How to hit faster. Theory and practice. How to punch harder



A quick and strong punch is a skill that will come in handy in difficult and extreme moments of life. How to punch hard? How to take your punching skill to a professional level?

Punching fast and hard is a basic skill. Mastering such a strike begins with improving physical fitness and learning to perform a strike in such a way that the source of force is not only the arm, but the whole body. By learning how to properly aim and hit within striking distance, you can give your shots more speed, and by using training techniques that help you instantly increase muscle mass, you can build strength. If you're ready to take your punching skill to the next level new level, then proceed to the first step.

1. Work on physical fitness

1.1 Take the correct stance. For a good punch, the placement of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a punch requires the work of the whole body. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart so you can easily pivot toward your target and throw your weight behind the punch.

If you beat right hand, your right leg should be slightly back and your heel should be raised.

During the impact, your legs will tend to move in the direction of the impact. When you strike hard, they should not leave the ground. If you elevate your feet, you take some of your body weight out of the equation and your punch won't be as powerful.

1.2 Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not leave your target. Never close your eyes or look away; In order to aim correctly and strike with power and precision, maintain concentration. Tuck your chin in slightly so that it is protected by the striking hand during the strike.

1.3 Generate force through your hips and core. As you kick, rotate your hips and body toward the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn completely instead of just shifting slightly. When throwing a punch, you should really feel the weight of your body.

When practicing punching, pay attention to your hips. Rotate them quickly and forcefully towards the target, as if you were about to strike it with your hips rather than with your fist. This will help you develop the power needed to hit hard and quickly.

While spinning, you should not have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach towards the target in order to hit it, you will lose power.

1.4 Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your arm forward to easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand isn't moving, keep it relaxed and then clench it into a fist so it delivers a heavy punch.

When making a fist, clench all four fingers except the thumb and wrap them last. Check that thumb bent behind, otherwise he will be hit by you.

Pre-bandaging your hand will help you avoid injury and make the blow more powerful.

Don't plan your punch before throwing a punch - this will allow your opponent to figure out your plan before you try to punch. This is called "wiring" and results in lost matches.

1.5 Make contact and exhale. Once you have made contact with the target, exhale. It may take practice to time your breathing so that you exhale with each beat, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Inhale before the strike and exhale as it strikes, putting every ounce of your energy into the strike.

After landing a strike, jump back to your starting position to prepare for the next strike.

Remember to tuck your chin in so you are ready for a counterpunch if one comes.

2. Increased speed and strength

2.1 When throwing a fist, consider the distance. You should only throw a punch if you are at the ideal distance to deliver it with maximum force. This means being close enough to hit without deflecting or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm extended, but not too extended.

If you have to lean forward to make a shot, a lot of the power in your shot will be lost.

Practice on the punching bag until you understand how far away you should be from the target when hitting. This distance will depend on the length of your arm and your range of motion.

2.2 Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your arm, to throw a punch cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your entire body, your punch will be less powerful when moving just your arm.

Using your leg muscles will allow you to generate power and speed when hitting. The leg muscles are the largest and strongest muscles in the body and should be behind every punch.

Remember not to lift your feet off the floor during the impact, as this will throw you off balance and take away some of your power. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.

2.3 Hit from different angles. In combat, you won't hit the same way every time. Learn to determine which type of strike will be most powerful in each specific situation. To improve your fighting prowess, work on mastering your strikes from the following basic angles:

Right or left cross: This is one of the strongest shots. If you punch with your right hand, your left leg should be behind you. Conversely, step your right foot back if you are punching with your left hand. Turn your body sharply during impact.

Jab or straight punch: To initiate this punch, move the foot on the side of your throwing hand forward. If you hit with your right hand, then your right foot should be in front, and if you hit with your left, then your left. As you execute the punch, shift your weight slightly forward and rotate your arm slightly inward. Make sure you don't have to reach the target.

Left or Right Hook: If you throw a left hook, your entire body should turn to the right during the strike. As you throw your arm forward, your right heel goes down and your left heel goes up. For a right hook, take the opposite approach.

Uppercut: When throwing a punch, rotate your fist so that your palm is facing up and strike from your hip diagonally upward. A strike made in a diagonal direction will be more powerful.

Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most force, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the strongest. If you are slightly outside the optimal distance, the shot will be slightly weaker due to the fact that you will try to take correct position for a more powerful blow. Good point to deliver the strongest blow occurs when the following conditions are met:

If your opponent is in the process of striking, as he will be less focused on what you are doing.

If he let his guard down. You can create this situation by throwing irregular strikes or attacking from unexpected angles.

If he is stunned by a previous blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

3. Training to Improve Your Punch

3.1 Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits aren't really the fastest. Your arm may be moving faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the strike. Even though the bounce is generally slow, there will be times when you have just the right amount of required time to deliver a slow but extremely powerful strike. It's worth practicing punching at a slow speed so you can feel the force that comes from giving your body time to become the support of your fist.

During training, try hitting twice as slow. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize the power of your punch.

When you hit at full speed, don't forget where the force for the hit comes from. While you won't be punching at half the normal speed in the ring, you can still focus on using your legs and core to generate as much power as possible.

3.2 Train on a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength because if you are too slow your opponent will have time to throw a lot more punches. Train with a punching bag and pay attention to how fast your arms move. Stick to it correct form training and do not forget to move your thumb away from the knuckles during impact.

The pneumatic bulb should be suspended so that its largest part, the belly, is located at the level of your nose. If you hang it too high, you will perform the wrong workout form.

Concentrate on keeping the bag in constant motion and in control at all times. Begin slow alternating strikes with your right and left hands. Once you have control of the bag, speed up your punches.

3.3 Do strength training. A little strength training - great way support your body at its best in better shape, but it alone will not make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your punching muscles by hitting, not by lifting weights. That's why great idea there will be a regime strength training, which strengthens your legs and core to deliver maximum power punches.

Try doing deadlift to build overall strength in your legs, core, and arms.

Squats, push-ups, and pull-ups are good exercises for building strength, which corresponds to improving your punching.

3.4 Do cardio exercises. Best types Cardio exercises that are needed to acquire the shape necessary for a good boxer are swimming and jumping rope. When you need a break from regular exercise, consider these types of exercise as an alternative. Running, cycling and other types of cardio are beneficial, but they don't provide the strength gains that specifically help your body perform hard in the boxing ring.

3.5 Try isometric training. Isometric muscle contraction occurs when muscles contract without changing their length. You can train this type of contraction by pushing as hard as you can on a stationary object, such as a wall. Usage isometric training for the arms will teach your body to accumulate strength that can be quickly released with maximum energy. Try the following arm training regimen:

Make a fist and press it against the wall as hard as possible. Rest your entire body against the wall for ten seconds, and then repeat the exercise on the other arm.

Try to do 3 sets of 15 sets per workout. Doing this exercise daily will strengthen your muscles.


Study anatomy so you know which spots will cause more damage when hitting them.
Remember that balance is the key to striking quickly.
Try the left-right combination.
Don't exercise in your everyday shoes. Regular everyday shoes will chafe your feet.
Don't hit the bag bare hands, you risk damaging your wrists and knuckles. If you injure your hands, they will need to heal before you can resume training.
Always take into account the height difference between you and your opponent.
Don't hit people without good reason. Beating is not a productive solution to any problem.

Jet Li fight video

How to punch correctly?

Self-defense - important thing. It can save your life in case correct application. , how to punch correctly so that it hurts both the enemy and you yourself do not get injured? We offer some useful tips.

Form your fist correctly. The fact is that if you form your fist incorrectly, you run the risk of breaking your thumb and severely damaging your hand. How to make a fist correctly? It is necessary that the thumb is at the top, and not inside the fist. To do this, bend four fingers and then place your thumb on top. If it is inside the fist, then in this position the force of the blow will be on it and you risk dislocating or breaking it.

How to punch correctly? Hit not with your knuckles, but with a flat surface, clench your fist as tightly as possible so that your fingers form a plane, and hit with the first phalanges. It is better if you clench your fist tightly at the moment of impact.

Put your full weight into the punch. It should not be the strength of one arm, but the entire weight of your body. The blow is delivered by simultaneously using the arm, shoulder, and thigh, using almost the entire body.

Do not extend your elbow all the way, this wastes energy and puts your arm in a vulnerable position, resulting in a much weaker blow than it could have been. You can simply fix your hand in a certain position - the elbow angle is 90 degrees and the hand is parallel to the floor, and then move your body.

Let's look at the boxing technique of striking with the right hand with right side: the right leg is firmly on the floor, leaning on it, turn the body, starting from the waist. This creates a twist that transfers energy from the legs and body to the shoulders and arm. The lower back is a kind of transition that transfers energy from one source to another, and then forms a unified movement of the entire body.

Remember that the fist in the blow is not the most important thing at all, it is the final means, and the main work is done by the body.

Practice. Initially, it is better to train without any improvised means, you can look at the movements of the body and the position of the hand and fist in front of the mirror, making sure that the punching technique is well honed, you can move on to the punching bag. If you really want to, you can practice with a partner, but few people will agree to endure the blows. Training is very important, because once you are in dangerous situation Without training, you can forget how to punch correctly, and in the end you will only make your situation worse. During training, your body remembers what it needs to do and then, in stressful situation, it will remember on its own, without strict control on your part.

In the modern crime situation, it is very important to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones. Mastery of any self-defense techniques can always be useful to you at a critical moment. At the same time, it is important that you, while offering resistance to the enemy, do not suffer from your own actions. To do this, it is important to correctly follow the technique of performing the technique. Let's look at the main nuances of punching.

We hit with our fists

  1. Firstly, in order to understand how to punch correctly, you need to form it correctly, otherwise you risk seriously damaging your hand, and even breaking your thumb. When forming a fist correctly, the thumb should be on top of the rest. It cannot be hidden inside, otherwise the entire force of the blow will be directed specifically at it, and, most likely, the incident will end in a dislocation or fracture.
  2. Considering the striking technique directly, it should be noted that it is better not to hit with knuckles. Use the flat surface formed by the first phalanges of tightly closed fingers.
  3. The most effective blow will be one in which the athlete’s weight is invested, this means that at the moment of moving the fist towards the enemy, the whole body must work, including the arm, shoulder and thigh.
  4. It is advisable not to fully extend your elbow at the moment of impact. In general, it is better to fix it in the position: the arm is raised parallel to the floor, and the elbow angle is 90 0. Working with your whole body will make the blow stronger from this position.

For example, a right hand strike from the right side in boxing is carried out as follows. The right leg is tightly fixed on the floor, the main support of the body falls on it, then, along with the movement of the body, energy moves from the legs to the hand, clenched into a regular fist - the body gradually turns, the movement of the lower back and waist turns into the work of the entire torso. It is the boxer’s body that is the main source of energy, the fist is only the means by which this energy is delivered to the opponent.

Video - instructions for placing a strike

Tips from Bodyuk - how to properly prepare your fist


Now that it has become clear how hard to punch, you can practice the blow, but not one article or training video will give you the same effect as real training in the gym with a trainer who will control the entire process and guide you on the right path. Constant training and self-improvement can bring you and yours into excellent shape. After which you will feel much more confident on the dark streets of the city, and your body will automatically, without your control, respond to the attacker at a critical moment.

To make a strong punch, you need to not only train, but also understand how the force necessary to deliver a powerful blow is generated. There are several techniques that allow you to punch truly powerfully and strongly.

Swipe is formed not only due to high speed, but also due to its own weight. If you invest your full body weight, the result will be as powerful as possible. To avoid dislocations, adherence to correct technique execution, which implies that the arm is never fully straightened, and the blows are delivered under different angles. They bring truly serious damage to the opponent.


They play no less a role in the impact force. Their position and movement must obey the following nuances:

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulder girdle.
  2. The foot is turned in the direction of the movement made by the hand, while the heel is always raised first.
  3. When a blow is made with the right hand, the left foot does not move, the heel of the right one rises and vice versa.

Proper foot placement allows for much stronger and more powerful strikes, but is not the only thing to consider.

What else do you need to know to give your fist punch power?

  1. Keep your knees slightly bent, shifting your body weight forward.
  2. During the strike, the hips should turn in the direction in which the opponent is located.
  3. In close contact, full movement of the entire body allows you to increase the force of the blow.
  4. You can't reach forward. The body should turn sharply.
  5. Pulling the arm back during the swing allows the opponent to predict and prevent the strike.
  6. When striking, the fist must be clenched as tightly as possible.
  7. Each new blow is performed with an exhalation of air.

These requirements must be met not separately, but simultaneously.

Exercises to develop a strong strike

To punch powerfully and strongly, you also need to train. This is facilitated by a set of exercises.

To perform the exercise, you must have enough free space. The ball should be taken heavy. The one that boxers train with is best. Alternative option will become a basketball.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • legs are spaced shoulder-width apart;
  • the body is kept straight;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit with force on the floor and caught after the rebound.

Stuffing is done at least 15 times.

Performed according to the following scheme:

  • stand straight, legs at shoulder level, and arms at your sides;
  • squat until the knees form one line with the hips;
  • jump up, raising their arms at the same time.

You need to jump as high as possible. Do so many repetitions that there is no strength left. You can enhance the effect by using dumbbells held in your hands.

Training for triceps, shoulder girdle and back muscles

These muscle groups play an important role in increasing the force of a punch and are trained through the following exercises.

When pulling up, keep your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. To increase efficiency, weights are hung on the belt. They try to do as many repetitions as their own physical fitness allows.

Hands are placed as close to each other as possible. You can't arch your back. It should remain straight. The exercise trains the triceps, pectoral and back muscles. The bench press has a similar effect. To strengthen your hands, you need to do push-ups on your fists.

Performed with a bench. They stand with their backs to her, lean on their palms, and squat slightly. They lower and rise by bending and straightening their arms. Do at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Strengthens the hands and develops the deltoid muscles. The latter have a significant impact on the impact. In addition, the kettlebell is a piece of equipment that promotes muscle growth.

Legs are placed on the sides. A weight is held in a straightened arm between the legs, and the legs are slightly bent at the knee joint. The weight is lifted forward with a sharp movement so that a right angle is formed between the projectile and the body. You need to ensure that your back remains straight at the top extreme point. Do up to 8 repetitions on each hand. Tension should be felt in the muscles.

It is performed similarly to forward lifts, but only the projectile is lifted above the head. The recommended number of repetitions on each side is from 8 to 12 times.

The projectile is placed between the spread legs. Place your hand on it so that your hips remain behind. They make a sharp jerk upward, throwing the weight directly onto their shoulders, and then push the projectile above their head. Return to the starting position. You need to do 10 lifts for each hand.

Kettlebell raises from a seated position

They throw the weight over their shoulder and squat down. To maintain balance, they push forward left hand. They lift the kettlebell up, wait a second, do another lift, and then change hands. The buttocks and calves should be constantly tense.

Lifting with a kettlebell from a lying position

They lie with their backs down on the floor, take a weight in their hand and lift it. The hand is held in vertical position and then begin to rise. Bend first one and then the other leg. If the lifts are difficult, help yourself with your free hand. Do about 10 repetitions.

Two shells are thrown onto the shoulders. Having taken air into the lungs, the weights are jerked above the head and then slowly lowered. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles should be tense.

To make a punch stronger, you can use the following techniques and methods:

  • Exercise with a wrist expander. You need to take the toughest one. The projectile must be compressed sharply and with maximum force. Working with an expander helps develop the interdigital muscles and forearms, which makes the fists more powerful and stronger.
  • Jump rope every day. You should try to raise your hips as high as possible and reach your chest with your knees.
  • Training with a sledgehammer also has quite the effects. It is taken in the hand and hit on old tires, which activates the muscles that also work during impact. This should be done outside, for example, next to the garage.
  • Working in pairs, you need to try to hit the “paws”, imagining that the target is a few centimeters further away, trying to pierce through it. This makes it possible not only to hit harder, but also not to lose speed.
  • Shadow boxing should not be neglected. This exercise allows you to learn how to deliver unexpected blows, which are the most effective, since the opponent does not have time to react. You need to exercise every day for at least 10 minutes.
  • Explosive blows help develop push-ups both on the palms off the floor and on the fists. The number of approaches should be at least three with ten repetitions each.

Summing up

The above exercises help increase endurance and make the tendons and muscles of the arms stronger, and develop the power of strikes. If they are performed on a regular basis, the results become noticeable within seven days.

As self-defense instructors say, the perfect fight is the one that doesn't happen. In this article we will touch on the opposite situation, when it was still not possible to avoid a fight. What to do in this case? It's good if you have experience in martial arts. Then your reaction and precision of movements will help in similar situation emerge victorious. But regardless of your level of training, you must know where to target your blows to most likely neutralize your opponent. We have listed these places below. Just keep in mind that hitting these areas can cause significant damage to your opponent. Therefore, they can only be used in cases where your life is in danger and the only way to escape is to incapacitate the attacker.

1. Base of the neck(also known as the back of the head) is a fairly vulnerable spot. A blow to this area can cause damage to the spinal cord. Therefore, you need to hit there only in case of emergency.

2. Kidneys: A successful blow to this organ causes severe nagging pain in the back and abdominal area. This is not always sporty, but it is effective.

3. Liver- a very vulnerable place. A precise hit to the liver can cause slight paralysis of the respiratory tract, after which the opponent is unlikely to stand on his feet. But before you hit this organ, you need to know where it is. The liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Accordingly, you should have a good left hand.

4. Coccyx- This is a small, sensitive bone. If you hit it with the hard toe of a boot at a right angle, the opponent will feel severe pain in the lower back and legs. Depending on the force of the blow, the tailbone may even break.

5. Jaw (chin): Hitting this area of ​​the face will usually end the fight in an instant as it hits the brain the hardest.

6. Base of the throat (trachea) is one of the most sensitive places on the body and should be treated as such. Even a light blow to this area can cause an opponent to choke. Therefore, you need to hit there only in exceptional cases of self-defense.

7. Solar plexus- a sunken area between the lower chest and upper abdomen. A strong blow to the solar plexus will block the opponent’s breathing and neutralize him for some time.

8. Knees: The ligaments and tendons that support the knees are quite vulnerable to impacts to this area. A blow to the knee can lead to their rupture, which will stop the aggressive fuse of your offender.

9. Ankles: A strong blow to this area can also easily damage ligaments or break a joint, especially if you are wearing heavy shoes.

10. Groin: we know that this is not according to the rules; We know that for a man this is the most vulnerable place. But if the question is about survival, then to hell with manners!

11. Temple: A hit to this area can cause severe brain injury and render the opponent unconscious.

12. Nose: It's not difficult to get there, considering that the nose is in the very center of the face. A strong blow to the nose will surely stop your opponent. Firstly, it is very painful; secondly, a damaged nose will activate a person's tear ducts, which will cause even greater disorientation for the enemy.

13. Eyes- this is an extreme measure, especially if you roughly handle them with your hands. This may damage your opponent's vision. Although even slight pressure on the eyes can temporarily deprive him of the ability to see.



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