Close is far in English. Demonstrative pronouns in English (this, that, these, those)

In English there are many various designs, words and pronouns that perform a variety of functions in sentences. Such words often raise a lot of questions not only among beginners, but also among those more advanced in learning English. In this article we will look at the difference between this and that, words that are similar at first glance.

So what is the difference between these two most common words?

If we translate both words into Russian, we can say that they are absolutely similar, because both are translated as “this”. But you cannot rely only on the translation of this and that.

The main difference between these two demonstrative pronouns is the distance of an object from the person who is talking about it. We'll figure this out now.

This in English: when to use?

Let's look at the rules for using these two especially popular pronouns.

The English pronoun this is used when we point to an object not far from us:

  • this plate standing on the table nearby;
  • this person is opposite us;
  • this phone lying on the sofa and so on.

Let's give a couple of examples to make it clearer:

  • Give me this pen. - Give me this pen.
  • My sister wants to buy this shirt for her boyfriend. - My sister wants to buy this shirt for her young man.
  • This is my dog. It is cute, isn't it? - This is my dog. She's cute, isn't she?
  • Mary won't go with us. This is pretty sad. - Mary won't go with us. It's quite sad.

In sentences, the pronoun this can often be replaced by another personal pronoun - it (it).

  • This book is the most interesting. - This book is the most interesting.
  • It is the most interesting book. - This is the most interesting book.

When is the pronoun that used?

But here, on the contrary, that is used when talking about an object located at a further distance from the speaker. Usually this pronoun is translated as “that”: that box, that person, that car. Here are a couple of sentences in which this pronoun is used:

  • Do you see that big blue box? - Do you see that big blue box?
  • John, look at that picture! It's fantastic! - John, look at that photo! It's amazing!
  • That man made me crazy. - That man drove me crazy.
  • That girl looks weird! - That girl looks strange!

Sometimes the pronoun is used in sentences that require a firm, rigid coloring. Usually such proposals are rude. For example:

  • That's none of your business! - It doesn't concern you! / It's none of your business!

Sometimes this demonstrative pronoun can be replaced by another by analogy - which. In this case, this is translated into Russian as “which”:

  • The town that we visit is so wonderful. I would like to go there again. - This town we visited is so wonderful! I would love to go there again.
  • The town which we visit is so wonderful. I would like to go there again. - This town we visited is so wonderful! I would love to go there again.


As we have already found out, the demonstrative pronouns this and that are somewhat similar. But between them there is very important difference. The pronoun this indicates objects that are nearby, not far from the speaker. But that performs a slightly different function. It is used when talking about some object located far away. This is the difference between this and that.

Plural: these and those

Another pronoun that often raises questions is the plural of the same this and that.

These is translated into Russian as “these” and is the plural of this. Everything is exactly the same here. If objects are located nearby, then we use these:

  • These cats are so cute! - These cats are so cute!
  • I hope these guys are nice. - I hope these guys are nice.

But those is the plural of the demonstrative pronoun that. It is translated into Russian as “these”, “those” and is used when talking about any distant objects, objects at a distance:

  • Those stars are amazing. - Those stars are amazing.
  • Those who interested at other books of this writer can take them at our school library. - Those who are interested in other books by this writer can borrow them from our school library.

When we talk about the similarity of something, as well as in various scientific reports, these demonstrative pronouns are used plural often change to that of / those of.

The roles of these pronouns in a sentence

The pronouns in this group have two different functions:

  1. Definition, that is, searching for a dependent word that reveals the main thing: That house is so big! (This house is so big!) This cat is really fat! (This cat is really fat!) Thesee books are worth reading. (These books are worth reading.)
  2. As an independent word - a pronoun. In this case, things or objects are meant. Just look at that! (Just look at this!) Can I take some of these? (Can I have some?)

Expressions that may be useful to you

There are many expressions in English that contain the demonstrative pronouns discussed above. Most often these are colloquial, everyday statements used in our everyday life:

  • That’s it (“that’s all”; “that’s it”; “exactly”; “precisely”; “that’s enough!”). This expression can be explained in different ways. Most often it means “exactly!”, but can be translated as the end of a dialogue, a point in resolving some issue. In this case, the expression is translated: “that’s it, that’s enough.” And if the expression has a questioning intonation, the phrase can be translated as follows: “Is that all you can say?” In Russian, we often say in such cases: “Come on!”
  • That's right is one of the most popular affirmative answers in the English language. It is translated as follows: “this is exactly”, “true”, “so exactly”, “absolutely true”, etc.
  • That’s alright / that’s ok - used to forgive a person, to say that everything is fine. Translated as: “everything is fine”, “everything is okay”, “everything is fine”.
  • This one time only - one single time, only one time.
  • Is this one taken? - Is it busy here?/Is it free?
  • Those against? - Are there those who are against?/Anyone against?
  • This is it! - This is it!/Exactly/Absolutely/Good/Correct!

Uses of this and that

There are many variety of options consumption. These demonstrative pronouns often have different meanings and even emotional connotations. This is what we will talk about now.

We continue to study this rule and that.

Approval of things and objects that we love

These demonstrative pronouns are often used to point to an object that we love and approve of. In this case, use this or these. This creates a feeling of closeness to the subject, the speaker’s predisposition:

  • I love this new dress I "ve bought! - I love this new dress that I bought!
  • These places remind me about my childhood. - These places remind me of my childhood.

That and those to indicate distance

And the following demonstrative pronouns, on the contrary, exist in order to create some distance, distance from the object, in the literal and figurative sense. This is the difference between this and that. Take a look at the examples and you will understand everything:

  • Actually, I don't really like that boyfriend of yours. - Actually, I don't really like this boyfriend of yours.
  • I hate those places! - I hate these places!/those places!

That in the meaning of the and this as a/an

Very often, the demonstrative pronoun replaces the definite article in order to focus attention on the subject that is being described. Typically, this technique is used when telling various stories, transferring knowledge and life experience:

  • So I saw that man and... - And I saw this man, and...
  • Remember that museum where we have already been at? - Remember the museum where we were already?

But the demonstrative pronoun this replaces a/an. This usually happens when someone introduces us to something new or introduces us to a new person in our lives. I think you see a clear difference between this and that:

  • This guy is really shy, but I like him. - This guy is so modest, but I like him.

Physical distance and proximity to objects

But most often with the help of these pronouns we denote physical distance. Thus, we bring to a conclusion all of the above.

The use of this and that in English is one of the easiest rules, which, however, is often mistaken. This and its plural these show proximity to an object, that this object is nearby, not far away. But that and those in the plural are used to indicate the remoteness of an object.

Demonstrative pronouns have separate forms for the singular - this this, this, this,
that mom, that, then- and plural - these these, those me.

Demonstrative pronouns are used both as adjective pronouns and noun pronouns.

1. Demonstrative pronoun-adjective, being a determiner of a noun,
excludes the use of an article before the noun to which it refers.
When the noun to which the demonstrative pronoun refers is preceded by others
definitions, then the demonstrative pronoun, like any determiner, is placed before them:

Don't live in that house. - He lives in that house.

He lives in that white house. - He lives in that white house.

2. Pronouns this And these indicate objects in
close proximity to the interlocutor, while that And those point to
more distant objects:

This pencil is mine. - This pencil is mine. (We are talking about a pencil that the speaker holds in his hand or that is directly in front of his eyes.)

That pencil is yours. - That pencil is yours. (We are talking about a pencil that is not in close proximity to the speaker.)

This young man is my brother. - This young man is my brother. (We are talking about a person standing close to the speaker.)

Do you know that man? - Do you know this person? (We are talking about a person located at some distance from the interlocutor.)

These cigarettes are very good. - These cigarettes are very good. (We are talking about cigarettes that the speaker holds in his hand or that are in close proximity to him.)

I like those flowers. - I like those (those) flowers. (We are talking about flowers that are not in close proximity to the speaker.)

3. Pronoun this with the word country used in relation to the country in which
there is a speaker or author. Therefore, when the combination country this found in
English newspaper, it should be translated England, in an American newspaper - USA, V
message from a correspondent from Holland - Holland etc.:
The exports of coal from this country decreased last year (from an article in an English newspaper). Coal exports from England fell last year.

The exports of coal from this country decreased last year (from an article in an English newspaper). - Coal exports from England decreased last year.

The imports of coal into this country decreased last year (from a report by a correspondent from Holland, published in an English newspaper). - Coal imports to Holland decreased last year.

If we are not talking about the country of residence of the speaker or author, then it is used that country
both with the meaning of that country and this country:

I was in Bulgaria last year. I liked that country very much. - I was in Bulgaria last year. I really liked this country.

4. This in time expressions refers to the moment of conversation or to the current period
time, a that- to a moment or period of time in the past or future:

I am busy at this moment. - I'm busy at the moment.

It is only the beginning of May. - It's only the beginning of May.

You can’t bathe at this time of the year. - You can't swim at this time of year.

My brother will go to the Caucasus this summer. - My brother will go to the Caucasus this summer (summer of this year).

I spent the summer of 1986 in the south. We had a lot of rain that summer. - I spent the summer of 1986 in the south. This (that) summer was very rainy.

At that moment the door opened and a man entered the room. - At that (that) moment the door opened and a man entered the room.

I am going to call on him at five o’clock. I hope he will come home by that time. - I'm going to see him at five o'clock. I hope he comes home by this time.

In Russian the demonstrative pronoun this (this) often used not only for
indications of nearby objects and to indicate the moment of conversation or the current period
time, but also to indicate more distant objects, objects that are not present,
and to indicate past and future moments or periods of time. Therefore the pronoun this (these)
in English in some cases it corresponds this (these), and in others that (those):

I'll go south this summer. - I shall go to the south this summer.

I usually work in this room. - I usually work in this room.

You see White House at the end of the street? My brother lives in this house. - Do you see the white house at the end of the street? My brother lives in that house.

Yesterday he showed me his new dictionary. He bought this dictionary in Leningrad. - He showed me his new dictionary yesterday. He bought that dictionary in Leningrad.

At that moment I heard a noise in the corridor. - At that moment I heard a noise in the corridor.

Come at 5 o'clock. I'll be home at that time. - Come at five o'clock. I shall be at home at that time.

After pronouns this And that pronoun is often used one to avoid
repetition of the previously mentioned noun:

Will you give me another book? I don't like this one. - Give me another book. I don't like this one.

This book is mine, and that one is yours. - This book is mine, and that one is yours.

1. Demonstrative pronouns-nouns are used in the same way as corresponding
adjective pronouns, namely: this And these are used when talking about objects close to the speaker, a that And those- when it comes to more distant objects:

This is my dictionary and that is yours. - This is my dictionary, otherwise it’s yours.

These are my magazines and those are yours. - These are my magazines, otherwise they are yours.

Have you read this? -Have you read this?

I shall take these. - I'll take these.

2. This often used in relation to subsequent direct speech, and that in relation to
to the previous direct speech:

This is what she said: “I don’t think he is right.” “That’s what she said: “I don’t think he’s right.”

“I don’t think he is right.” - That's what she said.

That used to replace a preceding singular noun, a
those to replace a plural noun when they should
repeat with the definite article. That And those in such cases they are usually translated into
Russian language with the nouns they replace:

The price of tin is higher than that of copper (that = the price). - The price of tin is higher than the price of copper.

At our factory there are a few machines similar to those described in this magazine (those = the machines). - There are several machines in our factory similar to the machines described in this magazine (similar to those described in this magazine).

In the meaning of a demonstrative pronoun, the pronoun is also used it, corresponding
Russian pronoun This:

Who is there? -It is Helen. -Who's there? - This is Elena.

What is this? - It is a dictionary. - What is this? -This is a dictionary.

Demonstrative pronouns also include the pronoun such such, such,
which is used both as an adjective pronoun,
and noun pronouns:

These are such interesting books! - These are such interesting books!

Such was the agreement between the two parties. - That was the agreement between both parties.

When such defines a countable noun in the singular, then the noun
used with the indefinite article, which is placed after such:

It is such an interesting book! - This is such an interesting book!

Very often, students of even intermediate levels of English proficiency confuse demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those, what is Especially when you need to translate sentences with these pronouns from native language into English. These four words can be classified according to 2 criteria: distance And number. First about the distance.

In the table below you can see that the words this And these are used when talking about people or objects located close to the speaker. For example, this magazine (this magazine), these magazines (these magazines). While that And those- about people or objects located far away, far away from the speaker. For example, that picture (that picture), those pictures (those pictures). Now about the number (sg. - the singular - singular, pl. - plural - plural). The pronouns this and that are used with singular nouns - this pear(this pear) that pear(that pear), and these and those - in the plural - these pears(these pears) those pears(those pears).

Particular attention should be paid to the pronunciation of the demonstrative pronouns this and these. These two sounds are very similar. Be sure to compare them by listening directly to the blog, and now repeat them several times to feel the difference between [ðιs] (“s”) and [ði:z] (like the “and” in the word “needles”).

Remember that after the pronouns these and those you must make the noun plural by adding the ending -s or -es ( these shopss those bench es).

sg. this (this) that (that)
pl. these (these) those

It's time to check how clear my explanation is to you :) Translate into English:

  1. this car
  2. these houses
  3. those vegetables
  4. these cities
  5. that sandwich
  1. this car
  2. these houses
  3. those vegetables
  4. these cities
  5. that sandwich

I think everyone did a great job with this simple task. Then, how would you say in English such a sentence (note, NOT a phrase): “This is a hotel, and that is a restaurant”? That's right, after the words this and that we use the verb to be in the singular: “This is a hotel, and that is a restaurant.” Say hotel and restaurant in the plural. It should be like this: “These are hotels, and those are reataurants.” - verb to be in the plural (These are hotels, and then restaurants.)

sg. This is That is
pl. These are Those are

We fix:

  1. These are newspapers, and these are dictionaries.
  2. This is my book, and that is your pen.
  3. These are our envelopes, and this is his letter.
  4. This is her white bag, and that is her coat.
  5. This is the student, and these are the teachers.
  1. Those are newspapers, and these are dictionaries.
  2. This is my book, and that is your pen.
  3. Those are our envelopes, and this is his letter.
  4. This is her white bag, and that is her coat.
  5. This is a pupil, and these are teachers.

Questions with this, that, these, those

And, the last one important point on the topic this, that, these, those- questions. Before asking “What is this?” in English, determine whether the answer will be a singular or plural noun. Because your question and answer must match in number. For example, if there are several apples on a plate, then the question “What is this?” will sound: “What are these?”, and not “What’s this?”, because the answer will be: "These are apples."

  • What is the difference between pronouns this and it in English.
  • Features of use this and it in an English sentence.
  • Difference this and it with examples of use.

Anyone learning English using an audio course VoxBook, which is based on fiction without simplifying the text, should wonder in what case they are used this and it, and how they differ in sentences similar to the following:

This is a pen.
It is a pen.

This is a demonstrative pronoun and is translated: this, this, this.
It is a personal pronoun and is translated: he, she, it, his, her, him, her.
In some cases the pronoun it is indicative in nature, and is translated in the same way as this in a word: This.

Let's look at the difference between it and this in English:

It- used to return to things or situations that were just written or spoken about, i.e. to known things or situations.
Replaces a noun denoting an inanimate object or animal (when its gender is unknown).
It- does not place any emphasis on a thing or situation without indicating the position of the subject.
This or that- used to define something with special emphasis. It also brings a new previously unknown fact into conversation or writing.
This- puts the main emphasis on the word “this”, one might say points with a finger at a specific object located nearby.
That - “that” indicates a specific object that is far away.
This pencil is mine. This is my pencil.
That pencil is yours. That pencil is yours.
This is my pencil and that is yours. This is my pencil, and this one is yours.
Indicates a Noun:
It will merge the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is about to release a new operating system. It will combine the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is going to release a new operating system. This will be a huge step in merging the laptop OS with the iPad and iPhone OS.
Apple is about to release a new operating system. This will be a huge step in combining laptop OS with iPad and iPhone OS.
(It- refers to the preceding noun: operating system, replacing it.) (This- refers to the preceding noun:
operating system, underlining it.)
He looked round, and, see! the book was unfastened [he looked around and saw! (that) the book was unlocked] ; ...The boy rushed to it [the boy hurried towards her] and unclosed volume [and opened the volume] . It was written with red and black ink [it was written "with" in red and black ink] , and much of it he could not understand [and much of it he could not understand];

(English Fairy Tales - "The Master And His Pupil")

So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, [they “walked alongside/forward” and...] till they came to a narrow and dark hole [until they came to a narrow and dark hole] . Now this was the door of Foxy-woxy"s cave [so this was the door of Foxy-voxie's closet/cave] . But Foxy-woxy said to Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey-poosey, and Turkey-lurkey: [but Foxy-woxy said "to" Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-doodles, Goosey-pusey] "This is the short way to the king's palace [this is "is" shortcut to the royal palace] ...

(English Fairy Tales - "Henny-Penny")

(It- replaces a noun book And volume.) (This- emphasizes the preceding noun
hole And cave; this particular hole.)
Indicates the situation: Indicates the situation:
Another employee lost a prototype of the future iPhone. This became the basis for an official search for the missing phone.
Another employee has lost an iPhone prototype. This set off an official search for the missing phone.
Another employee lost a prototype of the future iPhone. This was the basis for the official search for the missing phone.
(It- refers to the situation from the previous sentence.) (This- emphasizes the situation of the previous sentence.)
...but what it struck eight o"clock [but as “it” struck eight o’clock: to strike - to strike;] , when Bang, bang [when Boom, boom] went one of the largest man-of-war vessels [one of the big warships came] ; and it made Jack jump out of bed [and this made/caused Jack to jump out of bed: jump out - jump out] to look through the window [to look "through" = out the window];

(English Fairy Tales - "Jack and his Golden Snuff-box")

and Jack, when she was not standing by [and Jack when she wasn't standing nearby], cut off Lucifer's head [cuts off Lucifer's head] and brought it under his invisible coat to his master [and brought her under his invisibility jacket to his master] , who the next morning pulled it out by the horns before the lady [who the next morning pulled her out by the horns in front of the lady] . This broke the enchantment [this broke the spell] and the evil spirit left her [And evil spirit left her] , and she appeared in all her beauty [and she appeared in all her beauty].

(English Fairy Tales - " Jack the Giant Killer")

(It- refers to the situation in the sentence.) (This- emphasizes the situation.)

In the VoxBook audio course, sentences with the words this and it are often found. The article examines only some of these examples. After studying the audio course, you will be able to translate, correctly pronounce and use this and it, as well as other phrases in any text or conversation.

Interlinear translation of the audio course will greatly speed up the memorization of new words. Competent and correct speech The native speakers who have narrated the VoxBook audio course guarantee that you will receive perfect pronunciation.

Thanks to the VoxBook audio course, you will achieve wonderful, outstanding results in learning English, even those that seem impossible to you. All this is due to the fact that you were simply curious, installing the VoxBook audio course on your computer, and having installed the audio course, you were smart enough to understand what it promises you in the future.

Difference between this and it - examples of use.

  1. This introduces the concept into conversation It continues the conversation about the previously introduced concept. It replaces the introduced concept and is used to avoid repeating the word.

    This is a road. This is the road. (Introduces the concept into the conversation)
    It is a good road. This is a good road. (continues)
    Look at this tree. Look at this tree. (Introduces the concept into the conversation)
    It is full of fruit. It is full of fruits. (continues)
    This is a nice house. This nice house. (Introduces the concept into the conversation)
    It is neat add clean. He is neat and clean. (continues)

    "I will lay down some money for him, from my own purse [I'll shell out some money for him, from my own wallet]"; but her father told her [but her father told her] : "This will not do, for it must be something of his own [this “will not do” = will not do, for it must be something of his own] ."

    (English Fairy Tales - "Whittington And His Cat")

    (First time this, next time it.)

  2. Unlike the word it, this can be used as a definition and can appear immediately before a noun.
    For example:
    is good. This book is good.
    But..., that is, it cannot be placed immediately before book. While this is possible, compare:

    Is a good thing. This book is good.
    is a good. This is a good book.

  3. Pronoun it can be used in intensifying sentences as a formal subject, as an intensifying and is usually translated by the words exactly, this, just.
    Answer to the question Who's there? when knocking on the door: It's me, Jon! Me. / It's me, John.
    Answer during roll call: It "s me (I) I am. / Here. / Present.
    Home came the giant [a giant came home] , and a great big tree in his hand [and huge big tree in his hand], and he took down the sack [and he “took down” = lowered the bag], and began to batter it [and started hitting him]. His wife cried [the wife screamed], " It's me, man[it's me, husband] "; but the dog barked [but the dog barked] and the cat mewed [and the cat meowed] , and he did not know his wife's voice [and he didn't recognize his wife's voice] .

    (English Fairy Tales - "Molly Whuppie")

  4. Another significant difference is that the pronoun it used in impersonal sentences as a formal subject that is not translated. For example:
    It's five past twelve. The time is five minutes past twelve.
    It is two o'clock. Two hours.
    It's rains. It's raining.
    It is cold. Cold.
    It is warm. Warm.
    It's hot. Hot.
    It's winter. Winter.
    It is spring. Spring.
    It is getting dark. It's getting dark.
    It was interesting to read this article. It was interesting to read this article.
  5. Take a look at an example of an impersonal sentence from the VoxBook audio course and its translation. The audio course uses word-by-word translation, so the word It is translated, but placed in quotation marks, which means “translation of the word as it is.” Such a translation must either be omitted, as in the example below, or replaced with a translation after the equal sign, as in the examples above.

    One day the rose-tree flowered [one day “rose-tree”= the rose bloomed: one day - once; once upon a time;] . It was spring ["it" was spring] and there among the flowers was a white bird [and there among the flowers was white bird] ; and it sang, and sang [and she sang and sang], and sang like an angel out of heaven [and sang like an angel from heaven]. Away it flew [she flew away]...

    (English Fairy Tales - "The Rose Tree")


    1. This- introduces a new one, and it- a well-known fact in discussion.
    2. This- used if you need to point to a specific object in the field of view or highlight this object against the background of other objects
    3. Pronouns this- indicating a person, object, event or action close in place or close in time.
    4. This- used as a definition and stands before a noun.
    5. Pronoun it- usually refers to an inanimate thing, or is used in relation to a person, thing, idea, taken in the abstract.
    6. It- can be a substitute word for a previously mentioned noun and act as a subject or object.
    7. It- used in impersonal sentences as a formal subject, not translated into Russian.
    8. It- used in intensifying sentences as a subject.

Today I'm ho body would like to talk aboutThis, that, these, thoseThere are often cases when students, even with a very good knowledge of English grammar, get confused with demonstrative pronouns:this, that, these, those- This is a common mistake, but don’t think that you don’t need to pay attention to it. This error often appears when you translate sentences with pronouns from Russian into English.These four words can be classified according to 2 criteria: distance And quantity. Let's consider the distance. Take a look at the plate below. You will see that pronounsthis And thesecan be used, if there is a conversation about personalities and whether things, who are close to the speaker. Let's take an example, this newspaper (this newspaper), these newspapers (these newspapers).That And thoseCan be used when talking about something or someone locatedfar away, far away from the one who speaks. For example, that book (that book), those book s (those books).Let's talk about numbers(sg. - the singular - singular number , pl. - plural - plural). The pronouns this and that are used with singular nouns - this pear(this pear) that pear(that pear), and these and those - in the plural - these pears(these pears) those pears(those pears).

Particular attention should be paid to the pronunciation of the demonstrative pronouns this and these. These two sounds are very similar. Now repeat several times to feel the difference between [??s] (“s”) and [?i:z] (like the “and” in the word “needles”).

Don't forget what after these and thosegood to usepluralize a noun by adding the ending -s or -es ( these shops s those bench es).



this (this)

that (that)

these (these)


It's time to check how clear my explanation is to you :) Translate into English:

1. this man

2. these houses

3. those fruits

4. these lamps

5. that city

I have no doubt thateveryone coped with this an easy task. Then, how would you say in English such a sentence (note, NOT a phrase): “This is a hotel, and that is a restaurant”? That's right, after the words this and that we use the verb to be in the singular: “This is a hotel, and that is a restaurant.” Say hotel and restaurant in the plural. It should be like this: “These are hotels, and those are reataurants.” - verb to be in the plural (These are hotels, and then restaurants.)



This is

That is

These are

Those are

We fix:

1. These are magazines, and this is an ABC book.

2. This is my job, otherwise it is your responsibility.

3. These are our envelopes, and this is his letter.

4. This is her white bag, and that is her coat.

5. This is the student, and this is the teacher.

Interrogative forms with this, that, these, those

Continuing to consider topic demonstrative pronouns, we will touch onquestionmeaningful sentences. Before asking “What is this?” in English, determine sya , a singular or plural noun will be in the answer. Because your question and answer must match in number. For example, if there are several oranges , then the question “What is this?” will sound: “What are these?”, and not “What’s this?”, because the answer will be: "These are orange s."

We train:

1. - What is this? - This is money.

2. - What is this? - This is the door.

3. - What is it (there)? - That sweets .

4. - What is it (there)? - T am balls.

Now you will no longer have confusion with this, that, these, those!

Teacher at the online school "Multiglot"
Stefania Annenkova
English via Skype , Italian via Skype, Spanish via Skype, Swedish via Skype, German via Skype , Polish on Skype
Experienced teachers.
Trial lesson is free.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs