The best husbands according to the horoscope. The best husband according to your zodiac sign. Who is he

Not all people are created for family life, and astrology helps us understand how a person relates to family life, whether he is able to make compromises, which is necessary to create a strong and happy marriage. While the definition of an "ideal husband" is personal, some men have the most qualities needed to be the best husbands.

Here is the ranking of husbands by zodiac sign, starting from the worst to the best candidates for life partners.

The worst and best husbands by zodiac sign

12. Gemini husband (May 21 - June 20)

Men of this sign are considered the worst husbands. If you are looking for a permanent one, family man, the breadwinner of a family with traditional foundations, then you need to avoid Gemini men at all costs.

Life with him can be beautiful, interesting and exciting, but only if you don't burden him too much.

The problem is that with a Gemini, you never know where you stand in your relationship. Either they feel great and can't wait to be with you, or they act as if you barely know them.

Geminis also often enjoy gambling and are prone to flirting, which can make family life difficult.

11. Husband Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius is like raw material from which a wonderful husband can be made. He will not bother you or cause you any inconvenience. He will support you financially.

However, the rest of the time he will live in his own world, dreaming of all the possible things that he could bring to life.

His chosen one should be honest and kind, but always ready for new experiences and surprises in family life.

Aquarius is very unpredictable and does not care much about the institution of marriage, and therefore he can quickly get married and get divorced just as quickly.

10. Pisces husband (February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces man is prone to extremes when it comes to marriage. He is very idealistic and has incredible faith in love, being ready to fulfill all the dreams of his partner.

However, if he becomes disillusioned, he discovers that he has made a bad choice and begins to get lost, shut down, cheat, or lie with amazing ease. Sometimes it seems that he is doing everything possible to be abandoned.

The Pisces man needs a practical and down-to-earth partner who will constantly keep him in a state of balance.

9. Husband Sagittarius (November 22 -December 21)

The Sagittarius man is romantic, but quite practical, courageous, but gentle, a wonderful lover and a caring father.

All you need to do is believe in him with all your heart and trust him completely. However, he quickly loses his sense of reality and tends to idealize his partner, which inevitably leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

If he finds a partner who is willing to give him a little freedom, sharing his ideals and beliefs, he can stay married for a long time.

However, if Sagittarius gets tired of a relationship, he immediately begins looking for new love.

8. Scorpio husband (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio men are often described as jealous and possessive. In fact, they become this way because of their strong sensitivity and fear of being hurt.

When he chooses a life partner, Scorpio will do everything in his power to justify his choice, even if it is not the best.

He may become moody and emotionally dependent, obsessive and complex, but few men are capable of such devotion when it comes to love.

To find happiness with him, you must constantly prove your love to him, and leave aside the habits of leadership and falsehood.

7. Husband Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

A man born under the sign of Cancer considers family life to be one of the most important things in life. He has traditional values, gentle, devoted and caring.

However, he is not inclined to take the initiative and is not always the defender he would like to be.

Although he may seem like the perfect partner, life with him is not that easy. He can be passive and sometimes overly sensitive, and also tends to resort to verbal aggression due to his fragile insides.

He needs a partner who will give him strength and show him how strong and confident he can be.

6. Aries husband (March 21 - April 19)

A man born under the sign of Aries quickly decides to get married. He likes to be in charge, and he never runs away from responsibility or from possible conflicts with his partner.

His energy level is very high and often unattainable for his partner, but this will only pose a problem if he imposes his opinions and his lifestyle on his wife.

However, if you deprive him of a way to express his personality, of confidence in his sexuality, he will very quickly begin to look for pleasure outside the home.

The best husbands by zodiac sign

5. Virgo husband (August 23 - September 22)

A man born under the sign of Virgo is considered one of the most devoted husbands in the zodiac sign. He is very rational and clean and loves to work hard and provide for his family.

He is not possessive, not very passionate, being conservative, and not very romantic.

However, this is a reliable husband who will never betray you. He will serve his partner faithfully as long as the relationship is meaningful to him and filled with trust.

4. Husband Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

When a Taurus gets married and starts a family, he is usually very devoted to his wife and children, and he will try to create best conditions for your "nest". He is gentle and kind and pays attention to the physical pleasures in life.

As a rule, these men know how to cook, and also help their wives and take care of family members, but only if this does not go against his traditional views and needs.

Taurus people can truly commit themselves to one partner for life and remain committed to happy marriage for years.

3. Husband Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is the zodiac sign that symbolizes marriage and relationships in general. A man born under this sign feels a strong desire for marriage, always in search of love and someone with whom to share his life.

However, his confidence is easily shaken, and his self-image is often based on other people's opinions.

This man chooses confident partners who suit their overall image. The Libra man is quite passionate, and the one who thinks about others is often a wonderful lover.

He will constantly prove his love to his wife by giving her gifts, breakfasts in bed and bouquets of roses for no reason. However, you should not expect him to take out the trash, as this is not for him.

2. Husband Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A man born under the sign of Capricorn usually devotes his life to his career and often gets married later than other signs of the Zodiac, when he is sure that it fits into his life plans.

This man can be relied upon in every sense of the word, and he will do anything to protect his family. His wife will feel completely safe in this union. However, she should not expect violent displays of emotions from him. Somewhere deep inside Capricorn is sensitive and kind, but in everyday life he seems cold and unemotional.

He can be difficult to communicate with, as he is strict and adamant in his opinions, and he needs a partner with great love and tact to subtly balance his nature.

1. Husband Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A man born under the sign of Leo is confident, kind and always brings light around him thanks to his huge heart.

Being a child at heart, he becomes a good father, with whom you can laugh, who will support and is ready to communicate with children.

Despite the reputation of narcissistic men, these are very devoted partners. They are natural leaders, and if you feel comfortable with the idea of ​​your husband taking on the leading role, Leo is the perfect choice.

If you treat him with due respect and admiration, you can expect the same from him.

Many girls are interested in the question of what kind of husband their chosen one will be when they get married. After all, before marital relations in most cases they differ from family ones, in which there is everyday life and various responsibilities. Women, especially before a wedding, are always tormented by questions such as: will he be caring and affectionate (as before) and will he become a responsible father of the family.

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Trying to know as much as possible about her future spouse, a woman analyzes his habits and character traits. But the zodiac horoscope can give the most exact description the faithful as a husband.

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      Aries (March 21-April 20)

      An Aries man is a reliable husband with whom any woman will feel like behind a stone wall. He is very active and emotional. By nature, he is a leader, so a woman who is accustomed to dominating in everything has no way with such a man. In the family, the Aries husband prefers to occupy the position of leader, breadwinner and protector. He will demand love and respect from his wife, but he himself will try to do everything to make his chosen one happy. Aries are famous for their by no means easy character, so Aries wives should prepare for the fact that they will have to be patient and understanding, otherwise they can forget about peace and tranquility in the family.

      • The Aries husband is very independent, and therefore raises his children according to the same principle. If a man is comfortable enough in family life and feels confident, then he will definitely prove himself as a loving husband, a caring father and a faithful defender of his family. Aries, born in the year of the pig and dog, are considered the most reliable husbands.

        Jealousy is one of the weaknesses of Aries husbands. They often ask their wives what they did in their absence, and since they themselves are very sincere people, they demand the same from their wives. Do not forget that Aries men take first place in marital fidelity.

        For Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius women, an alliance with Aries promises harmonious family relationships. Virgo and Taurus women paired with an Aries man will experience some misunderstandings. Family relationships with Aries will not work out for representatives of the signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer.

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        Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

        The Taurus man's credo is stability. This is what they look for in family relationships. Before getting married, a Taurus man will think about everything a thousand times, weigh the pros and cons, and only after that will he decide to take this serious step. In this regard, Taurus divorces are much less common than other signs. He can get married without even having any special love for his chosen one. For him, the main criterion is that future wife she was calm, prudent and economical. Hysterics with fighting dishes, scandals and brawls are unacceptable for a Taurus man in family life. Therefore, if suddenly after the wedding the wife begins to present him with such “surprises,” the Taurus husband will deviate from his principles and divorce her.

        Taurus husbands love it when the house is cozy, warm and smells of food. They themselves are hardworking, quite patient and careful. In the family, Taurus does not strive for dominance, since equality is closer to them. In their opinion, both spouses should work and do housework together.

        In love and in intimate relationships The Taurus husband is quite open and expects the same from his chosen one. Betrayal for them is a hard blow that cannot be forgiven. The Taurus man himself is a jealous person, and when he marries, he becomes even more possessive.

        For women under the signs of Virgo, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn and Aquarius, an alliance with Taurus will be favorable. Ladies under the signs of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius are better off not connecting their lives with representatives of this sign.

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        Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

        Not every woman can live in harmony with her Gemini husband. His easy and carefree attitude towards marriage will not be to everyone's taste. The Gemini husband first of all thinks about not violating his freedom, so women looking for constancy and stability in family life should avoid an alliance with a Gemini man. He's not a follower clearly established framework, therefore, in life he needs a woman who is undemanding and not burdened with any worries.

        The ideal marriage for a Gemini husband is an open relationship. He himself is not a wild jealous person. Perhaps this is due to the fact that he himself is capable of going “to the left.” But it will be quite difficult for a wife to guess about her husband’s relationship on the side, because Gemini will not give themselves away under any pretext. Because of her husband's duplicity, it is difficult for the Gemini wife to understand his true attitude towards her. This is due to the fact that today he can confess his love to his chosen one and try to enjoy her company every minute, and tomorrow she will be for him worst enemy. After some time, the husband’s anger will suddenly change to mercy, so one should not expect stability in mood, behavior and love from a Gemini husband.

        As for the economic part, Gemini wives can be calm about this. They won’t have to hammer in a nail or fix broken plumbing fixtures themselves. With husbands under the sign of Gemini, in this regard, you can relax and enjoy the fact that everything in the house will be just perfect.

        The Virgo woman and the Pisces woman will not find a common language with the Gemini man. The rest of the zodiac signs can try their luck in family life with a representative of this sign.

        Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

        Cancer husbands are simple ideal family men. For them, family is the main value in life, so all their friends fade into the background.

        He expects fidelity, care, love and understanding from his wife. He really dislikes shouting and criticism in his direction. The most important thing for a Cancer husband is moral support from his wife. His wife can inspire him to heroic deeds and make him believe in himself. If a Cancer man does not receive this nourishment from his wife, then most likely he will find her on the side or go on a drinking binge. Even if Cancer husbands decide to cheat, they are unlikely to get a divorce, because divorce for them is a last resort. A breakup in a relationship is very difficult to bear.

        By themselves, they are passive and too sensitive. But their responsibility and desire to do everything only for the family and for the sake of the family covers the entire range of his minor shortcomings.

        They love their home very much, and therefore household chores do not frighten these men. Cancer husbands actively help with cleaning, laundry, ironing, and even washing dishes. They can also devote a lot of time to their children. By the way, of all the zodiac signs, it is Cancer men who are characterized as the best fathers.

        Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and Leo will have a rather favorable family life with a Cancer man. Women under the signs of Libra and Capricorn should avoid such relationships.

        Leo (July 23 - August 23)

        The Leo man is the most charming of all zodiac signs. He will charm a woman with his appearance, manner of speaking and dressing. Husband Leo is by no means a homebody. He loves to communicate and conquer society with his brilliant intellect and eloquence. If a woman is very jealous, then she should not take the place of his wife, because in marriage these men lead the same lifestyle as before marriage.

        Leo's wives, as well as their children, do not need anything. Leo husbands believe that earning money and ensuring the well-being of the family is their direct responsibility. And what’s important is that they succeed. Thanks to its ability to easily find common language With any person, men of this sign manage to quickly climb the career ladder.

        Leos love to surround themselves with everything beautiful, so his wife should look her best. He does not skimp on expensive and beautiful outfits and jewelry for his chosen one. Leo's husband believes that he should be beautiful in everything, and he perceives his wife as part of his own image. But you shouldn’t think that he doesn’t love his soulmate at all - he loves her, but in his own way.

        In the family, husband Leo is the undisputed leader. He will not allow his wife to be ahead of him in anything. He expects admiration from his wife. The whole life of his chosen one should revolve around his person. Even if Leo’s husband has nothing special to praise for, his wife still shouldn’t “nag” him and criticize him, otherwise he will have to seek understanding “on the side.”

        A Leo man will be the best husband for women of the following zodiac signs:

        • Sagittarius.
        • Aries.
        • Capricorn.
        • Twins.
        • Scorpion.
        • Scales.

        Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

        A Virgo man gets married extremely deliberately, because his every step is planned and thought out in advance. He chooses his wife more with his mind than with his feelings. Love and passion are also present in his life, but men of this sign believe that it is simply inappropriate to build a family on these feelings.

        Virgo's husband is very practical and thrifty. He does not throw words into the wind and does not commit meaningless actions. Loves comfort and strives for prosperity. For him, what is of more interest is the presence in his wallet banknotes, how appearance his wife. He does not like to show off and spend money on pleasure. He cannot be called a generous person, but he is not greedy either. Virgo’s always prudent and far-sighted husband will definitely save money “just in case,” so if necessary, his wife will not have to walk around with her hand outstretched.

        Husbands of this sign are quite faithful and devoted life partners. And even if they suddenly start an affair with another woman, Virgo will never break off such a long relationship with her wife that has been established over the years. However, if the mistress turns out to be a very profitable bride in terms of new promising opportunities, then there is a chance that the Virgo man will still succumb to temptation.

        Capricorns, Taurus, Cancers and Scorpios will make an excellent match for Virgo. Libra, Sagittarius and Aries should not connect their lives with this man.

        Libra (September 23 - October 23)

        Libra's husband prefers to choose as his wife strong-willed women who have an inner core and decisiveness in action. By choosing a wife with character, he shifts the responsibility of making serious decisions to her, because he himself is quite indecisive. He doesn't like to understand complicated things. life situations and prefers to let everything resolve itself.

        Men of this sign love to pamper their wives with pleasant surprises and gifts. They love to create beauty around them, so they are actively involved in decorating their home and making it cozy. Libras are very hospitable hosts, which means that the wife needs to be prepared for constant visits from guests in their home.

        Libra is the sign of a man with a subtle soul. It is very important for him that his wife shares his creative hobbies with him. If interests still do not coincide, then you should not deprive your husband of communication with like-minded friends. Libra's husband really needs personal space, and if he is protected from the opportunity to express his creativity and do what he loves, then he can direct his energy in a different direction and decide on adultery.

        The Libra man has high compatibility with the following signs:

        • Aquarius.
        • Twins.
        • Aries.
        • Scorpion.
        • Sagittarius.
        • Fish.

        Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

        A Scorpio man chooses his wife based solely on feelings. Family for him is, first of all, love, so this man will never marry for convenience or material benefits. Marriage is taken very seriously.

        The Scorpio husband has a lot of acquaintances and friends, but after the wedding, friends gradually fade into the background. He loves his wife madly, and is ready to do anything for her. Children will also not be deprived of their father’s love, although sometimes he will show a touch of severity towards them.

        The Scorpio husband is jealous of his chosen one, but does not start scandals without reason. A man of this sign expects an open and open response from his wife. pure love. If he doesn’t feel it, then living with him becomes difficult. Therefore, if a woman is not ready to constantly prove to her husband that she loves him, then she should not connect her life with a Scorpio man. If the feelings in a couple are mutual, then the Scorpio husband will be very devoted to his soulmate and will never cheat on her.

        Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Libra will be happy in union with this man. Leo women and Aquarius women should not start a family with Scorpio.

        Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

        Representatives of this sign get married after 30 years. Before this age, it is difficult to persuade him to marry, since this man matures for marriage for a very long time. But if a woman still manages to become the wife of a Sagittarius, then she must be prepared for the fact that life with him will be far from easy. The Sagittarius husband loves entertainment, beautiful women and new acquaintances. It makes no sense to remodel this man’s warehouse and lifestyle.

        Sagittarius husbands are very energetic and emotional. Sometimes their eyes become clouded by flashes of passion, and they stop watching what they say. And they mostly always tell the truth, although sometimes it can be unpleasant. Openness and the ability to say everything to your face is the main thing distinguishing feature Sagittarius husband. And if a woman needs a truth-telling husband, open and sincere, then the Sagittarius man will be an excellent match for her.

        Sagittarius wives should not try to force them under their thumb - this will not be possible with Sagittarius men. Also, an attempt to deprive him of his freedom and force him to give up his habits will not be successful. It is worth keeping in mind that if you constantly “pressure” him, he will quickly get tired of the relationship and immediately start looking for a new life partner.

        With a Sagittarius man they will find their happiness:

        • Aries.
        • Lions.
        • Fish.
        • Taurus.
        • Twins.
        • Virgos.
        • Aquarius.
        • Scales.

        Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

        The Capricorn man is the most serious and responsible husband. He also takes marriage very seriously and therefore chooses his life partner quite carefully. He is quite demanding of his chosen one, but he himself adheres to strict moral rules. Capricorn's wife should not be a hysterical and scandalous person who is periodically drawn to dubious adventures. He needs a mature, serious and responsible woman without other unexpected “surprises”.

        This responsible approach to choosing a wife is also explained by the fact that Capricorn husbands take procreation very seriously. Therefore, they look in advance at a woman not only as a good housewife and loving wife, but also the mother of her children. Capricorn husband is a very good father. He loves his children very much, and the children feel it. Sometimes they are drawn to their father more than to their mother.

        You shouldn’t expect your Capricorn husband to show violent emotions. He will be cold rather than passionate and emotional. But this does not mean that he is also cold in his soul; rather, on the contrary, his soul is full of sensuality and kindness.

        A family business will help further strengthen marriage relationships. However, in business, as well as in relationships, the Capricorn husband must be in charge.

        Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus and Scorpio go well with the sign of Capricorn. It will be difficult for a woman under the sign of Aries, Cancer and Libra to get along with a Capricorn man.

        Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

        Men of this sign get married quite quickly, but are also capable of getting divorced quickly. An Aquarius husband in a marriage lives as if in his own little world, not noticing any special changes either in the appearance of his wife or in changes in life. He is not interested in everyday issues, because he is passionate about his thoughts and dreams that could come true. He is not picky about the behavior and habits of his wife and does not demand stability from her. The Aquarius husband himself is not characterized as a stable and reliable person. His wife must understand that in family life you can expect anything from him, because Aquarians are famous for their unpredictability. The choice of a chosen one is simple: either she suits him in general, or not. And what suits him is a light and carefree woman, not immersed in a boring life and ready for adventure. The union of Aquarius with such a woman promises to be strong and happy.

        In family life, an Aquarius man is devoted and faithful to his wife. He works a lot, and he has no time to think about going “to the left.” An Aquarius husband will always earn the right amount of money to provide for his family and help his relatives. He will never control his wife because he believes that relationships are built on trust. When quarreling with your Aquarius husband, you can always find a compromise and come to an agreement.

        Aquarius is a very sociable sign, so his wife needs to be prepared for the fact that she will be present in his life large number friends and acquaintances. Sometimes it will even seem that the Aquarius husband does more for strangers than for own family. It also happens that relatives do not know where he is, with whom and what he is doing in at the moment. It is because of his selfish nature that most wives decide to end their marriage with Aquarius. It is impossible to force Aquarius to become more serious about family life. The men of this sign themselves leave when the wife begins to dictate her own rules to them. They prepare for this for a long time, and then at one point they simply disappear without a trace.

        For Gemini, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and the sign of Pisces, the Aquarius man is very suitable for family life. Virgos and Cancers can try their luck with Aquarius. But Scorpios need to stay away from them, otherwise quarrels and conflicts in the family cannot be avoided.

        The wives of these men are among those who love “with their ears,” since Pisces husbands only know how to conduct conversations and talk nice words. But when it comes to specific actions, then the wife has to take everything into her own hands and act on her own. Not every woman is happy with this turn of events in family life.

        As for work, men of this sign do not like to work for money. They prefer to be creative. And even if this occupation is unpromising and poorly paid, they are unlikely to refuse a job that they like.

        They don't know how to manage money at all. Therefore, in order not to be surprised by the instantly spent salary, the wife will have to manage the family budget herself.

        Scorpios, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn will create an excellent match for a man of this sign. It is better for Libra not to pretend to be the wife of a man under the sign of Pisces.

        It is difficult to determine which man is the best husband and which is the worst, because every woman values ​​her chosen one for his special qualities. The zodiac horoscope reveals the character of men, helping to determine which of them has the most traits that are most suitable for family life. By assessing such qualities as the desire to be at home more often, the ability to find a compromise and the ability to value the feelings of family and friends, you can understand for yourself which of the men is the most zodiac horoscope is the best husband.

        Whether to believe the horoscope or not is up to every woman. But it’s worth remembering that there are no ideal people, and in pursuit of the image of a good husband, you can “miss” your true happiness.

Every girl dreams of finding her prince and getting married successfully, but not everyone succeeds. Differences in tastes, interests, temperament and character become stumbling blocks on the path to creating an ideal family. Do not forget that the protective sign of the zodiac leaves a special imprint on each person. When choosing a partner, it is important to know who he is according to his horoscope and what character traits he has. We bring to your attention a rating of husbands by zodiac sign.

Virgos - 1st place

Men born under the auspices of this constellation have an attractive appearance. They are smart and well mannered. Virgos easily cope with household chores. They can easily clean the house, cook dinner and shift some of the worries about the newborn onto their shoulders. Such a husband will not only be a gentle and attentive lover, he will become a reliable support and friend for his woman. The Virgo man is full of nobility, so he most often marries the woman who, it seems to him, will simply disappear without him.

Lions - 2nd place

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their penchant for patronage. As a rule, Leo chooses a very beautiful woman as his companion. Such a man will overprotect his wife and his own children and shower him with gifts. When planning to marry a Leo, think carefully about whether you are ready to come to terms with the role of an adopted child. The husband will pamper and constantly please his beloved, but in return he will want to be admired.

Capricorns - 3rd place

If your betrothed is a Capricorn, you can agree to the marriage without hesitation. Such a man has more than enough advantages. He has natural charm and charm, is smart and attractive. His strengths include honesty and kindness. However, there is one thing... Men of this sign are in no hurry to tie the knot. If Capricorn has decided to take this step, then you really deserve it.

Libra - 4th place

Men of this sign are born romantics. Even if they live with their wife for more than 25 years, they will still give her flowers, give her compliments, and declare their love. Life with such a man is full of surprises. Despite their romantic nature, Libra is very... faithful husbands. They can understand their beloved without words.

Taurus - 5th place

A Taurus man can rightfully be called a devoted and caring husband. Family is the most valuable thing he has. He values ​​his wife and loves his children madly. Taurus are very domestic, they are not prone to betrayal and betrayal. If you don’t make him angry, such a man will show peace and calmness. Taurus is unpretentious and is content with what he has. He will bring every penny he earns into the house.

Aquarius - 6th place

Representatives of this sign have a rather easy-going character and a well-developed sense of humor. Aquarians are dreamy people, so they often have their head in the clouds. A woman can easily adjust the character and habits of Aquarius.

Aries - 7th place

Representatives of this sign are bright and charismatic people. They like excitement, so if a woman wants to get this prince, she must become impregnable fortress which he wants to conquer. Do not expect that in family life Aries will strive to take on household chores. He is very nice, but such fuss is not for him.

Crayfish - 8th place

The Cancer man adores his wife and helps her in raising their children. He is simply an exemplary example of an ideal husband, but this is only in front of the public. In fact, Cancer loves to come home, lounge on the couch with a bottle of beer in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing. The man of this sign is kind-hearted by nature and knows how to create a positive opinion about himself.

Scorpios - 9th place

Tyrant is the middle name of Scorpio. If a woman agrees with him in everything and indulges him, he is ready to provide her with a heavenly life. However, if the wife has an opinion opposite to his, their marriage is doomed to collapse. The wife will have to do all the housework herself.

Sagittarius - 10th place

Sagittarius could be called the ideal husband. He is very courageous, romantic, gentle and caring. The Sagittarius man is good in bed, so the woman will be crazy about him. It’s easy to live with him and pleasant to communicate with, but he has a huge minus - he won’t be able to miss a single skirt. If a woman is not ready to put up with constant cheating, she better not agree to marriage, otherwise she will be disappointed in the relationship.

Pisces - 11th place

Pisces husbands are consumers. They need unrestrained sex, so that food is always prepared and the wife takes care of him like a mother. However, what Pisces doesn't care about is devotion. Even if you want to break up with him, you are unlikely to succeed.

Gemini - 12th place

According to the rating, the Gemini man is the worst husband. He loves to live by his own laws. In difficult times, he simply may not be there. Geminis are witty and good at sex, probably these are the qualities that attract representatives of the opposite sex to him.

Is it possible to rank men by zodiac sign according to their qualities as a husband? Why not! Of course, not everyone believes in this, and love and family are a purely individual matter, but if you believe in horoscopes and certain qualities, then our list may be interesting for you. So what does it look like best husband and the representative of which zodiac sign is an unimportant family man...

Cancer husband - a reverent husband and father

Few can argue with the fact that Cancer men are ideal husbands, the very ones that other women dream about, imagining their life partners as such. Cancers rarely shy away from obligations; they are ready to work on relationships and build a family, and take responsibility.

In addition, Cancer husbands are highly emotional sensitivity, so the rare Cancer wife will say that her significant other is an insensitive egoist. The only thing about which small quarrels and disputes can often arise are everyday little things like household responsibilities (who should wash the dishes or take out the trash).

In a word, a Cancer husband is a rare family man, devoted and loving to his wife and adoring children as his continuation.

Cancer husband and Scorpio wife: Tom Hanks (Cancer-Monkey) and Rita Wilson (Scorpio-Monkey)

Marriage to Rita Wilson was the second for Tom Hanks. They got married in 1988 and have not separated for more than 30 years, supporting each other in everything.

Libra husband - deep, but modest and indecisive

The Libra man is another astrological candidate for an impeccable husband. Despite the fact that Libra is an extremely hesitant and indecisive sign, a man of this zodiac sign has an ardent heart and he really wants to find the one and only one to live with her all his life. Sometimes it may seem that the Libra husband is cold and indifferent, but this is not so. Main problem the fact that they do not always know how to express their feelings, and sometimes they are afraid of seeming sentimental, which is supposedly not characteristic of a textbook man.

The Libra husband brings balance to the relationship and balances his other half, supporting his wife and becoming a real support for her and the children. But you shouldn’t put the whole unbearable burden on your spouse. family relations and obligations. It is vital for a Libra man to feel balance and his interest in it, not only as a wallet or protection. Show him love and care - he will appreciate it.

Libra husband and Leo wife: Matt Damon (Libra-Dog) and Luciana Barroso (Leo-Dragon)

The beautiful Argentine pulled out her lottery ticket: Luciana Barroso married Matt Damon in 2005 and gave birth to four children. The actor adores his family, protects it very much and calls it his main reward in life.

Scorpio husband is a “knight” to protect his family

Probably, not very many women expected to see the best Scorpio husbands at the top of astrological rankings. All this is because the Scorpio man is considered obsessed with sex and shallow passions, hot and fickle, overwhelmed by emotions, which, indeed, does not go well with an idyllically measured family life. But you need to look from all sides...

With all his ardor, the Scorpio husband is one of those who fights for his family, stands up as a stone wall for his wife and children, and is always ready to defend their rights and protect them if necessary. If in the family harmonious relationships, including their intimate side, there are no omissions and duplicity in the couple, then the Scorpio husband will become an ideal for a woman who is ready for a bright and strong relationship.

Scorpio husband and Pisces wife: Ryan Gosling (Scorpio-Monkey) and Eva Mendes (Pisces-Tiger)

The six-year age difference did not stop the sultry Eva Mendes from charming the girls' idol Ryan Gosling. The actors are not officially married, but have been together since 2011 and are raising two daughters. The couple hardly appears officially in public, trying not to draw attention to their family.

Gemini husband - a man in search of a “diamond”

Geminis have a reputation for being two-faced and fickle, and there is some truth to this. But you should not assume that your Gemini husband will cheat left and right in search of easy carnal pleasures and new emotions - this is not so. It’s really not that easy to persuade Geminis to marry or “get them involved,” which is why one often gets the impression of their elusiveness.

But in fact, the Gemini man is simply looking for a long time for that woman whom he will deeply respect, and subsequently cherish and cherish. His future wife must stand out from the rest, which in once again will emphasize his own exclusivity. The Gemini husband strives to be proud of his wife, whom he is ready to become both a protector, a lover, and a best friend.

Gemini husband and Capricorn wife: Johnny Depp (Gemini-Rabbit) and Vanessa Paradis (Capricorn-Rat)

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis were not officially married, but were considered and were one of the strongest celebrity couples. Vanessa was the one who saved him from self-destruction with alcohol and drugs.

They met in Paris in the summer of 1998, when Depp was filming Roman Polanski's The Ninth Gate. He fell in love with her at first sight and said that he immediately realized that this was HIS woman. The independent French woman charmed him with her fragility, unusualness and the fact that... she asked him for a child. It’s not hard to believe this, because their daughter Lily-Rose Depp was born in May 1999, and three years later their son Jack appeared.

They lived together for 14 happy years, but even after breaking up, when Vanessa's heart was developed, they remained in friendly relations. It seems that even after Depp’s fleeting marriage to Amber Heard, Paradis still remains the same woman in his life, even though there is no talk of a reunion.

Pisces husband – faithful and sentimental

A man under the sign of Pisces can become the best husband for a woman who loves sensitive and emotional creative personalities. The Pisces man is in many ways similar to the Cancer man, but if Cancer is more down-to-earth and practical, the Pisces man is distinguished by hypersensitivity, which takes him off the ground.

Pisces husbands are very warm and loving, caring and sensual, deep and creative. But they do not suffocate with their love, do not plague with jealousy, “everyday behavior” and do not become toxic. In fact, the Pisces husband will always remain in his own world of dreams and subtle emotions, which his wife should also treat very carefully and respectfully.

Pisces husband and Taurus wife: Javier Bardem (Pisces-Rooster) and Penelope Cruz (Taurus-Tiger)

The most famous and beloved Spanish actors met back in 1992 on the set of the film “Ham, Ham,” when they were very young. Then the romance did not happen, but later the sultry Spaniards nevertheless united their destinies and gave birth to two children. They do not like to discuss their relationships, family and children in the press, preferring to keep the most secret things away from prying eyes.

Capricorn husband – stubborn and pragmatic

Capricorn men are famous for marrying late, but for life. Divorce for them becomes a real and deep emotional trauma, because they are by nature rather monogamous, who strive to acquire one single partner for life and are not predisposed to polygamy. If Capricorn got married, then he is ready to become that stone wall on which a woman can lean and that partner from whom she should seek support.

The Capricorn husband wants to be strong and reliable, but sometimes he can become very stubborn, considering himself and only himself to be the only one right. They are pragmatists, but not without romance, that is, they will always strive to provide for their family, which is counting on him, but he is definitely not an insensitive “cracker”, concerned only with money and other material goods.

Capricorn Husband: Mel Gibson (Capricorn-Monkey) and Robin Moore

Mel Gibson and Robin Moore spent almost 26 years together, raised seven children and... broke up. The news of the divorce of the exemplary family man Gibson came as a bolt from the blue for both his fans and ordinary viewers. Then there were loud ones litigation, millions in compensation former women, new children, assault and new courts. Apparently, the saying about gray hair in a beard has its place.

Virgo husband - faithful, but unsure of himself

Virgo husbands can become excellent life partners, but due to their natural self-sufficiency, secrecy and melancholy, such men may suffer from some kind of inferiority complex in the family. Sometimes it seems to them that they are not good enough, unworthy of something, so their wives need to take this into account, who should encourage their Virgos and charge them with optimism.

Virgo Husband: Colin Firth (Virgo-Rat) and Livia Giugiolli (Virgo-Rooster)

In 1997, a Briton with impeccable manners married an emotional and smiling Italian journalist, who gave him two sons. After two decades of marriage, Firth never tires of declaring his love for Livia, whom he calls himself beautiful woman in the world and best wife and mother.

Aries husband – selfish and demanding

Aries is a hot and selfish sign, so relationships, including family ones, with a man of this zodiac sign will not be calm and smooth. Aries husbands will strive to take a leading position in the family and emphasize this in every possible way, so women should keep this in mind. They are not distinguished by romanticism; rather, they are pragmatists, prone to forming convenient marriages.

To maintain harmonious family relationships, an Aries husband will need a lot of quality sex and recognition of their leadership in the family. Women should not try to make henpecked Aries out of their beloved Aries; rather, they need to be able to become the very neck that turns the head.

Aries husband and Libra wife: Michael Fassbender (Aries-Snake) and Alicia Vikander (Libra-Dragon)

It seemed to many that the womanizer Fassbender, proclaimed the new sex symbol of Hollywood, would never marry. But with Alicia Vikander they were perfectly encrypted. Having met on the set of the melodrama “The Light Between Oceans,” the actors fell in love with each other immediately, but did not comment on their relationship, and then there was even information about their separation. However, in October 2017, the paparazzi obtained photographs from the actors' super-secret wedding in Ibiza. They take great care of their relationships and do not allow even the most curious to interfere.

Leo husband is a star in the family sky

If you are attracted by a life full of explosive emotions, then a Leo husband may be the ideal partner for you. Leo husbands are in many ways similar to Aries husbands - the same fiery element, the same restless temperament and desire for individualism. But if it is enough for Aries to emphasize his self-worth in the family or among a small circle of friends, then Leo needs to be admired and admired by everyone.

He is emotional, therefore highly sensitive, but if something gets out of his control, he can tear and throw, becoming aggressive and quarrelsome. Life with a Leo husband can turn into a struggle or, in best case scenario, a woman will have to constantly put herself in second place.

Leo husband and Aries wife: Ben Affleck (Leo-Rat) and Jennifer Garner (Aries-Rat)

From the outside, the marriage of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner was considered exemplary. Three children, 12 years together, but Jen was tired of enduring her husband’s constant cheating and alcohol addiction, which I no longer had the strength to put up with.

Taurus husband is a demanding loner and individualist

Taurus are the most stubborn representatives of the zodiac circle. They are so adamant and their own standards of living are so high that it seems absolutely impossible to live up to them. Taurus men sometimes make unreasonably exorbitant demands on their partners, and when they are convinced that they do not meet them, they once again decide that it is better to be single than to lower their standards. It is not difficult to assume that even after getting married, the Taurus man will not stop criticizing and educating his woman, trying to “pull” her to his heights.

Taurus husband and Pisces wife: George Clooney (Taurus-Ox) and Amal Alamuddin (Pisces-Horse)

The name George Clooney was practically a household name for a chronic bachelor; he himself repeatedly said that he was not interested in family and children, because his life was full enough without them. Apparently, there was no one who would become the most worthy of the contenders. She was Amal Alamuddin, a British lawyer, human rights activist, smart woman and oriental beauty.

Aquarius husband – ambitious and self-sufficient

Aquarius is one of the most ambitious, self-sufficient signs, which makes them difficult family men and long-term partners. If they are passionate about work or other entertainment, then a strong family may, in principle, not be part of their plans. It’s definitely not worth putting pressure on them about marriage, and in the family you also shouldn’t force them to do something by force, because it may turn out that he will unexpectedly choose his own priorities.

Aquarius husband and Aries wife: Christian Bale (Aquarius-Tiger) and Sibi Blazic (Aries-Dog)

Former model Sibi Blazic worked as a personal assistant to Hollywood star Winona Ryder in the nineties. She introduced the not-so-lucky girl to her friend Christian Bale. In 2000, they got married, had two children, and Christian Bale became not just an Oscar-winning star, but also an exemplary family man who does not allow anyone to interfere with his personal life. His wife never made her own career, but it is enough for her to simply be a wife and mother, supporting her husband in his weight gain for new roles and on the red carpet.

Sagittarius husband – flighty and multifaceted

Sagittarius men are most often associated with infidelity. This fire sign, who is not as narcissistic and selfish as Leo or Aries, but much more than they are prone to inconstancy, including in his hobbies. The Aries man loves to explore, learn new things, travel, discover, learn the unknown, including discovering himself. Even when in a harmonious marriage, the Sagittarius husband is usually not inclined to dissolve in the family, completely devoting himself to his wife and children.

Sagittarius husband and Libra wife: Vincent Cassel (Sagittarius-Horse) and Monica Bellucci (Libra-Dragon)

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel were jokingly called beauty and the beast. Bellucci is a languid Italian provincial of breathtaking beauty, Cassel is a hereditary snob-Parisian from a famous acting dynasty, with a devilish appearance and a hot-tempered character. Their love and passion for each other literally oozed from their eyes and was visible to the naked eye in their gestures during public appearances and paparazzi photographs. They spent 18 years together, 14 of them in an official marriage, they had two daughters, and then they separated. The news of the divorce sounded like a bolt from the blue to fans.

But everything turned out to be simple. The couple lived as a guest marriage for many years: Monica adored Europe, lived between Rome, Paris and London, and Vincent fell in love with Brazil. He filmed in Europe, Hollywood and Brazil, attended noisy music festivals, took part in projects and communicated with people who were simply not interesting to Bellucci. And then Kassel had a Brazilian girlfriend 30 years younger... Fortunately, the couple parted as friends, without mutual claims.

Very often, representatives of various Zodiac Signs fight for the right to be the best in any category. Men are most interested in who among them is the best husband.

The best husband is the one who knows how to support difficult situation howling lady - some will say. The latter will foam at the mouth to prove that the best husband is capable of protecting this. In fact, everything is extremely simple, because ladies always call those who have the fewest flaws the best. Strengths are also important, but who needs them if it’s simply impossible to live with you.

Getting rid of shortcomings must be a joint effort. Men should not put everything on the shoulders of their chosen one. Love is swimming together in the open ocean, so in storms and calms you need to be able to support each other.


Aries men are helped to achieve success in love by their unsurpassed strength of character. Unfortunately, it can often be the cause of most of their problems. Aries are one of the best men for marriage, albeit a little uncontrollable. Among the obvious shortcomings, it is worth noting the lack of understanding of fidelity.

If a woman manages to immediately convey to Aries that he now belongs only to her, then there is a chance that he will understand everything correctly. They may be uncontrollable and not understand hints, but they are one of the best fathers among all the Zodiac Signs. And also, in intimate life they are great masters - this also cannot be ignored.


Taurus are very good husbands. Before the wedding, they are bad in all aspects, from fidelity to cleanliness. But as soon as they realize that everything is serious, they correct themselves radically. This doesn’t always happen, but in most cases, all the shortcomings of Taurus seem to evaporate somewhere. The negative energy of these men sometimes makes itself felt, but this will not affect the marriage too much.

The good thing about Taurus is that they don't make choices too quickly. Among all the Zodiac Signs, Taurus men wait the longest before proposing.


It would be hard to call Geminis the best husbands. Even if you ask a woman who is married to such a man, she will tell you that it is better not to choose Gemini to be the father and support of the family.

This does not mean that everything is so terrible - it’s just that men of this Sign do not understand how important it is to live not only for themselves, but also for their wife. Geminis are very selfish and love to be with friends. They will enjoy life alone with their wife for a maximum of six months - then they will again want to watch football, drink beer and chat with friends.

Choosing a Gemini as a husband is only worth it to those women who themselves do not mind being sometimes separated from their husband. In such a marriage, one should clearly understand and be aware of the danger of a banal loss of interest in each other due to poor love compatibility. But, as they say, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne.


Not all ladies can get along with Cancer men either, because these men have a special mentality and views on the world. Cancers constantly feel that the evil eye or damage may be put on them, that their happiness may be taken away from them. This indicates their anxiety. In love this turns into jealousy, which, as you know, is not durable building material happiness.

If you can name yourself strong woman, and are head over heels in love with Cancer, then you can safely get married. If you are too impressionable and are not ready to forgive some of your husband’s antics, then you will have to look for another life partner before deciding to get married. Summary: Cancers are good husbands, but for the most persistent.


Leos experience breakups very hard, despite the fact that they show the whole world that they supposedly don’t care. These men are pretty good husbands, despite the fact that it will be very difficult for any lady to deal with them, especially later, a few years after the wedding. Leos are somewhat reminiscent of Cancers - they are just as jealous and uncontrollable. It is generally impossible to argue with them, just as it is impossible to conduct a dialogue on equal terms.

On the other hand, Leos will never betray you. Many consider men of this Zodiac Sign to be unfaithful and deceitful, but this can only be so if you yourself are the same. Essentially, dating a Leo of any gender is a test of who you really are. Leos will help you understand how much you yourself can become a good wife.


Virgos know how to make new acquaintances just once or twice. These men are very sociable, but also very touchy at the same time. They may tolerate your antics, but you should not offend them for no reason, because even their patience is not unlimited.

Virgo men can without a doubt be placed in third place in the ranking of the best husbands by zodiac sign, because Virgos are the very men who, although demanding, will do everything you ask. If you don't like cleaning the house. They will do it themselves. If you don’t know how to cook, that’s also not a problem, because you can always learn together. If you don’t demand from them, but ask peacefully and diplomatically, then you can get everything in the world. They are also wonderful and loving fathers, fair people.


After only a few years of marriage, Libras begin to question whether you are truly right for each other. Libra men are good husbands, but only for the first couple of years, because then it’s as if someone is replacing them. This does not happen to everyone and not always. In addition, this process is reversible, but Libra still cannot enter the top three.

They are not the best fathers because they cannot choose between being strict and being too gentle. In a marriage with Libra, you need to keep your ears open, because no one has canceled betrayal. Libras are very susceptible to emotions.


Scorpio men often experience a relationship crisis. They invent these crises for themselves, and then wonder why women leave them. Of course, Scorpios have unearthly charm, intuition, intelligence, and a sense of humor. They don't have to go out of their way to get the lady of their heart, but they are simply terrible in marriage.

Many men, if not most, change after marriage. As for Scorpios, something bachelor remains in them even after they have stamped their passport. This is terribly annoying for many women. On the one hand, this is not such a big problem, but Scorpios rarely want to solve it.


Second place for the best husbands by Zodiac Sign goes to Sagittarius. These men are very attractive, smart, visionary and loving. These qualities make them one of the best. It’s also always interesting to be with them, because they don’t like to sit still. Sagittarians are drawn to everything unknown, new, so in the intimate side of love you will have bright moments, and in financial matters, too, everything will work out year after year.

The main thing is not to be jealous of Sagittarius and not to force them to “slow down” their development. Develop with them and relax completely. These men can change your life and turn it into a pleasant adventure. If you are not a slave to stereotypes, then such a marriage will inspire and inspire you.


Capricorns are not particularly lucky in love, because they look at everything through the prism of logic. These are cautious people, but if they find love, it will most likely be forever. In marriage, such men are incredibly stable, although not emotional. They can be boring, but they are absolutely among the top four husbands according to their Zodiac Sign.

Capricorn men understand perfectly well that the basis for love and marriage is trust. Until you gain their trust, they will not open up to you and offer you to be their wife. The wait may be long, but it will be worth it. If your feelings are true, then everything will be fine. Even boredom will eventually seem like a happy equivalent to calm. Capricorns are devoid of negative energy, so only good comes from them.


Aquarians could become good husbands, if not for their endless jealousy and numerous oddities in behavior. These men are well aware that they are not fit to be called the best husbands, so they live alone. Don't try to walk them down the aisle because they will stop loving you as much. Give them more freedom and don't stress them out with your behavior.

If you are a reasonable woman, then the Aquarius man will become an excellent friend, lover, assistant and patron for you. Well, we can have a wedding later. Don't rush and don't push him, then everything will work out. Life for Aquarius is fleeting, because they are true realists and materialists.


The Pisces man will help you find a purpose in life, because he will be most interested in this. Pisces are made for marriage. They are the ones who get first place, because the only shortcoming they have is the desire to bad habits which is easy to treat. Some ladies also note that Pisces can cheat on their wives, but this is also quite correctable - you must always be interesting to them.



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