Fire rooster Capricorn characteristic. Capricorn woman born in the year of the Rooster. General characteristics of the child

A lot of interesting things can be told about a person by his zodiac characteristics. The Capricorn-Rooster man is a very bright, extraordinary personality who always enjoys life and knows how to find happiness in little things. However, this is only one quality of many that he possesses. But about the rest - a little more detail.


To begin with, a few words about the zodiacal influence, which is reflected in how personal characteristic. The Capricorn-Rooster man has adopted a lot from his zodiac sign. They are purposeful, strong-willed and strong people who seem cold and calculating. However, behind such an unapproachable shell hides a charismatic personality who is not alien to dreams, the habit of having fun and sincere feelings.

Capricorn successfully combines practicality and romance. His dreams are, rather, goals. He does not have imaginary hopes and does not live with rose-colored glasses in front of his eyes. Capricorn is used to dreaming only about things that are far from fantasy and illusions. Moreover, he does not give up such desires - it’s just that this man himself is such that his dreams are determined on a subconscious level. For him, happiness is a house firmly standing on the ground, and not a castle in the air soaring in the clouds.


The eastern patron also determines what the personal characteristic will be. The Capricorn-Rooster man is a unique combination of two more than unusual signs. Its eastern patron sometimes seems to be the absolute opposite of the zodiac. Roosters are people who are accustomed to experiencing a whole storm of emotions and experiences, and constantly. They are attractive, many are drawn to them like a magnet. However, this is not surprising, because the Roosters know how to present themselves with dignity.

These men love and know how to command. But obeying someone is real hell for them, just like giving in in an argument. In general, it is not recommended to enter into debates with him. The Rooster, when they try to argue with him, throws aside any boundaries and begins to throw out expressions that can easily offend. At such moments, he does not care about the feelings of others. And if you don’t agree with him, then he will “get wild” and cause a scandal. By the way, these men also do not tolerate criticism, but they happily comment on the shortcomings of others.

At the same time, these outrageous individuals are educated, well-read, neat, attentive and organized. And hardworking. Trying to do more than they can do is the absolute norm for Roosters.

General characteristics

The Capricorn-Rooster man, as you might already guess, is a completely unique symbiosis. He is distinguished by self-confidence, love of attention, seriousness, determination and responsibility. In addition, these men are very positive and clearly understand in what moments it is necessary to show rigor and toughness of character, and when it is time to relax and have fun.

Such a person is not only in the center of attention all the time - he also attracts “profitable” individuals. This man is generally lucky in life. He is lucky in many ways. He easily copes with failures, and learns from mistakes and, as a rule, does not stumble again. This is the Capricorn man in the year of the Rooster.

Business sphere

The character of this person determines his love to keep everything under control. But still, sometimes he can spontaneously let things take their course. Only if it doesn't concern work.

Career is everything to him. Capricorn-Roosters dream of taking a leadership position in some reputable organization. Or at least be important specialists. The most important thing for such people is not to make a mistake in choosing a field of activity. They can achieve the best success by engaging in creativity and art. This area will best contribute to the manifestation of their oratorical talent and love of communication.

Feelings and relationships

This topic also needs to be noted with attention when talking about what a man has in love. This person is someone who does not consider it necessary to display his feelings in public. When he starts serious relationship, then only he and his beloved know about them. Moreover, if one of your friends or relatives tries to inquire about the “personal front” of Capricorn-Rooster, then most likely they will receive a scandal in response. He hates it when such an intimate part of his life is touched upon.

The Capricorn man in the year of the Rooster, whose characteristics are very interesting, is an excellent conversationalist. There will never be a dull moment with him. But what his girlfriend will have to wait a long time for is a declaration of love. He's embarrassed to talk beautiful words and even more so to reveal your feelings.

By the way, they often also doubt whether she is “the one”? Because of the fear of making mistakes, Capricorn Roosters marry in adulthood. But their unions practically do not fall apart.

Lucky couple

Well, the characteristics belonging to such a person as Capricorn-Rooster (male) were briefly described above. Compatibility is the last thing I would like to mention.

This person will do well with a girl born under the sign of Taurus and in the year of the Dog. Why? Because she is thrifty and homely, ready to go with him side by side through any difficulties - all for the common good. In addition, this girl is an introvert, but not with a weak character. In critical situations, she is able to show amazing willpower and courage. A loved one she will surround you with sincere care and love, not to mention devotion. This is the same girl who will successfully complement Capricorn-Rooster and satisfy his requirements for a partner.

Such a man can also develop a relationship with a Cancer who is serious about family life and a practical, rational Virgo. With Sagittarius they will come not only to marriage, but also, possibly, to a joint successful business.

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American scientist, journalist and politician Benjamin Franklin. Russian mathematician and mechanic Sofya Kovalevskaya. Russian racing driver Vladimir Chagin. French-Canadian singer Lara Fabian.
Soviet and Russian actor Semyon Farada. Russian singer Dima Bilan. Soviet and Russian actor Vasily Lanovoy. Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Polovtsev.
Russian Emperor Alexander I Romanov (1777-1801-1825).

A lake born in the year of the Rooster becomes quite liberated and sociable, he knows how to convince, but at the same time he is very restrained and does not try to argue or convince anyone. This person is always cool and somewhat aloof in public, although at heart he is sensitive and gentle, craving understanding and love.

Rooster Capricorn man

The Rooster man is stable, self-confident, generous. He is purposeful and with amazing tenacity he knows how to move even towards the most unrealistic goals. He does not accept pressure from other people, he ignores advice, own opinion and beliefs are the only true ones. Leadership qualities, perseverance and insightful mind allow him to quickly reach leadership positions and easily manage own business. In personal relationships, as in work, he is the undisputed leader and head. He does not like to make meaningless acquaintances and short relationships. The Rooster-Capricorn man knows the value of family comfort and tranquility in the home from a young age. He is selective and picky in choosing a life partner; he takes this step consciously, guided not by his heart, but by his mind.


The Capricorn woman is domineering, stubborn, and proud. She is a diligent and efficient employee, attentive and pedantic. Despite the apparent dryness, this woman can be quite sincere and sweet, and in a familiar and comfortable environment she manifests herself as a sociable and empathetic person. In relationships with men, such a lady may seem prim and cold at first glance, but in fact she skillfully hides her emotions and feelings, does not want to show her feminine essence, and is afraid of looking weak and vulnerable. She sincerely strives for marriage, loves peace, everyday life, and seeks constancy in relationships.

The Capricorn Rooster has an amazing inner strength, which attracts people to him. A sense of tact, subtle humor and the ability to behave in any situation makes such a person a pleasant companion and ally in any area of ​​life.

The Capricorn-Rooster sign includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The combination of the Capricorn-Rooster signs gives rise to a very conservative and hardy personality. Thanks to his intelligence and unique talents, he easily stands out from the crowd of people. He is always true to his principles and clearly moves towards his intended goal. Although the Rooster adds impulsiveness and unpredictability to Capricorn, this person still tends to think with his head and not with his heart.

Capricorn-Rooster is a persistent, decisive and uncompromising person, plus a neat person. He has everything sorted into shelves, including his thoughts. If he decides something, it is impossible to stop him and come to an agreement. Outwardly distant and cold, the world around us perceives in his own way, but always knows what he wants to get from life and from people. Outwardly he may seem cold and unemotional. But this is often a misleading idea. In essence, Capricorn-Rooster is a sincere and warm person, although very stubborn.

In his work he is ambitious, methodical and hardworking, he knows how not to be distracted by extraneous matters and cut off everything that interferes with achieving the goal. He is quite ambitious and purposeful, has good business acumen and can work from dawn to dusk.

IN love relationships responsible, but cautious and distrustful. His feelings can flare up suddenly, but he knows how to control them. Therefore, he is not so easy to seduce. He will be happy with a calm, understanding partner who easily makes concessions. Your life and family life Capricorn-Rooster organizes and arranges things in the best possible way.

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster is a very interesting person. He combines strength of character and courage to carry out all his grandiose plans. This is a born leader. to high and large-scale goals, not only for oneself personally, but also for the benefit of the family and society. And, with fearlessness and optimism, it helps to take an active life position and maintain a winning mindset. He finds a way out in any situation and lives by the principle “there are no unresolved problems.”

This perfect combination signs to achieve significant results in life, it is only important to choose the right goals to bring peace and goodness. For the sake of higher ideals, Capricorn-Rooster is capable of going into battle with opponents of superior strength. This is a fighter who will resist any attempts to break his will and is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of victory. His principle: “Take a million like that, love a king like that.” In public he is cool and somewhat aloof, but at heart he is sensitive and soft, craves understanding and love, strives for praise and recognition from others and loves to bask in the rays of fame.

Capricorn-Rooster has an amazing inner strength that attracts people to him. A sense of tact, subtle humor and the ability to behave in any situation makes him a pleasant companion and ally in any area of ​​life. But, it is worth noting that such a person himself chooses with whom to communicate, with whom to be friends, with whom to marry or build a business. He clearly knows what he wants from life and purposefully goes up, calculating his strength and taking into account all sorts of factors. He is true to his principles and does not adapt to circumstances - he himself creates these very circumstances.

Therefore, needless to say that Capricorn-Rooster always gets what he strives for, although not right away. He can do any job, as long as it is not monotonous. The downside to his character is his capriciousness. His mood changes very quickly - from even to rude.

The fusion of iron will, bright charm and integrity of nature attracts Capricorn-Rooster huge amount people. And, despite his “passion” for career matters, he loves to show off in society, show off his erudition and impress people of the opposite sex. But, it is not easy to seduce him and make him fall in love with you. At the same time, sex plays a very important role for Capricorn-Rooster.

Men born with this combination are, as a rule, experienced lovers who try to try everything in love before marriage. And women can go to extremes. Either - do not allow a single man to approach you, or recklessly enter into casual relationships. He does not strive for marriage and chooses his soul mate very pickily, but once he has decided, he will be a faithful and devoted partner who can always be relied on. In a marriage, Capricorn-Rooster plans everything down to the smallest detail, so family life is cozy, comfortable and stable.

Capricorn-Rooster woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster has natural beauty, charisma, a bright and interesting character that attracts attention. Despite the apparent dryness, this woman is quite sincere and sweet and can show herself as a sociable and empathetic person, especially in a familiar and pleasant company. At the same time, she is domineering, very stubborn and rather proud. This is a woman with an iron and unbending will, and not every man can match and feel confident next to such a partner.

The Capricorn-Rooster woman can be considered the darling of fortune. She succeeds in almost everything. She does not waste words and prefers to act rather than reason. IN business sphere– efficient and pedantic, self-confident and far-sighted, rational, punctual and restrained. She also has developed intuition, which helps her avoid many mistakes.

Born in the year of the Rooster, she carefully calculates possible scenarios before each task. All this, of course, becomes the key to her success. Career plays a primary role for her. Most often, he chooses the right profession and already mature age achieves a good financial and social position.

In relationships with men, the Capricorn-Rooster woman may seem prim and cold at first glance, but in fact she skillfully hides her emotions and feelings, does not want to show her feminine essence and is afraid of looking weak and vulnerable. She does not open up right away, but she sincerely strives for marriage, loves peace and everyday life. Presents to the chosen one high demands, and, the most important of them, he must accept her as she is. Not every man is ready to match such a strong-willed woman. If he has complexes about his own inadequacy, it is better for him not to even try to build a relationship with her.

The union will be harmonious either with an equally strong and confident person, or with a kind of romantic who values ​​the expression of feelings more. At the same time, she needs a man next to whom she can relax, at least for a while, take off the mask and stop being an indestructible rock with a steel will and iron logic. Next to an understanding man, the Capricorn-Rooster woman will also soften. It is worth noting that the main problems in the relationship are caused by her excessive obstinacy and desire to stand firm on her own. She needs to develop such feminine qualities as sensitivity, kindness and flexibility.

Capricorn Rooster man

Born in the year of the Rooster, . Thanks to his versatile talents, he always surprises and delights those around him with an interesting expression. own ideas. He loves to communicate and easily makes new friends and attracts like-minded people. In general, character qualities allow him to achieve good results in any matter. The main thing is to find a middle ground between inaction and excessive zeal.

This is a bright strategist who tries to put everything under his control. He is purposeful and with amazing tenacity he knows how to move even towards the most unrealistic goals. He does not accept pressure from other people, ignores advice, his own opinion and beliefs are the only true ones. This is a brave, courageous warrior, ready for anything. At the same time, he easily weeds out the unnecessary, and never gets involved in a “fight” if the goal is dubious and uninteresting.

A career for a Capricorn-Rooster man means a lot. He has many talents and can realize himself in any, even creative, field. The main thing for him to start acting is strong motivation. This good friend and a worthy, decent employee in business. Leadership qualities, perseverance and a discerning mind allow him to quickly achieve leadership positions and easily manage his own business. He is always financially stable and does not depend on the people around him. Material wealth also means a lot to him, so he tries to do everything to get a good result.

The Capricorn-Rooster man is a persistent careerist and workaholic, so his woman and family will always be in the background. Women who plan with him need to remember this life together. You can either support him on this path, or get out of the way so as not to interfere. In relationships, he is the undisputed leader and head. He will not tolerate a woman going against him in her beliefs and deeds.

He makes high demands on his chosen one and starts a relationship consciously, guided by the mind and not the heart. The ideal partner for him would be a patient and accommodating, caring and flexible girl who will listen to his needs and desires. It is extremely important for him to feel respect and support from his family. Otherwise, his wounded pride may become a cause for conflict.

This Rooster clearly knows what he wants from life. He purposefully goes up, calculating his strength, taking into account all possible factors, understanding and correctly assessing his capabilities. In addition to common sense, the Capricorn Rooster has rare endurance and a desire to stand out from the crowd.

Character of the Rooster-Capricorn

The Capricorn Rooster always gets what he strives for, although not right away. This man goes to high goals, keeping your view of things. In addition, he is always true to his principles and will not want to adapt to circumstances - he himself creates these very circumstances. This is probably why the Rooster-Capricorn reaches heights only in the middle life path, but his achievements are not immediate. His success is well deserved and stable!

In friendship and business relations The Capricorn Rooster is also serious, true to his word and very reliable. You can cooperate with him, but you need to know that this person chooses his own friends and business partners. You won’t be able to impose anything on him simply because he listens to himself first and only then decides whether it’s worth listening to someone else...

In love, the Rooster-Capricorn is responsible, distrustful, and therefore always shows caution. He is not so easy to seduce because this person is very independent. His feelings may flare up, but he always manages to control them. The Rooster-Capricorn organizes and arranges his everyday life and family life in the best possible way. He needs an open, bright and at the same time soft partner who will not strive for undivided power.

Rooster-Capricorn Man

He has no time to be distracted by “nonsense”; the Rooster-Capricorn man is simply a realist and a perfectionist. He devotes himself completely to his work, leaving pleasure and love for later...

And, I must say, he does not feel any discomfort about this - on the contrary, he will fiercely defend his right to work and to career growth, will fight to the end for his principles and priorities. No one will lead him astray... You can hit a rock, but the rock will not budge! Women who are planning to live together with such a man need to remember this. His business life and personal interests will always lead the way. You can either support him on this path, or get out of the way so as not to interfere.

He is patient enough, appreciates what he has and will accept a woman who is able to respect his choice...

Rooster-Capricorn Woman

Here the situation is more complicated. A woman is a flint, a woman is a monolith, a woman with an iron will and an unbending character... Not every man is ready to match. Here, it is appropriate to talk about men of a softer, more romantic type, more flexible and self-sufficient. In other words, the opposite type of man is the most desirable for such a woman. Next to such a man, she herself will soften, which will help her realize herself best in all the areas of life that she desires.

Another option is a man who is close in spirit. Then it will be easier for them to negotiate, perhaps conduct joint business and resolve all issues on the basis of compromises. However, the love sphere of life will clearly be lame... In this situation, the Rooster-Capricorn woman will have to take more care of herself: develop sensitivity, kindness, flexibility, which will definitely be in demand in family relationships.

If you believe the characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Rooster man, then these are quite self-confident individuals who are accustomed to relying exclusively on their own opinion in everything.

Intelligence and unique talents distinguish this nature from the general gray mass.


The Capricorn-Rooster man is a realist and a perfectionist who is not used to being distracted by all sorts of little things. Entertainment and love always come second for him, and he is ready to devote himself to his favorite work without reserve. And, it is worth noting, he does not feel any discomfort or remorse about this. On the contrary, Capricorn-Rooster will fiercely defend his right to a career, trying to convince other people that he is right. The characteristics of the Capricorn-Rooster man describe representatives of this zodiac type as very persistent personalities, not those who know the words"compromise". In their attitude towards certain events, they are decisive and unshakable. Having made a decision on some issue, they no longer stop and move only forward, regardless of obstacles.

At the same time, Capricorn-Rooster is a bright and cheerful nature. Since childhood, he has shown great interest in communication and attracts the attention of many people. Thanks to their versatile talents, such men always delight and surprise others with an interesting expression of their own ideas. The Capricorn-Rooster man always manages to make new friends and find like-minded people with ease. In general, he is lucky, however, fortune is not always with him. It is for this reason that he should take more carefully and more seriously the difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. Stubborn and wayward Capricorn-Rooster takes any criticism painfully. Most often, he simply ignores people’s words and their opinions on this or that issue.

Representatives of this type are also prone to violent expression of emotions, both positive and negative. Capricorn-Rooster often tries to take control of everything. He can completely remake own life, and then wonder why his plans cannot be realized. Men of such an iconic combination, first of all, should realize that life is rapidly moving forward, and they are just going with the flow, without making much effort to translate their goals into reality. However, working tirelessly, going against everything, is also not an option. Otherwise, the character and qualities of the Capricorn-Rooster man allow them to achieve good results in any business. The main thing for them is to try to find a middle ground between inaction and excessive zeal.

Compatibility in love

Capricorn-Rooster treats romantic feelings with distrust. Every time he tries to calculate everything in advance and every time he fails. That is why it is extremely problematic for such men to earn the attention and affection of the opposite sex. He is not used to depending on someone and prefers to show independence in everything, which can also become an obstacle to the compatibility of a Capricorn-Rooster man with a woman. Representatives of the fair sex who decide to lead a life together with such a person should remember that his personal interests and career will always be ahead.

Therefore, there are only two ways - accept and support the priorities of Capricorn-Rooster or not interfere and get out of the way he is going. Despite excessive self-sufficiency and prudence, such a man is very emotional in relationships. Erupted feelings and emotions often take him by surprise. The ideal partner for a person like Capricorn-Rooster will be a caring and flexible girl who will listen to his needs and desires.

In turn, the man will show himself as a caring and attentive partner who will always help to cope with any life difficulties. The Capricorn-Rooster man in love strives for stability and wants to create strong union with the woman you love. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, choose patient and accommodating women as companions, with whom it is pleasant and interesting to communicate. Even in family relationships, such a man will strive for leadership. It is extremely important for him to feel respect and support from his family. Otherwise, his wounded pride may become a cause for conflict.



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