How a hologram is made. Holographic pyramid. Where to get ready-made images to create a hologram

We continue to closely study the boxes from Simple Science. Today I present to your attention “Hologram”.

A couple of months ago in one of the social networks they sent me a link to a video (people know what I love), where the hologram was shown. It seemed to me that it was simply impossible to make such an image myself. And I conveniently forgot about this video. Then again they send me a link about how to make a hologram yourself.

And now having detailed guide, we began production. It should be noted that I am the mother of two hurry-ups (the third is not yet in the subject of experiments), and I am a hurry-up myself. I want to do it quickly and get results immediately.

How to make a hologram with your own hands

To make a hologram at home, it was recommended to use transparent plastic. We didn't have any decent plastic. The guys found a sour cream cap))) we cut it according to the instructions and glued it together. We ended up with a very flimsy design. But it was still possible to reproduce the hologram. But it was only enough for a couple of times, as everything fell apart.

Why am I painting this? Besides, sometimes it’s easier to have a ready-made set for conducting experiments than to use improvised/not entirely suitable materials.

Hologram from Simple Science

It seemed to me that with a ready-made kit it would be easier and more reliable to make a hologram, and cheaper using available materials. The choice is yours!

I suggest you watch one of our dozens of holographic videos.

In general, experiment more often, because science is fun!

Making a 3D hologram is easier than you think. Every year thousands of hobbyists, students and teachers make holograms at home and in schools. For a hologram you will need a number of basic supplies, some of which you have at home, a quiet and dark room, and about half an hour of free time to process the image. With a little time and effort, you can create your own professional hologram!


Part 1

Stock up on everything you need
  1. Order necessary materials and tools online or purchase at a camera store. Before you start creating a hologram, stock up on everything you need. Find at home and purchase the following materials online or at a camera store:

    • holographic plates;
    • red laser pointer(better adjustable);
    • hologram processing kit;
    • safety glasses;
    • thick rubber gloves;
    • a large hardcover book;
    • metal tongs.
  2. Choose a hard, shiny object for your hologram. Transparent and translucent items made of plastic, fur or fabric distort holographic images. To ensure a clear image, use a hard metal or porcelain object that reflects light and is no larger than the holographic plate.

    • For example, a coin is perfect for a hologram. At the same time, you are unlikely to get a good image of a plush toy.
  3. Select a darkened room to receive the hologram. Holograms work best in the dark because there is a good contrast between the illuminated object and the surrounding area. Turn off all lights in the room and close windows and other sources of natural light if possible.

    • Do not choose a room with a creaking floor, drafts or extraneous noise, as even slight vibrations can negatively affect the quality of the holographic image. Wonderful the room will do with tile, concrete or carpet covering.
    • There is no need to turn off the light until you are ready to illuminate your chosen object with the laser pointer.
  4. Place the object on a stable table. Choose a table that doesn't wobble or squeak. If there is no such table, you can place the item on a flat concrete or tiled floor.

    • Glue the item to a wooden or metal stand on the table top if you are concerned about it moving.
  5. Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves. Included in the hologram processing kit chemical reagents may be toxic in dry, undiluted form. When handling the kit, wear safety glasses and thick rubber gloves to protect your eyes and skin.

    • Do not touch the reagents from the kit under any circumstances. bare hands and do not work with them without glasses, otherwise there is a high probability of injuring yourself.
    • If you are sensitive to reagent odors, put on a medical mask or respirator before working.

Part 4

Holographic plate processing
  1. Mix the chemicals according to the directions included with the kit. Dilute the powders from the kit in bowls. Dilute according to directions for use. required quantity powders with water in separate bowls and mix them thoroughly with a thin metal object.

    • Do not mix separate solutions together unless directed to do so on the package. Please follow the attached instructions carefully to avoid any incidents.
    • When working with reagents, be sure to wear safety glasses and thick rubber gloves.
    • Most hologram processing kits contain a developer and a bleach solution. They should be bred separately from each other.

In terms of development fine motor skills hands, and at the same time skills to work with various materials, I spent a little home handyman class on creating simple holograms using a mobile phone or tablet and transparent polycarbonate. I found two options for creating holograms online, but they both use the same principles to create a 3D optical illusion. It is possible that if you dig deeper, you can find more options. Therefore, if suddenly you managed to google other ways to create a simple hologram using a smartphone screen, then feel free to post in the comments with the appropriate links.

So, both options use the features of optics, namely the refraction of light rays during the transition between media with different optical densities, may opticians beat me with sticks for amateurish terms, but I will continue. The bottom line is that when a beam of light passes from the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, monitor display or even a TV through the border of air and transparent polycarbonate, partial reflection of light occurs. It is thanks to this reflection that the effect of a holographic, i.e. completely three-dimensional, image is created. Based on this, you can understand that to create a hologram you need transparent polycarbonate. Where can I get it?

IN modern world An excellent source of polycarbonate can be ordinary CD boxes, which can be permanently borrowed from a home audio library or simply purchased at a computer or stock store. These stores typically sell recordable CDs or DVDs in spindle-mounted packaging. And at the same time, in order to earn a little more money, stores sell boxes for them separately. It is best to use transparent, unpainted boxes so as not to lose precious screen brightness, while the image will be the best possible.

Option 1. Holho - pyramidal hologram

For the pyramidal hologram, they even came up with a special name Holho. The essence of this technique is to broadcast four images at once onto a slightly truncated pyramid, placed “on the butt,” i.e., with the top down, on the smartphone screen. When a specially prepared video is played on the phone screen, the image is reflected from the edges of the pyramid and a complete illusion of an object floating in the air is created. The essence of a pyramidal hologram is that each of the images is projected onto its own face, and when viewed, the observer sees all four images at once, combined into a single three-dimensional picture by the faces of the pyramid.

The pyramid is easy to assemble, no need to complete courses oratory skills Felix Kirsanov and Higher School Economics in order to cut out the required blanks from the cover of the disc box. You only need four of them, and they are cut out according to a template kindly prepared by me.

The cutting template itself is available at this link. When printing, you must select the exact paper size and enable printing at the actual size.

Cutting polycarbonate will not be difficult if you place the printed template under the lid, and then make deep slits on it along the lines using a sharp wallpaper knife. A cut made in this way then easily allows you to break off unnecessary area covers. Only the cut must be made across the entire width of the lid, otherwise a break will not occur. The cut pieces can be glued together using superglue or simply secured with Scotch tape.

One of the demo videos.

To get the hologram effect, you need to move into a room with dim light, install a pyramid on the smartphone screen, point down, and center it according to the marks on the video. And that’s all, you can enjoy watching wonderful examples of “home magic.”

And one more demo video.

A fair amount has been uploaded to YouTube demo videos under Holho, so you can safely choose even something completely unusual. Moreover, industrially manufactured and nice-looking Holho pyramid technology converters have already appeared. And remember that not only the screen of a phone or tablet, but also any other source can act as a video source for a hologram; it is important to compare the size of the pyramid and the screen.

Option 2. Front linear hologram

An alternative to Holho is a linear hologram, which is created by projecting an image onto successive reflectors. If a pyramidal hologram looks like a hologram from any side, then a linear one allows you to enjoy the unreal effect from only one side, the front. The essence of the device for reproducing a linear hologram is almost the same as that of a pyramidal one, but here the image is broadcast onto several, usually three, mini-screens made of transparent polycarbonate. The screens are installed at an angle of 45 degrees and one after another. The screens themselves vary in height, which adds even more realism to the resulting image.

The same CD boxes are ideal for making the device, only here they are fully used, for which special thanks to the author of the device. You can cut the box using the technique used to build the pyramidal device, but you will have to measure the dimensions of the screens yourself. Yes, and to fix parts of the device, thermo-glue is used, not adhesive tape. But if you have at least minimally straight hands, everything works out the first time. When assembling, hold the screens slightly until the glue is completely cured.

To play a hologram, you need to place the linear hologram device on the screen of a tablet or larger device. By the way, both linear and pyramidal holograms can be used because in original video, and in an inverted state. This does not change the effect, although the video may appear upside down.

If we compare both devices, I like the Holho version more, because it allows you to create a hologram without any restrictions on the number of scene plans. In the linear version, only a few volume levels are available to the user, equal to the number of installed polycarbonate screens. With three screens, there are correspondingly three levels of scene depth.

In other words, while the Holho version creates a truly three-dimensional image floating in the air, the version with a frontal linear hologram is more reminiscent of the effect of 3D television on a flat screen. Although, of course, both options look good and are worth assembling both of them, fortunately, nothing extraordinary is required to create such a toy, and it is unlikely that it will take more than an hour to assemble two devices at once.

Now you will learn how to make a 3D holographic pyramid with your own hands at home. Of course, you can buy it in an online store, but its price there is quite high. Therefore, we will make a holographic pyramid from scrap materials and, of course, at home.

Will be required

  1. Glue gun or just a tube of glue;
  2. stationery knife;
  3. A strip of transparent plexiglass (plastic from a CD box may be analogous);
  4. Pliers;
  5. A stencil on which we will cut out shapes for the pyramid
  6. A smartphone on which a video for a holographic pyramid is downloaded. You can download it at the end of this page;
  7. Double-sided tape;
  8. Sandpaper.
maybe not everyone. Surprise your family and friends and make your clothes unique.

Step-by-step process for creating a pyramid

The stencil of a holographic 3D pyramid has the dimensions shown in the picture

A prerequisite is that the angle must be 45 degrees.

Video for holographic pyramid

In order to create a hologram, you need to upload a special video. Content for a 3d pyramid is quite difficult to find. Here we will post several popular videos that can be downloaded.

Video instructions on how to make a holographic 3D pyramid with your own hands

Where to buy

You can buy such a pyramid on Aliexpress. It is made very carefully and is usually adapted for any device, but the price starts from 1500 rubles. Here are a couple of links where you can buy one.

It is very simple to make a structure that will show a three-dimensional image, even at home. To do this you will need a smartphone, a piece transparent plastic, several tools and accuracy.

What you need to make a hologram:

A smartphone or tablet that will serve as the image source.
- Disc box or glass.
- Graph paper or plain paper.
- Pen or pencil.
- Ruler.
- Scissors.
- Tape or glue.
- Knife, scalpel or glass cutter.

Let's get started:

Draw a trapezoid on paper with sides 1 cm at the top, 3.6 cm at the sides and 6 cm at the bottom. If you are using a tablet, you can increase the dimensions several times.

Take a transparent plastic disc box or glass, trace four trapezoids of the same shape according to the previously created pattern and cut them out with a knife and scalpel. In the case of glass, you need to use a glass cutter and be extremely careful not to cut your fingers. If desired, sand the edges so that they are not sharp and fit tightly together.

Make a pyramid from the cut out trapezoids and fasten the edges with glue, tape or tape. For greater aesthetics, it is better to use transparent fasteners, but for experimentation, any will do.

Install a special application designed to reproduce holograms. They can be found on Google Play and the App Store by searching for “hologram”. Launch the application and place the pyramid on the screen.

For the best effect, holograms should be viewed in the dark, as they look simply amazing. If you increase the size of the pyramid and use a device with a screen larger size(for example, a tablet, laptop, monitor or even a TV), the hologram will be even larger and more beautiful.



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