Lichen on plum what to do. Fighting lichens on trees. Simple techniques. Chemical method of control

Having discovered an apple bark disease, it is necessary to begin its treatment in a timely manner.

Otherwise, the plant will quickly die, and the disease will affect other apple trees. It is extremely important to promptly remove moldy fruits. brown leaves and twisted branches to prevent fungal virus and bacteria from causing serious damage to your garden.

You can see diseases and treatment of apple and pear trees in the photo for this article.

These photographs will help you correctly recognize tree disease and take adequate measures to combat it.

It is not so easy to grow a strong apple tree that can provide its owner with delicious fruits every year.

You need to carefully care for young seedlings, trim off excess branches and plant new ones so that the tree’s productivity increases.

However, when proper care It is not always possible to protect fruit trees from diseases that develop as a result of various unforeseen factors.

But it is still quite possible to carry out preventive measures and acquire knowledge in advance about diseases of apple and pear trees and their treatment.

The most common diseases of fruit trees in the garden are lichens, fungal infections and rot.

Appearance of lichen

Weakened apple trees with cracked bark and frozen wood, which are poorly ventilated because the crown is too thick, are often attacked by lichen.

It can be recognized by the lamellar plaque on the tree in the form of silver, yellow or blue-green scales. Lichen consists of algae and fungi, which get along quite well together.

Conditions for lichen growth

Favorable conditions for the growth of lichen are sufficient sunlight and humidity characteristic of tree trunks. Lichens reproduce by spores carried by the wind and by algal cells on mycelium carried by rain or wind.

Beneficial properties of lichen

There is no need to worry if the apple tree is only slightly covered with lichen. Some gardeners believe that it even protects the apple tree from other fungi. But it is worth taking appropriate measures if the lichen has grown.

In this case, it needs to be removed, because due to the accumulation of such “living creatures” on the bark, air does not flow to the apple tree trunk. And this can cause the branches to dry out. In addition, under the lichen they often settle scale insects and other pests.

Why does lichen appear?

The bark of apple trees is an ideal habitat for fungal bodies if the humidity is too high. On an apple tree, lichen does not appear due to the old age of the tree, as is often believed.

The main causes of the disease:

All this does not cause direct damage to the apple tree, but as a result, the respiratory pores of the tree are blocked and insect pests settle in the pores of the apple tree. Therefore, it is necessary to fight lichen.

How to clear lichen from an apple tree

There is lichen on the apple tree in your garden. What to do, how to get rid of lichen on an apple tree?

Method 1

During the dormant period of the tree - in early spring or late autumn - it is necessary to clean the trunk, removing lichen from it with a wooden stick or a stiff brush.

They do this in wet weather.

Method 2

Another way to remove lichen from an apple tree is to lubricate the lichen with a special a mixture of clay and slaked lime and remove the mixture completely after it dries.

After cleaning the tree, spray the trunk and branches using a solution of oxalic acid or three percent iron sulfate.

There are no specific recommendations regarding the timing of treatment of damaged apple trees.


The problem of lichen damage must be taken into account whenever treating apple trees or pruning garden trees. As you know, the best method of treatment is prevention.

Crown formation

Ringworm affects a weakened apple tree with a thickened crown. Based on this, the main preventive measure is the formation of the crown. It is necessary to remove all branches that have been damaged over the winter and thin out the apple tree crown as much as possible.

This way you can increase the lighting of each branch of the apple tree, thereby providing the crown with high-quality ventilation.

Due to air stagnation, humidity becomes high, and this provokes the development of fungus and the appearance of moss.


The second most important measure related to garden cultivation and treatment of apple trees is spraying the trees with 3% in early spring.

You can also use a 3% solution iron sulfate.

For prevention fungus and warnings powdery mildew, scab, other viral diseases In apple trees, bare branches are sprayed before the buds open.

This also suppresses the development of microflora in the outer layers of the apple bark - single-celled algae that feed lichens.

If the latter have grown greatly, you must first carefully clean the wood. Then you should rinse the treated area with a solution caustic soda in a proportion of 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Other cortical diseases


Many gardeners have encountered brown spots that unexpectedly appeared on apple fruits, foliage and young shoots. All this is typical for scab - a rather dangerous disease of fruit trees, which is caused by a fungus.

And the fungus is able to overwinter year after year in fallen infected leaves, each time releasing spores into the air in the spring, when the weather becomes damp outside.

This disease spreads massively in June-July after heavy rains. First, the fungus on the tree appears as translucent, oil-like spots on the foliage. Gradually they turn gray and become covered with a brown coating. The leaves dry out and fall off.

Other signs of scab are gray and black spots on apples, cracking of fruits that stop filling. Apples also become deformed when they are early affected by a fungal infection. They become deformed and become one-sided.

Often young ovaries crumble. Apple orchards are more susceptible to scab infection than others. Usually trees are planted here too densely or weakened old apple trees are preserved.

Fungus, black cancer

To protect the plantings from primary infection with fungal spores, in spring, before the leaves appear, it is necessary to spray the soil and trees with pesticides.

Should be used:

  • copper sulfate,
  • nitrafen, which are diluted at the rate of 300 grams per bucket of water,
  • or 1% DNOC.

At the end of April, you need to treat the trees with Bordeaux mixture (3-4%), copper oxychloride or cuproxate.

During the formation of buds, as well as after flowering, use a less concentrated Bordeaux mixture (1%).

How is scab treated on an apple tree in summer? 3-5 weeks after flowering, trees are sprayed with suspensions zineba, captan, phthalan.

To prevent infection of apple trees next year, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves as soon as leaf fall ends and plow the soil under the trees.

Powdery mildew

Speaking about apple tree pests and treatment, we should also mention powdery mildew.

After prolonged rains, a silvery coating may appear on the newly blossoming leaves and inflorescences of apple trees and on young shoots.

This is a sign that trees are affected by powdery mildew. Its appearance is provoked by a fungus that overwinters in the buds of infected shoots and actively develops with the arrival of summer in dry weather.

The danger of powdery mildew is that it can cause the foliage and inflorescences of apple trees to dry out, the shoots may stop growing, and the ovaries may crumble.


From early spring and throughout the growing season, it is necessary to cut off apple tree shoots infected with the fungus.

When the tree has finished blooming, it needs to be sprayed with the preparation " Hom».

After harvesting, the apple tree is treated with iron or copper sulfate.

Instead of these funds you can use 1% Bordeaux mixture.

After collecting the leaves that have fallen after processing, they burn them.


Diseases of young apple trees and their treatment, as well as of adult trees, are a strategically important issue for the garden that should be resolved in a timely manner.

For diseases of the bark of apple trees, it is better not to delay treatment. Being operational, it will be more efficient and faster.

In addition to the fact that lichen, like moss, is an excellent place for pests to hide on trees, they also slow down plant growth, as they do not allow the tree to breathe at full capacity. In addition to pests, lichen and moss often contain spores of fungal diseases. And this is another reason why it is necessary to fight this scourge.
First let's look at conditions and reasons for the appearance of lichen on a tree.

First, unicellular algae - the most harmless - usually appear on tree trunks. However, this serves as an indicator that not everything is in order with the plant. Where do algae appear on the trunk and branches? Everyone knows that algae live in water. But not everyone knows that many of them have perfectly adapted to live on land, albeit in damp places. So, the green streaks on tree trunks are the same algae that have adapted to land conditions. They develop more strongly from the northwestern - shady side of the plant trunk, where the humidity is higher and there is no direct sunlight. The appearance of algae is a sure sign that the plantings in the garden are thickened, and that under the treetops it is dark and damp. To combat them, in addition to cleaning the trunks, it is very useful to cut out unnecessary, unproductive branches, thereby improving the illumination and ventilation of the crowns.

It should also be taken into account that lichens appear only on weakened plants. So if you find them in your garden, look for the reason for the poor condition of the trees. There can be many of them, but most often plant oppression is caused by flooding of the roots by closely located (closer than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth) groundwater. Apple trees, and especially pears, cannot stand this.

Control of moss and lichen on fruit trees

Their root system partially dies, the tree weakens.

But there is also good news. The appearance of lichen indicates that the summer cottage or estate is located in an environmentally friendly place, since the lichen does not tolerate air pollution. Lichens are an indicator of air purity; they settle where it is rich in oxygen and contains a minimum amount of harmful substances.”

Ways to combat lichen on trees

1. To do this, you need to make a very simple device - a wooden scraper. It is wooden, since metal can seriously damage the healthy wood of the plant. It is better to remove lichen or moss from trees in the spring, since at this time the trees contain a sufficient amount of moisture, which enters the moss, and it is easier to remove it. Under each affected tree should be spread plastic film or tarpaulin and scrape off the peeling bark on them, and with it all the uninvited residents, including eggs, pupae and adults of various pests. You need to scrape it down to healthy wood, then treat the area with 1-3% iron sulfate or cover it with a lime solution. It is useful to spray the ground under the tree with a solution of urea (a matchbox in a bucket of water).

2. In late autumn, when lichen on trees has more conditions for reproduction, it is necessary to carry out preventive whitewashing of the main skeletal branches and tree trunks. If there are too many trees, then you need to whitewash, at least the trees that have been cured of lichen and those adjacent to them. At the end of winter, it is very advisable to re-whitewash.
For whitewashing, take 2-3 kg of lime, 1 kg of clay, a little mullein per 10 liters of water and add 100-150 g of copper sulfate or table salt. You can purchase ready-made whitewash for trees in the store. A little secret experienced gardeners: To make the whitewash stick better to the tree bark, add 1-2 cups of skim milk to it.
For young trees this operation is unnecessary.

3. The best option in the fight against lichens on fruit and shrub plants is spraying with a 7 - 10% solution of iron sulfate (300 - 500 g per 10 liters of water) in the spring in the phase of dormant buds. Important: the pre-dry preparation should be thoroughly mixed in a small amount of hot water, and then, adding cold water, bring to the required volume. This is a contact action drug; it does not accumulate in plant tissues. After a week, the lichens and mosses should fall off on their own. Don’t forget to also cultivate the ground under the trees: iron sulfate is an excellent preventive measure against other diseases of fruit trees.

4. If garden trees are not heavily covered with lichen, then you can use an easier cleaning method: mix 1 kg of salt, 2 kg of wood ash, crumble 2 pieces into this mixture laundry soap, pour 10 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, cool and coat tree trunks with the resulting mixture.
If lichens appear on trees periodically, then you can also use the ready-made preventive antifungal drug Skor (or similar). It must be diluted in accordance with the instructions and applied to the tree in early spring using one of the previously described methods.

5. Also, if there is not a lot of lichen on the tree, and to prevent its appearance, it is recommended to spray the trunks and branches with lime milk: 1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water. If it rains after spraying the plants, the treatment should be repeated.

If your garden is very neglected and almost all the trees are covered with lichen and moss, then before carrying out the cleaning procedure, you need to carry out sanitary felling. Some trees may be so infested with lichen growth that cleaning them is no longer useful.

Examine each tree carefully: it may be possible to get by with selective pruning of branches. In general, it is recommended to do constant thinning pruning of garden trees, so that the crowns will not thicken. This will have a beneficial effect on the additional flow of air and light: in such a garden there will be no high humidity and, accordingly, excessive growth of mosses and lichens.

When removing lichen, you need to remember that pathogens can also be found in the root zone of the tree. Therefore, you need to collect and remove fallen leaves around it.

Lichens on fruit trees: methods and features of control

Garden trees covered with moss and lichen slow down their growth, bear fruit poorly, and over time their branches dry out and die. In addition, growths on the shoots create a favorable environment for insect pests. How to protect trees?
Tree cleaning procedures should be carried out in early spring, when the buds on the trees have not yet swelled (usually in March), and in late autumn, when the last fruits have been harvested (in November).

Signs and treatment of lichen on an apple tree

At the same time, before autumn processing, it is necessary to collect and burn fallen leaves.
If fruit trees are treated with drugs when the buds have already bloomed on them, this will lead to the death of the entire plant.

How and with what to treat trees from moss and lichen
Prepare a 5% solution of iron sulfate in a proportion of 50 g per 1 liter of water and treat the trunks and skeletal branches of trees. After a week, the lichens and mosses should fall off on their own. Also, do not forget to cultivate the ground under the trees, because iron sulfate is an excellent means of preventing various diseases of fruit trees.
If scales of lichens and mosses still remain on the surface of the trees, remove them mechanically. Spread pieces of film or rags under the plants and scrape the surface of the trunk and branches with a wooden spatula, brush or old burlap.

Collect and destroy fallen pieces of lichen and moss.
Thinning pruning will save the garden
If your garden is very neglected, almost all the trees are covered with lichen and moss, then before starting the cleaning procedure it is necessary to carry out sanitary felling. Because some trees may be so heavily infested with lichen growth that it will be useless to clear them.
Examine each tree carefully and trim off overgrown branches. In addition, do not forget to do constant thinning pruning of garden trees so that their crowns do not thicken. This will have a beneficial effect on the additional flow of air and light. In such a garden there will be no high humidity and, accordingly, excessive growth of mosses and lichens.
After thinning, remove large parts of lichens and mosses mechanically (by scraping). Then prepare a solution of copper sulfate: dissolve 350-500 g of copper sulfate powder in 10 liters of water.

Trees are treated with this composition in the same way as iron sulfate. Treatment with a solution in exactly this concentration is carried out once every 5 years. And sometimes just one time is enough and your garden will be rid of mosses and lichens forever.
An easy method for cleaning trees from moss and lichen
If your garden trees are not heavily covered with growths, then you can use a simpler cleaning method: mix 1 kg of salt, 2 kg of wood ash, rub 2 pieces of laundry soap into this mixture, pour in 10 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, cool and coat with the resulting composition of tree trunks.
If lichens appear periodically in your garden, then use the preventive antifungal drug Skor: it is diluted in accordance with the instructions and applied to trees in early spring.
After cleaning, it is necessary to whitewash the tree trunks with lime. You can prepare the solution yourself (dilute 1.5-2 kg of slaked lime in 10 liters of water) or use ready-made mixtures(for example, garden acrylic whitewash).

Whitewashing is carried out in dry weather (autumn or early spring) at an air temperature of at least 2˚C. You should first cover all wounds and cuts on the trees with garden varnish.
Try not to neglect trees and inspect their bark annually. If you find small “islands” of moss, immediately carefully clean them off, because large growths are much more difficult to deal with.

In addition to the fact that lichen, like moss, is an excellent place for hiding pests on trees, they also slow down plant growth, as they do not allow the tree to breathe at full capacity. In addition to pests, lichen and moss often contain spores of fungal diseases. And this is another reason why it is necessary to fight this scourge.
First let's look at conditions and reasons for the appearance of lichen on a tree.

First, unicellular algae - the most harmless - usually appear on tree trunks. However, this serves as an indicator that not everything is in order with the plant. Where do algae appear on the trunk and branches? Everyone knows that algae live in water. But not everyone knows that many of them have perfectly adapted to live on land, albeit in damp places. So, the green streaks on tree trunks are the same algae that have adapted to land conditions. They develop more strongly from the northwestern - shady side of the plant trunk, where the humidity is higher and there is no direct sunlight. The appearance of algae is a sure sign that the plantings in the garden are thickened, and that under the treetops it is dark and damp. To combat them, in addition to cleaning the trunks, it is very useful to cut out unnecessary, unproductive branches, thereby improving the illumination and ventilation of the crowns.

It should also be taken into account that lichens appear only on weakened plants. So if you find them in your garden, look for the reason for the poor condition of the trees. There can be many of them, but most often plant oppression is caused by flooding of the roots by closely located (closer than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth) groundwater. Apple trees, and especially pears, cannot stand this. Their root system partially dies off, and the tree weakens.

But there is also good news. The appearance of lichen indicates that the summer cottage or estate is located in an environmentally friendly place, since the lichen does not tolerate air pollution. Lichens are an indicator of air purity; they settle where it is rich in oxygen and contains a minimum amount of harmful substances.”

Ways to combat lichen on trees

1. To do this, you need to make a very simple device - a wooden scraper. It is wooden, since metal can seriously damage the healthy wood of the plant. It is better to remove lichen or moss from trees in the spring, since at this time the trees contain a sufficient amount of moisture, which enters the moss, and it is easier to remove it. Place a plastic sheet or tarp under each affected tree and scrape off the peeling bark, along with any uninvited residents, including eggs, pupae, and adults of various pests. You need to scrape until the wood is healthy, then treat the area with 1-3% iron sulfate or cover it with a lime solution. It is useful to spray the ground under the tree with a solution of urea (a matchbox in a bucket of water).

2. In late autumn, when lichen on trees has more conditions for reproduction, it is necessary to carry out preventive whitewashing of the main skeletal branches and tree trunks. If there are too many trees, then you need to whitewash, at least the trees that have been cured of lichen and those adjacent to them. At the end of winter, it is very advisable to re-whitewash.
For whitewashing, take 2-3 kg of lime, 1 kg of clay, a little mullein per 10 liters of water and add 100-150 g of copper sulfate or table salt. You can purchase ready-made whitewash for trees in the store. A little secret for experienced gardeners: to make the whitewash stick better to the tree bark, add 1-2 cups of skim milk.
For young trees this operation is unnecessary.

3. The best option in the fight against lichens on fruit and shrub plants is spraying with a 7 - 10% solution of iron sulfate (300 - 500 g per 10 liters of water) in the spring in the phase of dormant buds. Important: the pre-dry preparation should be thoroughly mixed in a small amount of hot water, and then, adding cold water, bring to the required volume. This is a contact action drug; it does not accumulate in plant tissues. After a week, the lichens and mosses should fall off on their own. Don’t forget to also cultivate the ground under the trees: iron sulfate is an excellent preventive measure against other diseases of fruit trees.

4. If garden trees are not heavily covered with lichen, then you can use an easier cleaning method: mix 1 kg of salt, 2 kg of wood ash, crumble 2 pieces of laundry soap into this mixture, pour in 10 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, cool and coat the resulting composition of tree trunks.
If lichens appear on trees periodically, then you can also use the ready-made preventive antifungal drug Skor (or similar). It must be diluted in accordance with the instructions and applied to the tree in early spring using one of the previously described methods.

5. Also, if there is not a lot of lichen on the tree, and to prevent its appearance, it is recommended to spray the trunks and branches with lime milk: 1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water. If it rains after spraying the plants, the treatment should be repeated.

If your garden is very neglected and almost all the trees are covered with lichen and moss, then before carrying out the cleaning procedure, you need to carry out sanitary felling. Some trees may be so infested with lichen growth that cleaning them is no longer useful.

Examine each tree carefully: it may be possible to get by with selective pruning of branches. In general, it is recommended to do constant thinning pruning of garden trees, so that the crowns will not thicken. This will have a beneficial effect on the additional flow of air and light: in such a garden there will be no high humidity and, accordingly, excessive growth of mosses and lichens.

When removing lichen, you need to remember that pathogens can also be found in the root zone of the tree. Therefore, you need to collect and remove fallen leaves around it.

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Growths on the bark of fruit trees signal that it is time to change the rules for caring for the plant. These microorganisms are dangerous by infecting the garden. That is why the fight against moss and lichen on fruit trees is necessary.

General information about lichens

Lichen is a natural creature, a living organism. It appears as a result of a symbiosis of a fungus and blue-green algae. Fungi feed the algae with salts and moisture from the environment, after which they absorb organic matter from them.

The body of the organism is thallous, of various shapes. It can be a tube, a plate, a bush, a round lump or a crust. The lichen grows slowly, adding only 1–2 mm per year. The organism reproduces by a piece of thallus.

Lichen has the ability to fall into suspended animation when there is no moisture to nourish it. All life processes slow down, but do not stop completely. As soon as a good rain passes, the lichen returns to its normal state.

Important! The lichen has no roots; it does not feed on the cell sap of the fruit tree.

There are many types of lichen that settle on the trunks of fruit trees:

  • bushy;
  • scale;
  • scaly;
  • lamellar.

Its color varies, depending on the color of the protozoan algae. Yellow, silver-gray, blue and yellow-green lichens are found on fruit trees.

WITH scientific point In general, lichens survive only in ecologically clean areas. In a polluted place where there is little oxygen, they do not develop. Lichen is a good indicator for the environment. It absorbs everything that is in the air, including harmful substances that destroy it. However, the body tolerates high and low temperatures well. The lichen feels great both at -50 °C and at +60 °C.

This is what the lichen looks like in the photo:

Experienced gardeners have noticed that lichen does not settle on young trees. In seedlings, all vegetative processes occur faster, the bark is constantly growing, so the lichen cannot attach.

If the bark is heavily damaged by bacteria, this indicates disease. The fact is that as the tree ages, all wood renewal processes slow down; such conditions are considered favorable for the development of lichen. Viral bacteria settle in cracks, and the moisture that accumulates after rain only contributes to their proliferation.

Botanical description of moss

Moss is a real plant, but it does not have roots. It grows quickly even on young wood. On fruit trees, moss thrives at high air humidity. Most often it settles in dense places.

Mossy plants reproduce by spores. There are many types of them in nature, some are used to decorate the site. However, they should not be grown near fruit trees to avoid infection.

Reasons for appearance

Most often, lichen and moss appear on the trunk and branches of a tree for a natural reason - aging of the bark. Often their presence indicates a severe wood disease.

There are a number of other reasons that influence the appearance of lichens and moss:

  • cracks in the bark from the sun;
  • frost breakers;
  • thickened crown;
  • root disease due to high groundwater;
  • too much watering.

Poor tree care, untimely pruning of the crown, improper watering and poor planting location lead to damage to the wood. An attentive gardener will notice the appearance of lichen in time, as it grows slowly. This will allow you to start treatment as early as possible.

Why you need to remove lichen and moss

Lichens and mosses on fruit trees are not harmful in themselves, but they are a good breeding ground for various bacteria and a hiding place for pests. That is why we need to start an immediate fight against them. Even a small affected area indicates that the soil is too waterlogged.

A large amount of lichen and moss on the bark blocks the access of oxygen to the tissues. The tree begins to bear fruit poorly; bacteria enter the cracks, which lead to disease. During frosts, the bark bursts, becomes deformed, and becomes rough. If you do not start treatment, then fruit plant may die completely.

How to deal with lichen and moss on fruit trees

Lichen and yellow moss are removed from the fruit tree in early spring or autumn; the work is combined with scheduled pruning and cleaning of the garden. But in case of severe damage, there is no need to pull; the growths are cleaned off as soon as they are discovered.

There are many methods to combat lichens and mosses, they depend on the age of the tree. On old plants, all affected areas are cut off immediately, the bark is stripped to a healthy place and disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate or other preparations containing copper. Burn all garbage, as pest larvae hide there.

Lichens on fruit trees are controlled using folk remedies or chemical methods.

How to get rid of moss on fruit trees mechanically

To get rid of moss or lichen on tree bark, start with mechanical cleaning. To do this, you will need a wooden scraper, which is pre-disinfected. You need to start cleaning in the spring, while the affected areas are damp.

Before the procedure, the tree trunk circle is covered with film, paper or other material so that debris does not fall on the soil. Cleaning is done carefully so as not to touch the healthy bark, because pests, microbes and bacteria live in lichens. They get inside the tree. After mechanical cleaning, deep cracks are covered with garden pitch or clay mixed with manure. Then the affected areas are sprayed with preparations containing copper.

Advice! All remnants of moss and lichen must be burned to prevent their proliferation.

How to deal with moss on fruit trees by disinfection

The fight against moss and lichen on fruit trees can be done using disinfectants that burn the affected areas.

In early spring, before the buds open, the bark is sprayed with a 10% solution of iron sulfate. The growths will disappear in a week.

If the damage is not severe, then you can get by by spraying the fruit trees with lime milk. It is prepared like this:

  • lime - 1 kg;
  • water - 10 l.

Dilute lime in water and spray the crown well. Then use the antifungal drug "Skor". It is prepared according to the instructions.

The following composition will help quickly remove stubborn growths:

  • slaked lime - 600 g;
  • powdered sulfur - 400 gr.

Mix lime with 500 ml of water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Carefully dilute sulfur in 1.5 liters of water and pour into the solution. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes until the mixture turns red. The solution turns out to be highly concentrated; it is diluted before spraying. Add only 100 ml of product to 5 liters of water.

Spraying is done once. After 2-3 days, all growths completely disappear.

Important! The mixture cannot be stored; work with it only with gloves and goggles, as it is poisonous.

There is another one quick way get rid of moss on fruit trees using soda ash. Add 0.5 tbsp of soda to a bucket of water, mix well and apply the solution to the affected areas with a brush. The lichens dry out within a week and fall off on their own.

How to remove lichens from fruit trees by whitewashing

In autumn, whitewash is used to combat lichen on fruit trees. The bark is first cleaned, then treated with the prepared solution. Add 3 kg of lime, 100 g of copper sulfate and 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. table salt, 1 tbsp. low-fat milk.

The solution is applied to the affected areas, it lasts well until spring.

Important! Young trees under five years of age are not treated with whitewash.

For whitewashing old trees, a different composition is used:

  • fatty clay - 1 kg;
  • water - 10 l;
  • slaked lime - 2 kg;
  • copper sulfate - 500 g.

Mix everything, apply the composition to the skeletal branches with a layer of 2 mm.

If the damage to young trees is not severe, another mixture is prepared. Dilute 2 kg of water-emulsion paint and 30 g of karbofos. Before whitewashing, the composition is diluted half and half with water and applied to the wood. This mixture helps protect the bark from rodents.

How to deal with moss if the tree dries out

An adult tree begins to dry out for a number of reasons, as a result of which mosses appear. Lichens themselves do not lead to the death of the plant. Probable reasons:

  • wood cancer;
  • root rot.

Root rot is difficult to detect. But it is possible to recognize a cancer lesion. The lichen needs to be cleaned, if there is blackened wood underneath, then it is cancer. In this case, the bark is cut out to a healthy place and disinfected with copper sulfate. All waste is removed from the site and burned.

Important! If the reason why the branches dry out has not been identified, then the affected areas are in any case cleaned and sprayed with a disinfectant.

Prevention of the appearance of mosses and lichens

It is not so difficult to treat lichen and moss on fruit trees, but it is better to prevent its appearance. For preventive purposes, the garden is thinned out, old trees are removed, and the crown is cleared of thickening branches.

If groundwater is located close to the surface, then drainage ditches are dug. In early spring, preventive treatment with vitriol solution is mandatory. The ambient temperature should not fall below +5 °C. When spraying, pay special attention to the forks of skeletal branches.

To ensure that lichen does not settle on the site, you need to regularly treat it against fungal diseases and pests. In addition, it is important to increase the tree’s immunity with special fertilizers.


The fight against moss and lichen on fruit trees involves regular inspection of the trunk and skeletal branches. Even small affected areas must be removed immediately, since large growths are more difficult to get rid of. Prevention is also not neglected to prevent the appearance of moss in the garden.

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