Who is the insider? List of insiders. Insider trading - the forbidden fruit of the stock market

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The meaning of the word insider

insider in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of financial terms


a particularly trusted person of the company through whom it is possible to obtain confidential information.



Insider- a member of any group of people who has access to information that is not available to the general public. The term is used in a context related to secret, hidden or some other classified information or knowledge: an insider is a member of a group who has information available only to that group.

The insider is contrasted with the outside specialist. A specialist can provide comprehensive theoretical analysis, which will then be the basis for an expert opinion, and the insider has first-hand information.

In the US, mandatory reporting by corporate insiders employees of the company, directors and shareholders owning more than 10% of the company's share capital are recognized. Trades made by these insiders in their own company's shares are based on non-public information and are considered fraudulent because the insiders are violating their commitment or fiduciary duty to shareholders. A company insider, accepting an offer of employment in a company, undertakes an obligation to its shareholders to look after their interests above his own in matters relating to the company’s activities. When an insider buys or sells based on corporate information, he violates his duty to shareholders.

In the media, an insider is often called “Source in...”

The Insider (novel)

"Insider"- a fantasy novel by Yulia Latynina, the last chronologically in the Wei Empire cycle.

The Great Wei, a semi-monarchical, semi-socialist state, is very similar to a mixture of the great Asian monarchies. But everything changes, and the monarchy comes into contact with the space federation of earthlings. Including all “developed” monetary relations.

Insider (disambiguation)


  • An insider is a member of a group of people who has access to classified information;
  • The Insider is a fantasy novel by Yulia Latynina;
  • A Man of Our Own is a 1999 American feature film.

Examples of the use of the word insider in literature.

There were also meetings Insiders and extensive consultations with others who knew something about Yuuuzhan Vong technology - individuals such as Silghal, a Jedi healer from the Mon Calamari.

Day 39 In the wing where the senior command staff's apartments were located and where most lived Insiders, Jaina was detained by a crowd consisting of Wedge, Yella, their daughters, Luke, Mara, baby Ben, Jedi Kam and Tyonna Solusar from the academy, Han, Leia and C-3PO.

Today we will talk about who an insider is. In today's market, insiders are usually people who have information that is not available to most market participants.

The information that insiders have is usually obtained from primary sources and is not disclosed to a wider audience. A narrow circle of people has access to information from insiders, which is very important because, if used correctly, it allows them to make serious profits.

Who is an insider? How do they appear?

To answer the question of how insiders appear, this term should be specified. So, for example, if a group of people call themselves insiders and announce any information, then this most likely will not affect the market situation in any way.

To answer the question of who an insider is and how they appear, you need to decide who can act in this role. Large shareholders, as well as managers of various corporations, can act as insiders.

If the persons described above who have important information, carry out transactions on the stock market, then they violate the rights of other shareholders. Let's say the manager of a company knows that it is threatened with bankruptcy. In this case, he tries to sell the existing shares before the rest of the market participants receive information about the impending bankruptcy of the enterprise.

At the same time, the appearance on sale large quantity shares of a company significantly accelerates the processes leading to its bankruptcy.

Due to the reasons described above, insider activities are generally considered to be fraudulent.

  1. The Central Bank, as well as the government of the country, since they have classified information that is not available to most market participants.
  2. Rating/news agencies.
  3. Credit organizations, as well as depositories, since they are directly involved in organizing trading on the stock market.
  4. Issuers various types/bonds.
  5. Stockbrokers provided that they receive important information from large companies.
  6. Individuals who serve on the board of directors and own shares of 10% of various corporations.
  7. Specialists hired by corporations to assess the current value of shares/bonds. As a rule, such an assessment provides information about the current position of the company. Having such information, you can get significant income from trading on the stock market.

How insiders trade

Having figured out who an insider is, you should focus on exactly how they trade. Insiders enter into transactions only on the basis of confidential information about the issuing company of certain securities.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the actions of an insider can be recognized as fraudulent only after it is proven that he is trading on the basis of information obtained illegally or in a private conversation.

Unless there is clear evidence, the insider's actions are considered legal.

Many investors try to monitor individuals who may act as insiders and repeat their actions. This happens because an insider with confidential information knows exactly when it is best to buy shares/bonds of the company, and when it is best to sell them.

The main problem is that it is quite difficult to determine who exactly is an insider. This is due to the fact that enterprise managers or large shareholders may purchase or sell shares/bonds for reasons not related to obtaining information that is inaccessible to other market participants.

Insiders in the domestic market

In the domestic market, insiders are usually called unscrupulous employees who sell confidential information about their company to competitors. The term “insider attack” usually means the leak of confidential information. Credit institutions are the most sensitive to such attacks.

Practice shows that if 20% of confidential information is leaked, more than 60% of credit institutions become bankrupt. This is due to the fact that insider attacks lead to a significant reduction in the customer base, as well as loss of reputation. Since a good reputation among clients is simply necessary for a credit institution to operate successfully, its loss in most cases is the main cause of bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, most private traders do not have access to insider information that can be used to generate income. If you have some experience, you can monitor potential insiders and emulate their actions.



INSIDER is a particularly trusted person of the company through whom it is possible to obtain confidential information.

Dictionary of financial terms.


An insider is a person who, due to his position, has access to important (financial) information that is not available to the general public. Insider stock transactions are strictly monitored, recorded and published.

In English: Insider

Finam Financial Dictionary.


1. A person who, due to his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company. An officer, director, or major shareholder of a corporation with broad stock ownership and their immediate family members. This group also includes those who obtain confidential information about the corporation and use it for personal gain.

2. Individual- shareholder with more than 5% of shares, director (resident, chairman and his deputy), board member, member of the credit council (committee), head of subsidiaries and parent structures and other persons who may influence the decision to issue a loan

Terminological dictionary of banking and financial terms. 2011 .

See what "INSIDER" is in other dictionaries:

    insider- 1. A person who, due to his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company. An officer, director or major shareholder of a corporation with broad stock ownership and their immediate family members... Technical Translator's Guide

    From English inside any person who has access to confidential information about the activities of the company due to his official position or family ties. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from the English inside) any person who has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company due to his official position and family connections. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2 e... ... Economic dictionary

    Insider- (insider) a person who has the right to access insider information on the basis of law or other regulatory legal act, job description, another internal document of the organization (society, company, enterprise, etc.), or on the basis of... ... Economic-mathematical dictionary

    Insider- (English insider, from inside, lit. inside) a person who, due to his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company; An officer, director, or one of the major shareholders of a corporation with broad... Encyclopedia of Law

    This term has other meanings, see Insider (meanings). An insider is a member of a group of people who has access to information that is not available to the general public. The term is used in a context related to... ... Wikipedia

    M. One who, due to his official position, has access to classified information. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    The one who uses insider information is a person who, taking advantage of his official position, access to important information, distributes it for the purpose of making a profit or career growth. New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    INSIDER- 1. a person who, due to his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company. An officer, director or major shareholder of a corporation with broad stock ownership and their immediate family members... Great Accounting Dictionary

    Insider- (English insider, from inside, lit. inside) a person who, due to his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company; an officer, director, or major shareholder of a corporation with broad... ... Large legal dictionary


  • , Gennady Evgenievich Mayev. IN this material a method of trading in the foreign exchange market is proposed, which is perhaps one of the few profitable trading systems today. The fact is that the used...

08/15/2009 - The insider already has a lump in his throat. Who doesn't write about him? We had to collect materials, and they brought results - during these studies he was not only discovered, but also neutralized... Read about it:

We are forced to consider this question not because it is now popular on various forums on the Internet, but this question is relevant for the reason that the insider, as he calls himself, is in fact a protege of Lucifer from the time when the Rus appeared in our virtual world .

We know about Lucifer’s attempts to destroy the collective system of organizing Life, alien to his nature. And when the Rus appeared on Earth, Lucifer built mechanisms to combat them. At the same time, he selected a candidate for the post of Earth Ruler, to whom he could entrust his powers, because The remoteness of the Earth made it difficult for him to quickly influence emerging problems. At that time, we know this from religious sources, a double of Lucifer ruled on Earth. He was unable to complete the task, the Russians discovered him and expelled him to the lower spheres. After this, Lucifer began to select a new candidate. However, the Russes also saw through him, and the devil was also sent to the lower spheres. After this, Lucifer had a new task ahead of him: to organize a secret candidate that no one on Earth could figure out, but which would have all the means to achieve Lucifer’s ultimate goals.

Finally, about 2000 years ago, a new commissioner of Lucifer appeared - an insider, whose task was to assemble a team for himself to counter the Rus. He performed his task conscientiously, because... was devoted to Lucifer, considering him the Creator, above whom there is no one.

During this period, the Rus had already settled in many regions of the planet, creating Slavic peoples. Therefore, the insider worked secretly, creating a structure to counter the Rus. At this time, the Rus owned not only the Earth, but also confidently climbed up the spiritual ladder to the Higher spheres, opposing Lucifer at every step of the ascent. In turn, the insider who selected his team acted secretly and was very active. He felt support from above, and this was transmitted to his servants, who obeyed him unquestioningly. And Lucifer monitored their activities through the Department he secretly created in the Higher Spheres. He still had a strong influence in this area and hid it under the Research Department, so he did not attract outside attention. At the same time, Lucifer foresaw that the true purpose of the Department could subsequently be revealed by the Rus, so communication channels with this Department were carefully protected, and other mechanisms were also used to conceal its true purpose.

The main strength of Lucifer was concentrated in this Department, through which throughout the subsequent period he implemented his main plans in counteracting the Rus. This centuries-old confrontation was carried out with the help of conspiratorial measures and when the Rus had already risen to the level of this Department, mastering the vastness of the Higher Spheres. It continued to function in our time until the very last moment, when no more instructions came from Lucifer. As a result, until very recently, this hierarchical elite, through an insider on Earth and his secret agents, continued to influence earthly events with the same persistence as before.

The insider group had a destructive influence in those areas where the Rus were organizing their lives. Their cosmic patrons developed an action plan for them and received data on the results of working out the assigned task. Their main task was primarily to organize contradictions within their zone of influence. Yes, they were all collected from Jews, but they differed from virus carriers in that the instructions they received came to them not from the civilization of viruses, but from that cosmic fiefdom that Lucifer created for unspoken - hidden pressure on the Rus. This control was implemented through a secure communications support network between the Division and Earth. They were infiltrated into government bodies and security forces. Here they occupied the main levers of control in order to be able to manipulate the actions of subordinate structures, but especially in recent decades. They secretly built mechanisms of destruction and counteraction to the creative motives that are inherent in the Slavs. They secretly destroyed its culture, and destroyed the people themselves. So, from century to century, this group, as its supporters grew and headed by an insider, interfered in the most hidden areas of life within states, organized provocations and wars, intensified conflicts between states, and destroyed the cultural and historical heritage of the Slavs. Please note that these are not Freemasons, whose structure was built by the civilization of viruses. The insider and his agents are a separate parallel branch of destroyers of the harmony of life. They had different end goals.

Their activities consisted of inciting conflicts within the Slavic peoples, their disunity, and the destruction of national cultures. In fact, they worked in the same direction with virus carriers, but had no connection with them themselves direct relationship. Only individual episodes of their meetings with the Freemasons show us that they worked in similar directions and coordinated activities with each other if their intentions were similar. Such interaction allowed them to divide their tasks and follow a parallel course, the virus carriers - to enslave earthlings. The insider's agency is to destroy what the Rus have created, up to and including the destruction of this Slavic community as such. This is their main task lately most noticeable in the example of the division of peoples within countries, and even in the splitting of countries into small territories.

The insider's plans did not stick for short periods of time. He made his plans for decades. They ensured this regime of their active life with the support of strict rules of non-mixing with other generic branches, including virus carriers. Therefore, they preserved their ancestry, originating from the ancient Jews, right up to the present day.

Such life technology is difficult to implement on Earth. In this direction they received support from their Department, which, through Lucifer, introduced official technology reincarnation specifically for your group. Reincarnation was provided to them by technologists of the spiritual world in accordance with a program introduced officially as a research one. Therefore, no attention was paid to them - you never know how much research is being carried out in Space. They also did not pay attention to the control channels, which ran in a separate branch, protected from eavesdropping. It is clear that such support could be provided to them for the period while Lucifer’s cosmic status remained high.

Now this is not the case. There is no Lucifer either. And the Department felt the danger especially acutely as soon as Lucifer stopped working with them. Perhaps he managed to finally convey some instructions to them, we do not yet know. But now their entire information base has already been confiscated, and we still have to work with it...

Until the last moment they still continued their active destructive activities, but they were increasingly panicked. They lacked information about the current state with the Source of senior management. And on Earth they already saw a rapid spiritual upsurge, accompanied by increased activity of the cosmic Hierarchies, which sought to lead the Earth out of the bondage of Lucifer. They often announced that a secret power ruled the Earth. And now the insider’s agents began to get lost in the new information field. And they lacked confidence that they were not being used by some third force. Indirect search methods also did not give them results. Panic gripped the insider too - something needs to be done, but there is no support from above. Conflicting commands are coming from there...

This period of tension made the situation even more tense. It was necessary not only to protect oneself, but also to fill the information vacuum created in connection with the departure of Lucifer. What will happen to the Department then? And the insider did not know what would happen to him and his agents. He decided to take the riskiest step - to conduct an information search not by indirect methods, which did not bring results, but directly. The insider decided to make his presence known through the insider’s “revelations.” But this was his last step, because... Such “bursts” on Earth are also tracked in Space.

Essentially, this group capitulated in Lucifer's earlier scheme to restore his rule on Earth. On a cosmic scale, their surrender occurred earlier. They formed a secret structure and long ago realized what they were facing with further escalation of tensions, and as a result, the collapse of their plans would come.

The insider’s decision to come forward was dictated by another reason. During the period of increasing opposition to his plans on Earth, the prospect of maintaining not only his status given by Lucifer significantly decreased, but the secret life in general became dangerous due to the possible exposure of his opposition to the entire system of life on Earth. It remained impossible to keep the secret of his stay. And he saw the only way out of this situation was to quietly exit the game, the scenario of which he himself had created. He decided that he could find such a loophole in the information responses to his “revelations” by contacting some extremist group that would hear about him and contact him as their future leader. He liked this idea because... at the same time, he would retain his previous status, and at the same time would be able to continue active destructive activities through criminal structures. Accordingly, they would hide him with their agents, which he called the Family.

In general, there is no point in describing his internal thinking. Some of this chaos of thinking is already known to us as the information base of the Department is revealed. Disclosing individual information directly into the minds of the Department's leadership also brings benefits. And in this partially processed information, their aggressive essence, characteristic of Lucifer himself during the period of confrontation with the Rus, is especially noticeable. It is not surprising that the same thing happens to his proteges, “entrenched” in the oasis of spiritual life in the Higher spheres. How can this happen, you ask?

That's how we, here in Space, looked for answers to this question. And now everything is clear to us. Lucifer was preparing this aggressive structure for long time. Therefore, revealing it was not an easy task for us. Now all that remains is to switch them information base to the CCR base in order to model subsequent events on Earth more accurately, and adjust them in the direction that is inevitable in any developing Civilization striving for spiritual growth.

Thus ended the story of Lucifer's space department. This is how the insider's confrontation on Earth ends. All their information channels are now under the supervision of the Central Committee. The subsequent task of the Central Committee is the deactivation of their aggressive intentions and their complete mental neutralization...

IN modern world insider is a very common concept. It is applicable in different areas economic activity. In general terms, an insider is an individual or legal entity, which, thanks to its position, has access to valuable (mainly, of course, from an economic point of view) information.


An insider (from the English “being inside”) is a member of a group of people who have some important information. Moreover, he actively acts - mostly for his own benefit. In the media, the word has become synonymous with the concept of “source in...”.

An example of altruism in insidership is the American intelligence officer Edward Snowden, who revealed to the world secret information belonging to the Agency national security USA. But, as a rule, such persons in a certain group have not only knowledge, but also sufficient power and means, and use their position only to acquire additional benefits. In contrast, external company specialists can only analyze the information received, without having any idea how reliable it is.

Another striking example of selfish activity is the well-known scandal on Wall Street associated with the names of Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Martin Siegel and Denis Levine. It all ended with real sentences and huge fines. You can read about this in a book called “Greed and the Glory of Wall Street.” Feature films are still being made about the speculations of American moneybags.

Inside information

This concept is often associated with super-profits of large corporations. Meanwhile, as in any organization, so in political party There are areas closed from outside access. This is classified information not intended for ordinary citizens - latest technologies, advanced developments, financial reports, certain groups. And since all these processes involve real people, they are the insiders who can deal with this information. No wonder he also said that knowledge is power. And in the modern world, such persons become serious weapons to achieve both political and economic benefits. And the activities of an insider can undermine the work of a large corporation and ruin the career of a major public figure. And even though the term itself did not initially have a negative connotation, insiderism is increasingly associated with personal gain.

From the above, it is clear that the relationship ordinary people this phenomenon is mostly negative. This is confirmed by various global conspiracy theories. For example, rumors about the existence of the Illuminati group. An insider of this secret society allegedly reported that the highest of the world they are planning to reduce the population globe by ninety nine percent. One of the ways they have chosen is products made using GMOs. The latter is said to sharply reduce the capabilities of the human reproductive system. Films are also made on this topic.


Members of criminal groups or corporations that violate the law can create “leaks” that lead to the disclosure of such acts. For a specific purpose, of course.


Often, insiders - shareholders or board members of large corporations - use the information they have about the position of the issuing company for transactions on the securities market. Such transactions are not always legal.


In ordinary life, insider information includes information ( social life, economics, ecology, etc.), which contradict the point of view of the authorities and at the same time are reliable. The sources in this case can be politicians, scientists, journalists, and cultural figures.


An insider is a major shareholder as well as a senior manager of a corporation. All of them have important information about the state of affairs of the company.

Banking sector

A bank insider is an individual or legal entity who is aware of the financial situation due to his official position. Shareholders and their relatives may also have such information. Here it is necessary to clarify who are “physical” and who are “legal” insiders.

  1. Persons who own shares in a bank are shareholders.
  2. Top management: from the chairman of the board of directors to the chief accountant.
  3. Heads of structural divisions, as well as persons who, by proxy of the auctioneer, have the right to vote at meetings.
  4. Auditors, inspectors and representatives of control bodies.
  5. Relatives of all the above persons.
  6. Associates of institutions associated with the bank.
  1. Participants and institutions that own significant shares of capital in the bank; as well as enterprises, significant parts of which are owned by the latter.
  2. Organizations whose leaders are shareholders, senior managers and controllers of a credit institution.

How to protect yourself from insider fraud

Businesses and other organizations take steps to maintain classified information. There are both legislative and hardware means for this. Among the latter, special mention should be made computer programs, for example “Insider”, which “hide” electronic data.

Important documents are stored in specially designated places under the guise of other information, say, graphic files. But for a layman, this data doesn’t even exist on the computer at all. And only when you enter the correct password, the necessary folders are accessible. True, the files that the program can delete cannot be restored, and the application itself uses the Internet. So there is also a risk of spreading information across the World Wide Web.

What the Insider program can do

  1. Data encryption.
  2. Hiding confidential information.
  3. Unlimited size of processed data.
  4. Exchange of data using the Internet.
  5. Permanently delete files.

Other standard protection programs such as antiviruses and authentication systems are also used. In general, any self-respecting organization should have a security policy.

Legal methods of combating the dissemination of secret information include the Law on Insider Information. There have already been many amendments to it. This regulatory legal act defines the list of persons classified as insiders, as well as cases when an individual or legal entity can acquire such status.

According to the law, using insider information to manipulate stock prices and personal enrichment is illegal. This is because it prevents competition in the financial market.

List of insiders - what is it? The law obliges organizations to compile a list of employees who are granted access to classified data. Individuals may also have insider information due to their position. The ability to work with secret documents and responsibility for this is stipulated by employment and civil law contracts.

There are so-called “primary insiders”. These are the persons who directly receive secret data. In addition to them, there are also “secondary” ones. They have access to insider information through the former.

Information about insider activities

Such information is, in principle, available to everyone. They are needed to make decisions about whether to buy or sell shares. In such cases, it is important to remember the following. Most of the trades that insiders make are designed to grow their companies over the long term. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a serious and thorough analysis. And the sale by one of the major directors of a small part of their shares should not be misleading. You need to act only when several shareholders begin to get rid of securities. And a director who not only receives a salary from the company, but has his own assets in it, is a much more indicative object for analysis.

Information about such transactions can be found on many specialized websites, which even have insider sections. There is always something interesting on them. However, a particular site may be controlled by an insider. Reviews on such resources should therefore be read very carefully.

This article, of course, does not pretend to cover the entire topic. There are many nuances to insider ownership. Everyone already understands that there is little good in it for ordinary people, but in modern conditions market economy, this phenomenon must be treated as a fact.



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