How is the construction of the Central Ring Road going in the Moscow region? There are fewer and fewer people wishing to build a central railway. what to do

Completion of the construction of the first launch complex of the Central Ring Road (CRR) is scheduled for 2019.

According to the complex of urban planning policy and construction of the city of Moscow, on at the moment completed 40% from the entire scope of work. Launch complex No. 1, 49.5 km long, runs from the M-4 Don highway to the Minsk highway through the territory of the Domodedovo urban district, the Podolsky district of the Moscow region, the Troitsky administrative district of Moscow and the Naro-Fominsk urban district. 22 km of the route will pass through the territory of New Moscow.

Construction is financed through subsidies from the federal budget and funds from the Foundation national welfare Russia (NWF) and extra-budgetary sources of funding. Launch complex No. 1 will be connected to launch complex No. 5.

The first launch complex of the Central Ring Road (CRR)

According to the capital's construction complex, commissioning of the third, fourth and fifth launch complexes of the Central Ring Road is planned for 2018-2020.

Deadlines are moving, costs are rising

In April 2018, the Accounts Chamber identified violations at almost every launch complex of the Central Ring Road in terms of timing of work, organization of construction, acceptance of completed work and payment of advances by the customer. In addition, construction costs increased by 13,5 billion rubles

In particular, the network schedule for launch complex No. 4 was violated. Construction and installation work on it was supposed to begin in July 2017, but workers did not go to the site in January 2018. The commissioning of this launch complex was postponed to December 2020. Work on launch complex No. 3 was not accepted and was not paid for.

The planned commissioning date for the first launch complex is December 2018, but the capital’s authorities are already talking about plans to complete construction next year.

The fifth launch complex will pass through the Odintsovo, Istra, Solnechnogorsk districts and the Naro-Fominsk urban district. The total length of the section is more than 76 km, and a third of it passes through the Odintsovo district (sections from the 18th to the 36th km and from the 43rd to the 50th). It should be put into operation in December 2018, however, as of April 2018, the technical readiness of the facility was only 33% .

Will the builders meet the deadline? established deadlines or will they be displaced again in light of new problems?

Fifth launch complex of the Central Ring Road

Scandalous bill

Earlier it became known that several years after the start of construction of the first and fifth sections of the Central Ring Road, builders encountered problems - the need to move huge amount pipelines, power lines and communications. Because of this, construction was suspended.

One of the key issues was the re-registration of land, which is necessary for the transfer of networks. Areas for relocating communications must be rented or purchased, but owners do not always agree to this. Especially when it comes to areas near Moscow.

Currently, the process of transferring communications takes more than one year. To “solve” this issue, a bill was developed and adopted in the first reading in January 2018, according to which network owners will have the right to use the services they need. land plots. The innovation will speed up the process of transferring communications threefold. The bill caused a mixed reaction, with lawyers calling it “legalized lawlessness.”

According to them, the owner of the site is given only a month to discuss the terms of the easement. If the negotiations end without result, and the owner of the plot does not have time to go to court during this time, then the terms of the work and the fee for the easement are considered agreed upon. In addition, if large communications pass through the site (for example, gas pipes), then the plot must be confiscated with payment of full compensation. However, the current bill would avoid these costs by limiting them to easement fees.

Environmentalists are sounding the alarm

The controversial initiative of legislators is not the first scandal associated with the construction of the ring road. Back in 2016, information appeared about the preparation by the Public Chamber of an appeal to the government of the Russian Federation with an appeal to suspend work. According to the coordinator of the forest program of Greenpeace Russia Alexey YAROSHENKO, settlement of the area around the new highway will lead to a decline in the quality of life and a new influx of “job seekers” from the region.

Environmental experts also stated that the territories are being developed exclusively in the interests of businessmen, and during the construction of the Central Ring Road, about 6 thousand hectares of forests will be cut down, which will cause serious damage to the “lungs of the capital.” The total environmental damage was estimated at 11 billion rubles

Experts called for freezing the work until a repeat environmental assessment, revising the project and moving construction to neighboring regions. But their arguments were not listened to. Officials are not convinced by the fact that potential investors are also not ready to build ring road due to high financial risks.

Only one section is ready

The Central Ring Road is a large-scale project for the development of transport infrastructure in the Moscow region, which was developed in the early 2000s. Construction began in 2015, but the completion date was repeatedly pushed back.

Scheme of the Central Ring Road

The main purpose is to unload federal roads and the Moscow Ring Road by redistributing the transit flow of vehicles. The total length of the Central Ring Road will be 525 km. For most of the route, the Central Ring Road will pass through 400-800 m from the Moscow Small Ring, bypassing populated areas. Most of the road will be toll, residents of the Moscow region will have discounts on travel.

In November 2017, on a section bypassing Zvenigorod, which is part of the 5th launch complex of the Central Ring Road. At the launch ceremony of the movement, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey VOROBYOV announced plans to fully complete work on this section of the Central Ring Road by the end of 2018. The Zvenigorod bypass became the first open section of the ring road.

Since November 10, the first section of the Central Ring Road (CRR), the project of which appeared at the very beginning of the century, has been open to travel. The future route is necessary in order to relieve the small and large concrete rings around Moscow, which are popularly called concrete rings, as well as the Moscow Ring Road from transit transport.

For now, you can only go around Zvenigorod on the first section of the Central Ring Road. The length of the section is small, only 3.5 km, and it itself is part of the so-called fifth section of the Central Ring Road. Its launch, as noted by the Moscow region authorities, had symbolic significance, because the construction of the road was constantly postponed due to the financial difficulties of the contractors, and subsequently due to claims against Avtodor regarding inefficient spending of funds on the construction of the facility. At the moment, the problem has been solved by partially attracting investors to the project and introducing a paid operating mode (with the exception of the western section, which includes the Zvenigorod bypass).

The road opened these days has four lanes. Three interchanges and a bridge across the Moscow River have already been built. The permitted speed on the site is 60 km/h. Construction of the remaining sections of the fifth part of the Central Ring Road is underway, its opening is scheduled for 2018. This section of the road will pass through the Naro-Fominsk, Odintsovo, Solnechnogorsk districts, the urban districts of Istra and Zvenigorod. Costs are estimated at 47.9 billion rubles.

Next in line is the first section: the project includes work in the urban districts of Podolsk and Domodedovo, the Naro-Fominsk district, as well as the Troitsky district of Moscow. The investment agreement is estimated at 48.9 billion rubles. Work on the first section is also planned for 2018.

In 2019, they promise to complete the third and fourth sections of the Central Ring Road. The road will pass respectively in the north-east of the Moscow region from the M11 to M7 highway and in the south-east from the M7 to M4 highway through the Noginsky district, Pavlovsky Posad, Voskresensky and Ramensky districts, the urban districts of Elektrostal and Domodedovo. Work on the third section is estimated at 83.6 billion rubles, and on the fourth section at 85.4 billion rubles. The second section will be a branch from the main route in the southwest, but construction will begin only after 2020.

The entire project is planned to be completed by 2025. The Central Ring Road will run approximately 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road, bypassing settlements and, as the authorities assure, will become the main aggregate element of communication routes and transport hubs of the Moscow region, as well as the backbone of the road network of Central Russia. The total length of the road is 339 km. According to the plan, the Central Ring Road should free outbound highways from the flow of trucks, and populated areas from transit transport. By the way, many years ago the Moscow Ring Road was built for exactly the same purpose. Tariffs for travel on the new ring have not yet been agreed upon.

The transport situation in Moscow and on its outskirts is becoming more and more tense every year. Due to the huge influx of cars, many highways cannot cope with the traffic flow, so knowledge of all alternative opportunities to avoid traffic jams is very relevant today more than ever. About what is small concrete ring around the capital - one of them, today most drivers traveling outside the city know. However, not everyone knows about its history and why it is called “betonka”.

History of the road

In the 1950s, a great race for space dominance broke out between Russia and the United States. Each country tried to be the first to send a satellite into orbit. Missile technology was rapidly improving, and the question of air defense against long-range projectiles arose.

Mobile missile systems appeared in the USSR during these years. For quick transportation and change of location, special roads were needed. For this reason it was adopted Soviet government decisions on the construction of two concrete roads around Moscow.

In the 50s, the first concrete ring around Moscow appeared. It was impossible to find it on the map in those years: the route was classified. It consisted of several layers concrete slabs and could easily withstand loads of up to 40 tons. This is exactly the weight that the first Soviet rocket carriers equipped with missiles had.

Following the Small Ring, the Big Ring appeared. It was built for the same purpose, so this concrete road around Moscow was also not indicated on the map until the 80s of the last century.

For many years both roads served the military and were kept secret. However, it is not so easy to hide good highways around the capital, so many Muscovites used the concrete for their needs long before it was made an official federal highway.

Modern setting

Nowadays, finding the Small Concrete Road on the map is not difficult even for a schoolchild. This federal highway is included in the register of roads under number A107. Despite the fact that it had long been covered with asphalt, the name “concrete” was firmly attached to the route among drivers and surrounding residents.

From the center of Moscow to this road is about 50 km. The total length of the small concrete ring is about 330 km. It passes through the following settlements and territories:

  • Bronnitsy;
  • Elektrostal;
  • Noginsk;
  • Chernogolovka;
  • Selyatin;
  • Zvenigorod;
  • Domodedovo;
  • Big and Small Vyazemy;
  • Durykino;
  • Radumlya;
  • Ermolino;
  • Frosts.

There are still a number of important strategic air defense facilities located along the route. She still plays big role in the defense strategy of the Russian capital.

IN recent years Much attention is paid to improving the capacity of the federal highway. New junctions are being built and the surface is being improved. In some places the road is being widened. For example, There are multi-level interchanges with the following routes:

The route is equipped with elevated crossings across most railway routes from Moscow. However, directions from Kursk, Ryazan, Belorussky and Yaroslavsky stations still use controlled railway crossings.

Bridges were built across the Moscow River and the Moscow Canal. All structures are maintained in proper order.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to the ban on freight transport on the Moscow Ring Road, the Small Moscow Concrete Ring has received an additional load. Many, wanting to quickly pass the Moscow junction, use this particular route. In this regard, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • Route width. It's still mostly two-lane, so capacity is low.
  • Low speed. Most of the route has speed limits and overtaking is prohibited in many sections, so you won’t be able to accelerate very much along the route.
  • Very busy. Unfortunately, traffic jams are also typical for MBC. They occur especially often on railway crossings and at intersections with cities and large populated areas during rush hours.

But if desired, shortcomings can be found in the most modern roads. The MBC, despite all its shortcomings, can significantly alleviate the driver’s problems with traveling through the metropolitan area. The route is still one of the main arteries, which can significantly reduce the load on the Moscow Ring Road and other vital transport lines of the capital.

Still, this old road is a strategically important object for the defense of the capital. She is constantly improving. In many places, expansion of the route and installation of new modern interchanges has begun for even more efficient use of the concrete ring.

The completion date for the construction of the first launch complex of the Central Ring Road has been extended until 2019, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting on the construction of the Central Ring Road. The head of the state company Avtodor, Sergei Kelbakh, clarified that the construction of the first stage of the Central Ring Road will be completed by the end of 2019. It was previously assumed that the first section of the Central Ring Road would be commissioned in 2018.

“The completion date for the construction of two sections is December 2018, the other two sections are December 2019,” Kelbakh said, showing Medvedev a map of the road under construction around Moscow. “What about the complete completion of the work?” - the prime minister clarified. “December 2019,” confirmed the head of Avtodor.

As Medvedev noted, during the search for private co-investors, investment conditions changed, and the search process itself was “somewhat slower than planned.”

The Prime Minister recalled that the construction project started in 2013 and was among the priorities in the transport strategy until 2030. As part of the first stage, it is planned to build 339 km of roadway.

According to Medvedev, the Central Ring Road should also become the basis for the development of a number of small and medium-sized businesses that are being created here - gas stations, repair stations, cafes, restaurants and hotels. At the same time, it was previously reported that the Central Ring Road may be banned housing construction and shopping centers due to the danger of transport collapse.

The project of the first section of the Central Ring Road is being implemented on the basis of a long-term investment agreement with Crocus International JSC for 48.9 billion rubles (state funding - 42.1 billion rubles, private funding - 6.8 billion rubles). The site will be operated on a paid basis.

The design of the first launch complex provides for the construction of a four-lane highway and the construction of intersections with railways and roads. The section will pass through the territory of Podolsk, Naro-Fominsk districts and the Domodedovo urban district of the Moscow region, as well as the Troitsky administrative district of Moscow.

On a section with a length of 49.5 km (km 96 - km 146), four interchanges, three overpasses, 24 overpasses and 14 bridges will be built. The predicted traffic intensity is 43.5 thousand vehicles per day.

At the same time, initially the construction contractor was Stroygazconsulting LLC (SGK), but the company was about six months late with the construction of the first stage of the Central Ring Road. SGK notified Avtodor Group of Companies that it could not fulfill the contract. Later, it was decided to replace the contractor, and Crocus International became the new contractor.

The Central Ring Road is a project of a ring road around Moscow, located at a maximum distance of 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road, its length will be about 530 km and will pass through the territories of New Moscow and the Moscow region. In general, the Central Ring Road consists of five sections, four of which, representing a closed ring, were supposed to be put into operation in 2018. Full completion of the project is scheduled for 2025.

Residents of the Moscow region can receive benefits when paying for travel on the Central Ring Road

Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov did not rule out that residents of the Moscow region will enjoy benefits when paying for travel on the Central Ring Road highway. He told reporters about this following a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the construction of the Central Ring Road.

“Possibly. In general, the Moscow region is providing serious assistance in the implementation of this project. This is understandable - it is being implemented on its territory. And at one time, the governor (of the Moscow region) Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov and I discussed various shapes when for social groups population, reduced tariffs may be established under the so-called traffic guarantees that they will be used by residents of these settlements,” Sokolov said, answering the question whether residents of the Moscow region will enjoy benefits to pay for travel on the Central Ring Road.

According to the minister, all sections of the road under construction, except for the section bypassing Zvenigorod, will operate in a paid mode, and the specified section will be free (except for the collection of tolls from heavy vehicles). Answering a question about the cost of travel on toll sections of the Central Ring Road, the head of the Ministry of Transport said that it will be approved after a single operator is selected, TASS reports.

Only the lazy didn't hear. How will this project turn out for the Moscow region? The government is talking about solving transport problems, but many environmental organizations have expressed their negative attitude towards it, because construction will seriously affect the ecology of the region. Greenpeace's position on the Central Ring Road: the new route will destroy the entire forest protection belt of Moscow.
I understand that most residents of the region most likely don’t care about environmental problems, but it will be unpleasant for them to lose their “6 acres” due to the construction of the highway. Now, residents of the village of Petrovskoye have already organized a public gathering, since the route will affect their settlement

To clearly see where exactly the route will be, and to see which areas will be under construction, I asked my friend Nikolai Okhotnikov to mark the Central Ring Road on the map. Here is the result of his work

“The map was prepared on the basis of a detailed description of the planned area for the location of the Central Ring Road, given in section 3.1.1 of the “Territorial Planning Scheme of the Moscow Region”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated July 11, 2007 No. 517/23. There are at least three more resolutions of the Government of the Moscow Region on the same topic, but they have now lost force, and it is the “Territorial Planning Scheme” that is relevant.

The map is not difficult to understand. Here the thick red line is the line connecting the key points described in the “Spatial Planning Scheme”. Orange The route location area is allocated around it. Using this map you can assess how much the construction of the Central Ring Road will affect you. In this case, you need to keep the following in mind.

Marks on the map may have an error of several tens of meters due to inaccurate geolocation, distortion of satellite images, etc. Therefore, if you see that the construction zone runs right through your neighbor’s land, but has not affected yours, this is not a reason to calm down and laugh maliciously at your neighbor. In addition, individual points could not be tied accurately due to inaccuracy or even contradictory descriptions of their location, or because the landmarks to which they were tied were indistinguishable. For such points (fortunately there are few of them), the location error can reach several hundred meters, so these points are marked on the map with marks blue. By clicking on one of these labels, you can read exactly why the point is inaccurately marked and what the approximate error in its location is.

And one more feature. Construction zone in different places has different widths, but the description does not say exactly how its sections are interconnected. Therefore, near key points the zone may be marked somewhat incorrectly.

That's all I wanted to say. The map itself is available at the following link:

Keep in mind that the construction zone is not the track itself. The road is obviously smaller in width and will pass inside the marked “corridor”, but what will happen to the remaining part of the territory: will it remain untouched, or will it be used for the construction of roadside and industrial facilities(which in my opinion is more likely) is still unknown. Therefore, if your property is in the “orange zone”, or is located close to it, I advise you to do the following.

Study carefully the public cadastral map.

All plots included in the cadastre are marked on it, and if land allocation for the Central Ring Road in your area is completed, you will see the exact boundaries of the corresponding land plot.

Find out if your community has approved a master plan. If yes, then the Central Ring Road route will also be shown on the maps.

Find out which newspapers publish official announcements and documents of your settlement and municipal area. Regularly review these publications: they will publish an announcement about public hearings, which you must attend - there you can not only clarify exactly how they are going to lay the road, but also express your disagreement with the project.

Without waiting for public hearings, unite with your neighbors - after all, if the road passes through your locality, it will be bad for everyone. Organize an initiative group, enlist the support of a competent lawyer, write appeals to the regional government, attract the attention of the press with mass actions - and you will have a good chance of “pushing” the highway away from your homes. Good luck!



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