2 sentences with a compound nominal predicate. Compound verb predicate. Compound nominal predicate. The question of including the infinitive in the scope of the predicate

Among predicates in the Russian language, three types (or types) are usually distinguished. These are simple verb, compound verb and compound nominal predicates. In this article we will talk about the latter.

Features of a compound nominal predicate

As the name suggests, this is a compound predicate, that is, it consists of several parts. One of them plays a primarily or even exclusively grammatical role, while the second expresses the main meaning of the predicate. It is not difficult to guess that it is usually expressed in some way nominal part speech, that is, one whose name contains the word “name”: noun, adjective, numeral. However, everything is not so simple.

Ways of expressing grammatical parts

The grammatical part of a compound nominal predicate is the linking verb “to be.” The same role can be played by some other verbs, “semi-links”: seem, become, etc.

The verb “to be” is in the necessary grammatical form. For example, He it will be fun, He was cheerful. It is not customary to write in the present tense in Russian "he is cheerful". The zero copula is used. In Romano-Germanic languages, the copula is preserved. Compare: He's cheerful. – He is merry (English)

The verb “to be” can be not only a connective, but also an independent simple verbal predicate (for example, I will soon have a bicycle.). It is not difficult to distinguish them; it is enough to put the sentence in the present tense, because the connective “to be” is not used in the present tense, but the verb, naturally, remains in the predicate position. Compare:

Ways to Express the Nominal Part

The nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by different parts of speech, and not only by names. The table below shows examples of compound nominal predicates expressed in different ways.

Method of expressing the noun phrase



Moscow is the capital of Russia.


He's funny. He cheerful.


My favorite number is seven.


He was appointed headman.


The topic was different.

The dress fits her.


My dream is to see the sea.


He is some kind of fish and meat.

Syntactically indivisible combinations

young man was tall.

Syntactically indivisible combinations are one long predicate, since not a single word can be torn away from them without loss of meaning. Let's say, in our last example, it cannot be said that “the young man was tall” - this is meaningless.

Please note that the same word in different offers can perform different functions. For example, the word "funny" in our example the predicate, and in the sentence “We liked the funny clown." - definition.

The predicate is one of the main members of the sentence, consistent with the subject (in number, gender, person) and answering the questions: “what does the subject do?”, “what is it?”, “who is it?”, “what is it?” , “what’s happening to him?”

The syntax in Russian provides ample opportunities for composing sentences. The predicate can be a verb, adverb, adjective, or even a noun.

Verb predicate

Most often, the predicate can be expressed as a verb. In this case, a simple verbal predicate, verbal predicate and compound nominal predicate. Simple verb predicates include:
- verbs in the imperative, indicative or subjunctive mood(for example: “Don’t touch the toy!”, “ It's raining", "Would like to take a walk with friends");
- phraseological phrases based on verbs (“He lost his temper”);
- phrases of two verbs of the same form, the first of which denotes an action, the second - the purpose of the action (“I’ll go, is everything okay”).

A compound verb predicate is a phrase, grammatical and lexical meaning which is expressed in different words: auxiliary and main verb, the latter is used in the form and carries the lexical meaning of the predicate (“I wanted to talk about you”). A compound verb predicate can be complicated if it consists of several auxiliary words (“He decided to stop being angry”).

A compound nominal predicate is expressed by a phrase consisting of a linking verb and a nominal part. Linking verbs can be:
- the verb “to be”, deprived in this case of its lexical meaning “to exist”, “to be available” (“She was a student”);
- semi-nominal verbs “seem”, “turn out to be”, “happen”, “appear”, “become”, “become”, “reputed”, “considered” and some others (“He is her hero”);
- full-valued verbs expressing action, movement, state (“The children came to the guests already grimy”).

Other parts of speech, as a predicate

The predicate can be expressed only by an adverb, without using a connective, if the sentence does not need to specify the time of the action taking place (“It’s just monstrous!” Compare: “It was monstrous!”).

A short adjective is often used as a predicate in colloquial and artistic styles(“Our grandfather is not yet old at heart”). Using this technique allows you to vary the composition of the sentence and improve the readability of the text.

The noun becomes a predicate in definition sentences and is often separated from the subject by a dash. For example: “My mother is a cook,” “A book is a storehouse of wisdom.”

Also, sometimes a numeral name (“Twice three is six”) acts as a predicate.

In Russian syntax, it is customary to distinguish three types (or types) of predicates: simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal. In this article we will talk about the latter.

What does a compound nominal predicate consist of?

A compound nominal predicate is a predicate that includes a nominal part. But this is not its only part, because it is not by chance that it is called composite.

Although we call this predicate nominal, it does not always include those parts of speech that are called names (noun, adjective and numeral).

The nominal part expresses the main meaning of the predicate, but cannot convey important grammatical features: tense, attitude to reality. Therefore, the second part is also present in the sentence. This is a linking verb that is in the required form.

Linking verb

Usually the linking verb “to be” is used, which does not bring any additional meaning to the sentence, but only makes a grammatical connection and expresses the grammatical features of the predicate: tense, mood.

In the present tense, the linking verb “to be” is omitted, but this does not mean that it does not exist. We just need to talk about the zero link.

Less common in sentences are “semi-links”: become, become, seem, etc.

Nominal part

The nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by almost anything: any part of speech, except gerunds and verbs in personal or impersonal form, as well as phraseological units and syntactically indivisible combinations. In this case, it does not convey the verbal meaning (action or state), but characterizes the subject in some very important aspect. In this case, the predicate answers the questions “What is this?

", "Which?", "What is reported about the subject?"

Here are examples of a nominal predicate with different ways of expressing the nominal part:

Cat is a pet.

Life is wonderful!

Egor became an agronomist.

The die is cast!

Porridge was to die for.

How to distinguish the linking verb “to be” from the independent predicate “to be”?

The verb “to be” also has its own eigenvalue, which scientists call “existential”: it communicates that something exists in reality. For example, “Oli had a scooter”. This sentence states that Olya actually had a scooter. Here the verb "to be" is a simple verbal predicate.

It is actually not difficult to distinguish a linking verb from an independent predicate. The linking verb in the present tense disappears, but the predicate, naturally, remains. That is, it is enough to put the sentence in the present time, and everything becomes clear.

Let's look at our example.

Olya had a scooter. - Olya has a scooter.

Let’s compare it with a sentence in which the verb “to be” serves as a linking verb.

The scooter was red. - The scooter is red.

The connection became zero. We have before us a compound verb predicate.

In which sentences is a compound nominal predicate found?

Compound nominal predicates are found in any two-part sentences, including those complicated by homogeneous or isolated members: The house has been restored. The house has been restored and is for sale(complicated by homogeneous predicates). The house next to the river has been restored(complicated by a separate definition).

Compound nominal predicate is a predicate that consists of two parts:

A) Main part - nominal part, which expresses lexical meaning;

b) Auxiliary part- a linking verb in a conjugated form, which expresses the grammatical feature of the predicate: tense and mood.

She was a singer. She became a singer.

Ways of expressing the main part of a compound nominal predicate.

Main part of a compound nominal predicate can be expressed by the following forms and parts of speech:

There are sounds of explosions here seemed louder. You the kindest in the world.

3. A pronoun or phrase with a main word expressed by a pronoun:

It was something interesting. All happiness - yours.

Her sister Married for my friend. They were on guard.


1) Participles and short forms of adjectives in a sentence are always part of a compound nominal predicate;

2) Even in cases where the predicate consists of one word - an adverb or a significant part of speech, then we still have before us a compound nominal predicate with a zero connective;

3) Nominative and instrumental case- these are the most common forms of the main part of the compound nominal predicate.

Which includes a subject and (or) predicate. Their correct selection is the key to successful parsing. In this case, difficulties most often arise with finding the predicate. It can have different structures and ways of expression. Depending on this, the following types of predicates are distinguished: simple and compound.

What is a predicate?

In a sentence, the subject usually names an object (or has the meaning of objectivity). The predicate denotes the action, state, quality of the object named by the subject. You can ask him one of the questions: what does he do? what is this? what is he like?

This member of a sentence can be expressed in words of different parts of speech and contains lexical and grammatical (the relationship of the statement to reality) meaning. They can be combined in one component or require two or more components for expression. Accordingly, the composition of the predicate can be different: one or several interrelated words. Knowing these subtleties helps to correctly find the grammatical basis in a sentence.

Types of predicates: table

Syntax is the subject of study. In Russian there are following types predicates:

Simple verb predicate

It is this type of main member that usually comes to mind when asked what types of predicates you know. It is believed that it is quite easy to find, but in reality everything can be more difficult. Indeed, usually such a predicate is expressed by only one word - a verb in one of the forms of the mood: indicative ( I'll sing you a song), subjunctive or conditional ( He would read a poem, but his throat hurts), imperative ( Please tell me my favorite fairy tale). In this case, both lexical and grammatical meanings are contained in one word.

However, when working with this type of predicate, you need to remember several important points. First of all, about the fact that a verb in the form of the future complex tense is a simple verbal predicate ( A friend will meet you at the station), although it consists of two words. Ignorance of this fact is the most common cause erroneous definition of the grammatical basis and its type. Characterizing different types predicates in the Russian language, you need to take into account the following little-known (or often forgotten) ways of expressing it.

Difficulties in determining a simple verbal predicate

Here are examples of sentences in which you can make a mistake when finding and characterizing the main members.

  1. Two verbs used in the same form essentially mean one action: I'll go eat something.
  2. The predicate, along with the main one, includes the verb TAKE in personal form: She took it and refused.
  3. The same verb is used twice - in an indefinite and personal form with negative particle between them: She doesn’t read herself...
  4. The personal verb is repeated to reinforce what is being said ( I'm still moving forward...), sometimes with the particle SO (Yes, he sang, he sang like that).
  5. The sentence contains a combination of a verb with the word WAS or KNOW (KNOW YOURSELF), which has the meaning of a particle: At first he thought...
  6. A predicate is a phraseological unit: Finally he came to his senses.

Thus, when determining the type of predicate in a sentence, you need to be guided by the grammatical features of the verb as a part of speech and the above conditions.

Compound predicates

Very often, when determining the grammatical basis of a sentence, semantic constructions consisting of two or more words are identified. These are subjects expressed by an indivisible phrase, or compound predicates, in which there are two parts: the main one (contains the lexical meaning) and the auxiliary one (in addition to indicating grammatical features, it can sometimes introduce additional semantic shades). The latter are divided into verbal and nominal. To correctly locate and characterize them, it is necessary to know their structure.

Compound verb predicate

The lexical meaning is always expressed by an infinitive, and the grammatical meaning is auxiliary verb(want, wish, be able, begin, complete, desire, love, etc.) in a personal form or a short adjective (glad, obliged, ready, must, capable, intends). Here are these types of predicates with examples:

  • Soon the sun began to set.
  • The friend was obliged to warn about his departure.

When determining a compound verbal predicate, it is necessary to distinguish between the combination of a predicate and an object expressed by an infinitive: The guests asked the hostess - about what? - sing. In such a case, you can follow a hint: if the actions denoted by a verb in a personal and indefinite form are performed by one person (subject), then this is a compound verbal predicate, if different, this is a simple verbal predicate and an object.

The infinitive can also have an adverbial meaning and will be a minor member in such a sentence. Example: He sat down - For what? - relax.

Thus, the presence of an infinitive in a sentence does not always indicate that a compound verbal predicate is used in it.

Compound nominal predicate

This is the type that causes the greatest difficulty in defining. In it, the nominal part contains the main lexical meaning, and the connective - the grammatical one.

The nominal part can be expressed:

  1. A noun in the nominative or instrumental case.
  2. An adjective in one of the forms (full, short, degree of comparison).
  3. Numeral in the nominative or instrumental case.
  4. Communion.
  5. Pronoun (used alone or as part of a combination).
  6. An adverb (more precisely, a word of a state category).
  7. A complete phrase.

The nominal part can be represented by one word or a combination of them. Moreover, short adjectives and participles, as well as simple comparative degree, can only be part of a nominal predicate in a sentence.

  • Human life is a constant struggle.
  • Everything around seemed magical.
  • Six and five are eleven.
  • The hat was pulled down onto his forehead.
  • The book is now yours.
  • By evening it became stuffy.
  • His face seemed darker than a cloud.

The verb BE in personal form is often used as a connective, as well as the words SEEM, BECOME, CONSIDER, MAKE, etc., which complement the lexical meaning ( She's been a nurse for two years now.). Sometimes these types of predicates include as connectives verbs that denote activity, state, movement and express independent meaning in other sentences. semantic meaning: STAND, WORK, RUN, GO, etc. ( The girl had been standing like a statue for about ten minutes now.).

Using this knowledge will help you correctly parse any sentence, and the question of what types of predicates you know will no longer cause difficulties.



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