What does a person have a heart of gold mean? Heart of gold. See what “Golden Heart” is in other dictionaries

In one city there lived a girl. She was no different from other children. She was cheerful, lively, open, loved to play pranks and run around. Somehow, those around her began to notice that various animals were drawn to the girl: evil yard dogs followed her, wagging their tails, like sofa poodles, cats tried to rub against her legs, birds boldly sat on her outstretched hand. Then the adults noticed that the most notorious hooligans around the Girl became quieter and more polite.

People said she had a heart of gold. Everyone loved the girl, but she didn’t seem to notice it. He will simply pat the dog behind the ear, pat the cat on the back, or give the bird some grains. He will laugh in the face of the naughty boy, but not evilly, but somehow in a special, warm way, and he doesn’t want to play the fool anymore.

The girl grew up and turned into Beautiful Girl. All sorts of people were drawn to her. And for everyone she found a little kindness and warmth, the right word giving away a piece of your heart. People happily took away these pieces. Their life was getting better. And the Girl didn’t ask for anything in return. She rejoiced at the successes of others and was happy that people were drawn to her. She knew that she had a heart of gold and that she brought good luck to her loved ones. She knew and gave herself to people.

But one day the Girl met someone who seemed to her to be a Knight in Shining Armor. He was not rich or handsome. He wasn't famous. But the Girl saw some kind of warm light inside him, and she wanted to give the Knight not a piece, but ALL of her heart. Taking it out of her chest, the Girl held out her heart: “Here, Knight. This is my heart, it is golden and brings good luck to people even in the form of a small piece. And I give it to you entirely.”

The knight was surprised and, of course, flattered by such a gift. He took the Girl’s heart and admired it for a long time. And then I thought: what should he, a simple Knight, do with such an expensive gift? I thought and thought, decided that it would be useful for something, and put it in my pocket. His affairs went uphill: he returned the attention of the First Beauty, who had recently rejected him, completed his castle, and won many other victories.

The knight could well be proud of his successes. Meanwhile, the Girl’s heart lay in his trouser pocket. He even forgot about it. When the young man sat down, he involuntarily squeezed the heart lying in his pocket, and the Girl began to feel pain. When the Knight stood up, the pain subsided, and the Girl could live and breathe more freely. And sometimes he took out of his pocket a strange shiny thing, shaped like a heart, and admired its warm golden light. And then the Girl felt in seventh heaven with inexplicable happiness. But one day, while having fun with the First Beauty, the Knight squeezed his heart very hard, so hard that the Girl almost died. Then she decided to take her heart.

The girl came to the Knight and asked to return the gift. The young man, who had forgotten about him for a long time, was very surprised, began to rummage through his pockets and found a gold bar in the shape of a heart. He gave the ingot to the Girl, last time enjoying its gentle glow. It was very painful for the girl to return her heart to its place, but she did it.

Over time, the wound healed, the Girl continued to share pieces of her heart with ordinary people, giving them good luck. And one day a stranger approached her, in whom she barely recognized her Knight. He told the Girl that on the day she took her heart from him, the First Beauty abandoned him. The next day there was a fire in his castle and many people died. The knight stopped winning tournaments. He was in despair and asked the Girl to return his heart.

The girl thought about it: she remembered too well how painful it was for her. And no one knows what decision she made, because she was already afraid to give EVERYTHING, and small piece would not help the Knight in his troubles.

And then the Knight took his heart out of his chest and gave it to the Girl. It was not golden, it was alive and vibrant. Then she gave him hers. Having exchanged hearts, the Knight and the Girl began to live together. Now he brought people luck and happiness, and she kept his trembling heart.

Some people are gifted with a heart of gold!They bring love and light to the world by graciously sharing their generosity. Even when demons pursue them, they selflessly fight for those who need it.

The main purpose of their existence is to help those who have lost their way, have lost love, and direct them to the only true path!

They may sometimes get discouraged when life is cruel to them, but even in these painful times, they refuse to let go of the love and positivity that reigns in their soul!

People who have a heart of gold are an asset to the whole world!

If you are a person with a heart of gold, you may exhibit the following signs:

1. You help people no matter what their background is.

2. You are non-judgmental and the only role you play in other people's lives is that of a healer.

3. You don't care what bad man did in the past. You are always trying to find a safe haven for them!

4. Devastated and broken people are often found on your life path. You are the salvation they have long dreamed of; and now that they have found you, they won't want to let you go!

5. Mercy is one of your main qualities! This is also one of your weaknesses because it makes you vulnerable to manipulative people who have no qualms about taking your kindness for granted.

6. Even if you end up getting hurt, your forgiving personality makes you realize that at least you were on the right path.

7. You never regret your decisions and are always willing to do what is best for humanity, even if it means you suffer personal injury in the process.

8. You never get offended.You can't stay angry with someone for long, even if they were very rude to you.

9. You don't believe in revenge. This is a primitive concept for you.

10. You understand the reasons for people’s malicious actions, although they themselves do not understand them. You see the beauty in them at times when at times they act horribly.

11. You are sensitive and emotionally vulnerable, but you are strong. Your mental resilience and stubbornness will help you in life.

12. A person who has a heart of gold is a blessing. We should appreciate the efforts of such people and not make them feel unwelcome.

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" Golden Heart"

Once upon a time there lived a young girl in the world, and her name was Anahata, which means Heart. And it was not for nothing that people called her that, but because she knew how to love like no one else.
And her heart was very sensitive and tender. But this girl had one big problem - no one ever reciprocated her love.
Each time her love was rejected, the girl’s heart literally burst with grief and suffering, each time it became weaker and beat quieter. But she couldn’t force herself not to fall in love, her heart was too loving. And she kept hoping that she would soon meet her soul mate.
But months and years passed, and no one loved her. Her heart continued to break over and over again. And the day came when all the doctors unanimously forbade her to fall in love. “If your heart experiences this pain one more time, it will not stand it and you will die,” they said.
“Yes, I understand,” Anahata answered and cried bitterly, because she was already in love again.
She tried to hide her love for a long time, afraid of being rejected again. But one day she couldn’t stand it, and then...she still hoped that this particular person was her soul mate. And she opened up...and...again her heart was broken....for the last time....
She felt how it almost froze, began to knock very slowly and quietly, it tapped out its last beats.
And then Anahata called upon the Goddess Tara, the Swift protector and savior of all beings.
Tara appeared to her in the radiance of her golden light, and the girl told her her sad story and asked for help.
Then Tara asked her, “Would you like to love again, even if you are rejected again?”
“Oh yes, of course!” Anahata answered, “after all, love is the only thing I live for.”
“Okay,” Tara said, “I will give you a new heart that will never break, that will be more beautiful than any other heart in the world, and that will serve you well and everyone you love throughout your life.”
And the Goddess took out her huge golden heart shining like the sun from her chest, broke off a piece from it and inserted it into Anahata instead of her lost human heart. The new heart immediately beat joyfully in the girl’s chest, and she immediately fell in love again.
But now this love was different, even stronger, even more real. And most importantly, Anahata no longer expected reciprocity; there was so much love and strength in her new heart that she could share it with everyone who met her on the way - and that alone was enough.
And the new golden heart was so shining that its beautiful light was visible even through the body and clothes. And everyone wanted to be close to this beautiful divine light. So Anahata got many fans, but only she felt that these were not her other halves.
Many years passed, the fame of Anahata spread everywhere. She began to heal people with the help of music, and of course with the help of the radiance of her golden heart.
And one day she met a very beautiful woman(or a man - as you like), whom she has never seen before. She (he) was all (was all) in the radiance of golden light.
Then Anahata realized that this was her soul mate. And they began to live together and traveled around the world together, healing people with music, dancing and their golden hearts.
And Tara looked at them from the heights of her wisdom and smiled.

After this story, people used the expression “Golden Heart” and the belief that in the body of every kind and wise woman there is a small piece of the big heart of the Goddess Tara.

Golden Heart Razg. Express 1. who has. About a kind, sympathetic person. - Oh, you Russians, he said [Insarov], - you have hearts of gold! And he [Bersenev], he looked after me, he didn't sleep at night(Turgenev. The day before). 2. Who. Responsive, kind person. This is such an honest, truthful nature and a heart of gold(L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Golden Heart” is in other dictionaries:

    heart of gold- (foreign language) beautiful, soft. Wed. Levin... this is such an honest, truthful nature and a heart of gold... Gr. L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. 1, 17. Wed. You have a heart of gold... But what if, like my wife, Antonina Dmitrievna, instead of a heart... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    heart of gold- Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    heart of gold- Values ​​B colloquial speech a good, kind person can be said to have a “heart of gold.” “Golden Heart” studio album by Sofia Rotaru. "Heart of Gold" Soviet musical film. Heart of Gold fictional... ... Wikipedia

    heart of gold- (foreign) beautiful, soft Wed. Levin... this is such an honest, truthful nature, and a heart of gold... Gr. L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. 1, 17. Wed. You have a heart of gold... But what if, like my wife, Antonina Dmitrievna, there is a cobblestone instead of a heart... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Heart of Gold (album)- Golden Heart studio album by Sofia Rotaru Release date 1988 Recorded 1988 Zha ... Wikipedia

    Heart of Gold (film)- This term has other meanings, see Heart of Gold. Heart of Gold Genre musical film Starring Sofia Rotaru Film company ... Wikipedia

    Heart of Gold (ship)- This term has other meanings, see Heart of Gold. Heart of Gold (Russian golden heart) fictional spacecraft from the science fiction novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by British writer Douglas Adams. Engine... ...Wikipedia

    You are my heart (album)- You are my heart studio album by Sofia Rotaru Release date 2007 Recorded ... Wikipedia


  • Golden Heart, I.G. Ehrenburg. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1922 edition (Moskva Gelikon publishing house). IN…

"The golden Slavic heart will unite with the mind of the West and form a valuable alloy; from it will be cast a bell that will herald the birth of a new civilization, when justice will raise its voice with the same force as love."

These words of the famous poet Jean Rechepin, addressed as greetings to members of our State Duma visiting France, somewhat scratched my heart. The greeting of an exquisite poet to an exquisite nation is written in the style of those sacred sayings in Arabic script that decorate the pediments of eastern temples. Here is the depth and beauty of thought and its magnificent patterning, intended together with the frescoes to undead the gaze of centuries. But if you translate this sophistication into simple language, you get a somewhat offensive (at least for me personally) meaning. Wanting to give Russia the best of compliments, the French poet could not find anything to note except the “golden Slavic heart.” It is supposedly opposed to the equivalent dignity of the West; unfortunately, its reason, simple or brilliant, is not added. So, we only have a good, golden heart, they have a mind.

I confess that, to me personally, such a national characterization of the Slavs, apart from the question of its fairness, does not seem flattering. It is reminiscent of the characterization of the Slavic race once given by Bismarck. According to the latter, the Slavs are a feminine tribe in character, while the Germans are a masculine tribe. The German is supposedly a type of man, the Slav is always a little bit of a woman. It doesn’t seem offensive when they talk about a woman’s golden heart; to extol the golden heart of a man means in some way important respect compromise him. Thus, at least among the peoples of the Aryan race, an understanding of masculinity and femininity was established. “A man must be fierce, says a Spanish proverb,” says one of Turgenev’s heroes. I don’t know if there is such a proverb, but in our language, when they say to a person: “Don’t be a woman,” they want to express that a man is indecent to have a weak heart, kindness, sensitivity and excessive tenderness. I am afraid that the famous French poet, speaking about the “golden Slavic heart,” completely inadvertently subscribed to Bismarck’s characterization of the Slavic race.

That the Slavs lack strength of character, that is, a clearly expressed style of soul, is almost unanimously said by all European observers who were seriously interested in this issue. If not all, then many talk about Slavic good nature, about Slavic softness, simplicity, artlessness, the ability to get along with a person without special ceremony and become friends with him. Having become friends with a Russian person, it is very easy to exploit him, to adapt him to serve you without much, and sometimes without any demands regarding remuneration. This expensive and downright golden property of the Russian heart was first discovered by Europeans by the Germans and a long time ago, three hundred years ago, they began to use this source of income. Judging by the many immigrants from Livonia, “from Prussia,” from Sweden, from the land of Caesars, the Germans flocked to Russia back in the princely times of Moscow. In the middle of the 17th century there was already a very large German colony in Moscow. Judging by the reviews of the Germans about Russia, they even then despised it as much as possible. rude man despise a woman. And to what extent even a brilliant German can despise a woman, read about this from Schopenhauer in his damning reviews about the weaker sex. For Schopenhauer, a woman is a “second-class” person, a being a whole step lower than a man.

It is amazing how persistently, from century to century, the overwhelming majority of Germans repeat contemptuous comments about Russians. If a considerable number of Germans merged with the Russians and even became ardent Russian patriots, then this may be explained by Slavic blood brought from Germany: the German Drang nach Osten, which wiped out many Slavic tribes of Central Europe from the face of the earth, made the Germans - especially the eastern - half-Slavs. But despite this, or rather, as a result of this, the antipathy of the Germans towards Russia and the Russians was established strong and unshakable, an antipathy not of hatred, but of contempt. “Russian pig” - it became not even a swear word, but a walking formula in the mouths of the Germans. The Russian man seems to the German to be a dirty, stupid creature, but very profitable for exploitation. Unpretentious food for pigs, any room - and how much delicious ham, lard, bristles! Hence the uncontrollable attraction of the German element to Russia. Our homeland became the Hinterland of Germany, a country of colonization for Western Kulturträgers among the “lower race.” Taking advantage of our “golden Slavic heart” and hospitality reaching the point of stupidity, taking away our lands, capital and power, the Germans became entrenched in the idea that the Slavs in general and Russia in particular are only “bedding” for the German people, like straw bedding in stables for purebred Germans cattle...

Mind accumulation

Why does a Western person seem to Mr. Richpin (and not only him) more reasonable than an Eastern person? Because his mind, from an abstract force as a result of accumulation, became an active force, an idee force, according to Guyot’s definition. And this happened simply as a result of the longer-term mental gymnastics of those European races that, by chance, as their closest neighbors, became the heirs of ancient, mentally rich civilizations. Intelligence is a function of brain tissue. This tissue, like muscular tissue, obeys the laws of selection and exercise. An admixture of more cultured, more educated races undoubtedly increases mental strength, just as an admixture of wild and rude peoples lowers this strength. But only long-term, centuries-old exercise develops mental strength to the limits of the possible. When you are in a European crowd, you immediately notice that the British, French, Italians, etc. have a slightly wider skull than uncultured, for example exotic, nationalities. There are also small-headed and flat-headed Europeans who have primitive skulls, but the percentage of them is less than that of barbarians. Even to the naked eye, without measuring instruments, you see that cultural Europeans have a more powerful brain. It was acquired by them, it was improved by them over a number of generations, and the means for this was the so-called enlightenment. Many centuries before us new Europe learned from the ancient rudiments of science and art, and through literacy - the rudiments of ideas and concepts characteristic of the brilliant stage of civilization. If today's scientists talk about the material amount of electricity, then perhaps it is permissible to talk about the material volume of thought scattered in space. If in the soul of a Samoyed, say, thought units live and act, then in the soul of a Kyrgyz there are 2 points, in the soul of an Englishman - 3 points. Naturally, for a triple volume of ideas, an increased number of brain cells and fibers is needed, which requires a more spacious cranium . Both the Samoyeds and the Kyrgyz, in order to raise the mental strength of their peoples, need to gradually draw themselves into the lively process of European thought. If the Slavic race with its golden heart is somewhat behind its Western brothers in the tension of rationality, then there is a simple (and the only) remedy: to draw the masses into the life of Europe, into the brilliant animation of the intelligentsia there, into the common heritage of the human race, captured by a few happier co-heirs . We are not Samoyeds or Kyrgyz, we are Aryans and with whatever, but still a thousand-year-old touch to the West. Christianity, which we have more or less in common with the West, itself has such a mass of ideas and ideas that it could not but be, in addition to morality, a good mental school. Finally, for over two centuries we have lived with Europe in common political, industrial and cultural life. For Russia, very little is required to raise the rationality of popular thought to its Western potential. This is evidenced by the development of individual Russian gifted people. Not to mention our brilliant people, even simply talented ones, like prof. Mechnikov, Kovalevsky, Vinogradov, etc., having gone through the European school, are already considered to be part of the West. They are willingly invited to university departments and awarded the highest academic degrees. There is no doubt that the general mass of the Russian people need to make very little progress in education in order to catch up with the French and British. But this little must certainly be done.

If fate sends us victory in this terrible war, it seems to me that the press should make an ardent appeal to society to educate the people at all costs, to develop the highest rationality in them. Even a victorious war will reveal the extreme danger of our cultural backwardness. Now we clearly see that the rule of the Germans in our country was dishonest in highest degree. In Germany, over these two hundred years, the Germans tried with all their might to educate the people, because for them it was their native people, which they loved. With us, they did not love the Russian people who fed them, but looked at them with contempt. That is why we were late in abolishing serfdom. That is why universal schooling was late. That is why at the beginning of the 20th century we are the least educated country in Europe, especially in relation to technical labor. Influential Germans deliberately tried to keep us in a black body and forever associate us with the most crude, unskilled forms of labor. It is no wonder that despite the undoubted talent of the Russian person, for the most part he is mentally bound, and not only by elementary ignorance, but also by a general reduced stock of ideas. The press should insist on the intensive development, first of all, of technical education, for only organized cultural work is able to save us from the general impending ruin.

But along with technical education, both humanitarian and general philosophical (in English sense this word). It is necessary that the masses of the people receive in schools a certain development of mind and taste, corresponding to our age, and not to some stone or bronze one. Over the entire past of the human race, too many great people have come into the world, but our people in their masses do not even know about their coming. We need to put an end to this, we need to unite the national spirit with the consciousness of genius accumulated in humanity, as is already being done in the schools of America and Europe. Try to make all the people literate - it’s not that difficult. Try to make him at least a little educated. This too is not difficult with persistent effort. If the entire people will never be talented and never highly developed, then even a small education accessible to the people will reveal many now hidden talents and brilliant abilities for education. Excavation of the earth will never make it completely gold, but it will reveal huge treasures of nuggets and gold-bearing veins. Our people's reason, we admit this modestly, is far from complete, but it can and, therefore, must receive every possible development. In a few decades we are able to catch up with the West, and this is another duty of our immediate descendants. Unfortunately, it was not fulfilled by our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers. It has not been fulfilled by us either. But it must finally be fulfilled!



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