real life This would never have happened, I probably would have pushed him away or even worse... I don’t know, in general, the most interesting thing begins after. We somehow got into a conversation with him and at the same time, I don’t know why, we were standing on the roof of the garage. The dialogue was very callous. He was indignant at something, and then things turned out like this, we continued the conversation with him and suddenly he pushed me, it seemed like I could have broken, but that was not the case, I resisted, he laughs, well, I pushed him back, then again the quarrel occurred. continues to laugh, stands on the edge of the roof and says something I don’t remember to be honest, he basically jumps (the height was small) and somehow appears on the ground into which he falls accordingly. In general, it’s terrible... everyone will find out about this, his ambulance arrives, his parents, his friends. And then a conversation with my mother begins, I tell her everything about what happened. And then I even cry and scream, proving to her that I love her son. Afterwards we went to look at the scene of the incident, the body had not yet been removed, but then we suddenly saw his astral double. Well, you know, this happens when a person is on the verge of life and death and his astral body (his spirit) comes out. In general, we all stand and see this spirit and we are all worried, the body is taken to the hospital because it can still be saved. We all hope that he survives. Well, more and more I wake up in Mondrage.

    People came to me and said that my ex-husband had died. I cried a lot, I didn’t see my dead husband in my dream, but then I went to my mother-in-law to look after her, since she has no one except her son. She sat in dark clothes, without a single emotion at the death of her son.

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend I died, supposedly I read it on Instagram, that there was some kind of accident and a motorcyclist was injured and his name and surname were written in a dream, I didn’t believe it, I felt somehow uneasy, I and my girlfriend asked everyone about him, but I really didn’t know no one answered anything

    I dreamed of a person who sees what happened told me that I miss such and such a boy, but he died and it was my ex and another boy died, it was my friend, I ran out and cried, then it was somewhere in the plane, well, we were taken to where then but me and several other girls were seated in front

    I had two dreams during the night: the first was the death of my father, before my eyes, I don’t remember all the details, but I remember that I wanted to ask him for something, about something important, and then he dies. The relationship with my father is very difficult. The second death of an ex, I just find out that he is dead but the feelings are terrible, given that we have been apart for more than six months, life has stopped because of this news.

    Hello. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend died, and not for the first time, but today was the most bad dream, I saw his mother who was preparing for the funeral, and I just cried a lot, I saw his friends who also helped with the funeral. It seems like everything, but it was the most terrible dream.

    Last night I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love, was electrocuted at work. He works for railway contact line electrician. I saw it happen. And then I don’t remember myself in this dream, only the fact of his death and the fact of preparation for the funeral. What does such a dream mean? Thanks in advance.

    Hello, last night I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend died. I didn’t see his funeral itself, but I felt everything in the dream. How he is buried in a closed wooden coffin. And I even dreamed that it all happened on October 31st. In the dream and after the dream I was very scared, after this dream I woke up abruptly.

    Well, I dreamed that we made peace with him and everything was fine with us... but then he got into some kind of fight where he deliberately went alone against a bunch of other guys... there they beat him very badly and from there they brought him dead, according to others, and that including his mother... I cried a lot and said that a doctor was needed, maybe they would save him, but his mother said that no, there was no need... already during the funeral I saw that he was breathing and moving but me. They convinced me that someone was not telling the truth... I ran to look for some doctor, but the attempts were unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, and suddenly I find some woman, she seems to agree, but waits for a very long time before going... when we arrive at the place, I see that he is alive, sitting near the window without clothes, very thin, weak and scary, he doesn’t look like himself... and I fall to my knees next to him, hug him and cry..

    My boyfriend, my younger sister, and I were walking not far from my house. There were a lot of people around, we were passing the store, suddenly someone shouted: “Beware!” There was a flash - this tore the wire through which the current flows from the pole. People ran away from the center of events, stopping to form a semicircle. I made my sister leave as far as possible so that nothing would happen. And she and the guy remained in this semicircle. Throughout it all I felt a chilling fear. Suddenly a man comes out from afar, a monster like in the comics, grabs this wire, “rips out” the man from somewhere and directs the current straight into his heart. Suddenly, I realize that this is mine ex-love. My heart just stopped, I jerked forward, wanted to run, but my current boyfriend stopped me. Everyone is in shock. The monster leaves, a girl I know runs to her ex. I'm paralyzed, my greatest desire is to run up to my ex, cry, hug him last time. My heart bleeds, but I can’t do anything. There are a lot of thoughts at once: that I haven’t told him so much, that he is incredibly dear to me, that we parted badly, something could have been fixed, but now it’s no longer possible. At all. I'm desperate. The dream is over.

    I had a dream, a call was ringing, I picked up the phone, some voice said that my former loved one had died. I asked who it was, he abruptly hung up silently. I felt bad, I moved on and suddenly my ex’s brother met me, I asked him how his brother was. says that he is sick and that he came for medicine. I move on, suddenly I found myself at home, sitting on the couch, suddenly his close friend comes to my house with my close friend, but I couldn’t ask anything, and that’s how I woke up. With a terrible heart fear.

    A stranger and I tried to hide the evidence. My ex was already lying dead on the grass. We tried to arrange everything so that everyone would understand that we were not to blame. The body was absolutely intact and healthy. But he was dead from the very beginning of the dream.

    We were sitting with a friend and they called her. She left the room and returned in tears, and said that Vlad (my ex-boyfriend) had died! We cried a lot for a long time, then I hid my tears from her and went to cry in another room. I went to his friends’ social networks and tried to find him there and see when he was online

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the death of a guy in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed that I was at my grandmother’s and the number of an ex-boyfriend named Sasha called me. But the voice was not his, but his grandmother’s, she told me that she was inviting me to Sasha’s funeral. She said that he died at school at his desk. When I heard this I started crying a lot. Then my parents and I came to the funeral, where I cried a lot. Then during the dream I again remembered his death and cried. Why would this be?

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend died. We all came to his funeral. Everyone was crying. Several hours passed and this guy came home safe and sound. Everyone was in shock. And he said that the doctors were just mistaken.

    My boyfriend is far from me. And I dreamed that I was walking down the street in the evening, I heard crying, screaming and saw a lot of people. When I approached, the guy’s relatives and friends were there and he was lying in the middle and was no longer breathing.

    Hello! I had a dream about how my ex-lover was walking on roofing felts, or on something else, but I was looking at him from above, and so he walked around angry and nervous. And he accidentally fell, and accidentally caught some girl nearby and she flew with him, and then I quickly run up to that girl and she has a rope around her neck, I take it off her, and then the hospital is coming, I want to get to his room, and the doctor comes out and says that he died and now the words are only in the sky. Please tell me what this dream is for

    I dreamed that my boyfriend died, but I didn’t see and didn’t know how he died and I didn’t see him in the dream, I just walked down the street with a friend and girlfriend and cried, then I decided that I wouldn’t live without him and asked my friend to shoot me with a gun and he didn’t hit me, then they went to the office and wanted to try to get the car to hit me, and then that’s all

    I didn’t see my boyfriend’s death, I just knew that he was no longer there and for some reason I didn’t get to his funeral.. There was some kind of building, something like a university. There I met my friends and started crying with thoughts : “What will I do next without him?” and then the alarm clock woke me up.

    we quarreled at first, we generally lately We often quarreled over trifles, because of my whims. I gave him the bag and my coat, since it was too much for me to carry them, and for some reason we went to the subway.. not like here, but like abroad, which is possible climb onto another track (no one does that, probably a fine) so we two offended idiots climbed up, I managed to do it, but he the fool wanted to annoy me and went into the tunnel, but next to the exit (from the tunnel) and here is the train... but at the last moment he grabs the damn thing and presses himself against the wall.. the train passed, my heart froze.. I think the hell went by.. just a couple of seconds later, somewhere quite far in the tunnel, the body of my beloved falls.. well, I ran up in shock.. no hands, legs, too, out of nowhere, an ambulance... the doctor tells me, well, help him with something.. then I apologize, I went crazy and woke up.. (he had already died there)
    but now I don’t get offended over trifles and everything is fine with us. He can’t get enough of how sweet I’ve become) that’s it)

    I dreamed that he came up to me and said hello and I said that I didn’t know him and wouldn’t talk to him and then he didn’t let me drive and I was offended and got into another car, we came to me, he apologized for leaving me and he said that he loved me, he kissed me and I went into another room and when I came in he was lying dead on the sofa in my house with a bullet in his head and I took his head and put it on my lap and started crying and screaming, beloved, don’t go, I beg you, and it was dripping down my hands. blood

    I dreamed that some building was destroyed and because of this autumn many people died, then I dreamed about the death of Putoniz and then I dreamed about my death young man I don’t remember exactly that he crashed in a helicopter and then I cried a lot and then I just woke up. All

    It was about 6-7 o'clock in the evening, I was walking with friends, he too, and then I saw him, he was with another girl, I thought it was a friend, but she hugged him and kissed him, he turned and saw me, and I suddenly I ran and he shouted stop, my friends wanted to stop but it didn’t work, he ran after me, I ran across the road, and when he started running around the corner a car came out and there was a sharp knock, I stopped, looked, and saw him lying on the road , I ran up and cried, I hugged him and said, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, an ambulance arrived and friends came, they saw and said hang in there, he was taken to the hospital, and literally 1 hour later his number called, I picked up the phone and a man told me Kolya died, I cried for a very long time, blamed myself, I remembered him very often. Why would this be?

    I dreamed that my boyfriend died. and it’s as if his brother is replacing him for me. and then before the funeral I lie on the sofa with his brother, but then instead he ends up on the sofa with me dead guy, me I hug him tightly and cry very hard. then I see him in the coffin. and the dream ended.

    I dreamed of a two-day period from Thursday to Friday and from Friday to Saturday, in the dream there is his girlfriend with whom he is now, we are all well dating him secretly from her, but she finds out and does nothing, she just leaves, I go to see him off stop, 2 men catch him, tell him something, and kill him, and before that, in the same dream, I saw a scar on his chest, we haven’t met for half a year, but I’m still worried

    for the first time a couple of days ago I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend had died, everyone was going to his house to say goodbye, and I wanted to go there but I couldn’t, something was holding me back, and today I dreamed that he died, and his sister told me, that yes, he died, they buried him yesterday, but they put an empty coffin in the grave, and his body was lying on the bed in his room at home, and she told me to go into the house, and I went, and again I wanted to approach them, but I couldn’t I was able to, I went into the house. But I didn’t go into the room where the dead man was lying, although I really wanted to.

    A guy who is far from me and I miss him terribly, first dies in a dream, then I wake up and understand that it’s a dream, I go back to sleep and I have another dream, but this guy dies there again

    my best friend has a boyfriend, well, I don’t really like him, and I dreamed about how he died and most importantly for my friend and him best friend it was funny but I didn’t, I cried why so I didn’t like him at all, why exactly did I cry, and before this dream I didn’t even hate him, and now I’m afraid that this really won’t happen, please help me, maybe he doesn’t mean anything serious?? ?

    My boyfriend has been in a sanatorium since March, receiving treatment; he has had bad legs since childhood. At night I didn’t dream about the guy himself, I dreamed about all our friends and the fact that I tell them that my boyfriend died (friends in common with our guy), I say because they saw me in tears and upset

    I dreamed that my boyfriend died. Throughout the entire dream, I didn’t see him, but I and everyone around knew that he was no longer there. I cried a lot. The dream consisted more of my mood swings: throughout the entire dream I was in the company of friends, they always tried to cheer me up and lift my spirits. In the dream, I smiled, then again remembered the death of my boyfriend and began to sob. Everything reminded me of him, even on VKontakte he was a friend at the very beginning. I went to his page and saw that he last visited at 1:20 am. Later I realized that a day or two had passed after I was informed. At the end of the dream, I had to get ready for the funeral, but just the thought of how this would all happen made me burst into tears. My dream ended there.

    he called me, I said whatever you want and he said talk to me and I hung up, then his number rings, I say whatever you want and this is my younger brother, he says why did he call you, I say don’t know, don’t call him, he said I can’t, I said why he said he died in an accident yesterday while I was calling you, I hung up and cried and went to the funeral, my whole class was there and my classmate, his friend, comes up to me and says let’s go away to talk, I need to, I say I don’t want to, he said he’ll find it him and I went with him and he said he called me and said that he called you and asked me to tell you that he loved you very much and I fell to my knees and cried

    Good afternoon! Today I had a dream in which death occurred ex-wife my beloved person and his son, whom I hugged and kissed and he showed me friendly feelings in return and asked me not to leave. I also dreamed about my mother young man with in which we picked together large, tasty and ripe raspberries in the yard of my grandmother’s house, where I spent my childhood.

    The dream began with the fact that my friend and I went to a new shopping center for shopping, there we saw an interesting department with clothes, we started trying on, the sellers were two women, one young red-haired, the second old, and then the young saleswoman took my friend somewhere to the basement, under with the excuse that there were a lot of things her size, and my friend never returned, but the saleswoman came and cleaned the blood from her face, I got scared and ran to the exit, but I couldn’t get out of it shopping center, called my boyfriend, he came, I explained everything to him and he said wait here, I’ll figure it out now and he never came back, I panicked, went to look for them, found this basement, went down there and there were the dead bodies of my boyfriend and girlfriend, As soon as I saw this, I turned around and here this young woman was standing with knives in her hands and smiling, and her teeth were so sharp, sharp, like a vampire’s. The dream ended, I woke up.

    An acquaintance called me. I remember picking up the phone and it said “Sasha” and she told me that in fact Philip didn’t come out of a coma, but died, and all this time she was corresponding with me and starts laughing, and I got angry because I didn’t I believed it and turned off the phone and then I received a photo of him relaxing in the company of friends.

    I usually don’t attach importance to dreams, but for some reason this one is still in my head and not a pleasant aftertaste

    Hello! I dreamed that I felt my boyfriend die in a dream, and then a minute later they called me on my phone and said that he had died. And something had to do with motorcycles, like I crashed... I was hysterical, I didn’t understand what was happening to me, the pain was indescribable... and I wake up abruptly.
    Please help me explain what this means...I'm very worried about him now...

    I've been together with my boyfriend for 2 years. The relationship is normal. The first dream was like this, we are going down the stairs in the house (where we live), he falls and immediately dies, there is no blood or fractures, he just fell and died (his mother also had a dream on the same day where he breaks, no details I know).
    The second dream - he and I are in the same house in which we live, we begin to have a conversation that is unpleasant for both of us, something about our relationship. Then suddenly we find ourselves on a bus with my father, brother and boyfriend. Some guy comes in with us with a bottle containing an unknown liquid. The bus was driving and this guy started pouring liquid on the cabin and my brother (I was sure that he wanted to commit suicide and take a few more people with him). I try to take the bottle away from this guy, I shout to the guy to help, and he just takes the bottle from his hands, throws a pill into it and starts drinking, after a moment he starts foaming at the mouth and I wake up. After these dreams, unpleasant, restless sensations remained

    I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, I knew that he would die soon, but I couldn’t do anything, he appeared and disappeared from my eyes, everything was in black and white colors, I remember another train, after his death, and I cried for a very long time and very loudly.

    I dreamed that I and my ex-boyfriend (we were together while sleeping) went to the bath... I came out with the bath, took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed him right in the bathroom... why is that?!

    I was a recreation center (I dance there). There was some kind of concert. And some people came. Important people. Something happened. I was trying to find my boyfriend. I called him. He didn't answer. I bumped into one of the important people. And he said that my boyfriend is dead. I started getting hysterical. I didn't fully realize it. Then a car arrived. They took it out of the trunk. He was wrapped in something. They said that they dismembered him. I couldn't look at it. And she cried. Very
    strongly. I woke up from this.

    I dreamed that I was coming to my friends, and I asked where Dima (my ex-boyfriend) was, and they told me that he drowned and at the same time I saw my friend diving and trying to pull him out but he was deep, he said help me and I I also dive and help, at the same time I asked how it all happened and everything turns out as if I was at that moment when he disappeared

    In general, I saw that they were carrying the coffin of my boyfriend, I felt all the emotions, I cried a lot, but no one except me cried, they stood around strangers, I hadn’t seen them before, but no one cried. Suddenly the dream is interrupted, another appears, and I see that he is lying alive on a bench, but he seems to have no hearing, and we can only talk on the phone. The coffin was burgundy, and then I woke up

    The guy was unknown to me, but I knew that he was my boyfriend. We had ideal relationship, then he suddenly died. I don’t remember what his death has to do with it. I remember how it hurt me in my sleep, and this discomfort in my sleep, as if I wanted to cry

    I and my boyfriend were at his house, I went into the living room and 5 minutes later I returned, he was standing on the edge of the window, he turned and looked at me, I took small steps towards him and said that I loved him very much and that I didn’t want him to leave me, he shook his hand and I sweated too I just touched his hand and said sorry and fell down. I ran up to the window and cried and saw that he was lying and not moving. I realized that I would never see him and I would never see his eyes again.

    The guy was driving home from school and something happened that he died, I think he was hit by a car. I cried for a long time in my sleep and in reality when I opened my eyes... I was looking for the criminal, then I decided to commit suicide, but my father stopped me. what would this be for?

    Anyway, today I dreamed about my boyfriend's death. I don’t remember if someone told me or I found out myself. I dreamed that he was drowned. Then I dreamed of a morgue that was not cold and was located right in the hospital building (by the way, I did an internship in a hospital that looks like the hospital in the dream) on the second floor. There I saw top part the body of my boyfriend, wrapped in some kind of film and placed in some kind of foam plastic thing, and began to sob over him, and a pathologist stood next to him. By the way, I woke up in tears. This particular dream was the first time I had a dream, but a few months ago I also dreamed about the death of a loved one related to a car - either he crashed the car or was hit (he doesn’t have a car). And he recently dreamed that I cheated.

    Today I dreamed of my boyfriend, with whom I (myself) broke up the day before sleep due to lack of attention, but I want him to change and come back. He is a Taurus, I am an Aquarius.
    Everyone knew that my (at that time still a boyfriend, but I had already decided to break up with him) boyfriend would die very soon. He is in a very serious condition, and I decided that I had to break up with him right now, because it was impossible for him to die in a relationship with me (I don’t know why I thought that). I decided that before he died, he would definitely agree (after all, in truth, he did not want to part). And he really agreed and died. I was sorry, because I love him. But time passes and he is resurrected. I was very happy. The dream is over.
    I really want to know the interpretation of this dream, because I asked God to give me signs, including a dream. Please answer what this is connected with!!!

    We were running away from some guy, he wanted to kill us.
    I escaped, but then they told me that my boyfriend was killed.
    But I don’t believe it and it seems to me that they hid something from me and he is alive.
    I'm trying to find evidence, there is none, but something tells me that he is alive.

    I left home from school. I was walking along my house when suddenly I was stopped by my classmate, the guy I really liked (he doesn’t exist in reality). We were walking, he constantly wanted to tell me something and took my hand. Suddenly I saw the man behind us, he joked that he was a killer and we ran forward. The man behind us threw this guy into the snow and started beating him. I ran to the concierge and called the police. While I was calling, they had already taken him (beaten) and I was they told me on the phone that he was dead.

    I dreamed that I was on the shore of a lake (and there was a casting for a model nearby, since I passed it recently), I was near the lake with my boyfriend.
    Then you hear someone’s voice singing, as if he is inviting.
    Then my boyfriend and I went to the store, they called him, he came out, I stayed with the store.
    Then I went outside to check where the guy had gone, the salesman detained me, and we talked.
    I went to look for the guy, I was attacked by a dog (whose head I twisted because I was afraid for the guy), I ran to our old place, and they killed him, pierced him with a pitchfork
    I used to have a dream like this, but they killed me.
    I'm very afraid for the guy.
    Because sometimes I have prophetic dreams.
    What was this dream for?

    I dreamed that the guy I like didn’t log into the social network for a long time (the strange thing is that this happened in reality last night), and I was angry. Then I find out that he supposedly died. Then my mom too. But I seem to know that the news about my mother’s death is not true. There was also a fragment, as if I was at home here, as well as my mother and my younger brother. I'm doing something in the kitchen. Suddenly I hear my brother shouting to me. I come into the room, and there is my mother on her knees. I ask what happened, and she says that she was doing something in the closet and dropped a large glass frame in which there was some kind of picture with blue flowers. This seems to be my birthday present. I begin to say that my gift was spoiled again, although I don’t remember this happening. Then I go back to school, I need to go to my classroom for some reason. I never loved her. And I also seem to be calling Timati for some reason. The class teacher starts accusing me of something. I'm very offended. She says something else and calls my mother dead. I run away, but she follows me into the school yard. There are many children and teenagers there, it seems they were all male. The teacher pulls my hand, I turn around. And suddenly I start screaming: “How are you all annoying me!” What do you constantly need from me?! Why is everyone ruining my life!? Just leave me alone." She looks at me with dumbfounded eyes. And that's where my dream ended.

    I like a guy from the 8th grade, and it turns out that my class and his class went somewhere together and there was some kind of obstacle course that we passed, but I didn’t see him there, then my friend from his class told me that he died. And then everyone went up and down the stairs, but it’s not clear why.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality and appeared in a dream

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness.

IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into people’s dreams in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams.

And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival.

And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear!

However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness, which, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them.

However, quite often “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us may appear to us.

In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent.

In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime).

In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “incomplete gestalt,” an unfinished relationship with this person.

Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts.

As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Interpretation of dreams from

The most unpleasant and difficult emotions that a person is capable of experiencing “come” with the death of a loved one. And it doesn’t matter whether it happened in reality or was seen in a dream - the feeling of hopelessness crushes like a stone, depriving the lungs of air. If you dreamed that your boyfriend died, try to calm down your excitement and remember all the details surrounding this event, and dream books will explain why this nightmare is happening.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you dream that a guy dear to your heart died? Don’t panic, the dream book advises, but rather remember whether there was a death throes.

If you saw that he was dying in agony, then this means that in personal life a difficult period will begin. And if the boy died quickly in the dream, then such plots can mean ease and swiftness in the implementation of the plans.

Cause of death

After you have experienced the shock of a guy’s death in a dream, remember what caused his death. According to dream books, the more accurately you name the reason, the more comprehensive interpretation of the dream you will receive. So:

  • you see in a dream that he drowned - you should not take exams in the near future - you will be “drowned”;
  • he came to visit you, and you killed him - learn to control your emotions;
  • the young man committed suicide by hanging - you will doubt something for a long time;
  • a young man was hit by a car - be careful on the way;
  • he died of illness - to change.

Losing a lover is a sign of a happy future

Here’s how Vanga’s dream book explains why one dreams that a loved one has died: it means the “inextinguishability” of the chosen one’s feelings. Did your boyfriend die on the eve of your wedding? Rejoice, in reality you will find a long and happy life together.

Did you dream that your loved one could not survive the separation from you and committed suicide? Stop suspecting your lover of cheating - he is honest with you, and such mistrust upsets him.

If your ex-boyfriend died, or Let go of the past...

The death of a former young man, seen in a dream, indicates that feelings for him have finally faded away in your heart, explains the Eastern Dream Book.

And if you see your ex-boyfriend dying in your arms and begging for a kiss before dying, then you should reconsider your attitude towards him in reality. Even if you broke up badly, forgive the insults.

Losing a friend as a symbol of fading trust

Miss Hasse's dream book will tell you why you dream that a guy you know has died. If you see in a dream that your good friend, whom you like as a comrade, has passed away into another world, then think about whether you are doing everything right in relation to the people around you.

Did you dream that a friend you liked for his cheerfulness committed suicide? This dream warns that the trusting relationship that existed between you in reality is fading away, replacing it with distrust.

The death of a dead person, or Trouble will make you sad

Often, the loss of loved ones is an irreconcilable event. And in dreams we continue to communicate with them as if they were alive. So, for example, a dream that a long-dead boy dreams of being alive and kisses you on the forehead symbolizes wasted time.

Why do you dream of a dead brother alive who kisses and hugs you and your parents? Pastor Loff's dream book assures that the vision has a negative meaning: you will have to say goodbye to the dreams and plans that you have been nurturing for a long time. In a dream, they reported that a guy who had already died in reality died? This is a strong experience.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - Unfamiliar - to a change in weather.

Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful.

The relative himself is not in danger. Those who have died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - for support.

Loved ones, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life.

Friends - a blow to your pride awaits you.

The dead are calling you with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don't go - be careful, you are in danger mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action.

They offer to eat - at your place dangerous disease, you need to be treated.

If you eat with a dead person, death is on your doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream.

It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream.

The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol.

The information that we actually receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images.

The dead do not need to appear to us to guide us on the right path.

Interpretation of dreams from



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