Powerful mantras to attract money and prosperity. Mantras for attracting money and wealth

If you need money urgently and only a miracle can help, a mantra for attracting money will come to the rescue. Among thousands of Tibetan mantras there are texts for all occasions.

Ganesha - God of Wealth

If you are unlucky with money and cannot find a job, try this remedy. It will work quickly, you just need to follow the rules of meditation and believe in yourself. Success will come. You need to read the mantra every day, you will feel that you are walking the right path. You will have money as soon as you need it.

What is a mantra? This is a kind of verbal code to the secrets of the Universe. He will reveal himself to the one who knows the power simple words. You will need to learn the text by heart. To get used to it, you can listen to a recording of a song or watch a video. Live in harmony with yourself and your well-being will come to you on its own.

Why do these mantras work?

If you urgently need money, you are ready to take any steps. But think before you take out an unfavorable loan or borrow from friends. All these funds will only generate new debt obligations. Why be constantly stressed when you can go the easy way?

Nature initially has a balance - every creature, be it a person or an animal, receives exactly as much as it needs for a normal life. Previously, everyone knew how to listen to nature. This simple law of nature does not fully operate today. Life has become difficult. We now have a variety of needs. Very often the balance in life is disrupted.

  • Waste.
  • Easy money.
  • Illegal transactions.
  • Too much strong love to money.
  • Excessive savings.
  • Refusal to help a neighbor in trouble.

All this leads to problems with your energy. Communication channels with the Cosmos are closed or clogged. If you listen or read mantras regularly, you will restore the primary balance. You cry out with an open soul, repenting of your mistakes. Such a request will not go unanswered - the money will come in the amount you need.

The most famous money mantras

Scientists studying ancient Tibetan scrolls have found several references to miraculous mantras. They bring prosperity and money. And before, people appealed to the Universe, asking it for wealth and prosperity. The most famous and useful text code:

“Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Gurave Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah.”

You can learn it by heart and repeat it as often as possible. To learn, watch videos on the Internet. They will help you understand the process of meditation.

Another equally valuable mantra:

“Aum Hrim Shrim Klim Bloom Kalikunda Danda Swamina Siddhim Jagadvasam Aanaya Aanaya Swaha.”

It serves as an ambulance for those who are desperate. Helps you find a source of income or money very quickly. It is powerful - you will need a strong desire and sincere hope for success. There is another text - welfare and prosperity:

“Om Rinjaya Chamunde Dhubhirama Rambha Taruvara Chadi Jadi Jaya Yaha Dekhata Amuka Ke Saba Roga Paraya Om Shlim Hum Phata Swaha Amukhi Rajodosha Nashaya.”

This code vibrates energetically. Money is attracted to you like a magnet. You can find a valuable item or money on the street, receive a prize, win the lottery. Listening to this mantra is very useful in difficult life situations.

You need to choose one of them and focus on it. How to do this? Read aloud, listen, watch videos - for each mantra they are available and available. Your heart itself will tell you the correct text.

Rules for daily meditation

Daily meditation will help you not only to attract money into your life. This is a very useful and simple practice for physical and mental health. They improve your health and help you cope with difficulties. You'll like it. You need to get up early in the morning.

  1. You don't need to eat, you can drink water or herbal tea.
  2. Sit up straight. Fold your legs in the east direction.
  3. Repeat the text of the mantra you have chosen.
  4. Say it 28 times in a row to achieve the desired effect.
  5. Think that all problems have been solved. Hold this image in your mind for as long as possible.

This procedure takes only 15–20 minutes of your time. The effect is priceless. You will definitely be able to solve all the problems you encounter. Your life will change in better side. Life will show you new paths.

If you are not yet sure whether you can do meditation correctly, watch the video. The whole process is shown in detail there. Learn to love yourself. Use ritual clothing yellow, best natural material. The yellow color itself attracts money and wealth into your life and gives the energy of the Sun.

A powerful Tibetan mantra will become great solution your financial problems. Money will appear in your life in different ways. Listen to your heart, understand the mantra and thank it with proper meditation. Strong changes can occur in your life, because it will affect not only the financial sphere, but also the harmony of life.

Money will come to you in many different ways. Be attentive to the signs of fate, do not neglect them. It is small signs that are clues to great wealth. Take the risk of buying a lottery ticket if you feel with all your heart that you will win. Anyone who wishes sincerely and knows how to formulate his request will never receive a refusal from the Universe. You have the power to change your life for the better - with the money mantra, anything is possible.

Each of the representatives different cultures, of which there are about fifty in the world today, there are own ways conspiracies and talismans to attract success, good luck and financial resources. While the Slavs are dominated by the cult of talismans, the eastern peoples significantly help improve their financial well-being money mantra, which is basically a specific set of written sounds, syllables and entire words in Sanskrit.

Mantras are essentially key words that, when correct use open all doors and activate all the forces of the Universe. The action of these conspiracies is aimed at certain parts of the brain. Each of the various sections and departments of our brain works with its own, unique amplitude, and pronouncing specific correct sound combinations mantra resonates with this work and can set you up for the full disclosure of internal potentials and resources.

As mentioned above, mantras are written in one of the ancient languages world - Sanskrit. Few people know that even the simplest mantra contains the names of divine forces and beliefs that are responsible for each of the various aspects of our everyday life. IN modern world, unlike the old days, all kinds of energies of the Universe are accepted as deities.

We read all the mantras correctly
All magical phrases, regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or a mantra, are chanted in in the right mood and a relaxed general state. In order not to distort the sounds, it is initially recommended to listen to the audio of this text, simultaneously remembering the correct pronunciation. Remember that if the pronunciation is violated, the keys carrying a hidden message to the Universe will not have an effect, and may even cause harm.

In order to attract prosperity, or even more so wealth, the chosen mantra (or several) must be pronounced early in the morning (it is best to do this before full sunrise). Combinations pronounced in the morning during the waxing Moon phase acquire the greatest power, since this is the ideal time to enhance results. Before you begin, you need to structure your thoughts, and with the help of various meditations, find peace of mind, direct your gaze “inward,” and concentrate on the desired effect. Keys containing an invisible activation message are pronounced exactly 108 times. Under no circumstances should you count the number of repetitions, as this will confuse and distract you. To count, it is better to use special rosaries with that many beads. In addition to counting, rosary beads have been proven to help calm and relax.

Like the ancient Slavic conspiracies (prayers), eastern mantras have enormous power influencing the chosen sphere of life. Almost all of the proposed money mantras are small texts, the power of which lies in the most the right combination a certain sequence of sounds. Individually, they are in no way capable of influencing events, much less attracting financial wealth.

The most powerful and effective mantras for stable attraction cash flow
KUNG-RONO-AMA-NILO-TA-WONG - to quickly attract money.


OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA - for good luck in business and career growth.

OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH - for success in commerce and the flourishing of talents.






OM - HRIM - SHRIM - LAKSHMI - BYO - NAMAHA - Mantra addressed to the goddess Lakshmi.

Magic of numbers or digital mantras

Not only letters, but also numbers can be used to attract money or good luck into life. So, an encoded digital cipher, pronounced in the same key as a mantra, can become an equally powerful magnet for money. We offer you the most effective numerical spell.

A similar mantra is pronounced not in Sanskrit, but in Chinese, and not 108 times, as is the case with sound spells, but for five minutes 3-4 times a day.

Digital combination 7, 7, 5, 3, 1, 9, 1 You must first clearly imagine it, and then pronounce it, visualizing for yourself the color corresponding to each number.

  • Seven sounds like "qi" (dark green),
  • five – “u” (light yellow),
  • three – “san” (green),
  • unit – “yao” (blue),
  • nine – “tszyu” (dark red).

The use of mantras in all areas of life, although this is not new globally, is only for us initial practice. This means that its study and further application should be approached with extreme caution and care. Strict adherence to this requirement can not only prevent an unexpected outcome, but also bring an unprecedented positive effect!
Watch and sing along powerful mantra wealth with this video.

What are the mantras for attracting money?

The world knows a huge number of mantras for attracting money. I advise you to deal only with the most popular ones, since they have earned their fame thanks to their incredible effectiveness. The most popular mantra for attracting money, which is also pleasant to listen to, is the Gayantri mantra. This spell not only calls for wealth and success, but is also universal tool healing, Gayantri mantra protects the reader, cleansing his soul and body. It should be read 108 times. The lunar mantra for attracting money is considered very powerful. It is a coded appeal to the lunar deity; it is read on the full moon. The most famous are the mantras of Ganesha and Lakshmi.

How to correctly read and listen to mantras to attract money?

Real mantras for attracting money, like other sacred hymns, must be read in the original, which assumes Sanskrit or Tibetan. Naturally, not everyone has such knowledge. Clear and correct reproduction of a money spell is of great importance; the result almost directly depends on it. That is why you first need to listen to the mantra for some time to attract money, studying it and repeating it after the guru. If you do not have such a teacher, do not panic; in our age of technology, you can calmly listen to the money mantra online or download it so that it is always available. It is best to recite sacred ancient hymns from memory, so it is best to simply listen to them first.

How do mantras work to attract money?

Very powerful mantras for attracting money have a two-way effect. On the one hand, they reveal the person himself, activate his chakras and energy field, awaken consciousness and hidden forces. Sacred hymns set a person up for success, as a result of which he begins to attract wealth himself. Speaking in simple language, working mantras for attracting money make the chanter worthy of wealth. On the other hand, money spells send energetic vibrations into the world around us, shaping reality and changing the world around us in favor of the person reading the ancient hymn.

How often should you listen to money mantras?

You can read and listen to money mantras as often as you can. There are no recipes here - the more often the better. Some mantras, like Gayantri, must be pronounced clearly a certain amount once. But before you can reproduce it yourself ancient spell, you'll have to study it by listening for a while.

In what language should you listen to mantras to attract money?

It is necessary to listen to the mantra to attract money to yourself in the language in which it was created. Accurate reproduction is very important, as the unique combination of sounds has its own energetic charge. It is precisely such vibrations that have the power to awaken monetary energy. Therefore, if the text is written in Sanskrit, you need to read it in Sanskrit, if in Tibetan, you will have to reproduce the sacred hymn in the language of Buddhist monks.

Our life is determined not only by actions, but also by thoughts and words. Everything we think about out loud or to ourselves carries a certain energetic message and can change our affairs both for the bad and for the good.

Why not experience for yourself what the power of words is?

Try using mantras to improve financial well-being, because their incredible energy has been helping humanity for several thousand years for a reason.

Since mantra is an Asian cultural phenomenon, most of them are presented in Sanskrit or ancient Tibetan languages.

The four most common hymns are:

  1. The Ganesha mantra (the Indian god with the head of an elephant) is one of the most effective affirmations for success, consisting of four lines chanted under enchanting melodic music (we recommend Uma Mohan’s version: this is the most modern arrangement). Helps attract finance and wealth, as well as remove obstacles to them. Listening to it several times a day will improve the quality of your life.
  2. The mantra of Kubera (the treasurer god in Hinduism) is another effective way attract financial well-being. Since this deity rules over all the Yakshas (goddesses and gods of prosperity), you can sing a prayer in his honor as well as all the other heroes of the Indian religion under his control.
  3. If Kubera's hymns are monosyllabic, simple hymns, then Lakshmi's mantras are more complex and longer (108 syllables). To enhance the energy message and make the prayer stronger, use paraphernalia, for example, plates with the image of God.
  4. For those who already have extensive experience with Sanskrit, you can try the complex mantra of Vajrasattva Buddha. Full version of one hundred syllables can only be given to you by a spiritual mentor (high lama), but on the Internet there is an abbreviated version of 28 syllables. It is aimed both at improving the financial situation and achieving spiritual harmony in general.

How to use mantras to quickly attract money and good luck?

It is not enough to get mantras; you need to handle them correctly. Before you listen or sing a prayer, you need to tune in. If possible, wear yellow ritual clothing - it attracts money and prosperity. Sit back, relax and free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Breathing should be even so that you remain calm.

There is no need to read all the hymns in a row. Choose the one you like. When pronouncing words out loud, concentrate not on the meaning of the text, but on the emotional message. You should be aware not so much of the song's translation as its sacred meaning, keeping your wishes and needs in mind.

The more soul one puts into a mental or real utterance, the more powerful the energy sent into space.

Is it better to listen or read the text of the mantra to attract money?

There is no exact answer to this question. On the one hand, by chanting a mantra and extending the sound “Om,” you create more powerful physical and energetic vibrations, which increases the power of the message and makes invisible forces listen to you.

On the other hand, Sanskrit is not easy for native speakers Slavic languages, and it is difficult to pronounce the words of mantras, let alone remember them. If it is difficult for you to learn a mantra by heart, or you simply cannot pronounce the lines, there is no need to torture yourself.

By making efforts on yourself, you get confused and waste energy. In this case, it is better to listen to the text, fully concentrating on its spiritual component. It will be more efficient.

Will mantras help in attracting finance?

Of course, you should not expect fantastic enrichment if you simply listen or sing prayers without putting your soul into it, or if you are completely skeptical about them. After all, a mantra is a psychological attitude. It helps you “catch the wave” and concentrate on your desire.

Treat mantras not as magical ritual. Rather, it is a psychological technique that allows you to understand what you want and how to achieve it.

The good thing about prayers is that they have a double effect:

  1. By repeating lines, you program your subconscious to achieve success, and over time suitable solutions problems seem to come to you themselves.
  2. Your energy message changes not only the internal, but also the external world. Over time, you begin to notice that events are conducive to the fulfillment of your desire.

Mantras really help if you believe in them, but don't expect anything supernatural. Do you want wealth and money? You will have to work, but finances will come to you easier and in larger volumes.

All people want health, success, love, but not everyone knows how to get what they want. Every person already initially owns a tool with which he can create life exactly the way he dreams of seeing it. This refers to our thoughts and the words that express these thoughts. How often do people resort to improving their financial well-being and influencing all areas of their lives. So, in any religion it is customary to turn to the deities for help every day, using prayers and chants.

For example, in Indian religion, music is traditionally used to attract money and other benefits, and mantras are read to Ganesha or Lakshmi to improve well-being or to attract money and wealth.

Buddhist sacred words

According to explanatory dictionaries , a mantra is a sacred verse, word or syllable in Hinduism, obliging the exact execution of the sounds of which it consists. However, Hindus themselves admit that a mantra is an established form of speech that has a significant impact on thoughts, consciousness, feelings and even the world around us.

Thus, you can see that a mantra is specially selected words and sounds that help clear the mind, tune in to a certain mood and find answers to the questions posed. These are Buddhist prayers written in ancient Sanskrit. However, there are special mantras that are transmitted only from an initiate, that is, one who has practiced the power of the mantra for a long time and received its result.

Peculiarities of addressing Indian deities

Since Sanskrit, in which the texts are written, is an ancient language, not many people speak it nowadays. Therefore, it would be best to find the desired mantra in audio (or video) format and first listen to the pronunciation, intonation and emphasis on the words yourself. It is best to read the mantra out loud from memory.

Whether it is worth focusing entirely on the mantra itself when reading it, expert opinions differ. So, some say that in the process of chanting one should immerse oneself into inner silence, concentrate on the image of the deity to whom the verse is read. However, there is an opinion that while reading mantras it is possible to engage in everyday routine activities (for example, when cooking or cleaning an apartment), if the text of the sacred verse itself is pronounced clearly and unmistakably.

Mantras to Ganesha to attract money

One of the most highly revered deities in India is Ganesha. This is the god of prosperity, abundance, wealth, who destroys obstacles on the road to the heights of blessings. It is believed to provide support and protection for real estate, holdings and entrepreneurship. It can also be consulted before any new endeavor in which the supplicant wants to succeed. He is depicted as a child with the head of an elephant, a large spherical belly and one tusk, can have from four to six arms in which various objects are held. With constant communication with this deity, you can gain success and luck in trade and entrepreneurship, protection, happiness, health, and wisdom.

  • OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAAH - it is recommended to read this mantra for a positive effect in any trade and market issues, if you want to become perfect, to obtain hidden knowledge of the universe, to reveal abilities. Thanks to this mantra, a person is protected from ill-wishers and provided with support in the implementation of his plans. Moreover, it is very powerful, it instantly attracts good cash wealth and increases financial flow.
  • OM SHRIM HRIM KLIM GLUM GAM GANAPATAYE VARA-VARADA SARVA-JANAM ME VASHAMANAYA SVAHA (3 times) AUM EKDANTAYA VIDMAHI VAKRUDANTAYA DHIMAHI TANNO DANTI PRACHODAYAT AUM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI - this verse should be chanted at dawn after waking up, 1 08 times. The more intensely you speak, the faster and more effective the result will be.
  • OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVA VITHNA RAYA SARVAYA SARVA GURAVE LAMBO DARAYA HRIM GAM NAMAAH - this Ganesha mantra to attract money, sung for acquisition outstanding wealth and contributes to the search for activities to your liking, promotes advancement in work, and also favors the appearance of good financial clients.

Here is one of the reviews that clearly shows the positive result of turning to the deity:

There was a difficult situation in life. I have three children, there was not enough money, my husband’s service was a disaster, I suffered every day, worried about our future, shed a lot of tears. She began to chant the mantra to Ganesha. The result is instant! After some time, I somehow received a small amount of money on my card. I went to the bank to repay the loan, and they completely surprised me that there was no more debt! I don’t know if this is possible, but this mantra really works! General condition it got better work activity I have returned to normal and am happy not only with my finances. This is the first time this has happened to me. The main thing is to sincerely believe in what you are doing!

Olga, 32 years old, Petrovsk

  • OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA - by regularly and diligently practicing this mantra, you can attract support in the implementation of all your plans, because this verse accomplishes what you want.

Powerful mantras for the goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi is the most beloved and revered goddess of Hinduism, because her holiday in India is celebrated twice a year. She represents love, success, abundance, beauty, prosperity and well-being in all areas of life. She is depicted in luxury and wealth, sitting on a lotus, which personifies motherhood and spiritual chastity. According to legend, Lakshmi unexpectedly emerged from a lotus flower that grew in the middle of a sea of ​​​​milk.

Here is one of the reviews about the real result of the mantra:

I chanted the mantra for about three weeks, but not constantly. Result: the relationship with my beloved young man became much better, he decided to live together, although I no longer hoped for it. I feel that he will soon propose to me to marry him!

Angelina, 27 years old, Saratov

  • AUM HRIM KSHIM SHRIM SHRI LAKSHMI IRISINHAYE NAMAAH - used when you want to achieve great achievements and abundance.

At strong desire To receive the help and support of the Goddess of Abundance, you must regularly ask her for help, read her image, visualize her appearance and repeat her mantras. In this way, a strong spiritual connection with her is established and a feeling of her presence appears in all matters.

Appeals to other Abundance deities

There are many other deities of abundance and prosperity that are worshiped in Hinduism.


God Kubera is revered in India as the god of wealth and hidden treasures in the earth. He is described as short, light-skinned, with three legs, two arms and one eye. In his palms, signs of wealth are often visible: goldfish, a lotus flower, a wheel, a victory banner, jewelry, a bag of money. By asking him, you can gain additional knowledge about new sources of income, increase incoming amounts and the ability to wisely manage your finances. Mantra for money and wealth, which is recited by Kubera: AUM VAISHRAVANAYA VIDMAHE YAKSHA RAJAYA DHIMAHE TANNO KUBERA PRACHODAYAT.


Saraswati is the Indian goddess of wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment. She is asked for help in obtaining a wise decision in a given situation. She bestows talents creative abilities and success in education, protects art and spiritual development, gives harmony and perfection. Saraswati is depicted with four arms, which contain sacred scrolls, musical instruments, lotus flower. Her mantra is: AUM YAM SARASWATHIYA NAMAAH.


Durga - the goddess who transforms and transforms negative energies, grants overcoming difficulties, torment and suffering on the road to success and abundance, helps to preserve already acquired wealth. She is depicted with ten arms with a variety of weapons. She is glorified with the following mantra: AUM DUM DURGAYE NAMAHA.

I read the mantra for three months and got the following result: the people from whom I borrowed money stopped threatening me! I was able to pay off all my debts! One loan paid off on its own, it was simply canceled and that’s it. Also, the bank loan was closed, and the loan was for 230 thousand. Believe it or not, mantras work!

Vladimir, 43 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

In conclusion, it should be recalled that the Higher Powers favor us through the events of the surrounding world. Therefore, turning to deities is only 50% of success. On the part of the person asking, action must be taken to achieve what he wants.

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